// SoftEther VPN Source Code - Developer Edition Master Branch // Mayaqua Kernel // Kernel.c // System service processing routine #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef TM_YEAR_MAX #define TM_YEAR_MAX 2106 #endif #ifndef TM_MON_MAX #define TM_MON_MAX 1 #endif #ifndef TM_MDAY_MAX #define TM_MDAY_MAX 7 #endif #ifndef TM_HOUR_MAX #define TM_HOUR_MAX 6 #endif #ifndef TM_MIN_MAX #define TM_MIN_MAX 28 #endif #ifndef TM_SEC_MAX #define TM_SEC_MAX 14 #endif #define ADJUST_TM(tm_member, tm_carry, modulus) \ if ((tm_member) < 0){ \ tm_carry -= (1 - ((tm_member)+1) / (modulus)); \ tm_member = (modulus-1) + (((tm_member)+1) % (modulus)); \ } else if ((tm_member) >= (modulus)) { \ tm_carry += (tm_member) / (modulus); \ tm_member = (tm_member) % (modulus); \ } #define leap(y) (((y) % 4 == 0 && (y) % 100 != 0) || (y) % 400 == 0) #define nleap(y) (((y) - 1969) / 4 - ((y) - 1901) / 100 + ((y) - 1601) / 400) #define leapday(m, y) ((m) == 1 && leap (y)) #define monthlen(m, y) (ydays[(m)+1] - ydays[m] + leapday (m, y)) static int ydays[] = { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 }; static UINT current_num_thread = 0; static UINT cached_number_of_cpus = 0; static wchar_t *default_locale_str = L"- - $ : : $ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat : : : $ (None)"; static LOCALE current_locale; LOCK *tick_manual_lock = NULL; #define MONSPERYEAR 12 #define DAYSPERNYEAR 365 #define DAYSPERLYEAR 366 #define SECSPERMIN 60 #define SECSPERHOUR (60*60) #define SECSPERDAY (24*60*60) #define DAYSPERWEEK 7 #define TM_SUNDAY 0 #define TM_MONDAY 1 #define TM_TUESDAY 2 #define TM_WEDNESDAY 3 #define TM_THURSDAY 4 #define TM_FRIDAY 5 #define TM_SATURDAY 6 #define TM_YEAR_BASE 1900 #define EPOCH_YEAR 1970 #define EPOCH_WDAY TM_THURSDAY #define isleap(y) (((y) % 4) == 0 && (((y) % 100) != 0 || ((y) % 400) == 0)) static const int mon_lengths[2][MONSPERYEAR] = { { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }, { 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 } }; static const int year_lengths[2] = { DAYSPERNYEAR, DAYSPERLYEAR }; /* * Taken from FreeBSD src / lib / libc / stdtime / localtime.c 1.43 revision. * localtime.c 7.78. * tzfile.h 1.8 * adapted to be replacement gmtime_r. */ static void c_timesub(timep, offset, tmp) const time_64t * const timep; const long offset; struct tm * const tmp; { INT64 days; INT64 rem; INT64 y; int yleap; const int * ip; days = *timep / SECSPERDAY; rem = *timep % SECSPERDAY; rem += (offset); while (rem < 0) { rem += SECSPERDAY; --days; } while (rem >= SECSPERDAY) { rem -= SECSPERDAY; ++days; } tmp->tm_hour = (int) (rem / SECSPERHOUR); rem = rem % SECSPERHOUR; tmp->tm_min = (int) (rem / SECSPERMIN); /* ** A positive leap second requires a special ** representation. This uses "... ??:59:60" et seq. */ tmp->tm_sec = (int) (rem % SECSPERMIN) ; tmp->tm_wday = (int) ((EPOCH_WDAY + days) % DAYSPERWEEK); if (tmp->tm_wday < 0) tmp->tm_wday += DAYSPERWEEK; y = EPOCH_YEAR; #define LEAPS_THRU_END_OF(y) ((y) / 4 - (y) / 100 + (y) / 400) while (days < 0 || days >= (long) year_lengths[yleap = isleap(y)]) { INT64 newy; newy = y + days / DAYSPERNYEAR; if (days < 0) --newy; days -= (newy - y) * DAYSPERNYEAR + LEAPS_THRU_END_OF(newy - 1) - LEAPS_THRU_END_OF(y - 1); y = newy; } tmp->tm_year = (int)(y - TM_YEAR_BASE); tmp->tm_yday = (int) days; ip = mon_lengths[yleap]; for (tmp->tm_mon = 0; days >= (INT64) ip[tmp->tm_mon]; ++(tmp->tm_mon)) days = days - (INT64) ip[tmp->tm_mon]; tmp->tm_mday = (int) (days + 1); tmp->tm_isdst = 0; } /* * Re-entrant version of gmtime. */ struct tm * c_gmtime_r(const time_64t* timep, struct tm *tm) { c_timesub(timep, 0L, tm); return tm; } // Get the real-time system timer UINT TickRealtime() { #if defined(OS_WIN32) || defined(CLOCK_REALTIME) || defined(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) || defined(CLOCK_HIGHRES) || defined(UNIX_MACOS) return Tick() + 1; #else return TickRealtimeManual() + 1; #endif } #ifndef OS_WIN32 static UINT64 last_manual_tick = 0; static UINT64 manual_tick_add_value = 0; // For systems which not have clock_gettime (such as MacOS X) UINT TickRealtimeManual() { UINT64 ret; Lock(tick_manual_lock); { ret = TickGetRealtimeTickValue64(); if (last_manual_tick != 0 && (last_manual_tick > ret)) { manual_tick_add_value += (last_manual_tick - ret); } last_manual_tick = ret; } Unlock(tick_manual_lock); return (UINT)(ret + manual_tick_add_value); } // Returns a appropriate value from the current time UINT64 TickGetRealtimeTickValue64() { struct timeval tv; struct timezone tz; UINT64 ret; memset(&tv, 0, sizeof(tv)); memset(&tz, 0, sizeof(tz)); gettimeofday(&tv, &tz); if (sizeof(tv.tv_sec) != 4) { ret = (UINT64)tv.tv_sec * 1000ULL + (UINT64)tv.tv_usec / 1000ULL; } else { ret = (UINT64)((UINT64)((UINT)tv.tv_sec)) * 1000ULL + (UINT64)tv.tv_usec / 1000ULL; } return ret; } #endif // OS_WIN32 // Get the number of CPUs UINT GetNumberOfCpu() { UINT ret = 0; if (cached_number_of_cpus == 0) { UINT i = 0; #ifdef OS_WIN32 i = Win32GetNumberOfCpuInner(); #else // OS_WIN32 i = UnixGetNumberOfCpuInner(); #endif // OS_WIN32 if (i == 0) { i = 8; } cached_number_of_cpus = i; } ret = cached_number_of_cpus; if (ret == 0) { ret = 1; } if (ret > 128) { ret = 128; } return ret; } // Creating a thread list LIST *NewThreadList() { LIST *o = NewList(NULL); return o; } // Add the thread to the thread list void AddThreadToThreadList(LIST *o, THREAD *t) { // Validate arguments if (o == NULL || t == NULL) { return; } LockList(o); { if (IsInList(o, t) == false) { AddRef(t->ref); Add(o, t); } } UnlockList(o); } // Maintain thread list void MaintainThreadList(LIST *o) { UINT i; LIST *delete_list = NULL; // Validate arguments if (o == NULL) { return; } LockList(o); { for (i = 0;i < LIST_NUM(o);i++) { THREAD *t = LIST_DATA(o, i); if (t->Stopped) { if (delete_list == NULL) { delete_list = NewListFast(NULL); } Add(delete_list, t); } } if (delete_list != NULL) { for (i = 0;i < LIST_NUM(delete_list);i++) { THREAD *t = LIST_DATA(delete_list, i); ReleaseThread(t); Delete(o, t); } ReleaseList(delete_list); } } UnlockList(o); } // Stop all the threads in the thread list void StopThreadList(LIST *o) { UINT i; // Validate arguments if (o == NULL) { return; } LockList(o); { for (i = 0;i < LIST_NUM(o);i++) { THREAD *t = LIST_DATA(o, i); WaitThread(t, INFINITE); } } UnlockList(o); } // Release the thread list void FreeThreadList(LIST *o) { UINT i; // Validate arguments if (o == NULL) { return; } LockList(o); { for (i = 0;i < LIST_NUM(o);i++) { THREAD *t = LIST_DATA(o, i); WaitThread(t, INFINITE); ReleaseThread(t); } DeleteAll(o); } UnlockList(o); ReleaseList(o); } // Get the home directory void GetHomeDirW(wchar_t *path, UINT size) { // Validate arguments if (path == NULL) { return; } if (GetEnvW(L"HOME", path, size) == false) { wchar_t drive[MAX_SIZE]; wchar_t hpath[MAX_SIZE]; if (GetEnvW(L"HOMEDRIVE", drive, sizeof(drive)) && GetEnvW(L"HOMEPATH", hpath, sizeof(hpath))) { UniFormat(path, size, L"%s%s", drive, hpath); } else { #ifdef OS_WIN32 Win32GetCurrentDirW(path, size); #else // OS_WIN32 UnixGetCurrentDirW(path, size); #endif // OS_WIN32 } } } // Get the environment variable string bool GetEnv(char *name, char *data, UINT size) { char *ret; // Validate arguments if (name == NULL || data == NULL) { return false; } StrCpy(data, size, ""); ret = getenv(name); if (ret == NULL) { return false; } StrCpy(data, size, ret); return true; } bool GetEnvW(wchar_t *name, wchar_t *data, UINT size) { #ifdef OS_WIN32 return GetEnvW_ForWin32(name, data, size); #else // OS_WIN32 return GetEnvW_ForUnix(name, data, size); #endif // OS_WIN32 } #ifdef OS_WIN32 bool GetEnvW_ForWin32(wchar_t *name, wchar_t *data, UINT size) { wchar_t *ret; // Validate arguments if (name == NULL || data == NULL) { return false; } if (IsNt() == false) { bool ret; char *name_a = CopyUniToStr(name); char data_a[MAX_SIZE]; ret = GetEnv(name_a, data_a, sizeof(data_a)); if (ret) { StrToUni(data, size, data_a); } Free(name_a); return ret; } UniStrCpy(data, size, L""); ret = _wgetenv(name); if (ret == NULL) { return false; } UniStrCpy(data, size, ret); return true; } #endif // OS_WIN32 #ifdef OS_UNIX bool GetEnvW_ForUnix(wchar_t *name, wchar_t *data, UINT size) { char *name_a; bool ret; char data_a[MAX_SIZE]; // Validate arguments if (name == NULL || data == NULL) { return false; } name_a = CopyUniToUtf(name); ret = GetEnv(name_a, data_a, sizeof(data_a)); if (ret) { UtfToUni(data, size, data_a); } Free(name_a); return ret; } #endif // OS_UNIX // Get the memory information void GetMemInfo(MEMINFO *info) { OSGetMemInfo(info); } // Start the single-instance INSTANCE *NewSingleInstance(char *instance_name) { return NewSingleInstanceEx(instance_name, false); } INSTANCE *NewSingleInstanceEx(char *instance_name, bool user_local) { char name[MAX_SIZE]; INSTANCE *ret; void *data; if (instance_name != NULL) { if (user_local == false) { HashInstanceName(name, sizeof(name), instance_name); } else { HashInstanceNameLocal(name, sizeof(name), instance_name); } data = OSNewSingleInstance(name); } else { data = OSNewSingleInstance(NULL); } if (data == NULL) { return NULL; } ret = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(INSTANCE)); if (instance_name != NULL) { ret->Name = CopyStr(instance_name); } ret->pData = data; return ret; } // Release of single instance void FreeSingleInstance(INSTANCE *inst) { // Validate arguments