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synced 2025-02-24 07:19:58 +03:00
src/Mayaqua/Microsoft: remove unused functions (#543)
[src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:8773]: (style) The function 'EnumAllWindow' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1411]: (style) The function 'MsBufToRegSubkeys' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:5373]: (style) The function 'MsChangeIconOnTrayEx2' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:3426]: (style) The function 'MsCheckFileDigitalSignature' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:10764]: (style) The function 'MsCreateTempFile' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:10702]: (style) The function 'MsCreateTempFileByExt' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1290]: (style) The function 'MsDeleteClipboard' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:12300]: (style) The function 'MsDetermineIsLockedByWtsApi' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:7296]: (style) The function 'MsEnableRemoteDesktop' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:2076]: (style) The function 'MsExecuteExW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:2454]: (style) The function 'MsExtractCab' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:2383]: (style) The function 'MsExtractCabFromMsi' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:2549]: (style) The function 'MsExtractCabinetFileFromExe' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:2575]: (style) The function 'MsExtractCabinetFileFromExeW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1236]: (style) The function 'MsFreeEventLog' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:12450]: (style) The function 'MsFreeIsLocked' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:4101]: (style) The function 'MsFreeLibrary' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:2503]: (style) The function 'MsGetCabarcExeFilename' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1300]: (style) The function 'MsGetClipboardOwnerProcessId' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15237]: (style) The function 'MsGetCommonAppDataDir' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15406]: (style) The function 'MsGetCommonAppDataDirW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15289]: (style) The function 'MsGetCommonDesktopDir' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15281]: (style) The function 'MsGetCommonProgramsDir' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15277]: (style) The function 'MsGetCommonStartMenuDir' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:3136]: (style) The function 'MsGetComputerNameFull' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:4984]: (style) The function 'MsGetCurrentProcessExeName' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:2763]: (style) The function 'MsGetFileVersionW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15241]: (style) The function 'MsGetLocalAppDataDir' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15468]: (style) The function 'MsGetLocalAppDataDirW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:8081]: (style) The function 'MsGetMs' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15333]: (style) The function 'MsGetMyDocumentsDir' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15459]: (style) The function 'MsGetMyDocumentsDirW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:11583]: (style) The function 'MsGetNetCfgRegKeyName' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15317]: (style) The function 'MsGetPersonalAppDataDir' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15325]: (style) The function 'MsGetPersonalDesktopDir' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15301]: (style) The function 'MsGetPersonalProgramsDir' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15293]: (style) The function 'MsGetPersonalStartMenuDir' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15309]: (style) The function 'MsGetPersonalStartupDir' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1737]: (style) The function 'MsGetPhysicalMacAddress' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:4113]: (style) The function 'MsGetProcAddress' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15382]: (style) The function 'MsGetProgramFilesDirW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15273]: (style) The function 'MsGetProgramFilesDirX64' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15269]: (style) The function 'MsGetProgramFilesDirX86' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15394]: (style) The function 'MsGetProgramFilesDirX86W' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:715]: (style) The function 'MsGetSystemLocaleId' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15345]: (style) The function 'MsGetUserName' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15349]: (style) The function 'MsGetUserNameEx' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15480]: (style) The function 'MsGetUserNameExW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15353]: (style) The function 'MsGetWinTempDir' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15484]: (style) The function 'MsGetWinTempDirW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15366]: (style) The function 'MsGetWindowDirW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:9042]: (style) The function 'MsGetWindowOwnerProcessExeNameW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15261]: (style) The function 'MsGetWindowsDrive' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:15378]: (style) The function 'MsGetWindowsDriveW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1251]: (style) The function 'MsInitEventLog' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:7937]: (style) The function 'MsInstallService' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:7128]: (style) The function 'MsIsCurrentDesktopAvailableForVnc' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:2352]: (style) The function 'MsIsDirectoryW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1979]: (style) The function 'MsIsFileLockedW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1947]: (style) The function 'MsIsLocalDriveW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:12241]: (style) The function 'MsIsPasswordEmpty' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1587]: (style) The function 'MsIsProcessExists' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1618]: (style) The function 'MsIsProcessExistsW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1581]: (style) The function 'MsIsProcessIdExists' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:7386]: (style) The function 'MsIsRemoteDesktopCanEnableByRegistry' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:7228]: (style) The