// SoftEther VPN Source Code - Developer Edition Master Branch // Cedar Communication Module // BridgeUnix.c // Ethernet Bridge Program (for UNIX) #ifdef OS_UNIX #include "BridgeUnix.h" #include "Server.h" #include "VLanUnix.h" #include "Mayaqua/Cfg.h" #include "Mayaqua/FileIO.h" #include "Mayaqua/Memory.h" #include "Mayaqua/Object.h" #include "Mayaqua/Str.h" #include "Mayaqua/TcpIp.h" #include "Mayaqua/Unix.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef UNIX_OPENBSD #include #endif #ifdef UNIX_SOLARIS #include #endif #ifdef BRIDGE_PCAP #include #endif #ifdef BRIDGE_BPF #include #include #include #include #endif #ifdef UNIX_LINUX struct my_tpacket_auxdata { UINT tp_status; UINT tp_len; UINT tp_snaplen; USHORT tp_mac; USHORT tp_net; USHORT tp_vlan_tci; USHORT tp_vlan_tpid; }; #define MY_TP_STATUS_VLAN_VALID (1 << 4) #define MY_TP_STATUS_VLAN_TPID_VALID (1 << 6) #define MY_PACKET_AUXDATA 8 #endif // UNIX_LINUX static LIST *eth_offload_list = NULL; // Initialize void InitEth() { eth_offload_list = NewList(NULL); } // Free void FreeEth() { if (eth_offload_list != NULL) { FreeStrList(eth_offload_list); eth_offload_list = NULL; } } // Check whether interface description string of Ethernet device can be retrieved in this system bool EthIsInterfaceDescriptionSupportedUnix() { bool ret = false; DIRLIST *d = EnumDir("/etc/sysconfig/networking/devices/"); if (d == NULL) { return false; } if (d->NumFiles >= 1) { ret = true; } FreeDir(d); return ret; } // Get interface description string bool EthGetInterfaceDescriptionUnix(char *name, char *str, UINT size) { char tmp[MAX_SIZE]; bool ret = false; BUF *b; // Validate arguments if (name == NULL || str == NULL) { return false; } StrCpy(str, size, name); Format(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "/etc/sysconfig/networking/devices/ifcfg-%s", name); b = ReadDump(tmp); if (b != NULL) { char *line = CfgReadNextLine(b); if (IsEmptyStr(line) == false) { if (StartWith(line, "#")) { char tmp[MAX_SIZE]; StrCpy(tmp, sizeof(tmp), line + 1); Trim(tmp); tmp[60] = 0; StrCpy(str, size, tmp); ret = true; } } Free(line); FreeBuf(b); } return ret; } // Open raw socket int UnixEthOpenRawSocket() { #ifdef UNIX_LINUX int s; s = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL)); if (s < 0) { return INVALID_SOCKET; } else { return s; } #else // UNIX_LINUX return -1; #endif // UNIX_LINUX } // Is Ethernet device control supported? bool IsEthSupported() { #if defined(UNIX_LINUX) return IsEthSupportedLinux(); #elif defined(UNIX_BSD) return true; #elif defined(UNIX_SOLARIS) return IsEthSupportedSolaris(); #else return false; #endif } #ifdef UNIX_LINUX bool IsEthSupportedLinux() { int s; // Try to open a raw socket s = UnixEthOpenRawSocket(); if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) { // fail return false; } // success closesocket(s); return true; } #endif // UNIX_LINUX #ifdef UNIX_SOLARIS bool IsEthSupportedSolaris() { return true; } #endif // UNIX_SOLARIS #ifdef UNIX_SOLARIS // Get Ethernet device list on Solaris TOKEN_LIST *GetEthListSolaris() { TOKEN_LIST *t; int i, s; LIST *o; o = NewListFast(CompareStr); s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (s != INVALID_SOCKET) { struct lifnum lifn; lifn.lifn_family = AF_INET; lifn.lifn_flags = 0; if (ioctl(s, SIOCGLIFNUM, (char *)&lifn) >= 0) { struct lifconf lifc; struct lifreq *buf; UINT numifs; UINT bufsize; numifs = lifn.lifn_count; Debug("NumIFs:%d\n",numifs); bufsize = numifs * sizeof(struct lifreq); buf = Malloc(bufsize); lifc.lifc_family = AF_INET; lifc.lifc_flags = 0; lifc.lifc_len = bufsize; lifc.lifc_buf = (char *) buf; if (ioctl(s, SIOCGLIFCONF, (char *)&lifc) >= 0) { for (i = 0; iNumTokens = LIST_NUM(o); t->Token = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(char *) * t->NumTokens); for (i = 0; i < LIST_NUM(o); i++) { char *name = LIST_DATA(o, i); t->Token[i] = name; } ReleaseList(o); return t; } #endif // UNIX_SOLARIS #ifdef UNIX_LINUX // Get Ethernet device list on Linux TOKEN_LIST *GetEthListLinux(bool enum_normal, bool enum_rawip) { struct ifreq ifr; TOKEN_LIST *t; UINT i, n; int s; LIST *o; char name[MAX_SIZE]; if (enum_normal == false && enum_rawip) { return ParseToken(BRIDGE_SPECIAL_IPRAW_NAME, NULL); } o = NewListFast(CompareStr); s = UnixEthOpenRawSocket(); if (s != INVALID_SOCKET) { n = 0; for (i = 0;; i++) { Zero(&ifr, sizeof(ifr)); ifr.ifr_ifindex = i; if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFNAME, &ifr) >= 0) { n = 0; StrCpy(name, sizeof(name), ifr.ifr_name); Zero(&ifr, sizeof(ifr)); StrCpy(ifr.ifr_name, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name), name); if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr) >= 0) { UINT type = ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_family; if (type == 1 || type == 2 || type == 6 || type == 800 || type == 801) { if (IsInListStr(o, name) == false) { if (StartWith(name, "tap_") == false) { Add(o, CopyStr(name)); } } } } } else { n++; if (n >= 64) { break; } } } closesocket(s); } Sort(o); t = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(TOKEN_LIST)); t->NumTokens = LIST_NUM(o) + (enum_rawip ? 1 : 0); t->Token = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(char *) * t->NumTokens); for (i = 0; i < LIST_NUM(o); i++) { char *name = LIST_DATA(o, i); t->Token[i] = name; } if (enum_rawip) { t->Token[t->NumTokens - 1] = CopyStr(BRIDGE_SPECIAL_IPRAW_NAME); } ReleaseList(o); return t; } #endif // UNIX_LINUX #ifdef BRIDGE_PCAP // Ethernet device list by Pcap API TOKEN_LIST *GetEthListPcap() { pcap_if_t *alldevs; char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; LIST *o; TOKEN_LIST *t; int i; o = NewListFast(CompareStr); if( pcap_findalldevs(&alldevs,errbuf) != -1) { pcap_if_t *dev = alldevs; while(dev != NULL) { pcap_t *p; // Device type will be unknown until open the device? p = pcap_open_live(dev->name, 0, false, 0, errbuf); if(p != NULL) { int datalink = pcap_datalink(p); // Debug("type:%s\n",pcap_datalink_val_to_name(datalink)); pcap_close(p); if(datalink == DLT_EN10MB) { // Enumerate only Ethernet type device Add(o, CopyStr(dev->name)); } } dev = dev->next; } pcap_freealldevs(alldevs); } Sort(o); t = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(TOKEN_LIST)); t->NumTokens = LIST_NUM(o); t->Token = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(char *) * t->NumTokens); for (i = 0; i < LIST_NUM(o); i++) { t->Token[i] = LIST_DATA(o, i); } ReleaseList(o); return t; } #endif // BRIDGE_PCAP #ifdef BRIDGE_BPF // Ethernet device list by BPF API TOKEN_LIST *GetEthListBpf() { struct ifaddrs *ifadrs; struct sockaddr_dl *sockadr; LIST *o; TOKEN_LIST *t; int i; o = NewListFast(CompareStr); // Enumerate network devices if(getifaddrs( &ifadrs ) == 0) { struct ifaddrs *ifadr = ifadrs; while(ifadr) { sockadr = (struct sockaddr_dl *)ifadr->ifa_addr; if(sockadr->sdl_family == AF_LINK && sockadr->sdl_type == IFT_ETHER) { // Is this Ethernet device? if(!IsInListStr(o,ifadr->ifa_name)) { // Ignore the foregoing device (for device which have multiple MAC address) Add(o, CopyStr(ifadr->ifa_name)); } } ifadr = ifadr -> ifa_next; } freeifaddrs(ifadrs); } Sort(o); t = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(TOKEN_LIST)); t->NumTokens = LIST_NUM(o); t->Token = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(char *) * t->NumTokens); for (i = 0; i < LIST_NUM(o); i++) { t->Token[i] = LIST_DATA(o, i); } ReleaseList(o); return t; } #endif // BRIDGE_BPF // Enumerate Ethernet devices TOKEN_LIST *GetEthList() { return GetEthListEx(NULL, true, false); } TOKEN_LIST *GetEthListEx(UINT *total_num_including_hidden, bool enum_normal, bool enum_rawip) { #if defined(UNIX_LINUX) return GetEthListLinux(enum_normal, enum_rawip); #elif defined(UNIX_SOLARIS) return GetEthListSolaris(); #elif defined(BRIDGE_PCAP) return GetEthListPcap(); #elif defined(BRIDGE_BPF) return GetEthListBpf(); #else return NULL; #endif } #ifdef UNIX_LINUX // Open Ethernet device (Linux) ETH *OpenEthLinux(char *name, bool local, bool tapmode, char *tapaddr) { ETH *e; struct ifreq ifr; struct sockaddr_ll addr; int s; int index; bool aux_ok = false; CANCEL *c; // Validate arguments if (name == NULL) { return NULL; } if (StrCmpi(name, BRIDGE_SPECIAL_IPRAW_NAME) == 0) { return OpenEthLinuxIpRaw(); } if (tapmode) { #ifndef NO_VLAN // In tap mode VLAN *v = NewTap(name, tapaddr, true); if (v == NULL) { return NULL; } e = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(ETH)); e->Name = CopyStr(name); e->Title = CopyStr(name); e->Cancel = VLanGetCancel(v); e->IfIndex = 0; e->Socket = INVALID_SOCKET; e->Tap = v; return e; #else // NO_VLAN return NULL; #endif // NO_VLAN } s = UnixEthOpenRawSocket(); if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) { return NULL; } Zero(&ifr, sizeof(ifr)); StrCpy(ifr.ifr_name, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name), name); if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr) < 0) { closesocket(s); return NULL; } index = ifr.ifr_ifindex; Zero(&addr, sizeof(addr)); addr.sll_family = PF_PACKET; addr.sll_protocol = htons(ETH_P_ALL); addr.sll_ifindex = index; if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) { closesocket(s); return NULL; } if (local == false) { // Enable promiscuous mode Zero(&ifr, sizeof(ifr)); StrCpy(ifr.ifr_name, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name), name); if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) < 0) { // Failed closesocket(s); return NULL; } ifr.ifr_flags |= IFF_PROMISC; if (ioctl(s, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifr) < 0) { // Failed closesocket(s); return NULL; } } if (true) { int val = 1; int ss_ret = setsockopt(s, SOL_PACKET, MY_PACKET_AUXDATA, &val, sizeof(val)); if (ss_ret < 0) { Debug("eth(%s): setsockopt: PACKET_AUXDATA failed.\n", name); } else { Debug("eth(%s): setsockopt: PACKET_AUXDATA ok.\n", name); aux_ok = true; } } e = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(ETH)); e->Name = CopyStr(name); e->Title = CopyStr(name); e->IfIndex = index; e->Socket = s; e->Linux_IsAuxDataSupported = aux_ok; c = NewCancel(); UnixDeletePipe(c->pipe_read, c->pipe_write); c->pipe_read = c->pipe_write = -1; UnixSetSocketNonBlockingMode(s, true); c->SpecialFlag = true; c->pipe_read = s; e->Cancel = c; // Get MTU e->InitialMtu = EthGetMtu(e); if (tapmode == false) { if (GetGlobalServerFlag(GSF_LOCALBRIDGE_NO_DISABLE_OFFLOAD) == false) { bool b = false; LockList(eth_offload_list); { if (IsInListStr(eth_offload_list, name) == false) { b = true; Add(eth_offload_list, CopyStr(name)); } } UnlockList(eth_offload_list); if (b) { // Disable hardware offloading UnixDisableInterfaceOffload(name); } } } return e; } #endif // UNIX_LINUX // Get the MTU value UINT EthGetMtu(ETH *e) { #if defined(UNIX_LINUX) || defined(UNIX_BSD) || defined(UNIX_SOLARIS) UINT ret = 0; #ifdef UNIX_SOLARIS struct lifreq ifr; #else // UNIX_SOLARIS struct ifreq ifr; #endif // UNIX_SOLARIS int s; // Validate arguments if (e == NULL || e->Tap != NULL) { return 0; } if (e->IsRawIpMode) { return 0; } if (e->CurrentMtu != 0) { return e->CurrentMtu; } #if defined(UNIX_BSD) || defined(UNIX_SOLARIS) s = e->SocketBsdIf; #else // defined(UNIX_BSD) || defined(UNIX_SOLARIS) s = e->Socket; #endif // defined(UNIX_BSD) || defined(UNIX_SOLARIS) Zero(&ifr, sizeof(ifr)); #ifdef UNIX_SOLARIS StrCpy(ifr.lifr_name, sizeof(ifr.lifr_name), e->Name); #else // UNIX_SOLARIS StrCpy(ifr.ifr_name, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name), e->Name); #endif // UNIX_SOLARIS #ifdef UNIX_SOLARIS if (ioctl(s, SIOCGLIFMTU, &ifr) < 0) { // failed return 0; } #else // UNIX_SOLARIS if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFMTU, &ifr) < 0) { // failed return 0; } #endif // UNIX_SOLARIS #ifdef UNIX_SOLARIS ret = ifr.lifr_mtu + 14; #else // UNIX_SOLARIS ret = ifr.ifr_mtu + 14; #endif // UNIX_SOLARIS e->CurrentMtu = ret; Debug("%s: GetMtu: %u\n", e->Name, ret); return ret; #else // defined(UNIX_LINUX) || defined(UNIX_BSD) || defined(UNIX_SOLARIS) return 0; #endif // defined(UNIX_LINUX) || defined(UNIX_BSD) || defined(UNIX_SOLARIS) } // Set the MTU value bool EthSetMtu(ETH *e, UINT mtu) { #if defined(UNIX_LINUX) || defined(UNIX_BSD) || defined(UNIX_SOLARIS) UINT ret = 0; #ifdef UNIX_SOLARIS struct lifreq ifr; #else // UNIX_SOLARIS struct ifreq ifr; #endif // UNIX_SOLARIS int s; // Validate arguments if (e == NULL || e->Tap != NULL || (mtu > 1 && mtu < 1514)) { return false; } if (mtu == 0 && e->InitialMtu == 0) { return false; } if (e->IsRawIpMode) { return false; } if (mtu == 0) { // Restore initial MTU value when parameter mtu == 0 mtu = e->InitialMtu; } #if defined(UNIX_BSD) || defined(UNIX_SOLARIS) s = e->SocketBsdIf; #else // defined(UNIX_BSD) || defined(UNIX_SOLARIS) s = e->Socket; #endif // defined(UNIX_BSD) || defined(UNIX_SOLARIS) if (e->CurrentMtu == mtu) { // No need to change return true; } Zero(&ifr, sizeof(ifr)); #ifdef UNIX_SOLARIS StrCpy(ifr.lifr_name, sizeof(ifr.lifr_name), e->Name); ifr.lifr_mtu = mtu - 14; #else // UNIX_SOLARIS StrCpy(ifr.ifr_name, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name), e->Name); ifr.ifr_mtu = mtu - 14; #endif // UNIX_SOLARIS #ifdef UNIX_SOLARIS if (ioctl(s, SIOCSLIFMTU, &ifr) < 0) { // Failed return false; } #else // UNIX_SOLARIS if (ioctl(s, SIOCSIFMTU, &ifr) < 0) { // Failed return false; } #endif // UNIX_SOLARIS e->CurrentMtu = mtu; Debug("%s: SetMtu: %u\n", e->Name, mtu); return true; #else // defined(UNIX_LINUX) || defined(UNIX_BSD) || defined(UNIX_SOLARIS) return false; #endif // defined(UNIX_LINUX) || defined(UNIX_BSD) || defined(UNIX_SOLARIS) } // Is changing MTU supported? bool EthIsChangeMtuSupported(ETH *e) { #if defined(UNIX_LINUX) || defined(UNIX_BSD) || defined(UNIX_SOLARIS) // Validate arguments if (e == NULL || e->Tap != NULL) { return false; } if (e->IsRawIpMode) { return false; } return true; #else // defined(UNIX_LINUX) || defined(UNIX_BSD) || defined(UNIX_SOLARIS) return false; #endif // defined(UNIX_LINUX) || defined(UNIX_BSD) || defined(UNIX_SOLARIS) } #ifdef UNIX_SOLARIS // Open Ethernet adapter (Solaris) ETH *OpenEthSolaris(char *name, bool local, bool tapmode, char *tapaddr) { char devname[MAX_SIZE]; int fd; ETH *e; CANCEL *c; struct strioctl sioc; // Validate arguments if (name == NULL || tapmode != false) { return NULL; } // Parse device name if (ParseUnixEthDeviceName(devname, sizeof(devname), name) == false) { return NULL; } // Open the device - use style 1 attachment fd = open(devname, O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) { // Failed return NULL; } // Bind to SAP if (DlipBindRequest(fd) == false) { // Failed close(fd); return NULL; } // Verify ACK message if (DlipReceiveAck(fd) == false) { // Failed close(fd); return NULL; } // Set to ignore SAP and promiscuous mode if (DlipPromiscuous(fd, DL_PROMISC_SAP) == false) { // Failed close(fd); return NULL; } // Verify ACK message if (DlipReceiveAck(fd) == false) { // Failed close(fd); return NULL; } // Set to the mode to receive self sending packet if (DlipPromiscuous(fd, DL_PROMISC_PHYS) == false) { // Failed close(fd); return NULL; } // Verify ACK message if (DlipReceiveAck(fd) == false) { // Failed close(fd); return NULL; } // Set to raw mode sioc.ic_cmd = DLIOCRAW; sioc.ic_timout = -1; sioc.ic_len = 0; sioc.ic_dp = NULL; if (ioctl(fd, I_STR, &sioc) < 0) { // Failed close(fd); return NULL; } if (ioctl(fd, I_FLUSH, FLUSHR) < 0) { // Failed close(fd); return NULL; } e = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(ETH)); e->Name = CopyStr(name); e->Title = CopyStr(name); c = NewCancel(); UnixDeletePipe(c->pipe_read, c->pipe_write); c->pipe_read = c->pipe_write = -1; c->SpecialFlag = true; c->pipe_read = fd; e->Cancel = c; e->IfIndex = -1; e->Socket = fd; UnixSetSocketNonBlockingMode(fd, true); // Get control interface e->SocketBsdIf = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); // Get MTU value e->InitialMtu = EthGetMtu(e); return e; } // Set to promiscuous mode bool DlipPromiscuous(int fd, UINT level) { dl_promiscon_req_t req; struct strbuf ctl; int flags; // Validate arguments if (fd == -1) { return false; } Zero(&req, sizeof(req)); req.dl_primitive = DL_PROMISCON_REQ; req.dl_level = level; Zero(&ctl, sizeof(ctl)); ctl.maxlen = 0; ctl.len = sizeof(req); ctl.buf = (char *)&req; flags = 0; if (putmsg(fd, &ctl, NULL, flags) < 0) { return false; } return true; } // Bind to a SAP bool DlipBindRequest(int fd) { dl_bind_req_t req; struct strbuf ctl; if (fd == -1) { return false; } Zero(&req, sizeof(req)); req.dl_primitive = DL_BIND_REQ; req.dl_service_mode = DL_CLDLS; req.dl_sap = 0; Zero(&ctl, sizeof(ctl)); ctl.maxlen = 0; ctl.len = sizeof(req); ctl.buf = (char *)&req; if (putmsg(fd, &ctl, NULL, 0) < 0) { return false; } return true; } // Verify the ACK message bool DlipReceiveAck(int fd) { union DL_primitives *dlp; struct strbuf ctl; int flags = 0; char *buf; // Validate arguments if (fd == -1) { return false; } buf = MallocFast(SOLARIS_MAXDLBUF); Zero(&ctl, sizeof(ctl)); ctl.maxlen = SOLARIS_MAXDLBUF; ctl.len = 0; ctl.buf = buf; if (getmsg(fd, &ctl, NULL, &flags) < 0) { return false; } dlp = (union DL_primitives *)ctl.buf; if (dlp->dl_primitive != (UINT)DL_OK_ACK && dlp->dl_primitive != (UINT)DL_BIND_ACK) { Free(buf); return false; } Free(buf); return true; } #endif // UNIX_SOLARIS // Validate device name and return proper device path according to system type bool ParseUnixEthDeviceName(char *dst_devname, UINT dst_devname_size, char *src_name) { UINT len, i; struct stat s; int err; char *device_path; int device_pathlen; // Validate arguments if (dst_devname == NULL || src_name == NULL) { return false; } // Check string length if (IsEmptyStr(src_name)) { return false; } // Solaris 10 and higher make real and virtual devices available in /dev/net err = stat("/dev/net", &s); if (err != -1 && S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)) { device_path = "/dev/net/"; } else { device_path = "/dev/"; } device_pathlen = StrLen(device_path); // Last character must be a number if (src_name[i] < '0' || '9' < src_name[i]) { if (src_name[i + 1] == 0) { return false; } } StrCpy(dst_devname, dst_devname_size, device_path); StrCpy(dst_devname + device_pathlen, dst_devname_size - device_pathlen, src_name); dst_devname[device_pathlen + len] = 0; return true; } #if defined(BRIDGE_BPF) || defined(BRIDGE_PCAP) // Initialize captured packet data structure struct CAPTUREBLOCK *NewCaptureBlock(UCHAR *data, UINT size) { struct CAPTUREBLOCK *block = Malloc(sizeof(struct CAPTUREBLOCK)); block->Buf = data; block->Size = size; return block; } // Free captured