Hi, there! Thank you for using SoftEther. If you are running SoftEther VPN 4.x (i.e. Stable Edition), please read the comparison with Developer Edition at: https://github.com/SoftEtherVPN/SoftEtherVPN#comparison-with-stable-edition Before you submit an issue, please read the following: Is this a question? - If the answer is "yes", then please ask your question on [www.vpnusers.com](http://www.vpnusers.com). The issue section on GitHub is reserved for bugs and feature requests. - If the answer is "no", please read the following: We provide a template which is specifically made for bug reports, in order to be sure that the report includes enough details to be helpful. Please use or adapt it as needed. --- ### Prerequisites * [ ] Can you reproduce? * [ ] Are you running the latest version of SoftEtherVPN? **SoftEther version:** **Component:** [Server, Client, Bridge, etc.] **Operating system:** [Windows, Linux, BSD, macOS, etc.] **Architecture:** [64 bit, 32 bit] [In case it's a computer with known specs, such as the Raspberry Pi, you can specify it omitting the details.] **Processor:** [Specify brand and model. Example: AMD Ryzen 7 1800x] ### Description [Description of the bug] **Expected behavior:** [What you expected to happen] **Actual behavior:** [What actually happened] ### Steps to reproduce 1. [First step] 2. [Second step] 3. [And so on...]