function 'MsIsTerminalServiceMultiUserInstalled' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:5349]: (style) The function 'MsIsTrayInited' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1707]: (style) The function 'MsIsUseWelcomeLogin' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:7407]: (style) The function 'MsIsWin2000' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:4017]: (style) The function 'MsLoadLibraryRawW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:2220]: (style) The function 'MsMakeDirEx' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:12425]: (style) The function 'MsNewIsLocked' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:3112]: (style) The function 'MsNoSleepEnd' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:3079]: (style) The function 'MsNoSleepStart' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:5083]: (style) The function 'MsPrintProcessList' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:13117]: (style) The function 'MsRegAccessMaskFor64Bit' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1382]: (style) The function 'MsRegDeleteSubkeys' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:14064]: (style) The function 'MsRegGetValueTypeAndSize' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:14109]: (style) The function 'MsRegGetValueTypeAndSizeW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:14226]: (style) The function 'MsRegNewKey' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:13903]: (style) The function 'MsRegReadValue' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:13964]: (style) The function 'MsRegReadValueW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1472]: (style) The function 'MsRegSubkeysToBuf' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:13528]: (style) The function 'MsRegWriteValue' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:13566]: (style) The function 'MsRegWriteValueW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:3205]: (style) The function 'MsRunAsUserEx' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:6401]: (style) The function 'MsScmDispatcher' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:2849]: (style) The function 'MsSetFileToHiddenW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:8099]: (style) The function 'MsSetThreadPriorityLow' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:3511]: (style) The function 'MsSetWow64FileSystemRedirectionEnable' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:12469]: (style) The function 'MsShutdownEx' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:5740]: (style) The function 'MsStopUserModeFromService' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:2260]: (style) The function 'MsUniDirectoryDelete' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:2290]: (style) The function 'MsUniFileDelete' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:6053]: (style) The function 'MsUserMode' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1200]: (style) The function 'MsWriteEventLog' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:7684]: (style) The function 'EnumAllWindowEx' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:9587]: (style) The function 'MsCreateTempFileNameByExt' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1794]: (style) The function 'MsDirectoryDelete' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1876]: (style) The function 'MsExtractCabFromMsiW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1937]: (style) The function 'MsExtractCabW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:2047]: (style) The function 'MsExtractResourceFromExeW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1806]: (style) The function 'MsFileDelete' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:13842]: (style) The function 'MsGetCommonAppDataDir' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:2105]: (style) The function 'MsGetFileVersion' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1344]: (style) The function 'MsGetPhysicalMacAddressFromApi' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1415]: (style) The function 'MsGetPhysicalMacAddressFromNetbios' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:7975]: (style) The function 'MsGetProcessExeNameW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1253]: (style) The function 'MsGetProcessNameFromId' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1534]: (style) The function 'MsIsFileLocked' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1495]: (style) The function 'MsIsLocalDrive' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:11079]: (style) The function 'MsIsLockedThreadProc' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:6314]: (style) The function 'MsIsRemoteDesktopEnabled' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:2184]: (style) The function 'MsNoSleepThread' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:2224]: (style) The function 'MsNoSleepThreadVista' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:12681]: (style) The function 'MsRegGetValueTypeAndSizeEx' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:12722]: (style) The function 'MsRegGetValueTypeAndSizeExW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:12835]: (style) The function 'MsRegNewKeyEx' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:12528]: (style) The function 'MsRegReadValueEx' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:12585]: (style) The function 'MsRegReadValueExW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:12161]: (style) The function 'MsRegWriteValueEx' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:12195]: (style) The function 'MsRegWriteValueExW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:2460]: (style) The function 'MsRunAsUserExInner' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:2162]: (style) The function 'MsSetFileToHidden' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1818]: (style) The function 'MsUniIsDirectory' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:8771]: (style) The function 'MsCreateTempFileName' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1619]: (style) The function 'MsExtractResourceFromExe' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1595]: (style) The function 'MsGetCabarcExeFilenameW' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:1568]: (style) The function 'MsIsDirectory' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:10153]: (style) The function 'MsIsLockedWindowHandlerWindowProc' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:5621]: (style) The function 'MsIsRemoteDesktopAvailable' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:11787]: (style) The function 'MsRegGetValueTypeAndSizeEx2W' is never used. [src/Mayaqua/Microsoft.c:11502]: (style) The function 'MsRegGetValueTypeAndSizeEx2' is never used.
