# SoftEther VPN String Table # Copyright (c) all contributors on SoftEther VPN project in GitHub. # Copyright (c) Daiyuu Nobori, SoftEther Project at University of Tsukuba, and SoftEther Corporation. # # https://www.softether.org/ ########################################################################### # # # String data such as messages in software # # (Excludes dialog box resource strings) # # # ########################################################################### # Environment parameters DEFAULT_FONT Tahoma DEFAULT_FONT_WIN7 Segoe UI DEFAULT_FONT_2 Tahoma DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE 8 DEFAULT_LOCALE - - $ : : $ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat : : : $ (None) # 言語 # (0: 日本語, 1: 英語) LANG 5 LANGSTR Russian STRTABLE_ID SE_VPN_20121007 # Strings for Japanese version only (not required for other language versions.) CM_JAPANESE_ONLY_OLD_STARTUP %s\\SoftEther VPN Client 2.0 タスクトレイ.lnk # Software information PRODUCT_NAME_VPN_CLI SoftEther VPN Client Developer Edition PRODUCT_NAME_VPN_CMGR SoftEther VPN Client Manager Developer Edition PRODUCT_NAME_VPN_SVR SoftEther VPN Server Developer Edition PRODUCT_NAME_VPN_BRIDGE SoftEther VPN Bridge Developer Edition PRODUCT_NAME_VPN_SMGR SoftEther VPN Server Manager Developer Edition PRODUCT_NAME_ELOGSVC SoftEther EtherLogger Developer Edition PRODUCT_NAME_ELOGMGR SoftEther EtherLogger Developer Edition # Branding String for Limited Connection # BRANDED_C_TO_S Branded_VPN # BRANDED_C_FROM_S Branded_VPN # Client ID (sample) # CLIENT_ID 123 # Family Name for Software Update Check PRODUCT_FAMILY_NAME SoftEtherDev # Product information SE_COMPANY_URL https://selinks.org/?se SE_VPNAZURE_URL https://selinks.org/?vpnazure # Common strings COMMON_UNKNOWN (Неизвестно) # Protocol error strings ERR_UNKNOWN Незивестная ошибка. ERR_0 No error. ERR_1 Ошибка подключения к серверу. Check network connection and make sure that address and port number of destination server are correct. ERR_2 Protocol error occurred. Error was returned from the destination server. ERR_3 Соединение было разорвано. ERR_4 Protocol error occurred. ERR_5 A client which is non-SoftEther VPN software has connected to the port. ERR_6 Действие было отменено пользователем. ERR_7 The server denied the specified auth type. ERR_8 The specified Virtual Hub does not exist on the server. ERR_9 Ошибка авторизации пользователя. ERR_10 The specified Virtual Hub is currently stopped. Wait for a while and then reconnect. ERR_11 The VPN session has been deleted. It is possible that either the administrator disconnected the session or the connection from the client to the VPN Server has been disconnected. ERR_12 Access has been denied. ERR_13 Time-out occurred during VPN session communication. It is possible the connection from the client to the VPN Server has been disconnected. ERR_14 Protocol number is invalid. ERR_15 Слишком много TCP/IP соединений. ERR_16 There are too many sessions connected to either the destination server or Virtual Hub. ERR_17 Ошибка подключения к прокси-серверу. ERR_18 An error occurred on the proxy server. ERR_19 Ошибка авторизации на прокси-сервере. ERR_20 There are too many sessions by the same user. Other person might be connected to the Virtual Hub as the same user. ERR_21 A license error occurred on the VPN Server. Contact the VPN Server's administrator. ERR_22 Cannot access the Virtual Network Adapter device driver. Check the Virtual Network Adapter is installed and make sure that it has not been disabled. ERR_23 Внутренняя ошибка. ERR_24 Access to either the smart card or USB hardware token device failed. ERR_25 Неверный PIN-код. ERR_26 The specified certificate is not stored on either the smart card or the USB hardware token device. ERR_27 The specified private key is not stored on either the smart card or the USB hardware token device. ERR_28 Write operation to the smart card or USB hardware token device failed. ERR_29 Объект не найден. ERR_30 A Virtual Network Adapter with the specified name already exists. Specify a different name. ERR_31 Installation of the Virtual Network Adapter device driver failed. ERR_32 You cannot use the specified name for a Virtual Network Adapter device. ERR_33 Не поддерживается. ERR_34 VPN Connection Setting with the specified name already exists. ERR_35 The specified VPN Connection Setting is currently connected. ERR_36 The specified VPN Connection Setting does not exist. ERR_37 The specified VPN Connection Setting is not connected. ERR_38 Неверный параметр. ERR_39 Error occurred on smart card or USB hardware token. ERR_40 Although authentication of smart card or USB hardware token was selected, but the device to be used has not been selected. Select from the Smart Card menu of Connection Manager. ERR_41 The specified Virtual Network Adapter is being used by at least one VPN Connection Setting. \r\nEither delete the VPN Connection Setting that is using this Virtual Network Adapter or change Virtual Network Adapter that this VPN Connection Setting is using. ERR_42 Cannot find the Virtual Network Adapter that the specified VPN Connection Setting is using. \r\nMake sure this Virtual Network Adapter exists. Also make sure the Virtual Network Adapter device has not been disabled. \r\n\r\nIf you cannot resolve the problem, either change the Virtual Network Adapter being used by this VPN Connection Setting or create a new Virtual Network Adapter with the same name. ERR_43 The Virtual Network Adapter used by the specified VPN Connection Setting is already being used by another VPN Connection Setting. \r\nIf there is another VPN Connection Setting that is using the same Virtual Network Adapter, disconnect that VPN Connection Setting. ERR_44 The Virtual Network Adapter being used by the specified VPN Connection Setting has been disabled. \r\nBefore using this VPN Connection Setting, enable the Virtual Network Adapter. ERR_45 The specified value is invalid. ERR_46 The connection destination is not a cluster controller. ERR_47 Trying to connect. ERR_48 Connection to the cluster controller failed. ERR_49 The cluster controller was unable to assign a new session on a cluster. ERR_50 Unable to manage the Virtual Hub of the cluster member server. ERR_51 The user's password used to connect was blank so the connection from remote is prohibited. Blank password can be allowed only to connections from the VPN Server's localhost ( ERR_52 Не достаточно прав. ERR_53 Specified listener not found. ERR_54 The listener of the specified port number already exists. ERR_55 This is not a cluster member server. ERR_56 The specified encryption algorithm name is not supported. ERR_57 The Virtual Hub with the specified name already exists on the server. ERR_58 There are too many registered Virtual Hubs. No more can be created. Delete the old Virtual Hubs. ERR_59 The Cascade Connection with the specified name already exists. ERR_60 A Cascade Connection cannot be created on a server on a cluster. ERR_61 The specified Cascade Connection is offline. ERR_62 There are too many access lists. ERR_63 There are too many users. ERR_64 There are too many groups. ERR_65 The specified group does not exist. ERR_66 The user with the specified name already exists on the Virtual Hub. ERR_67 The group with the specified name already exists on the Virtual Hub. ERR_68 A user with the specified name exists on the server but the type of authentication is not password authentication. Unable to change the password. ERR_69 The user name or old password you entered is incorrect. Note that the password is case-sensitive. ERR_70 Saitama. ERR_71 SoftEther has temporarily stopped the current distribution by order of the Japan Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry. ERR_72 SoftEther has temporarily stopped the current distribution by order of the IPA. ERR_73 Unable to disconnect the Cascade Connection's session. To delete the session, stop the Cascade Connection. ERR_74 The VPN Connection Setting for connection with the VPN Server is incomplete. At first you have to complete the VPN Connection Setting for connection with the VPN Server. ERR_75 VPN Connection to the VPN Server has already started. ERR_76 Not connected to the VPN Server. ERR_77 The specified X509 certificate file does not contain a RSA 1024 bit or 2048 bit public key. SoftEther VPN software supports only RSA 1024 bit or 2048 bit certificates. ERR_78 Unable to disconnect the SecureNAT session. To delete the session, stop the SecureNAT function. ERR_79 Cannot enable the SecureNAT in a clustering environment. ERR_80 The SecureNAT is not operating. ERR_81 This VPN Connection session to the VPN Server has been disconnected by the firewall device installed by the network administrator. Contact the network administrator. ERR_82 Unable to disconnect the Local Bridge session. To delete the session, stop the Local Bridge. ERR_83 The Local Bridge is not operating. ERR_84 Local Bridge cannot be used by the destination VPN Server. Refer to online help or other documentation for the setting method when using Local Bridge on the VPN Server you are using. ERR_85 Unable to trust the certificate provided by the destination server. The setting to always verify the server certificate is enabled in the VPN Connection Settings. Either register a root certificate that can be trusted or register a individual certificate. ERR_86 The product code of the destination server is incorrect. It is not possible to connect from this client. ERR_87 The client and server version is different. Update the software. ERR_88 Failed to add a capture device. A same capture device might be already registered. ERR_89 Unable to connect to the destination server from this client. A special client software is required. ERR_90 The specified capture device is not registered. ERR_91 Unable to disconnect the Virtual Layer 3 Switch session. To delete the session, stop the Virtual Layer 3 Switch. ERR_92 A Virtual Layer 3 Switch with the specified name already exists. Specify a different name. ERR_93 Specified Virtual Layer 3 Switch not found. ERR_94 The specified name is invalid. Check if the name contains characters that cannot be used. ERR_95 Failed to add the Virtual Layer 3 interface. Please check that the parameters are valid. Also please make sure that the Virtual Layer 3 switch is stopped. Adding or deleting interfaces are unable when the Virtual Layer 3 switch is running. ERR_96 Failed to delete the Virtual Layer 3 interface. Please check that the parameters are valid. Also please make sure that the Virtual Layer 3 switch is stopped. Adding or deleting interfaces are unable when the Virtual Layer 3 switch is running. ERR_97 The Virtual Layer 3 interface that is connecting to the destination Virtual Hub of the specified Virtual Layer 3 interface already exists in the Virtual Layer 3 Switch. No more than one Virtual Layer 3 interface that connects to the same Virtual Hub can be defined in a Virtual Layer 3 Switch. ERR_98 Failed to add routing table entry. Please check that the parameters are valid. Also please make sure that the Virtual Layer 3 switch is stopped. Adding or deleting routing table entries are unable when the Virtual Layer 3 switch is running. ERR_99 Failed to delete routing table entry. Please check that the parameters are valid. Also please make sure that the Virtual Layer 3 switch is stopped. Adding or deleting routing table entries are unable when the Virtual Layer 3 switch is running. ERR_100 The specified routing table entry already exists. ERR_101 The client clock and the server clock are not synchronized with each other. Check the time settings. ERR_102 Unable to start this Virtual Layer 3 Switch. \r\n\r\nTo start the Virtual Layer 3 Switch, at least 1 virtual interface must be defined in the Virtual Layer 3 Switch. ERR_103 Not enough Client Connection Licenses on the destination VPN Server. Contact the server administrator. ERR_104 Not enough Bridge Connection Licenses on the destination VPN Server. Contact the server administrator. ERR_105 Due to current technical difficulties, the destination VPN Server is not receiving the connection. Either wait a while, or contact the VPN Server administrator requesting that the server log file be checked. ERR_106 The destination VPN Server's certificate has expired. Contact the VPN Server's administrator. ERR_107 A connection has beens requested in Monitoring Mode. But the security policy for the connecting user does not permit Monitoring Mode. ERR_108 A connection has been requested in Bridge / Router Mode. But the security policy for the connecting user forbids both bridge mode and router mode. ERR_109 A connection from a client IP address has been denied by the Source IP Restriction List of the Virtual Hub. ERR_110 There are too many items. ERR_111 Out of memory. ERR_112 The specified object already exists. ERR_113 A fatal error occurred. It is possible that the program operation is unable to continue. ERR_114 The destination VPN Server has detected a software license violation. Connection is refused. Contact the VPN Server's administrator. ERR_115 The destination VPN Server has connected via the Internet to an important server provided by SoftEther VPN Project and cannot validate a license. Either wait a while, or contact the VPN Server administrator requesting that the server log file and the Internet connection status of the server itself be checked. ERR_116 A software license violation has been detected on the client side. Connection is refused. ERR_117 The command or file name is incorrect. ERR_118 The license key is incorrect. ERR_119 No valid product license is registered on the VPN Server. Contact the VPN Server's administrator. ERR_120 The product license required for the VPN Server to operate as a cluster is not registered. Contact the VPN Server's administrator. ERR_121 This VPN Connection Setting has been installed using the "Web Installer Creation Kit" or "Simple Installer Creation Kit". The destination server is not an edition that supports the SoftEther VPN 2.0 Administration Pack. Contact the system administrator or person who created the installer. ERR_122 With the VPN Server SDK for .NET, it is only possible to connect to the SoftEther VPN Server edition that supports the SoftEther VPN 2.0 Administration Pack. The destination VPN Server is not an edition that supports the SoftEther VPN 2.0 Administration Pack. Contact the system administrator. ERR_123 Beta Version Software on the destination server is expired. Contact to system administrator of the server to download a new beta version or full version from http://selinks.org/. ERR_124 The VPN connection to VPN Server is refused at server side. ERR_125 The VPN connection to VPN Server is refused at client side. ERR_126 The security policy enforced the VPN session to disconnect automatically because the specific time has been elapsed. If you wish to continue please re-connect. ERR_127 The VPN Server requires the special-version VPN Client software. Consult with the administrator. ERR_128 The number of registered user objects exceeds the maximum number which is allowed the product license applied on the VPN Server. You cannot add user objects anymore unless you delete old one, or upgrade the edition of the product. ERR_129 The subscription contract has already expired before the release-date of this version of VPN Server. The customer has been authorized to use VPN Server's builds only in the period of the subscription contract. The customer has to extend the period of the subscription. The customer also be able to 'downgrade' the version of VPN Server to older version which has released before the end of the subscription. If you want to downgrade the version, older versions might be available on http://selinks.org/. ERR_130 We are afraid that the trial license keys cannot be obtained frequently by the same customer. Please consider to purchase the product version. ERR_131 Several VPN Servers on the same IP address. You can specify the destination server's private IP or hostname concretely such as "Global IP address or host name/192.168.x.x". Or if a NAT is used on the server's side, configure the NAT to open, relay or transfer appropriate ports. ERR_132 The key for Dynamic DNS Service duplicates to others. The key will be reset automatically. ERR_133 The specified Dynamic DNS hostname is already used. Please change the hostname. ERR_134 The specified Dynamic DNS hostname has an invalid characters. Please change the hostname. ERR_135 The length of the specified Dynamic DNS hostname is too long. A hostname must be equal or shorter than 31 letters. ERR_136 The Dynamic DNS hostname is not specified. ERR_137 The length of the specified Dynamic DNS hostname is too long. A hostname must be equal of longer than 3 letters. ERR_138 The password of the specified user in the Virtual Hub must be reset before using MS-CHAP v2 authentication. Please ask the administrator of the VPN Server to reset the password by the VPN Server Manager or vpncmd which internal version is 4.0 or greater. Or you can change the password with VPN Client by yourself. ERR_139 The connection to the Dynamic DNS server has been disconnected. ERR_140 Failed to initialize the ICMP (Ping) protocol. The process of the VPN Server might be running in a normal-user privileges. In such case, run the VPN Server as a system service. (in Linux / UNIX, run it in root privileges.) ERR_141 Failed to open the DNS port 53. Make sure that there are no other DNS server program (for example, BIND or Microsoft DNS Server) on the same computer. If there are conflicting services stop them. Or run the VPN Server's process in root privileges on Linux / UNIX/ ERR_142 The OpenVPN Server function is not enabled. ERR_143 The Certificate Authentication function and the External Server Authentication function have not been implemented on the open-source version of SoftEther VPN yet. Choose either Anonymous Authentication or Password Authentication instead. ERR_144 Unacceptable operation. Use the VPN Gate Control Panel to change the VPN Gate Relay Server settings. ERR_145 Unacceptable operation. Use the VPN Gate Utility to modify the connection setting for VPN Gate Public VPN Relay Servers. ERR_146 The VPN Gate Service is running inside the VPN Client program. You cannot stop the VPN Gate Service on this screen. Use the VPN Client Manager to enable or disable the VPN Gate Service. ERR_147 This feature is not supported. It hasn't been implemented yet on the open-source version of SoftEther VPN. ERR_148 The VPN connection was disconnected because the system is being suspended. # Concerning licenses LICENSE_INFO_URL https://selinks.org/?new_license LICENSE_SUPPORT_URL https://selinks.org/?q=license_info&id=%s LICENSE_STATUS_OK Валидный LICENSE_STATUS_EXPIRED Истек LICENSE_STATUS_ID_DIFF Server ID Mismatch LICENSE_STATUS_DUP Дубликат LICENSE_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT Other Licenses are Required LICENSE_STATUS_COMPETITION Competition with Other Licenses LICENSE_STATUS_NONSENSE Meaningless for Current Edition LICENSE_STATUS_CPU Несовместимый тип ЦП LICENSE_STATUS_OTHERERROR Неизвестная ошибка # Concerning TCP optimization TCPOPT_NOT_SUPPORTED Утилита оптимизации TCP не может быть использована на этой ОС. TCPOPT_NOT_ADMIN Пользователь без прав администратора не может использовать Утилиту оптимизации TCP. # Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 Optimization VISTA_MMCSS_MSG Do you wish to optimize Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 for playing multimedia files with VPN? (e.g. videos, audios and streaming) VISTA_MMCSS_MSG_2 Optimization for Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 with VPN has already done.\r\nDo you wish to remove optimized configuration? VISTA_MMCSS_MSG_3 You cannot use optimization in currently environment. VISTA_MMCSS_MSG_4 You must have administrator privileges for this function.\r\nPlease note that in Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 you should use "Run as Administrators" to execute program. VISTA_MMCSS_MSG_5 Оптимизация завершена. VISTA_MMCSS_MSG_6 Оптимизация удалена. # Concerning PKCS utility PKCS_UTIL_TITLE PKCS#12 Writing Utility PKCS_UTIL_SAVEDLG_TITLE Select the PKCS#12 file that you want to write to the USB token. PKCS_UTIL_READ_ERROR Unable to read the file: %s. PKCS_UTIL_WRITE_OK_MSG The file %s has been written to the USB hardware token. PKCS_UTIL_DELETE_OK_MSG The PKCS#12 certificate data has been deleted from the USB hardware token. PKCS_UTIL_SECA_FILENAME seca_p12 PKCS_MAKE_SURE The PKCS#12 certificate data written to USB token will be deleted. \r\n Once data is deleted it cannot be restored. \r\r\n\r\r\nDo you wish to continue? PKCS_UTIL_BAD_FILE The specified file could not be identified as a PKCS#12 file. # Concerning common dialogs DLG_ALL_FILES Все файлы (*.*)|*.* DLG_CERT_FILES Файлы X509 сертификатов (*.CER;*.CRT)|*.cer;*.crt|Все файлы (*.*)|*.* DLG_KEY_FILTER Файлы приватных ключей (*.KEY;*.PEM)|*.key;*.pem|Все файлы (*.*)|*.* DLG_PKCS12_FILTER PKCS#12 файлы (*.P12;*.PFX)|*.p12;*.pfx|Все файлы (*.*)|*.* DLG_CERT_OR_P12_FILTER Файлы X509 сертификатов или PKCS#12 файлы (*.CER;*.CRT;*.P12;*.PFX)|*.cer;*.crt;*.p12;*.pfx|Файлы X509 сертификатов (*.CER;*.CRT)|*.cer;*.crt|PKCS#12 файлы (*.P12;*.PFX)|*.p12;*.pfx|Все файлы (*.*)|*.* DLG_CONFIG_FILES Файлы настроек (*.CONFIG)|*.config|Все файлы (*.*)|*.* DLG_KEY_OR_P12_FILTER Файлы приватных ключей или PKCS#12 файлы (*.KEY;*.PEM;*.P12;*.PFX)|*.key;*.pem;*.p12;*.pfx|Файлы приватных ключей (*.KEY;*.PEM)|*.key;*.pem|PKCS#12 файлы (*.P12;*.PFX)|*.p12;*.pfx|Все файлы (*.*)|*.* DLG_ZIP_FILER ZIP файлы (*.ZIP)|*.zip|Все файлы (*.*)|*.* DLG_OPEN_CERT Выберите файл сертификата DLG_OPEN_KEY Выберите файл приватного ключа DLG_OPEN_KEY_WITH_CERT Select the Corresponding Private Key file DLG_OPEN_FILE_ERROR Невозможно прочитать выбранный файл: %S. DLG_OPEN_FILE_ERROR_W Невозможно прочитать выбранный файл: %s. DLG_BAD_P12 The file "%S" is not a valid PKCS#12 certificate file. DLG_BAD_P12_W The file "%s" is not a valid PKCS#12 certificate file. DLG_BAD_X509 The file "%S" is not a valid X509 certificate file. DLG_BAD_X509_W The file "%s" is not a valid X509 certificate file. DLG_BAD_KEY The file "%S" is not a valid RSA private key file. DLG_BAD_KEY_W The file "%s" is not a valid RSA private key file. DLG_BAD_SIGNATURE The private key does not correctly correspond with the public key contained in the specified certificate. \r\nA private key that corresponds to the certificate public key is required. DLG_SAVE_CERT Specify a file name where you want to save the certificate DLG_SAVE_KEY Specify a file name where you want to save the private key DLG_SAVE_P12 Specify a file name where you want to save the certificate and private key DLG_SAVE_FILE Specify a file name to save a file DLG_SAVE_OPENVPN_CONFIG Specify a file name to save the ZIP file contains OpenVPN settings DLG_CERT_SAVE_OK Сертификат был успешно сохранен. DLG_CERT_SAVE_ERROR Невозможно сохранить сертификат. DLG_KEY_SAVE_OK Приватный ключ был успешно сохранен. DLG_KEY_SAVE_ERROR Невозможно сохранить приватный ключ. DLG_KEY_PAIR_SAVE_OK Сертификат и приватный ключ были успешно сохранены. DLG_KEY_PAIR_SAVE_ERROR Невозможно сохранить сертификат и приватный ключ. DLG_REBOOT_INFO Компьютер будет перезагружен через %u сек. DLG_REBOOT_INFO_2 Перезагрузка компьютера. DLG_REBOOT_ERROR Ошибка перезагрузки компьюетра. \r\n\r\nПожалуйста перезагрузите компьютер вручную. DLG_SAVE_CONFIG Specify a File Name for Saving the Configuration DLG_OPEN_CONFIG Specify the Configuration File to Import DLG_STRING_DEFTITLE String Input DLG_STRING_DEFINFO Enter strings. DLG_ABOUT_LEGAL Legal Notices DLG_ABOUT_AUTHORS Список авторов DLG_UPDATE_DATE \ (Released on %S) DLG_UPDATE_HINT Press OK to view the information of the latest update on the web browser.\r\n\r\nYou have to download and install updates manually. If you want to update software on the other computer you have to log in to the computer by Remote Desktop or SSH to perform the download and update. # Concerning competing processes BAD_PROCESS_TITLE Warning concerning %S BAD_PROCESS_MESSAGE It is possible that the software "%S" is running on this computer, which could cause problems. \r\n\r\nThere is a possibility that problems in "%S" will cause instability in VPN communication and errors. \r\n\r\nIf, by using VPN together with the software "%S" VPN becomes unstable, either stop or uninstall "%S". (Note that in some cases, because of the nature of the software, there are cases that the problems will still remain on the computer where even if you stop the software.) \r\n # Concerning hardware tokens SEC_SMART_CARD Smart Card SEC_USB_TOKEN USB Token SEC_INIT_MSG_1 Insert the following smart card into the smart card reader and enter the PIN code. SEC_INIT_MSG_2 Connect the following USB token hardware to the computer's USB port and enter the PIN code. SEC_OPENING Opening Device... SEC_CLOSING Closing Device... SEC_OPEN_SESSION Opening Secure Session... SEC_CLOSE_SESSION Closing Secure Session... SEC_LOGIN Logging in to Token... SEC_LOGOUT Logging out from Token... SEC_INIT_BATCH Starting Batch Process... SEC_READ_DATA Reading Data... SEC_WRITE_DATA Writing Data... SEC_READ_CERT Reading Certificate... SEC_WRITE_CERT Writing Certificate... SEC_DELETE Deleting Object... SEC_SIGN Processing Digital Signature by Private Key... SEC_WRITE_KEY Writing Private Key... SEC_ENUM Enumerating Object... SEC_FINISHED The operation is complete. SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ID The specified security device (device %u) is invalid. SEC_ERROR_OPEN_DEVICE Unable to open the device %S. Make sure the device is connected to the computer. SEC_ERROR_OPEN_DEVICEEX Unable to open the device %S. Make sure the device is connected to the computer. \r\n\r\nIf using public key infrastructure (PKI) with special client software, it is necessary to select the smart card device in PKI Utility from the Start menu beforehand. SEC_ERROR_OPEN_SESSION Unable to start security session in device: %S. Make sure the correct device is selected. SEC_ERROR_LOGIN The entered PIN code is incorrect. SEC_ERROR_NOT_FOUND_1 The specified object does not exist in smart card. Make sure the correct smart card is inserted. SEC_ERROR_NOT_FOUND_2 The specified object does not exist in USB token hardware. Make sure the correct USB token hardware is connected. SEC_ERROR_SIGN_1 Either private key does not exist in smart card or digital signature operation failed. Make sure the correct smart card is inserted. SEC_ERROR_SIGN_2 Either private key does not exist in USB token hardware or digital signature operation failed. Make sure the correct USB token hardware is connected. SEC_ERROR_WRITE_1 Unable to write object to smart card. There is a possibility that there is insufficient free memory available on smart card. SEC_ERROR_WRITE_2 Unable to write object to USB token hardware. There is a possibility that is insufficient free memory available on the USB token. SEC_ERROR_ENUM Enumeration of object stored in token failed. SEC_ERROR_DELETE Deletion of specified object failed. It is possible the specified object does not exist in the memory. SEC_COLUMN1 Device Name SEC_COLUMN2 Type SEC_COLUMN3 Manufacturer SEC_COLUMN4 DLL Name SEC_INVALID_ID The specified smart card device does not exist. Select the smart card type again. SEC_MGR_COLUMN1 Name SEC_MGR_COLUMN2 Type SEC_MGR_COLUMN3 Private SEC_TYPE_DATA Data SEC_TYPE_CERT Certificate SEC_TYPE_KEY Private Key SEC_TYPE_PUB Public Key SEC_YES Да SEC_NO Нет SEC_NONE None SEC_IMPORT_DATA Select the data you want to import. SEC_IMPORT_CERT Select the certificate you want to import. SEC_IMPORT_KEY Select the private key you want to import. SEC_READ_FAILED Reading from specified file failed. SEC_DATA_TOO_BIG The specified data size is too big. Data larger than %u bytes cannot be written to the smart card. SEC_OBJECT_NAME_TITLE Name of object to insert SEC_OBJECT_NAME_INFO Specify the name of the object to be written to the new smart card. You can specify alphanumeric characters excluding double-byte and special characters for the object name. \r\n\r\nCaution: If there is an object with the same name of the same type already written on the card, that object will be overwritten. SEC_DELETE_MSG The selected object will be deleted from the smart card. \r\nDo you really want to do this? SEC_OBJECT_IMPORT_OK Object has been written to smart card. SEC_OBJECT_EXPORT_OK The data read from the smart card has been saved. SEC_NEW_CERT_IMPORT_OK The newly created certificate has been written to the smart card. SEC_CURRENT_DEVICE Currently the device %S is selected. SEC_CURRENT_NO_DEVICE Select which smart card device to use. SEC_NO_SECURE_DEVICE A SoftEther VPN-compatible smart card or hardware security token device is not installed on the system. \r\n\r\nTo use a smart card or hardware token using SoftEther VPN it is necessary to install a PKCS#11-compatible device driver on Windows. In addition, it is necessary that SoftEther VPN supports the device type. \r\n\r\nMake sure a system-compatible device driver has been installed. \r\nRefer to the SoftEther VPN Project website for the list of SoftEther VPN-compatible devices. Also, it may be possible to increase the compatible devices by updating to the most recent software version. SEC_PIN_DEVICE_OPEN_ERR Unable to connect the device "%S". Make sure the hardware is correctly connected. SEC_PIN_CURRENT_BAD Current PIN code is incorrect. SEC_PIN_CHANGE_FAILED Changing of PIN code failed. SEC_PIN_OK The PIN code has been changed. # TCP Connection Dialog CONNECTDLG_CAPTION Подключение CONNECTDLG_MESSAGE Подключение к серверу "%S" (TCP порт: %u)... CONNECTDLG_CANCELING Прерывание пордключения. Пожалуйста подождите... # NIC Info Dialog NICINFO_1 Подключено к VPN-серверу. NICINFO_1_1 Запрашивание IP адреса у DHCP-сервера в VPN... NICINFO_1_2 Определение IP адреса для использования в VPN... NICINFO_2 VPN соединение установлено. NICINFO_2_1 Вам назначен %S IP адрес. NICINFO_3 VPN соединение установлено. NICINFO_3_1 Ваш IP адрес %S готов к использованию. # Concerning password input dialogs during login PW_RETRYCOUNT Automatic reconnection will be made after %u seconds with no input. PW_LOGIN_DLG_TITLE Login PW_TYPE_0 Anonymous Authentication PW_TYPE_1 Standard Password Authentication PW_TYPE_2 RADIUS or NT Domain Authentication PW_TYPE_3 Client Certificate Authentication PW_TYPE_4 Smart Card Authentication PW_TYPE_5 Openssl Engine Authentication PW_MSG_PROXY User authentication failed on the proxy server %S. Re-enter the correct user name and password. PW_TYPE_PROXY Proxy Server Authentication # Concerning VPN connection status STATUS_1 Инициализация... STATUS_2 Подключение к VPN-серверу "%S" через прокси-сервер %S... STATUS_3 Авторизация пользователя на прокси-сервере %S... STATUS_4 Подключение к VPN-серверу "%S"... STATUS_5 Проверка сертификата сервера... STATUS_6 Авторизация пользователя... STATUS_7 Создание VPN сессии... STATUS_8 Подключение к VPN-серверу в кластере... STATUS_9 VPN сессия была установлена. # Concerning certificate dialogs CERT_NOT_FOUND Unable to find the certificate of the certificate authority who issued this certificate on the list of trusted certificates. CERT_ROOT This certificate is a root certificate (self-signed certificate). CERT_LV_C1 Field CERT_LV_C2 Value CERT_SERIAL Serial Number CERT_ISSUER Issuer CERT_SUBJECT Subject CERT_NOT_BEFORE Issued at CERT_NOT_AFTER Expires at CERT_BITS Bits CERT_PUBLIC_KEY Public Key CERT_DIGEST_MD5 Digest (MD5) CERT_DIGEST_SHA1 Digest (SHA-1) CERT_NO_SERIAL There is no serial number CERT_BITS_FORMAT %u bits # Concerning certificate confirmation dialogs CC_DANGEROUS_MSG The server certificate that was saved on the previous VPN connection to this server (%S) does not match the current server certificate provided by the server. \r\n\r\nDigest Value (MD5) of Previous: %S\r\nDigest Value (SHA1) of Previous: %S\r\n\r\nDigest Value (MD5) of Current: %S\r\nDigest Value (SHA1) of Current: %S\r\n\r\nIt is possible the server administrator changed the certificate on the VPN Server side. However, it is also possible a man-in-the-middle attack such as spoofing is occurring. \r\nIt is strongly recommended that you ask for clarification from the administrator of VPN Server you want to connect to. CC_WARNING_MSG Do you want the certificate of the VPN Server you are currently connecting to be automatically trusted next time you connect to %s?\r\n\r\nDigest Value (SHA1): %S\r\nDigest Value (MD5): %S\r\n\r\nIf there is doubt regarding the authenticity of this server's certificate, contact the server's owner, by a sure and safe method, and quote the above digest value to confirm the facts. \r\n\r\nClick Yes to automatically trust this certificate if this server provides the same certificate next time you connect to it. \r\nClick No to trust the certificate for this time only and to display this warning again next time you connect to this server. \r\nClick Cancel to return to the Security Warnings window. \r\n\r\nNote: This setting can be changed on an account-by-account basis. You can make this setting in Account Properties of VPN Client Manager. # Errors about Windows Versions WINVER_TITLE Warning about Windows versions WINVER_ERROR_FORMAT The version and Service Pack of Windows on %s is "%S".\r\n\r\nThe latest supported version and Service Pack of Windows by %s is as follows:\r\n%S\r\nBecause of the version of Windows on %s is newer than the version of Windows which %s supports, unexpected troubles or compatible issues might occur.\r\nIn order to avoid problems, we will recommend you to obtain and install the latest update of %s.\r\n(It is possible to continue using the current version without updates although that is not what we recommend.)\r\n\r\nIf you are the administrator, you can download the latest update-patch of %s from the web site http://selinks.org/?se for free.\r\n\r\nIf you are not the administrator you should notify the VPN Server's administrator of this message.\r\n\r\n----- MSG%04u%02u -----\r\n\r\n WINVER_ERROR_VPNSERVER the VPN Server on the destination computer WINVER_ERROR_VPNBRIDGE the VPN Bridge on the destination computer WINVER_ERROR_VPNCLIENT the VPN Client on this local computer WINVER_ERROR_PC_LOCAL этот компьютер WINVER_ERROR_PC_REMOTE удаленный сервер # Warning for Open-source Version OSS_MSG Welcome to the SoftEther VPN Server Academic Version!\r\n\r\n\r\nThis VPN Server is open-source free software developed as academic research at University of Tsukuba, Japan, and distributed from the SoftEther VPN Project (http://www.softether.org/), for free of charge for the public interests.\r\n\r\nSoftEther VPN software is distributed to public as a part of the joint-research contract between University of Tsukuba and SoftEther VPN Project. SoftEther VPN software is developed and published for JUST AN ACADEMIC RESEARCH PURPOSE. Therefore no support service are provided about SoftEther VPN software even if it contains bugs or vulnerabilities. A user will be liable for the result of use SoftEther VPN. The developers and publishers of SoftEther VPN will never be liable for either any consequences or damages.\r\n\r\nEnjoy using VPN with SoftEther VPN Server.\r\n\r\nFor more details of SoftEther VPN, visit http://www.softether.org/.\r\n\r\n NATT_MSG ** Connected with NAT traversal - might be unstable **\r\n\r\nThis VPN Client is connected to the VPN Server '%S' by using the NAT Traversal (UDP Hole Punching) technology.\r\n\r\nNAT Traversal allows the VPN Server behind the NAT-box to accept VPN connections from VPN Client without any port-forwarding setting on the NAT-box.\r\n\r\nHowever, NAT Traversal-based VPN sessions sometimes become unstable, because NAT Traversal uses UDP-based protocol. For example, the VPN tunnel disconnects every 5 minutes if there is a poor NAT-box between the VPN Server and the VPN Client. Some large-scale NAT gateways in cheap ISPs sometimes cause the same problem on NAT Traversal. This is a problem of routers or ISPs. This is not a problem of SoftEther VPN software.\r\n\r\nTo solve the unstable tunnel problem, you should connect to the VPN Server's TCP listener port directly, instead of using NAT Traversal. To connect to the VPN Server directly by using TCP, a listener port of the VPN Server must be exposed to the Internet by a port-forward setting on the NAT-box. Ask the administrator of the NAT-box, or refer to the manual of the NAT-box to add a port-forwarding setting on the NAT-box.\r\n\r\nIf this message still remains despite the VPN Server is exposing a TCP port to the Internet, check the "Disable NAT-T" checkbox on the VPN Client connection setting screen.