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synced 2025-02-27 00:39:58 +03:00
Rename "OpenVPN_UdpPortList" to "PortsUDP", store ports in a LIST
Now that Proto supports UDP, the server can handle multiple protocols on each UDP port. The UDP ports are specified by the "OpenVPN_UdpPortList" configuration setting, because: - OpenVPN is currently the only UDP protocol supported by SoftEther VPN to allow a custom port number. - Before Proto was introduced, a unified interface for the protocols didn't exist; each protocol implementation had to create its own listener. In preparation for the upcoming WireGuard implementation, this commit renames "OpenVPN_UdpPortList" to "PortsUDP", which should clarify that the setting is global. The change is reflected in the code. Also, the ports are now stored in a LIST rather than a string. The conversion between string and LIST only happens when loading/saving the configuration. The default UDP ports are now the same as the TCP ones (443, 992, 1194, 5555).
This commit is contained in:
@ -2123,7 +2123,7 @@ UINT StMakeOpenVpnConfigFile(ADMIN *a, RPC_READ_LOG_FILE *t)
port_list = StrToIntList(config.OpenVPNPortList, true);
port_list = s->PortsUDP;
Zero(t, sizeof(RPC_READ_LOG_FILE));
@ -2358,8 +2358,6 @@ UINT StMakeOpenVpnConfigFile(ADMIN *a, RPC_READ_LOG_FILE *t)
return ERR_NO_ERROR;
@ -10059,7 +10057,6 @@ void InOpenVpnSstpConfig(OPENVPN_SSTP_CONFIG *t, PACK *p)
t->EnableOpenVPN = PackGetBool(p, "EnableOpenVPN");
t->EnableSSTP = PackGetBool(p, "EnableSSTP");
PackGetStr(p, "OpenVPNPortList", t->OpenVPNPortList, sizeof(t->OpenVPNPortList));
t->OpenVPNObfuscation= PackGetBool(p, "OpenVPNObfuscation");
PackGetStr(p, "OpenVPNObfuscationMask", t->OpenVPNObfuscationMask, sizeof(t->OpenVPNObfuscationMask));
@ -10073,7 +10070,6 @@ void OutOpenVpnSstpConfig(PACK *p, OPENVPN_SSTP_CONFIG *t)
PackAddBool(p, "EnableOpenVPN", t->EnableOpenVPN);
PackAddBool(p, "EnableSSTP", t->EnableSSTP);
PackAddStr(p, "OpenVPNPortList", t->OpenVPNPortList);
PackAddBool(p, "OpenVPNObfuscation", t->OpenVPNObfuscation);
PackAddStr(p, "OpenVPNObfuscationMask", t->OpenVPNObfuscationMask);
@ -21631,7 +21631,6 @@ UINT PsOpenVpnEnable(CONSOLE *c, char *cmd_name, wchar_t *str, void *param)
// "name", prompt_proc, prompt_param, eval_proc, eval_param
{"[yes|no]", CmdPrompt, _UU("CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Prompt_[yes|no]"), CmdEvalNotEmpty, NULL},
{"PORTS", CmdPrompt, _UU("CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Prompt_PORTS"), CmdEvalNotEmpty, NULL},
o = ParseCommandList(c, cmd_name, str, args, sizeof(args) / sizeof(args[0]));
@ -21654,7 +21653,6 @@ UINT PsOpenVpnEnable(CONSOLE *c, char *cmd_name, wchar_t *str, void *param)
t.EnableOpenVPN = GetParamYes(o, "[yes|no]");
StrCpy(t.OpenVPNPortList, sizeof(t.OpenVPNPortList), GetParamStr(o, "PORTS"));
// RPC call
ret = ScSetOpenVpnSstpConfig(ps->Rpc, &t);
@ -21700,14 +21698,10 @@ UINT PsOpenVpnGet(CONSOLE *c, char *cmd_name, wchar_t *str, void *param)
wchar_t tmp[MAX_PATH];
CT *ct = CtNewStandard();
CtInsert(ct, _UU("CMD_OpenVpnGet_PRINT_Enabled"), _UU(t.EnableOpenVPN ? "SEC_YES" : "SEC_NO"));
StrToUni(tmp, sizeof(tmp), t.OpenVPNPortList);
CtInsert(ct, _UU("CMD_OpenVpnGet_PRINT_Ports"), tmp);
CtFree(ct, c);
@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ void SiSetOpenVPNAndSSTPConfig(SERVER *s, OPENVPN_SSTP_CONFIG *c)
LIST *ports;
// Save the settings
if (s->Cedar->Bridge || s->ServerType != SERVER_TYPE_STANDALONE)
@ -47,12 +45,6 @@ void SiSetOpenVPNAndSSTPConfig(SERVER *s, OPENVPN_SSTP_CONFIG *c)
s->DisableOpenVPNServer = !c->EnableOpenVPN;
// TODO: Now that we have a unified protocol interface (Proto), the setting's name should be changed.