This commit is contained in:
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -649,7 +649,6 @@ void MsFree();
char *MsCutExeNameFromCommandLine(char *str);
wchar_t *MsCutExeNameFromUniCommandLine(wchar_t *str);
DWORD MsRegAccessMaskFor64Bit(bool force32bit);
DWORD MsRegAccessMaskFor64BitEx(bool force32bit, bool force64bit);
bool MsRegIsKey(UINT root, char *name);
@ -660,18 +659,7 @@ bool MsRegIsValue(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename);
bool MsRegIsValueEx(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename, bool force32bit);
bool MsRegIsValueEx2(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename, bool force32bit, bool force64bit);
bool MsRegGetValueTypeAndSize(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename, UINT *type, UINT *size);
bool MsRegGetValueTypeAndSizeEx(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename, UINT *type, UINT *size, bool force32bit);
bool MsRegGetValueTypeAndSizeEx2(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename, UINT *type, UINT *size, bool force32bit, bool force64bit);
bool MsRegGetValueTypeAndSizeW(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename, UINT *type, UINT *size);
bool MsRegGetValueTypeAndSizeExW(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename, UINT *type, UINT *size, bool force32bit);
bool MsRegGetValueTypeAndSizeEx2W(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename, UINT *type, UINT *size, bool force32bit, bool force64bit);
bool MsRegReadValue(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename, void **data, UINT *type, UINT *size);
bool MsRegReadValueEx(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename, void **data, UINT *type, UINT *size, bool force32bit);
bool MsRegReadValueEx2(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename, void **data, UINT *type, UINT *size, bool force32bit, bool force64bit);
bool MsRegReadValueW(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename, void **data, UINT *type, UINT *size);
bool MsRegReadValueExW(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename, void **data, UINT *type, UINT *size, bool force32bit);
bool MsRegReadValueEx2W(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename, void **data, UINT *type, UINT *size, bool force32bit, bool force64bit);
char *MsRegReadStr(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename);
@ -692,15 +680,9 @@ BUF *MsRegReadBin(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename);
BUF *MsRegReadBinEx(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename, bool force32bit);
BUF *MsRegReadBinEx2(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename, bool force32bit, bool force64bit);
bool MsRegNewKey(UINT root, char *keyname);
bool MsRegNewKeyEx(UINT root, char *keyname, bool force32bit);
bool MsRegNewKeyEx2(UINT root, char *keyname, bool force32bit, bool force64bit);
bool MsRegWriteValue(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename, UINT type, void *data, UINT size);
bool MsRegWriteValueEx(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename, UINT type, void *data, UINT size, bool force32bit);