if (inst == NULL) { return; } OSFreeSingleInstance(inst->pData); if (inst->Name != NULL) { Free(inst->Name); } Free(inst); } // Hashing the instance name void HashInstanceName(char *name, UINT size, char *instance_name) { char tmp[MAX_SIZE]; UCHAR hash[SHA1_SIZE]; char key[11]; // Validate arguments if (name == NULL || instance_name == NULL) { return; } StrCpy(tmp, sizeof(tmp), instance_name); Trim(tmp); StrUpper(tmp); Sha0(hash, tmp, StrLen(tmp)); BinToStr(key, sizeof(key), hash, 5); key[10] = 0; Format(name, size, "VPN-%s", key); if (OS_IS_WINDOWS_NT(GetOsInfo()->OsType)) { if (GET_KETA(GetOsInfo()->OsType, 100) >= 2 || GetOsInfo()->OsType == OSTYPE_WINDOWS_NT_4_TERMINAL_SERVER) { StrCpy(tmp, sizeof(tmp), name); Format(name, size, "Global\\%s", tmp); } } } void HashInstanceNameLocal(char *name, UINT size, char *instance_name) { char tmp[MAX_SIZE]; UCHAR hash[SHA1_SIZE]; char key[11]; // Validate arguments if (name == NULL || instance_name == NULL) { return; } StrCpy(tmp, sizeof(tmp), instance_name); Trim(tmp); StrUpper(tmp); Sha0(hash, tmp, StrLen(tmp)); BinToStr(key, sizeof(key), hash, 5); key[10] = 0; Format(name, size, "VPN-%s", key); if (OS_IS_WINDOWS_NT(GetOsInfo()->OsType)) { if (GET_KETA(GetOsInfo()->OsType, 100) >= 2 || GetOsInfo()->OsType == OSTYPE_WINDOWS_NT_4_TERMINAL_SERVER) { StrCpy(tmp, sizeof(tmp), name); Format(name, size, "Local\\%s", tmp); } } } // Run the process bool Run(char *filename, char *arg, bool hide, bool wait) { // Validate arguments if (filename == NULL) { return false; } return OSRun(filename, arg, hide, wait); } bool RunW(wchar_t *filename, wchar_t *arg, bool hide, bool wait) { // Validate arguments if (filename == NULL) { return false; } return OSRunW(filename, arg, hide, wait); } // Date and time related functions void GetDateTimeStr64Uni(wchar_t *str, UINT size, UINT64 sec64) { char tmp[MAX_SIZE]; if (str == NULL) { return; } GetDateTimeStr64(tmp, sizeof(tmp), sec64); StrToUni(str, size, tmp); } void GetDateTimeStr64(char *str, UINT size, UINT64 sec64) { SYSTEMTIME st; UINT64ToSystem(&st, sec64); GetDateTimeStr(str, size, &st); } void GetDateTimeStrMilli64(char *str, UINT size, UINT64 sec64) { SYSTEMTIME st; UINT64ToSystem(&st, sec64); GetDateTimeStrMilli(str, size, &st); } void GetDateTimeStrMilli64ForFileName(char *str, UINT size, UINT64 sec64) { SYSTEMTIME st; UINT64ToSystem(&st, sec64); GetDateTimeStrMilliForFileName(str, size, &st); } void GetDateTimeStrMilliForFileName(char *str, UINT size, SYSTEMTIME *tm) { Format(str, size, "%04u%02u%02u_%02u%02u%02u", tm->wYear, tm->wMonth, tm->wDay, tm->wHour, tm->wMinute, tm->wSecond); } void GetDateStr64(char *str, UINT size, UINT64 sec64) { SYSTEMTIME st; if (sec64 == 0) { StrCpy(str, size, "(Unknown)"); return; } UINT64ToSystem(&st, sec64); GetDateStr(str, size, &st); } void GetDateTimeStrEx64(wchar_t *str, UINT size, UINT64 sec64, LOCALE *locale) { SYSTEMTIME st; if (locale == NULL) { locale = ¤t_locale; } if (sec64 == 0 || SystemToLocal64(sec64) == 0 || LocalToSystem64(sec64) == 0) { UniStrCpy(str, size, locale->Unknown); return; } UINT64ToSystem(&st, sec64); GetDateTimeStrEx(str, size, &st, locale); } void GetDateStrEx64(wchar_t *str, UINT size, UINT64 sec64, LOCALE *locale) { SYSTEMTIME st; if (locale == NULL) { locale = ¤t_locale; } if (sec64 == 0 || SystemToLocal64(sec64) == 0 || LocalToSystem64(sec64) == 0) { UniStrCpy(str, size, locale->Unknown); return; } UINT64ToSystem(&st, sec64); GetDateStrEx(str, size, &st, locale); } void GetTimeStrMilli64(char *str, UINT size, UINT64 sec64) { SYSTEMTIME st; if (sec64 == 0 || SystemToLocal64(sec64) == 0 || LocalToSystem64(sec64) == 0) { StrCpy(str, size, "(Unknown)"); return; } UINT64ToSystem(&st, sec64); GetTimeStrMilli(str, size, &st); } // Convert to a time to be used safely in the current POSIX implementation UINT64 SafeTime64(UINT64 sec64) { return MAKESURE(sec64, 0, 4102243323123ULL); } // Thread pool static SK *thread_pool = NULL; static COUNTER *thread_count = NULL; // Initialization of thread pool void InitThreading() { thread_pool = NewSk(); thread_count = NewCounter(); } // Release of thread pool void FreeThreading() { while (true) { if (Count(thread_count) == 0) { break; } SleepThread(25); } while (true) { THREAD_POOL_DATA *pd; THREAD *t = Pop(thread_pool); if (t == NULL) { break; } pd = (THREAD_POOL_DATA *)t->param; pd->ThreadProc = NULL; Set(pd->Event); WaitThreadInternal(t); pd = (THREAD_POOL_DATA *)t->param; ReleaseEvent(pd->Event); ReleaseEvent(pd->InitFinishEvent); ReleaseThreadInternal(t); Free(pd); } ReleaseSk(thread_pool); DeleteCounter(thread_count); thread_count = NULL; } // Thread pool procedure void ThreadPoolProc(THREAD *t, void *param) { THREAD_POOL_DATA *pd; // Validate arguments if (t == NULL) { return; } pd = (THREAD_POOL_DATA *)param; NoticeThreadInitInternal(t); while (true) { THREAD *thread; UINT i, num; EVENT **ee; // Wait for the next job Wait(pd->Event, INFINITE); if (pd->ThreadProc == NULL) { // Stop the pool thread break; } thread = pd->Thread; thread->ThreadId = ThreadId(); // Initialization is completed Set(pd->InitFinishEvent); // Set the thread name if (thread->Name != NULL) { SetThreadName(thread->ThreadId, thread->Name, thread->param); } else { SetThreadName(thread->ThreadId, "Unknown", 0); } // Run the thread procedure pd->ThreadProc(pd->Thread, thread->param); // Set the thread name SetThreadName(thread->ThreadId, NULL, 0); pd->Thread->Stopped = true; thread->PoolHalting = true; // Set the waiting event list LockList(thread->PoolWaitList); { num = LIST_NUM(thread->PoolWaitList); ee = ToArray(thread->PoolWaitList); DeleteAll(thread->PoolWaitList); } UnlockList(thread->PoolWaitList); for (i = 0;i < num;i++) { EVENT *e = ee[i]; Set(e); ReleaseEvent(e); } Free(ee); while (true) { if (Count(thread->ref->c) <= 1) { break; } Wait(thread->release_event, 256); } ReleaseThread(thread); #ifdef OS_WIN32 // For Win32: Recover the priority of the thread MsRestoreThreadPriority(); #endif // OS_WIN32 // Register the thread itself to the thread pool LockSk(thread_pool); { Push(thread_pool, t); } UnlockSk(thread_pool); Dec(thread_count); } } // Set the thread name void SetThreadName(UINT thread_id, char *name, void *param) { #ifdef OS_WIN32 if (IsDebug()) { char tmp[MAX_SIZE]; if (name == NULL) { strcpy(tmp, "idle"); } else { sprintf(tmp, "%s (0x%x)", name, (UINT)param); } Win32SetThreadName(thread_id, tmp); } #else // OS_WIN32 #ifdef _DEBUG #ifdef PR_SET_NAME char tmp[MAX_SIZE]; if (name == NULL) { strcpy(tmp, "idle"); } else { sprintf(tmp, "%s (%p)", name, param); } tmp[15] = 0; prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)tmp, 0, 0, 0); #endif // PR_SET_NAME #endif // _DEBUG #endif // OS_WIN32 } // Thread creation (pool) THREAD *NewThreadNamed(THREAD_PROC *thread_proc, void *param, char *name) { THREAD *host = NULL; THREAD_POOL_DATA *pd = NULL; THREAD *ret; // Validate arguments if (thread_proc == NULL) { return NULL; } Inc(thread_count); LockSk(thread_pool); { // Examine whether there is a thread that is currently vacant in the pool host = Pop(thread_pool); } UnlockSk(thread_pool); if (host == NULL) { // Create a new thread because a vacant thread is not found pd = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(THREAD_POOL_DATA)); pd->Event = NewEvent(); pd->InitFinishEvent = NewEvent(); host = NewThreadInternal(ThreadPoolProc, pd); WaitThreadInitInternal(host); } else { pd = (THREAD_POOL_DATA *)host->param; } // Creating a thread pool ret = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(THREAD)); ret->ref = NewRef(); ret->thread_proc = thread_proc; ret->param = param; ret->pData = NULL; ret->init_finished_event = NewEvent(); ret->PoolThread = true; ret->PoolWaitList = NewList(NULL); ret->PoolHostThread = host; ret->release_event = NewEvent(); if (IsEmptyStr(name) == false) { ret->Name = CopyStr(name); } // Run pd->ThreadProc = thread_proc; pd->Thread = ret; AddRef(ret->ref); Set(pd->Event); Wait(pd->InitFinishEvent, INFINITE); current_num_thread++; // Debug("current_num_thread = %u\n", current_num_thread); return ret; } // Clean up of thread (pool) void CleanupThread(THREAD *t) { // Validate arguments if (t == NULL) { return; } ReleaseEvent(t->init_finished_event); ReleaseEvent(t->release_event); ReleaseList(t->PoolWaitList); if (t->Name != NULL) { Free(t->Name); } Free(t); current_num_thread--; //Debug("current_num_thread = %u\n", current_num_thread); } // Release thread (pool) void ReleaseThread(THREAD *t) { UINT ret; EVENT *e; // Validate arguments if (t == NULL) { return; } e = t->release_event; if (e != NULL) { AddRef(e->ref); } ret = Release(t->ref); Set(e); ReleaseEvent(e); if (ret == 0) { CleanupThread(t); } } // Notify the completion of the thread initialization (pool) void NoticeThreadInit(THREAD *t) { // Validate arguments if (t == NULL) { return; } // Notification Set(t->init_finished_event); } // Wait the completion of the thread initialization (pool) void WaitThreadInit(THREAD *t) { // Validate arguments if (t == NULL) { return; } // KS KS_INC(KS_WAITFORTHREAD_COUNT); // Wait Wait(t->init_finished_event, INFINITE); } // Wait for the termination of the thread (pool) bool WaitThread(THREAD *t, UINT timeout) { bool ret = false; EVENT *e = NULL; // Validate arguments if (t == NULL) { return false; } LockList(t->PoolWaitList); { if (t->PoolHalting) { // Has already been stopped ret = true; } else { // Register the