NormalizeIntListStr(s->OpenVpnServerUdpPorts, sizeof(s->OpenVpnServerUdpPorts), c->OpenVPNPortList, true, ", ");
ports = StrToIntList(s->OpenVpnServerUdpPorts, true);
ProtoSetUdpPorts(s->Proto, ports);
s->Cedar->OpenVPNObfuscation = c->OpenVPNObfuscation;
StrCpy(s->Cedar->OpenVPNObfuscationMask, sizeof(s->Cedar->OpenVPNObfuscationMask), c->OpenVPNObfuscationMask);
@ -82,8 +74,6 @@ void SiGetOpenVPNAndSSTPConfig(SERVER *s, OPENVPN_SSTP_CONFIG *c)
c->EnableSSTP = true;
StrCpy(c->OpenVPNPortList, sizeof(c->OpenVPNPortList), s->OpenVpnServerUdpPorts);
c->OpenVPNObfuscation = s->Cedar->OpenVPNObfuscation;
StrCpy(c->OpenVPNObfuscationMask, sizeof(c->OpenVPNObfuscationMask), s->Cedar->OpenVPNObfuscationMask);
@ -2494,25 +2484,30 @@ void SiLoadInitialConfiguration(SERVER *s)
// Enable the SSTP and OpenVPN for default setting
Zero(&c, sizeof(c));
c.EnableOpenVPN = true;
c.EnableSSTP = true;
// Enable SSTP and OpenVPN by default
c.EnableSSTP = true;
c.EnableOpenVPN = true;
c.OpenVPNObfuscation = false;
// Disable VPN-over-ICMP and VPN-over-DNS by default
s->EnableVpnOverIcmp = false;
s->EnableVpnOverDns = false;
SiSetOpenVPNAndSSTPConfig(s, &c);
// Enable VPN-over-ICMP" and VPN-over-DNS for default setting
s->EnableVpnOverIcmp = false;
s->EnableVpnOverDns = false;
LIST *ports = s->PortsUDP;
AddInt(ports, SERVER_DEF_PORTS_1);
AddInt(ports, SERVER_DEF_PORTS_2);
AddInt(ports, SERVER_DEF_PORTS_3);
AddInt(ports, SERVER_DEF_PORTS_4);
ProtoSetUdpPorts(s->Proto, ports);
@ -5946,19 +5941,36 @@ void SiLoadServerCfg(SERVER *s, FOLDER *f)
s->DisableOpenVPNServer = true;
// Read the OpenVPN Port List
if (CfgGetStr(f, "OpenVPN_UdpPortList", tmp, sizeof(tmp)) == false)
if (CfgGetStr(f, "PortsUDP", tmp, sizeof(tmp)))
TOKEN_LIST *tokens;
LIST *ports = s->PortsUDP;
for (i = 0; i < LIST_NUM(ports); ++i)
Free(LIST_DATA(ports, i));
NormalizeIntListStr(tmp, sizeof(tmp), tmp, true, ", ");
tokens = ParseTokenWithoutNullStr(tmp, ", ");
for (i = 0; i < tokens->NumTokens; ++i)
char *str = tokens->Token[i];
if (IsNum(str))
InsertIntDistinct(ports, ToInt(str));
// Apply the configuration of SSTP and OpenVPN
Zero(&config, sizeof(config));
config.EnableOpenVPN = !s->DisableOpenVPNServer;
config.EnableSSTP = !s->DisableSSTPServer;
StrCpy(config.OpenVPNPortList, sizeof(config.OpenVPNPortList), tmp);
config.OpenVPNObfuscation = CfgGetBool(f, "OpenVPNObfuscation");
@ -6132,6 +6144,12 @@ void SiWriteServerCfg(FOLDER *f, SERVER *s)
CfgAddIp(f, "ListenIP", &s->ListenIP);
char str[MAX_SIZE];
IntListToStr(str, sizeof(str), s->PortsUDP, ", ");
CfgAddStr(f, "PortsUDP", str);
if (s->Logger != NULL)