bool MsRegWriteValueEx2(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename, UINT type, void *data, UINT size, bool force32bit, bool force64bit);
bool MsRegWriteValueW(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename, UINT type, void *data, UINT size);
bool MsRegWriteValueExW(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename, UINT type, void *data, UINT size, bool force32bit);
bool MsRegWriteValueEx2W(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename, UINT type, void *data, UINT size, bool force32bit, bool force64bit);
bool MsRegWriteStr(UINT root, char *keyname, char *valuename, char *str);
@ -750,18 +732,11 @@ char *MsGetExeFileName();
char *MsGetExeDirName();
wchar_t *MsGetExeDirNameW();
void MsIsLockedThreadProc(THREAD *thread, void *param);
MS_ISLOCKED *MsNewIsLocked();
void MsFreeIsLocked(MS_ISLOCKED *d);
void MsStartIsLockedThread();
void MsStopIsLockedThread();
bool MsDetermineIsLockedByWtsApi();
bool MsShutdown(bool reboot, bool force);
bool MsShutdownEx(bool reboot, bool force, UINT time_limit, char *message);
bool MsCheckLogon(wchar_t *username, char *password);
bool MsIsPasswordEmpty(wchar_t *username);
TOKEN_LIST *MsEnumNetworkAdapters(char *start_with_name, char *start_with_name_2);
TOKEN_LIST *MsEnumNetworkAdaptersNeo();
bool MsGetNeoDriverFilename(char *name, UINT size, char *instance_name);
@ -786,10 +761,6 @@ void MsGenLockFile(wchar_t *name, UINT size, wchar_t *temp_dir);
void MsDeleteTempDir();
void MsDeleteAllFile(char *dir);
void MsDeleteAllFileW(wchar_t *dir);
char *MsCreateTempFileName(char *name);
char *MsCreateTempFileNameByExt(char *ext);
IO *MsCreateTempFile(char *name);
IO *MsCreateTempFileByExt(char *ext);
bool MsInstallVLan(char *tag_name, char *connection_tag_name, char *instance_name, MS_DRIVER_VER *ver);
bool MsInstallVLanWithoutLock(char *tag_name, char *connection_tag_name, char *instance_name, MS_DRIVER_VER *ver);
@ -816,7 +787,6 @@ void MsGetDriverPath(char *instance_name, wchar_t *src_inf, wchar_t *src_sys, wc
void MsGetDriverPathA(char *instance_name, char *src_inf, char *src_sys, char *dest_inf, char *dest_sys, char *src_cat, char *dst_cat, char *neo_sys);
void MsGenMacAddress(UCHAR *mac);
char *MsGetMacAddress(char *tag_name, char *instance_name);
char *MsGetNetCfgRegKeyName(char *tag_name, char *instance_name);
void MsSetMacAddress(char *tag_name, char *instance_name, char *mac_address);
char *MsGetDriverVersion(char *tag_name, char *instance_name);
char *MsGetDriverFileName(char *tag_name, char *instance_name);
@ -824,65 +794,36 @@ void MsTest();
void MsInitGlobalNetworkConfig();
void MsDisableNetworkOffloadingEtc();
void MsSetThreadPriorityHigh();
void MsSetThreadPriorityLow();
void MsSetThreadPriorityIdle();
void MsSetThreadPriorityRealtime();
void MsRestoreThreadPriority();
char *MsGetLocalAppDataDir();
char *MsGetCommonAppDataDir();
char *MsGetWindowsDir();
char *MsGetSystem32Dir();
char *MsGetTempDir();
char *MsGetWindowsDrive();
char *MsGetProgramFilesDir();
char *MsGetProgramFilesDirX86();
char *MsGetProgramFilesDirX64();
char *MsGetCommonStartMenuDir();
char *MsGetCommonProgramsDir();
char *MsGetCommonStartupDir();
char *MsGetCommonAppDataDir();
char *MsGetCommonDesktopDir();
char *MsGetPersonalStartMenuDir();
char *MsGetPersonalProgramsDir();
