// SoftEther VPN Source Code - Developer Edition Master Branch // Mayaqua Kernel // Table.c // Read and management routines for string table #include "Table.h" #include "Cfg.h" #include "FileIO.h" #include "Internat.h" #include "Mayaqua.h" #include "Memory.h" #include "Microsoft.h" #include "Network.h" #include "Str.h" #include "Tick64.h" #include // List of TABLE static LIST *TableList = NULL; static wchar_t old_table_name[MAX_SIZE] = {0}; // Old table name static LANGLIST current_lang = {0}; static LANGLIST current_os_lang = {0}; // Initialization of string table routine void InitTable() { LIST *o; char tmp[MAX_SIZE]; LANGLIST *e = NULL; LANGLIST *os_lang = NULL; char table_name[MAX_SIZE]; if (MayaquaIsMinimalMode()) { // Not to load in case of minimum mode return; } o = LoadLangList(); if (o == NULL) { LABEL_FATAL_ERROR: Alert("Fatal Error: The file \"hamcore.se2\" is missing or broken.\r\nPlease check hamcore.se2.\r\n\r\n(First, reboot the computer. If this problem occurs again, please reinstall VPN software files.)", NULL); exit(-1); return; } // Read the lang.config if (LoadLangConfigCurrentDir(tmp, sizeof(tmp))) { e = GetBestLangByName(o, tmp); } os_lang = GetBestLangForCurrentEnvironment(o); if (e == NULL) { e = os_lang; } if (e == NULL) { goto LABEL_FATAL_ERROR; } SaveLangConfigCurrentDir(e->Name); Copy(¤t_lang, e, sizeof(LANGLIST)); Copy(¤t_os_lang, os_lang, sizeof(LANGLIST)); current_lang.LangList = current_lang.LcidList = NULL; current_os_lang.LangList = current_os_lang.LcidList = NULL; // Read the corresponding string table Format(table_name, sizeof(table_name), "|strtable_%s.stb", current_lang.Name); if (LoadTable(table_name) == false) { goto LABEL_FATAL_ERROR; } FreeLangList(o); } // Get the language of the current OS void GetCurrentOsLang(LANGLIST *e) { // Validate arguments if (e == NULL) { return; } Copy(e, ¤t_os_lang, sizeof(LANGLIST)); } // Get the language ID of the current OS UINT GetCurrentOsLangId() { LANGLIST e; Zero(&e, sizeof(e)); GetCurrentOsLang(&e); return e.Id; } // Get the current language void GetCurrentLang(LANGLIST *e) { // Validate arguments if (e == NULL) { return; } Copy(e, ¤t_lang, sizeof(LANGLIST)); } // Get the current language ID UINT GetCurrentLangId() { LANGLIST e; Zero(&e, sizeof(e)); GetCurrentLang(&e); return e.Id; } // Write to the lang.config file in the current directory bool SaveLangConfigCurrentDir(char *str) { // Validate arguments if (str == NULL) { return false; } return SaveLangConfig(LANG_CONFIG_FILENAME, str); } // Write to the lang.config file bool SaveLangConfig(wchar_t *filename, char *str) { BUF *b; LIST *o; UINT i; bool ret; // Validate arguments if (filename == NULL) { return false; } // Read the template b = ReadDump(LANG_CONFIG_TEMPLETE); if (b == NULL) { return false; } SeekBuf(b, b->Size, 0); o = LoadLangList(); if (o != NULL) { wchar_t tmp[MAX_SIZE]; AppendBufStr(b, "# Available Language IDs are:\r\n"); for (i = 0;i < LIST_NUM(o);i++) { LANGLIST *e = LIST_DATA(o, i); UniFormat(tmp, sizeof(tmp), L"# %S: %s (%s)\r\n", e->Name, e->TitleEnglish, e->TitleLocal); AppendBufUtf8(b, tmp); } AppendBufStr(b, "\r\n\r\n# Specify a Language ID here.