\r\n\r\n # Virtual HUB Admin Options HUB_AO_CLICK Select an item to view the description here. HUB_AO_UNKNOWN The description of the item was not found. Refer to the documents, or speculate the meaning and purpose of the item from the name of the item. HUB_AO_allow_hub_admin_change_option This is a special item. If you are enable (set to 1) this option, then not only the VPN Server's global administrator but also the Virtual Hub's administrator will be granted to modify the Virtual Hub Admin Options by himself. HUB_AO_deny_hub_admin_change_ext_option If you are enable (set to 1) this option, the Virtual Hub's administrator will be forbidden to modify any values on the Virtual Hub Extended Options, then only the VPN Server's global administrator can modify them. HUB_AO_no_delay_jitter_packet_loss If you set this option to non-zero value, then all parameters of delay, jitter and packet-loss on the access-list entry will be ignored even if these parameters are set when the administrator adds a new access list entry. Therefore, delay, jitter and packet-loss generating function will be virtually disabled. Because of the delay generating function sometimes make a high volume of load on the CPU and RAM, a Virtual Hub which is shared by several users should have this option enabled. HUB_AO_max_users If you set this option to non-zero value, the maximum number of user objects registered on the Virtual Hub will be limited to this value, then greater number of user objects than this value cannot be added. HUB_AO_max_multilogins_per_user If you set this option to non-zero value, the maximum number of VPN Sessions per an individual user object will be limited to this value, then greater number of VPN Sessions of individual user object than this value cannot be established. HUB_AO_max_groups If you set this option to non-zero value, then the maximum number of group objects on the Virtual Hub will be limited to this value and any more groups will not be allowed to be registered. HUB_AO_max_accesslists If you set this option to non-zero value, then the maximum number of access list entries on the Virtual Hub will be limited to this value and any more entries will not be allowed to be registered. HUB_AO_max_sessions_client_bridge_apply Only when this value is set to non-zero value, the values max_sessions_client and max_sessions_bridge will be applied. HUB_AO_max_sessions If you set this option to non-zero value, then the maximum number of VPN Sessions will be limited to this value. HUB_AO_max_sessions_client If you set this option to non-zero value, then the maximum number of VPN Client sessions will be limited to this value. No more VPN Client sessions will be allowed to establish. This option is valid only when the max_sessions_client_bridge_apply option is set to non-zero value. HUB_AO_max_sessions_bridge If you set this option to non-zero value, then the maximum number of VPN Bridge sessions will be limited to this value. No more VPN Bridge sessions will be allowed to establish. This option is valid only when the max_sessions_client_bridge_apply option is set to non-zero value. HUB_AO_max_bitrates_download If you set this option to non-zero value, then all VPN Sessions on the Virtual Hub will be mandated to have a security policy setting which the "Download Bandwidth" value is set to this value. It will limit the downloading traffic speed of each VPN Session. For example, if this value is set to 1000000, then a downloading bandwidth of each VPN Session on the Virtual Hub will be limited to 1Mbps. HUB_AO_max_bitrates_upload If you set this option to non-zero value, then all VPN Sessions on the Virtual Hub will be mandated to have a security policy setting which the "Download Bandwidth" value is set to this value. It will limit the uploading traffic speed of each VPN Session. For example, if this value is set to 1000000, then a uploading bandwidth of each VPN Session on the Virtual Hub will be limited to 1Mbps. HUB_AO_deny_empty_password If you set this option to non-zero value, no user objects will be able to have an empty password. A user who has an empty password will be forbidden to connect a VPN Session. (Exception: a VPN connection from localhost will be permitted even if the password is empty.) HUB_AO_deny_bridge If you set this option to non-zero value, then any VPN Sessions in Bridge Mode will not be granted to establish, regardless of the setting of existing security policy of the user. No one will be able to connect to the Virtual Hub for bridging purpose. HUB_AO_deny_routing If you set this option to non-zero value, then any VPN Sessions in Routing Mode will not be granted to establish, regardless of the setting of existing security policy of the user. No one will be able to connect to the Virtual Hub for routing purpose. HUB_AO_deny_qos If you set this option to non-zero value, then every VPN Sessions will be enforced to disable the QoS function regardless of the setting of existing security policy of the user. HUB_AO_deny_change_user_password If you set this option to non-zero value, then any users on the Virtual Hub will be forbidden to change its password by VPN Client's password-changing function. HUB_AO_no_change_users If you set this option to non-zero value, then the administrator of the Virtual HUB will be forbidden to add, edit or remove a user. HUB_AO_no_change_groups If you set this option to non-zero value, then the administrator of the Virtual HUB will be forbidden to add, edit or remove a group. HUB_AO_no_securenat If you set this option to non-zero value, then the administrator of the Virtual HUB will be forbidden to enable or disable the SecureNAT function. HUB_AO_no_securenat_enablenat If you set this option to non-zero value, then the administrator of the Virtual HUB will be forbidden to enable or disable the Virtual NAT function in the SecureNAT function. HUB_AO_no_securenat_enabledhcp If you set this option to non-zero value, then the administrator of the Virtual HUB will be forbidden to enable or disable the Virtual DHCP Server function in the SecureNAT function. HUB_AO_no_cascade If you set this option to non-zero value, then the administrator of the Virtual HUB will be forbidden to add, edit, remove or change the online status of a cascade connection. HUB_AO_no_online If you set this option to non-zero value, then the administrator of the Virtual HUB will be forbidden to change the offline Virtual Hub to the online state. HUB_AO_no_offline If you set this option to non-zero value, then the administrator of the Virtual HUB will be forbidden to change the online Virtual Hub to the offline state. HUB_AO_no_change_log_config If you set this option to non-zero value, then the administrator of the Virtual HUB will be forbidden to change the settings of logging function. HUB_AO_no_disconnect_session If you set this option to non-zero value, then the administrator of the Virtual HUB will be forbidden to disconnect a specific VPN Session. HUB_AO_no_delete_iptable If you set this option to non-zero value, then the administrator of the Virtual HUB will be forbidden to delete a specific IP address entry from the IP address table database. HUB_AO_no_delete_mactable If you set this option to non-zero value, then the administrator of the Virtual HUB will be forbidden to delete a specific MAC address entry from the MAC address table database. HUB_AO_no_enum_session If you set this option to non-zero value, then the administrator of the Virtual HUB will be forbidden to enumerate the sessions on the Virtual Hub. HUB_AO_no_query_session If you set this option to non-zero value, then the administrator of the Virtual HUB will be forbidden to specify a session and get the information of the session. HUB_AO_no_change_admin_password If you set this option to non-zero value, then the administrator of the Virtual HUB will be forbidden to change the administrator's password of the Virtual Hub. HUB_AO_no_change_log_switch_type If you set this option to non-zero value, then the administrator of the Virtual HUB will be forbidden to change the Log Switching settings on the logging function settings of the Virtual Hub. HUB_AO_no_change_access_list If you set this option to non-zero value, then the administrator of the Virtual HUB will be forbidden to modify the access list of the Virtual Hub. HUB_AO_no_change_access_control_list If you set this option to non-zero value, then the administrator of the Virtual HUB will be forbidden to modify the source IP address limit list of the Virtual Hub. HUB_AO_no_change_cert_list If you set this option to non-zero value, then the administrator of the Virtual HUB will be forbidden to modify the trusted certificate authority list of the Virtual Hub. HUB_AO_no_change_crl_list If you set this option to non-zero value, then the administrator of the Virtual HUB will be forbidden to modify the certificate revoked list of the Virtual Hub. HUB_AO_no_read_log_file If you set this option to non-zero value, then the administrator of the Virtual HUB will be forbidden to enumerate or download the log files of the Virtual Hub remotely. HUB_AO_no_change_msg If you set this option to non-zero value, then the administrator of the Virtual HUB will be forbidden to change the message which should be displayed when a VPN Client connects to the Virtual Hub. HUB_AO_no_access_list_include_file If you set this option to non-zero value, then the administrator of the Virtual HUB will be forbidden to specify "include:" or "exclude:" instruction as a source or a destination user field on a access list entry of the Virtual Hub. # Virtual Hub Extended Options HUB_AO_NoAddressPollingIPv4 If you set this option to non-zero value, then the Virtual Hub will not perform the maintenance of the IPv4 address table and the MAC address table on the hub with using sending ARP packets per 5 seconds in order to check keep-alive IPv4 devices. As a result, IPv4 devices might be deleted on the IPv4 address table and MAC address table after a particular period (from 1 to 10 minutes) will be elapsed in the case of no-communication activities via the Virtual Hub, even if it is still alive. This option can eliminate the amount of broadcast packets, however some IPv4-related security policies will not work effectively. HUB_AO_NoAddressPollingIPv6 If you set this option to non-zero value, then the Virtual Hub will not perform the maintenance of the IPv6 address table and the MAC address table on the hub with using sending ICMPv6 packets per 5 seconds in order to check keep-alive IPv6 devices. As a result, IPv6 devices might be deleted on the IPv6 address table and MAC address table after a particular period (from 1 to 10 minutes) will be elapsed in the case of no-communication activities via the Virtual Hub, even if it is still alive. This option can eliminate the amount of broadcast packets, however some IPv6-related security policies will not work effectively. HUB_AO_NoIpTable If you set this option to non-zero value, then the Virtual Hub will not construct and maintain the internal IP address table. This option can eliminate the amount of CPU and RAM usages, however some IP-related security policies will not work effectively. HUB_AO_NoMacAddressLog If you set this option to non-zero value, then any logs which indicate the registration of a new MAC address to the MAC address table on the Virtual Hub will not be logged to the security log. HUB_AO_ManageOnlyPrivateIP If you set this option to non-zero value, then the IPv4 address table of the Virtual Hub will contain only private IPv4 addresses. In this context, the private IPv4 addresses are:,, and Any other IPv4 addresses will not added on the table. HUB_AO_ManageOnlyLocalUnicastIPv6 If you set this option to non-zero value, then the IPv6 address table of the Virtual Hub will contain only local unicast IPv6 addresses. In this context, the private IPv6 addresses are: fe80::/10. Any other IPv6 addresses will not added on the table. HUB_AO_DisableIPParsing If you set this option to non-zero value, then the Virtual Hub will disable the internal parsing function of IP headers in all Ethernet packets. This option can eliminate the amount of CPU and RAM usages, however the Vitual Hub will not perform building and maintenance of the IP address table internally, and some IP-related security policies will not work effectively. HUB_AO_YieldAfterStorePacket If you set this option to non-zero value, then the Virtual Hub sets the CPU to idle state after store-forward processing of a packet. This might results good effects to make the delay of packets shorter, however the counts of thread context switch will be increased and the performance might decline. HUB_AO_FilterPPPoE If you set this option to non-zero value, then the Virtual Hub discards all PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet) packets. It is convenient to split each site's PPPoE segment when making a bridge between two or more local area networks. HUB_AO_FilterOSPF If you set this option to non-zero value, then the Virtual Hub discards all OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) packets. HUB_AO_FilterIPv4 If you set this option to non-zero value, then the Virtual Hub discards all IPv4 and ARP packets. HUB_AO_FilterIPv6 If you set this option to non-zero value, then the Virtual Hub discards all IPv6 packets. HUB_AO_FilterNonIP If you set this option to non-zero value, then the Virtual Hub discards all non-IP packets (non-IPv4, ARP or IPv6 packets). Incidentally, any tagged-VLAN packets via the Virtual Hub will be regarded as non-IP packets. HUB_AO_FilterBPDU If you set this option to non-zero value, then the Virtual Hub discards all BPDU (Bridge Protocol Data Unit) packets. HUB_AO_NoIPv6DefaultRouterInRAWhenIPv6 If you set this option to non-zero value, then all VPN Sessions on the Virtual Hub will have the enabled "No Default-Router on IPv6 RA (physical IPv6)" security policy. When the physical communication protocol between VPN Client / VPN Bridge and VPN Server is IPv6, any IPv6 RA (Router Advertisement) packet with non-zero value in the router-lifetime will set to zero-value. This is effective to avoid the horrible behavior from the IPv6 routing confusion which is caused by the VPN client's attempts to use the remote-side IPv6 router as its local IPv6 router. HUB_AO_NoLookBPDUBridgeId If you set this option to non-zero value, then the Virtual Hub will ignore the source MAC field in a BPDU (Bridge Protocol Data Unit) packet. This value will be much more advanced. Do not modify it unless you are very ultra special expert of computer networking. HUB_AO_NoManageVlanId If you set this option to non-zero value, then the Virtual Hub will not use VLAN ID on the MAC address table. Any VLAN ID in tagged-VLAN packets will be ignored. HUB_AO_VlanTypeId Specify the Ethernet Type ID (TPID) of VLAN tags in decimal. The default value is 33024 (0x8100 in hex). This value will be much more advanced. Do not modify it unless you are very ultra special expert of computer networking. HUB_AO_FixForDLinkBPDU If you set this option to non-zero value, then the FixForDLinkBPDU option will be enabled. This value will be much more advanced. Do not modify it unless you are very ultra special expert of computer networking. HUB_AO_NoIPv4PacketLog If you set this option to non-zero value, then IPv4 packets via the Virtual Hub will not be logged. HUB_AO_NoIPv6PacketLog If you set this option to non-zero value, then IPv6 packets via the Virtual Hub will not be logged. HUB_AO_NoSpinLockForPacketDelay If you set this option to non-zero value, then the VPN Server will not use spin-lock mechanisms to simulate the delay of packets when the packet-delay generating function is applied to the packet. Instead, the timer interrupt by the operating system will be adopted. It will reduce the CPU time, however the resolution of generating delays will deteriorate. HUB_AO_BroadcastStormDetectionThreshold Specify the threshold to detect the broadcast storm per a second. When the number of broadcast packets from a particular VPN Session exceeded this threshold, packets will be regarded as broadcast storm and become subjects to be filtered. The default value (zero-value) is 32. HUB_AO_ClientMinimumRequiredBuild If you set this option to non-zero value, then the Virtual Hub will deny any access from VPN Client which has less build number than this value. HUB_AO_RequiredClientId If you set this option to non-zero value, then the Virtual Hub will deny any access from VPN Client which doesn't have the embedded "Client ID" value in the software. HUB_AO_AdjustTcpMssValue If you set this option to non-zero value, then the Virtual Hub will adjust MSS (Max Segment Size) values of headers of all TCP/IP packets not to exceed this value. HUB_AO_DisableAdjustTcpMss If you set this option to non-zero value, then any MSS (Max Segment Size) options on the Virtual Hub will be disabled. Even if the AdjustTcpMssValue option is specified, or a VPN Session is made by IPsec / L2TP / EtherIP / L2TPv3 Server Function, the adjustment of MSS will be disabled. HUB_AO_NoDhcpPacketLogOutsideHub If you set this option to non-zero value, then the Virtual Hub will not record non-related DHCP packets to the packet log. "Non-related DHCP packets" are DHCP packets which are not bound to any VPN Session on the Virtual Hub. HUB_AO_DisableHttpParsing If you set this option to non-zero value, then the Virtual Hub will not perform parsing HTTP headers in all HTTP packets. It will reduce the usage of CPU and RAM, however the HTTP access logs will not be recorded. HUB_AO_DisableUdpAcceleration If you set this option to non-zero value, then all UDP Acceleration Function will be disabled on the all VPN Sessions of the Virtual Hub. HUB_AO_DisableUdpFilterForLocalBridgeNic If you set this option to non-zero value, then the Virtual Hub disables the trouble-preventing filtering function to filter DHCP packets which might causes of network unstable. By default, a local bridge interface sometimes try to acquire an IP address from remote-side DHCP server, however such a behavior should infinite loop in the routing table. The filtering function can avoid such problems. This option can disable the filtering function. HUB_AO_ApplyIPv4AccessListOnArpPacket If you set this option to non-zero value, then the IPv4 access list entries will be applied on not only IPv4 packets but also ARP packets. It is convenient to filter unnecessary ARP packets which might cause troubles. HUB_AO_RemoveDefGwOnDhcpForLocalhost If you set this option to non-zero value, when a VPN Client on the localhost connects to the Virtual Hub and try to acquire an IP address from the DHCP Server in the segment of the Virtual Hub, corresponding DHCP reply packets will be discarded. It can prevent unexpected infinite loop of packets routing. HUB_AO_SecureNAT_MaxTcpSessionsPerIp If you set this option to non-zero value, then the number of TCP connections (which is not SYN_SENT) per IP state will be limited to this value. HUB_AO_SecureNAT_MaxTcpSynSentPerIp If you set this option to non-zero value, then the number of TCP connections (which is SYN_SENT) per IP state will be limited to this value. HUB_AO_SecureNAT_MaxUdpSessionsPerIp If you set this option to non-zero value, then the number of UDP sessions per IP state will be limited to this value. HUB_AO_SecureNAT_MaxDnsSessionsPerIp If you set this option to non-zero value, then the number of DNS sessions per IP which is not SYN_SENT state will be limited to this value. HUB_AO_SecureNAT_MaxIcmpSessionsPerIp If you set this option to non-zero value, then the number of ICMP sessions per IP which is not SYN_SENT state will be limited to this value. HUB_AO_AccessListIncludeFileCacheLifetime Specify a period in seconds to hold the cache of external user-list files which is for an access list entry which has "include:" or "exclude:" formats as its username. HUB_AO_DisableKernelModeSecureNAT If you set this option to non-zero value, then the Kernel-mode NAT function on the SecureNAT function will be disabled. Kernel-mode NAT is a function to accelerate the performance of the Virtual NAT function on SecureNAT. Kernel-mode NAT can work only when the VPN Server process is running with system privileges (i.e. root, SYSTEM or Administrators contexts.). If the Kernel-mode NAT causes something wrong operations, use this option to disable it. HUB_AO_DisableUserModeSecureNAT If you set this option to non-zero value, then the User-mode NAT function on the SecureNAT function will be disabled. User-mode NAT is a function to make the NAT possible to run as normal-user privileges. HUB_AO_DisableCheckMacOnLocalBridge If you set this option to non-zero value, the MAC address duplication check will be disabled on the Local Bridge function. There might be a case when some network adapters has a problem that reflects outgoing packets towards the Virtual Hub. A Virtual HUB detects such duplications automatically, and discards them. Enable this flag to disable the detection and discarding. HUB_AO_DisableCorrectIpOffloadChecksum If you set this option to non-zero value, then the checking and correction of IP check-sum value on the Local Bridge function. Some network adapters, which have IP, TCP or UDP header check-sum offloading engines, transmit packets with incomplete check-sum values. Such packets cannot be treated correctly by receiver-side. So the Local Bridge detects such packets and corrects its check-sum fields. Enable this flag to disable such correction. HUB_AO_BroadcastLimiterStrictMode If you set this option to non-zero value, then the broadcast-storm detection algorithm will compare either source or destination IP address of each packet. If any of the two fields matches, the packet will be recorded on the short-term history of broadcast-storm detection state machine. HUB_AO_MaxLoggedPacketsPerMinute Maximum number of logging target packets per minute. HUB_AO_DoNotSaveHeavySecurityLogs Do not take heavy security log. HUB_AO_DropBroadcastsInPrivacyFilterMode Drop broadcasting packets if the both source and destination session is PrivacyFilter mode. HUB_AO_DropArpInPrivacyFilterMode Drop ARP packets if the both source and destination session is PrivacyFilter mode. HUB_AO_SuppressClientUpdateNotification Suppress the update notification screen on the VPN Client. HUB_AO_FloodingSendQueueBufferQuota Specify the quota limitation value (in bytes) of the sending queue buffer size which the flooding operation on the Virtual Hub can consume. The quota value is applied on the total length of sending queues of all active VPN sessions. Specify '0' to disable the quota. This option is effective to solve the out-of-memory problem on the network where there are many flooding packets. HUB_AO_AssignVLanIdByRadiusAttribute Enable the VLAN ID dynamic assignment function. Each VPN session will be assigned its own VLAN ID by the RADIUS attribute value when the user is authenticated by the external RADIUS server unless the user object has a VLAN ID security policy. The RADIUS attribute with the name "Tunnel-Pvt-Group-ID" (ID = 81) will be used as the VLAN ID. The data type must be STRING. HUB_AO_DenyAllRadiusLoginWithNoVlanAssign If you set this option to non-zero value, then all users, which RADIUS server returns no "Tunnel-Pvt-Group-ID" (ID = 81) value, will be denied to connect to the Virtual Hub. (Only if the values of AssignVLanIdByRadiusAttribute is non-zero value.) HUB_AO_SecureNAT_RandomizeAssignIp If you set this option to non-zero value, then the Virtual DHCP Server of the SecureNAT function will choose an unused IP address randomly from the DHCP pool while the default behavior is to choose the first unused IP address. HUB_AO_DetectDormantSessionInterval If you set this option to non-zero value, then the Virtual Hub will treat the VPN sessions, which have transmitted no packets for the last specified intervals (in seconds), as Dormant Sessions. The Virtual Hub will not flood packets, which should be flood, to any Dormant Sessions. HUB_AO_NoPhysicalIPOnPacketLog If you set this option to non-zero value, then the physical IP addresses of VPN clients of either the source VPN session or the destination VPN session will not be recorded on the packet log file. HUB_AO_UseHubNameAsDhcpUserClassOption If you set this option to non-zero value, then the Virtual Hub Name will be added to a DHCP request to an external DHCP server as the "User-Class" option. This allows to use separate pools of IP addresses for each Virtual Hub. (For only L2TP/IPsec and OpenVPN sessions.) HUB_AO_UseHubNameAsRadiusNasId If you set this option to non-zero value, then the NAS-Identifier RADIUS attribute will be set to a name of the Virtual Hub. This allows to determine on RADIUS server whether access to the Virtual Hub should be granted or denied. # Concerning failed connection dialogs ERRDLG_ERRMSG Ошибка (Код ошибки %u):\r\n%s\r\n ERRDLG_RETRYCOUNT An automatic reconnection will be made after %u seconds... ERRDLG_INFORMATION Click Retry to start connecting again. ERRDLG_RETRY_INFO_1 Do you wish to retry? (%u retries / %u total retries) ERRDLG_RETRY_INFO_2 Do you wish to retry? (%u retries / total infinite retries) ERRDLG_DISCONNECTED_MSG Connection to VPN Server "%S" has been disconnected. ERRDLG_DEVICE_ERROR The connection with the VPN Server has been disconnected because the Virtual Network Adapter (device name: %S) has been stopped. \r\n\r\nError code %u: %s # Concerning protocols PROTO_DIRECT_TCP Прямое TCP/IP подключение PROTO_HTTP_PROXY Подключение через HTTP-прокси PROTO_SOCKS_PROXY Подключение через SOCKS4-прокси PROTO_SOCKS5_PROXY Подключение через SOCKS5-прокси PROTO_SSH Подключение черзе SSH-сервер PROTO_UNKNOWN Неизвестный протокол # Concerning caps # (Control characters) CAPS_YES Да CAPS_NO Нет # (Title) CT_i_max_packet_size Maximum Ethernet Packet Size CT_i_max_hubs Maximum Virtual Hubs CT_i_max_user_creation Maximum Users on Entire VPN Server CT_i_max_sessions Maximum Total Sessions CT_i_max_clients Maximum Client Sessions CT_i_max_bridges Maximum Bridge Sessions CT_i_max_users_per_hub Maximum Users per Virtual Hub CT_i_max_groups_per_hub Maximum Groups per Virtual Hub CT_i_max_access_lists Maximum Access Lists per Virtual Hub CT_i_max_mac_tables Maximum MAC Address Entries per Virtual Hub CT_i_max_ip_tables Maximum IP Address Entries per Virtual Hub CT_i_max_secnat_tables Maximum SecureNAT Entries per Virtual Hub CT_i_max_l3_sw Maximum Virtual Layer 3 Switches CT_i_max_l3_if Maximum Virtual Interfaces per Layer 3 Switch CT_i_max_l3_table Maximum Routing Tables per Layer 3 Switch CT_b_bridge Works as VPN Bridge Software CT_b_standalone Standalone Mode CT_b_cluster_controller Cluster Controller Mode CT_b_cluster_member Cluster Member Mode CT_b_vpn_client_connect Accepting Connection from VPN Client / Bridge CT_b_local_bridge Local Bridge is Supported CT_b_must_install_pcap Packet Capture Driver is Not Installed CT_b_tap_supported Tun/Tap Device is Supported (only in Linux) CT_b_support_config_hub Changing Virtual Hub Settings is Supported CT_b_support_securenat SecureNAT is Supported CT_b_virtual_nat_disabled Virtual NAT is Disabled (only DHCP Enabled) CT_b_support_cascade Cascade Connection is Supported CT_b_support_cascade_cert Server Authentication for Cascade Connection is Supported CT_b_support_config_log Changing Settings for Saving Log is Supported CT_b_support_autodelete Automatic Deletion of Log Files is Supported CT_b_support_radius External Authentication Server is Supported CT_b_support_config_rw Remote Reading and Writing of Config File is Supported CT_b_support_hub_admin_option Virtual Hub Administration Options is Supported CT_b_support_cascade_client_cert Client Certificates for Cascade Connection is Supported CT_b_support_hide_hub Virtual Hub Enumeration Setting is Supported CT_b_support_cluster_admin Integrated Administration for All Cluster Nodes is Supported CT_b_support_cluster Operation as Part of a Cluster is Supported CT_b_support_cluster_controller Operating as a Cluster Controller CT_b_support_layer3 The Virtual Layer 3 Switch is Supported CT_b_support_crl Virtual Hub-Specific Certificate Revocation Lists is Supported CT_b_support_ac Virtual Hub-Specific Source IP Address Limit Lists is Supported CT_b_support_read_log Downloading of Log Files is Supported CT_b_support_rename_cascade Renaming of Cascade Connection is Supported CT_b_support_license Management of Licenses is Supported CT_b_support_limit_multilogin Limits for Multiple Login by Same User is Supported CT_b_support_qos VoIP / QoS Functions is Supported CT_b_support_syslog Syslog Sending Functions is Supported CT_b_cluster_hub_type_fixed The Virtual Hub Types in a Cluster are Fixed CT_b_beta_version Beta Version (Pre-release build) CT_b_support_check_mac Specifing MAC Address in Access Lists is Supported CT_b_support_check_tcp_state Checking TCP Connection State Filtering is Supported CT_b_support_network_connection_name Getting Network Friendly Name is Supported CT_b_support_radius_retry_interval_and_several_servers Retry Interval and Multi server is Supported in RADIUS Auth CT_b_support_vlan Tagged VLAN ID is Supported in MAC Address Table CT_b_support_hub_ext_options Virtual Hub Extended Option is Supported CT_b_support_policy_ver_3 Security Policy version 3 is Supported CT_b_support_ipv6_acl IPv6 Access List is Supported CT_b_support_ex_acl Delay, Jitter and Packet Loss is Supported in Access List CT_b_support_acl_group Conditioning by Group name is Supported in Access List CT_b_support_ipv6_ac IPv6 IP Access Control Lists is Supported CT_b_support_eth_vlan Tagged VLAN Packet Transparency Support tool is Supported CT_b_support_msg Message of Today function is Supported CT_b_vpn3 Internal Version 3.0 functions are Supported CT_b_vpn4 Internal Version 4.0 functions are Supported CT_b_support_ipsec IPsec / L2TP / EtherIP / L2TPv3 Server Functions are Supported CT_b_support_sstp MS-SSTP VPN Server Function is Supported CT_b_support_udp_acceleration UDP Acceleration Function is Supported CT_b_support_openvpn OpenVPN Server Function is Supported CT_b_support_ddns Dynamic DNS Client Function is Supported CT_b_support_ddns_proxy DDNS via Proxy Server is Supported CT_b_support_special_listener VPN over ICMP and VPN over DNS is Supported CT_b_support_redirect_url_acl HTTP URL Redirection in Access List is Supported CT_b_is_in_vm Running on VM (Virtual Machine) CT_b_support_azure VPN Azure is Supported CT_b_support_aes_ni CPU AES Acceleration (AES-NI) is Active CT_b_using_selow_driver SoftEther Lightweight Kernel-mode Ethernet Driver is Active CT_b_support_vgs VPN Gate Service Server Functions are Supported CT_b_support_vgs_in_client VPN Gate Service Server Functions (VPN Client integrated) CT_b_is_softether Either Free or Open-Source Version of SoftEther VPN CT_b_suppport_push_route Static Routing Table Pushing Function CT_b_suppport_push_route_config Static Routing Table Pushing Function (Configurable) # Concerning policies POL_TITLE_STR Policy Name POL_VALUE_STR Current Value POL_TYPE_BOOL ON / OFF POL_TYPE_INT Integer POL_BOOL_ENABLE Enabled POL_BOOL_DISABLE - POL_BOOL_DISABLE_EX - POL_INT_ZERO - POL_INT_COUNT %u POL_INT_SEC %u seconds POL_INT_BPS %u bps POL_INT_VLAN %u # Ver 2.0 POL_0 Allow Access POL_EX_0 The users defined this policy have permission to make VPN connection to VPN Server. POL_1 Filter DHCP Packets (IPv4) POL_EX_1 All IPv4 DHCP packets in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. POL_2 Disallow DHCP Server Operation (IPv4) POL_EX_2 Computers connected to sessions that have this policy setting will not be allowed to become a DHCP server and distribute IPv4 addresses to DHCP clients. POL_3 Enforce DHCP Allocated IP Addresses (IPv4) POL_EX_3 Computers in sessions that have this policy setting will only be able to use IPv4 addresses allocated by a DHCP server on the virtual network side. POL_4 Deny Bridge Operation POL_EX_4 Bridge-mode connections are denied for user sessions that have this policy setting. Even in cases when the Ethernet Bridge is configured in the client side, communication will not be possible. POL_5 Deny Routing Operation (IPv4) POL_EX_5 IPv4 routing will be denied for sessions that have this policy setting. Even in the case where the IP router is operating on the user client side, communication will not be possible. POL_6 Deny MAC Addresses Duplication POL_EX_6 The use of duplicating MAC addresses that are in use by computers of different sessions cannot be used by sessions with this policy setting. POL_7 Deny IP Address Duplication (IPv4) POL_EX_7 The use of duplicating IPv4 addresses that are in use by computers of different sessions cannot be used by sessions with this policy setting. POL_8 Deny Non-ARP / Non-DHCP / Non-ICMPv6 broadcasts POL_EX_8 The sending or receiving of broadcast packets that are not ARP protocol, DHCP protocol, nor ICMPv6 on the virtual network will not be allowed for sessions with this policy setting. POL_9 Privacy Filter Mode POL_EX_9 All direct communication between sessions with the privacy filter mode policy setting will be filtered. POL_10 Deny Operation as TCP/IP Server (IPv4) POL_EX_10 Computers of sessions with this policy setting can't listen and accept TCP/IP connections in IPv4. POL_11 Unlimited Number of Broadcasts POL_EX_11 If a computer of a session with this policy setting sends broadcast packets of a number unusually larger than what would be considered normal on the virtual network, there will be no automatic limiting. POL_12 Allow Monitoring Mode POL_EX_12 Users with this policy setting will be granted to connect to the Virtual Hub in Monitoring Mode. Sessions in Monitoring Mode are able to monitor (tap) all packets flowing through the Virtual Hub. POL_13 Maximum Number of TCP Connections POL_EX_13 For sessions with this policy setting, this sets the maximum number of physical TCP connections consists in a physical VPN session. POL_14 Time-out Period POL_EX_14 For sessions with this policy setting, this sets, in seconds, the time-out period to wait before disconnecting a session when communication trouble occurs between the VPN Client / VPN Server. POL_15 Maximum Number of MAC Addresses POL_EX_15 For sessions with this policy setting, this limits the number of MAC addresses per session. POL_16 Maximum Number of IP Addresses (IPv4) POL_EX_16 For sessions with this policy setting, this specifies the number of IPv4 addresses that can be registered for a single session. POL_17 Upload Bandwidth POL_EX_17 For sessions with this policy setting, this limits the traffic bandwidth that is in the inwards direction from outside to inside the Virtual Hub. POL_18 Download Bandwidth POL_EX_18 For sessions with this policy setting, this limits the traffic bandwidth that is in the outwards direction from inside the Virtual Hub to outside the Virtual Hub. POL_19 Deny Changing Password POL_EX_19 The users which use password authentication with this policy setting are not allowed to change their own password from the VPN Client Manager or similar. POL_20 Maximum Number of Multiple Logins POL_EX_20 Users with this policy setting are unable to have more than this number of concurrent logins. Bridge Mode sessions are not subjects to this policy. This security policy is only available on VPN Server 3.0 or greater, or VPN Server 2.0 with the multi-login restriction function. POL_21 Deny VoIP / QoS Function POL_EX_21 Users with this security policy are unable to use VoIP / QoS functions in VPN connection sessions. This security policy is only available on VPN Server 3.0 or greater, or VPN Server 2.0 with the VoIP / QoS functions. # Ver 3.0 POL_22 Filter RS / RA Packets (IPv6) POL_EX_22 All ICMPv6 packets which the message-type is 133 (Router Solicitation) or 134 (Router Advertisement) in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. As a result, an IPv6 client will be unable to use IPv6 address prefix auto detection and IPv6 default gateway auto detection. POL_23 Filter RA Packets (IPv6) POL_EX_23 All ICMPv6 packets which the message-type is 134 (Router Advertisement) in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. As a result, a malicious users will be unable to spread illegal IPv6 prefix or default gateway advertisements on the network. POL_24 Filter DHCP Packets (IPv6) POL_EX_24 All IPv6 DHCP packets in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. POL_25 Disallow DHCP Server Operation (IPv6) POL_EX_25 Computers connected to sessions that have this policy setting will not be allowed to become a DHCP server and distribute IPv6 addresses to DHCP clients. POL_26 Deny Routing Operation (IPv6) POL_EX_26 IPv6 routing will be denied for sessions that have this policy setting. Even in the case where the IP router is operating on the user client side, communication will