char *MsGetPersonalStartupDir();
char *MsGetPersonalAppDataDir();
char *MsGetPersonalDesktopDir();
char *MsGetMyDocumentsDir();
char *MsGetMyTempDir();
char *MsGetUserName();
char *MsGetUserNameEx();
char *MsGetWinTempDir();
wchar_t *MsGetWindowsDirW();
wchar_t *MsGetExeFileNameW();
wchar_t *MsGetExeFileDirW();
wchar_t *MsGetWindowDirW();
wchar_t *MsGetSystem32DirW();
wchar_t *MsGetTempDirW();
wchar_t *MsGetWindowsDriveW();
wchar_t *MsGetProgramFilesDirW();
wchar_t *MsGetProgramFilesDirX86W();
wchar_t *MsGetProgramFilesDirX64W();
wchar_t *MsGetCommonStartMenuDirW();
wchar_t *MsGetCommonProgramsDirW();
wchar_t *MsGetCommonStartupDirW();
wchar_t *MsGetCommonAppDataDirW();
wchar_t *MsGetCommonDesktopDirW();
wchar_t *MsGetPersonalStartMenuDirW();
wchar_t *MsGetPersonalProgramsDirW();
wchar_t *MsGetPersonalStartupDirW();
wchar_t *MsGetPersonalAppDataDirW();
wchar_t *MsGetPersonalDesktopDirW();
wchar_t *MsGetMyDocumentsDirW();
wchar_t *MsGetLocalAppDataDirW();
wchar_t *MsGetMyTempDirW();
wchar_t *MsGetUserNameW();
wchar_t *MsGetUserNameExW();
wchar_t *MsGetWinTempDirW();
struct SAFE_TABLE *MsGetSafeTable();
UINT MsGetProcessId();
void MsTerminateProcess();
bool MsIsServiceInstalled(char *name);
bool MsInstallService(char *name, char *title, wchar_t *description, char *path);
bool MsInstallServiceExW(char *name, wchar_t *title, wchar_t *description, wchar_t *path, UINT *error_code);
bool MsInstallServiceW(char *name, wchar_t *title, wchar_t *description, wchar_t *path);
bool MsInstallDeviceDriverW(char *name, wchar_t *title, wchar_t *path, UINT *error_code);
@ -895,21 +836,17 @@ bool MsStopService(char *name);
bool MsIsServiceRunning(char *name);
bool MsIsTerminalServiceInstalled();
bool MsIsUserSwitchingInstalled();
bool MsIsTerminalServiceMultiUserInstalled();
UINT MsGetCurrentTerminalSessionId();
bool MsIsTerminalSessionActive(UINT session_id);
bool MsIsCurrentTerminalSessionActive();
bool MsIsCurrentDesktopAvailableForVnc();
wchar_t *MsGetSessionUserName(UINT session_id);
UINT MsService(char *name, SERVICE_FUNCTION *start, SERVICE_FUNCTION *stop, UINT icon, char *cmd_line);
void MsTestModeW(wchar_t *title, SERVICE_FUNCTION *start, SERVICE_FUNCTION *stop);
void MsTestMode(char *title, SERVICE_FUNCTION *start, SERVICE_FUNCTION *stop);
void MsServiceMode(SERVICE_FUNCTION *start, SERVICE_FUNCTION *stop);
void MsUserModeW(wchar_t *title, SERVICE_FUNCTION *start, SERVICE_FUNCTION *stop, UINT icon);
void MsUserMode(char *title, SERVICE_FUNCTION *start, SERVICE_FUNCTION *stop, UINT icon);
bool MsIsUserMode();
void MsTestOnly();
void MsStopUserModeFromService();
char *MsGetPenCoreDllFileName();
void MsPlaySound(char *name);
void MsSetThreadSingleCpu();
@ -921,10 +858,8 @@ LIST *MsGetProcessList();
LIST *MsGetProcessList9x();
LIST *MsGetProcessListNt();
void MsFreeProcessList(LIST *o);
void MsPrintProcessList(LIST *o);
int MsCompareProcessList(void *p1, void *p2);
MS_PROCESS *MsSearchProcessById(LIST *o, UINT id);
void MsGetCurrentProcessExeName(char *name, UINT size);
void MsGetCurrentProcessExeNameW(wchar_t *name, UINT size);
bool MsKillProcess(UINT id);
UINT MsKillProcessByExeName(wchar_t *name);
@ -966,9 +901,6 @@ void *MsLoadLibrary(char *name);
void *MsLoadLibraryW(wchar_t *name);