\r\n"); AppendBufStr(b, str); AppendBufStr(b, "\r\n\r\n"); FreeLangList(o); } ret = DumpBufWIfNecessary(b, filename); FreeBuf(b); return ret; } // Read the lang.config file in the current directory bool LoadLangConfigCurrentDir(char *str, UINT str_size) { // Validate arguments if (str == NULL) { return false; } return LoadLangConfig(LANG_CONFIG_FILENAME, str, str_size); } // Read the lang.config file bool LoadLangConfig(wchar_t *filename, char *str, UINT str_size) { BUF *b; bool ret = false; // Validate arguments if (filename == NULL || str == NULL) { return false; } b = ReadDumpW(filename); if (b == NULL) { return false; } while (true) { char *line = CfgReadNextLine(b); if (line == NULL) { break; } Trim(line); if (IsEmptyStr(line) == false) { if (StartWith(line, "#") == false && StartWith(line, "//") == false && StartWith(line, ";") == false && InStr(line, "#") == false) { StrCpy(str, str_size, line); ret = true; } } Free(line); } FreeBuf(b); return ret; } // Choose the language from the ID LANGLIST *GetLangById(LIST *o, UINT id) { UINT i; // Validate arguments if (o == NULL) { return NULL; } for (i = 0;i < LIST_NUM(o);i++) { LANGLIST *e = LIST_DATA(o, i); if (e->Id == id) { return e; } } return NULL; } // Choice the best language for the current environment LANGLIST *GetBestLangForCurrentEnvironment(LIST *o) { LANGLIST *ret = NULL; // Validate arguments if (o == NULL) { return NULL; } #ifdef OS_WIN32 ret = GetBestLangByLcid(o, MsGetUserLocaleId()); #else // OS_WIN32 if (true) { char lang[MAX_SIZE]; if (GetEnv("LANG", lang, sizeof(lang))) { ret = GetBestLangByLangStr(o, lang); } else { ret = GetBestLangByLangStr(o, "C"); } } #endif // OS_WIN32 return ret; } // Search for the best language from LANG string of UNIX LANGLIST *GetBestLangByLangStr(LIST *o, char *str) { UINT i; LANGLIST *ret; // Validate arguments if (o == NULL) { return NULL; } for (i = 0;i < LIST_NUM(o);i++) { LANGLIST *e = LIST_DATA(o, i); UINT j; for (j = 0;j < LIST_NUM(e->LangList);j++) { char *v = LIST_DATA(e->LangList, j); if (StrCmpi(v, str) == 0) { return e; } } } for (i = 0;i < LIST_NUM(o);i++) { LANGLIST *e = LIST_DATA(o, i); UINT j; for (j = 0;j < LIST_NUM(e->LangList);j++) { char *v = LIST_DATA(e->LangList, j); if (StartWith(str, v) || StartWith(v, str)) { return e; } } } ret = GetBestLangByName(o, "en"); return ret; } // Search for the best language from LCID LANGLIST *GetBestLangByLcid(LIST *o, UINT lcid) { LANGLIST *ret; UINT i; // Validate arguments if (o == NULL) { return NULL; } for (i = 0;i < LIST_NUM(o);i++) { LANGLIST *e = LIST_DATA(o, i); if (IsIntInList(e->LcidList, lcid)) { return e; } } ret = GetBestLangByName(o, "en"); return ret; } // Search for the best language from the name LANGLIST *GetBestLangByName(LIST *o, char *name) { UINT i; LANGLIST *ret = NULL; // Validate arguments if (o == NULL) { return NULL; } for (i = 0;i < LIST_NUM(o);i++) { LANGLIST *e = LIST_DATA(o, i); if (StrCmpi(e->Name, name) == 0) { ret = e; break; } } if (ret != NULL) { return ret; } for (i = 0;i < LIST_NUM(o);i++) { LANGLIST *e = LIST_DATA(o, i); if (StartWith(e->Name, name) || StartWith(name, e->Name)) { ret = e; break; } } if (ret != NULL) { return ret; } return ret; } // Release the language list void FreeLangList(LIST *o) { UINT i; // Validate arguments if (o == NULL) { return; } for (i = 0;i < LIST_NUM(o);i++) { LANGLIST *e = LIST_DATA(o, i); FreeStrList(e->LangList); ReleaseIntList(e->LcidList); Free(e); } ReleaseList(o); } // Read the language list LIST *LoadLangList() { LIST *o = NewListFast(NULL); char *filename = LANGLIST_FILENAME; BUF *b; #ifdef OS_WIN32 if (MsIsWine()) { filename = LANGLIST_FILENAME_WINE; } #endif // OS_WIN32 b = ReadDump(filename); if (b == NULL) { return NULL; } while (true) { char *line = CfgReadNextLine(b); if (line == NULL) { break; } Trim(line); if (IsEmptyStr(line) == false && StartWith(line, "#") == false) { TOKEN_LIST *t = ParseToken(line, "\t "); if (t != NULL) { if (t->NumTokens == 6) { LANGLIST *e = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(LANGLIST)); TOKEN_LIST *t2; e->Id = ToInt(t->Token[0]); StrCpy(e->Name, sizeof(e->Name), t->Token[1]); Utf8ToUni(e->TitleEnglish, sizeof(e->TitleEnglish), t->Token[2], StrLen(t->Token[2])); Utf8ToUni(e->TitleLocal, sizeof(e->TitleLocal), t->Token[3], StrLen(t->Token[3])); UniReplaceStrEx(e->TitleEnglish, sizeof(e->TitleEnglish), e->TitleEnglish, L"_", L" ", true); UniReplaceStrEx(e->TitleLocal, sizeof(e->TitleLocal), e->TitleLocal, L"_", L" ", true); e->LcidList = NewIntList(false); t2 = ParseToken(t->Token[4], ","); if (t2 != NULL) { UINT i; for (i = 0;i < t2->NumTokens;i++) { UINT id = ToInt(t2->Token[i]); AddIntDistinct(e->LcidList, id); } FreeToken(t2); } e->LangList = NewListFast(NULL); t2 = ParseToken(t->Token[5], ","); if (t2 != NULL) { UINT i; for (i = 0;i < t2->NumTokens;i++) { Add(e->LangList, CopyStr(t2->Token[i])); } FreeToken(t2); } Add(o, e); } FreeToken(t); } } Free(line); } FreeBuf(b); return o; } // Get an error string in Unicode wchar_t *GetUniErrorStr(UINT err) { wchar_t *ret; char name[MAX_SIZE]; Format(name, sizeof(name), "ERR_%u", err); ret = GetTableUniStr(name); if (UniStrLen(ret) != 0) { return ret; } else { return _UU("ERR_UNKNOWN"); } } // Get an error string char *GetErrorStr(UINT err) { char *ret; char name[MAX_SIZE]; Format(name, sizeof(name), "ERR_%u", err); ret = GetTableStr(name); if (StrLen(ret) != 0) { return ret; } else { return _SS("ERR_UNKNOWN"); } } // Load the integer value from the table UINT GetTableInt(char *name) { char *str; // Validate arguments if (name == NULL) { return 0; } str = GetTableStr(name); return ToInt(str); } // Load a Unicode string from the table wchar_t *GetTableUniStr(char *name) { TABLE *t; // Validate arguments if (name == NULL) { // Debug("%s: ************\n", name); return L""; } // Search t = FindTable(name); if (t == NULL) { //Debug("%s: UNICODE STRING NOT FOUND\n", name); return L""; } return t->unistr; } // Load the string from the table char *GetTableStr(char *name) { TABLE *t; // Validate arguments if (name == NULL) { return ""; } // Search t = FindTable(name); if (t == NULL) { //Debug("%s: ANSI STRING NOT FOUND\n", name); return ""; } return t->str; } // Get the string name