// SoftEther VPN Source Code - Developer Edition Master Branch // Cedar Communication Module // SecureNAT.c // SecureNAT code #include "SecureNAT.h" #include "Connection.h" #include "Hub.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "Nat.h" #include "Session.h" #include "Mayaqua/Kernel.h" #include "Mayaqua/Memory.h" #include "Mayaqua/Object.h" #include "Mayaqua/Str.h" // SecureNAT server-side thread void SnSecureNATThread(THREAD *t, void *param) { SNAT *s; CONNECTION *c; SESSION *se; POLICY *policy; HUB *h; // Validate arguments if (t == NULL || param == NULL) { return; } s = (SNAT *)param; // Create a server connection c = NewServerConnection(s->Cedar, NULL, t); c->Protocol = CONNECTION_HUB_SECURE_NAT; // Apply the default policy policy = ClonePolicy(GetDefaultPolicy()); // Not to limit the number of broadcast policy->NoBroadcastLimiter = true; h = s->Hub; AddRef(h->ref); // create a server session se = NewServerSession(s->Cedar, c, s->Hub, SNAT_USER_NAME, policy); se->SecureNATMode = true; se->SecureNAT = s; c->Session = se; ReleaseConnection(c); HLog(se->Hub, "LH_NAT_START", se->Name); // User name se->Username = CopyStr(SNAT_USER_NAME_PRINT); s->Session = se; AddRef(se->ref); // Notification initialization completion NoticeThreadInit(t); ReleaseCancel(s->Nat->Virtual->Cancel); s->Nat->Virtual->Cancel = se->Cancel1; AddRef(se->Cancel1->ref); if (s->Nat->Virtual->NativeNat != NULL) { CANCEL *old_cancel = NULL; Lock(s->Nat->Virtual->NativeNat->CancelLock); { if (s->Nat->Virtual->NativeNat->Cancel != NULL) { old_cancel = s->Nat->Virtual->NativeNat->Cancel; s->Nat->Virtual->NativeNat->Cancel = se->Cancel1; AddRef(se->Cancel1->ref); } } Unlock(s->Nat->Virtual->NativeNat->CancelLock); if (old_cancel != NULL) { ReleaseCancel(old_cancel); } } // Main function of the session Debug("SecureNAT Start.\n"); SessionMain(se); Debug("SecureNAT Stop.\n"); HLog(se->Hub, "LH_NAT_STOP"); ReleaseHub(h); ReleaseSession(se); } // Release the SecureNAT void SnFreeSecureNAT(SNAT *s) { // Validate arguments if (s == NULL) { return; } // Stop the session StopSession(s->Session); ReleaseSession(s->Session); // Virtual machine release Virtual_Free(s->Nat->Virtual); // NAT release NiFreeNat(s->Nat); DeleteLock(s->lock); Free(s); } // Create a new SecureNAT SNAT *SnNewSecureNAT(HUB *h, VH_OPTION *o) { SNAT *s; THREAD *t; // Validate arguments if (h == NULL || o == NULL) { return NULL; } s = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(SNAT)); s->Cedar = h->Cedar; s->Hub = h; s->lock = NewLock(); // Create a NAT s->Nat = NiNewNatEx(s, o); // Initialize the virtual machine VirtualInit(s->Nat->Virtual); // Create a thread t = NewThread(SnSecureNATThread, s); WaitThreadInit(t); ReleaseThread(t); return s; }