void *MsLoadLibraryAsDataFile(char *name);
void *MsLoadLibraryAsDataFileW(wchar_t *name);
void *MsLoadLibraryRawW(wchar_t *name);
void MsFreeLibrary(void *h);
void *MsGetProcAddress(void *h, char *name);
void MsPrintTick();
bool MsDisableIme();
@ -1000,13 +932,10 @@ void AddWindow(LIST *o, HWND hWnd);
void FreeWindowList(LIST *o);
LIST *EnumAllChildWindow(HWND hWnd);
LIST *EnumAllChildWindowEx(HWND hWnd, bool no_recursion, bool include_ipcontrol, bool no_self);
LIST *EnumAllWindow();
LIST *EnumAllWindowEx(bool no_recursion, bool include_ipcontrol);
LIST *EnumAllTopWindow();
bool MsExecDriverInstaller(char *arg);
bool MsIsVista();
bool MsIsWin2000();
bool MsIsWin2000OrGreater();
bool MsIsWinXPOrGreater();
void MsRegistWindowsFirewallEx(char *title, char *exe);
@ -1016,108 +945,47 @@ bool MsIsX64();
bool MsIsIA64();
void *MsDisableWow64FileSystemRedirection();
void MsRestoreWow64FileSystemRedirection(void *p);
void MsSetWow64FileSystemRedirectionEnable(bool enable);
bool MsIsWindows10();
bool MsIsWindows81();
bool MsIsWindows8();
bool MsIsWindows7();
bool MsIsInfCatalogRequired();
bool MsCheckFileDigitalSignature(HWND hWnd, char *name, bool *danger);
bool MsCheckFileDigitalSignatureW(HWND hWnd, wchar_t *name, bool *danger);
bool MsGetProcessExeName(char *path, UINT size, UINT id);
bool MsGetProcessExeNameW(wchar_t *path, UINT size, UINT id);
bool MsGetWindowOwnerProcessExeName(char *path, UINT size, HWND hWnd);
bool MsGetWindowOwnerProcessExeNameW(wchar_t *path, UINT size, HWND hWnd);
void *MsRunAsUserEx(char *filename, char *arg, bool hide);
void *MsRunAsUserExW(wchar_t *filename, wchar_t *arg, bool hide);
void *MsRunAsUserExInner(char *filename, char *arg, bool hide);
void *MsRunAsUserExInnerW(wchar_t *filename, wchar_t *arg, bool hide);
UINT MsGetCursorPosHash();
bool MsIsProcessExists(char *exename);
bool MsIsProcessExistsW(wchar_t *exename);
bool MsGetProcessNameFromId(wchar_t *exename, UINT exename_size, UINT pid);
bool MsIsProcessIdExists(UINT pid);
void MsGetComputerName(char *name, UINT size);
void MsGetComputerNameFull(wchar_t *name, UINT size);
void MsGetComputerNameFullEx(wchar_t *name, UINT size, bool with_cache);
void MsNoSleepThread(THREAD *thread, void *param);
void MsNoSleepThreadVista(THREAD *thread, void *param);
UINT64 MsGetScreenSaverTimeout();
void *MsNoSleepStart(bool no_screensaver);
void MsNoSleepEnd(void *p);
bool MsIsRemoteDesktopAvailable();
bool MsIsRemoteDesktopCanEnableByRegistry();
bool MsIsRemoteDesktopEnabled();
bool MsEnableRemoteDesktop();
void MsSetFileToHidden(char *name);
void MsSetFileToHiddenW(wchar_t *name);
bool MsGetFileVersion(char *name, UINT *v1, UINT *v2, UINT *v3, UINT *v4);
bool MsGetFileVersionW(wchar_t *name, UINT *v1, UINT *v2, UINT *v3, UINT *v4);
bool MsExtractCabinetFileFromExe(char *exe, char *cab);
bool MsExtractCabinetFileFromExeW(wchar_t *exe, wchar_t *cab);
BUF *MsExtractResourceFromExe(char *exe, char *type, char *name);
BUF *MsExtractResourceFromExeW(wchar_t *exe, char *type, char *name);
bool MsExtractCab(char *cab_name, char *dest_dir_name);
bool MsExtractCabW(wchar_t *cab_name, wchar_t *dest_dir_name);
bool MsGetCabarcExeFilename(char *name, UINT size);
bool MsGetCabarcExeFilenameW(wchar_t *name, UINT size);