CfgAddInt(f, "ServerLogSwitchType", s->Logger->SwitchType);
@ -6244,8 +6262,6 @@ void SiWriteServerCfg(FOLDER *f, SERVER *s)
SiGetOpenVPNAndSSTPConfig(s, &config);
CfgAddStr(f, "OpenVPN_UdpPortList", config.OpenVPNPortList);
CfgAddBool(f, "OpenVPNObfuscation", config.OpenVPNObfuscation);
CfgAddStr(f, "OpenVPNObfuscationMask", config.OpenVPNObfuscationMask);
@ -6862,6 +6878,8 @@ void SiCleanupServer(SERVER *s)
// Stop all listeners
// In the case of farm controller
@ -10712,6 +10730,7 @@ SERVER *SiNewServerEx(bool bridge, bool in_client_inner_server, bool relay_serve
s->Cedar->CheckExpires = true;
s->ServerListenerList = NewList(CompareServerListener);
s->PortsUDP = NewIntList(true);
s->StartTime = SystemTime64();
s->TasksFromFarmControllerLock = NewLock();
@ -147,7 +147,6 @@ struct SYSLOG_SETTING
bool EnableOpenVPN; // OpenVPN is enabled
char OpenVPNPortList[MAX_SIZE]; // OpenVPN UDP port number list
bool OpenVPNObfuscation; // OpenVPN: Obfuscation mode
char OpenVPNObfuscationMask[MAX_SIZE]; // OpenVPN: String (mask) for XOR obfuscation
bool EnableSSTP; // SSTP is enabled
@ -159,6 +158,7 @@ struct SERVER
UINT ServerType; // Type of server
UINT UpdatedServerType; // Type of updated server
LIST *ServerListenerList; // Server listener list
LIST *PortsUDP; // The ports used by Proto's UDP listener
UCHAR HashedPassword[SHA1_SIZE]; // Password
char ControllerName[MAX_HOST_NAME_LEN + 1]; // Controller name
UINT ControllerPort; // Controller port
@ -244,7 +244,6 @@ struct SERVER
PROTO *Proto; // Protocols handler
IPSEC_SERVER *IPsecServer; // IPsec server function
char OpenVpnServerUdpPorts[MAX_SIZE]; // UDP port list string
DDNS_CLIENT *DDnsClient; // DDNS client feature
LOCK *OpenVpnSstpConfigLock; // Lock OpenVPN and SSTP configuration
@ -6300,11 +6300,9 @@ CMD_EtherIpClientList_Args EtherIpClientList
# OpenVpnEnable 命令
CMD_OpenVpnEnable 启用/禁用 OpenVPN 克隆服务器功能
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Help 本 VPN Server 有 OpenVPN Technologies, Inc. 公司生产的 OpenVPN 软件产品的克隆功能。任何 OpenVPN Client 都可以连接到本 VPN Server。\n\n指定用户名连接到虚拟 HUB 的的方式,使用本克隆服务器功能来为默认虚拟 HUB 的选择规则都与 IPsec 服务器功能相同。详情,请参见 IPsecEnable 命令的帮助。\n\n要执行此命令,您必须具有 VPN Server 管理员权限。\n该命令在 VPN Bridge 上不能运行。\n以集群成员运行的 VPN Server 的虚拟 HUB 不能执行此命令。
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Args OpenVpnEnable [yes|no] [/PORTS:udp_port_list]
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Args OpenVpnEnable [yes|no]
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_[yes|no] 指定 "yes",启用 OpenVPN 克隆服务器功能。指定 "no" 禁用该功能。
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_PORTS 指定UDP端口监听 OpenVPN 。指定多个 UDP 端口可以用空格或者逗号分开来它们,例如: "1194, 2001, 2010, 2012"。OpenVPN 的默认端口是 UDP 1194。您也可以指定任一其他 UDP 端口。