packet data structure void FreeCaptureBlock(struct CAPTUREBLOCK *block) { Free(block); } #endif // BRIDGE_BPF || BRIDGE_PCAP #ifdef BRIDGE_PCAP // Callback function to receive arriving packet (Pcap) void PcapHandler(u_char *user, const struct pcap_pkthdr *h, const u_char *bytes) { ETH *e = (ETH *) user; struct CAPTUREBLOCK *block; UCHAR *data; data = Malloc(h->caplen); Copy(data, bytes, h->caplen); block = NewCaptureBlock(data, h->caplen); LockQueue(e->Queue); // Discard arriving packet when queue filled if(e->QueueSize < BRIDGE_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE) { InsertQueue(e->Queue, block); e->QueueSize += h->caplen; } UnlockQueue(e->Queue); Cancel(e->Cancel); return; } // Relay thread for captured packet (Pcap) void PcapThread(THREAD *thread, void *param) { ETH *e = (ETH *)param; pcap_t *p = e->Pcap; int ret; // Notify initialize completed NoticeThreadInit(thread); // Return -1:Error -2:Terminated externally ret = pcap_loop(p, -1, PcapHandler, (u_char *) e); if(ret == -1) { e->Socket = INVALID_SOCKET; pcap_perror(p, "capture"); } return; } // Open Ethernet adapter (Pcap) ETH *OpenEthPcap(char *name, bool local, bool tapmode, char *tapaddr) { char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; ETH *e; pcap_t *p; // Validate arguments if (name == NULL || tapmode != false) { return NULL; } // Initialize error message buffer errbuf[0] = 0; // Open capturing device p = pcap_open_live(name, 65535, (local == false), 1, errbuf); if(p==NULL) { return NULL; } // Set to non-block mode // (In old BSD OSs, 'select(2)' don't block normally for BPF device. To prevent busy loop) /* if(pcap_setnonblock(p, true, errbuf) == -1) { Debug("pcap_setnonblock:%s\n",errbuf); pcap_close(p); return NULL; } */ e = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(ETH)); e->Name = CopyStr(name); e->Title = CopyStr(name); e->Queue = NewQueue(); e->QueueSize = 0; e->Cancel = NewCancel(); e->IfIndex = -1; e->Socket = pcap_get_selectable_fd(p); e->Pcap = p; e->CaptureThread = NewThread(PcapThread, e); WaitThreadInit(e->CaptureThread); return e; } #endif // BRIDGE_PCAP #ifdef BRIDGE_BPF #ifdef BRIDGE_BPF_THREAD // Relay thread for captured packet (BPF) void BpfThread(THREAD *thread, void *param) { ETH *e = (ETH *)param; int fd = e->Socket; int len; int rest; // Rest size in buffer UCHAR *next; // Head of next packet in buffer struct CAPTUREBLOCK *block; // Data to enqueue UCHAR *data; struct bpf_hdr *hdr; // Allocate the buffer UCHAR *buf = Malloc(e->BufSize); // Notify initialize completed NoticeThreadInit(thread); while(1) { // Determining to exit loop if(e->Socket == INVALID_SOCKET) { break; } rest = read(fd, buf, e->BufSize); if(rest < 0 && errno != EAGAIN) { // Error close(fd); e->Socket = INVALID_SOCKET; Free(buf); Cancel(e->Cancel); return; } next = buf; LockQueue(e->Queue); while(rest>0) { // Cut out a packet hdr = (struct bpf_hdr *)next; // Discard arriving packet when queue filled if(e->QueueSize < BRIDGE_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE) { data = Malloc(hdr->bh_caplen); Copy(data, next+(hdr->bh_hdrlen), hdr->bh_caplen); block = NewCaptureBlock(data, hdr->bh_caplen); InsertQueue(e->Queue, block); e->QueueSize += hdr->bh_caplen; } // Find the head of next packet rest -= BPF_WORDALIGN(hdr->bh_hdrlen + hdr->bh_caplen); next += BPF_WORDALIGN(hdr->bh_hdrlen + hdr->bh_caplen); } UnlockQueue(e->Queue); Cancel(e->Cancel); } Free(buf); Cancel(e->Cancel); return; } #endif // BRIDGE_BPF_THREAD // Open Ethernet adapter (BPF) ETH *OpenEthBpf(char *name, bool local, bool tapmode, char *tapaddr) { ETH *e; CANCEL *c; char devname[MAX_SIZE]; int n = 0; int fd; int ret; UINT bufsize; struct ifreq ifr; struct timeval to; // Find unused bpf device and open it do { Format(devname, sizeof(devname), "/dev/bpf%d", n++); fd = open (devname, O_RDWR); if(fd<0) { perror("open"); } } while(fd < 0 && errno == EBUSY); // No free bpf device was found if(fd < 0) { Debug("BPF: No minor number are free.\n"); return NULL; } // Enlarge buffer size n = 524288; // Somehow(In libpcap, this size is 32768) while(true) { // Specify buffer size ioctl(fd, BIOCSBLEN, &n); // Bind to the network device StrCpy(ifr.ifr_name, IFNAMSIZ, name); ret = ioctl(fd, BIOCSETIF, &ifr); if(ret < 0) { if(ret == ENOBUFS && n>1500) { // Inappropriate buffer size // Retry with half buffer size // If buffer size is under 1500 bytes, something goes wrong n /= 2; continue; } Debug("bpf: binding network failed.\n"); close(fd); return NULL; } else { break; } } bufsize = n; // Set to promiscuous mode if(local == false) { if (ioctl(fd, BIOCPROMISC, NULL) < 0) { printf("bpf: promisc mode failed.\n"); close(fd); return NULL; } } // Set to immediate mode (Return immediately when packet arrives) n = 1; if (ioctl(fd, BIOCIMMEDIATE, &n) < 0) { Debug("BPF: non-block mode failed.\n"); close(fd); return NULL; } // Set receiving self sending packet n = 1; if (ioctl(fd, BIOCGSEESENT, &n) < 0) { Debug("BPF: see sent mode failed.\n"); close(fd); return NULL; } // Header complete mode (Generate whole header of sending packet) n = 1; if (ioctl(fd, BIOCSHDRCMPLT, &n) < 0) { Debug("BPF: Header complete mode failed.\n"); close(fd); return NULL; } // Set timeout delay to 1 second to.tv_sec = 1; to.tv_usec = 0; if (ioctl(fd, BIOCSRTIMEOUT, &to) < 0) { Debug("BPF: Read timeout setting failed.