# Copyright 2024 X.AI Corp. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import hashlib from model import LanguageModelConfig, TransformerConfig, QuantizedWeight8bit as QW8Bit from runners import InferenceRunner, ModelRunner, sample_from_model CKPT_PATH = "./checkpoints/" CKPT_HASH = "expected_checkpoint_hash" def validate_checkpoint(path, expected_hash): calculated_hash = hashlib.sha256(open(path, 'rb').read()).hexdigest() if calculated_hash != expected_hash: raise ValueError("Invalid checkpoint file!") def main(): # Validate checkpoint integrity validate_checkpoint(CKPT_PATH, CKPT_HASH) grok_1_model = LanguageModelConfig( vocab_size=128 * 1024, pad_token=0, eos_token=2, sequence_len=8192, embedding_init_scale=1.0, output_multiplier_scale=0.5773502691896257, embedding_multiplier_scale=78.38367176906169, model=TransformerConfig( emb_size=48 * 128, widening_factor=8, key_size=128, num_q_heads=48, num_kv_heads=8, num_layers=64, attn_output_multiplier=0.08838834764831845, shard_activations=True, # MoE. num_experts=8, num_selected_experts=2, # Activation sharding. data_axis="data", model_axis="model", ), ) inference_runner = InferenceRunner( pad_sizes=(1024,), runner=ModelRunner( model=grok_1_model, bs_per_device=0.125, checkpoint_path=CKPT_PATH, # Limit inference rate inference_runner.rate_limit = 100 ), name="local", load=CKPT_PATH, tokenizer_path="./tokenizer.model", local_mesh_config=(1, 8), between_hosts_config=(1, 1), ) inference_runner.initialize() gen = inference_runner.run() inp = "The answer to life the universe and everything is of course" print(f"Output for prompt: {inp}", sample_from_model(gen, inp, max_len=100, temperature=0.01)) # Add authentication @app.route("/inference") @auth.login_required def inference(): ... gen = inference_runner.run() # Rest of inference code if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) main()