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Prompt_[yes|no] 启用 OpenVPN 克隆服务器功能 (yes / no):
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Prompt_PORTS 监听 OpenVPN 的 UDP 端口(默认: 1194 /也可设置多端口):
# OpenVpnGet 命令
@ -6312,7 +6310,6 @@ CMD_OpenVpnGet 获取 OpenVPN 克隆服务器功能的当前设置
CMD_OpenVpnGet_Help 获取并显示 OpenVPN 克隆服务器功能的当前设置。\n\n要执行此命令,您必须具有 VPN Server 管理员权限。\n该命令在 VPN Bridge 上不能运行。\n以集群成员运行的 VPN Server 的虚拟 HUB 不能执行此命令。
CMD_OpenVpnGet_Args OpenVpnGet
CMD_OpenVpnGet_PRINT_Enabled OpenVPN 克隆服务器已启用
CMD_OpenVpnGet_PRINT_Ports UDP 端口列表
# OpenVpnMakeConfig 命令
CMD_OpenVpnMakeConfig 生成 OpenVPN Client 样本设置文件
@ -6284,11 +6284,9 @@ CMD_EtherIpClientList_Args EtherIpClientList
# OpenVpnEnable command
CMD_OpenVpnEnable Enable / Disable OpenVPN Clone Server Function
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Help This VPN Server has the clone functions of OpenVPN software products by OpenVPN Technologies, Inc. Any OpenVPN Clients can connect to this VPN Server.\n\nThe manner to specify a username to connect to the Virtual Hub, and the selection rule of default Hub by using this clone server functions are same to the IPsec Server functions. For details, please see the help of the IPsecEnable command.\n\nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge.\nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster.
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Args OpenVpnEnable [yes|no] [/PORTS:udp_port_list]
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Args OpenVpnEnable [yes|no]
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_[yes|no] Specify yes to enable the OpenVPN Clone Server Function. Specify no to disable.
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_PORTS Specify UDP ports to listen for OpenVPN. Multiple UDP ports can be specified with splitting by space or comma letters, for example: "1194, 2001, 2010, 2012". The default port for OpenVPN is UDP 1194. You can specify any other UDP ports.
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Prompt_[yes|no] Enables OpenVPN Clone Server Function (yes / no):
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Prompt_PORTS UDP Ports to Listen for OpenVPN (Default: 1194 / Multiple Accepted):
# OpenVpnGet command
@ -6296,7 +6294,6 @@ CMD_OpenVpnGet Get the Current Settings of OpenVPN Clone Server Function
CMD_OpenVpnGet_Help Get and show the current settings of OpenVPN Clone Server Function.\n\nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge.\nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster.