\n"); close(fd); return NULL; } e = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(ETH)); e->Name = CopyStr(name); e->Title = CopyStr(name); e->IfIndex = -1; e->Socket = fd; e->BufSize = bufsize; #ifdef BRIDGE_BPF_THREAD e->Queue = NewQueue(); e->QueueSize = 0; e->Cancel = NewCancel(); // Start capture thread e->CaptureThread = NewThread(BpfThread, e); WaitThreadInit(e->CaptureThread); #else // BRIDGE_BPF_THREAD c = NewCancel(); UnixDeletePipe(c->pipe_read, c->pipe_write); c->pipe_read = c->pipe_write = -1; c->SpecialFlag = true; c->pipe_read = fd; e->Cancel = c; e->Buffer = Malloc(bufsize); e->Next = e->Buffer; e->Rest = 0; // Set to non-blocking mode UnixSetSocketNonBlockingMode(fd, true); #endif // BRIDGE_BPF_THREAD // Open interface control socket for FreeBSD e->SocketBsdIf = socket(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); // Get MTU value e->InitialMtu = EthGetMtu(e); return e; } #endif // BRIDGE_BPF #ifdef UNIX_BSD ETH *OpenEthBSD(char *name, bool local, bool tapmode, char *tapaddr) { if (tapmode) { #ifndef NO_VLAN // In tap mode VLAN *v = NewTap(name, tapaddr, true); if (v == NULL) { return NULL; } ETH *e; e = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(ETH)); e->Name = CopyStr(name); e->Title = CopyStr(name); e->Cancel = VLanGetCancel(v); e->IfIndex = 0; e->Socket = INVALID_SOCKET; e->Tap = v; return e; #else // NO_VLAN return NULL: #endif // NO_VLAN } #if defined(BRIDGE_BPF) return OpenEthBpf(name, local, tapmode, tapaddr); #elif defined(BRIDGE_PCAP) return OpenEthPcap(name, local, tapmode, tapaddr); #else return NULL; #endif } #endif // UNIX_BSD // Open Ethernet adapter ETH *OpenEth(char *name, bool local, bool tapmode, char *tapaddr) { #if defined(UNIX_LINUX) return OpenEthLinux(name, local, tapmode, tapaddr); #elif defined(UNIX_BSD) return OpenEthBSD(name, local, tapmode, tapaddr); #elif defined(UNIX_SOLARIS) return OpenEthSolaris(name, local, tapmode, tapaddr); #elif defined(BRIDGE_PCAP) return OpenEthPcap(name, local, tapmode, tapaddr); #elif defined(BRIDGE_BPF) return OpenEthBpf(name, local, tapmode, tapaddr); #else return NULL; #endif } typedef struct UNIXTHREAD { pthread_t thread; bool finished; } UNIXTHREAD; // Close Ethernet adapter void CloseEth(ETH *e) { // Validate arguments if (e == NULL) { return; } if (e->IsRawIpMode) { CloseEthLinuxIpRaw(e); return; } if (e->Tap != NULL) { #ifndef NO_VLAN FreeTap(e->Tap); #endif // NO_VLAN } #ifdef BRIDGE_PCAP { struct CAPTUREBLOCK *block; pcap_breakloop(e->Pcap); WaitThread(e->CaptureThread, INFINITE); ReleaseThread(e->CaptureThread); pcap_close(e->Pcap); while (block = GetNext(e->Queue)) { Free(block->Buf); FreeCaptureBlock(block); } ReleaseQueue(e->Queue); } #endif // BRIDGE_PCAP #ifdef BRIDGE_BPF #ifdef BRIDGE_BPF_THREAD { struct CAPTUREBLOCK *block; int fd = e->Socket; e->Socket = INVALID_SOCKET; WaitThread(e->CaptureThread, INFINITE); ReleaseThread(e->CaptureThread); e->Socket = fd; // restore to close after while (block = GetNext(e->Queue)) { Free(block->Buf); FreeCaptureBlock(block); } ReleaseQueue(e->Queue); } #else // BRIDGE_BPF_THREAD Free(e->Buffer); #endif // BRIDGE_BPF_THREAD #endif // BRIDGE_BPF ReleaseCancel(e->Cancel); Free(e->Name); Free(e->Title); // Restore MTU value EthSetMtu(e, 0); if (e->Socket != INVALID_SOCKET) { #if defined(BRIDGE_BPF) || defined(BRIDGE_PCAP) || defined(UNIX_SOLARIS) close(e->Socket); #else // BRIDGE_PCAP closesocket(e->Socket); #endif // BRIDGE_PCAP #if defined(BRIDGE_BPF) || defined(UNIX_SOLARIS) if (e->SocketBsdIf != INVALID_SOCKET) { close(e->SocketBsdIf); } #endif // BRIDGE_BPF || UNIX_SOLARIS } Free(e); } // Get cancel object CANCEL *EthGetCancel(ETH *e) { CANCEL *c; // Validate arguments if (e == NULL) { return NULL; } c = e->Cancel; AddRef(c->ref); return c; } // Read a packet UINT EthGetPacket(ETH *e, void **data) { // Validate arguments if (e == NULL || data == NULL) { return INFINITE; } #ifdef UNIX_LINUX if (e->IsRawIpMode) { return EthGetPacketLinuxIpRaw(e, data); } #endif if (e->Tap != NULL) { #ifndef NO_VLAN // TAP mode void *buf; UINT size; if (VLanGetNextPacket(e->Tap, &buf, &size) == false) { return INFINITE; } *data = buf; return size; #else return INFINITE; #endif } #if defined(UNIX_LINUX) return EthGetPacketLinux(e, data); #elif defined(UNIX_SOLARIS) return EthGetPacketSolaris(e, data); #elif defined(BRIDGE_PCAP) return EthGetPacketPcap(e, data); #elif defined(BRIDGE_BPF) return EthGetPacketBpf(e, data); #endif } #ifdef UNIX_LINUX UINT EthGetPacketLinux(ETH *e, void **data) { int s, ret; UCHAR tmp[UNIX_ETH_TMP_BUFFER_SIZE]; struct iovec msg_iov; struct msghdr msg_header; struct cmsghdr *cmsg; union { struct cmsghdr cmsg; char buf[CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct my_tpacket_auxdata))]; } cmsg_buf; s = e->Socket; if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) { return INFINITE; } // Read msg_iov.iov_base = tmp; msg_iov.iov_len = sizeof(tmp); msg_header.msg_name = NULL; msg_header.msg_namelen = 0; msg_header.msg_iov = &msg_iov; msg_header.msg_iovlen = 1; if (e->Linux_IsAuxDataSupported) { memset(&cmsg_buf, 0, sizeof(cmsg_buf)); msg_header.msg_control = &cmsg_buf; msg_header.msg_controllen = sizeof(cmsg_buf); } else { msg_header.msg_control = NULL; msg_header.msg_controllen = 0; } msg_header.msg_flags = 0; ret = recvmsg(s, &msg_header, 0); if (ret == 0 || (ret == -1 && errno == EAGAIN)) { // No packet *data = NULL; return 0; } else if (ret == -1 || ret > sizeof(tmp)) { // Error *data = NULL; e->Socket = INVALID_SOCKET; return INFINITE; } else { bool flag = false; USHORT api_vlan_id = 0; USHORT api_vlan_tpid = 0; if (e->Linux_IsAuxDataSupported) { for (cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg_header); cmsg; cmsg = CMSG_NXTHDR(&msg_header, cmsg)) { struct my_tpacket_auxdata *aux; UINT len; USHORT vlan_tpid = 0x8100; USHORT vlan_id = 0; if (cmsg->cmsg_len < CMSG_LEN(sizeof(struct my_tpacket_auxdata)) || cmsg->cmsg_level != SOL_PACKET || cmsg->cmsg_type != MY_PACKET_AUXDATA) { continue; } aux = (struct my_tpacket_auxdata *)CMSG_DATA(cmsg); if (aux != NULL) { if (aux->tp_vlan_tci != 0) { vlan_id = aux->tp_vlan_tci; } } if (vlan_id != 0) { api_vlan_id = vlan_id; api_vlan_tpid = vlan_tpid; break; } } if (api_vlan_id != 0 && api_vlan_tpid != 0) { // VLAN ID has been received with PACKET_AUXDATA. // Insert the tag. USHORT vlan_id_ne = Endian16(api_vlan_id); USHORT vlan_tpid_ne = Endian16(api_vlan_tpid); if (ret >= 14) { if (*((USHORT *)(tmp + 12)) != vlan_tpid_ne) { *data = MallocFast(ret + 4); Copy(*data, tmp, 12); Copy(((UCHAR *)*data) + 12, &vlan_tpid_ne, 2); Copy(((UCHAR *)*data) + 14, &vlan_id_ne, 2); Copy(((UCHAR *)*data) + 16, tmp + 12, ret - 12); flag = true; ret += 4; } } } } // Success to read a packet (No VLAN) if (flag == false) { *data = MallocFast(ret); Copy(*data, tmp, ret); } return ret; } return 0; } #endif // UNIX_LINUX #ifdef UNIX_SOLARIS UINT EthGetPacketSolaris(ETH *e, void **data) { UCHAR tmp[UNIX_ETH_TMP_BUFFER_SIZE]; struct strbuf buf; int s; int flags = 0; int ret; s = e->Socket; if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) { return INFINITE; } Zero(&buf, sizeof(buf)); buf.buf = tmp; buf.maxlen = sizeof(tmp); ret = getmsg(s, NULL, &buf, &flags); if (ret < 0 || ret > sizeof(tmp)) { if (errno == EAGAIN) { // No packet *data = NULL; return 0; } // Error *data = NULL; return INFINITE; } ret = buf.len; *data = MallocFast(ret); Copy(*data, tmp, ret); return ret; } #endif // UNIX_SOLARIS #ifdef BRIDGE_PCAP UINT EthGetPacketPcap(ETH *e, void **data) { struct CAPTUREBLOCK *block; UINT size; LockQueue(e->Queue); block = GetNext(e->Queue); if(block != NULL) { e->QueueSize -= block->Size; } UnlockQueue(e->Queue); if(block == NULL) { *data = NULL; if(e->Socket == INVALID_SOCKET) { return INFINITE; } return 0; } *data = block->Buf; size = block->Size; FreeCaptureBlock(block); return size; } #endif // BRIDGE_PCAP #ifdef BRIDGE_BPF #ifdef BRIDGE_BPF_THREAD UINT EthGetPacketBpf(ETH *e, void **data) { struct CAPTUREBLOCK *block; UINT size; LockQueue(e->Queue); block = GetNext(e->Queue); if(block != NULL) { e->QueueSize -= block->Size; } UnlockQueue(e->Queue); if(block == NULL) { *data = NULL; if(e->Socket == INVALID_SOCKET) { return INFINITE; } return 0; } *data = block->Buf; size = block->Size; FreeCaptureBlock(block); return size; } #else // BRIDGE_BPF_THREAD UINT EthGetPacketBpf(ETH *e, void **data) { struct bpf_hdr *hdr; if(e->Rest<=0) { e->Rest = read(e->Socket, e->Buffer, e->BufSize); if(e->Rest < 0) { *data = NULL; if(errno != EAGAIN) { // Error return INFINITE; } // No packet return 0; } e->Next = e->Buffer; } // Cut out a packet hdr = (struct bpf_hdr *)e->Next; *data = Malloc(hdr->bh_caplen); Copy(*data, e->Next+(hdr->bh_hdrlen), hdr->bh_caplen); // Find the head of next packet e->Rest -= BPF_WORDALIGN(hdr->bh_hdrlen + hdr->bh_caplen); e->Next += BPF_WORDALIGN(hdr->bh_hdrlen + hdr->bh_caplen); return hdr->bh_caplen; } #endif // BRIDGE_BPF_THREAD #endif // BRIDGE_BPF // Send multiple packets void EthPutPackets(ETH *e, UINT num, void **datas, UINT *sizes) { UINT i; // Validate arguments if (e == NULL || num == 0 || datas == NULL || sizes == NULL) { return; } for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { EthPutPacket(e, datas[i], sizes[i]); } } // Send a packet void EthPutPacket(ETH *e, void *data, UINT size) { int s, ret; // Validate arguments if (e == NULL || data == NULL) { return; } if (e->IsRawIpMode) { EthPutPacketLinuxIpRaw(e, data, size); return; } if (size < 14 || size > MAX_PACKET_SIZE) { Free(data); return; } if (e->Tap != NULL) { #ifndef NO_VLAN // tap mode VLanPutPacket(e->Tap, data, size); #endif // NO_VLAN return; } s = e->Socket; if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) { Free(data); return; } // Send to device #ifdef BRIDGE_PCAP ret = pcap_inject(e->Pcap, data, size); if( ret == -1 ) { #ifdef _DEBUG pcap_perror(e->Pcap, "inject"); #endif // _DEBUG Debug("EthPutPacket: ret:%d size:%d\n", ret, size); } #else // BRIDGE_PCAP #ifndef UNIX_LINUX ret = write(s, data, size); if (ret<0) { Debug("EthPutPacket: ret:%d errno:%d size:%d\n", ret, errno, size); } #else // UNIX_LINUX { struct iovec msg_iov; struct msghdr msg_header; msg_iov.iov_base = data; msg_iov.iov_len = size; msg_header.msg_name = NULL; msg_header.msg_namelen = 0; msg_header.msg_iov = &msg_iov; msg_header.msg_iovlen = 1; msg_header.msg_control = NULL; msg_header.msg_controllen = 0; msg_header.msg_flags = 0; ret = sendmsg(s, &msg_header, 0); if (ret<0) { Debug("EthPutPacket: ret:%d errno:%d size:%d\n", ret, errno, size); } } #endif // UNIX_LINUX #endif //BRIDGE_PCAP Free(data); } // Open ETH by using IP raw packets ETH *OpenEthLinuxIpRaw() { ETH *e; if (IsRawIpBridgeSupported() == false) { return NULL; } e = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(ETH)); e->IsRawIpMode = true; e->RawTcp = NewUDP4(MAKE_SPECIAL_PORT(IPPROTO_TCP), NULL); e->RawUdp = NewUDP4(MAKE_SPECIAL_PORT(IPPROTO_UDP), NULL); e->RawIcmp = NewUDP4(MAKE_SPECIAL_PORT(IPPROTO_ICMP), NULL); if (e->RawTcp == NULL || e->RawUdp == NULL || e->RawIcmp == NULL) { ReleaseSock(e->RawTcp); ReleaseSock(e->RawUdp); ReleaseSock(e->RawIcmp); Free(e); return NULL; } ClearSockDfBit(e->RawTcp); ClearSockDfBit(e->RawUdp); ClearSockDfBit(e->RawIcmp); SetRawSockHeaderIncludeOption(e->RawTcp, true); SetRawSockHeaderIncludeOption(e->RawUdp, true); SetRawSockHeaderIncludeOption(e->RawIcmp, true); e->Name = CopyStr(BRIDGE_SPECIAL_IPRAW_NAME); e->Title = CopyStr(BRIDGE_SPECIAL_IPRAW_NAME); e->Cancel = NewCancel(); UnixDeletePipe(e->Cancel->pipe_read, e->Cancel->pipe_write); e->Cancel->pipe_read = e->Cancel->pipe_write = -1; UnixSetSocketNonBlockingMode(e->RawTcp->socket, true); UnixSetSocketNonBlockingMode(e->RawUdp->socket, true); UnixSetSocketNonBlockingMode(e->RawIcmp->socket, true); e->Cancel->SpecialFlag = true; e->Cancel->pipe_read = e->RawTcp->socket; e->Cancel->pipe_special_read2 = e->RawUdp->socket; e->Cancel->pipe_special_read3 = e->RawIcmp->socket; e->RawIpMyMacAddr[2] = 0x01; e->RawIpMyMacAddr[5] = 0x01; SetIP(&e->MyIP, 10, 171, 7, 253); SetIP(&e->YourIP, 10, 171, 7, 254); e->RawIpSendQueue = NewQueueFast(); e->RawIP_TmpBufferSize = 67000; e->RawIP_TmpBuffer = Malloc(e->RawIP_TmpBufferSize); return e; } // Close ETH by using IP raw packets void CloseEthLinuxIpRaw(ETH *e) { if (e == NULL) { return; } while (true) { BUF *buf = GetNext(e->RawIpSendQueue); if (buf == NULL) { break; } FreeBuf(buf); } ReleaseQueue(e->RawIpSendQueue); Free(e->Name); Free(e->Title); ReleaseSock(e->RawTcp); ReleaseSock(e->RawUdp); ReleaseSock(e->RawIcmp); ReleaseCancel(e->Cancel); Free(e->RawIP_TmpBuffer); Free(e); } // Receive an IP raw packet UINT EthGetPacketLinuxIpRaw(ETH *e, void **data) { UINT r; BUF *b; // Validate arguments if (e == NULL || data == NULL) { return INFINITE; } if (e->RawIp_HasError) { return INFINITE; } b = GetNext(e->RawIpSendQueue); if (b != NULL) { UINT size; *data = b->Buf; size = b->Size; Free(b); return size; } r = EthGetPacketLinuxIpRawForSock(e, data, e->RawTcp, IP_PROTO_TCP); if (r == 0) { r = EthGetPacketLinuxIpRawForSock(e, data, e->RawUdp, IP_PROTO_UDP); if (r == 0) { r = EthGetPacketLinuxIpRawForSock(e, data, e->RawIcmp, IP_PROTO_ICMPV4); } } if (r == INFINITE) { e->RawIp_HasError = true; } return