not be possible. POL_27 Deny IP Address Duplication (IPv6) POL_EX_27 The use of duplicating IPv6 addresses that are in use by computers of different sessions cannot be used by sessions with this policy setting. POL_28 Deny Operation as TCP/IP Server (IPv6) POL_EX_28 Computers of sessions with this policy setting can't listen and accept TCP/IP connections in IPv6. POL_29 Maximum Number of IP Addresses (IPv6) POL_EX_29 For sessions with this policy setting, this specifies the number of IPv6 addresses that can be registered for a single session. POL_30 Disallow Password Save in VPN Client POL_EX_30 For users with this policy setting, when the user is using *standard* password authentication, the user will be unable to save the password in VPN Client. The user will be required to input passwords for every time to connect a VPN. This will improve the security. If this policy is enabled, VPN Client Version 2.0 will be denied to access. POL_31 VPN Client Automatic Disconnect POL_EX_31 For users with this policy setting, a user's VPN session will be disconnected automatically after the specific period will elapse. In this case no automatic re-connection will be performed. This can prevent a lot of inactive VPN Sessions. If this policy is enabled, VPN Client Version 2.0 will be denied to access. POL_32 Filter All IPv4 Packets POL_EX_32 All IPv4 and ARP packets in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. POL_33 Filter All IPv6 Packets POL_EX_33 All IPv6 packets in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. POL_34 Filter All Non-IP Packets POL_EX_34 All non-IP packets in sessions defined this policy will be filtered. "Non-IP packet" mean a packet which is not IPv4, ARP nor IPv6. Any tagged-VLAN packets via the Virtual Hub will be regarded as non-IP packets. POL_35 No Default-Router on IPv6 RA POL_EX_35 In all VPN Sessions defines this policy, any IPv6 RA (Router Advertisement) packet with non-zero value in the router-lifetime will set to zero-value. This is effective to avoid the horrible behavior from the IPv6 routing confusion which is caused by the VPN client's attempts to use the remote-side IPv6 router as its local IPv6 router. POL_36 No Default-Router on IPv6 RA (physical IPv6) POL_EX_36 In all VPN Sessions defines this policy (only when the physical communication protocol between VPN Client / VPN Bridge and VPN Server is IPv6), any IPv6 RA (Router Advertisement) packet with non-zero value in the router-lifetime will set to zero-value. This is effective to avoid the horrible behavior from the IPv6 routing confusion which is caused by the VPN client's attempts to use the remote-side IPv6 router as its local IPv6 router. POL_37 VLAN ID (IEEE802.1Q) POL_EX_37 You can specify the VLAN ID on the security policy. All VPN Sessions defines this policy, all Ethernet packets toward the Virtual Hub from the user will be inserted a VLAN tag (IEEE 802.1Q) with the VLAN ID. The user can also receive only packets with a VLAN tag which has the same VLAN ID. (Receiving process removes the VLAN tag automatically.) Any Ethernet packets with any other VLAN IDs or non-VLAN packets will not be received. All VPN Sessions without this policy definition can send / receive any kinds of Ethernet packets regardless of VLAN tags, and VLAN tags are not inserted or removed automatically. Any tagged-VLAN packets via the Virtual Hub will be regarded as non-IP packets. Therefore, tagged-VLAN packets are not subjects for IPv4 / IPv6 security policies, access lists nor other IPv4 / IPv6 specific deep processing. # Concerning remote connection dialog REMOTE_DEF_CAPTION Remote Connection REMOTE_DEF_TITLE Specify the computer you want to remotely connect to. # Concerning client notification service CN_TITLE SoftEther VPN Client Developer Edition # Concerning Connection Manager CM_TITLE SoftEther VPN Client Developer Edition Manager CM_PW_LOCALMACHINE Local Computer CM_NO_REMOTE The VPN Client service running on %s disallows remote connections. CM_CONNECT_FAILED Unable to connect to the VPN Client service operating on %s. \r\nMake sure the VPN Client service has started and is running normally. CM_BAD_PASSWORD The password is incorrect. Re-enter password. The password is case-sensitive so be sure to discern between upper and lower case letters. CM_NUM_CONN_COUNT %u VPN Sessions CM_CONN_NO Not Connected CM_PRODUCT_NAME SoftEther VPN Client Build %u CM_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_1 VPN Connection Setting Name CM_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_2 Status CM_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_3 VPN Server Hostname CM_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_3_2 Virtual Hub CM_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_4 Virtual Network Adapter Name CM_VLAN_COLUMN_1 Virtual Network Adapter Name CM_VLAN_COLUMN_2 Status CM_VLAN_COLUMN_3 MAC Address CM_VLAN_COLUMN_4 Version CM_ACCOUNT_OFFLINE Offline CM_ACCOUNT_ONLINE Connected CM_ACCOUNT_CONNECTING Connecting CM_VLAN_ENABLED Enabled CM_VLAN_DISABLED Disabled CM_DELETE_ACCOUNT_MSG This will delete the VPN Connection Setting "%s". Do you really want to do this? CM_ST_ACCOUNT_NAME VPN Connection Setting Name CM_ST_CONNECTED Session Status CM_ST_CONNECTED_TRUE Connection Completed (Session Established) CM_ST_CONNECTED_FALSE Trying to Connect CM_ST_CONNECTING Connection to VPN Server Started CM_ST_NEGOTIATION Negotiating CM_ST_AUTH Authenticating User CM_ST_ESTABLISHED Connection is Established CM_ST_RETRY Retrying CM_ST_IDLE Idle CM_ST_SERVER_NAME Server Name CM_ST_SERVER_PORT Port Number CM_ST_PORT_TCP TCP Port %u CM_ST_SERVER_P_NAME Server Product Name CM_ST_SERVER_P_VER Server Version CM_ST_SERVER_P_BUILD Server Build CM_ST_START_TIME Connection Started at CM_ST_FIRST_ESTAB_TIME First Session has been Established since CM_ST_NONE - CM_ST_CURR_ESTAB_TIME Current Session has been Established since CM_ST_NUM_ESTABLISHED Number of Established Sessions CM_ST_NUM_STR %u Times CM_ST_HALF_CONNECTION Half Duplex TCP Connection Mode CM_ST_HALF_TRUE Yes (Half Duplex Mode) CM_ST_HALF_FALSE No (Full Duplex Mode) CM_ST_QOS VoIP / QoS Function CM_ST_QOS_TRUE Enabled CM_ST_QOS_FALSE Disabled CM_ST_NUM_TCP Number of TCP Connections CM_ST_NUM_TCP_UPLOAD Number of Uplink TCP Connections CM_ST_NUM_TCP_DOWNLOAD Number of Downlink TCP Connections CM_ST_MAX_TCP Maximum Number of TCP Connections CM_ST_VLAN_ID VLAN ID CM_ST_NO_VLAN - CM_ST_USE_ENCRYPT Encryption CM_ST_USE_ENCRYPT_TRUE Enabled (Algorithm: %S) CM_ST_USE_ENCRYPT_TRUE2 Enabled CM_ST_USE_ENCRYPT_FALSE Disabled (No Encryption) CM_ST_USE_COMPRESS Use of Compression CM_ST_UDP_ACCEL_ENABLED UDP Acceleration is Supported CM_ST_UDP_ACCEL_USING UDP Acceleration is Active CM_ST_RUDP TCP over UDP (NAT Traversal) CM_ST_UNDERLAY_PROTOCOL Physical Underlay Protocol CM_ST_COMPRESS_TRUE Yes (%u %%) CM_ST_COMPRESS_FALSE No (No Compression) CM_ST_SESSION_NAME Session Name CM_ST_CONNECTION_NAME Connection Name CM_ST_SESSION_KEY Session Key (160 bit) CM_ST_BRIDGE_MODE Bridge / Router Mode CM_ST_MONITOR_MODE Monitoring Mode CM_ST_YES Yes CM_ST_NO No CM_ST_SEND_SIZE Outgoing Data Size CM_ST_RECV_SIZE Incoming Data Size CM_ST_SEND_UCAST_NUM Outgoing Unicast Packets CM_ST_SEND_UCAST_SIZE Outgoing Unicast Total Size CM_ST_SEND_BCAST_NUM Outgoing Broadcast Packets CM_ST_SEND_BCAST_SIZE Outgoing Broadcast Total Size CM_ST_RECV_UCAST_NUM Incoming Unicast Packets CM_ST_RECV_UCAST_SIZE Incoming Unicast Total Size CM_ST_RECV_BCAST_NUM Incoming Broadcast Packets CM_ST_RECV_BCAST_SIZE Incoming Broadcast Total Size CM_ST_NUM_PACKET_STR %S packets CM_ST_SIZE_BYTE_STR %S bytes CM_NEW_ICON Добавить VPN соединение CM_VGC_ICON VPN Gate Public VPN Relay Servers CM_VGC_LINK VPN Gate Academic Web Site CM_ST_TITLE Статус соединения %s CM_ST_COLUMN_1 Item CM_ST_COLUMN_2 Статус CM_NEW_ACCOUNT_NAME_1 Новое VPN соединение CM_NEW_ACCOUNT_NAME_2 Новое VPN соединение (%u) CM_ACCOUNT_TITLE_1 New VPN Connection Setting Properties CM_ACCOUNT_TITLE_2 Параметры %s CM_SERVER_CERT_1 &Specify Individual Cert CM_SERVER_CERT_2 &Delete Certificate CM_CLIENT_CERT_1 Specify Client &Certificate CM_CLIENT_CERT_2 Delete &Client Certificate CM_CERT_INFO Issued to: %s\r\nIssuer: %s\r\nExpiration: %s CM_NO_CERT You must specify a client certificate to be used for user authentication. CM_NO_SECURE Specify the client certificate and private key inside the smart card to be used for user authentication. CM_CERT_SECURE_INFO Certificate: "%S"\r\nPrivate Key: "%S" CM_SELECT_SECURE_DEVICE Select Smart Card CM_SELECT_CERT_INCARD Specify Cert and Pri&vate Key CM_VIEW_CLIENT_CERT &View Client Certificate CM_NO_VLAN Before you can create a new VPN Connection Setting you need to create a Virtual Network Adapter. \r\n\r\nDo you want to create a Virtual Network Adapter? CM_NO_VLAN_2 Before connecting to VPN Server you need to create a Virtual Network Adapter. \r\n\r\nDo you want to create a Virtual Network Adapter? CM_VLAN_REMOTE_ERROR Unable to create a Virtual Network Adapter from a remote location. \r\n\rStart the VPN Client Manager on the local computer on which the VPN Client service is running and install a Virtual Network Adapter. CM_9X_VLAN_INSTALL A new Virtual Network Adapter will now be created. \r\n\r\nAfter a Virtual Network Adapter is created, it is necessary to restart Windows directly afterwards. \r\nWhile the Virtual Network Adapter is being installed, you may be asked to insert the Windows installation CD-ROM. \r\n\r\nClose all currently running applications except the VPN Client Manager, have your Windows installation CD-ROM ready at hand, and click OK. \r\nClicking OK will start the installation of the Virtual Network Adapter. When this is finished, Windows will automatically restart. CM_9X_VLAN_ME_MESSAGE A Virtual Network Adapter has been created. After you click OK, the computer will automatically restart. \r\n\r\nAfter the computer restarts, the Install New Device wizard might appear. \r\nIf the wizard does appear, click Next for each screen until the installation is completed. CM_9X_VLAN_UNINSTALL To delete a Virtual Network Adapter, delete it from Network Properties. \r\n\r\nDo you want to display the Network Properties window? CM_PORT_1 8888 (PX-VPN порт) CM_PORT_2 443 (HTTPS порт) CM_PORT_3 992 (TELNETS порт) CM_PORT_4 5555 (SE-VPN порт) CM_RETRY_INTERVAL_ERROR Set a re-connection interval (at least 5 seconds) when VPN connection has been disconnected. CM_DELETE_CLIENT_CERT This will delete the client certificate that has been set. Do you really want to do this? CM_DELETE_SERVER_CERT This will delete the server individual certificate that has been set. Do you really want to do this? CM_SET_STARTUP The VPN Connection Setting "%s" is now set as a startup connection.\r\n\r\nThis account will be connected automatically next time the computer restarts.\r\n(If you are using Windows, the automatic connection will be started in the background mode before a user logs on to Windows.) CM_REMOVE_STARTUP Do you wish to delete the startup connection property of VPN Connection Setting "%s"? CM_NO_DISCONNECT_SPAN Please set the life of the TCP connection. CM_HALF_MSG When using half-duplex mode, set at least 2 for the number of TCP connections. CM_TOO_SMALL_INTERVAL Set at least 1 second for the interval to establish a TCP connection. CM_DELETE_VLAN This will delete the Virtual Network Adapter "%s". Do you really want to do this? CM_COPY_NAME_1 Copy of %s CM_COPY_NAME_2 Copy (%u) of %s CM_IMPORT_NAME_1 %s CM_IMPORT_NAME_2 %s (%u) CM_CERT_COLUMN_1 Issued to CM_CERT_COLUMN_2 Issuer CM_CERT_COLUMN_3 Expiration CM_CERT_DELETE_MSG Delete this certificate from the list? CM_PASSWORD_SET The password has been set. CM_PASSWORD_REMOVE The password setting has been deleted. CM_UNDER_CONSTRUCTION Incomplete. CM_CURRENT_ACTIVE The settings of VPN Connection Setting "%s" were saved. But this VPN Connection Setting is currently online and the new settings will apply in the next connection. CM_DISCONNECT_ALL This will disconnect all %u VPN Connection Settings that are currently connected. \r\nDo you really want to do this? CM_HTTPS_MSG You have chosen to connect via an HTTP proxy server. \r\n\r\nUsual HTTP proxy servers do not allow access to a TCP port of your choice. \r\nWhen a VPN Client connects to a VPN Server via a HTTP proxy server, it is possible to connect by using HTTPS (HTTP over SSL) communication. \r\nIn this case it is recommended that you specify 443 (HTTPS Port) as the destination VPN Server port number. \r\n(If you specify a different port number, there are cases where it will not be possible to connect via an HTTP proxy server. \r\n Make sure that port 443 is enabled on the destination VPN Server.)\r\n\r\nFor detailed information contact either the system administrator or network administrator of the HTTP proxy server you plan to connect via. \r\n\r\nDo you want to change the port number specification of the destination VPN Server to 443 (HTTPS Port)? CM_REMOTE_WARNING You are making changes to the remote management setting that will disallow remote management. \r\n\r\nCurrently the VPN Client Manager is connected to remote computer "%S" and is controlling the VPN Client service on that computer. \r\nIf remote connection is disabled, it will no longer be possible to remotely connect to and control the VPN Client service on computer "%S" using the VPN Client Manager. \r\n\r\nDo you want to disable remote management? CM_KEEP_INTERVAL_MSG Set a period between %u and %u seconds in the Packet Send Interval. CM_REMOTE_TITLE Using the VPN Client Manager, it is possible to connect to, and remotely manage a VPN Client service operating on another computer. \r\n(Note that the VPN Client service on the remote computer must allow remote management.) CM_DESKTOP_LOCAL_PC Локальный компьютер CM_DESKTOP_REMOTE_PC Компьютер %S CM_DESKTOP_MSG_LOCAL_TS Terminal Service (Remote Desktop) Function CM_DESKTOP_MSG_LOCAL_SW Switch User Function CM_DESKTOP_MSG_LOCAL_1 Currently %s is installed on this computer, providing an environment that permits multiple users to log on concurrently. In this case, the messages regarding progress status, error messages and other messages displayed by VPN Client will be displayed on a session called the "Console Session". CM_DESKTOP_MSG_LOCAL_21 Currently "Session ID: 0, User %s" is assigned as the Console Session of this computer, however because you have started VPN Client Manager on session %u, it is not possible to display the message windows such as the progress status or errors that VPN Client displays. CM_DESKTOP_MSG_LOCAL_22 Currently no one is logged into the Console Session "Session ID: 0" of this computer and because you have started VPN Client Manager on session %u, it is not possible to display the message windows such as the progress status or errors that VPN Client displays. CM_DESKTOP_MSG_LOCAL_31 It is recommended that when this computer's Console Session (Session ID: 0, User %s) is displayed, start the VPN Client Manager in that session and start the connection to the VPN Connection Setting "%s". You will be able to start a connection process by doing what you are doing now. But it will be at the risk of being unable to check the progress status and error messages that may be displayed during the process. CM_DESKTOP_MSG_LOCAL_32 It is recommended that you first log off and then after logging in locally, start the VPN Client Manager in that session and start the connection to VPN Connection Setting "%s". Although you will be able to start a connection process by doing what you are doing now, this will be at the risk of being unable to check the progress status and error messages that may be displayed during the process. CM_DESKTOP_MSG_REMOTE_1 Because you are currently performing operation while remotely connected to VPN Client on computer %S, if the VPN Client displays any progress status or error messages during the VPN connection process to the VPN Connection Setting, you will not be able to check these messages from your current screen display. CM_DESKTOP_MSG_REMOTE_2 To check all the progress status, error and other message windows that VPN Client displays, you must log in locally to computer %S and display the Control Session (desktop). CM_DESKTOP_MSG_REMOTE_3 It is recommended that you first log in directly and locally to computer %S, and then start the VPN Client Manager in that session and start the connection to VPN Connection Setting "%s". Although you will be able to start a connection process by doing what you are doing now, this will be at the risk of being unable to check the progress status and error messages that may be displayed during the process. CM_STOP_INST_VLAN_1 To install a Virtual Network Adapter on this computer you must start the VPN Client Manager within a "Console Session". \r\n\r\nCurrently, %s is installed on this computer and the current user is not logged into the Console Session but rather is logged in as the remote session (session ID: %u).\r\nTo install a Virtual Network Adapter, VPN Client Manager must be started in the Console Session (session ID: %u, user %s is logged on). \r\n\r\nFirst log on to the computer locally by using the user switching function, or the /console switch function that is on the remote desktop, or alternatively the computer's local console device and then start the VPN Client Manager and install the Virtual Network Adapter. CM_STOP_INST_VLAN_2 To install a Virtual Network Adapter on this computer you must start the VPN Client Manager within a "Console Session". \r\n\r\nCurrently, %s is installed on this computer and the current user is not logged into the Console Session but rather is logged in as the remote session (session ID: %u).\r\nTo install a Virtual Network Adapter you must start the VPN Client Manager within a "Console Session". \r\n(Currently the user is not logged on to the Console Session (Session ID: 0).) \r\n\r\nFirst log on to the computer locally by using the user switching function, or the /console switch function that is on the remote desktop, or alternatively the computer's local console device and then start the VPN Client Manager and install the Virtual Network Adapter. CM_SHORTCUT_DESKTOP_MSG To start a connection using the shortcut to the VPN Connection Setting, you must launch the shortcut file within the "Console Session". \r\n\r\nCurrently the user is logged on as the remote session (session ID: %u) and not as the Console Session. CM_HTTP_PROXY_WARNING Connect via HTTP Proxy Server is selected. \r\n\r\nIn many cases, the HTTP proxy server will only allow 2 kinds of TCP port to be used for the connection to the destination server port number, HTTP protocol (TCP port number 80) and HTTPS protocol (TCP port number 443). \r\n(There are also cases when the proxy server does allow a wider choice of TCP port for connection.) \r\n\r\nWhen making a VPN connection via an HTTP proxy server that denies connections to server ports other than HTTP ports or HTTPS ports, you must specify 443 (HTTPS protocol) as the destination VPN Server port number. \r\n\r\nTo check whether the HTTP proxy server you are connecting via allows connection to ports other than port numbers 80 or 443, contact the administrator of the HTTP proxy server. \r\n\r\nCurrently, %d is specified as the destination VPN Server port number. Do you want to change the port number to 443 (HTTPS protocol)?\r\n(The port 443 of the VPN Servers you connect to must be set to listening status and ready for connection.) \r\nIf you are unsure, then contact the system administrator or the network administrator. CM_HTTP_HEADER_COLUMN_0 Name CM_HTTP_HEADER_COLUMN_1 Value CM_PASSWORD_CHANGED The password has been changed. CM_ACCOUNT_SETTING_FILE VPN Connection Setting Files (*.VPN)|*.vpn|All Files (*.*)|*.* CM_ACCOUNT_SAVE_TITLE Enter a VPN Connection Setting File's File Name for the Export Destination CM_ACCOUNT_OPEN_TITLE Select the VPN Connection Setting File to Import CM_ACCOUNT_FILE_BANNER # VPN Client VPN Connection Setting File\r\n# \r\n# This file is exported using the VPN Client Manager.\r\n# The contents of this file can be edited using a text editor.\r\n# \r\n# When this file is imported to the Client Connection Manager\r\n# it can be used immediately.\r\n\r\n CM_FAILED_TO_OPEN_FILE Невозможно открыть файл. CM_FAILED_TO_SAVE_FILE Невозможно сохранить файл. CM_ACCOUNT_PARSE_FAILED Unable to load the VPN Connection Setting from the specified file. \r\nCheck the contents of the file. CM_ACCOUNT_MSG_SENSITIVE This VPN Connection Setting has the username and the password.\r\nDo you want to remove these sensitive information from the exported setting file?\r\n\r\nClick Yes to remove sensitive information.\r\nIn that case a user will be required to input the username and the password when he is trying to connect to the VPN Server.\r\n\r\nClick No to stay the sensitive information remaining on the file. CM_SHORTCUT_FILE Ярлыки|*.lnk CM_SHORTCUT_SAVE_TITLE Введите название ярлыка. CM_SHORTCUT_UNSUPPORTED The connection shortcut function is not supported by this version of VPN Client. \r\nUpdate to a new version. CM_SHORTCUT_COMMENT Using the VPN Connection Setting "%s" to connect to the VPN Server. CM_SHORTCUT_ERROR Failed to create a shortcut. CM_VPN_FILE_CLICKED Do you want to import the VPN Connection File? CM_VPN_FILE_IMPORT_NG Unable to import the VPN Connection Setting File. Because the VPN Client setting has been locked. CM_VLAN_INSTALLING Please Wait a While CM_SECURE_MUST_LOCAL It is currently not possible to configure smart card settings because you are connected to and managing a VPN Client on a remote computer. CM_DETAIL_MODE_LINK_STR With a Cascade Connection, Connect by Bridge / Router mode is always enabled. CM_TRAY_INITING SoftEther VPN Client Manager (Developer Edition) ... CM_TRAY_NOT_CONNECTED SoftEther VPN Client Manager (Developer Edition)\r\nNot connected. CM_TRAY_CONNECTED_0 SoftEther VPN Client Manager (Developer Edition)\r\nActive connections to %u servers and is attempting to connect to %u servers CM_TRAY_CONNECTED_1 SoftEther VPN Client Manager (Developer Edition)\r\nAttempting to connect to %u servers CM_TRAY_CONNECTED_2 SoftEther VPN Client Manager (Developer Edition)\r\nActive connections to %u servers CM_TRAY_MENU_1_SHOW Открыть VPN Client Manager (&S) CM_TRAY_MENU_1_HIDE Cl&ose VPN Client Manager CM_TRAY_MENU_2_QUIT E&xit VPN Client Manager Program CM_TRAY_MENU_CONNECT Start VPN &Connection CM_TRAY_MENU_DISCONNECT &Disconnect VPN Connection CM_TRAY_MENU_STATUS Show VPN Connec&tion Status CM_TRAY_MENU_DISCONNECT_ALL Disconnect &All VPN Connections CM_TRAY_MENU_NEW &New VPN Connection Setting... CM_TRAY_MENU_RECENT Недавние VPN сервера... CM_TRAY_MENU_TRAFFIC Network &Traffic Speed Test Tool... CM_TRAY_MENU_NETIF Show Network &Device Status... CM_TRAY_MENU_ABOUT &About VPN Client Manager... CM_TRAY_MENU_SETTING Change Operation &Mode... CM_TRAY_MENU_CANCEL Закрыть это меню CM_EXIT_MESSAGE This will exit the VPN Client Manager program. \r\nDo you really want to do this? CM_IMPORT_MESSAGE From file "%S", VPN Connection Setting "%s" has been installed. CM_VLAN_CREATING Creating a new Virtual Network Adapter for Windows. \r\n\r\nThis process can take several seconds or over a minute. \r\nPlease wait...\r\n\r\n(Please do not perform other operations while the Virtual Network Adapter is being installed.) CM_SETTING_PASSWORD The setting is locked. To remove the setting-locker, you must enter a password. CM_EASY_MODE_NOT_ON_REMOTE Unable to connect because of the VPN Client on the remote computer is running in Easy Mode. CM_EASY_CONNECT_BUTTON_1 Start VPN &Connection CM_EASY_CONNECT_BUTTON_2 &Disconnect CM_EASY_ACCOUNT_WARNING You can only modify Proxy Server Setting, User Authentication and Virtual Network Adapter Used because the setting has been locked. CM_EASY_INFO_1 Select a VPN connection. CM_EASY_INFO_2 Click Start VPN Connection to start a VPN connection. CM_EASY_INFO_3 VPN connection is active. You can disconnect by clicking Disconnect. CM_EXT_VOICE_MSG It is possible that some of the voice message contents of the Extension Voice Guide has not been played normally. \r\nIs the Extension Voice Guide enabled? CM_EASY_TITLE VPN Client Easy Connection Manager CM_EASY_CONNECTED VPN connection is active. CM_EASY_CONNECTING Establishing VPN connection... CM_PROXY_FROM_IE Currently proxy setting from Internet Explorer has been loaded. CM_TRAY_ICON_RESTORE The icon in the task tray has been deleted.\r\n\r\nTo restore the icon, run the VPN Client Manager and click Show Task-tray Icon in the View menu. CM_WOULDYOULOAD_IE_PROXY Currently the Internet Explorer on this computer is configured to use the proxy server "%S".\r\nDo you want to apply the current proxy settings on the new VPN connection setting?\r\n\r\nClick Yes to use the proxy settings of Internet Explorer.\r\nClick No to use direct connection to the VPN Server (does not a proxy server.)\r\nThis setting can be modified in the property screen of the connection settings any time later. CM_MSG_TITLE VPN Server "%S" (Virtual Hub: "%S") CM_JUMPLIST_RCCONNECT Recent VPN Servers CM_VPNGATE_MESSAGE There is the list of Public VPN Relay Servers on the VPN Gate Academic Project Web Site.\r\nAnyone on the Internet can connect a VPN connection to any VPN servers on the list.\r\n\r\nVPN Gate Academic Project is not a part of SoftEther VPN.\r\nThis icon provides just a link to http://www.vpngate.net/.\r\nYou need to install VPN Gate Plugin to connect VPN Gate.\r\n\r\nDo you want to visit http://www.vpngate.net/ (provided by University of Tsukuba) ? CM_VLAN_REINSTALL_MSG After reinstalling the Virtual Network Adapter driver, the current Virtual Network Adapter's MAC address will change. Also, all TCP/IP settings within the Virtual Network Adapter will reset.\r\n\r\nIn case the reinstalled Virtual Network Adapter fails to work, delete it and create a new one. If it still doesn't work properly, please create a new Virtual Network Adapter with a different name. VGC_COLUMN_0 DDNS Hostname VGC_COLUMN_1 IP адрес (Hostname) VGC_COLUMN_2 Регион VGC_COLUMN_3 Uptime VGC_COLUMN_4 VPN сессии VGC_COLUMN_5 Скорость линии VGC_COLUMN_6 Пинг (Google, SE) VGC_COLUMN_7 SSL-VPN (TCP) VGC_COLUMN_8 Поддержка UDP VGC_COLUMN_9 Logging Policy VGC_COLUMN_10 Cumulative Transfers VGC_COLUMN_11 Cumulative Users VGC_COLUMN_12 Operator's Name VGC_COLUMN_13 Operator's Message VGC_COLUMN_14 Total Score VGC_LOG_PERMANENT Навсегда VGC_LOG_2WEEKS 2 недели VGC_LOG_NONE No Logs VGC_UPTIME_MIN %u мин VGC_UPTIME_HOUR %u часов VGC_UPTIME_DAY %u дней VGC_NUM_VPN %u сессий VGC_NUM_LOGIN %S входов VGC_UDP_AVAILABLE UDP OK VGC_TITLE VPN Gate Plug-in Message VGC_VER_DIFF The version of VPN Gate Client Plug-in is different from SoftEther VPN Client.\r\n\r\n- Current VPN Gate Plug-in: Build %u\r\n- Current SoftEther VPN Client: Build %u\r\n\r\nIt is recommended to download and install VPN Gate Plug-in Build %u. Otherwise, communication errors or list-update errors might be occur. If the VPN Server List updating fails many times, update the VPN Gate Plug-in version.\r\n\r\nThe latest VPN Gate Plug-in is available at http://www.vpngate.net/.\r\n(Use a mirror-site if you cannot visit the above web-site directly.)\r\n\r\n VGC_LIST_STR_OK %S Public VPN Relay Servers on the Earth! (Updated at %S) VGC_LIST_STR_OK_2 %S Servers (at %S) - List update failed. Try again. If fails again, download the latest VPN Gate Client. VGC_LIST_STR_NG List update failed. Try again. If fails again, download the latest VPN Gate Client. VGC_PROXY_MSG If you are using a proxy server, you might not be able to use VPN Relay Servers which don't support the TCP port 443 as "SSL-VPN Connection" from such a proxy-mandated network. VGC_PROXY_TITLE Notice for Proxy Server Users VGS_NO_HUB_YET In order to set the message, first you have to commit enabling the VPN Gate service. After the service will be enabled, re-open this window and set the message. VGS_STOP VPN Gate Service will stop after you click the OK button.\r\n\r\nAfter VPN Gate Service will be stopped, this computer will never accept new VPN connection requests, however, still-alive VPN Sessions might remain.\r\n (Such VPN sessions sometimes hidden from the enumeration.) \r\n\r\nTo terminate all of still-alive VPN Sessions completely, restart SoftEther VPN Server or SoftEther VPN Client service, or reboot the computer. VGS_START This will activate the VPN Gate Relay Service function.\r\n\r\nVPN Gate Relay Service function must be activated by your own risk.\r\nSome countries prohibit using of encrypted VPN by laws.\r\nFor more details about VPN Gate Relay Service please visit http://www.vpngate.net/en/join.aspx.\r\n\r\nThe VPN Gate Academic Experiment Service is operated as a research project at the graduate school on University of Tsukuba, Japan. The service is governed under the Japanese laws. Other countries' laws are none of our concerns nor responsibilities.\r\n\r\nBy nature, there are almost 200 countries in the World, with different laws. It is impossible to verify every countries' laws and regulations and make the software comply with all countries' laws in advance to release the software. If a user uses VPN Gate service in a specific country, and damaged by public servants of the authority, the developer of either the service or software will never be liable to recover or compensate such damages or criminal responsibilities.\r\nBy using this software and service, the user must observe all concerned laws and rules with user's own responsibility. The user will be completely liable to any damages and responsibilities which are results of using this software and service, regardless of either inside or outside of Japan's territory.\r\nIf you don't agree nor understand the above warnings, do not use any of VPN Gate Academic Experiment Service functions. # Concerning services (Win32) SVC_HELP *** Command Line Arguments of %s (%S) ***\r\n\r\nThis program (%s) is a process runs as a background task. Start the program by specifying the following arguments on the command line. \r\n\r\n\r\n/install : Installs %s service (service name: %S) in Windows. After this, the service will automatically start. \r\n\r\n/uninstall... Uninstalls %s service (service name: %S) from Windows. \r\n\r\n/start : Starts %s service (service name: %S). \r\n\r\n/stop : Stops %s service (service name: %S). \r\n\r\n/test : Starts %s program in test mode. (For debug)\r\n\r\n/usermode : Starts %s program in the user mode. (When possible)\r\n\r\n/usermode_showtray : When starting in the user mode, this is used to display task tray icons when they were set to be hidden on a previous occasion. \r\n\r\n/usermode_hidetray : When starting in the user mode, this sets the task tray icons to be hidden. \r\n\r\n\r\nNote: Commands related to service operation other than /test and /usermode can only be operated on Windows NT / XP / Server 2003 / Vista / Server 2008. SVC_NT_ONLY The service related operation commands can only operate on Windows NT / 2000 / XP / Server 2003 / Vista / Server 2008. \r\nThey do not operate on Windows 98 / Me. SVC_ALREADY_INSTALLED The "%s" service (service name: %S) is already installed on this computer. Do you want to uninstall it and then re-install? SVC_INSTALL_OK The "%s" service (Service name: %S) has been installed successfully. \r\n\r\n(Execution path: %s)\r\n\r\nThe service has started. SVC_INSTALL_FAILED The installation of the "%s" service (service name: %S) failed. SVC_INSTALL_FAILED_2 The "%s" service (Service name: %S) has been successfully installed. \r\n\r\n(Execution path: %s)\r\n\r\nAn attempt to start the service, however, failed. SVC_NOT_INSTALLED The "%s" service (service name: %S) is not yet installed on this computer. Use the /install command line argument to install it. SVC_START_OK The "%s" service (service name: %S) started successfully. SVC_START_FAILED The "%s" service (service name: %S) failed to start. SVR_ALREADY_START The "%s" service (service name: %S) has already started. SVC_STOP_OK The "%s" service (Service name: %S) has been stopped. SVC_STOP_FAILED The "%s" service (service name: %S) failed to stop. SVC_ALREADY_STOP The "%s" service (service name: %S) is already stopped. SVC_UNINSTALL_OK The "%s" service (Service name: %S) has been uninstalled successfully. SVC_UNINSTALL_FAILED The uninstallation of the "%s" service (service name: %S) failed. SVC_NOT_FOUND Unable to find information related to service %S from the string table. SVC_NOT_ADMIN To install, uninstall, start or stop the service you must have administrator privileges for this computer. \r\n\r\nIf you have an administrators account for this computer, log out and log on as an administrator. \r\nIf you are unclear about administrators accounts, contact your system administrator. SVC_TEST_MSG The "%s" service is started in test mode. \r\n\r\nClick OK to exit the service. SVC_TRAY_TOOLTIP %S (User mode) SVC_TEST_MUTEX The executable file %s is already started. SVC_USERMODE_MUTEX Another process of %s is already started. SVC_SERVICE_MUTEX Because service %S has process %s that is already started, the service cannot start. SVC_USERMODE_MENU_1 &Hide Tasktray Icon SVC_USERMODE_MENU_2 E&xit %s SVC_HIDE_TRAY_MSG This will hide the tasktray icons when starting %S in user mode. \r\nBeginning from next time %S is started in user mode, icons will not be displayed in the tasktray. \r\nThe menu to exit the process will also be hidden. \r\n\r\nTo exit the process in the case of Windows 98 / Me, use the Ctrl + Alt + Del key combination and select to end the process. \r\nWhen using other operating systems, use Task Manager. \r\n\r\nTo redisplay the tasktray icons, use the /usermode_showtray option when starting in user mode next time. # Concerning services (UNIX) UNIX_SVC_HELP %S service program\nCopyright (c) all contributors on SoftEther VPN project in GitHub.\nCopyright (c) Daiyuu Nobori, SoftEther Project at University of Tsukuba, and SoftEther Corporation.\nAll Rights Reserved.\n\n%S command usage:\n %S start - Start the %S service.\n %S stop - Stop the %S service if the service has been already started.\n\n UNIX_SVC_STARTED The %S service has been started.\n UNIX_SVC_STOPPING Stopping the %S service ...\n UNIX_SVC_STOPPED %S service has been stopped.\n UNIX_SVC_STOP_FAILED Stopping %S service was failed.\n UNIX_SVC_ALREADY_START %S service has been already started.\nRun the "%S stop" command to stop this service.\n UNIX_SVC_NOT_STARTED %S service has not yet been started.\nRun the "%S start" to start this service.\n UNIX_SVC_ERROR_FORK Failed to create child process for the %S service.\n UNIX_SVC_NONROOT \nWarning: The current user context is non-root. It is recommended to run the VPN service by the root user. Although the VPN service may run under non-root users, some privilege-required functions (e.g. the local bridge function) need the root privilege.