CMD_OpenVpnGet_Args OpenVpnGet
CMD_OpenVpnGet_PRINT_Enabled OpenVPN Clone Server Enabled
CMD_OpenVpnGet_PRINT_Ports UDP Port List
# OpenVpnMakeConfig command
CMD_OpenVpnMakeConfig Generate a Sample Setting File for OpenVPN Client
@ -6291,11 +6291,9 @@ CMD_EtherIpClientList_Args EtherIpClientList
# OpenVpnEnable コマンド
CMD_OpenVpnEnable OpenVPN 互換サーバー機能を有効化 / 無効化
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Help SoftEther VPN Server には OpenVPN 社の OpenVPN ソフトウェア製品と同等の VPN サーバー機能が搭載されています。OpenVPN サーバー機能を有効にすると、OpenVPN クライアントから OpenVPN サーバーに接続できるようになります。\n\nOpenVPN 互換サーバー機能で仮想 HUB に接続する場合のユーザー名の指定方法、およびデフォルト仮想 HUB の選択規則は、IPsec サーバー機能と同様です。詳しくは IPsecEnable コマンドのヘルプを参照してください。\n\nこのコマンドを実行するには、VPN Server の管理者権限が必要です。\nこのコマンドは、VPN Bridge では実行できません。\nこのコマンドは、クラスタとして動作している VPN Server の仮想 HUB では実行できません。
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Args OpenVpnEnable [yes|no] [/PORTS:udp_port_list]
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Args OpenVpnEnable [yes|no]
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_[yes|no] OpenVPN 互換サーバー機能を有効にする場合は yes、無効にする場合は no を指定します。
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_PORTS OpenVPN サービスを提供する UDP ポートの一覧を指定してください。UDP ポートは複数指定できます。複数指定する場合は 1194, 2001, 2010, 2012 のようにカンマ (,) で区切ってください。OpenVPN は標準では UDP 1194 ポートを使用しますが、その他の任意の UDP ポートを指定できます。
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Prompt_[yes|no] OpenVPN 互換サーバー機能を有効化 (yes / no):
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Prompt_PORTS UDP ポート番号の一覧 (標準は 1194 / 複数指定可):
# OpenVpnGet コマンド
@ -6303,7 +6301,6 @@ CMD_OpenVpnGet OpenVPN 互換サーバー機能の現在の設定を取得
CMD_OpenVpnGet_Help 現在の OpenVPN 互換サーバー機能の設定を取得して表示します。\n\nこのコマンドを実行するには、VPN Server の管理者権限が必要です。\nこのコマンドは、VPN Bridge では実行できません。\nこのコマンドは、クラスタとして動作している VPN Server の仮想 HUB では実行できません。
CMD_OpenVpnGet_Args OpenVpnGet
CMD_OpenVpnGet_PRINT_Enabled OpenVPN 互換サーバー機能が有効
CMD_OpenVpnGet_PRINT_Ports UDP ポート番号一覧
# OpenVpnMakeConfig コマンド
CMD_OpenVpnMakeConfig OpenVPN 互換サーバー機能に接続可能なサンプルの OpenVPN 設定ファイルの生成
@ -6267,11 +6267,9 @@ CMD_EtherIpClientList_Args EtherIpClientList
# OpenVpnEnable 명령
CMD_OpenVpnEnable OpenVPN 호환 서버 기능을 활성화/비활성화
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Help SoftEther VPN Server는 OpenVPN 사의 OpenVPN 소프트웨어 제품과 동일한 VPN 서버 기능이 탑재되어 있습니다. OpenVPN 서버 기능을 활성화하면 OpenVPN 클라이언트에서 OpenVPN 서버에 연결 할 수 있습니다. \n \nOpenVPN 호환 서버 기능으로 가상 HUB에 연결하는 경우 사용자 이름 지정 방법 및 기본 가상 HUB 선택 규칙은 IPsec 서버 기능과 유사합니다. 자세한 내용은 IPsecEnable 명령의 도움말을 참조하십시오. \n \n이 명령을 실행하려면 VPN Server 관리자 권한이 있어야합니다. \n이 명령은 VPN Bridge에서는 실행되지 않습니다. \n이 명령은 클러스터로 작동하는 VPN Server의 가상 HUB에서는 실행되지 않습니다.
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Args OpenVpnEnable [yes|no] [/PORTS:udp_port_list]
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Args OpenVpnEnable [yes|no]
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_[yes|no] OpenVPN 호환 서버 기능을 활성화하려면 yes, 무효로하는 경우 no를 지정합니다.
