// SoftEther VPN Source Code - Developer Edition Master Branch // Mayaqua Kernel // OS.h // Header of OS.c #ifndef OS_H #define OS_H // Function prototype char *OsTypeToStr(UINT type); void OSInit(); void OSFree(); void *OSMemoryAlloc(UINT size); void *OSMemoryReAlloc(void *addr, UINT size); void OSMemoryFree(void *addr); UINT OSGetTick(); void OSGetSystemTime(SYSTEMTIME *system_time); void OSSleep(UINT time); LOCK *OSNewLock(); bool OSLock(LOCK *lock); void OSUnlock(LOCK *lock); void OSDeleteLock(LOCK *lock); void OSInitEvent(EVENT *event); void OSSetEvent(EVENT *event); bool OSWaitEvent(EVENT *event, UINT timeout); void OSFreeEvent(EVENT *event); bool OSWaitThread(THREAD *t); void OSFreeThread(THREAD *t); bool OSInitThread(THREAD *t); void *OSFileOpenW(wchar_t *name, bool write_mode, bool read_lock); void *OSFileCreateW(wchar_t *name); bool OSFileWrite(void *pData, void *buf, UINT size); bool OSFileRead(void *pData, void *buf, UINT size); void OSFileClose(void *pData, bool no_flush); void OSFileFlush(void *pData); UINT64 OSFileSize(void *pData); bool OSFileSeek(void *pData, UINT mode, int offset); bool OSFileDeleteW(wchar_t *name); bool OSMakeDirW(wchar_t *name); bool OSDeleteDirW(wchar_t *name); CALLSTACK_DATA *OSGetCallStack(); bool OSGetCallStackSymbolInfo(CALLSTACK_DATA *s); bool OSFileRenameW(wchar_t *old_name, wchar_t *new_name); UINT OSThreadId(); bool OSRun(char *filename, char *arg, bool hide, bool wait); bool OSRunW(wchar_t *filename, wchar_t *arg, bool hide, bool wait); bool OSIsSupportedOs(); void OSGetOsInfo(OS_INFO *info); void OSAlert(char *msg, char *caption); void OSAlertW(wchar_t *msg, wchar_t *caption); char* OSGetProductId(); void OSSetHighPriority(); void OSRestorePriority(); void *OSNewSingleInstance(char *instance_name); void OSFreeSingleInstance(void *data); void OSGetMemInfo(MEMINFO *info); void OSYield(); // Dispatch table typedef struct OS_DISPATCH_TABLE { void (*Init)(); void (*Free)(); void *(*MemoryAlloc)(UINT size); void *(*MemoryReAlloc)(void *addr, UINT size); void (*MemoryFree)(void *addr); UINT (*GetTick)(); void (*GetSystemTime)(SYSTEMTIME *system_time); void (*Inc32)(UINT *value); void (*Dec32)(UINT *value); void (*Sleep)(UINT time); LOCK *(*NewLock)(); bool (*Lock)(LOCK *lock); void (*Unlock)(LOCK *lock); void (*DeleteLock)(LOCK *lock); void (*InitEvent)(EVENT *event); void (*SetEvent)(EVENT *event); void (*ResetEvent)(EVENT *event); bool (*WaitEvent)(EVENT *event, UINT timeout); void (*FreeEvent)(EVENT *event); bool (*WaitThread)(THREAD *t); void (*FreeThread)(THREAD *t); bool (*InitThread)(THREAD *t); UINT (*ThreadId)(); void *(*FileOpen)(char *name, bool write_mode, bool read_lock); void *(*FileOpenW)(wchar_t *name, bool write_mode, bool read_lock); void *(*FileCreate)(char *name); void *(*FileCreateW)(wchar_t *name); bool (*FileWrite)(void *pData, void *buf, UINT size); bool (*FileRead)(void *pData, void *buf, UINT size); void (*FileClose)(void *pData, bool no_flush); void (*FileFlush)(void *pData); UINT64 (*FileSize)(void *pData); bool (*FileSeek)(void *pData, UINT mode, int offset); bool (*FileDelete)(char *name); bool (*FileDeleteW)(wchar_t *name); bool (*MakeDir)(char *name); bool (*MakeDirW)(wchar_t *name); bool (*DeleteDir)(char *name); bool (*DeleteDirW)(wchar_t *name); CALLSTACK_DATA *(*GetCallStack)(); bool (*GetCallStackSymbolInfo)(CALLSTACK_DATA *s); bool (*FileRename)(char *old_name, char *new_name); bool (*FileRenameW)(wchar_t *old_name, wchar_t *new_name); bool (*Run)(char *filename, char *arg, bool hide, bool wait); bool (*RunW)(wchar_t *filename, wchar_t *arg, bool hide, bool wait); bool (*IsSupportedOs)(); void (*GetOsInfo)(OS_INFO *info); void (*Alert)(char *msg, char *caption); void (*AlertW)(wchar_t *msg, wchar_t *caption); char *(*GetProductId)(); void (*SetHighPriority)(); void (*RestorePriority)(); void *(*NewSingleInstance)(char *instance_name); void (*FreeSingleInstance)(void *data); void (*GetMemInfo)(MEMINFO *info); void (*Yield)(); } OS_DISPATCH_TABLE; // Include the OS-specific header #ifdef OS_WIN32 #include #else //OS_WIN32 #include #endif // OS_WIN32 #endif // OS_H