\n # Service definition (SoftEther VPN Client) SVC_VPNCLIENT_NAME vpnclient SVC_VPNCLIENT_TITLE SoftEther VPN Client SVC_VPNCLIENT_DESCRIPT This manages the Virtual Network Adapter device driver and connection service for the SoftEther VPN Client. When this service is stopped, it will not be possible to use SoftEther VPN Client on this computer to connect to a SoftEther VPN Server. # Service Definition (SoftEther VPN Server) SVC_VPNSERVER_NAME vpnserver SVC_VPNSERVER_TITLE SoftEther VPN Server SVC_VPNSERVER_DESCRIPT This manages the server processes of SoftEther VPN Server. SoftEther VPN Server provides high-performance SoftEther VPN Server functions via TCP/IP protocol. When this service is stopped, SoftEther VPN Server on this computer will stop and SoftEther VPN Client will be unable to establish a VPN connection with this computer. # Service Definition (SoftEther VPN Bridge) SVC_VPNBRIDGE_NAME vpnbridge SVC_VPNBRIDGE_TITLE SoftEther VPN Bridge SVC_VPNBRIDGE_DESCRIPT This manages the processes of SoftEther VPN Bridge. SoftEther VPN Bridge provides a bridging connection between the network this computer is connected to and a SoftEther VPN Server that is remotely located. When this service is stopped, SoftEther VPN Bridge on this computer will stop and it will no longer be possible to communicate via the bridge connection. # Service definition (SoftEther VPN Client) SVC_SEVPNCLIENTDEV_NAME sevpnclientdev SVC_SEVPNCLIENTDEV_TITLE SoftEther VPN Client Developer Edition SVC_SEVPNCLIENTDEV_DESCRIPT This manages the Virtual Network Adapter device driver and connection service for the SoftEther VPN Client. When this service is stopped, it will not be possible to use SoftEther VPN Client on this computer to connect to a SoftEther VPN Server. # Service Definition (SoftEther VPN Server) SVC_SEVPNSERVERDEV_NAME sevpnserverdev SVC_SEVPNSERVERDEV_TITLE SoftEther VPN Server Developer Edition SVC_SEVPNSERVERDEV_DESCRIPT This manages the server processes of SoftEther VPN Server. SoftEther VPN Server provides high-performance SoftEther VPN Server functions via TCP/IP protocol. When this service is stopped, SoftEther VPN Server on this computer will stop and SoftEther VPN Client will be unable to establish a VPN connection with this computer. # Service Definition (SoftEther VPN Bridge) SVC_SEVPNBRIDGEDEV_NAME sevpnbridgedev SVC_SEVPNBRIDGEDEV_TITLE SoftEther VPN Bridge Developer Edition SVC_SEVPNBRIDGEDEV_DESCRIPT This manages the processes of SoftEther VPN Bridge. SoftEther VPN Bridge provides a bridging connection between the network this computer is connected to and a SoftEther VPN Server that is remotely located. When this service is stopped, SoftEther VPN Bridge on this computer will stop and it will no longer be possible to communicate via the bridge connection. # Service definition (SoftEther VPN User-mode Router) SVC_VPNROUTER_NAME vpnrouter SVC_VPNROUTER_TITLE SoftEther VPN Router Developer Edition SVC_VPNROUTER_DESCRIPT This manages the server processes of SoftEther VPN Router (service mode). SoftEther VPN Router is a program that provides a virtual NAT and DHCP server that operates in user mode and by using simple operations it is possible to establish a safe connection between a virtual IP network and a physical IP network. When this service is stopped, SoftEther VPN Router on this computer will stop and SoftEther VPN Client will be unable to use the routing service on this computer. # Service Definition (EtherLogger) SVC_ELOGSVC_NAME elogsvc SVC_ELOGSVC_TITLE SoftEther EtherLogger Developer Edition SVC_ELOGSVC_DESCRIPT SoftEther EtherLogger is a service that captures data flowing through LAN cards connected to the computer and keeps a log of the headers of the packet types specified by the administrator and all data in text file format. # Concerning SoftEther VPN Server Manager SM_TITLE SoftEther VPN Server Manager Developer Edition SM_LOCALHOST localhost (This server) SM_SERVER_BRIDGE_TITLE Manage VPN Bridge "%S" SM_S_VHUB_BRIDGE When using VPN Bridge, you manage Virtual Hub "BRIDGE" to operate management of VPN Bridge. SM_DISCONNECTED The management connection has been disconnected. SM_MIKAN Under Construction. SM_MAIN_COLUMN_1 Setting Name SM_MAIN_COLUMN_2 VPN Server Hostname SM_MAIN_COLUMN_3 Operation Mode SM_MODE_SERVER Entire VPN Server SM_MODE_HUB Hub '%S' Only SM_EDIT_CAPTION_1 New Connection Setting SM_EDIT_CAPTION_2 Edit %s SM_SETTING_EXISTS A Connection Setting with the same name as Connection Setting "%s" is already registered. Specify a different name. SM_SETTING_DELETE_MSG This will delete the Connection Setting "%s". Do you really want to do this? SM_PASSWORD_TYPE_STR Password for Administration Connection SM_HUB_COLUMN_1 Virtual Hub Name SM_HUB_COLUMN_2 Status SM_HUB_COLUMN_3 Type SM_HUB_COLUMN_4 Users SM_HUB_COLUMN_5 Groups SM_HUB_COLUMN_6 Sessions SM_HUB_COLUMN_7 MAC Tables SM_HUB_COLUMN_8 IP Tables SM_HUB_COLUMN_9 Num Logins SM_HUB_COLUMN_10 Last Login SM_HUB_COLUMN_11 Last Communication SM_HUB_ONLINE Online SM_HUB_OFFLINE Offline SM_HUB_STANDALONE Standalone SM_HUB_STATIC Static Hub SM_HUB_DYNAMIC Dynamic Hub SM_SERVER_STANDALONE Standalone Server SM_FARM_CONTROLLER Cluster Controller SM_FARM_MEMBER Cluster Member Server SM_INFORMATION Latest Information SM_HUB_STATUS_CAPTION Status of Virtual Hub "%s" SM_HUB_STATUS_HUBNAME Virtual Hub Name SM_HUB_STATUS_ONLINE Status SM_HUB_TYPE Type SM_HUB_NUM_SESSIONS Sessions SM_HUB_NUM_SESSIONS_CLIENT Sessions (Client) SM_HUB_NUM_SESSIONS_BRIDGE Sessions (Bridge) SM_HUB_NUM_ACCESSES Access Lists SM_HUB_NUM_USERS Users SM_HUB_NUM_GROUPS Groups SM_HUB_NUM_MAC_TABLES MAC Tables SM_HUB_NUM_IP_TABLES IP Tables SM_HUB_SECURE_NAT SecureNAT SM_HUB_SECURE_NAT_YES Enabled SM_HUB_SECURE_NAT_NO Disabled SM_HUB_NUM_LOGIN Num Logins SM_HUB_LAST_LOGIN_TIME Last Login SM_HUB_LAST_COMM_TIME Last Communication SM_HUB_CREATED_TIME Created at SM_STATUS_COLUMN_1 Item SM_STATUS_COLUMN_2 Value SM_ST_SEND_UCAST_NUM Outgoing Unicast Packets SM_ST_SEND_UCAST_SIZE Outgoing Unicast Total Size SM_ST_SEND_BCAST_NUM Outgoing Broadcast Packets SM_ST_SEND_BCAST_SIZE Outgoing Broadcast Total Size SM_ST_RECV_UCAST_NUM Incoming Unicast Packets SM_ST_RECV_UCAST_SIZE Incoming Unicast Total Size SM_ST_RECV_BCAST_NUM Incoming Broadcast Packets SM_ST_RECV_BCAST_SIZE Incoming Broadcast Total Size SM_ST_NUM_PACKET_STR %S пакетов SM_ST_SIZE_BYTE_STR %S байт CM_EDIT_HUB_1 New Virtual Hub CM_EDIT_HUB_2 Параметры %S CM_EDIT_HUB_STANDALONE Currently the server is operating in Standalone Mode. This Virtual Hub is operating as a Standalone Hub. CM_EDIT_HUB_TYPE_FIXED Currently the server is operating in Cluster Mode. This Virtual Hub is of the following type, which means it is not possible to make dynamic changes. CM_EDIT_HUB_CREATED A new Virtual Hub '%S' has been created. CM_OFFLINE_MSG Do you want to switch %s to offline?\r\n\r\nIf you switch the Virtual Hub to offline all sessions currently connected to the Virtual Hub will be disconnected and new sessions will be unable to connect. CM_DELETE_HUB_MSG Do you want to delete %S?\r\n\r\nIf you delete the Virtual Hub, all sessions currently connected to the Virtual Hub will be disconnected and new sessions will be unable to connect. \r\nThis will also delete all the Hub settings, user objects, group objects, certificates and Cascade Connections. \r\n\r\nOnce you delete the Virtual Hub, it cannot be recovered. \r\nAre you sure you want to delete it? CM_HUB_DELETED_MSG Virtual Hub %S has been deleted. CM_LISTENER_COLUMN_1 Порт CM_LISTENER_COLUMN_2 Статус CM_LISTENER_TCP_PORT TCP %u CM_LISTENER_ONLINE Listening CM_LISTENER_OFFLINE Stopped CM_LISTENER_ERROR Ошибка CM_DELETE_LISTENER_MSG This will delete the Listener (TCP port %u). From now on, it will not be possible to connect to this port. \r\nDo you really want to do this? CM_STOP_LISTENER_MSG This will stop the Listener (TCP port %u). Until Listener is restarted it will not be possible to connect to this port. \r\n\r\nDo you really want to do this? CM_CLOSE_BUTTON Close CM_CERT_SET_MSG A new server certificate has been set.\r\n\r\nIf you are using OpenVPN protocols, please mind that you may have to update the inline certificate data in the OpenVPN configuration file. CM_SHORTCUT_DISCONNECT There is already an active connection to the specified connection destination. \r\n\r\nDo you want to disconnect? SM_SERVER_STATUS Статус сервера SM_ST_SERVER_TYPE Тип сервера SM_ST_NUM_TCP Number of Active Sockets SM_ST_NUM_TCP_LOCAL Number of Active Sockets (This Server) SM_ST_NUM_TCP_REMOTE Number of Active Sockets (Other Member Servers) SM_ST_NUM_HUB_TOTAL Number of Virtual Hubs SM_ST_NUM_HUB_STATIC Number of Static Virtual Hubs SM_ST_NUM_HUB_DYNAMIC Number of Dynamic Virtual Hubs SM_ST_NUM_SESSION_TOTAL Number of Sessions SM_ST_NUM_SESSION_LOCAL Number of Sessions (This Server) SM_ST_NUM_SESSION_REMOTE Number of Sessions (Other Member Servers) SM_ST_NUM_MAC_TABLE Number of MAC Address Tables SM_ST_NUM_IP_TABLE Number of IP Address Tables SM_ST_NUM_USERS Number of Users SM_ST_NUM_GROUPS Number of Groups SM_ST_CLIENT_LICENSE Using Client Connection Licenses (This Server) SM_ST_BRIDGE_LICENSE Using Bridge Connection Licenses (This Server) SM_ST_CLIENT_LICENSE_EX Using Client Connection Licenses (Entire Cluster) SM_ST_BRIDGE_LICENSE_EX Using Bridge Connection Licenses (Entire Cluster) SM_ST_START_TIME Server Started at SM_ST_CURRENT_TIME Current Time SM_ST_CURRENT_TICK 64 bit High-Precision Logical System Clock SM_ST_TOTAL_MEMORY Total Logical Memory Size SM_ST_USED_MEMORY Used Logical Memory Size SM_ST_FREE_MEMORY Free Logical Memory Size SM_ST_TOTAL_PHYS Total Physical Memory Size SM_ST_USED_PHYS Used Physical Memory Size SM_ST_FREE_PHYS Free Physical Memory Size SM_ST_RAM_SIZE_KB %S байт SM_INFO_TITLE VPN Server Version Information SM_INFO_PRODUCT_NAME Название продукта SM_INFO_VERSION Версия SM_INFO_BUILD Сборка SM_INFO_HOSTNAME Host Name SM_OS_SYSTEM_NAME Type of Operating System SM_OS_PRODUCT_NAME Product Name of Operating System SM_OS_SERVICE_PACK Service Pack SM_OS_SP_TAG Service Pack %u SM_OS_VENDER_NAME Operating System Vendor SM_OS_VERSION Operating System Version SM_OS_KERNEL_NAME Type of OS Kernel SM_OS_KERNEL_VERSION Version of OS Kernel SM_CONNECTION_TYPE_0 Client SM_CONNECTION_TYPE_1 Initializing... SM_CONNECTION_TYPE_2 Login SM_CONNECTION_TYPE_3 Additional Connection SM_CONNECTION_TYPE_4 Clustering RPC SM_CONNECTION_TYPE_5 Management RPC SM_CONNECTION_TYPE_6 Hub Enumeration RPC SM_CONNECTION_TYPE_7 Changing Password SM_CONNECTION_TYPE_8 MS-SSTP Connection SM_CONNECTION_TYPE_9 OpenVPN Connection SM_CONN_COLUMN_1 Connection Name SM_CONN_COLUMN_2 Connection Source SM_CONN_COLUMN_3 Connection Start SM_CONN_COLUMN_4 Type SM_HOSTNAME_AND_PORT %S: %u SM_CONN_DISCONNECT_MSG This will disconnect connection %s. \r\nDo you really want to do this? SM_CONNINFO_CAPTION Connection %s Information SM_CONNINFO_NAME Connection Name SM_CONNINFO_TYPE Connection Type SM_CONNINFO_HOSTNAME Source Host Name SM_CONNINFO_IP Client IP Address SM_CONNINFO_PORT Client Port Number (TCP) SM_CONNINFO_TIME Connection Start SM_CONNINFO_SERVER_STR Server Product Name SM_CONNINFO_SERVER_VER Sever Version SM_CONNINFO_SERVER_BUILD Server Build Number SM_CONNINFO_CLIENT_STR Client Product Name SM_CONNINFO_CLIENT_VER Client Version SM_CONNINFO_CLIENT_BUILD Client Build SM_FARM_REBOOT_MSG You are about to change the clustering configuration. \r\n\r\nWhen you change the clustering configuration, all currently connected sessions and connections for management purposes (including this management connection) will be disconnected and the server program will restart. \r\nWhen there are many server users, it could take over a minute to restart. \r\n\r\nClick OK to automatically disconnect the connection with the server. To continue management, you will need to reconnect to the server. SM_FM_COLUMN_1 Type SM_FM_COLUMN_2 Connection Started at SM_FM_COLUMN_3 Host Name SM_FM_COLUMN_4 Point SM_FM_COLUMN_5 Number of Sessions SM_FM_COLUMN_6 Number of TCP Connections SM_FM_COLUMN_7 Number of Operating Hubs SM_FM_COLUMN_8 Using Client Connection Licenses SM_FM_COLUMN_9 Using Bridge Connection Licenses SM_FM_CONTROLLER Controller SM_FM_MEMBER Member SM_FMINFO_TYPE Server Type SM_FMINFO_CONNECT_TIME Connection Established at SM_FMINFO_IP IP Address SM_FMINFO_HOSTNAME Host Name SM_FMINFO_POINT Point SM_FMINFO_WEIGHT Performance Standard Ratio SM_FMINFO_NUM_PORT Number of Public Ports SM_FMINFO_PORT Public Port #%u (TCP/IP) SM_FMINFO_NUM_HUB Number of Running Virtual Hubs SM_FMINFO_HUB Virtual Hub #%u SM_FMINFO_HUB_TAG_1 %S (Dynamic) SM_FMINFO_HUB_TAG_2 %S (Static) SM_FMINFO_NUM_SESSION Number of Sessions SM_FMINFO_NUN_CONNECTION Number of TCP Connections SM_FMINFO_CAPTION Cluster Member Server Status SM_FC_STATUS_CAPTION Connection to Cluster Controller Status SM_FC_IP Controller IP Address SM_FC_PORT Controller TCP/IP Port SM_FC_STATUS Connection Status SM_FC_ONLINE Online SM_FC_OFFLINE Offline SM_FC_LAST_ERROR Last Error SM_FC_ERROR_TAG %s (Error Code: %u) SM_FC_START_TIME Connection Started at SM_FC_FIRST_TIME First Connection Established at SM_FC_CURRENT_TIME Current Connection Established at SM_FC_NUM_TRY Number of Connection Attempts SM_FC_NUM_CONNECTED Number of Successful Connections SM_FC_NUM_FAILED Number of Failed Connections SM_FC_NOT_CONNECTED (Not Connected) SM_CHANGE_PASSWORD_1 The passwords you entered did not match. Enter the same password in Confirm as you enter in Password. SM_CHANGE_PASSWORD_2 You have entered an empty password. Continue anyway? SM_CHANGE_PASSWORD_3 The password has been changed. SM_USER_COLUMN_1 User Name SM_USER_COLUMN_2 Full Name SM_USER_COLUMN_3 Group Name SM_USER_COLUMN_4 Description SM_USER_COLUMN_5 Auth Method SM_USER_COLUMN_6 Num Logins SM_USER_COLUMN_7 Last Login SM_AUTHTYPE_0 Anonymous Authentication SM_AUTHTYPE_1 Password Authentication SM_AUTHTYPE_2 Individual Certificate Authentication SM_AUTHTYPE_3 Signed Certificate Authentication SM_AUTHTYPE_4 RADIUS Authentication SM_AUTHTYPE_5 NT Domain Authentication SM_NO_GROUP - SM_USER_DELETE_MSG This will delete the user "%s". Do you really want to do this? SM_EDIT_USER_CAPTION_1 Create New User SM_EDIT_USER_CAPTION_2 Properties of User %S SM_EDIT_USER_CERT_INFO The users using 'Individual Certificate Authentication' will be allowed or denied connection depending on whether the SSL client certificate completely matches the certificate that has been set for the user beforehand. SM_EDIT_USER_POL_DLG Security Policy of User %S SM_POLICY_DEF_CAPTION Security Policy SM_LIMIT_STR Specify an integer that is within the range %u to %u. SM_POLICY_INIT_TITLE Select a policy item from the list on the left. SM_USER_CREATE_OK User %S has been created. SM_USERINFO_CAPTION User "%S" Information SM_USERINFO_NAME User Name SM_USERINFO_GROUP Group Name SM_USERINFO_CREATE Created on SM_USERINFO_UPDATE Updated on SM_USERINFO_EXPIRE Expiration Date SM_USERINFO_NUMLOGIN Number of Logins SM_GROUPLIST_NAME Group Name SM_GROUPLIST_REALNAME Full Name SM_GROUPLIST_NOTE Description SM_GROUPLIST_NUMUSERS Num Users SM_EDIT_GROUP_CAPTION_1 Creation of New Group SM_EDIT_GROUP_CAPTION_2 Properties of Group %S SM_GROUP_CREATED Group %S has been created. SM_GROUP_DELETE_MSG Group %S has been deleted. Do you really want to do this? SM_GROUP_POLICY_CAPTION Security Policy of Group %S SM_GROUP_MEMBER_STR \ (Display only users belonging to group %S) SM_SELECT_GROUP &Select SM_SELECT_NO_GROUP &None SM_SELECT_ALT_GROUP Select a &Group... SM_ACCESS_COLUMN_0 ID SM_ACCESS_COLUMN_1 Action SM_ACCESS_COLUMN_2 Status SM_ACCESS_COLUMN_3 Priority SM_ACCESS_COLUMN_4 Memo SM_ACCESS_COLUMN_5 Contents SM_ACCESS_COLUMN_6 Unique ID SM_ACCESS_PASS Pass SM_ACCESS_DISCARD Discard SM_ACCESS_ENABLE Enable SM_ACCESS_DISABLE Disable SM_ACCESS_PROTO_1 All IPv4 / IPv6 Protocols SM_ACCESS_PROTO_2 6 (TCP/IP Protocol) SM_ACCESS_PROTO_3 17 (UDP/IP Protocol) SM_ACCESS_PROTO_4 1 (ICMPv4 Protocol) SM_ACCESS_PROTO_5 58 (ICMPv6 Protocol) SM_ACCESS_PROTO_6 Specify the IP Protocol Number SM_SELECT_USER &Select SM_SELECT_NO Do&n't Select SM_PLEASE_SELECT Select User. SM_LINK_COLUMN_1 Setting Name SM_LINK_COLUMN_2 Status SM_LINK_COLUMN_3 Established at SM_LINK_COLUMN_4 Destination VPN Server SM_LINK_COLUMN_5 Virtual Hub SM_LINK_STATUS_OFFLINE Offline (Stopped) SM_LINK_STATUS_ERROR Error %u: %s SM_LINK_STATUS_ONLINE Online (Established) SM_LINK_POLICY_GROUP Cascade Connection Setting SM_LINK_POLICY_CAPTION Security policy settings applicable to Cascade sessions SM_LINK_CONNECTING Connecting SM_LINK_SAVE_ONLINE Although the Cascade Connection Setting "%s" has been changed, this Cascade Connection is currently online. The setting will not be applied until next time the connection is established. SM_LINK_DELETE_MSG This will delete the settings for Cascade Connection "%s". Do you really want to do this? SM_LINK_OFFLINE_MSG Currently Cascade Connection "%s" is active. Do you want to disconnect this connection? SM_LINK_STATUS_CAPTION Connection status of Cascade Connection "%s" SM_LOG_SWITCH_0 No Switching SM_LOG_SWITCH_1 Switch in Every Second SM_LOG_SWITCH_2 Switch in Every Minute SM_LOG_SWITCH_3 Switch in Every Hour SM_LOG_SWITCH_4 Switch in Every Day SM_LOG_SWITCH_5 Switch in Every Month SM_SESS_DISCONNECT_MSG This will disconnect session "%S". Do you really want to do this? SM_SESS_COLUMN_1 Session Name SM_SESS_COLUMN_2 Location SM_SESS_COLUMN_3 User Name SM_SESS_COLUMN_4 Source Host Name SM_SESS_COLUMN_5 TCP Connections SM_SESS_COLUMN_6 Transfer Bytes SM_SESS_COLUMN_7 Transfer Packets SM_SESS_COLUMN_8 VLAN ID SM_SESS_NORMAL Local Session SM_SESS_LOCAL Local Session SM_SESS_LOCAL_2 On '%S' SM_SESS_REMOTE On '%S' SM_SESS_LINK Cascade Connection SM_SESS_LINK_HOSTNAME Virtual Host SM_SESS_LINK_TCP None SM_SESS_SNAT SecureNAT Session SM_SESS_SNAT_HOSTNAME Virtual Host SM_SESS_SNAT_TCP None SM_SESS_BRIDGE Local Bridge Session SM_SESS_BRIDGE_HOSTNAME Ethernet Bridge SM_SESS_LAYER3_HOSTNAME Virtual Layer 3 Switch SM_SESS_BRIDGE_TCP None SM_SESS_STATUS_CAPTION VPN Session "%S" Status SM_SESS_STATUS_USERNAME User Name (Authentication) SM_SESS_STATUS_REALUSER User Name (Database) SM_SESS_STATUS_GROUPNAME Group Name SM_CLIENT_IP Client IP Address SM_CLIENT_HOSTNAME Client Host Name SM_NODE_CLIENT_NAME Client Product Name (Reported) SM_NODE_CLIENT_VER Client Version (Reported) SM_NODE_CLIENT_BUILD Client Build (Reported) SM_NODE_SERVER_NAME Server Product Name (Reported) SM_NODE_SERVER_VER Server Version (Reported) SM_NODE_SERVER_BUILD Server Build (Reported) SM_NODE_CLIENT_OS_NAME Client OS Name (Reported) SM_NODE_CLIENT_OS_VER Client OS Version (Reported) SM_NODE_CLIENT_OS_PID Client OS Product ID (Reported) SM_NODE_CLIENT_HOST Client Host Name (Reported) SM_NODE_CLIENT_IP Client IP Address (Reported) SM_NODE_CLIENT_PORT Client Port (Reported) SM_NODE_SERVER_HOST Server Host Name (Reported) SM_NODE_SERVER_IP Server IP Address (Reported) SM_NODE_SERVER_PORT Server Port (Reported) SM_NODE_PROXY_HOSTNAME Proxy Host Name (Reported) SM_NODE_PROXY_IP Proxy IP Address (Reported) SM_NODE_PROXY_PORT Proxy Port (Reported) SM_MAC_COLUMN_1 Session Name SM_MAC_COLUMN_2 MAC Address SM_MAC_COLUMN_3 Created at SM_MAC_COLUMN_4 Updated at SM_MAC_COLUMN_5 Location SM_MAC_COLUMN_1A VLAN ID SM_SESSION_FILTER \ (Displays only entries of session %S) SM_IP_COLUMN_1 Session Name SM_IP_COLUMN_2 IP Address SM_IP_COLUMN_3 Created at SM_IP_COLUMN_4 Updated at SM_IP_COLUMN_5 Location SM_MAC_IP_DHCP %S (DHCP) SM_MACIP_LOCAL On This Server SM_MACIP_SERVER On '%S' SM_SNAT_STATUS SecureNAT Operating Status SM_SNAT_NUM_SESSION %u Session SM_SNAT_NUM_CLIENT %u Client SM_SNAT_IS_KERNEL Kernel-mode NAT is Active SM_SNAT_IS_RAW Raw IP mode NAT is Active SM_BRIDGE_TOO_OLD_VER The Local Bridge function is not supported by the version of the VPN Server that is currently connected. \r\nTry update to a new version. SM_BRIDGE_UNSUPPORTED Unable to use the Local Bridge function with the operating system that this VPN Server is operating on. For the list of operating system that the Local Bridge function can be used on, refer to the online documentation of the VPN Server. SM_BRIDGE_WPCAP_REMOTE In order to use the Local Bridge function on this VPN Server, you must install the WinPcap software. The software WinPcap is currently not installed on the server computer. \r\n\r\nTo continue the installation of the WinPcap software, you must start SoftEther VPN Server Manager on the server computer that is running VPN Server and then while connected to localhost (location of your own computer), have the Local Bridge Function Setting window displayed. \r\nTo continue, first exit this management session, and then, after starting SoftEther VPN Server Manager on the server computer, connect to localhost and continue the setting process. SM_BRIDGE_WPCAP_ROOT In order to use the Local Bridge function on this VPN Server, you must install the WinPcap software. \r\n\r\nTo continue the installation you must log in to this computer as a user with administrator privileges. \r\nLog on as an administrator and start the SoftEther VPN Server Manager again. SM_BRIDGE_WPCAP_INSTALL In order to use the Local Bridge function on this VPN Server, you must install the WinPcap software. The software WinPcap is currently not installed on the server computer. \r\n\r\nWinPcap is an easy-to-install free software that is bundled together with the VPN Server. \r\n\r\nDo you want to begin the installation of WinPcap? SM_BRIDGE_WPCAP_REBOOT1 After WinPcap installation has completed, you must restart the computer before you use the Local Bridge function again. \r\n\r\nAfter you restart the computer manually and start VPN Server, configure the settings for the Local Bridge function. SM_BRIDGE_WPCAP_REBOOT2 After WinPcap installation has completed, you must restart the SoftEther VPN Server service before you use the Local Bridge function again. \r\n\r\nIt only takes a short time to restart the SoftEther VPN Server service, however all sessions that are currently connected to the VPN Server will be disconnected. \r\nThis management session will also be disconnected, so you will need to reconnect to continue. \r\n\r\nDo you want to restart the SoftEther VPN Server service? SM_BRIDGE_RESOURCE Unable to load the WinPcap driver. SM_BRIDGE_COLUMN_1 Number SM_BRIDGE_COLUMN_2 Virtual Hub Name SM_BRIDGE_COLUMN_3 Network Adapter or Tap Device Name SM_BRIDGE_COLUMN_4 Status SM_BRIDGE_OFFLINE Offline SM_BRIDGE_ONLINE Operating SM_BRIDGE_ERROR Error SM_BRIDGE_OK The Local Bridge connection definition has been added. SM_BRIDGE_DELETE Do you want to delete the Local Bridge from Virtual Hub "%s" to device "%s"? SM_BRIDGE_DELETE_OK The Local Bridge has been deleted. SM_BRIDGE_INTEL While in the condition that occurs immediately after a new bridge connection is made when bridging to a physical network adapter, depending on the type of network adapter, there are cases where it will not be possible to communicate using TCP/IP to the network adapter using a bridge connection from a computer on the virtual network. \r\n(This phenomenon is known to occur for Intel and Broadcom network adapters.) \r\n\r\n\r\nIf this issue arises, remedy the situation by restarting the computer on which VPN Server / Bridge is running. Normal communication will be possible after the computer has restarted. \r\n\r\n\r\nAlso many wireless network adapters will not respond to the sending of packets in promiscuous mode and when this occurs you will be unable to use the Local Bridge. If this issue arises, try using a regular wired network adapter instead of the wireless network adapter. SM_BRIDGE_VPN You are attempting to make a Local Bridge to "%S".\r\n\r\nA Local Bridge is made between a Virtual Hub and a physical network adapter in usual usage. It is unusual to make a Local Bridge to a Virtual Network Adapter.\r\nPlease make sure that it is your intention.\r\n\r\nDo you really want to continue? SM_BRIDGE_INFO_1 Select the Ethernet device (network adapter) for the bridge destination. SM_BRIDGE_INFO_2 Enter a name of the new tap device to create. SM_CONFIG_SAVED The configuration file has been saved. SM_CONFIG_SAVE_FAILED Failed to save the configuration file. SM_CONFIG_OPEN_FAILED Unable to open the specified file. SM_CONFIG_CONFIRM This will apply the specified configuration file to the VPN Server. The VPN Server will automatically restart and it will start loading the new configuration file. The users who are currently connected to the VPN Server will be disconnected. This management session will also be disconnected, you will be needing to reconnect to the server. \r\n\r\nDo you want to proceed? SM_CONFIG_WRITE_OK The configuration file on the server side has been overwritten. SM_AO_COLUMN_1 Item SM_AO_COLUMN_2 Value SM_TRUE_OR_FALSE Set either 0 (false) or 1 (true) for this item. SM_AO_SET_OK The Virtual Hub Administration Option has been set. SM_EXT_OPTION_SET_OK The Virtual Hub Extended Option has been set. SM_PASSWORD_MSG Currently an administrator password has not been set for this VPN Server. It is recommended that a password is set. \r\n\r\nDo you want to set a server administrator password? SM_L3_SW_COLUMN1 Layer 3 Switch Name SM_L3_SW_COLUMN2 Running Status SM_L3_SW_COLUMN3 Interfaces SM_L3_SW_COLUMN4 Routing Tables SM_L3_SW_ST_F_F Stop SM_L3_SW_ST_T_F Start (Error) SM_L3_SW_ST_T_T Start (Running) SM_L3_SW_DEL_MSG This will delete the Virtual Layer 3 Switch "%S". \r\nDo you really want to do this? SM_L3_SW_IF_COLUMN1 IP Address SM_L3_SW_IF_COLUMN2 Subnet Mask SM_L3_SW_IF_COLUMN3 Virtual Hub Name SM_L3_SW_TABLE_COLUMN1 Network Address SM_L3_SW_TABLE_COLUMN2 Subnet Mask SM_L3_SW_TABLE_COLUMN3 Gateway Address SM_L3_SW_TABLE_COLUMN4 Metric SM_SECURE_NAT_MSG Are you sure you want to enable the SecureNAT?\r\n\r\nIf you enable the SecureNAT, a virtual router with virtual NAT function will be created that has one IP address in the Virtual Hub. This Virtual Router will interact as one computer or router with other computers that are connected to the virtual network. \r\n\r\nThe SecureNAT in the Virtual NAT enables any computers connected to the Virtual Hub to establish communication with an external network via the SecureNAT. \r\nTherefore, when SecureNAT is running on this VPN Server, there is no need to use local VPN Client to connect the self-computer's Virtual Hub.\r\n\r\n\r\nAlso, please take care about that if there is already a DHCP server in a location that can be reached from a Virtual Hub Layer 2 segment, disable the DHCP server function by clicking the SecureNAT Configuration, otherwise there will be a DHCP conflict. \r\n\r\nMoreover, you can disable the NAT function and only use the DHCP server if you wish. SM_CRL_COLUMN_1 Certificate Summary SM_CRL_DELETE_MSG This will delete the selected item. Do you really want to do this? SM_CRL_EMPTY_MSG No items have been selected. \r\nIf you add this certificate revocation entry, all certificates will be judged as invalid and all client connections that are made in certificate authentication mode will be refused. \r\n\r\nDo you really want to do this? SM_AC_COLUMN_1 ID SM_AC_COLUMN_2 Priority SM_AC_COLUMN_3 Action SM_AC_COLUMN_4 Contents SM_AC_PASS Pass SM_AC_DENY Deny SM_LOG_FILE_COLUMN_1 Log File Name SM_LOG_FILE_COLUMN_2 File Size SM_LOG_FILE_COLUMN_3 Updated on SM_LOG_FILE_COLUMN_4 Location SM_READ_LOG_FILE_INFO_1 Please wait until processing is finished... SM_READ_LOG_FILE_INFO_2 %S in process, %S has finished... SM_READ_LOG_FILE_ERROR Failed to download file SM_READ_SAVE_DLG_TITLE Specify a File Name for the Log File's Save Destination SM_READ_SAVE_DLG_FILTER Log Files (*.LOG)|*.log|All Files (*.*)|*.* SM_READ_SAVE_FAILED Failed to save the log file. SM_READ_SAVE_TMP_FAILED Unable to write to temporary file "%S". SM_READ_SAVE_OPEN_ERROR Unable to open temporary file "%S". \r\n\r\nIt is possible that the .LOG file extension is not an assigned file type in Windows. SM_LICENSE_COLUMN_1 Number SM_LICENSE_COLUMN_2 License Key SM_LICENSE_COLUMN_3 License Type Name SM_LICENSE_COLUMN_4 Status SM_LICENSE_COLUMN_5 Expiration Date SM_LICENSE_COLUMN_6 License ID SM_LICENSE_COLUMN_7 License Type ID SM_LICENSE_COLUMN_8 Server ID SM_LICENSE_COLUMN_9 Serial ID SM_LICENSE_INFINITE Infinite SM_LICENSE_NO_EXPIRES No Expiration SM_LICENSE_STATUS_EDITION Product Edition SM_LICENSE_STATUS_RELEASE Release Date of VPN Server SM_LICENSE_STATUS_SYSTEM_ID Current Server ID SM_LICENSE_STATUS_EXPIRES Expiration of Current Product License SM_LICENSE_STATUS_SUBSCRIPTION Status of Subscription Contract SM_LICENSE_STATUS_SUBSCRIPTION_NONEED No Need (This Edition requires no subscription keys) SM_LICENSE_STATUS_SUBSCRIPTION_NONE No Keys (Adding a subscription key is required) SM_LICENSE_STATUS_SUBSCRIPTION_VALID Subscription is Active [Until %s] SM_LICENSE_STATUS_SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED Subscription is Expired [at %s] SM_LICENSE_STATUS_SUBSCRIPTION_BUILD Version Allowed by Current Contract SM_LICENSE_STATUS_SUBSCRIPTION_BUILD_STR Free Upgrade to Any Future Versions Released Until %s is Allowed SM_LICENSE_STATUS_ENTERPRISE Enterprise Functions Availability SM_LICENSE_STATUS_ENTERPRISE_YES Yes (Available) SM_LICENSE_STATUS_ENTERPRISE_NO No (Unavailable) SM_LICENSE_NUM_USER Allowed User Objects to Create SM_LICENSE_NUM_CLIENT Allowed Concurrent Clients SM_LICENSE_NUM_BRIDGE Allowed Concurrent Bridges SM_NO_LICENSE_COLUMN Caution: SM_NO_LICENSE Because there are no product licenses registered, this VPN Server's communication function doesn't operate. SM_LICENSE_DELETE_MSG Are you sure you want to delete the selected license from the VPN Server? SM_SYSLOG_0 Disable Syslog Send Function SM_SYSLOG_1 Send Server Logs by Syslog SM_SYSLOG_2 Send Server and Virtual Hub Security Logs by Syslog SM_SYSLOG_3 Send Server, Virtual Hub Security, and Packet Logs by Syslog SM_SETUP_INFO_1 Click Next to start Setup. Click Close if you want to exit the setup and manually configure all settings. SM_SETUP_INFO_2 Click Close to configuring the settings of a VPN server manually by yourself. SM_SETUP_BRIDGE_ONLY You are currently connected to VPN Bridge. You can only create VPN Bridge at Each Site for Multi-site VPN. SM_SETUP_BRIDGE_EDGE VPN Bridge at &Each Site SM_SETUP_WARNING The current settings of this VPN Server or VPN Bridge will be initialized. \r\nDo you really want to do this? SM_SETUP_SELECT Select the Ethernet device to establish the bridge connection. SM_SETUP_NO_LICENSE_KEY Currently there is no licenses registered for this SoftEther VPN Server. \r\n\r\nFor SoftEther VPN Server to operate as a VPN server, you must enter a license key. \r\nDo you want to display the License Manager?\r\n\r\n(To use the VPN Server as a Trial Version, you have to obtain a trial key from the SoftEther VPN Project web site.\r\nClick Yes and click Obtain or Extend of License button to obtain a trial key. SM_HUBEXT_OPTION_TITLE Virtual Hub Extended Options SM_HUBEXT_OPTION_STATIC1 Virtual Hub Extended Options allows you to configure more detailed parameters of this Virtual Hub. SM_HUBEXT_OPTION_STATIC2 By default, both VPN Server's global administrators and individual Virtual Hub's administrators can modify the Virtual Hub Extended Options.\nHowever, if the deny_hub_admin_change_ext_option is set to 1 on the Virtual Hub Admin Options, the individual Virtual Hub's administrators cannot modify the Virtual Hub Extended Options. (View only.) SM_VLAN_COLUMN_0 Network Adapter Name SM_VLAN_COLUMN_1 Driver Type SM_VLAN_COLUMN_2 Driver File Name SM_VLAN_COLUMN_3 VLAN Transparency Setting SM_VLAN_COLUMN_4 GUID SM_VLAN_COLUMN_5 Device Instance ID SM_VLAN_YES Enabled SM_VLAN_NO Not Enabled SM_VLAN_MSG_1 The Windows Registry has been configured to allow the network adapter "%S" to transmit / receive tagged-VLAN packets.\r\n\r\nHowever, there are some network adapters which requires additional settings on the property of the Device Manager on the local computer's Windows to set the parameters to enable Jumbo Frames. (Ethernet frames which are larger than 1,512 bytes.) Unless you enable Jumbo Frames, some large VLAN packets will be dropped. In the case if large VLAN packets always disappeared, please enable Jumbo Frames. (For example, set the maximum size to 4,088 bytes.) The Device Manager in Windows will help you to configure.\r\n\r\nThis VLAN Transparency Setting has been written to the Windows Registry, however it is not guaranteed that VLAN packets can be transmitted effectively.\r\nIf transmitting VLAN tagged packets will fail after this configuration, refer the manual of the network adapter "%S" to configure manually and adequately. Moreover, "%S" might not support the VLAN transparency setting. In that case, such a network adapter cannot be used to transmit VLAN frames. Use other products.\r\n\r\nTo apply this setting, Windows which runs VPN Server must be rebooted. Do not forget to reboot it. SM_VLAN_MSG_2 The Windows Registry parameters which was enabling the VLAN transparency features on the network adapter "%S" are deleted from the Registry.\r\n\r\nIf you did a Jumbo Frame enable settings last time, undo such changes manually.\r\n\r\nTo apply this setting, Windows which runs VPN Server must be rebooted. Do not forget to reboot it. SM_VLAN_NOTHING There are no network adapters which VLAN Transparency Setting Tool supports on the computer "%S".\r\n\r\nHowever, some network adapters are capable to transmit VLAN tagged packets by default, or can be configured to perform VLAN tagged packets by specific configuration utility provided by the vendor.\r\nBy using such network adapters, you have to configure such settings by yourself manually. SM_SERVER_ADMIN_MSG VPN Server / Bridge "%S" SM_ETHERIP_COLUMN_0 ISAKMP Phase 1 ID SM_ETHERIP_COLUMN_1 Virtual Hub Name SM_ETHERIP_COLUMN_2 User Name SM_ETHERIP_ADD_OK A new EtherIP / L2TPv3 client setting has been registered. SM_IPSEC_SETUP_QUESTION This VPN Server has a function to accept IPsec / L2TP / EtherIP / L2TPv3 compatible VPN clients or VPN router products.\r\n\r\nYou can allow the VPN Server to accept connections from smartphones such as iPhone, iPad, Android, or standard VPN client functions on Mac OS X or Windows.\r\n\r\nDo you want to set up the IPsec?\r\n(IPsec settings can be configured by clicking "IPsec / L2TP Settings" button any time later.) SM_OPENVPN_CONFIG_SAVE_OK The ZIP file '%s' which contains the setting files for OpenVPN.\r\n\r\nOpen this ZIP file to extract sample configuration files for OpenVPN which can be used immediately and easily.\r\nYou might be required to revise the configuration file a little.\r\n\r\nFor details please read the 'readme.txt' file in the ZIP file.\r\n\r\nDo you want to open this ZIP file now? SM_OPENVPN_CONFIG_SAVE_NG Failed to save the ZIP file '%s'. SM_OPENVPN_CONFIG_OPEN_NG Failed to open the ZIP file '%s'. Please open this file manually. SM_DDNS_IPV4_ERROR Unable to reach the IPv4 DDNS Server. SM_DDNS_IPV6_ERROR Unable to reach the IPv6 DDNS Server. SM_DDNS_FQDN_EMPTY (None) SM_DDNS_OK_MSG The Dynamic DNS hostname: %S%S\r\n\r\nYou can access to the below IP address by specifying the above DNS hostname.\r\n\r\nIPv4 Address: %s\r\nIPv6 Address: %s\r\n\r\nYou can also specify the following special forms of hostnames to specify IPv4 or IPv6 as the address-type explicitly.\r\n\r\nHostname for IPv4: %S.v4%S\r\nHostname for IPv6: %S.v6%S\r\n SM_DDNS_OK_TITLE Dynamic DNS Function SM_DDNS_OK_MSG2 The Dynamic DNS hostname has been changed to '%S'.\r\n\r\nClick Hint to read additional information. SM_DDNS_KEY_TITLE Dynamic DNS Key SM_DDNS_KEY_MSG Your Dynamic DNS Private Key: %s\r\n\r\nThis is the private key which is associated with your current DDNS name. If your VPN Server PC damaged and lost the key, the current DDNS name will be occupied forever and other VPN Server will not be able to use the same name.\r\nIf you want to continue to use the same name, keep the key on a safe place, such as an Internet storage, an another PC or a notepad.\r\nWhen applying the key to the new VPN Server, edit the configuration file of the VPN Server to replace the key by the string in the value following to "byte Key" in the "declare DDnsClient" directive.\r\nDo not use the duplicated key to two or more VPN Servers at the same time. SM_DDNS_KEY_ERR Failed to read the DNS key. SM_IPSEC_PSK_TOO_LONG The pre-shared key (PSK) has 10 or more letters.\r\n\r\nIt is reported that several versions of Google Android has a serious bug with 10 or more letters pre-shared key.\r\nTherefore 9 or less letters are recommended for pre-shared key.\r\n\r\nDo you want to try another pre-shared key? SM_ADVANCED_REDIRECT_URL_HINT_TITLE How to Use Advanced HTTP Redirection Function SM_ADVANCED_REDIRECT_URL_HINT Advanced HTTP Redirection (For Experts)\r\n\r\nThe string "" is a place holder. It can embedded on the URL of redirection.\r\n\r\nEmbedded URL Example:\r\nhttp://www.google.com/search?q=|secret\r\n\r\nWhen the client is being redirected, the actual destination URL of redirection will be replaced as follows.\r\n\r\nUsername|Session ID|IP Address|Date and Time|Hash Value\r\n\r\\nAfter Replacement Example: zurukko|SID-ZURUKKO-123||20131117100354|99707160AFE7A454042B2C47B064112D652452D7\r\n\r\nThe details of each fields are described as following.\r\n\r\nUsername: The username using for the current VPN Session will be placed.\r\n\r\nSession ID: The Session ID of the VPN Session will be placed.\r\n\r\nDate and Time: 14-digits will be placed as 'YYYYMMDDHHMMSS' format (Time zone is UTC).\r\n\r\nHash Value: A 40-characters hexadecimal strings which represent 20 bytes binary data. The binary data is the result of SHA-1 hash function to the temporary string. The temporary string is the combination of the bit-array of the above fields plus the secret string after the '|' symbol in the redirection URL. (In the above example, "secret" is the secret string.) If there are no '|' symbols in the URL, no hash value will be appended.\r\n\r\nThe Purpose of Hash Value: The secret string is effective as the secret key. Thanks to the secret key, the CGI program which receives the query strings on the redirected URL can verify the integrity of the parameters included in the URL.\r\n SM_ADVANCED_REDIRECT_URL_MSG An URL must start with "http://" or "https://" SM_DISABLE_DDNS_HINT_CAPTION Disable Dynamic DNS Function SM_DISABLE_DDNS_HINT To disable the Dynamic DNS Function, modify the configuration file of VPN Server.\r\n\r\nThe "declare root" directive has the "declare DDnsClient" directive. In this directive, you can switch "bool Disable" from false to true, and reboot the VPN Server, then the Dynamic DNS Function will be disabled.\r\n SM_REGENERATE_CERT_MSG The certificate of VPN Server is being replaced to the new one.