completion notifying event to the list e = NewEvent(); AddRef(e->ref); Insert(t->PoolWaitList, e); } } UnlockList(t->PoolWaitList); if (e != NULL) { // Wait Event ret = Wait(e, timeout); LockList(t->PoolWaitList); { if (Delete(t->PoolWaitList, e)) { ReleaseEvent(e); } } UnlockList(t->PoolWaitList); ReleaseEvent(e); } return ret; } // Get Thread ID UINT ThreadId() { return OSThreadId(); } // Creating a thread THREAD *NewThreadInternal(THREAD_PROC *thread_proc, void *param) { THREAD *t; UINT retry = 0; // Validate arguments if (thread_proc == NULL) { return NULL; } // Initialize Thread object t = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(THREAD)); t->init_finished_event = NewEvent(); t->param = param; t->ref = NewRef(); t->thread_proc = thread_proc; // Wait until the OS to initialize the thread while (true) { if ((retry++) > 60) { printf("\n\n*** error: new thread create failed.\n\n"); AbortExit(); } if (OSInitThread(t)) { break; } SleepThread(500); } // KS KS_INC(KS_NEWTHREAD_COUNT); return t; } // Release of thread void ReleaseThreadInternal(THREAD *t) { // Validate arguments if (t == NULL) { return; } if (Release(t->ref) == 0) { CleanupThreadInternal(t); } } // Clean up of the thread void CleanupThreadInternal(THREAD *t) { // Validate arguments if (t == NULL) { return; } // Release of the thread OSFreeThread(t); // Release the event ReleaseEvent(t->init_finished_event); // Memory release Free(t); // KS KS_INC(KS_FREETHREAD_COUNT); } // Wait for the termination of the thread bool WaitThreadInternal(THREAD *t) { // Validate arguments if (t == NULL) { return false; } return OSWaitThread(t); } // Notify that the thread initialization is complete void NoticeThreadInitInternal(THREAD *t) { // Validate arguments if (t == NULL) { return; } // Notify Set(t->init_finished_event); } // Wait for completion of thread initialization void WaitThreadInitInternal(THREAD *t) { // Validate arguments if (t == NULL) { return; } // KS KS_INC(KS_WAITFORTHREAD_COUNT); // Wait Wait(t->init_finished_event, INFINITE); } // Get the date and time string by using the locale information void GetDateTimeStrEx(wchar_t *str, UINT size, SYSTEMTIME *st, LOCALE *locale) { wchar_t tmp1[MAX_SIZE]; wchar_t tmp2[MAX_SIZE]; // Validate arguments if (str == NULL || st == NULL) { return; } GetDateStrEx(tmp1, sizeof(tmp1), st, locale); GetTimeStrEx(tmp2, sizeof(tmp2), st, locale); UniFormat(str, size, L"%s %s", tmp1, tmp2); } // Get the time string by using the locale information void GetTimeStrEx(wchar_t *str, UINT size, SYSTEMTIME *st, LOCALE *locale) { wchar_t *tag = L"%02u%s%02u%s%02u%s"; // Validate arguments if (str == NULL || st == NULL) { return; } if (_GETLANG() == SE_LANG_JAPANESE || _GETLANG() == SE_LANG_CHINESE_ZH) { tag = L"%2u%s%2u%s%2u%s"; } locale = (locale != NULL ? locale : ¤t_locale); UniFormat(str, size, tag, st->wHour, locale->HourStr, st->wMinute, locale->MinuteStr, st->wSecond, locale->SecondStr); } // Get a date string by using the locale information void GetDateStrEx(wchar_t *str, UINT size, SYSTEMTIME *st, LOCALE *locale) { wchar_t *tag = L"%04u%s%02u%s%02u%s (%s)"; // Validate arguments if (str == NULL || st == NULL) { return; } if (_GETLANG() == SE_LANG_JAPANESE || _GETLANG() == SE_LANG_CHINESE_ZH) { tag = L"%4u%s%2u%s%2u%s(%s)"; } locale = (locale != NULL ? locale : ¤t_locale); UniFormat(str, size, tag, st->wYear, locale->YearStr, st->wMonth, locale->MonthStr, st->wDay, locale->DayStr, locale->DayOfWeek[st->wDayOfWeek]); } // Get the time string to milliseconds (for example, 12:34:56.789) void GetTimeStrMilli(char *str, UINT size, SYSTEMTIME *st) { // Validate arguments if (st == NULL || str == NULL) { return; } Format(str, size, "%02u:%02u:%02u.%03u", st->wHour, st->wMinute, st->wSecond, st->wMilliseconds); } // Get the date string (example: 2004/07/23) void GetDateStr(char *str, UINT size, SYSTEMTIME *st) { // Validate arguments if (str == NULL || st == NULL) { return; } Format(str, size, "%04u-%02u-%02u", st->wYear, st->wMonth, st->wDay); } // Get the date and time string (example: 2004/07/23 12:34:56) void GetDateTimeStr(char *str, UINT size, SYSTEMTIME *st) { // Validate arguments if (str == NULL || st == NULL) { return; } Format(str, size, "%04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u", st->wYear, st->wMonth, st->wDay, st->wHour, st->wMinute, st->wSecond); } // Get the date and time string in milliseconds (example: 2004/07/23 12:34:56.789) void GetDateTimeStrMilli(char *str, UINT size, SYSTEMTIME *st) { // Validate arguments if (str == NULL || st == NULL) { return; } Format(str, size, "%04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u.