// Test sample code for SoftEther VPN Server JSON-RPC Stub // Runs on both web browsers and Node.js // // sample.ts // Automatically generated at __TIMESTAMP__ by vpnserver-jsonrpc-codegen // // This sample code shows how to call all available RPC functions. // You can copy and paste test code to write your own web browser TypeScript / JavaScript codes. // // Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 // Copyright (c) 2014-__YEAR__ SoftEther VPN Project // On the web browser uncomment below imports as necessary to support old browsers. // import "core-js/es6/promise"; // import "core-js/es6/string"; // import "whatwg-fetch"; // Import the vpnrpc.ts RPC stub. import * as VPN from "./vpnrpc"; // Output JSON-RPC request / reply strings to the debug console. VPN.VpnServerRpc.SetDebugMode(true); let api: VPN.VpnServerRpc; // Creating the VpnServerRpc class instance here. if (VPN.VpnServerRpc.IsNodeJS() === false) // // Determine if this JavaScript environment is on the Node.js or not { // On the web browser. We do not need to specify any hostname, port or credential as the web browser already knows it. api = new VPN.VpnServerRpc(); } else { // On the Node.js. We need to specify the target VPN Server's hostname, port and credential. api = new VPN.VpnServerRpc("", 443, "", "PASSWORD_HERE", false); } // A variable for test let hub_name = "test"; // Call the Test_All() function to test almost all VPN APIs. Test_All(); __TESTS__