\r\n\r\nThis will affect all VPN Clients which are configured to verify the certificate of VPN Server.\r\nDo you want to continue? SM_DDNS_SERVER_CERT_MSG The DDNS hostname has been changed to "%S".\r\n\r\nIf you are planning to use Microsoft SSTP VPN to connect to the VPN Server from Windows Vista or greater versions of Windows with specifying the DDNS hostname as the destination of VPN Server, the destination hostname of the VPN Server must exactly match to the CN (Common Name) field on the certificate of VPN Server due to the security.\r\n\r\nDo you want to regenerate the server certificate in order to match the CN value to "%S"?\r\n(Click No to keep using the current server certificate.) SM_DDNS_SERVER_CERT_OK The SSL certificate of VPN Server is now regenerated.\r\n\r\nWhen you make Microsoft SSTP VPN client connects to the VPN Server, you should specify the current DDNS hostname "%S" as the destination server hostname.\r\nYou have to also prepare the "Trusted Root Certificates" list on the Windows to add the certificate of this VPN Server beforehand.\r\n(To install a root certificate to Windows, open MMC and navigate to "Local Computer" in the "Certificates" applet. After that, you can import a certificate into the trusted root certification list.\r\n For details refer Microsoft's documents.)\r\n\r\nDo you want to save the new SSL certificate as a file in the X.509 format? SM_SETUP_STEP_SECURENAT This VPN Server / Bridge might be running as user-more, or by other limitations, the Virtual Hub and a physical network adapter cannot be bridged together. Instead, the SecureNAT function allows VPN Clients to communicate with other computers in the physical network. The SecureNAT function was enabled by default. You can configure or disable it. SM_SETUP_STEP_SECURENAT_TITLE Step 3. Bridge Virtual Hub and Physical Network SM_UPDATE_CHECK_TITLE_VPNSERVER %S VPN Server (on the host '%S') SM_UPDATE_CHECK_TITLE_VPNBRIDGE %S VPN Bridge (on the host '%S') SM_FACTORY_DEFAULT_WARNING This will perform a factory-reset on the VPN Server / Bridge.\r\nThe current configuration of VPN Server / Bridge will be erased, and the initial settings will be applied immediately.\r\nYou are recommended to make a backup copy of the current configuration before do a factory-reset.\r\n\r\nPress OK to perform a factory-reset. The VPN Server / Bridge will be rebooted. The current management connection will be disconnected, so please re-connect to the VPN Server / Bridge.\r\n\r\nPress Cancel to cancel the operation. SM_FACTORY_DEFAULT_PERFORMED The factory-reset operation is performing on the server.\r\n\r\nPress OK to exit the current session of VPN Server Manager.\r\nAfter exiting, please re-start the VPN Server Manager and connect to the VPN Server again.\r\nThen you will see the VPN Server is reset. SM_AZURE_STATUS_CONNECTED Status: Connected SM_AZURE_STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED Status: Not Connected SM_NO_BRIDGE_NICS No physical network adapters suitable for Local Bridge were found on the VPN server computer.\r\nIn order to create a Local Bridge, you have to install at least one physical network adapters on the computer.\r\nYou cannot use Wi-Fi adapters or 3G adapters for Local Bridge.\r\nPlease install a physical network adapter which is compatible to wired Ethernet.\r\n\r\nIf a recently-installed network adapter doesn't appear, once reboot the computer.\r\n\r\nIf the Local Bridge cannot be used anyway, you can use "SecureNAT Function" instead.\r\n\r\nIf you have a certain reason to use unusual network adapters (i.e. Wi-Fi adapters, 3G adapters or virtual adapters), set the "ShowAllInterfaces" variable on the "LocalBridgeList" directive to "true" and restart the VPN Server. Then such devices will appear on the list. (For advanced Windows users only.)\r\n\r\nIf this error occurs after you upgraded Windows, please re-install SoftEther VPN Server or SoftEther VPN Bridge> SM_CERT_MESSAGE The current SSL self-signed root certificate on this VPN Server is in the old format.\r\n\r\nSome versions of OpenVPN Connect for Android have a bug to misinterpret SSL certificates in the old format. It might cause the connection problem from OpenVPN Connect for Android to this VPN Server.\r\n\r\nIf you are planning to use OpenVPN Connect for Android as a VPN client, it is recommended to regenerate the SSL server certificate.\r\n\r\nDo you want to regenerate the server certificate now? SM_CERT_MESSAGE_CLI --- Caution ---\r\n\r\nThe current SSL self-signed root certificate on this VPN Server is in the old format.\r\n\r\nSome versions of OpenVPN Connect for Android have a bug to misinterpret SSL certificates in the old format. It might cause the connection problem from OpenVPN Connect for Android to this VPN Server.\r\n\r\nIf you are planning to use OpenVPN Connect for Android as a VPN client, it is recommended to regenerate the SSL server certificate.\r\n\r\nTo regenerate and update the server certificate, execute the "ServerCertRegenerate" command after updating the VPN Server to the latest version. SM_CERT_NEED_ROOT The specified SSL certificate is a sub-certificate which was issued by a CA (Certificate Authority).\r\n\r\nIf you are planning to support either Microsoft SSTP or OpenVPN protocol on this VPN server, you have to install the root certificate and all intermediate certificates (if exists) on this VPN Server.\r\n\r\nTo install these certificates, copy the root certificate and all intermediate certificate files (in the X.509 format) into the "chain_certs" subdirectory on the directory which is VPN Server has been installed on.\r\n\r\nIf you don't know how to obtain root and intermediate certificate files for your certificate authority (CA), please refer to the CA's web site or contact technical support staffs of the CA. # Concerning User-mode Router Administration Tools NM_TITLE deleted NM_CONNECT_TITLE deleted NM_STATUS_TAG Connection status: %s NM_OFFLINE You are not connected to any VPN Servers. NM_CONNECTING Connecting to VPN Server NM_CONNECTED Connected to VPN Server "%S" NM_CONNECT_ERROR Error number %u (%s) NM_ACCOUNT_TITLE deleted NM_STATUS User-mode Router Status NM_STATUS_CONNECT Connection Status NM_STATUS_TCP NAT TCP/IP Sessions NM_STATUS_UDP NAT UDP/IP Sessions NM_STATUS_ICMP NAT ICMP Sessions NM_STATUS_DNS NAT DNS Sessions NM_STATUS_DHCP Allocated DHCP Clients NM_INFO User-mode Router information NM_INFO_PRODUCT_NAME Product Name NM_INFO_VERSION_STR Version information NM_INFO_BUILD_INFO Build information NM_INFO_HOSTNAME Host name NM_NAT_ID ID NM_NAT_PROTOCOL Protocol NM_NAT_SRC_HOST Source Host NM_NAT_SRC_PORT Source Port NM_NAT_DST_HOST Destination Host NM_NAT_DST_PORT Destination Port NM_NAT_CREATED Session Created On NM_NAT_LAST_COMM Last Communication Time NM_NAT_SIZE Receive / Send Size NM_NAT_TCP_STATUS TCP Connection Status NM_NAT_PROTO_TCP TCP/IP NM_NAT_PROTO_UDP UDP/IP NM_NAT_PROTO_DNS DNS NM_NAT_PROTO_ICMP ICMP NAT_TCP_CONNECTING Connecting NAT_TCP_SEND_RESET Disconnecting NAT_TCP_CONNECTED Connected NAT_TCP_ESTABLISHED Running NAT_TCP_WAIT_DISCONNECT Disconnecting DHCP_DHCP_ID ID DHCP_LEASED_TIME Leased at DHCP_EXPIRE_TIME Expires at DHCP_MAC_ADDRESS MAC Address DHCP_IP_ADDRESS Allocated IP DHCP_HOSTNAME Client Host Name NM_PASSWORD_MSG The administration password has been set. NM_PUSH_ROUTE_WARNING The specified text of the static routing table may have a syntax error. # Concerning version information ABOUT_CAPTION About %s BETA_EXPIRES Because the currently installed SoftEther VPN software is a beta version, you cannot use it after the provision of a newer beta version of full version. \r\nAccess http://selinks.org/ and get the latest version of SoftEther VPN software. # Concerning the saving of logs # (Common log) L_YES Yes L_NO No L_LINE ------------------------------------------------------ # (Server log) LS_START_UTF8 Log Messages are written with UTF-8 Encoding Format. LS_START_1 The SoftEther VPN Server has been started. LS_START_2 %S %S LS_START_3 %S LS_END_1 The SoftEther VPN Server Engine has been successfully shutdown. LS_END_2 The Server Engine shutdown processing has started. LS_STOP_ALL_LISTENER All TCP listeners will be stopped. LS_STOP_ALL_LISTENER_2 All TCP listeners have been stopped. LS_STOP_ALL_HUB Stopping all Virtual Hubs. LS_STOP_ALL_HUB_2 All Virtual Hubs have been stopped. LS_STOP_CEDAR Shutting down the Cedar communication module. LS_STOP_CEDAR_2 The Cedar communication module has been shut down. LS_STOP_FARM_MEMBER Disconnecting connection to the cluster controller. LS_STOP_FARM_MEMBER_2 Connection with the cluster controller has been disconnected. LS_STOP_FARM_CONTROL Cluster controller is stopping. LS_STOP_FARM_CONTROL_2 Cluster controller has stopped. LS_ENUM_ETHERNET_1 Ethernet device has been enumerated. LS_ENUM_ETHERNET_2 Device %u: "%S" LS_LOAD_CONFIG_1 Loading the configuration file. LS_LOAD_CONFIG_2 The configuration file has been loaded. LS_LOAD_CONFIG_3 Configuration file does not exist. Attempting to start using initial settings. LS_INIT_SAVE_THREAD Starting the automatically saving background task. The interval between auto-saves is %u seconds. You can change the interval by changing the parameter AutoSaveConfigSpan in the configuration file. LS_BAD_CONFIG The contents of the configuration file is invalid. The loading process has been terminated. LS_LISTENER_START_1 TCP Listener (port %u) is starting. LS_LISTENER_START_2 TCP Listener (port %u) has started. Now listening for connection from client. LS_LISTENER_START_3 Unable to set port to Listen status for TCP Listener (port %u). Attempting at fixed intervals until successful. LS_LISTENER_ACCEPT On the TCP Listener (Port %u), a Client (IP address %S, Host name "%S", Port number %u) has connected. LS_LISTENER_DISCONNECT The connection with the client (IP address %S, Port number %u) has been disconnected. LS_LISTENER_DOS A DoS attack on the TCP Listener (port %u) has been detected. The connecting source IP address is %S, port number is %u. This connection will be forcefully disconnected now. LS_LISTENER_MAXUEC The TCP listener is temporary suspending to accept new inward connections because of the number of pending TCP connections exceeded %u. (Current value = %u) LS_LISTENER_STOP_1 TCP Listener (port %u) is stopping. LS_LISTENER_STOP_2 TCP Listener (port %u) has stopped. LS_HUB_START Virtual Hub "%S" has been started. LS_HUB_STOP Virtual Hub "%S" has been stopped. LS_HUB_MAC The MAC address of Virtual Hub "%S" is "%S". LS_NODE_INFO_TAG Client product name: "%S", Client version: %u, Client build number: %u, Server product name: "%S", Server version: %u, Server build number: %u, Client OS name: "%S", Client OS version: "%S", Client product ID: "%S", Client host name: "%S", Client IP address: "%S", Client port number: %u, Server host name: "%S", Server IP address: "%S", Server port number: %u, Proxy host name: "%S", Proxy IP address: "%S", Proxy port number: %u, Virtual Hub name: "%S", Client unique ID: "%S" LS_CONNECTION_START_1 For the client (IP address: %S, host name: "%S", port number: %u), connection "%S" has been created. LS_CONNECTION_END_1 Connection "%S" has been terminated. LS_SSL_START SSL communication for connection "%S" has been started. The encryption algorithm name is "%S". LS_CONNECTION_ERROR Connection "%S" terminated by the cause "%s" (code %u). LS_FARMMEMBER_NOT_ADMIN Connection "%S": Although the server is a cluster member, the client attempted that to directly connect to the Virtual Hub "%S" while not being administrator user "%S". The user name provided by the client is "%S". Access is refused. LS_HUB_NOT_FOUND Connection "%S": Virtual Hub "%S" that the client is trying to connect to does not exist on the server. LS_WG_KEY_NOT_FOUND Connection "%S": The WireGuard key is not associated with a user on the server. LS_IP_DENIED Connection "%S": The source IP address "%S" of the client has refused based on the Source IP Address Limit List defined for the Virtual Hub. LS_LICENSE_ERROR Connection "%S": Because a license-related error has been occurred, the client is unable to connect to the server. LS_BETA_EXPIRES This beta version of SoftEther VPN Server is expired. The beta version period of use has expired. Download a new beta version or full version from http://selinks.org/. LS_TICKET_1 A new client authentication ticket has been issued for cluster member "%S". Virtual Hub "%S", User name "%S" ("%S"), Session name "%S", Ticket "%S" LS_TICKET_2 A new client authentication ticket has been received from the cluster controller. Virtual Hub "%S", User name "%S" ("%S"), Session name "%S", Ticket "%S", Expiration %u seconds LS_ENUM_HUB Connection "%S": %u Virtual Hub servers have been enumerated on this server. LS_FARM_ACCEPT_1 Connection "%S": Although this server received a cluster control connection request, this server is not a cluster controller. LS_FARM_ACCEPT_2 Connection "%S":Although this server received a cluster control connection request, the authentication password is incorrect and connection has been refused. LS_FARM_ACCEPT_3 Connection "%S": This server received a cluster control connection request. Authentication has been successful. LS_FARM_SERV_START Connection with a cluster member has been established. IP address: %S, Host name: "%S" LS_FARM_SERV_END Connection with cluster member "%S" has been deleted. LS_FARM_CONNECT_1 Connection to cluster controller "%S" has started. LS_FARM_CONNECT_2 Connection to cluster controller "%S" has been refused. Error: %s (code %u) LS_FARM_CONNECT_3 TCP connection to cluster controller "%S" failed. Continuing to attempt connection in intervals of %u seconds until connection is successful. LS_FARM_DISCONNECT Connection to the cluster controller has stopped. LS_FARM_START Connected to cluster controller. Operation as cluster member is starting. LS_LICENSE_NOT_VPNSERVER Connection "%S": License error occurred. The VPN Client attempted to connect while the VPN Server product license is not yet registered. LS_LICENSE_NOT_VPNCLUSTER Connection "%S": License error occurred. The license registered on this VPN Server is of a type that prevents the use of the current clustering function and a VPN Client has attempted connection while operating in Cluster mode. You must restart the VPN Server. LS_LICENSE_VIOLATION Connection "%S": A license violation has occurred on the VPN Server and connections are not being received. LS_LICENSE_VIOLATION_DETECTED A license violation has been detected. A different VPN Server is operating with the same server ID "%I64u" as this VPN Server. It is possible that there are two or more VPN Servers in the cluster that are using the same license. Check the license information of each VPN Server. LS_API_AUTH_OK HTTPS API client "%r:%u" (%S): Administration mode: "%S": The embedded HTTPS web server accepted the successful login. Username: "%S", Method: "%S", Path: "%S" LS_API_AUTH_ERROR HTTPS API client "%r:%u" (%S): The embedded HTTPS web server refused a login attempt. Username: "%S", Method: "%S", Path: "%S" LS_API_RPC_CALL HTTPS API client "%r:%u" (%S): The client called a JSON-API. Method: "%S", Returned error code: %u (0 = success), Returned error message: "%s" # (Proto log) LP_PREFIX_SESSION [%s] %r:%u -> %r:%u (%s): LP_SESSION_CREATED Session created. LP_SESSION_DELETED Session deleted. # (WireGuard log) LW_PREFIX_SESSION [WireGuard] %r:%u -> %r:%u: LW_KEYPAIR_EXPIRED Current keypair (%x -> %x) is expired! LW_KEYPAIR_UNKNOWN The packet was encrypted with an unknown keypair! LW_DECRYPT_FAIL Decryption failure! LW_REPLAY_ATTACK Replay attack detected! LW_FLOOD_ATTACK Flood attack detected! LW_HUB_DISCONNECT The administrator of the Virtual Hub has disconnected this session. # (OpenVPN Logs) LO_PREFIX_RAW OpenVPN Module: LO_PREFIX_SESSION OpenVPN Session %u (%r:%u -> %r:%u): LO_PREFIX_CHANNEL OpenVPN Session %u (%r:%u -> %r:%u) Channel %u: LO_NEW_CHANNEL A new channel is created. LO_CHANNEL_ESTABLISHED_NEWKEY The channel is established. (Trigger: Re-key completion.) LO_OPTION_STR_RECV Option Strings Received: "%S" LO_CLIENT_CERT Client certificate received (subject: CN="%s"), will use certificate authentication. LO_CLIENT_UNVERIFIED_CERT Client certificate was provided but did not pass verification (error="%S"), will use password authentication. LO_CLIENT_NO_CERT Client certificate is not provided, will use password authentication. LO_OPTION_STR_SEND Option Strings to Send: "%S" LO_INITIATE_REKEY The re-keying process is started. LO_CHANNEL_ESTABLISHED The channel becomes the established state. LO_PUSH_REPLY The full strings replied: "%S" LO_CHANNEL_FAILED Failed to connect a channel. LO_CHANNEL_DISCONNECTED_BY_HUB This OpenVPN channel is being terminated because the administrator of the Virtual Hub has disconnected this the VPN Session. # (IPsec Logs) LI_PREFIX_RAW IPsec Module: LI_PREFIX_CLIENT IPsec Client %u (%S:%u -> %S:%u): LI_PREFIX_IKE IPsec IKE Session (IKE SA) %u (Client: %u) (%S:%u -> %S:%u): LI_PREFIX_IPSEC IPsec ESP Session (IPsec SA) %u (Client: %u) (%S:%u -> %S:%u): LI_START The IPsec ver 2.0 (ISAKMP/IKEv1) processing module is started. LI_STOPPING The IPsec ver 2.0 (ISAKMP/IKEv1) processing module is now terminating... LI_STOP The IPsec ver 2.0 (ISAKMP/IKEv1) processing module is terminated. LI_NUM_IPSEC_SA The number of still-alive IPsec SAs was %u. LI_NUM_IKE_SA The number of still-alive IKE SAs was %u. LI_NUM_IKE_CLIENTS The number of still-alive IPsec Clients was %u. LI_L2TP_SERVER_STARTED The L2TP Server Module is started. LI_ETHERIP_SERVER_STARTED The EtherIP Server Module is started. The Session ID of the EtherIP Session: %u LI_DELETE_IKE_CLIENT This IPsec Client is deleted. LI_DELETE_IKE_SA This IKE SA is deleted. LI_DELETE_IPSEC_SA This IPsec SA is deleted. LI_START_QM_FROM_SERVER The server initiates a QuickMode negotiation. LI_START_QM_FROM_CLIENT The client initiates a QuickMode negotiation. LI_QM_DH_ERROR Failed to calculate a Diffie-Hellman algorithm. LI_NEW_IKE_CLIENT A new IPsec client is created. LI_NEW_IKE_SA A new IKE SA (%s) is created. Initiator Cookie: 0x%I64X, Responder Cookie: 0x%I64X, DH Group: %S, Hash Algorithm: %S, Cipher Algorithm: %S, Cipher Key Size: %u bits, Lifetime: %u Kbytes or %u seconds LI_TAG_MAINMODE Main Mode LI_TAG_AGGRESSIVE Aggressive Mode LI_NEW_IPSEC_SA A new IPsec SA (Direction: %s) is created. SPI: 0x%X, DH Group: %S, Hash Algorithm: %S, Cipher Algorithm: %S, Cipher Key Size: %u bits, Lifetime: %u Kbytes or %u seconds LI_TAG_SERVER_TO_CLIENT Server -> Client LI_TAG_CLIENT_TO_SERVER Client -> Server LI_IPSEC_SA_SPI_SET The SPI which has been pending is now set. New SPI: 0x%X LI_IPSEC_SA_ESTABLISHED This IPsec SA is established between the server and the client. LI_IKE_SA_ESTABLISHED This IKE SA is established between the server and the client. LI_IPSEC_NO_TRANSFORM There are no acceptable transform proposals from the client for establishing an IPsec SA. LI_IKE_NO_TRANSFORM There are no acceptable transform proposals from the client for establishing an IKE SA. LI_IKE_NO_NAT_T The connection cannot be accepted because this VPN client is not compatible with IPsec NAT Traversal (RFC 3947 Negotiation of NAT-Traversal in the IKE or draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike). LI_SET_CLIENT_ID The client ID which this client presented in the establishing phase is "%S". LI_CLIENT_MERGE This client (Client %u) and the other client (Client %u) is the same client. So they are merged to the client %u. LI_CLIENT_UPDATE The port number information of this client is updated. # (EtherIP Log) LE_PREFIX EtherIP / L2TPv3 Session %u (%S:%u -> %S:%u): LE_START_MODULE The EtherIP / L2TPv3 Module is started. LE_STOP The EtherIP / L2TPv3 Module is stopped. LE_NO_SETTING Error: No EtherIP / L2TPv3 setting entries for the Client ID "%S" is registered on the VPN Server. Please register an entry of a EtherIP / L2TPv3 setting on the VPN Server beforehand. LE_START_IPC The internal pipe was created between the EtherIP / L2TPv3 module to the Virtual Hub "%S". The using username is "%S". The IPv4 TCP MSS (Max Segment Size) to be set is %u bytes. LE_IPC_CONNECT_ERROR The connection from the EtherIP / L2TPv3 module to the Virtual Hub "%S" failed. Error: %u : %s LE_IPC_CONNECT_OK The connection from the EtherIP / L2TPv3 module to the Virtual Hub "%S" succeeded. LE_RECONNECT Settings of EtherIP / L2TPv3 has been changed. Internal pipes is now being deleted and auto-reconnecting. # (PPP Log) LP_PREFIX %S%SPPP Session [%S:%u]: LP_CONNECTED A new PPP session (Upper protocol: %S) is started. IP Address of PPP Client: %S (Hostname: "%S"), Port Number of PPP Client: %u, IP Address of PPP Server: %S, Port Number of PPP Server: %u, Client Software Name: "%S", IPv4 TCP MSS (Max Segment Size): %u bytes LP_DISCONNECTED The PPP session is disconnected. LP_PAP_REJECTED The client denied to accept the authentication protocol "PAP" (Password Authentication Protocol, a clear-text password authentication protocol). Enable PAP on the client-side and retry. LP_PAP_MSCHAPV2_REJECTED The client denied to accept both the "PAP" (Password Authentication Protocol, a clear-text password authentication protocol) and MS-CHAP v2 Protocol. Enable either PAP or MS-CHAP v2 on the client-side and retry. LP_DISCONNECTED_ABNORMAL A PPP protocol error occurred, or the PPP session has been disconnected. LP_NEXT_PROTOCOL_IS_NOT_PAP An invalid protocol (Protocol Number: 0x%x) with non-PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) control packet. LP_PAP_FAILED "PAP" (Password Authentication Protocol, a clear-text password authentication protocol) user authentication failed. LP_MSCHAPV2_FAILED "MS-CHAP v2" (Microsoft Challenge and Response Protocol Version 2.0) user authentication failed. LP_NEXT_PROTOCOL_IS_NOT_IPCP An invalid protocol (Protocol Number: 0x%x) with non-IPCP (IP Configuration Protocol) control packet. LP_DATA_TIMEOUT A timeout on the PPP data transmitting occurred. The PPP client might be disconnected from the network. LP_CONTROL_TIMEOUT A timeout on the PPP control transmitting occurred. No responses from the PPP client. LP_VPN_SESSION_TERMINATED The PPP session is disconnected because the VPN Session has been disconnected by the administrator. LP_UPPER_PROTOCOL_DISCONNECTED The PPP session is disconnected because the upper-layer protocol "%S" has been disconnected. LP_NORMAL_TERMINATE The PPP session is disconnected by the VPN Client's disconnecting request. LP_IP_ADDRESS_NOT_DETERMIND The VPN Client sent a packet though an IP address of the VPN Client hasn't been determined. LP_DHCP_REQUEST_TRYING Trying to request an IP address from the DHCP server. LP_DHCP_REQUEST_OK An IP address is assigned. IP Address of Client: %S, Subnet Mask: %S, Default Gateway: %S, Domain Name: "%S", DNS Server 1: %S, DNS Server 2: %S, WINS Server 1: %S, WINS Server 2: %S, IP Address of DHCP Server: %S, Lease Lifetime: %u seconds LP_DHCP_REQUEST_NG Acquiring an IP address from the DHCP server failed. To accept a PPP session, you need to have a DHCP server. Make sure that a DHCP server is working normally in the Ethernet segment which the Virtual Hub belongs to. If you do not have a DHCP server, you can use the Virtual DHCP function of the SecureNAT on the Virtual Hub instead. LP_DHCP_INFORM_TRYING Acquiring the IP networking information such as subnet mask and the default gateway information from the DHCP server. LP_DHCP_INFORM_OK The networking information has been acquired. Subnet Mask: %S, Default Gateway: %S, Domain Name: "%S", DNS Server 1: %S, DNS Server 2: %S, WINS Server 1: %S, WINS Server 2: %S, IP Address of DHCP Server: %S LP_DHCP_INFORM_NG Acquiring the networking information from the DHCP server failed. To accept a PPP session, you need to have a DHCP server. Make sure that a DHCP server is working normally in the Ethernet segment which the Virtual Hub belongs to. If you do not have a DHCP server, you can use the Virtual DHCP function of the SecureNAT on the Virtual Hub instead. LP_SET_IPV4_PARAM The IP address and other network information parameters are set successfully. IP Address of Client: %S, Subnet Mask: %S, Default Gateway: %S, DNS Server 1: %S, DNS Server 2: %S, WINS Server 1: %S, WINS Server 2: %S # (Virtual Hub log) LH_ONLINE The Virtual Hub is now online. LH_OFFLINE The Virtual Hub is now offline. LH_CONNECT_CLIENT The connection "%S" (IP address: %S, Host name: %S, Port number: %u, Client name: "%S", Version: %S, Build: %u) is attempting to connect to the Virtual Hub. The auth type provided is "%s" and the user name is "%S". LH_AUTH_UNKNOWN Unknown auth type. LH_AUTH_ANONYMOUS Anonymous authentication LH_AUTH_PASSWORD Password authentication LH_AUTH_PLAIN_PASSWORD External server authentication LH_AUTH_CERT Certificate authentication LH_AUTH_TICKET Ticket authentication LH_AUTH_WIREGUARD_KEY WireGuard public key authentication LH_AUTH_OPENVPN_CERT OpenVPN certificate authentication LH_AUTH_RADIUS_NOT_SUPPORT Connection "%S": The authentication method of the user "%S" has been specified as RADIUS Authentication or Active Directory Authentication (NT Domain Authentication). However, the edition of the VPN Server is "%S". This edition does not support RADIUS Authentication nor Active Directory Authentication (NT Domain Authentication). The connection will be denied. LH_AUTH_RADIUS_NOT_SUPPORT_ON_OPEN_SOURCE Connection "%S": The authentication method of the user "%S" has been specified as RADIUS Authentication or Active Directory Authentication (NT Domain Authentication). However, such an external user-authentication function hasn't been implemented on the Open-Source version of SoftEther VPN yet. The connection will be denied. LH_AUTH_CERT_NOT_SUPPORT_ON_OPEN_SOURCE Connection "%S": The authentication method of the user "%S" has been specified as Certificate Authentication. However, the Certificate Authentication function hasn't been implemented on the Open-Source version of SoftEther VPN yet. The connection will be denied. LH_AUTH_OK Connection "%S": Successfully authenticated as user "%S". LH_AUTH_OK_CERT The Virtual Hub's Security Account Manager has received the following certificate from the VPN Client and accepted its contents as the certificate for when user "%S" logs in: %s LH_AUTH_NG_CERT Although the Virtual Hub's Security Account Manager has received the following certificate, has refused its contents as the certificate for when user "%S" logs in because this certificate's contents matches the contents that are registered in the Virtual Hub's certificates revocation list: %s LH_AUTH_NG Connection "%S": User authentication failed. The user name that has been provided was "%S", from %S. LH_LOCAL_ONLY Connection "%S": The remote login has been refused because of the password for user "%S" is blank. LH_POLICY_ACCESS_NG Connection "%S": Access has beens refused to user "%S" based on the security policy. LH_USER_EXPIRES Connection "%S": Access has been refused to user "%S" because of the expiration date has been expired. LH_CLIENT_VERSION_OLD Connection "%S": The build number of the VPN Client is %u. Only the build %u or latest version of VPN Client is granted to access the VPN Server. LH_CLIENT_ID_REQUIRED Connection "%S": The Client ID which has been specified by the VPN Client is %u. However, this Virtual Hub has the RequiredClientId value set to %u. LH_FARM_SELECT_1 Connection "%S": The cluster controller is deciding the destination cluster member of this client. LH_FARM_SELECT_2 Connection "%S": Failed to decide the destination cluster member server. LH_FARM_SELECT_3 Connection "%S": This current VPN Server has been decided as the destination cluster member server. Proceeding to receive connection. LH_FARM_SELECT_4 Connection "%S": The server "%S" has been decided as a destination cluster member server. Instructing clients to redirect connection to this server. LH_MAX_SESSION Connection "%S": The maximum number of sessions (%u) that can be set by the Virtual Hub has been reached. Unable to create a new session. LH_MAX_SESSION_CLIENT Connection "%S": The maximum number of client sessions (%u) that can be set by the Virtual Hub has been reached. Unable to create a new session. LH_MAX_SESSION_BRIDGE Connection "%S": The maximum number of bridge sessions (%u) that can be set by the Virtual Hub has been reached. Unable to create a new session. LH_MAX_SESSION_2 Connection "%S": The maximum number of sessions (%u) that can be managed by a VPN Server has been reached. Unable to create a new session. LH_NEW_SESSION Connection "%S": The new session "%S" has been created. (IP address: %S, Port number: %u, Physical underlying protocol: "%S") LH_SET_SESSION Session "%S": The parameter has been set. Max number of TCP connections: %u, Use of encryption: %s, Use of compression: %s, Use of Half duplex communication: %s, Timeout: %u seconds. LH_NODE_INFO Session "%S": VPN Client details: (%s) LH_VLAN_ID Session "%S": Assigned VLAN ID: %u LH_INVALID_SIGNATURE Session "%S": The connected client sent invalid protocol data. Unable to establish normal communication with client. First check for problems with the connections and cabling of the network connecting the client and the server and then check there is not a special transparent packet re-writing device installed. LH_END_SESSION Session "%S": The session has been terminated. The statistical information is as follows: Total outgoing data size: %I64u bytes, Total incoming data size: %I64u bytes. LH_BCAST_STORM Session "%S": A large volume of broadcast packets has been detected. There are cases where packets are discarded based on the policy. The source MAC address is %S, the source IP address is %S, the destination IP address is %S. The number of broadcast packets is equal to or larger than %u items per 1 second (note this information is the result of mechanical analysis of part of the packets and could be incorrect). LH_DHCP_FORCE Session "%S": The packet was discarded because it has been attempting to use the IP address %S, which is not a DHCP server allocated IP address. LH_MAC_LIMIT Session "%S": Although the virtual hub has attempt to assign a new MAC address "%S" was made, %u MAC addresses have already been assigned for this service. According to the security policy, this session is allowed to have a maximum of %u MAC addresses. The packet has been discarded. LH_BRIDGE_LIMIT Session "%S": Although the virtual hub has attempt to assign a new MAC address "%S" was made, %u MAC addresses have already been assigned for this service. According to the security policy, this session is denied bridges and is therefore allowed to hold no more than %u MAC addresses. The packet has been discarded. LH_MAC_REGIST Session "%S": A new MAC address "%S" has been assigned. LH_MAC_REGIST_VLAN Session "%S": A new MAC address "%S" (VLAN ID: %u) has been assigned. LH_IP_LIMIT Session "%S": Although the virtual hub has attempt to assign a new IP address %S was made, %u IP addresses have already been assigned for this service. According to the security policy, this session is allowed to have a maximum of %u IP addresses. The packet has been discarded. LH_ROUTING_LIMIT Session "%S": Although the virtual hub has attempt to assign a new IP address %S was made, %u IP addresses have already been assigned for this service. According to the security policy, this session is denied routing and is therefore allowed to hold no more than %u IP addresses. The packet has been discarded. LH_IP_CONFLICT Session "%S": Although the virtual hub has attempt to use the IP address %S was made, this IP address is already being used by another session "%S" (MAC Address: "%S"). The security policy for this session denies duplication of IP addresses that are used by other sessions. The packet has been discarded. Detailed Information: CreatedTime=%I64u, UpdatedTime=%I64u, DhcpAllocated=%u, Now=%I64u LH_NO_SERVER Session "%S": Although TCP/IP connection request (from %S:%u to %S:%u) was made to this session, because of the security policy denies operation as a server, the packet has been discarded. LH_NO_DHCP Session "%S": Although host %S on this session sent a packet that allocates an IP address as a DHCP server for host %S on another session, this session's security policy denies operation as a DHCP server. The packet has been discarded. LH_REGIST_DHCP Session "%S": The DHCP server of host "%S" (%S) on this session allocated, for host "%S" on another session "%S", the new IP address %S. LH_BRIDGE_1 Session "%S": A Local Bridge connection to physical Ethernet interface "%S" was started. LH_BRIDGE_2 Session "%S": Because communication has failed to be established with physical Ethernet interface "%S", the Local Bridge has stopped. LH_SET_MTU Session "%S": The physical Ethernet interface "%S" has an MTU value set to %u. It is necessary to send and receive an Ethernet packet which has %u bytes. The MTU is now changed to %u. LH_SET_MTU_ERROR Session "%S": The physical Ethernet interface "%S" has an MTU value set to %u. It is necessary to send and receive an Ethernet packet which has %u bytes. However, changing the MTU to %u failed. This physical Ethernet interface or device driver might be unable to process an Ethernet packet which has more 1,514 bytes (payload size: 1,500 bytes). In such case, the larger tagged-VLAN packets than 1,514 bytes cannot be transmitted. You should replace the current physical Ethernet adapter to another which supports Jumbo Frames. You can also try to update the device driver. Another possible method is to enable Jumbo Frames on the operating system or device driver settings. LH_START_BRIDGE The Local Bridge connection "%S" has started. The bridge session "%S" was created. LH_STOP_BRIDGE The Local Bridge connection "%S" has stopped. LH_LINK_START The Cascade Connection "%s" has been established. The Cascade session "%S" was created. LH_LINK_STOP The Cascade Connection "%s" has stopped. LH_NAT_START SecureNAT has started. The SecureNAT session "%S" was created. LH_NAT_STOP SecureNAT stopped. LH_NAT_TCP_SUCCEED The connection to TCP session %u: Host "%S (%S)", Port %u was successful. LH_NAT_TCP_FAILED The connection to TCP session %u: Host "%S", Port %u failed. LH_NAT_TCP_DELETED The TCP session %u has been deleted. LH_NAT_TCP_CREATED The TCP session %u has been created. Connection source %S:%u, Connection destination %S:%u LH_NAT_UDP_DELETED The UDP session %u has been deleted. LH_NAT_UDP_CREATED The UDP session %u has been created. Connection source %S:%u, Connection destination %S:%u LH_NAT_DHCP_CREATED The DHCP entry %u has been created. MAC address: %S, IP address: %S, host name: %S, expiration span: %u seconds LH_CHANGE_PASSWORD_1 The connection "%S" (IP address %S) connected to Virtual Hub in change password mode. LH_CHANGE_PASSWORD_2 Connection "%S": Changing of password failed. The specified user "%S" does not exist. LH_CHANGE_PASSWORD_3 Connection "%S": Changing of password failed. The auth type of user "%S" is not password authentication. LH_CHANGE_PASSWORD_4 Connection "%S": Changing of password failed. The old password of user "%S" is incorrect. LH_CHANGE_PASSWORD_5 Connection "%S": The password of user "%S" has been changed. LH_CONNECT_1 Starting Cascade Connection "%s": connection number %u. LH_CONNECT_2 The Cascade Connection "%s" is connected. Session name: "%S" LH_CONNECT_ERROR The connection for Cascade Connection "%s" has been either disconnected or it failed. Cause: %s (code %u) LH_POLICY_MONITOR_MODE Connection "%S": Because of a user whose security policy denies permission for Monitoring Mode requested that Monitoring Mode be enabled and attempted to connect to a Virtual Hub, the connection has been denied. LH_POLICY_BRIDGE_MODE Connection "%S": Because of a user whose security policy denies both bridge connections and routing operations requested that bridge connections or routing operations be enabled and attempted to connect to the Virtual Hub, the connection has been denied. LH_NOT_ENOUGH_CLIENT_LICENSE Connection "%S": Although this connection attempted to connect to the VPN Server using "client connection mode", because this would have made the number of client connections on the entire server exceed the number of registered Client Connection Licenses, it is not possible to receive the connection for this connection. When the number of licenses for concurrent connections is insufficient, you must either disconnect another existing client connection or increase the number of licenses. There are currently %u registered Client Connection Licenses and the number of connections to servers was %u. LH_NOT_ENOUGH_BRIDGE_LICENSE Connection "%S": Although this connection attempted to connect to the VPN Server using "bridge connection mode", because this would have made the