%03u", st->wYear, st->wMonth, st->wDay, st->wHour, st->wMinute, st->wSecond, st->wMilliseconds); } // Convert string RFC3339 format (example: 2017-09-27T18:25:55.434-9:00) to UINT64 UINT64 DateTimeStrRFC3339ToSystemTime64(char *str) { SYSTEMTIME st; if (DateTimeStrRFC3339ToSystemTime(&st, str)) { return SystemToUINT64(&st); } else { return 0; } } // Convert string RFC3339 format (example: 2017-09-27T18:25:55.434-9:00) to SYSTEMTIME bool DateTimeStrRFC3339ToSystemTime(SYSTEMTIME *st, char *str) { bool ok = false; UINT index_plus; char tmp[MAX_PATH]; Zero(st, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)); if (st == NULL || str == NULL) { return false; } StrCpy(tmp, sizeof(tmp), str); index_plus = SearchStrEx(tmp, "+", 0, false); if (index_plus != INFINITE) { tmp[index_plus] = 0; } if (StrLen(tmp) >= 19) { if (tmp[4] == '-' && tmp[7] == '-' && tmp[10] == 'T' && tmp[13] == ':' && tmp[16] == ':') { char str_year[16], str_month[16], str_day[16], str_hour[16], str_minute[16], str_second[16], str_msec[16]; StrCpy(str_year, sizeof(str_year), tmp + 0); str_year[4] = 0; StrCpy(str_month, sizeof(str_month), tmp + 5); str_month[2] = 0; StrCpy(str_day, sizeof(str_day), tmp + 8); str_day[2] = 0; StrCpy(str_hour, sizeof(str_hour), tmp + 11); str_hour[2] = 0; StrCpy(str_minute, sizeof(str_minute), tmp + 14); str_minute[2] = 0; StrCpy(str_second, sizeof(str_second), tmp + 17); str_second[2] = 0; str_msec[0] = 0; if (StrLen(tmp) >= 21 && tmp[19] == '.') { StrCpy(str_msec, sizeof(str_msec), tmp + 20); str_msec[StrLen(tmp) - 21] = 0; while (StrLen(str_msec) < 3) { StrCat(str_msec, sizeof(str_msec), "0"); } str_msec[3] = 0; } st->wYear = ToInt(str_year); st->wMonth = ToInt(str_month); st->wDay = ToInt(str_day); st->wHour = ToInt(str_hour); st->wMinute = ToInt(str_minute); st->wSecond = ToInt(str_second); st->wMilliseconds = ToInt(str_msec); NormalizeSystem(st); ok = true; } } return ok; } // Get the date and time string in RFC3339 format (example: 2017-09-27T18:25:55.434-9:00) void GetDateTimeStrRFC3339(char *str, UINT size, SYSTEMTIME *st, int timezone_min){ // Validate arguments if (str == NULL || st == NULL) { ClearStr(str, size); return; } if(timezone_min == 0){ Format(str, size, "%04u-%02u-%02uT%02u:%02u:%02u.%03uZ", st->wYear, st->wMonth, st->wDay, st->wHour, st->wMinute, st->wSecond, st->wMilliseconds); }else{ Format(str, size, "%04u-%02u-%02uT%02u:%02u:%02u.%03u%+02d:%02d", st->wYear, st->wMonth, st->wDay, st->wHour, st->wMinute, st->wSecond, st->wMilliseconds, timezone_min/60, timezone_min%60); } } // Get the time string (in milliseconds) void GetSpanStrMilli(char *str, UINT size, UINT64 sec64) { char tmp[MAX_SIZE]; // Validate arguments if (str == NULL) { return; } StrCpy(tmp, sizeof(tmp), ""); if (sec64 >= (UINT64)(1000 * 3600 * 24)) { Format(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%u:", (UINT)(sec64 / (UINT64)(1000 * 3600 * 24))); } Format(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s%02u:%02u:%02u.%03u", tmp, (UINT)(sec64 % (UINT64)(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) / (1000 * 60 * 60), (UINT)(sec64 % (UINT64)(1000 * 60 * 60)) / (1000 * 60), (UINT)(sec64 % (UINT64)(1000 * 60)) / 1000, (UINT)(sec64 % (UINT64)(1000))); Trim(tmp); StrCpy(str, size, tmp); } // Set the locale information void SetLocale(wchar_t *str) { wchar_t *set_locale_str; LOCALE tmp; if (str != NULL) { set_locale_str = str; } else { set_locale_str = default_locale_str; } if (LoadLocale(&tmp, set_locale_str) == false) { if (LoadLocale(&tmp, default_locale_str) == false) { return; } } Copy(¤t_locale, &tmp, sizeof(LOCALE)); } #define COPY_LOCALE_STR(dest, size, src) UniStrCpy(dest, size, UniStrCmp(src, L"$") == 0 ? L"" : src) // Read the locale information bool LoadLocale(LOCALE *locale, wchar_t *str) { UNI_TOKEN_LIST *tokens; UINT i; // Validate arguments if (locale == NULL || str == NULL) { return false; } // Analysis of the token tokens = UniParseToken(str, L" "); if (tokens->NumTokens != 18) { UniFreeToken(tokens); return false; } // Set to the structure Zero(locale, sizeof(LOCALE)); COPY_LOCALE_STR(locale->YearStr, sizeof(locale->YearStr), tokens->Token[0]); COPY_LOCALE_STR(locale->MonthStr, sizeof(locale->MonthStr), tokens->Token[1]); COPY_LOCALE_STR(locale->DayStr, sizeof(locale->DayStr), tokens->Token[2]); COPY_LOCALE_STR(locale->HourStr, sizeof(locale->HourStr), tokens->Token[3]); COPY_LOCALE_STR(locale->MinuteStr, sizeof(locale->MinuteStr), tokens->Token[4]); COPY_LOCALE_STR(locale->SecondStr, sizeof(locale->SecondStr), tokens->Token[5]); for (i = 0;i < 7;i++) { COPY_LOCALE_STR(locale->DayOfWeek[i], sizeof(locale->DayOfWeek[i]), tokens->Token[6 + i]); } COPY_LOCALE_STR(locale->SpanDay, sizeof(locale->SpanDay), tokens->Token[13]); COPY_LOCALE_STR(locale->SpanHour, sizeof(locale->SpanHour), tokens->Token[14]); COPY_LOCALE_STR(locale->SpanMinute, sizeof(locale->SpanMinute), tokens->Token[15]); COPY_LOCALE_STR(locale->SpanSecond, sizeof(locale->SpanSecond), tokens->Token[16]); COPY_LOCALE_STR(locale->Unknown, sizeof(locale->Unknown), tokens->Token[17]); UniFreeToken(tokens); return true; } // Convert SYSTEMTIME into DOS date USHORT SystemToDosDate(SYSTEMTIME *st) { return (USHORT)( ((UINT)(st->wYear - 1980) << 9) | ((UINT)st->wMonth<< 5) | (UINT)st->wDay); } USHORT System64ToDosDate(UINT64 i) { SYSTEMTIME st; UINT64ToSystem(&st, i); return SystemToDosDate(&st); } // Convert SYSTEMTIME into DOS time USHORT SystemToDosTime(SYSTEMTIME *st) { return (USHORT)( ((UINT)st->wHour << 11) | ((UINT)st->wMinute << 5) | ((UINT)st->wSecond >> 1)); } USHORT System64ToDosTime(UINT64 i) { SYSTEMTIME st; UINT64ToSystem(&st, i); return SystemToDosTime(&st); } // Convert the tm to the SYSTEMTIME void TmToSystem(SYSTEMTIME *st, struct tm *t) { struct tm tmp; // Validate arguments if (st == NULL || t == NULL) { return; } Copy(&tmp, t, sizeof(struct tm)); NormalizeTm(&tmp); Zero(st, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)); st->wYear = MAKESURE(tmp.tm_year + 1900, 1970, 2099); st->wMonth = MAKESURE(tmp.tm_mon + 1, 1, 12); st->wDay = MAKESURE(tmp.tm_mday, 1, 31); st->wDayOfWeek = MAKESURE(tmp.tm_wday, 0, 6); st->wHour = MAKESURE(tmp.tm_hour, 0, 23); st->wMinute = MAKESURE(tmp.tm_min, 0, 59); st->wSecond = MAKESURE(tmp.tm_sec, 0, 59); st->wMilliseconds = 0; } // Convert the SYSTEMTIME to tm void SystemToTm(struct tm *t, SYSTEMTIME *st) { // Validate arguments if (t == NULL || st == NULL) { return; } Zero(t, sizeof(struct tm)); t->tm_year = MAKESURE(st->wYear, 1970, 2099) - 1900; t->tm_mon = MAKESURE(st->wMonth, 1, 12) - 1; t->tm_mday = MAKESURE(st->wDay, 1, 31); t->tm_hour = MAKESURE(st->wHour, 0, 23); t->tm_min = MAKESURE(st->wMinute, 0, 59); t->tm_sec = MAKESURE(st->wSecond, 0, 59); t->tm_isdst = -1; NormalizeTm(t); } // Convert the time_t to SYSTEMTIME void TimeToSystem(SYSTEMTIME *st, time_64t t) { struct tm tmp; // Validate arguments if (st == NULL) { return; } TimeToTm(&tmp, t); TmToSystem(st, &tmp); } // Convert the SYSTEMTIME to time_t time_64t SystemToTime(SYSTEMTIME *st) { struct tm t; // Validate arguments if (st == NULL) { return 0; } SystemToTm(&t, st); return TmToTime(&t); } // Convert the tm to time_t time_64t TmToTime(struct tm *t) { time_64t tmp; // Validate arguments if (t == NULL) { return 0; } tmp = c_mkgmtime(t); if (tmp == (time_64t)-1) { return 0; } return tmp; } // Convert time_t to tm void TimeToTm(struct tm *t, time_64t time) { // Validate arguments if (t == NULL) { return; } Zero(t, sizeof(struct tm)); c_gmtime_r(&time, t); } // Normalize the tm void NormalizeTm(struct tm *t) { time_64t tmp; // Validate arguments if (t == NULL) { return; } tmp = c_mkgmtime(t); if (tmp == (time_64t)-1) { return; } c_gmtime_r(&tmp, t); } // Normalize the SYSTEMTIME void NormalizeSystem(SYSTEMTIME *st) { UINT64 sec64; // Validate arguments if (st == NULL) { return; } sec64 = SystemToUINT64(st); UINT64ToSystem(st, sec64); } // Convert a 64-bit local time to a system time UINT64 LocalToSystem64(UINT64 t) { SYSTEMTIME st; UINT64ToSystem(&st, t); LocalToSystem(&st, &st); return SystemToUINT64(&st); } // Convert the 64bit system time to local time UINT64 SystemToLocal64(UINT64 t) { SYSTEMTIME st; UINT64ToSystem(&st, t); SystemToLocal(&st, &st); return SystemToUINT64(&st); } // Convert local time to system time void LocalToSystem(SYSTEMTIME *system, SYSTEMTIME *local) { UINT64 sec64; // Validate arguments if (local == NULL || system == NULL) { return; } sec64 = (UINT64)((INT64)SystemToUINT64(local) - GetTimeDiffEx(local, true)); UINT64ToSystem(system, sec64); } // Convert the system time to local time void SystemToLocal(SYSTEMTIME *local, SYSTEMTIME *system) { UINT64 sec64; // Validate arguments if (local == NULL || system == NULL) { return; } sec64 = (UINT64)((INT64)SystemToUINT64(system) + GetTimeDiffEx(system, false)); UINT64ToSystem(local, sec64); } // Get the time difference between the local time and the system time based on the specified time INT64 GetTimeDiffEx(SYSTEMTIME *basetime, bool local_time) { time_t tmp; struct tm t1, t2; SYSTEMTIME snow; struct tm now; SYSTEMTIME s1, s2; INT64 ret; Copy(&snow, basetime, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)); if (sizeof(time_t) == 4) { if (snow.wYear >= 2038) { // For old systems: avoid the 2038-year problem snow.wYear = 2037; } } SystemToTm(&now, &snow); if (local_time == false) { tmp = (time_t)c_mkgmtime(&now); } else { tmp = mktime(&now); } if (tmp == (time_t)-1) { return 0; } #ifndef OS_UNIX