r; } // Receive an IP raw packet for the specified socket UINT EthGetPacketLinuxIpRawForSock(ETH *e, void **data, SOCK *s, UINT proto) { UCHAR *tmp; UINT r; IP src_addr; UINT src_port; UINT ret = INFINITE; UCHAR *retbuf; PKT *p; bool ok = false; // Validate arguments if (e == NULL || data == NULL) { return INFINITE; } tmp = e->RawIP_TmpBuffer; LABEL_RETRY: *data = NULL; r = RecvFrom(s, &src_addr, &src_port, tmp, e->RawIP_TmpBufferSize); if (r == SOCK_LATER) { return 0; } if (r == 0) { if (s->IgnoreRecvErr) { return 0; } else { return INFINITE; } } ret = 14 + r; retbuf = Malloc(ret); *data = retbuf; Copy(retbuf, e->RawIpYourMacAddr, 6); Copy(retbuf + 6, e->RawIpMyMacAddr, 6); retbuf[12] = 0x08; retbuf[13] = 0x00; Copy(retbuf + 14, tmp, r); // Mangle packet p = ParsePacket(retbuf, ret); if (p != NULL) { if (p->TypeL3 == L3_IPV4) { IPV4_HEADER *ip; IP original_dest_ip; ip = p->L3.IPv4Header; UINTToIP(&original_dest_ip, ip->DstIP); if (IsZeroIP(&e->MyPhysicalIPForce) == false && CmpIpAddr(&e->MyPhysicalIPForce, &original_dest_ip) == 0 || (IsIPMyHost(&original_dest_ip) && IsLocalHostIP(&original_dest_ip) == false && IsHostIPAddress4(&original_dest_ip))) { if (IsZeroIP(&e->MyPhysicalIPForce) && CmpIpAddr(&e->MyPhysicalIP, &original_dest_ip) != 0) { // Update MyPhysicalIP Copy(&e->MyPhysicalIP, &original_dest_ip, sizeof(IP)); // Debug("e->MyPhysicalIP = %r\n", &e->MyPhysicalIP); } if (IsZeroIP(&e->MyPhysicalIPForce) == false) { Copy(&e->MyPhysicalIP, &e->MyPhysicalIPForce, sizeof(IP)); } ip->DstIP = IPToUINT(&e->YourIP); ip->Checksum = 0; ip->Checksum = IpChecksum(ip, IPV4_GET_HEADER_LEN(ip) * 5); if (p->TypeL4 == L4_TCP) { TCP_HEADER *tcp = p->L4.TCPHeader; /* if (Endian16(tcp->SrcPort) == 80) { IP a, b; UINTToIP(&a, ip->SrcIP); UINTToIP(&b, ip->DstIP); Debug("%r %r %u %u\n", &a, &b, Endian16(tcp->SrcPort), Endian16(tcp->DstPort)); }*/ ok = true; } else if (p->TypeL4 == L4_UDP) { UDP_HEADER *udp = p->L4.UDPHeader; udp->Checksum = 0; ok = true; } else if (p->TypeL4 == L4_ICMPV4) { ICMP_HEADER *icmp = p->L4.ICMPHeader; if (icmp->Type == ICMP_TYPE_DESTINATION_UNREACHABLE || icmp->Type == ICMP_TYPE_TIME_EXCEEDED) { // Rewrite the Src IP of the IPv4 header of the ICMP response packet UINT size = p->PacketSize - ((UCHAR *)icmp - (UCHAR *)p->PacketData); UCHAR *data = (UCHAR *)icmp; IPV4_HEADER *orig_ipv4 = (IPV4_HEADER *)(((UCHAR *)data) + sizeof(ICMP_HEADER) + sizeof(ICMP_ECHO)); UINT orig_ipv4_size = size - (sizeof(ICMP_HEADER) + sizeof(ICMP_ECHO)); UINT orig_ipv4_header_size = GetIpHeaderSize((UCHAR *)orig_ipv4, orig_ipv4_size); if (orig_ipv4_header_size >= sizeof(IPV4_HEADER) && orig_ipv4_size >= orig_ipv4_header_size) { if (orig_ipv4->Protocol == IP_PROTO_ICMPV4) { // Search the inner ICMP header UINT inner_icmp_size = orig_ipv4_size - orig_ipv4_header_size; if (inner_icmp_size >= (sizeof(ICMP_HEADER) + sizeof(ICMP_ECHO))) { ICMP_HEADER *inner_icmp = (ICMP_HEADER *)(((UCHAR *)data) + sizeof(ICMP_HEADER) + sizeof(ICMP_ECHO) + orig_ipv4_header_size); if (inner_icmp->Type == ICMP_TYPE_ECHO_REQUEST) { ICMP_ECHO *inner_echo = (ICMP_ECHO *)(((UCHAR *)inner_icmp) + sizeof(ICMP_HEADER)); inner_icmp->Checksum = 0; orig_ipv4->SrcIP = IPToUINT(&e->YourIP); orig_ipv4->Checksum = 0; orig_ipv4->Checksum = IpChecksum(orig_ipv4, orig_ipv4_header_size); // Rewrite the outer ICMP header if (true) { UCHAR *payload; UINT payload_size; ICMP_ECHO *echo; // Echo Response echo = (ICMP_ECHO *)(((UCHAR *)data) + sizeof(ICMP_HEADER)); if (size >= (sizeof(ICMP_HEADER) + sizeof(ICMP_ECHO))) { payload = ((UCHAR *)data) + sizeof(ICMP_HEADER) + sizeof(ICMP_ECHO); payload_size = size - (sizeof(ICMP_HEADER) + sizeof(ICMP_ECHO)); // Rewrite the header icmp->Checksum = 0; icmp->Checksum = IpChecksum(icmp, size); } } } } } } } icmp->Checksum = 0; icmp->Checksum = IpChecksum(icmp, p->PayloadSize); ok = true; } else if (p->TypeL4 == L4_FRAGMENT) { ok = true; } } } FreePacket(p); } if (ok == false) { Free(*data); *data = NULL; goto LABEL_RETRY; } return ret; } // Send internal IP packet (insert into the send queue) void EthSendIpPacketInnerIpRaw(ETH *e, void *data, UINT size, USHORT protocol) { BUF *b; if (e == NULL || data == NULL || size == 0) { return; } if (e->RawIpSendQueue->num_item >= 1024) { return; } b = NewBuf(); WriteBuf(b, e->RawIpYourMacAddr, 6); WriteBuf(b, e->RawIpMyMacAddr, 6); WriteBufShort(b, protocol); WriteBuf(b, data, size); SeekBufToBegin(b); InsertQueue(e->RawIpSendQueue, b); } // Process the packet internal if necessary bool EthProcessIpPacketInnerIpRaw(ETH *e, PKT *p) { bool ret = false; if (e == NULL || p == NULL) { return false; } if (p->TypeL3 == L3_ARPV4) { // ARP processing ARPV4_HEADER *arp = p->L3.ARPv4Header; if (Endian16(arp->HardwareType) == ARP_HARDWARE_TYPE_ETHERNET && Endian16(arp->ProtocolType) == MAC_PROTO_IPV4 && arp->HardwareSize == 6 && arp->ProtocolType == 4) { if (IPToUINT(&e->MyIP) == arp->TargetIP) { if (Endian16(arp->Operation) == ARP_OPERATION_REQUEST) { ARPV4_HEADER r; Zero(&r, sizeof(r)); r.HardwareType = Endian16(ARP_HARDWARE_TYPE_ETHERNET); r.ProtocolType = Endian16(MAC_PROTO_IPV4); r.HardwareSize = 6; r.ProtocolSize = 4; r.Operation = Endian16(ARP_OPERATION_RESPONSE); Copy(r.SrcAddress, e->RawIpMyMacAddr, 6); Copy(r.TargetAddress, arp->SrcAddress, 6); r.SrcIP = IPToUINT(&e->MyIP); r.TargetIP = arp->SrcIP; EthSendIpPacketInnerIpRaw(e, &r, sizeof(ARPV4_HEADER), MAC_PROTO_ARPV4); } } } } else if (p->TypeL3 == L3_IPV4 && p->TypeL4 == L4_UDP && p->TypeL7 == L7_DHCPV4) { // DHCP processing DHCPV4_HEADER *dhcp; UCHAR *data; UINT size; UINT dhcp_header_size; UINT dhcp_data_offset; UINT tran_id; UINT magic_cookie = Endian32(DHCP_MAGIC_COOKIE); bool ok; DHCP_OPTION_LIST *opt; dhcp = p->L7.DHCPv4Header; tran_id = Endian32(dhcp->TransactionId); // Get the DHCP data and size dhcp_header_size = sizeof(DHCPV4_HEADER); dhcp_data_offset = (UINT)(((UCHAR *)p->L7.DHCPv4Header) - ((UCHAR *)p->MacHeader) + dhcp_header_size); data = ((UCHAR *)dhcp) + dhcp_header_size; size = p->PacketSize - dhcp_data_offset; if (dhcp_header_size < 5) { // Data size is invalid return false; } // Search for Magic Cookie ok = false; while (size >= 5) { if (Cmp(data, &magic_cookie, sizeof(magic_cookie)) == 