number of bridge connections on the entire server exceed the number of registered Bridge Connection Licenses, it is not possible to receive the connection for this connection. When the number of licenses for concurrent connections is insufficient, you must either disconnect another existing client connection or increase the number of licenses. There are currently %u registered Bridge Connection Licenses and the number of connections to servers was %u. LH_TOO_MANY_MULTILOGINS Connection "%S": Although the user "%S" made a login attempt, the security policy that applies to this user limits the maximum number of multiple logins to %u sessions. Currently the number of logins by this user is %u sessions and therefore the user has denied permission for a new VPN connection. LH_TOO_MANY_MULTILOGINS2 Connection "%S": Although the user "%S" made a login attempt, this edition of the VPN Server permits the maximum number of multiple concurrent VPN sessions to %u sessions per user. Current number of the multiple concurrent VPN sessions of this users is %u, so no more concurrent VPN sessions cannot be permitted. If you want to support more number of multiple concurrent VPN sessions per user, please consider upgrading to Professional Edition or greater of the VPN Server. LH_PACKET_LOG_NO_LOG The edition of this VPN Server doesn't supports the packet logging function. No IP address nor TCP/UDP header data will be recorded. After you upgrade the edition of the VPN Server to Professional Edition or greater, all kinds of packet logs will be recorded in this file. LH_PACKET_LOG_NO_LOG_OSS The VPN Server is either Open-Source or Free version. It hasn't implemented the IP Address or TCP/UDP header data logging function. No IP address nor TCP/UDP header data are not be recorded here. LH_NO_RADIUS_SETTING The user "%S" is configured to use RADIUS authentication. However, there is no RADIUS authentication settings. The user cannot be authenticated. LH_KERNEL_MODE_START It has been detected that the Kernel-mode NAT for SecureNAT can be run on the interface "%S". The Kernel-mode NAT is starting. The TCP, UDP and ICMP NAT processings will be performed with high-performance via Kernel-Mode hereafter. The parameters of Kernel-mode NAT: IP Address = "%r", Subnet Mask = "%r", Default Gateway = "%r", Broadcast Address = "%r", Virtual MAC Address: "%S", DHCP Server Address: "%r", DNS Server Address: "%r" LH_KERNEL_MODE_STOP The Kernel-mode NAT on the interface "%S" for SecureNAT has been stopped. # (Administration log) LA_CONNECTED_1 Connection "%S" connected using server admin mode. LA_CONNECTED_2 Connection "%S" connected using Virtual Hub Admin Mode. The name of the Virtual Hub is "%S". LA_IP_DENIED Connection "%S" attempted to connect using administration mode from an IP address whose permission is denied by adminip.txt. Disconnecting. LA_ERROR Connection "%S" was unable to log in using administration mode. %s (Error code %u) LA_OK Connection "%S" successfully logged in using administration mode. LA_RPC_START Connection "%S" created a new remote procedure call session "%S" for the purpose of administration mode. LA_TAG_1 Administration mode [%S]: LA_TAG_2 Administration mode [%S] (Virtual Hub "%S"): LA_CREATE_LISTENER A new TCP listener (port number %u) has been created. LA_DELETE_LISTENER TCP listener (port number %u) has been deleted. LA_ENABLE_LISTENER TCP listener (port number %u) has been enabled. LA_DISABLE_LISTENER TCP listener (port number %u) has been disabled. LA_SET_PORTS_UDP UDP ports have been set: %S. LA_SET_PROTO_OPTIONS %S options have been set. LA_SET_SERVER_PASSWORD The server administrator password has been set. LA_SET_FARM_SETTING The clustering setting has been changed. LA_SET_SERVER_CERT The server certificates have been set. LA_REGENERATE_SERVER_CERT The server certificate has been re-generated. The new CN: "%S" LA_SET_SERVER_CIPHER A new encryption algorithm name for the server has been set. The new encryption algorithm name is "%S". LA_ADD_WGK Added %u WireGuard key(s). LA_DELETE_WGK Deleted %u WireGuard key(s). LA_CREATE_HUB A new Virtual Hub "%S" has been created. LA_SET_HUB The Virtual Hub setting has been changed. LA_DELETE_HUB The Virtual Hub "%S" has been deleted. LA_SET_HUB_RADIUS The Virtual Hub's external RADIUS authentication server setting has been changed. LA_DISCONNECT_CONN The client connection "%S" connected to the server has been forcefully disconnected. LA_SET_HUB_ONLINE The Virtual Hub is now online. LA_SET_HUB_OFFLINE The Virtual Hub is now offline. LA_SET_SNAT_OPTION The SecureNAT option has been set. LA_ENABLE_SNAT The SecureNAT function has been enabled. LA_DISABLE_SNAT The SecureNAT function has been disabled. LA_SET_HUB_LOG The log save setting has been changed. LA_ADD_CA A registration of trusted root certificate has been added. LA_DELETE_CA A registration of trusted root certificate has been deleted. LA_CREATE_LINK The Cascade Connection "%s" has been added. LA_SET_LINK The setting for Cascade Connection "%s" has been changed. LA_SET_LINK_ONLINE The Cascade Connection "%s" is now online. LA_SET_LINK_OFFLINE The Cascade Connection "%s" is now offline. LA_DELETE_LINK The Cascade Connection "%s" has been deleted. LA_RENAME_LINK The name of Cascade Connection "%s" has been changed to "%s". LA_ADD_ACCESS An access list has been added. LA_DELETE_ACCESS The access list has been deleted. LA_SET_ACCESS_LIST The access list has been updated. An access list of %u items are set. LA_SET_AC_LIST The Source IP Address Limit List has been updated. Rule items for %u items are set. LA_CREATE_USER User "%S" has been created. LA_SET_USER The setting of user "%S" has been updated. LA_DELETE_USER User "%S" has been deleted. LA_CREATE_GROUP Group "%S" has been created. LA_SET_GROUP The setting of group "%S" has been updated. LA_DELETE_GROUP Group "%S" has been deleted. LA_DELETE_SESSION This session "%S" has been forcefully disconnected. LA_SET_KEEP The server's Internet keep-alive setting has been updated. LA_SET_SYSLOG The server's syslog send function setting has been updated. LA_DELETE_BRIDGE The Local Bridge connection definition "%S" --> "%S" has been deleted. LA_ADD_BRIDGE The Local Bridge connection definition "%S" --> "%S" has been added. LA_REBOOT_SERVER There has been a request to restart VPN Server. LA_GET_CONFIG The config file has been read. LA_SET_CONFIG The config file has been written. Restarting VPN Server. LA_SET_HUB_ADMIN_OPTION The administration option has been set for Virtual Hub "%S". LA_SET_HUB_EXT_OPTION The Virtual Hub Extended Option has been set for Virtual Hub "%S". LA_ADD_L3_SW The Virtual Layer 3 Switch "%S" has been created on the server. LA_DEL_L3_SW The Virtual Layer 3 Switch "%S" has been deleted from the server. LA_START_L3_SW The Virtual Layer 3 Switch "%S" has been started. LA_STOP_L3_SW The Virtual Layer 3 Switch "%S" has been stopped. LA_ADD_L3_IF The virtual interface for Virtual Hub "%S" has been added to Virtual Layer 3 Switch "%S". LA_DEL_L3_IF The virtual interface for Virtual Hub "%S" has been deleted from Virtual Layer 3 Switch "%S". LA_ADD_L3_TABLE The routing table for network "%S" has been added to Virtual Layer 3 Switch "%S". LA_DEL_L3_TABLE The routing table for network "%S" has been deleted from Virtual Layer 3 Switch "%S". LA_ADD_CRL A certificate has been added to Certificate Revocation List. LA_DEL_CRL A certificate has been edited in Certificate Revocation List. LA_SET_CRL A registered item in a registration of a list of invalid certificates has been edited. LA_READ_LOG_FILE The log file on the server "%S" (log file "%S") has been downloaded. LA_ADD_LICENSE_KEY A new license key "%S" has been registered. LA_DEL_LICENSE_KEY An existing license (No. %u) has been deleted. LA_SET_IPSEC_CONFIG The IPsec server setting has been updated. LA_ADD_ETHERIP_ID A new EtherIP / L2TPv3 server setting (ID="%S") has been added. LA_DEL_ETHERIP_ID The new EtherIP / L2TPv3 server setting (ID="%S") has been deleted. LA_SET_OVPN_SSTP_CONFIG The OpenVPN and MS-SSTP VPN Server setting has been updated. LA_DDNS_HOSTNAME_CHANGED The hostname of Dynamic DNS Function has been changed to "%S". LA_SET_SPECIAL_LISTENER Special Listener enable / disable status has been changed. # (Client log) LC_START_1 The SoftEther VPN Client Engine has been started. LC_START_2 %S %S LC_START_3 %S LC_END The SoftEther VPN Client Engine has been shut down. LC_LOAD_CONFIG_1 Loading configuration file... LC_LOAD_CONFIG_2 The configuration file has been loaded. LC_LOAD_CONFIG_3 Configuration file does not exist. Applying the initial settings. LC_NEW_ACCOUNT A new VPN Connection Setting "%s" has been created. LC_DELETE_ACCOUNT The VPN Connection Setting "%s" has been deleted. LC_RENAME_ACCOUNT The name of VPN Connection Setting "%s" has been changed to "%s". LC_CONNECT Connection processing for VPN Connection Setting "%s" has started. LC_CONNECT_1 VPN Connection Setting "%s": Connection operation starting (this is now %u times). LC_CONNECT_2 VPN Connection Setting "%s": Now connected. Session name: "%S" LC_CONNECT_ERROR VPN Connection Setting "%s": The connection has been either disconnected or it failed. Cause: %s (code %u) LC_DISCONNECT Disconnecting the VPN Connection Setting "%s". LC_CREATE_VLAN A Virtual Network Adapter "%S" has been created. LC_UPDATE_VLAN The Virtual Network Adapter "%S" driver has been reinstalled. LC_DELETE_VLAN The Virtual Network Adapter "%S" has been deleted. LC_SET_PASSWORD The password setting for connection to a client service has been changed. LC_TAP_NOT_FOUND Cannot find the tun/tap driver for Mac OS X. Please install the tun/tap driver. # (Eraser log) LE_START Monitoring the directory "%S". If the amount of available free disk space becomes less than %S, the backup files for log files and configurations that are saved on the sub-directories of this directory will be automatically deleted in the order of oldest first. The amount of free disk space that determines when to start deletion can be modified by changing the "AutoDeleteCheckDiskFreeSpaceMin" item in the configuration file. LE_DELETE The free disk space is now less then %S so the old file "%S" has been automatically deleted. The amount of free disk space that determines when to start deletion can be modified by changing the "AutoDeleteCheckDiskFreeSpaceMin" item in the configuration file. LE_NOT_ENOUGH_FREE <> If the free disk space becomes lower than %S, it will no longer be possible to automatically delete the old backup files of log files and configurations. We recommend that you immediately manually delete the unnecessary files on this computer and recover the necessary free disk space. When there is a very small amount of free disk space, computer operation can become unstable. # (Layer 3 Switch log) L3_SWITCH_START The Virtual Layer 3 Switch "%S" started. It will wait until the Virtual Hubs of all interfaces registered on this switch become online and then it will start operation. L3_SWITCH_ONLINE The Virtual Hubs of all interfaces of the Virtual Layer 3 Switch "%S" are online and the Virtual Layer 3 Switch has commenced Virtual Layer 3 Switch operation. L3_SWITCH_OFFLINE At least one Virtual Hub of an interface registered on Virtual Layer 3 Switch "%S" stopped, and Virtual Layer 3 Switch operation has been stopped. L3_SWITCH_STOP The Virtual Layer 3 Switch "%S" terminated. # Concerning Microsoft.c MS_VIRTUAL Proprietary Virtual/Internal Interface MS_ETHERNET Ethernet Interface MS_TOKENRING Token Ring Interface MS_FDDI FDDI Interface MS_PPP PPP (Dialup or VPN) MS_LOOPBACK Loopback Interface MS_SLIP SLIP Interface MS_WLAN Wireless Network Interface MS_OTHER Unknown Other Interface MS_NON_OPERATIONAL Disabled MS_UNREACHABLE Not Connected MS_DISCONNECTED Not Connected MS_CONNECTING Connecting MS_CONNECTED Connected MS_OPERATIONAL Connected # Concerning Network Utility UT_SM_COLUMN_1 Item Name UT_SM_COLUMN_2 Value UT_SM_ST_TITLE Network Adapter Name UT_SM_ST_GUID GUID UT_SM_ST_TYPE Type UT_SM_ST_TYPE2 Physical Wired Ethernet UT_SM_ST_STATUS Status UT_SM_ST_MTU MTU UT_SM_ST_SPEED Link Speed UT_SM_ST_ADDRESS Physical Address UT_SM_ST_RECV_BYTES Incoming Bytes UT_SM_ST_RECV_BCASTS Incoming Broadcast Packets UT_SM_ST_RECV_UNICASTS Incoming Unicast Packets UT_SM_ST_SEND_BYTES Outgoing Bytes UT_SM_ST_SEND_BCASTS Outgoing Broadcast Packets UT_SM_ST_SEND_UNICASTS Outgoing Unicast Packets UT_SM_ST_IP IP Address %u UT_SM_ST_SUBNET Subnet Mask %u UT_SM_ST_GATEWAY Gateway %u UT_SM_ST_DHCP DHCP Server UT_SM_ST_DHCP_1 Lease Start UT_SM_ST_DHCP_2 Lease Limit date and time UT_SM_ST_WINS_1 WINS Server 1 UT_SM_ST_WINS_2 WINS Server 2 # Concerning EtherLogger Manager EM_TITLE SoftEther EtherLogger Manager EM_REMOTE_TITLE You can connect to and manage the SoftEther EtherLogger service. \r\nEnter the host name and IP address of the computer on which the EtherLogger service to be managed is operating. You can also concatenate the port number by using the ":" (colon). EM_MAIN_COLUMN_1 Network adapter name EM_MAIN_COLUMN_2 Status EM_MAIN_OK Operating EM_MAIN_ERROR Error EM_ADD_NEW Add new capture device EM_ADD_EDIT Edit capture settings EM_DELETE_CONFIRM Are you sure you want to delete capture setting "%S"? EM_NO_LICENSE_COLUMN Note: EM_NO_LICENSE Because not even one product license is registered, this SoftEther EtherLogger will not operate. EM_UNSUPPORTED Unable to use SoftEther EtherLogger on the operating system that this SoftEther EtherLogger is operating on. For the list of operating system that the SoftEther EtherLogger can be used on, please refer to the online documentation of the SoftEther EtherLogger. EM_WPCAP_REMOTE In order to use this SoftEther EtherLogger, you need to install WinPcap software. The software WinPcap is currently not installed on the server computer. \r\n\r\nTo continue the installation of the WinPcap software, you must start SoftEther EtherLogger Manager on the server computer that is running VPN Server and then while connected to localhost (location of your own computer), have the Local Bridge Function Setting window displayed. \r\nTo continue, first exit this management session, and then, after starting SoftEther EtherLogger Manager on the server computer, connect to localhost and continue the setting process. EM_WPCAP_ROOT In order to use this SoftEther EtherLogger, you need to install WinPcap software. \r\n\r\nTo continue the installation you must log in to this computer as a user with administrator privileges. \r\nLog on as an administrator and start the SoftEther VPN Server Manager again. EM_WPCAP_INSTALL In order to use this SoftEther EtherLogger, you need to install WinPcap software. The software WinPcap is currently not installed on the server computer. \r\n\r\nWinPcap is an easy-to-install free software that is bundled together with the VPN Server. \r\n\r\nDo you want to begin the installation of WinPcap? EM_WPCAP_REBOOT1 After WinPcap installation has completed, you must restart the computer before you use the SoftEther EtherLogger. \r\n\r\nAfter you restart the computer manually and start SoftEther EtherLogger, configure the settings again. EM_WPCAP_REBOOT2 After WinPcap is installed, you must restart the SoftEther EtherLogger service. \r\n\r\nIt only takes a short time to restart the SoftEther EtherLogger service, however all management sessions that are currently connected to the SoftEther EtherLogger will be disconnected. \r\nThis management session will also be disconnected, so you will need to reconnect to continue. \r\n\r\nDo you want to restart the SoftEther Ether Logger service? EM_RESOURCE Unable to read the WinPcap driver. ########################################################################### # # # String data of dialog boxes in software # # # ########################################################################### PREFIX D_SECURE CAPTION Access to %s - %S S_TITLE Access to %S S_DEVICE_INFO Device Name: %S\r\nManufacturer: %S IDS_STATIC1 Device Information S_WARNING Take care entering the PIN code because if you have entered it incorrectly for a few times the device will be locked. IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel S_PIN_CODE &PIN Code: PREFIX D_PKCSUTIL CAPTION PKCS#12 Write Utility S_TITLE ePass 1000 USB token PKCS#12 Write Utility STATIC1 By using this utility, you can write a PKCS#12 file (certificate file) of your choice to an ePass 1000 USB hardware security token. \r\n\r\nThe USB token that the certificate file is written in can be used for SoftEther VPN authentication. STATIC2 Write to PKCS#12 file STATIC3 To write an existing PKC#12 file to a USB token, click Write. \r\nNOTE: If a PKCS#12 certificate for SoftEther VPN is already stored in the USB token, it will be overwritten. B_WRITE &Write STATIC4 Erase PKCS#12 certificate from USB token. STATIC5 You can erase the certificate data from a USB token on which a PKCS#12 certificate for SoftEther VPN is already stored. B_ERASE &Erase IDCANCEL E&xit Utilities S_COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) SoftEther VPN Project.\r\nAll Rights Reserved. PREFIX D_PASSPHRASE CAPTION Private Key Passphrase STATIC1 The private key is protected by passphrase. \r\n\r\nEnter the passphrase to read the private key. STATIC2 &Passphrase: IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_NM_CONNECT CAPTION Connect to SoftEther VPN User-mode Router S_TITLE Connecting to "%S"... PREFIX D_PASSWORD CAPTION Login to %S S_TITLE Enter your user name and password to log in to server %S. Make sure you select the correct auth type. STATIC1 Enter Use&r Info: STATIC2 Auth &Type: STATIC3 User &Name: STATIC4 &Password: R_NO_SAVE_PASSWORD &Do not Save Password S_COUNTDOWN An automatic reconnection will be made after %u seconds... IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel Connection PREFIX D_STATUS CAPTION Connecting to "%s"... S_STATUS Initializing... IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_CERT CAPTION Certificate S_TITLE The following information is available for this certificate. STATIC1 Basic Information of this Certificate: STATIC2 Issued to: STATIC3 Issuer: STATIC4 Expires at: STATIC5 Advanced Information of this Certificate: STATIC6 Certificate of Authority Who Signed This Certificate: S_PARENT The certificate of the certificate authority who signed this certificate is registered on the list of trusted certificates. S_PARENT_BUTTON_STR &View Certificate IDCANCEL &OK B_SAVE &Save to File PREFIX D_CHECKCERT CAPTION Security Alert - %s S_TITLE Although the connection to the destination VPN Server "%S" that you are currently connecting to is encrypted, the trustworthiness of the server certificate provided by the server is unknown. STATIC1 About the Server Certificate STATIC2 Establishing encrypted tunnel (SSL session) between VPN Server and VPN Client. Checking the server certificate enables to verify the authenticity of the server. S_MSG1 The server certificate provided by destination VPN Server "%S" is as follows. STATIC3 Issued to: STATIC4 Issuer: STATIC5 Expires at: B_SHOW &Show Certificate STATIC6 Digest (MD5): STATIC7 Digest (SHA-1): IDOK &Resume the Connection IDCANCEL &Cancel Connection STATIC8 There may be a problem with this certificate, such as it has not been issued by a trusted certificate authority (CA), or cert is expired. STATIC9 Confirm the content of this certificate and decide whether or not to connect to this VPN Server. Click Cancel Connection to abort the connection. PREFIX D_CONNECTERROR CAPTION Connect Error - %s S_TITLE An error occurred while connection to VPN Server "%S". S_COUNTDOWN Automatically reconnects after %u seconds... IDOK &Retry IDCANCEL Cancel Connection R_HIDE &Hide this window when connecting next time PREFIX D_CM_LOGIN CAPTION Enter Password - VPN Client Manager S_TITLE You must enter a client administration password to operate the VPN Client that is operating on %s. Enter the client administration password. STATIC1 &Password: STATIC2 Enter the Client Administration Password: IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_CONNECTION_STATUS S_TITLE Status of VPN Session of %s (Real Time) B_POLICY Security &Policy... B_SERVER_CERT &Server Certificate B_CLIENT_CERT &Client Certificate IDCANCEL &Close PREFIX D_CM_POLICY CAPTION Security Policy List S_TITLE Security policies defined for the current session %s IDCANCEL &Close PREFIX D_CM_ACCOUNT STATIC1 Please configure the VPN Connection Setting for VPN Server. S_ACCOUNT_NAME Setting &Name: STATIC2 Destination VPN Server: STATIC3 Specify the host name or IP address, and the port number and the Virtual Hub on the destination VPN Server. STATIC4 &Host Name: STATIC5 &Port Number: STATIC6 (TCP Port) STATIC7 &Virtual Hub Name: STATIC8 Pro&xy Server as Relay: STATIC9 You can connect to a VPN Server via a proxy server. STATIC10 Proxy &Type: R_DIRECT_TCP &Direct TCP/IP Connection (No Proxy) R_HTTPS Connect via H&TTP Proxy Server R_SOCKS Connect via &SOCKS4 Proxy Server R_SOCKS5 Connect via &SOCKS5 Proxy Server B_PROXY_CONFIG P&roxy Server Setting STATIC11 Server Certificate Veri&fication Option: R_CHECK_CERT Always Verify Server &Certificate B_TRUST Manage Trusted CA &Certificate List B_SERVER_CERT &Specify Individual Cert B_VIEW_SERVER_CERT Show Indi&vidual Cert S_VLAN_GROUP Virtua&l Network Adapter to Use: S_POLICY_1 You can configure the security policy which will be applied to the Cascade Connection on this Virtual Hub's side. B_POLICY Security Po&licy STATIC12 User &Authentication Setting: STATIC13 Auth &Type: S_USERNAME &User Name: S_PASSWORD Password: S_CERT_INFO You must specify a client certificate to be used for user authentication. STATIC14 Advanc&ed Setting of Communication: R_RETRY Reconnects Automatically After Disconnected S_RETRY_NUM_1 Reconnect &Count: S_RETRY_NUM_2 times S_RETRY_SPAN_1 Reconnect Interval: S_RETRY_SPAN_2 seconds R_INFINITE &Infinite Reconnects (Keep VPN Always Online) B_DETAIL A&dvanced Settings... IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel B_CHANGE_PASSWORD Change &Password S_CHANGE_PASSWORD You can change the user's password on the VPN Server. R_HIDE Hide Status and Errors Screens R_HIDE2 Hide IP Address Screens STATIC15 Set the user authentication information that is required when connecting to the VPN Server. B_REGIST_CLIENT_CERT Specify Client &Certificate B_IE Import I&E Proxy Server Settings R_DISABLE_NATT Disable NAT-T PREFIX D_CM_PROXY CAPTION Proxy Server Connection Setting STATIC1 Enter the host name of the proxy server for relaying (HTTP proxy or SOCKS proxy), and the IP address, port, and when necessary, the user name and password. STATIC2 &Host Name: STATIC3 Port: STATIC4 &User Name: STATIC5 &Password: B_HTTP_HEADER Custom HTTP header values IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel STATIC6 (optional) STATIC7 (optional) PREFIX D_CM_PROXY_HTTP_HEADER CAPTION Custom Proxy HTTP Header Values B_NEW New B_DELETE Delete B_CLEAR Clear IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_CM_DETAIL CAPTION Advanced Settings STATIC1 Optional settings for system administrators and experts for networking, communication protocol, and security. Customize the VPN protocol communication settings. STATIC2 Op&timization of VPN Communication: STATIC3 Uses multiple physical TCP connection aggregation for a logical VPN connection to increase the communication throughput. STATIC4 &Number of TCP Connections: STATIC5 connections STATIC6 Note: It is recommend that about 8 connections for broadband and 1 connection for slow line (e.g. dialup). STATIC7 Advanced Settings: STATIC8 Establi&shing Interval: STATIC9 seconds R_USE_DISCONNECT Set Connection Lifetime of E&ach TCP Connection STATIC10 Lifetime: STATIC11 seconds STATIC12 When using two or more TCP connections, Half Duplex Mode is available. The half-duplex mode fixes the data direction as half and half for each TCP connection. For example when a VPN using 8 TCP connections is established, physical consists of the VPN tunnel will be fixed so that 4 TCP connections are dedicated to the upload direction and the other 4 connections are dedicated to the download direction. R_USE_HALF_CONNECTION Use &Half-Duplex Mode STATIC13 Encryption and &Compression: STATIC14 Normally the VPN session is encrypted for secure. You can disable encryption to improve the throughput. Please note that the data flows in plain over the network when disabled. R_USE_ENCRYPT &Encrypt VPN Session with SSL STATIC15 You can use data compression to save VPN communication bandwidth. Enable this option when using a slow connectivity such as dial-up or mobile connection. R_DISABLE_UDP Disable UD&P Acceleration R_USE_COMPRESS &Use Data Compression STATIC16 VPN Connection &Mode: S_MODE You can specify the following connection modes. (Options for network administrators.) R_BRIDGE &Bridge / Router Mode R_MONITOR Monitoring Mo&de STATIC17 Other Confi&gurations: R_NO_ROUTING No Adjustments of &Routing Table STATIC18 Keep the settings default in this dialog unless you are told to do so by a system administrator, or you have expertise for networking and security. STATIC19 The VoIP / QoS functions handle high priority packets such as IP telephone packets (VoIP) to be transmitted faster. R_DISABLE_QOS Disable VoIP / &QoS Functions IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel S_UDPACCEL You can use data compression to save VPN communication bandwidth. Enable this option when using a slow connectivity such as dial-up or mobile connection. PREFIX D_CM_NEW_VLAN CAPTION Create New Virtual Network Adapter S_INFO A new Virtual Network Adapter will be created on the system.\r\nYou can specify a name for the Virtual Network Adapter, which can be a maximum of %u alphanumeric characters. STATIC1 Virtual Network Adapter &Name: IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel S_WIN8 The name of a Virtual Network Adapter must be 'VPN' or 'VPN2' to 'VPN127'. (Maximum 127 adapters can be created.) PREFIX D_CM_TRUST CAPTION Manage Trusted CA Certificate List STATIC1 Here you can manage the list of certificate authority (CA) certificates that are trusted.\r\n\r\nYou can use the CA certificate list registered here to verify server certificates when connecting to VPN Servers. B_IMPORT &Add B_EXPORT &Export IDOK &View Certificate IDCANCEL &Close B_DELETE &Delete PREFIX D_CM_PASSWORD CAPTION Set Password - VPN Client Manager S_TITLE You can set the password to limit the SoftEther VPN Client Service.\r\nAfter setting a password, you will be asked to enter a password the next time you use the VPN Client Connect Manager to connect to the SoftEther VPN Client service. STATIC1 Set Client Administration Password: R_USE_PASSWORD &Use Password R_REMOTE_ONLY Only &Request Password for Remote Operation IDC_STATIC1 &Password: IDC_STATIC2 &Confirm: IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_CM_CONFIG CAPTION Optional Settings STATIC1 You can modify the settings for VPN Client. STATIC2 R&emote Management: STATIC3 You can remotely manage the VPN Client Service Program from another computer by using VPN Client Manager Remote Mode. R_ALLOW_REMOTE_CONFIG Allow &Remote Management of VPN Client Service S_WARNING It is recommended to set a password if you allow remote management. From the menu bar, choose Tools -> Set Password to set the password. STATIC4 For environments where Internet connections will automatically be disconnected when idle, you can keep alive the Internet connection by sending dummy packets to any host on the Internet. R_USE_KEEP_CONNECT Use &Keep Alive Internet Connection Function S_HOSTNAME &Host Name: S_PORT &Port Number: S_INTERVAL Packet Send &Interval: S_INTERVAL2 seconds S_PROTOCOL Pr&otocol: R_TCP &TCP/IP Protocol R_UDP &UDP/IP Protocol S_INFO Packets sent to keep alive the Internet connection have random bits. No personal information is sent. IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel STATIC5 &Other Configurations: R_ALPHA Transparency of UI: STATIC6 Note: The transparency setting will be applied after the connection manager is restarted. STATIC7 &Keep Alive Internet Connection Function: PREFIX D_ABOUT S_INFO1 SoftEther VPN %u.0 Developer Edition (Ver %u.%02u, Build %u) S_INFO2 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.\r\nCopyright (c) 2012-%u all contributors on SoftEther VPN project in GitHub. All Rights Reserved.\r\nWeb Site: http://www.softether.org/\r\n%S S_INFO3 This product includes the following software components:\r\nBitVisor: Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 University of Tsukuba. Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 National Institute of Information and Communications Technology. All rights reserved. / Microsoft(R) C Runtime Library: (c) 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. / PKCS #11 Cryptographic Token Interface (Cryptoki): Copyright (c) RSA Security Inc. / WinPcap: Copyright (c) 2001 - 2003 NetGroup, Politecnico di Torino (Italy). All rights reserved. / libedit: Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. / libiconv: Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. / ncurses: Copyright (c) 1998-2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. / OpenSSL: Copyright (c) 1998-2011 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved. This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/). This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com). / zlib: (C) 1995-2004 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler. / Special Thanks to: Software Laboratory, Academic Computing Communication Center, Industrial Liaison and Cooperative Research Center and Professor Yasushi Shinjo in University of Tsukuba, Japan. S_INFO4 THIS SOFTWARE IS FREEWARE DEVELOPED UNDER THE SOFTETHER VPN PROJECT AT UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBA, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF AND KIND. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE DEVELOPERS, COPYRIGHT OWNERS OR DISTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE.\r\n\r\nSoftEther VPN is a work of the research and development project of Japanese Government, subsidized by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, administrated by Information Promotion Agency. IDCANCEL &OK B_WEB Visit SoftEther VPN &Website... B_EULA &End User License B_IMPORTANT &Important Notices B_LEGAL &Legal Notices B_UPDATE_CONFIG &Configure Updates B_AUTHORS List of &Authors PREFIX D_REMOTE STATIC1 &Specify the Host Name of the Destination Computer, or IP Address: R_LOCAL Connect to &Local Computer (Computer Displaying this Window) S_HOSTNAME &Computer Name: IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_CM_DESKTOP CAPTION Connection - %s S_TITLE Starting connect process for VPN Connection Setting "%s". S_WARNING VPN Client will output to the "Console Session" window of %s, the progress status and error messages related to the process of connecting to VPN Server S_INFO Do you want to proceed with the connection? IDOK &Continue IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_CM_CHANGE_PASSWORD CAPTION Change Password S_TITLE You can change the password of the user registered on server %S. STATIC1 Change &Password STATIC2 Virtual &Hub Name: STATIC3 &User Name: STATIC4 &Old Password: STATIC5 &New Password: STATIC6 &Confirm of New Password: IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel S_STATIC Note: If authentication type is RADIUS or NT Domain Authentication, you cannot change the user's password here. PREFIX D_SM_MAIN CAPTION SoftEther VPN Server Manager Developer Edition STATIC1 Connection &Settings for VPN Server: STATIC2 Connection Settings for VPN Server or VPN Bridge are defined as follows. Double-click the item to connect to the server.\r\nTo add a new connection, click New Setting. B_NEW_SETTING &New Setting B_EDIT_SETTING &Edit Setting B_DELETE &Delete Setting IDOK &Connect B_SECURE_MANAGER &Smart Card Manager... B_SELECT_SECURE Select S&mart card... B_ABOUT &About SoftEther VPN... IDCANCEL E&xit SoftEther VPN Server Manager B_CERT_TOOL Make a Certificate PREFIX D_SM_EDIT_SETTING STATIC1 Please configure the connection setting for the VPN Server or the VPN Bridge to manage. STATIC2 Setting &Name: STATIC3 Destination VPN Server: STATIC4 Specify the host name or IP address, and the port number and the Virtual Hub on the destination VPN Server. STATIC5 &Host Name: R_LOCALHOST Connect to &Localhost STATIC6 &Port Number: STATIC7 (TCP Port) STATIC8 Pro&xy Server as Relay: STATIC9 You can connect to a VPN Server via a proxy server. STATIC10 Proxy &Type: R_DIRECT_TCP &Direct TCP/IP Connection (No Proxy) R_HTTPS Connect via H&TTP Proxy Server R_SOCKS Connect via S&OCKS4 Proxy Server R_SOCKS5 Connect via S&OCKS5 Proxy Server B_PROXY_CONFIG P&roxy Server Setting STATIC11 Select Administration &Mode and Enter Password STATIC12 You can connect to VPN Server using either Server Admin Mode or Virtual Hub Admin Mode.