Copy(&t1, localtime(&tmp), sizeof(struct tm)); Copy(&t2, gmtime(&tmp), sizeof(struct tm)); #else // OS_UNIX localtime_r(&tmp, &t1); gmtime_r(&tmp, &t2); #endif // OS_UNIX TmToSystem(&s1, &t1); TmToSystem(&s2, &t2); ret = (INT)SystemToUINT64(&s1) - (INT)SystemToUINT64(&s2); return ret; } // Convert UINT64 to the SYSTEMTIME void UINT64ToSystem(SYSTEMTIME *st, UINT64 sec64) { UINT64 tmp64; UINT sec, millisec; time_64t time; // Validate arguments if (st == NULL) { return; } sec64 = SafeTime64(sec64 + 32400000ULL); tmp64 = sec64 / (UINT64)1000; millisec = (UINT)(sec64 - tmp64 * (UINT64)1000); sec = (UINT)tmp64; time = (time_64t)sec; TimeToSystem(st, time); st->wMilliseconds = (USHORT)millisec; } // Convert the SYSTEMTIME to UINT64 UINT64 SystemToUINT64(SYSTEMTIME *st) { UINT64 sec64; time_64t time; // Validate arguments if (st == NULL) { return 0; } time = SystemToTime(st); //For times before 1970-01-01, clamp to the minimum //because we have to return an unsigned integer. //This is less wrong than casting it to UINT64 //and returning a time far in the future. //For some reason we subtract 9 hours below, so //account for that here. if( time < 32400000LL ) return 0; sec64 = (UINT64)time * (UINT64)1000; sec64 += st->wMilliseconds; return sec64 - 32400000ULL; } // Get local time in UINT64 UINT64 LocalTime64() { SYSTEMTIME s; LocalTime(&s); return SystemToUINT64(&s); } // Get the system time in UINT64 UINT64 SystemTime64() { SYSTEMTIME s; SystemTime(&s); return SystemToUINT64(&s); } // Get local time void LocalTime(SYSTEMTIME *st) { SYSTEMTIME tmp; // Validate arguments if (st == NULL) { return; } SystemTime(&tmp); SystemToLocal(st, &tmp); } // Get the System Time void SystemTime(SYSTEMTIME *st) { // Validate arguments if (st == NULL) { return; } OSGetSystemTime(st); // KS KS_INC(KS_GETTIME_COUNT); } time_64t c_mkgmtime(struct tm *tm) { int years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds; years = tm->tm_year + 1900; /* year - 1900 -> year */ months = tm->tm_mon; /* 0..11 */ days = tm->tm_mday - 1; /* 1..31 -> 0..30 */ hours = tm->tm_hour; /* 0..23 */ minutes = tm->tm_min; /* 0..59 */ seconds = tm->tm_sec; /* 0..61 in ANSI C. */ ADJUST_TM(seconds, minutes, 60); ADJUST_TM(minutes, hours, 60); ADJUST_TM(hours, days, 24); ADJUST_TM(months, years, 12); if (days < 0) do { if (--months < 0) { --years; months = 11; } days += monthlen(months, years); } while (days < 0); else while (days >= monthlen(months, years)) { days -= monthlen(months, years); if (++months >= 12) { ++years; months = 0; } } /* Restore adjusted values in tm structure */ tm->tm_year = years - 1900; tm->tm_mon = months; tm->tm_mday = days + 1; tm->tm_hour = hours; tm->tm_min = minutes; tm->tm_sec = seconds; /* Set `days' to the number of days into the year. */ days += ydays[months] + (months > 1 && leap (years)); tm->tm_yday = days; /* Now calculate `days' to the number of days since Jan 1, 1970. */ days = (unsigned)days + 365 * (unsigned)(years - 1970) + (unsigned)(nleap (years)); tm->tm_wday = ((unsigned)days + 4) % 7; /* Jan 1, 1970 was Thursday. */ tm->tm_isdst = 0; if (years < 1970) return (time_64t)-1; #if (defined(TM_YEAR_MAX) && defined(TM_MON_MAX) && defined(TM_MDAY_MAX)) #if (defined(TM_HOUR_MAX) && defined(TM_MIN_MAX) && defined(TM_SEC_MAX)) if (years > TM_YEAR_MAX || (years == TM_YEAR_MAX && (tm->tm_yday > ydays[TM_MON_MAX] + (TM_MDAY_MAX - 1) + (TM_MON_MAX > 1 && leap (TM_YEAR_MAX)) || (tm->tm_yday == ydays[TM_MON_MAX] + (TM_MDAY_MAX - 1) + (TM_MON_MAX > 1 && leap (TM_YEAR_MAX)) && (hours > TM_HOUR_MAX || (hours == TM_HOUR_MAX && (minutes > TM_MIN_MAX || (minutes == TM_MIN_MAX && seconds > TM_SEC_MAX) ))))))) return (time_64t)-1; #endif #endif return (time_64t)(86400L * (unsigned long)(unsigned)days + 3600L * (unsigned long)hours + (unsigned long)(60 * minutes + seconds)); } // Get the system timer UINT Tick() { // KS KS_INC(KS_GETTICK_COUNT); return OSGetTick(); } // Sleep thread void SleepThread(UINT time) { // KS KS_INC(KS_SLEEPTHREAD_COUNT); OSSleep(time); } // Yield void YieldCpu() { OSYield(); } // Stop system (abnormal termination) void AbortExit() { #ifdef OS_WIN32 _exit(1); #else // OS_WIN32 #ifdef RLIMIT_CORE UnixSetResourceLimit(RLIMIT_CORE, 0); #endif // RLIMIT_CORE abort(); #endif // OS_WIN32 } void AbortExitEx(char *msg) { FILE *f; // Validate arguments if (msg == NULL) { msg = "Unknown Error"; } f = fopen("abort_error_log.txt", "w"); if (f != NULL) { fwrite(msg, 1, strlen(msg), f); fclose(f); } fputs("Fatal Error: ", stdout); fputs(msg, stdout); fputs("\r\n", stdout); #ifdef OS_WIN32 _exit(1); #else // OS_WIN32 #ifdef RLIMIT_CORE UnixSetResourceLimit(RLIMIT_CORE, 0); #endif // RLIMIT_CORE abort(); #endif // OS_WIN32 }