bool MsExtractCabFromMsi(char *msi, char *cab);
bool MsExtractCabFromMsiW(wchar_t *msi, wchar_t *cab);
bool MsIsDirectory(char *name);
bool MsIsDirectoryW(wchar_t *name);
bool MsUniIsDirectory(wchar_t *name);
bool MsUniFileDelete(wchar_t *name);
bool MsUniDirectoryDelete(wchar_t *name);
bool MsUniMakeDir(wchar_t *name);
void MsUniMakeDirEx(wchar_t *name);
void MsMakeDirEx(char *name);
bool MsMakeDir(char *name);
bool MsDirectoryDelete(char *name);
bool MsFileDelete(char *name);
bool MsExecute(char *exe, char *arg);
bool MsExecute2(char *exe, char *arg, bool runas);
bool MsExecuteW(wchar_t *exe, wchar_t *arg);
bool MsExecute2W(wchar_t *exe, wchar_t *arg, bool runas);
bool MsExecuteEx(char *exe, char *arg, void **process_handle);
bool MsExecuteEx2(char *exe, char *arg, void **process_handle, bool runas);
bool MsExecuteExW(wchar_t *exe, wchar_t *arg, void **process_handle);
bool MsExecuteEx2W(wchar_t *exe, wchar_t *arg, void **process_handle, bool runas);
void MsCloseHandle(void *handle);
UINT MsWaitProcessExit(void *process_handle);
bool MsIsFileLocked(char *name);
bool MsIsFileLockedW(wchar_t *name);
bool MsIsLocalDrive(char *name);
bool MsIsLocalDriveW(wchar_t *name);
void MsUpdateSystem();
bool MsGetPhysicalMacAddressFromNetbios(void *address);
bool MsGetPhysicalMacAddressFromApi(void *address);
bool MsGetPhysicalMacAddress(void *address);
bool MsIsUseWelcomeLogin();
UINT64 MsGetHiResCounter();
double MsGetHiResTimeSpan(UINT64 diff);
UINT64 MsGetHiResTimeSpanUSec(UINT64 diff);
BUF *MsRegSubkeysToBuf(UINT root, char *keyname, bool force32bit, bool force64bit);
void MsBufToRegSubkeys(UINT root, char *keyname, BUF *b, bool overwrite, bool force32bit, bool force64bit);
void MsRegDeleteSubkeys(UINT root, char *keyname, bool force32bit, bool force64bit);
void MsRestartMMCSS();
bool MsIsMMCSSNetworkThrottlingEnabled();
void MsSetMMCSSNetworkThrottlingEnable(bool enable);
void MsSetShutdownParameters(UINT level, UINT flag);
void MsChangeIconOnTrayEx2(void *icon, wchar_t *tooltip, wchar_t *info_title, wchar_t *info, UINT info_flags);
bool MsIsTrayInited();
UINT MsGetClipboardOwnerProcessId();
void MsDeleteClipboard();
void *MsInitEventLog(wchar_t *src_name);
void MsFreeEventLog(void *p);
bool MsWriteEventLog(void *p, UINT type, wchar_t *str);
bool MsIsWinXPOrWinVista();
bool MsGetFileInformation(void *h, void *info);
void MsSetErrorModeToSilent();
@ -1144,7 +1012,6 @@ bool MsGetMsiInstalledDir(char *component_code, wchar_t *dir, UINT dir_size);
bool MsMsiUninstall(char *product_code, HWND hWnd, bool *reboot_required);
UINT MsGetUserLocaleId();
UINT MsGetSystemLocaleId();
bool MsIsCurrentUserLocaleIdJapanese();
TOKEN_LIST *MsEnumResources(void *hModule, char *type);
@ -1206,7 +1073,6 @@ HANDLE MsCreateUserToken();
SID *MsGetSidFromAccountName(char *name);
void MsFreeSid(SID *sid);
bool CALLBACK MsEnumResourcesInternalProc(HMODULE hModule, const char *type, char *name, LONG_PTR lParam);
void CALLBACK MsScmDispatcher(DWORD argc, LPTSTR *argv);
LRESULT CALLBACK MsSuspendHandlerWindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void MsSuspendHandlerThreadProc(THREAD *thread, void *param);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user