\r\n\r\nServer Admin Mode allows you manage entire VPN Server and all Virtual Hubs. \r\n\r\nVirtual Hub Admin Mode allows you manage only one Virtual Hub for which you hold privileges. R_SERVER_ADMIN &Server Admin Mode R_HUB_ADMIN Virtual H&UB Admin Mode S_HUBNAME &Virtual Hub Name: STATIC13 Please enter the password to connect administration mode. S_PASSWORD &Password: R_NO_SAVE Do not &Save Admin's Password IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_SM_SERVER CAPTION %s - SoftEther VPN Server Manager S_TITLE Manage VPN Server "%S" S_VHUB_BRIDGE Virtual Hubs Hosted by this VPN Server: IDOK M&anage Virtual Hub B_ONLINE &Online B_OFFLINE O&ffline B_HUB_STATUS View &Status B_CREATE &Create a Virtual Hub B_EDIT Prop&erties B_DELETE &Delete STATIC1 Management of &Listeners: STATIC2 L&istener List (TCP/IP port): B_CREATE_LISTENER C&reate B_DELETE_LISTENER Dele&te B_START Start B_STOP Sto&p S_UDP Multiple UDP ports can be specified by splitting them with a space or a comma. Leave empty to disable the UDP listener. B_APPLY Apply STATIC3 VPN Server and &Network Information and Settings: B_SSL &Encryption and Network B_STATUS &View Server Status B_INFO About this VPN Server B_LICENSE Add / Delete &Licenses B_FARM Clustering Configuration B_FARM_STATUS Clustering Status B_CONNECTION Show List of\r\nTCP/IP Connections B_BRIDGE Local &Bridge Setting B_L3 Layer &3 Switch Setting B_CONFIG E&dit Config B_REFRESH Refres&h IDCANCEL E&xit S_BETA Beta Version (Pre-release) B_IPSEC IPsec / L&2TP Setting B_DDNS Dynamic DNS Setting S_DDNS Current DDNS Hostname: B_OPENVPN OpenVPN / MS-SSTP Setting B_AZURE VPN Azure Setting S_AZURE VPN Azure Hostname: B_VPNGATE VPN Gate Setting PREFIX D_SM_STATUS IDOK Refres&h IDCANCEL E&xit PREFIX D_SM_EDIT_HUB STATIC1 Virtual Hub &Name: STATIC2 Security &Settings: S_BOLD Administration password for this Virtual Hub. STATIC3 &Password: STATIC4 &Confirm: R_NO_ENUM No En&umerate to Anonymous Users STATIC5 V&irtual Hub Options: R_LIMIT_MAX_SESSION &Limit Max VPN Sessions S_MAX_SESSION_1 Ma&x Number of Sessions: S_MAX_SESSION_2 sessions STATIC6 (Will not count sessions on server side that are generated by Local Bridge, Virtual NAT or Cascade Connection.) STATIC7 Virtual Hub Status: STATIC8 Set the Virtual Hub status. R_ONLINE Onlin&e R_OFFLINE O&ffline STATIC9 Set Clustering: S_FARM_INFO Select the Virtual Hub type in the cluster. R_STATIC St&atic Virtual Hub R_DYNAMIC &Dynamic Virtual Hub S_AO_1 Virtual Hub Admin Option: S_AO_3 Display and edit the Virtual Hub administration options. B_ADMINOPTION Virtual Hub Admin Option S_ACL_3 Sou&rce IP Address Limit List S_ACL Allow or deny VPN connections to this Virtual Hub according to the client computer's IP address. B_ACL IP Access Con&trol List IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel STATIC10 You can configure more advanced settings on the Virtual Hub Extended Option List. B_EXTOPTION Edit Virtual Hub Extended Option List S_MSG_1 Show Message when Client Connects S_MSG_2 Shows a message on the screen of a user when a VPN Client connects to this Virtual Hub. B_MSG Set the Messa&ge PREFIX D_SM_CREATE_LISTENER CAPTION Create Listener STATIC1 You can add a TCP/IP port number for the VPN Server to accept connections from clients. \r\n\r\nSpecify the port number to add. STATIC2 If the port number is already being used by another server program, the status of the new listener will be error. \r\n\r\nIn this case, stop the other program that is opening the same port. STATIC3 &Port Number: IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel STATIC4 (TCP/IP Port) PREFIX D_SM_SSL CAPTION Encryption and Network Settings STATIC1 You can view or change settings related to encryption, communication and security for this VPN Server. STATIC2 Encryption &Algorithm Settings: STATIC3 Specify the encryption algorithm for SSL applied to the connection between this VPN Server and VPN Clients. The encryption algorithm must be compatible with SSL Version 3. STATIC4 En&cryption Algorithm Name: STATIC6 Server &Certificate Settings: STATIC7 Specify the X509 certificate and private key to be presented to clients by this server. B_IMPORT &Import B_EXPORT E&xport B_VIEW &View B_REGENERATE New STATIC8 &Keep Alive Internet Connection: STATIC9 For environments where Internet connections will automatically be disconnected when idle, you can keep alive the Internet connection by sending dummy packets to any host on the Internet. STATIC10 Server Certificate: R_USE_KEEP_CONNECT Use &Keep Alive Internet Connection S_HOSTNAME &Host Name: S_PORT &Port: S_INTERVAL Send &Interval: S_INTERVAL2 seconds S_PROTOCOL Pr&otocol: R_TCP &TCP/IP Protocol R_UDP &UDP/IP Protocol S_INFO Packets sent to keep alive the Internet connection have random bits. No personal information is sent. STATIC11 Administrator Pass&word: S_INFO4 You can modify an administrator password of the administrator for all Virtual Hubs and this entire VPN Server. B_PASSWORD Change Admin &Password IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel IDCANCEL2 Cancel STATIC12 Syslog Send Function: STATIC13 You can transfer the entire VPN Server / Bridge Logs, Virtual Hub Administration Logs, or Virtual Hub Packet Logs by using syslog protocol instead of writing to a local disk. STATIC14 Syslog &Server Host Name: STATIC15 P&ort: S_OVER_FUNCS VPN over ICMP / DNS Server Function S_INFO5 You can establish a VPN only with ICMP or DNS packets even if there is a firewall or routers which blocks TCP/IP communications. B_SPECIALLISTENER VPN over ICMP / DNS Settings B_UPDATE_CONFIG &Update Notify Setting... PREFIX D_SM_SAVE_KEY_PAIR CAPTION Save Certificate and Private Key STATIC1 Select the method to save the certificate and private key. STATIC2 Sa&ve Method: R_X509_AND_KEY Save as &X509 Certificate (.CER) and Private Key File (.KEY) R_PKCS12 Save as &PKCA#12 File (.P12) R_SECURE Write to &Smart Card STATIC3 Saving by splitting into two files: a standard Base 64-encoded certificate file and a private key file. STATIC4 Saving as a PKCS#12 (Public Key Cryptography Standard #12) file. \r\nYou can store both certificate and private key in a single PKCS#12 file. STATIC5 When a smart card is connected to this computer, you can write the certificate and private key to a smart card. B_SELECT &Select Which Smart Card to Use... S_PASS3 Private Key P&rotection: S_PASS4 When saving the private key, you can set a passphrase to encrypt. You will be required to enter the passphrase when loading it. R_USE_PASS Set P&assphrase S_PASS1 Pa&ssphrase: S_PASS2 Con&firm: IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel B_SECURE_MANAGER Smart Card &Manager... PREFIX D_SM_CONNECTION CAPTION Connection List S_TITLE The server %S has the following active connections. Connections which have been established as a VPN session are not included. IDOK Show Connection &Information B_DISCONNECT &Disconnect B_REFRESH Refres&h IDCANCEL E&xit PREFIX D_SM_FARM CAPTION Clustering Configuration S_TITLE You can change configuration for clustering function of VPN Server "%S". STATIC1 Clustering can realize load balancing and fault balance protection to bundle multiple VPN Servers. STATIC2 Current Mode: STATIC3 Clustering Se&ttings: R_STANDALONE &Standalone Server (No Clustering) R_CONTROLLER &Cluster Controller R_MEMBER Cluster &Member Server STATIC4 C&onfigurable Parameters as a Member Server: S_IP_1 Public &IP Address: S_IP_2 (When a public IP address is omitted, the IP address of the network interface used when connecting to the cluster controller will be used.) S_PORT_1 &Public Port List: S_PORT_2 (Separate multiple port numbers by a space or a comma.) S_CONTROLLER Controller &Host Name or IP Address: S_CONTROLLER_PORT Port Number of\r\nControlle&r: S_PORT_3 (TCP Port) S_PASSWORD Administration &Password: STATIC5 When you modify a clustering configuration, the VPN Server service restarts automatically. When this happens, all the currently connected sessions and administration-related connections will be disconnected. IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel S_1 Standard Ratio in Cluster: S_2 (Standard: 100) R_CONTROLLER_ONLY Controller Functions Only (No VPN session in itself) PREFIX D_SM_FARM_MEMBER CAPTION Cluster Member List S_TITLE Currently the following Cluster Member Servers are connected to the Cluster Controller %S. IDOK Cluster Member Server &Information B_REFRESH Refres&h IDCANCEL E&xit B_CERT View Server &Certificate PREFIX D_SM_CHANGE_PASSWORD CAPTION Change Administrator Password of %S S_TITLE Change the administrator password of the server %S. Enter the new password and click OK. STATIC1 New &Password: STATIC2 &Confirm Password: IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_SM_HUB CAPTION Management of Virtual Hub - '%S' S_TITLE Virtual Hub '%S' STATIC1 Management of Security &Database: B_USER Manage &Users S_USER Add, delete or edit user accounts. B_GROUP Manage &Groups S_GROUP Add, delete or edit groups. B_ACCESS Manage &Access Lists S_ACCESS Add or delete access lists (Packet filtering rules). STATIC2 Virtual Hub Settings: B_PROPERTY Virtual Hub &Properties S_PROPERTY Configure this Hub. B_RADIUS Auth&entication Server Setting S_RADIUS Use external RADIUS authentication server for user authentication. B_LINK Manage &Cascade Connections S_LINK Establish Cascade Connection to Hubs on local or remote VPN Servers. STATIC3 Cu&rrent Status of this Virtual Hub: B_REFRESH Refres&h STATIC4 &Other Settings: B_LOG &Log Save Setting B_LOG_FILE Log File List S_LOG Configure settings of log saving function. B_CA &Trusted CA Certificates B_CRL Revo&ked Certs S_CA Manage trusted CA certificates. B_SNAT &Virtual NAT and Virtual DHCP Server (SecureNAT) S_SNAT Secure NAT is available on this Virtual Hub. You can run Virtual NAT and Virtual DHCP. STATIC5 VPN Sess&ions Management: B_SESSION Manage &Sessions IDCANCEL E&xit PREFIX D_SM_USER CAPTION Manage Users S_TITLE Virtual Hub "%S" has the following users. IDOK &Edit B_CREATE &New B_DELETE &Remove B_REFRESH &Refresh IDCANCEL E&xit B_STATUS &View User Info PREFIX D_SM_EDIT_USER IDC_STATIC1 &User Name: IDC_STATIC3 &Full Name: IDC_STATIC4 &Note: IDC_STATIC5 Group Name\r\n(Optional): B_GROUP Browse Groups... R_EXPIRES &Set the Expiration Date for This Account IDC_STATIC6 &Auth Type: S_RADIUS_3 RADIUS or NT Domain Authentication Settings: S_RADIUS_1 Login attempts by password will be verified by the external RADIUS server, Windows NT domain controller, or Active Directory controller. R_SET_RADIUS_USERNAME Specify User Name on Authentication Server S_RADIUS_2 User Name on Authentication Server: S_POLICY_1 Security Policy R_POLICY Set Securit&y Policy B_POLICY Security Policy S_PASSWORD_1 Password Authentication Settings: S_PASSWORD_2 &Password: S_PASSWORD_3 &Confirm Password: S_USER_CERT_1 Individual Certificate Authentication Settings: B_LOAD_CERT Sp&ecify Certificate B_VIEW_CERT &View Certificate B_CREATE Create Certificate S_ROOT_CERT_1 Signed Certificate Authentication Settings: S_ROOT_CERT_2 Verification of whether the client certificate is signed is based on a certificate of a CA trusted by this Virtual Hub. R_CN Limit Common Name (CN) Value R_SERIAL &Limit Values of the Certificate Serial Number S_ROOT_CERT_3 Note: Enter hexadecimal values. (Example: 0155ABCDEF) S_HINT Hint: Define a user object with username '*' (asterisk) in order to accept a login attempt of a user which does not match any of registered explicit user objects. Such a special user will use the external user-authentication server to verify the login. IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_SM_POLICY STATIC1 Selected &Policy: S_BOLD Des&cription of the policy: S_BOLD2 Current &Value: R_ENABLE &Enable the Policy R_DISABLE &Disable the Policy R_DEFINE De&fine the Policy IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_SM_GROUP CAPTION Manage Groups S_TITLE Virtual Hub "%S" has the following groups. B_CREATE &New IDOK &Edit B_DELETE &Remove B_REFRESH &Refresh B_USER &Member List IDCANCEL E&xit PREFIX D_SM_EDIT_GROUP IDC_STATIC1 &Group Name: IDC_STATIC3 &Full Name: IDC_STATIC4 &Note: S_POLICY_1 Security Policy: R_POLICY Set this group's Securit&y Policy B_POLICY Security Policy S_POLICY_2 Statistical Information of the Group: IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_SM_ACCESS_LIST CAPTION Access Lists S_TITLE The Virtual Hub "%S" has the following access lists (packet filtering rules). B_ADD &New (IPv&4) B_ADD_V6 &New (IPv&6) IDOK &Edit B_DELETE &Delete B_SAVE &Save IDCANCEL &Cancel STATIC1 Items with higher priority appear higher in the list. STATIC2 Note: IP packets that did not match any access list items can pass. B_CLONE Cl&one B_ENABLE E&nable B_DISABLE D&isable PREFIX D_SM_EDIT_ACCESS CAPTION Edit Access List Item STATIC1 Configure the access list settings. The access list that is defined here will be applied to all IP packets passing through the Virtual Hub. STATIC2 Basic Settings STATIC3 &Memo: STATIC4 &Action: R_PASS &Pass R_DISCARD &Discard STATIC5 P&riority: STATIC6 (Smaller number has higher priority.) STATIC7 Filtering Options for IP Headers S_ACCESS_SRC_ALL Source IP Address: R_SRC_ALL Applies to All Source Addresses S_SRC_IP_1 IPv4 Address: S_SRC_IP_2 Subnet Mask: S_SRC_IP_3 ( means a single host) S_SRC_IP_1_V6 IPv6 Address: S_SRC_IP_3_V6 (For example: "ffff:ff00::" or "/24". "/128" means a single host.) S_ACCESS_DST_ALL Destination IP Address: R_DST_ALL Applies to All Destination Addresses S_IP_DST_1 IPv4 Address: S_IP_DST_2 Subnet Mask: S_IP_DST_3 ( means Specified host only) S_IP_DST_1_V6 IPv6 Address: S_IP_DST_3_V6 (For example: "ffff:ff00::" or "/24". "/128" means a single host.) STATIC9 Protocol Type: STATIC10 Filtering Options for TCP Headers and UDP Headers S_TCP_1 Minimum S_TCP_2 Maximum S_TCP_3 Source Port: S_TCP_5 Destination Port: S_TCP_7 The blank port number field matches any ports.\r\nIt will apply to packets that match only the minimum value when the minimum value is specified but the maximum value is not. STATIC11 Filtering Options for Users or Groups STATIC11_OLD Filtering Options for Users STATIC12 This access list will be applied only to the packets that for specific users, groups send or receive. STATIC12_OLD This access list will be applied only to packets that for specific users send or receive. STATIC13 Source Name: B_USER1 Browse... STATIC14 Destination Name: B_USER2 Browse... STATIC15 Leave these fields blank if you don't specify user name nor group name. STATIC15_OLD Leave these fields blank if you don't specify user name. IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel S_PROTOID Specify IP Protocol: STATIC16 Filtering Options for MAC Headers S_CHECK_SRC_MAC Source MAC Address: R_CHECK_SRC_MAC Applies to any Source Addresses S_SRC_MAC MAC Address: S_SRC_MAC_MASK Mask: S_CHECK_DST_MAC Destination MAC Address: R_CHECK_DST_MAC Applies to any Destination Addresses B_SIMULATION De&lay and Packet Loss... S_DST_MAC MAC Address: S_DST_MAC_MASK Mask: S_MAC_NOTE You can use hexadecimal number with two separators, "-" or ":", and without the separators.\r\n(FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF means a specified host) R_CHECK_TCP_STATE Verify TCP Connection State (Only TCP Packets) R_ESTABLISHED Established Packet R_UNESTABLISHED Unestablished Packet R_REDIRECT Redirect HTTP Request to Specific URL B_REDIRECT Set URL Redirect to... PREFIX D_SM_RADIUS CAPTION Authentication Server Settings S_TITLE To use an external RADIUS server to verify login attempts to the Virtual Hub "%S", specify an external RADIUS server that verifies the user name and password. STATIC1 RADIUS Server Settings: R_USE_RADIUS &Use RADIUS Authentication S_RADIUS_1 RADIUS &Server Host Name or IP: S_RADIUS_2 &Port: S_RADIUS3 (UDP Port) S_RADIUS_4 Shared S&ecret: S_RADIUS_5 &Confirm Shared Secret: S_RADIUS_6 The RADIUS server must accept requests from IP addresses of this VPN Server. Also, authentication by Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) must be enabled. S_RADIUS_7 milliseconds (above %u, below %u) S_RADIUS_8 &Retry Interval S_RADIUS_9 (use ',' or ';' to split multiple hostnames.) STATIC2 When using Windows NT Domain Controller or Windows Server Active Directory Controller as an external authentication server, you must setup the VPN Server computer to join the domain. To use NT Domain Authentication, there are no items to configure here. IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_SM_LINK CAPTION Cascade Connections on %S STATIC1 Cascade Connection can make a layer-2 Ethernet-level links between this Virtual Hub and other Virtual Hub which is located on either local or remote VPN Server. STATIC2 Before Using Cascade Connection STATIC3 Cascade Connection realizes a Layer 2 Bridge between multiple Virtual Hubs. But if the connection is incorrectly configured, an infinity loop could inadvertently be created. When using a Cascade Connection function please design the network topology with care. B_CREATE &New B_EDIT &Edit B_ONLINE O&nline B_OFFLINE O&ffline IDOK &Status B_DELETE &Delete B_RENAME Ren&ame B_REFRESH &Refresh IDCANCEL E&xit PREFIX D_SM_LOG CAPTION Log Save Settings S_TITLE You can save the security logs (such as history of user logins) of Virtual Hub "%S", and the packet logs of all packets that pass through the Virtual Hub. STATIC1 &Security Log: B_SEC Save S&ecurity Log S_SEC Log File S&witch Cycle: STATIC2 &Packet Log: B_PACKET Save Pack&et Log S_PACKET Log File S&witch Cycle: S_PACKET_0 TCP Connection: B_PACKET_0_0 Do not Save B_PACKET_0_1 Header Only B_PACKET_0_2 Headers && Payloads S_PACKET_1 TCP Packet: B_PACKET_1_0 Do not Save B_PACKET_1_1 Header Only B_PACKET_1_2 Headers && Payloads S_PACKET_2 DHCP Packet: B_PACKET_2_0 Do not Save B_PACKET_2_1 Header Only B_PACKET_2_2 Headers && Payloads S_PACKET_3 UDP Packet: B_PACKET_3_0 Do not Save B_PACKET_3_1 Header Only B_PACKET_3_2 Headers && Payloads S_PACKET_4 ICMP Packet: B_PACKET_4_0 Do not Save B_PACKET_4_1 Header Only B_PACKET_4_2 Headers && Payloads S_PACKET_5 IP Packet: B_PACKET_5_0 Do not Save B_PACKET_5_1 Header Only B_PACKET_5_2 Headers && Payloads S_PACKET_6 ARP Packet: B_PACKET_6_0 Do not Save B_PACKET_6_1 Header Only B_PACKET_6_2 Headers && Payloads S_PACKET_7 Ethernet\r\nPacket: B_PACKET_7_0 Do not Save B_PACKET_7_1 Header Only B_PACKET_7_2 Headers && Payloads IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel STATIC3 Saving large amounts of packet logs can place a large burden on the CPU and the hard disk and it can cause lower performance of Hub and entire VPN Server. Enable logging on only the necessary packet log to save. PREFIX D_SM_CA CAPTION Manage Trusted CA Certificates STATIC1 You can manage the list of certificate authority (CA) certificates that are trusted by this Virtual Hub.\r\n\r\nThe list of CA certificates that is listed here is used to verify certificates when a VPN Client is connected in signed certificate authentication mode. B_IMPORT &Add IDOK &View Certificate IDCANCEL &Close B_DELETE &Delete PREFIX D_SM_SESSION CAPTION Manage Sessions - %S S_TITLE Virtual Hub "%S" has the following VPN sessions currently. STATIC1 Operations for Sessions IDOK Session &Information B_DISCONNECT &Disconnect B_REFRESH Refres&h B_SESSION_MAC_TABLE &MAC Table of Selected Session B_SESSION_IP_TABLE I&P Table of Selected Session STATIC2 &Other Administration Tasks B_MAC_TABLE MAC &Address Table List B_IP_TABLE IP Address Ta&ble List IDCANCEL E&xit S_FARM_INFO_2 The sessions displayed here are all sessions on the current cluster. To manage sessions on other cluster member servers you must connect as an administrator to those servers. PREFIX D_SM_MAC CAPTION MAC Address Table S_TITLE The MAC address table database on the Virtual Hub "%S" has the following entries. B_DELETE &Delete Selected Entry B_REFRESH Refres&h IDCANCEL E&xit PREFIX D_SM_IP CAPTION IP Address Table S_TITLE The IP address table database on the Virtual Hub "%S" has the following entries. B_DELETE &Delete Selected Entry B_REFRESH Refres&h IDCANCEL E&xit PREFIX D_SM_CREATE_CERT CAPTION Create New Certificate STATIC1 You can easily create certificates which is signed by self or other certificates. STATIC2 Certificate &Type: R_ROOT_CERT &Root Certificate (Self-Signed Certificate) R_SIGNED_CERT Certificate &Signed by Other Certificate S_LOAD_1 &Certificate and Private Key for Signing: B_LOAD &Load Certificate and Private Key S_LOAD_2 Click 'Load Certificate and Private Key' to specify the X509 Certificate and RSA Private Key that will user a new certificate signature. S_LOAD_3 Common Name (CN): S_LOAD_4 Organization (O): S_LOAD_5 Organization Unit (OU): S_LOAD_6 Country (C): S_LOAD_7 State (ST): S_LOAD_8 Locale (L): S_LOAD_11 &Serial Number:\r\n(Hexadecimal) S_LOAD_9 &Expires in: S_LOAD_10 Days STATIC3 To manage certificates and certificate authorities on a large scale, you should use either free software such as OpenSSL, or commercial CA (certificate authority) software. IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel S_LOAD_12 Strength&ness: PREFIX D_NM_LOGIN CAPTION deleted S_TITLE deleted STATIC1 deleted STATIC2 deleted IDOK deleted IDCANCEL deleted PREFIX D_SPEEDMETER CAPTION Network Device Status STATIC1 Select Network Adapter: STATIC2 Real-time Status STATIC3 &Refresh PREFIX D_NM_MAIN CAPTION deleted STATIC1 deleted STATIC2 deleted B_SETTING Connection &Setting for VPN Server B_CONNECT &Connect B_DISCONNECT &Disconnect STATIC3 Operation Settings of User-mode Router STATIC4 You can set the operations in a virtual network of a SoftEther VPN User-mode Router. B_OPTION &Operation Settings of User-mode Router STATIC5 Operating Status of User-mode Router STATIC6 Displays the current operating status of the SoftEther VPN User-mode Router. B_NAT Virtual &NAT Status B_DHCP Virtual D&HCP Server Status B_STATUS User-mode &Router Status B_INFO User-mode Router &Information B_PASSWORD Administration &Password Setting B_REFRESH Refr&esh B_ABOUT &About... IDCANCEL E&xit PREFIX D_NM_OPTION CAPTION SecureNAT Configuration S_TITLE Set how SecureNAT virtual host performs operation on the virtual network of Virtual Hub "%S". STATIC1 Virtual Host's Network Interface Settings: STATIC2 &MAC Address: STATIC3 I&P Address: STATIC4 &Subnet Mask: STATIC5 Virtual NAT Settings: R_USE_NAT Use Virtual N&AT Function STATIC6 M&TU Value: STATIC7 bytes STATIC8 T&CP Session Timeout: STATIC9 seconds STATIC10 &UDP Session Timeout: STATIC11 seconds R_SAVE_LOG Save NAT or DHCP Server Operations to &Log File STATIC12 Virtual DHCP Server Settings: R_USE_DHCP Use Virtual DHCP Server Fu&nctions STATIC13 &Distributes IP Address: STATIC14 to STATIC15 . STATIC16 Su&bnet Mask: STATIC17 L&ease Limit: STATIC18 seconds STATIC19 Options Applied to Clients (optional): STATIC20 De&fault Gateway\r\nAddress: STATIC21 DNS &Server Address 1: STATIC22 Domain Name: STATIC23 DNS &Server Address 2: IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel S_1 Static routing table pushing function (for split tunneling) S_2 Push the static routing table to VPN clients. B_PUSH Edit the static routing table to push PREFIX D_NM_NAT CAPTION NAT Session Table on Virtual NAT Router S_TITLE There are the following TCP or UDP NAT table entries on the virtual NAT router of SecureNAT. B_REFRESH Refres&h IDCANCEL E&xit PREFIX D_NM_DHCP CAPTION IP Lease Table on Virtual DHCP Server S_TITLE The SecureNAT Virtual DHCP Server has allocated the following IP addresses to clients. B_REFRESH Refres&h IDCANCEL E&xit PREFIX D_NM_CHANGE_PASSWORD CAPTION Change Administrator Password of %S S_TITLE You can change the administrator password of SoftEther VPN User-mode Router (%S). Click OK after entering the new password. STATIC1 New &Password: STATIC2 &Confirm Your Input: IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_SM_SNAT CAPTION Virtual NAT and Virtual DHCP Function (SecureNAT) Setting S_TITLE SecureNAT enables you to operate a virtual NAT router (IP Masquerade) and DHCP Server function on a virtual network of Virtual Hub "%S". STATIC1 Warning about SecureNAT S_WARNING The SecureNAT function is recommended only for system administrators or people with a detailed knowledge of networking. S_WARNING2 If you use the SecureNAT correctly, it is possible to realize a safety remote access via a VPN. However when you use this as incorrectly, it can put the entire network in danger. Anyone who does not have a thorough knowledge of networks and anyone who does not have the network administrator's permission must not enable the SecureNAT. For a detailed explanation of the SecureNAT function, please refer to the VPN Server's manual or online documentation. STATIC2 Enabling / Disabling and Changing the Setting of the SecureNAT STATIC3 You can enable, disable or change the settings of the SecureNAT on this Virtual Hub. B_ENABLE &Enable SecureNAT B_DISABLE &Disable SecureNAT B_CONFIG SecureNAT &Configuration STATIC4 Note: When a running SecureNAT is disabled, all active TCP and UDP sessions that are connected via SecureNAT will be terminated. STATIC5 View Current SecureNAT Status STATIC6 You can view the current SecureNAT operating status. B_NAT Virtual &NAT Router Status B_DHCP Virtual D&HCP Server Status B_STATUS View &SecureNAT Operating Status S_TSUKUBA2 SecureNAT uses technology that Daiyuu Nobori developed in 2004 at "Special Seminar on Information I" at the College of Information Science of the Third Cluster of Colleges, Tsukuba University. IDCANCEL E&xit PREFIX D_SM_BRIDGE CAPTION Local Bridge Settings STATIC1 Local Bridge can establish a Layer 2 bridge connection between a Virtual Hub on this VPN server and a physical Ethernet Device (Network Adapter). \r\nIt is also possible to create a tap device (virtual network interface) and establish a bridge connection with a Virtual Hub. (Tap is supported on Linux versions only) B_DELETE &Delete Local Bridge STATIC2 New &New Local Bridge Definition: STATIC3 Select the Virtual Hub to bridge. STATIC4 Virtual &Hub: STATIC5 &Type to Create: R_BRIDGE Bridge with &Physical Existing Network Adapter R_TAP Bridge with New &Tap Device S_ETH_1 LAN Adapter: S_TAP_1 New Tap &Device Name: S_TAP_2 (Maximum 11 Characters) STATIC6 Note: Although it is possible to establish a bridge using any operating network adapter, in high load environments, you should prepare a network adapter dedicated for bridging. IDOK Cre&ate Local Bridge STATIC7 If a network adapter doesn't appear which is recently added on the system, reboot the computer and re-open this screen. IDCANCEL E&xit B_VLAN VLAN Transparency Setting Tool PREFIX D_WIN9X_REBOOT CAPTION VPN Client - Install Virtual Network Adapter STATIC1 The VPN Client Virtual Network Adapter has been installed. \r\nIt is necessary to shutdown Windows now and restart the computer. \r\n\r\nThe computer will restart automatically. If the computer does not restart, please restart the computer manually. PREFIX D_EM_MAIN CAPTION SoftEther EtherLogger Manager STATIC1 SoftEther EtherLogger is a service that captures data flowing through LAN cards connected to the computer and keeps a log of the headers of the packet types specified by the administrator and all data in text file format. \r\n\r\nCurrently, the following capture devices are performing capture logging. B_PASSWORD Administration &Password B_LICENSE &License B_ADD &Add IDOK &Edit B_DELETE &Delete IDCANCEL E&xit PREFIX D_EM_ADD STATIC1 Name of Network Adapter Used for Capture: R_PROMISCUOUS Do&n't Use Promiscuous Mode During Capture STATIC2 &Packet Log: S_PACKET Log File S&witch Cycle: S_PACKET_0 TCP Connection Log: B_PACKET_0_0 Save Nothing B_PACKET_0_1 Header Information Only B_PACKET_0_2 Whole Packet Contents S_PACKET_1 TCP Packet Log: B_PACKET_1_0 Save Nothing B_PACKET_1_1 Header Information Only B_PACKET_1_2 Whole Packet Contents S_PACKET_2 DHCP Packet Log: B_PACKET_2_0 Save Nothing B_PACKET_2_1 Header Information Only B_PACKET_2_2 Whole Packet Contents S_PACKET_3 UDP Packet Log: B_PACKET_3_0 Save Nothing B_PACKET_3_1 Header Information Only B_PACKET_3_2 Whole Packet Contents S_PACKET_4 ICMP Packet Log: B_PACKET_4_0 Save Nothing B_PACKET_4_1 Header Information Only B_PACKET_4_2 Whole Packet Contents S_PACKET_5 IP Packet Log: B_PACKET_5_0 Save Nothing B_PACKET_5_1 Header Information Only B_PACKET_5_2 Whole Packet Contents S_PACKET_6 ARP Packet Log: B_PACKET_6_0 Save Nothing B_PACKET_6_1 Header Information Only B_PACKET_6_2 Whole Packet Contents S_PACKET_7 Ethernet\r\nPacket Log: B_PACKET_7_0 Save Nothing B_PACKET_7_1 Header Information Only B_PACKET_7_2 Whole Packet Contents IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel STATIC3 Saving large volume packet logs can place a large burden on the CPU and the hard disk and it can cause lower performance of the entire system. Please configure settings so that only the necessary packet log information is saved. PREFIX D_EM_PASSWORD CAPTION Change Administrator Password S_TITLE You can change the administrator password. Click OK after entering the new password. STATIC1 New &Password: STATIC2 &Confirm: IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_EM_LICENSE CAPTION Add or Delete License STATIC1 To use SoftEther EtherLogger you must acquire a valid license and register the license key. Using this window, you can register a new license key, delete a registered license key and display the current license list and the license mode of the SoftEther EtherLogger. S_BOLD &List of Currently Registered Licenses: B_OBTAIN &Obtain License STATIC2 Click Obtain License to display the website that will provide instructions on how to obtain a license. B_ADD &Add License Key Registration B_DEL &Delete IDOK &Information About License STATIC3 Select a license and click Information About License to connect to SoftEther VPN Project's website (softether.com) and view the registered information relating to the selected license. S_BOLD2 Current License &Mode of SoftEther EtherLogger: IDCANCEL E&xit PREFIX D_EM_LICENSE_ADD CAPTION Add License Key Registration S_INFO You can register a license key of a SoftEther EtherLogger product license. STATIC1 The license keys are 36 alphanumeric characters in length plus hyphens. They are key codes that certify the ownership of a license. \r\n\r\nWhen a license certificate is received together with this software, the license key is printed on this license certificate. If the license for this software has been purchased online, the license key is provided by email and on the website window at the time the license is purchased. The license key may also be written down by some other method. If you don't know where the license key is written down, ask the vendor who sold you the license. STATIC2 &Input the License Key Correctly: STATIC3 Enter the license key by separating the input into 6-digit groups. You don't need to input the hyphens. It is also possible to copy && paste the license key. B_INFO2 This software has world-wide copyright protection. Customers can only make copies and use this software in accordance with the license conditions. Warning: Use of illegitimately obtained license keys, use of a single license on multiple servers, or unauthorized distribution of licenses is a breach of the license agreement and such action may result in civil or legal proceedings. IDOK &Register IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_EM_REMOTE STATIC1 &Specify the Host Name of the Destination Computer, or IP Address: R_LOCAL Connect to &Local Computer (Computer Displaying this Window) S_HOSTNAME &Computer Name: IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel B_ABOUT Version information PREFIX D_SM_CONFIG CAPTION Edit Config File IDC_INFO The current configuration of the VPN Server "%S" is as follows.\r\nYou can edit the contents of this configuration file and apply it to the VPN Server. B_EXPORT &Save to File B_IMPORT &Import File and Apply IDCANCEL &Close STATIC1 You can edit the configuration file by using any text editors. When applying the edited configuration file to the VPN Server, the VPN Server will automatically restart and launch according to the new configuration file. If an invalid configuration file is applied, errors will occur and the current setting contents will get lost, so be careful when editing the configuration file. B_FACTORY &Restore to Factory Default PREFIX D_SM_ADMIN_OPTION CAPTION Virtual Hub Administration Option S_INFO Currently the following administration options are set for the Virtual Hub "%S". B_ADD &Add Value B_EDIT &Edit Value B_DELETE &Delete Value STATIC1 The purpose of the Virtual Hub administration options is to set limitations to administrators who are in Virtual Hub Admin Mode. IDOK &Save IDCANCEL Cancel STATIC2 Only an administrator for this entire VPN Server may edit the Virtual Hub administration options. The individual Virtual Hub administrators are unable to change the administration options, however they are able to view them.\r\nHowever, if allow_hub_admin_change_option is set to "1", then Virtual Hub administrators are able to edit the administration options. S_BOLD Description: PREFIX D_SM_MSG CAPTION Set the Message S_MSG_2 You can set a message to display on the screen of a user when a VPN Client connects to the Virtual Hub "%S". To show a message, input the message that you want to show. C_USEMSG Show &Message STATIC1 About the Message Display Function S_INFO The VPN Client must be Version 3.0 or later.\r\n\r\nSpecify a single line starts with "http://" as the message to open the default Web browser on the client instead to showing a message. IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_NICINFO CAPTION Virtual Network Adapter "%S" Status IDCANCEL &Close PREFIX D_SM_VLAN CAPTION VLAN Transparency Setting Tool STATIC1 Some network adapters are unable to transmit tagged-VLAN packets (IEEE802.1Q) transparency. by default\r\n\r\nIf you use such a network adapter to bridge to the Virtual Hub and need to exchange Ethernet packets with VLAN tags, you have to configure the network adapter to enable processing packets for VLAN transparency. B_ENABLE Configure the Selected Network Adapters to VLAN Transparency B_DISABLE &Unset the Configuration STATIC2 About the VLAN Transparency Setting Tool S_WARNING This tool can enable or disable the transparency for tagged VLAN packets on Intel, Broadcom or Marvell's network adapters. (Only using the vendor provided drivers for Windows.) S_WARNING2 The above network adapters in the list means supported by this tool. No other network adapters can be configured by this tool. However, other network adapters which is not on the list might be able to support tagged VLAN packets by default or by using some configuration.\r\n\r\nSuch network adapters must be configured by the system administrator with logged on Windows. IDCANCEL E&xit PREFIX D_SM_SIMULATION CAPTION Delay and Packet Loss Generating Function STATIC1 This function can generate delays, jitters and packet losses on packets which match the condition of this access list entry when transmitted via this Virtual Hub.\r\n\r\nThis function is convenient to simulate a low-quality and slow Internet, WAN or wireless connections on the desk or laboratory. For example, you can use it to evaluate and test IP telephonies (VoIP). STATIC2 Generate Delays, Jitters and Packet Losses as follow: C_DELAY Generate &Delays S_DELAY The Period of Delay (0 - 10000) : S_DELAY2 milliseconds C_JITTER Generate &Jitters (Fluctuation) S_JITTER The Ratio of Jitter (0 - 100) : S_JITTER2 Percent (%) C_LOSS Generate Packet &Losses S_LOSS The Ratio of Packet Losses (0 - 100) : S_LOSS2 Percent (%) IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_SM_AO_VALUE CAPTION Name and Value STATIC1 &Name: STATIC2 &Value: STATIC3 (Integer) IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_SM_L3 CAPTION Virtual Layer 3 Switch Setting STATIC1 You can define Virtual Layer 3 Switches between two or more Virtual Hubs operating on this VPN Server to achieve routing between different IP networks. STATIC2 The Virtual Layer 3 Switch functions are provided for network administrators or people who know a lot about networking and IP routing. If you are using the regular VPN functions, you do not need to use the Virtual Layer 3 Switch functions.