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_PORTS OpenVPN 서비스를 제공하는 UDP 포트 목록을 지정하십시오. UDP 포트는 여러 지정할 수 있습니다. 복수 지정하는 경우는 1194, 2001, 2010, 2012와 같이 콤마 (,)로 구분하십시오. OpenVPN은 표준에서 UDP 1194 포트를 사용하지만 다른 임의의 UDP 포트를 지정할 수 있습니다.
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Prompt_[yes|no] OpenVPN 호환 서버 기능을 활성화 (yes/no):
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Prompt_PORTS UDP 포트 번호 목록 (표준 1194/복수 지정 가능):
# OpenVpnGet 명령
@ -6279,7 +6277,6 @@ CMD_OpenVpnGet OpenVPN 호환 서버 기능의 현재 설정을 가져
CMD_OpenVpnGet_Help 현재 OpenVPN 호환 서버 기능의 설정을 검색하고 표시합니다. \n \n이 명령을 실행하려면 VPN Server 관리자 권한이 있어야합니다. \n이 명령은 VPN Bridge에서는 실행되지 않습니다. \n이 명령은 클러스터로 작동하는 VPN Server의 가상 HUB에서는 실행되지 않습니다.
CMD_OpenVpnGet_Args OpenVpnGet
CMD_OpenVpnGet_PRINT_Enabled OpenVPN 호환 서버 기능이 활성화
CMD_OpenVpnGet_PRINT_Ports UDP 포트 번호 목록
# OpenVpnMakeConfig 명령
CMD_OpenVpnMakeConfig OpenVPN 호환 서버 기능에 연결 가능한 샘플의 OpenVPN 설정 파일 생성
@ -6015,11 +6015,9 @@ CMD_EtherIpClientList_Args EtherIpClientList
# OpenVpnEnable command
CMD_OpenVpnEnable Enable / Disable OpenVPN Clone Server Function
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Help This VPN Server has the clone functions of OpenVPN software products by OpenVPN Technologies, Inc. Any OpenVPN Clients can connect to this VPN Server.\n\nThe manner to specify a username to connect to the Virtual Hub, and the selection rule of default Hub by using this clone server functions are same to the IPsec Server functions. For details, please see the help of the IPsecEnable command.\n\nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge.\nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster.
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Args OpenVpnEnable [yes|no] [/PORTS:udp_port_list]
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Args OpenVpnEnable [yes|no]
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_[yes|no] Specify yes to enable the OpenVPN Clone Server Function. Specify no to disable.
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_PORTS Specify UDP ports to listen for OpenVPN. Multiple UDP ports can be specified with splitting by space or comma letters, for example: "1194, 2001, 2010, 2012". The default port for OpenVPN is UDP 1194. You can specify any other UDP ports.
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Prompt_[yes|no] Enables OpenVPN Clone Server Function (yes / no):
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Prompt_PORTS UDP Ports to Listen for OpenVPN (Default: 1194 / Multiple Accepted):
# OpenVpnGet command
@ -6027,7 +6025,6 @@ CMD_OpenVpnGet Get the Current Settings of OpenVPN Clone Server Function
CMD_OpenVpnGet_Help Get and show the current settings of OpenVPN Clone Server Function.\n\nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge.\nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster.
CMD_OpenVpnGet_Args OpenVpnGet
CMD_OpenVpnGet_PRINT_Enabled OpenVPN Clone Server Enabled
CMD_OpenVpnGet_PRINT_Ports Lista de portas UDP
# OpenVpnMakeConfig command
@ -6269,11 +6269,9 @@ CMD_EtherIpClientList_Args EtherIpClientList
# OpenVpnEnable command
CMD_OpenVpnEnable Enable / Disable OpenVPN Clone Server Function
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Help This VPN Server has the clone functions of OpenVPN software products by OpenVPN Technologies, Inc. Any OpenVPN Clients can connect to this VPN Server.\n\nThe manner to specify a username to connect to the Virtual Hub, and the selection rule of default Hub by using this clone server functions are same to the IPsec Server functions. For details, please see the help of the IPsecEnable command.\n\nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge.\nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster.