that begins with the specified name TOKEN_LIST *GetTableNameStartWith(char *str) { UINT i; UINT len; LIST *o; TOKEN_LIST *t; char tmp[MAX_SIZE]; // Validate arguments if (str == NULL) { return NullToken(); } StrCpy(tmp, sizeof(tmp), str); StrUpper(tmp); len = StrLen(tmp); o = NewListFast(NULL); for (i = 0;i < LIST_NUM(TableList);i++) { TABLE *t = LIST_DATA(TableList, i); UINT len2 = StrLen(t->name); if (len2 >= len) { if (Cmp(t->name, tmp, len) == 0) { Insert(o, CopyStr(t->name)); } } } t = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(TOKEN_LIST)); t->NumTokens = LIST_NUM(o); t->Token = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(char *) * t->NumTokens); for (i = 0;i < t->NumTokens;i++) { t->Token[i] = LIST_DATA(o, i); } ReleaseList(o); return t; } // Search the table TABLE *FindTable(char *name) { TABLE *t, tt; // Validate arguments if (name == NULL || TableList == NULL) { return NULL; } tt.name = CopyStr(name); t = Search(TableList, &tt); Free(tt.name); return t; } // A function that compares the table name int CmpTableName(void *p1, void *p2) { TABLE *t1, *t2; if (p1 == NULL || p2 == NULL) { return 0; } t1 = *(TABLE **)p1; t2 = *(TABLE **)p2; if (t1 == NULL || t2 == NULL) { return 0; } return StrCmpi(t1->name, t2->name); } // Interpret a line TABLE *ParseTableLine(char *line, char *prefix, UINT prefix_size, LIST *replace_list) { UINT i, len; UINT len_name; UINT string_start; char *name; char *name2; UINT name2_size; wchar_t *unistr; char *str; UINT unistr_size, str_size; TABLE *t; // Validate arguments if (line == NULL || prefix == NULL) { return NULL; } TrimLeft(line); // No line len = StrLen(line); if (len == 0) { return NULL; } // Comment if (line[0] == '#' || (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/')) { return NULL; } // Search to the end position of the name len_name = 0; for (i = 0;;i++) { if (line[i] == 0) { // There is only one token return NULL; } if (line[i] == ' ' || line[i] == '\t') { break; } len_name++; } name = Malloc(len_name + 1); StrCpy(name, len_name + 1, line); string_start = len_name; for (i = len_name;i < len;i++) { if (line[i] != ' ' && line[i] != '\t') { break; } string_start++; } if (i == len) { Free(name); return NULL; } // Unescape UnescapeStr(&line[string_start]); // Convert to Unicode unistr_size = CalcUtf8ToUni(&line[string_start], StrLen(&line[string_start])); if (unistr_size == 0) { Free(name); return NULL; } unistr = Malloc(unistr_size); Utf8ToUni(unistr, unistr_size, &line[string_start], StrLen(&line[string_start])); if (UniInChar(unistr, L'$')) { // Replace the replacement string wchar_t *tmp; UINT tmp_size = (UniStrSize(unistr) + 1024) * 2; UINT i; tmp = Malloc(tmp_size); UniStrCpy(tmp, tmp_size, unistr); for (i = 0; i < LIST_NUM(replace_list);i++) { TABLE *r = LIST_DATA(replace_list, i); UniReplaceStrEx(tmp, tmp_size, tmp, (wchar_t *)r->name, r->unistr, false); } Free(unistr); unistr = CopyUniStr(tmp); Free(tmp); } // Convert to ANSI str_size = CalcUniToStr(unistr); if (str_size == 0) { str_size = 1; str = Malloc(1); str[0] = 0; } else { str = Malloc(str_size); UniToStr(str, str_size, unistr); } if (StrCmpi(name, "PREFIX") == 0) { // Prefix is specified StrCpy(prefix, prefix_size, str); Trim(prefix); if (StrCmpi(prefix, "$") == 0 || StrCmpi(prefix, "NULL") == 0) { prefix[0] = 0; } Free(name); Free(str); Free(unistr); return NULL; } name2_size = StrLen(name) + StrLen(prefix) + 2; name2 = ZeroMalloc(name2_size); if (prefix[0] != 0) { StrCat(name2, name2_size, prefix); StrCat(name2, name2_size, "@"); } StrCat(name2, name2_size, name); Free(name); // Create a TABLE t = Malloc(sizeof(TABLE)); StrUpper(name2); t->name = name2; t->str = str; t->unistr = unistr; return t; } // Unescape the string void UnescapeStr(char *src) { UINT i, len, wp; char *tmp; // Validate arguments if (src == NULL) { return; } len = StrLen(src); tmp = Malloc(len + 1); wp = 0; for (i = 0;i < len;i++) { if (src[i] == '\\') { i++; switch (src[i]) { case 0: goto FINISH; case '\\': tmp[wp++] = '\\'; break; case ' ': tmp[wp++] = ' '; break; case 'n': case 'N': tmp[wp++] = '\n'; break; case 'r': case 'R': tmp[wp++] = '\r'; break; case 't': case 'T': tmp[wp++] = '\t'; break; } } else { tmp[wp++] = src[i]; } } FINISH: tmp[wp++] = 0; StrCpy(src, 0, tmp); Free(tmp); } // Release the table void FreeTable() { UINT i, num; TABLE **tables; if (TableList == NULL) { return; } num = LIST_NUM(TableList); tables = ToArray(TableList); for (i = 0;i < num;i++) { TABLE *t = tables[i]; Free(t->name); Free(t->str); Free(t->unistr); Free(t); } ReleaseList(TableList); TableList = NULL; Free(tables); Zero(old_table_name, sizeof(old_table_name)); } // Read a string table from the buffer bool LoadTableFromBuf(BUF *b) { char *tmp; char prefix[MAX_SIZE]; LIST *replace_list = NULL; UINT i; // Validate arguments if (b == NULL) { return false; } // If the table already exists, delete it FreeTable(); // Create a list TableList = NewList(CmpTableName); Zero(prefix, sizeof(prefix)); replace_list = NewListFast(NULL); // Read the contents of the buffer line by line while (true) { TABLE *t; bool ok = true; tmp = CfgReadNextLine(b); if (tmp == NULL) { break; } if (tmp[0] == '$') { char key[128]; char value[MAX_SIZE]; if (GetKeyAndValue(tmp, key, sizeof(key), value, sizeof(value), " \t")) { if (StartWith(key, "$") && EndWith(key, "$") && StrLen(key) >= 3) { TABLE *t; wchar_t univalue[MAX_SIZE]; wchar_t uniname[MAX_SIZE]; t = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(TABLE)); Zero(univalue, sizeof(univalue)); Utf8ToUni(univalue, sizeof(univalue), value, StrLen(value)); StrToUni(uniname, sizeof(uniname), key); t->name = (char *)CopyUniStr(uniname); t->unistr = CopyUniStr(univalue); Add(replace_list, t); // Found a replacement definition ok = false; } } } if (ok) { t = ParseTableLine(tmp, prefix, sizeof(prefix), replace_list); if (t != NULL) { // Register Insert(TableList, t); } } Free(tmp); } for (i = 0;i < LIST_NUM(replace_list);i++) { TABLE *t = LIST_DATA(replace_list, i); Free(t->name); Free(t->str); Free(t->unistr); Free(t); } ReleaseList(replace_list); return true; } // Generate the Unicode string cache file name void GenerateUnicodeCacheFileName(wchar_t *name, UINT size, wchar_t *strfilename, UINT strfilesize, UCHAR *filehash) { wchar_t tmp[MAX_SIZE]; wchar_t hashstr[64]; wchar_t hashtemp[MAX_SIZE]; wchar_t exe[MAX_SIZE]; UCHAR hash[SHA1_SIZE]; // Validate arguments if (name == NULL || strfilename == NULL || filehash == NULL) { return; } GetExeDirW(exe, sizeof(exe)); UniStrCpy(hashtemp, sizeof(hashtemp), strfilename); BinToStrW(tmp, sizeof(tmp), filehash, MD5_SIZE); UniStrCat(hashtemp, sizeof(hashtemp), tmp); UniStrCat(hashtemp, sizeof(hashtemp), exe); UniStrLower(hashtemp); Sha0(hash, hashtemp, UniStrLen(hashtemp) * sizeof(wchar_t)); BinToStrW(hashstr, sizeof(hashstr), hash, 4); UniFormat(tmp, sizeof(tmp), UNICODE_CACHE_FILE, hashstr); UniStrLower(tmp); #ifndef OS_WIN32 UniStrCpy(exe, sizeof(exe), L"/tmp"); #else // OS_WIN32 StrToUni(exe, sizeof(exe), MsGetTempDir()); #endif // OS_WIN32 UniFormat(name, size, L"%s/%s", exe, tmp); NormalizePathW(name, size, name); } // Save the Unicode cache void SaveUnicodeCache(wchar_t *strfilename, UINT strfilesize, UCHAR *hash) { UNICODE_CACHE c; BUF *b; UINT i; IO *io; wchar_t name[MAX_PATH]; UCHAR binhash[MD5_SIZE]; // Validate arguments if (strfilename == NULL || hash == NULL) { return; } Zero(&c, sizeof(c)); UniToStr(c.StrFileName, sizeof(c.StrFileName), strfilename); c.StrFileSize = strfilesize; GetMachineName(c.MachineName, sizeof(c.MachineName)); c.OsType = GetOsInfo()->OsType; Copy(c.hash, hash, MD5_SIZE); #ifdef OS_UNIX GetCurrentCharSet(c.CharSet, sizeof(c.CharSet)); #else // OS_UNIX { UINT id = MsGetThreadLocale(); Copy(c.CharSet, &id, sizeof(id)); } #endif // OS_UNIX b = NewBuf(); WriteBuf(b, &c, sizeof(c)); WriteBufInt(b, LIST_NUM(TableList)); for (i = 0;i < LIST_NUM(TableList);i++) { TABLE *t = LIST_DATA(TableList, i); WriteBufInt(b, StrLen(t->name)); WriteBuf(b, t->name, StrLen(t->name)); WriteBufInt(b, StrLen(t->str)); WriteBuf(b, t->str, StrLen(t->str)); WriteBufInt(b, UniStrLen(t->unistr)); WriteBuf(b, t->unistr, UniStrLen(t->unistr) * sizeof(wchar_t)); } Md5(binhash, b->Buf, b->Size); WriteBuf(b, binhash, MD5_SIZE); GenerateUnicodeCacheFileName(name, sizeof(name), strfilename, strfilesize, hash); io = FileCreateW(name); if (io != NULL) { SeekBuf(b, 0, 0); BufToFile(io, b); FileClose(io); } FreeBuf(b); } // Reading the Unicode cache bool LoadUnicodeCache(wchar_t *strfilename, UINT strfilesize, UCHAR *hash) { UNICODE_CACHE c, t; BUF *b; UINT i, num; IO *io; wchar_t name[MAX_PATH]; UCHAR binhash[MD5_SIZE]; UCHAR binhash_2[MD5_SIZE]; // Validate arguments if (strfilename == NULL || hash == NULL) { return false; } GenerateUnicodeCacheFileName(name, sizeof(name), strfilename, strfilesize, hash); io = FileOpenW(name, false); if (io == NULL) { return false; } b = FileToBuf(io); if (b == NULL) { FileClose(io); return false; } SeekBuf(b, 0, 0); FileClose(io); Md5(binhash, b->Buf, b->Size >= MD5_SIZE ? (b->Size - MD5_SIZE) : 0); Copy(binhash_2, ((UCHAR *)b->Buf) + (b->Size >= MD5_SIZE ? (b->Size - MD5_SIZE) : 0), MD5_SIZE); if (Cmp(binhash, binhash_2, MD5_SIZE) != 0) { FreeBuf(b); return false; } Zero(&c, sizeof(c)); UniToStr(c.StrFileName, sizeof(c.StrFileName), strfilename); c.StrFileSize = strfilesize; DisableNetworkNameCache(); GetMachineName(c.MachineName, sizeof(c.MachineName)); EnableNetworkNameCache(); c.OsType = GetOsInfo()->OsType; Copy(c.hash, hash, MD5_SIZE); #ifdef OS_UNIX GetCurrentCharSet(c.CharSet, sizeof(c.CharSet)); #else // OS_UNIX { UINT id = MsGetThreadLocale(); Copy(c.CharSet, &id, sizeof(id)); } #endif // OS_UNIX Zero(&t, sizeof(t)); ReadBuf(b, &t, sizeof(t)); if (Cmp(&c, &t, sizeof(UNICODE_CACHE)) != 0) { FreeBuf(b); return false; } num = ReadBufInt(b); FreeTable(); TableList = NewList(CmpTableName); for (i = 0;i < num;i++) { UINT len; TABLE *t = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(TABLE)); len = ReadBufInt(b); t->name = ZeroMalloc(len + 1); ReadBuf(b, t->name, len); len = ReadBufInt(b); t->str = ZeroMalloc(len + 1); ReadBuf(b, t->str, len); len = ReadBufInt(b); t->unistr = ZeroMalloc((len + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); ReadBuf(b, t->unistr, len * sizeof(wchar_t)); Add(TableList, t); } FreeBuf(b); Sort(TableList); return true; } // Read the string table bool LoadTableMain(wchar_t *filename) { BUF *b; UINT64 t1, t2; UCHAR hash[MD5_SIZE]; // Validate arguments if (filename == NULL) { return false; } if (MayaquaIsMinimalMode()) { return true; } if (UniStrCmpi(old_table_name, filename) == 0) { // Already loaded return true; } t1 = Tick64(); // Open the file b = ReadDumpW(filename); if (b == NULL) { char tmp[MAX_SIZE]; StrCpy(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "Error: Can't read string tables (file not found).\r\nPlease check hamcore.se2.\r\n\r\n(First, reboot the computer. If this problem occurs again, please reinstall VPN software files.)"); Alert(tmp, NULL); exit(-1); return false; } Md5(hash, b->Buf, b->Size); if (LoadUnicodeCache(filename, b->Size, hash) == false) { if (LoadTableFromBuf(b) == false) { FreeBuf(b); return false; } SaveUnicodeCache(filename, b->Size, hash); //Debug("Unicode Source: strtable.stb\n"); } else { //Debug("Unicode Source: unicode_cache\n"); } FreeBuf(b); SetLocale(_UU("DEFAULT_LOCALE")); UniStrCpy(old_table_name, sizeof(old_table_name), filename); t2 = Tick64(); if (StrCmpi(_SS("STRTABLE_ID"), STRTABLE_ID) != 0) { char tmp[MAX_SIZE]; Format(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "Error: Can't read string tables (invalid version: '%s'!='%s').\r\nPlease check hamcore.se2.\r\n\r\n(First, reboot the computer. If this problem occurs again, please reinstall VPN software files.)", _SS("STRTABLE_ID"), STRTABLE_ID); Alert(tmp, NULL); exit(-1); return false; } //Debug("Unicode File Read Cost: %u (%u Lines)\n", (UINT)(t2 - t1), LIST_NUM(TableList)); return true; } bool LoadTable(char *filename) { wchar_t *filename_a = CopyStrToUni(filename); bool ret = LoadTableW(filename_a); Free(filename_a); return ret; } bool LoadTableW(wchar_t *filename) { bool ret; BUF *b; wchar_t replace_name[MAX_PATH]; Zero(replace_name, sizeof(replace_name)); b = ReadDump("@table_name.txt"); if (b != NULL) { char *s = CfgReadNextLine(b); if (s != NULL) { if (IsEmptyStr(s) == false) { StrToUni(replace_name, sizeof(replace_name), s); filename = replace_name; } Free(s); } FreeBuf(b); } ret = LoadTableMain(filename); return ret; }