0) { // Found data += 4; size -= 4; ok = true; break; } data++; size--; } if (ok == false) { // The packet is invalid return false; } // Parse DHCP options list opt = ParseDhcpOptionList(data, size); if (opt == NULL) { // The packet is invalid return false; } if (dhcp->OpCode == 1 && (opt->Opcode == DHCP_DISCOVER || opt->Opcode == DHCP_REQUEST || opt->Opcode == DHCP_INFORM)) { // Operate as the server UINT ip = IPToUINT(&e->YourIP); if (ip != 0 || opt->Opcode == DHCP_INFORM) { // Respond if there is providable IP address DHCP_OPTION_LIST ret; LIST *o; UINT hw_type = 0U; UINT hw_addr_size = 0U; UINT new_ip = ip; IP default_dns; Zero(&default_dns, sizeof(default_dns)); Zero(&ret, sizeof(ret)); ret.Opcode = (opt->Opcode == DHCP_DISCOVER ? DHCP_OFFER : DHCP_ACK); ret.ServerAddress = IPToUINT(&e->MyIP); ret.LeaseTime = 3600; if (opt->Opcode == DHCP_INFORM) { ret.LeaseTime = 0; } ret.SubnetMask = SetIP32(255, 255, 255, 252); if (UnixGetDefaultDns(&default_dns) && IsZeroIp(&default_dns) == false) { ret.DnsServer = IPToUINT(&default_dns); ret.DnsServer2 = SetIP32(8, 8, 8, 8); } else { ret.DnsServer = SetIP32(8, 8, 8, 8); ret.DnsServer2 = SetIP32(8, 8, 4, 4); } ret.Gateway = IPToUINT(&e->MyIP); if (opt->Opcode != DHCP_INFORM) { char client_mac[MAX_SIZE]; char client_ip[64]; IP ips; BinToStr(client_mac, sizeof(client_mac), p->MacAddressSrc, 6); UINTToIP(&ips, ip); IPToStr(client_ip, sizeof(client_ip), &ips); Debug("IP_RAW: DHCP %s : %s given %s\n", ret.Opcode == DHCP_OFFER ? "DHCP_OFFER" : "DHCP_ACK", client_mac, client_ip); } // Build a DHCP option o = BuildDhcpOption(&ret); if (o != NULL) { BUF *b = BuildDhcpOptionsBuf(o); if (b != NULL) { UINT dest_ip = p->L3.IPv4Header->SrcIP; UINT blank_size = 128 + 64; UINT dhcp_packet_size; UINT magic = Endian32(DHCP_MAGIC_COOKIE); DHCPV4_HEADER *dhcp; void *magic_cookie_addr; void *buffer_addr; if (dest_ip == 0) { dest_ip = 0xffffffff; } // Calculate the DHCP packet size dhcp_packet_size = blank_size + sizeof(DHCPV4_HEADER) + sizeof(magic) + b->Size; if (dhcp_packet_size < DHCP_MIN_SIZE) { // Padding dhcp_packet_size = DHCP_MIN_SIZE; } // Create a header dhcp = ZeroMalloc(dhcp_packet_size); dhcp->OpCode = 2; dhcp->HardwareType = hw_type; dhcp->HardwareAddressSize = hw_addr_size; dhcp->Hops = 0; dhcp->TransactionId = Endian32(tran_id); dhcp->Seconds = 0; dhcp->Flags = 0; dhcp->YourIP = new_ip; dhcp->ServerIP = IPToUINT(&e->MyIP); Copy(dhcp->ClientMacAddress, p->MacAddressSrc, 6); // Calculate the address magic_cookie_addr = (((UCHAR *)dhcp) + sizeof(DHCPV4_HEADER) + blank_size); buffer_addr = ((UCHAR *)magic_cookie_addr) + sizeof(magic); // Magic Cookie Copy(magic_cookie_addr, &magic, sizeof(magic)); // Buffer Copy(buffer_addr, b->Buf, b->Size); if (true) { UCHAR *data = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(IPV4_HEADER) + sizeof(UDP_HEADER) + dhcp_packet_size); IPV4_HEADER *ipv4 = (IPV4_HEADER *)(data); UDP_HEADER *udp = (UDP_HEADER *)(data + sizeof(IPV4_HEADER)); Copy(data + sizeof(IPV4_HEADER) + sizeof(UDP_HEADER), dhcp, dhcp_packet_size); IPV4_SET_VERSION(ipv4, 4); IPV4_SET_HEADER_LEN(ipv4, 5); ipv4->TotalLength = Endian16(sizeof(IPV4_HEADER) + sizeof(UDP_HEADER) + dhcp_packet_size); ipv4->TimeToLive = 63; ipv4->Protocol = IP_PROTO_UDP; ipv4->SrcIP = IPToUINT(&e->MyIP); ipv4->DstIP = dest_ip; ipv4->Checksum = IpChecksum(ipv4, sizeof(IPV4_HEADER)); udp->SrcPort = Endian16(NAT_DHCP_SERVER_PORT); udp->DstPort = Endian16(NAT_DHCP_CLIENT_PORT); udp->PacketLength = Endian16(sizeof(UDP_HEADER) + dhcp_packet_size); udp->Checksum = CalcChecksumForIPv4(ipv4->SrcIP, ipv4->DstIP, IP_PROTO_UDP, dhcp, dhcp_packet_size, 0); if (udp->Checksum == 0) { udp->Checksum = 0xffff; } EthSendIpPacketInnerIpRaw(e, data, sizeof(IPV4_HEADER) + sizeof(UDP_HEADER) + dhcp_packet_size, MAC_PROTO_IPV4); Free(data); } // Release the memory Free(dhcp); FreeBuf(b); } FreeDhcpOptions(o); } } } Free(opt); } return ret; } // Send an IP raw packet void EthPutPacketLinuxIpRaw(ETH *e, void *data, UINT size) { PKT *p; SOCK *s = NULL; // Validate arguments if (e == NULL || data == NULL) { return; } if (size < 14 || size > MAX_PACKET_SIZE || e->RawIp_HasError) { Free(data); return; } p = ParsePacket(data, size); if (p == NULL) { Free(data); return; } if (p->BroadcastPacket || Cmp(p->MacAddressDest, e->RawIpMyMacAddr, 6) == 0) { if (IsMacUnicast(p->MacAddressSrc)) { Copy(e->RawIpYourMacAddr, p->MacAddressSrc, 6); } } if (IsZero(e->RawIpYourMacAddr, 6) || IsMacUnicast(p->MacAddressSrc) == false || (p->BroadcastPacket == false && Cmp(p->MacAddressDest, e->RawIpMyMacAddr, 6) != 0)) { Free(data); FreePacket(p); return; } if (p->TypeL3 == L3_IPV4) { if (p->TypeL4 == L4_TCP) { if (IsZeroIP(&e->MyPhysicalIP) == false) { s = e->RawTcp; } } else if (p->TypeL4 == L4_UDP) { if (EthProcessIpPacketInnerIpRaw(e, p) == false) { s = e->RawUdp; } } else if (p->TypeL4 == L4_ICMPV4) { if (IsZeroIP(&e->MyPhysicalIP) == false) { s = e->RawIcmp; } } else if (p->TypeL4 == L4_FRAGMENT) { if (IsZeroIP(&e->MyPhysicalIP) == false) { s = e->RawIcmp; } } } else if (p->TypeL3 == L3_ARPV4) { EthProcessIpPacketInnerIpRaw(e, p); } if (s != NULL && p->L3.IPv4Header->DstIP != 0xffffffff && p->BroadcastPacket == false && p->L3.IPv4Header->SrcIP == IPToUINT(&e->YourIP)) { UCHAR *send_data = p->IPv4PayloadData; UCHAR *head = p->PacketData; UINT remove_header_size = (UINT)(send_data - head); if (p->PacketSize > remove_header_size) { IP dest; UINT send_data_size = p->PacketSize - remove_header_size; // checksum if (p->TypeL4 == L4_UDP) { p->L4.UDPHeader->Checksum = 0; } else if (p->TypeL4 == L4_TCP) { p->L4.TCPHeader->Checksum = 0; p->L4.TCPHeader->Checksum = CalcChecksumForIPv4(IPToUINT(&e->MyPhysicalIP), p->L3.IPv4Header->DstIP, IP_PROTO_TCP, p->L4.TCPHeader, p->IPv4PayloadSize, 0); } UINTToIP(&dest, p->L3.IPv4Header->DstIP); if (s->RawIP_HeaderIncludeFlag == false) { SendTo(s, &dest, 0, send_data, send_data_size); } else { IPV4_HEADER *ip = p->L3.IPv4Header; ip->SrcIP = IPToUINT(&e->MyPhysicalIP); ip->Checksum = 0; ip->Checksum = IpChecksum(ip, IPV4_GET_HEADER_LEN(ip) * 4); SendTo(s, &dest, 0, ip, ((UCHAR *)p->PacketData - (UCHAR *)ip) + p->PacketSize); } } } FreePacket(p); Free(data); } #endif