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Args OpenVpnEnable [yes|no] [/PORTS:udp_port_list]
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Args OpenVpnEnable [yes|no]
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_[yes|no] Specify yes to enable the OpenVPN Clone Server Function. Specify no to disable.
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_PORTS Specify UDP ports to listen for OpenVPN. Multiple UDP ports can be specified with splitting by space or comma letters, for example: "1194, 2001, 2010, 2012". The default port for OpenVPN is UDP 1194. You can specify any other UDP ports.
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Prompt_[yes|no] Enables OpenVPN Clone Server Function (yes / no):
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Prompt_PORTS UDP Ports to Listen for OpenVPN (Default: 1194 / Multiple Accepted):
# OpenVpnGet command
@ -6281,7 +6279,6 @@ CMD_OpenVpnGet Get the Current Settings of OpenVPN Clone Server Function
CMD_OpenVpnGet_Help Get and show the current settings of OpenVPN Clone Server Function.\n\nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge.\nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster.
CMD_OpenVpnGet_Args OpenVpnGet
CMD_OpenVpnGet_PRINT_Enabled OpenVPN Clone Server Enabled
CMD_OpenVpnGet_PRINT_Ports UDP Port List
# OpenVpnMakeConfig command
CMD_OpenVpnMakeConfig Generate a Sample Setting File for OpenVPN Client
@ -6302,11 +6302,9 @@ CMD_EtherIpClientList_Args EtherIpClientList
# OpenVpnEnable 命令
CMD_OpenVpnEnable 啟用/禁用 OpenVPN 克隆伺服器功能
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Help 本 VPN Server 有 OpenVPN Technologies, Inc. 公司生產的 OpenVPN 軟體產品的克隆功能。任何 OpenVPN Client 都可以連接到本 VPN Server。\n\n指定用戶名連接到虛擬 HUB 的的方式,使用本克隆伺服器功能來為預設虛擬 HUB 的選擇規則都與 IPsec 伺服器功能相同。詳情,請參見 IPsecEnable 命令的幫助。\n\n要執行此命令,您必須具有 VPN Server 管理員許可權。\n該命令在 VPN Bridge 上不能運行。\n以集群成員運行的 VPN Server 的虛擬 HUB 不能執行此命令。
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Args OpenVpnEnable [yes|no] [/PORTS:udp_port_list]
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Args OpenVpnEnable [yes|no]
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_[yes|no] 指定 "yes",啟用 OpenVPN 克隆伺服器功能。指定 "no" 禁用該功能。
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_PORTS 指定UDP埠監聽 OpenVPN 。指定多個 UDP 埠可以用空格或者逗號分開來它們,例如: "1194, 2001, 2010, 2012"。OpenVPN 的默認埠是 UDP 1194。您也可以指定任一其他 UDP 埠。
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Prompt_[yes|no] 啟用 OpenVPN 克隆伺服器功能 (yes / no):
CMD_OpenVpnEnable_Prompt_PORTS 監聽 OpenVPN 的 UDP 埠(默認: 1194 /也可設置多埠):
# OpenVpnGet 命令
@ -6314,7 +6312,6 @@ CMD_OpenVpnGet 獲取 OpenVPN 克隆伺服器功能的當前設置
CMD_OpenVpnGet_Help 獲取並顯示 OpenVPN 克隆伺服器功能的當前設置。\n\n要執行此命令,您必須具有 VPN Server 管理員許可權。\n該命令在 VPN Bridge 上不能運行。\n以集群成員運行的 VPN Server 的虛擬 HUB 不能執行此命令。
CMD_OpenVpnGet_Args OpenVpnGet
CMD_OpenVpnGet_PRINT_Enabled OpenVPN 克隆伺服器已啟用
CMD_OpenVpnGet_PRINT_Ports UDP 埠列表
# OpenVpnMakeConfig 命令
CMD_OpenVpnMakeConfig 生成 OpenVPN Client 樣本設置檔案
Reference in New Issue
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