\r\n\r\nIf the Virtual Layer 3 Switch functions are to be used, the person who configures them must have sufficient knowledge of IP routing. STATIC3 Cautions about Virtual Layer 3 Switch Function S_BOLD Defined Virtual &Layer 3 &Switches: B_ADD &New B_START &Start B_STOP S&top IDOK &Edit B_DELETE &Delete IDCANCEL &Close PREFIX D_SM_L3_ADD CAPTION New Virtual Layer 3 Switch STATIC1 To create a new Virtual Layer 3 Switch, enter a name for the switch. \r\n\r\nThe Virtual Layer 3 Switch cannot have the duplicated name as another Virtual Layer 3 Switch on this VPN Server. STATIC2 &Name: IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_SM_L3_SW CAPTION Edit Virtual Layer 3 Switch "%S" STATIC1 You can define multiple virtual interfaces and routing tables on a Virtual Layer 3 Switch. STATIC2 A virtual interface is associated to a Virtual Hub and operates as a single IP host on the Virtual Hub when the Virtual Hub is running. When multiple virtual interfaces that respectively belong to a different IP network of a different Virtual Hub are defined, IP routing will be automatically performed between these interfaces. \r\nIt is possible to manually set the routing table and more detailed settings. S_BOLD1 Virtual &Interfaces: B_ADD_IF &New Virtual Interface B_DEL_IF D&elete Virtual Interface S_BOLD2 Routing &Table: B_ADD_TABLE A&dd Routing Table Entry B_DEL_TABLE De&lete Routing Table Entry B_START &Start B_STOP S&top IDCANCEL &Close PREFIX D_SM_L3_SW_IF CAPTION Add Virtual Interface STATIC1 Adds a new virtual interface to the Virtual Layer 3 Switch. \r\n\r\nYou must define the IP network that the virtual interface belongs to and the IP address of the interface itself. \r\nPlease select or enter the name of the virtual Hub that the interface will attach to. STATIC2 Virtual Hub to &Attach STATIC3 Select or enter the name of the Virtual Hub that this interface will attach to. STATIC4 Virtual &Hub: STATIC5 IP A&ddress and Subnet Mask of Virtual Interface: STATIC6 The virtual interface must have one IP address in the Virtual Hub. You also must specify the subnet mask of an IP network that the IP address belongs to. \r\n\r\nRouting via the Virtual Layer 3 Switches attaching to multiple virtual Hubs operates based on the IP address is specified here. S_SRC_IP_1 &IP address: S_SRC_IP_2 &Subnet Mask: IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_SM_L3_SW_TABLE CAPTION New Routing Table Entry STATIC1 Adds a new routing table entry to the routing table of the Virtual Layer 3 Switch. \r\n\r\nIf the destination IP address of the IP packet does not belong to any IP network that belongs to a virtual interface, the IP routing engine of the Virtual Layer 3 Switch will reference the routing table and execute the routing. STATIC2 Definitions of Routing Table &Entry: STATIC3 The virtual interface must have one IP address in the Virtual Hub. You also must specify the subnet mask of an IP network that the IP address belongs to. \r\n\r\nRouting via the Virtual Layer 3 Switches of IP spaces of multiple virtual Hubs operates based on the IP address is specified here. S_SRC_IP_1 &Network Address: S_SRC_IP_2 &Subnet Mask: S_SRC_IP_3 &Gateway Address: S_SRC_IP_4 &Metric Value: STATIC4 Note: To specify the default gateway, specify '' for both the network address and the subnet mask. IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_CM_SELECT_SECURE CAPTION Select Smart Card STATIC1 Select the type of smart card device to use. \r\n\r\nThe types of smart cards listed in this list have had their drivers installed on the current computer and are supported by VPN software. \r\nIf there is a type of smart card that is currently being used that does not appear in the list, it may be possible that update of the VPN software to a newer version enable you to use it. \r\n\r\nNote: If a driver is not displayed immediately after installation, restart Windows. IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_CM_SECURE_MANAGER CAPTION Smart Card Manager S_INFO Current Smart Card:\r\n\r\n%S B_BOLD Objects stored on the smart card: B_REFRESH &Refresh Object List B_IMPORT &Import to Card... B_EXPORT &Export from Card... B_DELETE &Delete from Card B_NEW_CERT &Write New Certificate and Private Key to Card... B_PIN &Change PIN Code... IDCANCEL Close PREFIX D_CM_SECURE_TYPE CAPTION Select Object Type STATIC Select the type of the object you want to import. R_CERT &Certificate R_KEY Private &Key R_DATA &Data IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_STRING CAPTION VPN Software IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_SM_SELECT_KEYPAIR CAPTION Specify Certificate in Smart Card S_INFO Currently selected smart card:\r\n\r\n%S B_BOLD1 Select the certificate in the smart card. IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel B_BOLD2 Select the corresponding private key. PREFIX D_CM_LOAD_X CAPTION Load Certificate STATIC1 Select the method to load the certificate. R_FROM_FILE Load Certificate from &File R_FROM_SECURE Load Certificate from &Smart Card S_FILE You can load a certificate from a file that stores certificate data (extensions: .cer, .crt, .p12, .pfx). S_CERT If a smart card is connected to this computer, you can load a certificate from a smart card. B_SELECT &Select Which Smart Card to Use... IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_CM_SECURE_PIN CAPTION Change PIN Code STATIC1 You can change the PIN code (secret number) of the smart card. \r\n\r\nTo change the PIN code, you are required to enter the current PIN code and the new PIN code twice. STATIC2 &Current PIN code: STATIC3 &New PIN Code: STATIC4 Con&firm New PIN: STATIC5 Note STATIC6 If you incorrectly input the current PIN a certain number of times, the smart card will be rendered unusable. STATIC7 Please insert the smart card and click OK. IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_SM_CRL CAPTION Certificates Revocation List STATIC1 You can manage the Certificates Revocation List on this Virtual Hub. \r\n\r\nBy adding certificates in Certificates Revocation List, the clients who provide these certificates will be denied to connect to this Virtual Hub using certificate authentication mode. B_ADD &Add IDOK &Edit IDCANCEL &Close B_DELETE &Delete PREFIX D_SM_EDIT_CRL CAPTION Revoked Certificate STATIC1 You can set the contents of an entry on the revocation list. \r\n\r\nWhen a user connects to a Virtual Hub in certificate authentication mode and that certificate matches one or more of the contents defined in the Certificates Revocation List, the user will be denied to connect. S_BOLD The certificates that matches all the fields of the items will be disabled. STATIC2 Contents of Certificate: R_CN Common Name (CN): R_O Organization (O): R_OU Organization Unit (OU): R_C Country (C): R_ST State (ST): R_L Locale (L): STATIC3 Certificate Attribute Value: R_SERI Serial Number (Hex): R_MD5_HASH MD5 Digest Value (Hex, 128 bit): R_SHA1_HASH SHA-1 Digest Value (Hex, 160 bit): STATIC4 A digest value (hash value) can identify the particular certificate exactly. If you specify a MD5 or SHA-1 digest value, you need not to specify other items. STATIC5 Import Values from a Certificate File STATIC6 If there is a certificate file that you want to disable, you can correctly specify the certificate and add it to the invalid list by importing that file. Click Load Certificate and the contents of the specified certificate file will be imported automatically. B_LOAD &Load Certificate... IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_SM_AC_LIST CAPTION Source IP Address Limit List S_TITLE To allow or deny VPN connections to this VPN Server Virtual Hub "%S" according to the client computer's IP address, you can set the rules to allow or deny the connection below. B_ADD &New Rule IDOK &Edit Rule B_DELETE &Delete Rule B_SAVE &Save IDCANCEL &Cancel STATIC1 Items with higher priority appear higher in the list. STATIC2 If the client's IP address does not match any item in the list, VPN connection to this Virtual Hub will be allowed. PREFIX D_SM_AC CAPTION Edit Rule Entry of Source IP Address Limit List STATIC1 Define a rule in the IP Access Control List. The values set here will be used to decide whether to allow or deny connection from a VPN Client when this client attempts connection to the Virtual Hub. STATIC2 Defines of a Rule STATIC3 Apply this Rule when the client's IP address matches the following: R_SINGLE &Single IP Address R_MASKED &Multiple IP Addresses (Specify by IP Network Address and Mask) STATIC4 &Address: S_MASK Net Mas&k: STATIC5 Action R_PASS &Permit R_DENY &Deny STATIC6 Others STATIC7 P&riority: STATIC8 (Integer: higher priority is given to smaller numbers) STATIC9 IP Protocol Version IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_SM_LOG_FILE CAPTION Log File List STATIC1 You can download log files that are saved on the server. \r\n\r\nThe administrator of the entire VPN Server is granted to download all Virtual Hub logs and server logs. Virtual Hub administrators are granted to download the log file for that Virtual Hub. IDOK &Download B_REFRESH &Refresh IDCANCEL Close PREFIX D_SM_READ_LOG_FILE CAPTION Download File S_INFO2 Downloading the file "%S" from the VPN Server. \r\nPlease wait... IDCANCEL &Stop Download PREFIX D_SM_SAVE_LOG CAPTION Downloaded Log File S_INFO The file "%S" has been downloaded. \r\n\r\nYou can open or save this file. IDOK &Open B_SAVE &Save IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_TCP CAPTION TCP Optimization Utility STATIC1 By optimizing the TCP/IP settings on Windows, it is possible to increase the network communication throughput of this computer. \r\n\r\nBy using this TCP Optimization Utility, you can easily configure the settings for optimize the parameters. STATIC2 Current TCP/IP setting parameters of Windows is as follows. By changing these values you can optimize the TCP/IP settings. Using this utility any time later you can reset the values or restore them to the previous setting. STATIC3 TCP/IP Communication Setting: STATIC4 TCP &Receiving Window Size: R_RECV_DISABLE Use OS &Default Value R_RECV_ENABLE S&et the Values Below S_RECV bytes B_RECV Default Value STATIC5 TCP &Sending Window Size: R_SEND_DISABLE Use OS Default Value R_SEND_ENABLE Set the Values Below S_SEND bytes B_SEND Default Value IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel STATIC6 The changes above will take effect after Windows has rebooted. After changing the settings, you do not need to immediately reboot the computer, but until it is rebooted the TCP/IP optimized settings will not take effect. B_DELETE Do not Manage by this Utility PREFIX D_TCP_MSG CAPTION TCP Optimization STATIC1 By optimizing the TCP/IP settings on Windows, it is possible to increase the network communication throughput of this computer. Do you want to optimize the communication settings?\r\n\r\nYou can start at any time in the future the TCP Optimization Utility and optimize the communication settings or restore them to their previous values. STATIC2 When the TCP/IP settings are changed, the changes will take effect after Windows has restarted. After changing the settings, you do not need to immediately restart the computer, but until it is restarted the TCP/IP optimized settings will not take effect. R_OPTIMIZE &Automatically Optimize Communication Settings R_MANUAL &Manually Optimize Using TCP Optimization Utility R_NO &Do not Optimize IDOK &Next > IDOK3 < &Back PREFIX D_CM_PKCSEULA CAPTION Notice to Use Smart Card's Drivers S_INFO_1 You are attempting to access the smart card with software "%S". S_INFO_2 When using software "%S", if there are conditions of use for this software and the smart card that is to be used, you must agree to these conditions of use before using them. \r\n\r\nFor details please contact the vendor of software "%S" and of the smart card. S_INFO_3 Do you agree to the above and want to use the software "%S" and access the specified smart card? IDOK &Yes IDCANCEL &No PREFIX D_CM_TRAFFIC CAPTION Network Traffic Speed Test Tool STATIC1 Network Traffic Speed Test Tool performs transmitting packets between two computers connected with TCP/IP, with large amount of throughput as possible, in order to measure the actual network traffic speed available. This tool can be used for not limited VPNs, but it is useful for physical networks. STATIC2 Use this tool to measure the current bandwidth capacity of the network. Note that the value obtained is sometimes lower than the actual network processing capacity due to the CPU performance of both endpoints, what other programs are currently running and fluctuations in the rate of use of the network. S_1 Configurations: S_3 Which is the role of this computer? R_SERVER Test &Server R_CLIENT Test &Client S_4 To activate the test server, specify the listening port number.\r\nTo use it as the test client, specify the host name of the destination test server or the IP address, and port number. If necessary, configure the optional settings below. S_5 Destination Test Server &Hostname: S_6 &Port Number: S_7 (TCP port) S_8 Configure following options on the client side. S_9 Direction of Data Communication R_DOWNLOAD &Download (Incoming: from Server to Client) R_UPLOAD &Upload (Outgoing: from Client to Server) R_FULL Download and Upload (&Full-Duplex Mode: In and Out Simultaneously) S_10 Advanced Settings S_11 &Number of Concurrent Parallel TCP Connections: S_12 Me&asuring Period: S_13 seconds R_ETHERNET Correct L2 Throughput Assuming &Ethernet R_DOUBLE Relay Device Mode S_14 connections IDOK &Run IDCANCEL Cancel S_15 You can also run this tool from the vpncmd Command-line Management Utility (also available on non-Windows OS). PREFIX D_CM_TRAFFIC_RUN CAPTION Network Traffic Speed Test Tool S_INFO The Network Traffic Speed Test Tool is running. The operating status is as follows. STATIC1 To abort the Network Traffic Speed Test Tool, click Exit. IDCANCEL &Exit PREFIX D_CM_TRAFFIC_RESULT CAPTION Communication Traffic Measurement Results STATIC1 Communication traffic has been measured. The results are shown below. IDCANCEL &Close PREFIX D_SM_LICENSE CAPTION Add or Remove License STATIC1 To use SoftEther VPN Server you must acquire a valid license and register the license key. You can register a new license key, delete a registered license key and display the current license list and the license mode of the VPN Server here. S_BOLD Currently Registered &License Keys: B_OBTAIN &Obtain or Extend a License STATIC2 Click Obtain or Extend License to visit the website that will provide instructions on how to obtain a license. B_ADD &Add a License Key B_DEL &Delete IDOK &Information About License STATIC3 Select a license and click Information About License to connect to SoftEther VPN Project's website (softether.com) and view the registered information relating to the selected license. S_BOLD2 Current License &Mode of SoftEther VPN Server: IDCANCEL E&xit PREFIX D_SM_LICENSE_ADD CAPTION Add License Keys S_INFO You can register a SoftEther VPN Server product license or a connection license. STATIC1 The license keys are 36 alphanumeric characters in length plus dashes. They are key codes that certify the ownership of a license. \r\n\r\nWhen a license certificate is received together with this software, the license key is printed on this license certificate. If the license for this software has been purchased online, the license key is provided by email and on the website window at the time the license is purchased. The license key may also be written down by some other method. If you don't know where the license key is written down, ask the vendor who sold you the license. STATIC2 &Input the License Key Accurately: STATIC3 Enter the license key by separating the input into 6-digit groups. You don't need to input the dashes. It is also possible to copy && paste the license key. B_INFO2 This software is protected by world-wide copyright laws. Customers can only make copies and use this software in accordance with the license conditions. Warning: Use of illegitimately obtained license keys, use of a single license on multiple servers, or unauthorized distribution of licenses is a breach of the license agreement and such action may result in civil or legal proceedings. IDOK &Register IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_FREEINFO CAPTION About SoftEther VPN Server Free Edition S_INFO_1 Thank you for trying out the SoftEther VPN Server Free Edition. S_INFO_2 The SoftEther VPN Server operating on destination server "%S" is the Free Edition intended for personal use. \r\nWhen using the Free Edition, you can use all the SoftEther VPN Server functions but the User Agreement prohibits the following usage. S_INFO_3 Use where communication for commercial purposes travels via the VPN Server. S_INFO_4 Note that if the software is used based on the above mentioned prohibited usage, it is a breach of the SoftEther VPN Server user agreement. The above restriction is lifted once you obtain a regular product license for SoftEther VPN Server. For details on the regular product version, please visit www.softether.com. \r\n\r\nIf this server is being used under the usage described above, please contact us via our website at www.softether.com. \r\n\r\nNote: This window will appear when connected to a Free Edition of VPN Server. This window does not appear when Editions other than the Free Editions of the software product are used. \r\nNote: Apart from this notification window, there are absolutely no differences between the Free Edition software and the product version. B_HIDE &Hide this window next time. IDCANCEL &OK PREFIX D_CM_SETTING CAPTION Switch SoftEther VPN Client Operating Mode STATIC1 You can use SoftEther VPN Client in either Normal Mode or Easy Mode. To switch to the other mode, check the respective checkbox below. R_NORMAL &Normal Mode R_EASY &Easy Mode STATIC2 When using Normal Mode, you can perform all the operations that the SoftEther VPN Client software provides. We recommend that general users and system administrators use this mode. STATIC3 Easy Mode only allows the most frequently used operations such as connecting to the VPN Server. We recommend this mode to beginner users. STATIC4 By using the Setting Locker, you can connect to a VPN Server by using a Connection Setting registered in SoftEther VPN Client, but by doing so, you are prevented from changing the parameters of Connection Settings, creating a new Connection Setting or deleting a Connection Setting. R_LOCK Enable Setting &Locker S_PASSWORD1 You can specify a password. The input of that password will be required next time to disable the Setting Locker. S_PASSWORD2 &Password: S_PASSWORD3 &Confirm: IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel S_VGS2 You can configure the VPN Gate Academic Service settings. B_VGS VPN &Gate Service Settings... PREFIX D_CM_EASY CAPTION SoftEther VPN Client Easy Manager (Developer Edition) B_MODE Switch Operation &Mode IDCANCEL &Close B_STATUS View Connection &Status B_VGC VPN Gate Academic Project PREFIX D_SM_SETUP CAPTION SoftEther VPN Server / Bridge Easy Setup (Developer Edition) S_TITLE SoftEther VPN Server / Bridge Easy Setup (Developer Edition) IDC_STATIC_1 By using this setup you can easily setup a SoftEther VPN Server or VPN Bridge for the following use and purpose. After exiting the setup, you can use the VPN Server Manager to freely configure more advanced settings. S_BOLD Select the type of VPN server you want to build. Multiple types can be selected together. C_REMOTE &Remote Access VPN Server S_REMOTE_1 The Remote Access VPN Server allows VPN Client computers in remote locations to access to the existing Ethernet segments, for example company LAN.\r\nAny VPN Clients who is connecting to the VPN Server will be able to access to the network as if they are connected directly and physically to the network. C_SITE &Site-to-site VPN Server or VPN Bridge S_SITE_1 Site-to-site VPN is a VPN configuration to connect between two or more remote Ethernet segments.\r\nEach of the sites are connected together, and become the same segment at Layer-2 level. It enables any computers of each sites to communicate to each other as if there is a single network. S_SITE_2 Select the role of this VPN Server: C_CENTER VPN Server that Accepts Connection from Other Sites (&Center) C_EDGE VPN Server or VPN Bridge at Each Site (&Edge) C_OTHER &Other Advanced Configuration of VPN S_OTHER Select this if you are planning to build a VPN system that provides advanced functions such as a clustering function and a Virtual Layer 3 Switch function. IDOK &Next > IDCANCEL &Close PREFIX D_SM_SETUP_HUB CAPTION Easy Setup - Decide the Virtual Hub Name IDC_STATIC_1 You have to create one Virtual Hub on the VPN Server at least. Name the new Virtual Hub as you prefer. IDC_STATIC_2 Virtual Hub &Name: IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_SM_SETUP_STEP CAPTION VPN Easy Setup Tasks IDC_STATIC_1 To complete the setup of this VPN Server / VPN Bridge, you must complete the following tasks. S_1_1 Step 1. Create a User to Accept VPN Connection S_1_2 When this VPN Server accepts a remote access VPN, or becomes the central site-to-site VPN server that accepts connections from other sites, create users to accept the VPN connection. B_USER Create &Users S_2_1 Step 2. Define a Connection to Destination VPN Server S_2_2 When this VPN Server is installed on a particular site (edge) of a site-to-site VPN, you have to specify the address of the center VPN Server that accepts the connections, and establish a connection to that central VPN Server. B_CASCADE &Configure Connection Setting S_3_1 Step 3. Set Local Bridge S_3_2 For an site-to-site VPN, use the Local Bridge Function to connect a bridge between the virtual Ethernet segment on the VPN side and the physical Ethernet segment on the local side. Select an existing Ethernet device (Network Adapter) that will be provide the bridge connection to the VPN. IDCANCEL &Close IDC_STATIC_8 Once the required settings are configured, click Close. An advanced management tool for VPN Server / VPN Bridge will be appeared. You can then configure any advanced settings as you wish. B_SECURENAT Configure SecureN&AT PREFIX D_CPU64_WARNING CAPTION Information on SoftEther VPN 64-bit Edition S_BOLD The SoftEther VPN software currently installed is the 32-bit edition, but the Windows operating system that is currently running is a 64-bit edition. S_INFO You can run the 32-bit edition of SoftEther VPN software on a 64-bit edition of Windows, but it will run on Window's 32-bit emulator, and this results in reduced performance. \r\nThere is also a possibility that some functions are not supported. \r\n\r\nWe strongly recommend you to install and use the 64-bit edition of SoftEther VPN software when running it on 64-bit Windows. \r\nYou can download the 64-bit edition of the SoftEther VPN software from http://selinks.org/. \r\n\r\nThis dialog box will close automatically in 30 seconds. IDOK &OK PREFIX D_ONCEMSG CAPTION TITLE C_DONTSHOWAGAIN &Do not show this message again IDCANCEL &OK PREFIX D_CONNECT IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_SM_IPSEC CAPTION IPsec / L2TP / EtherIP / L2TPv3 Settings S_TITLE IPsec / L2TP / EtherIP / L2TPv3 Server Settings S_3 Virtual Hubs on the VPN Server can accept Remote-Access VPN connections from L2TP-compatible PCs, Mac OS X and Smartphones, and also can accept EtherIP / L2TPv3 Site-to-Site VPN Connection. S01 L2TP Server (Remote-Access VPN Server Function) S02 VPN Connections from Smartphones suchlike iPhone, iPad and Android, and also from built-in VPN Clients on Mac OS X and Windows can be accepted. R_L2TP_OVER_IPSEC Enable L2TP Server Function (L2TP over IP&sec) S03 Make VPN Connections from iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows, and Mac OS X acceptable. R_L2TP_RAW Enable L2TP Server Function (Raw &L2TP with No Encryptions) S04 It supports special VPN Clients which uses L2TP with no IPsec encryption. S_1 Default Virtual &Hub in a case of omitting a name of Hub on the Username: S_2 Users should specify their username such as "Username@Target Virtual Hub Name" to connect this L2TP Server.\r\nIf designation of a Virtual Hub is omitted, the below Hub will be used as the target. S05 EtherIP Server Function (Site-to-Site VPN Connection) S06 Router products which are compatible with EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec can connect to Virtual Hub on the VPN Server and establish Layer-2 (Ethernet) Bridging. R_ETHERIP Enable &EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Server Function B_DETAIL EtherIP / L2TPv3 &Detail Settings S07 IPsec &Common Settings S_PSK IPsec &Pre-Shared Key: S_PSK2 IPsec Pre-Shared Key is also called "PSKs" or "Secrets". Specify it with around eight ASCII characters, and let all VPN users know. IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_SM_ETHERIP CAPTION EtherIP / L2TPv3 Server Detail Settings S_TITLE EtherIP / L2TPv3 Server Detail Settings S01 EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec compatible routers can connect to Virtual Hubs on VPN Server and establish Layer-2 (Ethernet) Bridge. For instance, Cisco routers, NEC IX series and IIJ SEIL routers are recommended as compatible VPN routers. S02 In order to accept EtherIP / L2TPv3 protocol, define appropriate EtherIP / L2TPv3 Client Settings to identify the client site of the router beforehand. A EtherIP / L2TPv3 Client Setting must have a corresponding IPsec Phase 1 ID. S_BOLD &Table of IPsec Phase 1 ID and the Virtual Hub B_ADD &Add IDOK &Edit B_DELETE &Delete IDCANCEL E&xit PREFIX D_SM_ETHERIP_ID CAPTION EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Client Setting S01 The following Virtual Hub connection settings will be applied only when an EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Client is attempting to connect this VPN Server with an ISAKMP (IKE) Phase ID which is exactly equal to the value specified below. S02 ISAKMP Phase 1 &ID: S03 Virtual &Hub: S04 &Username: S05 &Password: S06 Note that the username and the password must be same as a registered on the Virtual Hub. An EtherIP / L2TPv3 Client will be regarded as it connected the Virtual Hub with the identification of the above user information. IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel S07 The ID must be exact same as an ID in the configuration of the EtherIP / L2TPv3 Client. You can specify IP address as well as characters as ID, if the EtherIP / L2TPv3 Client uses IP address as Phase 1 ID. You can specify '*' (asterisk) as a wildcard to match any other clients which don't match other explicit rules. PREFIX D_SM_OPENVPN CAPTION OpenVPN / MS-SSTP Settings S_TITLE OpenVPN / MS-SSTP VPN Clone Server Function Settings S_1 This VPN Server has the clone functions of OpenVPN software products by OpenVPN Technologies, Inc.\r\n\r\nAny OpenVPN Clients can connect to this VPN Server. R_OPENVPN Enable &OpenVPN Clone Server Function S_TOOL Sample File Generating Tool for OpenVPN Clients S_TOOL2 Making a OpenVPN Client configuration file is a very difficult job. You can use this tool to generate an appropriate OpenVPN Client configuration file. The generated configuration sample can be used immediately. B_CONFIG Generate a Sample &Configuration File for OpenVPN Clients S_2 Microsoft SSTP VPN Clone Server Function S_3 This VPN Server has the clone functions of MS-SSTP VPN Server which is on Windows Server 2008 / 2012 by Microsoft Corporation.\r\nBuilt-in MS-SSTP Clients on Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / RT / 10 can connect to this VPN Server. R_SSTP Enable &MS-SSTP VPN Clone Server Function S_SSTP The value of CN (Common Name) on the SSL certificate of VPN Server must match to the hostname specified on the client, and that certificate must be in the trusted list on the client. For details refer the Microsoft's documents. S_4 The manner to specify a username to connect to the Virtual Hub, and the selection rule of default Hub by using these clone server functions are same to the IPsec Server functions. B_IPSEC I&Psec Server Configuration S_13 OpenVPN Clone Server Function IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_SM_DDNS CAPTION Dynamic DNS Function S_TITLE Dynamic DNS Function S_BOLD This VPN Server has a Built-in Dynamic DNS Function. S_1 The Dynamic DNS assigns a unique and permanent DNS hostname for this VPN Server. You can use that hostname to specify this VPN Server on the settings for VPN Client and VPN Bridge. You need not to register and keep a domain name. S_22 Also, if your ISP assigns you a dynamic (not-fixed) IP address, the corresponding IP address of your Dynamic DNS hostname will be automatically changed. It enables you to keep running the VPN Server by using only a dynamic IP address.\r\nTherefore, you need not any longer to keep static global IP addresses with expenses monthly costs. S_3 Moreover, this VPN Server version supports 'NAT-Traversal' function. If the VPN Server is inside the NAT and is assigned only a private IP address, you can connect to that VPN Server from the Internet side without any special settings on the NAT beforehand. S_4 Current &Status: S_STATUS3 Assigned Dynamic DNS &Hostname: B_HINT Hint S_STATUS4 Global IPv&4 Address: S_STATUS5 Global IPv&6 Address: S_5 Modify the Settings: S_STATUS6 &Change the Dynamic DNS Hostname: S_STATUS7 Hostname is with only alphabets numeric, and dashes '-'. Three letters at least.\r\nYou can change it any time later. IDOK Set to &Above Hostname B_RESTORE &Restore S_2 If you are not connected to IPv6 Internet, "Global IPv6 Address" should show an error.\r\nA few countries or territories might prohibit Dynamic DNS Service. IDCANCEL E&xit B_DISABLE &Disable Dynamic DNS Function B_PROXY Connect via &Proxy Server... S_STATUS8 DNS Key: B_HINT2 Hint PREFIX D_SM_SPECIALLISTENER CAPTION VPN over ICMP / DNS Function Settings S_TITLE VPN over ICMP / DNS Function S_1 VPN over ICMP / DNS Function S_2 You can establish a VPN only with ICMP or DNS packets even if there is a firewall or routers which blocks TCP/IP communications. You need to enable the following functions beforehand. R_OVER_ICMP Enable VPN over &ICMP Server Function R_OVER_DNS Enable VPN over &DNS Server Function (Uses UDP Port 53) IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel S_3 Requires VPN Client / VPN Bridge internal version 4.0 or greater. S_4 Warning: Use this function for emergency only. It is helpful when a firewall or router is misconfigured to blocks TCP/IP, but either ICMP or DNS is not blocked. It is not for long-term stable using. PREFIX D_SM_REDIRECT CAPTION HTTP URL Redirection Settings S_1 The specified URL below will be mandatory replied to the client as a response for TCP connecting request packets which matches the conditions of this access list entry via this Virtual Hub.\r\n\r\nTo use this setting, you can enforce the web browser of the VPN Client computer to show the specified web site when that web browser tries to access the specific IP address. S_2 Specify a URL which redirects to. S_BOLD2 The &URL Redirect To: S_3 Example: S_4 Simple URL Redirection: S_5 Advanced URL Redirection: B_HINT &Usage of Advanced URL Redirection Function... S_6 Caption S_BOLD This function is for TCP/IP expert administrator. Read the following instructions and be careful to set up. S_7 This redirection rule is not effective in the case that the destination session of a packet matches the destination username or groupname of an access list entries. S_8 This redirection rule is ignored for non-TCP packets if it matches the condition. S_9 This redirection rule always replies HTTP redirect messages. (Not limited for port 80.) If you want to apply to only port 80, set the destination port to 80 on the condition of the access list entry. S_10 If as the result of redirection by this rule the client attempts to access the redirected URL and such a new request matches this rule again, the redirection results will be replied for such new requests. It will cause an infinite redirection loop. IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel S_11 The advanced redirection function can provide the VPN Session information to the CGI which is redirected to. PREFIX D_SW_WELCOME CAPTION D_SW_WELCOME S_WELCOME SoftEther VPN is freeware developed at University of Tsukuba, Japan. High-performance VPN with the ultimate compatibilities to many devices. Windows, Mac, smartphones, tablets (iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows RT) and Cisco or other VPN routers are supported. SoftEther VPN also accepts OpenVPN and MS-SSTP VPN clients. S_TITLE Extremely Powerful Open-Source VPN Software. PREFIX D_SW_MODE CAPTION D_SW_MODE R_SYSTEM &System Mode (Recommended) R_USER &User Mode S_1 Install the VPN software to this computer normally. The administrator privilege is required. S_USER Install the VPN software with the normal user privilege. No administrator privilege is required. Some functions such as Local Bridge will be disabled. Runs only the user "%s" is logged on Windows. S_2 SoftEther VPN can be installed by one of two methods.\r\n\r\nPlease select the System Mode normally.\r\n\r\nIf you cannot use the administrator privilege for some reasons, you can select the User Mode to continue the installation. PREFIX D_SW_NOT_ADMIN CAPTION D_SW_NOT_ADMIN S_INFO The user "%s" which is logged on Windows does not have the administrator privilege.\r\n\r\nLog off Windows, log on by the user who has the administrator privilege and restart the Setup Wizard if you want to continue the setup. S_INFO6 Click Finish to exit the Setup Wizard. S_INFO2 If you cannot use the administrator privilege, you can choose the User Mode installation.\r\nTo install the software in the User Mode, click Back. PREFIX D_SW_COMPONENTS CAPTION D_SW_COMPONENTS PREFIX D_SW_EULA CAPTION D_SW_EULA S_1 Please read the End User License Agreement carefully. B_AGREE I agree to the End User License Agreement. PREFIX D_SW_WARNING CAPTION D_SW_WARNING S_1 SoftEther VPN software has extremely powerful communication abilities. Before use please read the Important Notices carefully. PREFIX D_SW_DIR CAPTION D_SW_DIR S_INFO Please specify the directory to install %s. R_CUSTOM &Specify the Directory S_DEST &Directory: B_BROWSE &Browse... R_SHOWCUSTOM &Advanced Install Options for Experts R_FOR_SYSTEM Install on &Windows of this Computer Entirely R_FOR_USER Install only on the Environment of User "%s" S_WARNING Caution: Not recommended. After the user "%s" logs off Windows, %s will stop. Local Bridge function and L2TP/IPsec Function (supports for Mac and Smartphones) will be unavailabe. PREFIX D_SW_READY CAPTION D_SW_READY S_INFO Install of %s is ready. S_INFO7 Click Next to perform the install. PREFIX D_SW_PERFORM CAPTION D_SW_PERFORM S_INFO The setup of %s is in progress.\r\nPlease wait... S_INFO8 SoftEther VPN is a work of the research and development project of Japanese Government, subsidized by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, administrated by Information Promotion Agency. PREFIX D_SW_ERROR CAPTION D_SW_ERROR S_INFO An error occurred and the setup of %s is aborted.\r\n\r\nRestart the Setup Wizard if you want to retry. PREFIX D_SW_FINISH CAPTION D_SW_FINISH S_INFO The setup process of %s has completed successfully. S_INFO8 SoftEther VPN is a work of the research and development project of Japanese Government, subsidized by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, administrated by Information Promotion Agency. PREFIX D_SW_UNINST1 CAPTION D_SW_UNINST1 S_WELCOME The Setup Wizard can uninstall %s from the computer.\r\n\r\nClick Next if you want to start uninstall. S_TITLE %s Uninstall Wizard PREFIX D_SW_EASY1 CAPTION D_SW_EASY1 S_WELCOME Installing and setting up the VPN Clients to a lot of computers in the enterprise is a hard work. S_TITLE What is SoftEther VPN Client Easy Installer? S_WELCOME2 Easy Installer Creator is a tool for enterprise administrators. You can create a VPN Client installer with embedding a specific VPN connection setting by using Easy Installer Creator. Personal users can also exploit this tool. S_WELCOME3 A created Easy Installer can be distributed to employees in the enterprise by using file servers or e-mails. If a user runs the Easy Installer, VPN Client will be installed and the VPN connection setting will be imported, and then the VPN connection will be started automatically. PREFIX D_SW_EASY2 CAPTION D_SW_EASY2 S_BOLD1 Specify a VPN connection setting file (.vpn file) to embed S_1 Please specify a VPN connection setting file (a file which extension is .vpn) to embed on the Easy Installer. You can export a setting file by clicking Export VPN Connection Setting on the right-click menu of the target connection setting on the VPN Client Manager. S_18 Connection &Setting: B_BROWSE_SETTING &Browse... B_DELETE_SENSITIVE &Eliminate Username and Password from Connection Setting File S_BOLD2 Specify an EXE filename to be generated S_3 This tool will output an EXE file (executable file) which implements an Easy Installer. Please specify the output filename to be generated. S_19 Save &as: B_BROWSE_OUT B&rowse... B_EASYMODE Set the VPN Client Manager to &Easy Mode when Installation PREFIX D_SW_WEB1 CAPTION D_SW_WEB1 S_WELCOME You can create a SoftEther VPN Client Web Installer and upload it on the Web server in the enterprise. A user opens that web page and can install the SoftEther VPN Client automatically. You can also setup the automatic import and kick-start of a built-in VPN connection setting. S_TITLE What is SoftEther VPN Web Installer? S_WELCOME2 The generated Web Installer can be placed as HTML files on the intranet Web server. If an employee accesses to the URL of that HTML files, the SoftEther VPN Client Installer will be executed. S_WELCOME3 Using ActiveX Control. Internet Explorer 5.0, greater on Windows 2000 or greater are supported. Other web browsers or older operating systems (for example Windows 98) are not supported. PREFIX D_SW_WEB2 CAPTION D_SW_WEB2 S_BOLD1 Specify a VPN connection setting file (.vpn file) to embed S_1 Please specify a VPN connection setting file (a file which extension is .vpn) to embed on the Web Installer. You can export a setting file by clicking Export VPN Connection Setting on the right-click menu of the target connection setting on the VPN Client Manager. S_18 Connection &Setting: B_BROWSE_SETTING &Browse... B_DELETE_SENSITIVE &Eliminate Username and Password from Connection Setting File S_BOLD2 Specify the output filename to be generated S_3 This tool will output a ZIP file (archive file) which contains HTML files and CAB files that should be placed on the Web server. Please specify the output filename to be generated. S_19 Save &as: B_BROWSE_OUT B&rowse... B_EASYMODE Set the VPN Client Manager to &Easy Mode when Installation PREFIX D_UPDATE_NOTICE CAPTION Updates of %s IDOK &Show the Update Information... B_CONFIG &Configure Update... IDCANCEL &Do Not Show this Message Again S_INFO The latest version of %s is released. You can download it and update now. S_PRODUCT Software: S_CURRENT Current Version: S_CURRENT_STR Ver %u.%02u.%04u%s S_LATEST Latest Version: S_LATEST_STR Ver %S%s PREFIX D_UPDATE_CONFIG CAPTION Configuration of Update Notification S_INFO Checks the new versions of %s periodically and popup a notification when a new version will be released.\r\n\r\nHTTPS packets will be used between this computer and the SoftEther Update server located in Tsukuba-city, Ibaraki-prefecture, Japan in order to check updates. No personal information will be sent. S_TITLE %s Update and Notify Settings S_ENABLE &Enable Update Checks S_DISABLE &Disable Update Checks IDCANCEL &Close PREFIX D_SM_VMBRIDGE CAPTION Instructions for Local Bridge on VM S_TITLE Using Local Bridge Function on VM S_1 It has been detected that the VPN Server might be running on a VM (Virtual Machine) suchlike VMware or Hyper-V. Read the following instructions carefully. If you are not using a VM, please ignore this message. S_2 Some VMs prohibit the "Promiscuous Mode" (MAC Address Spoofing) on the network adapters by default.\r\n\r\nIf the Promiscuous Mode (MAC Address Spoofing) is administratively disabled, the Local Bridge function between a Virtual Hub on the VPN Server and a physical network adapter on the physical computer does not work well. You should allow the Promiscuous Mode (MAC Address Spoofing) by using the configuration tool of the VM.\r\n\r\nFor details please refer the documents of your VM. If it is a shared-VM and administrated by other person, please request the administrator to permit the use of the Promiscuous (MAC Address Spoofing) Mode to your VM. S_BOLD Instructions IDCANCEL &OK PREFIX D_SM_AZURE CAPTION VPN Azure Service Settings S_TITLE VPN Azure Cloud VPN Service (Free) S_1 VPN Azure makes it easier to establish a VPN Session from your home PC to your office PC. While a VPN connection is established, you can access to any other servers on the private network of your company. S_2 You don't need a global IP address on the office PC (VPN Server). It can work behind firewalls or NATs. No network administrator's configuration required. You can use the built-in SSTP-VPN Client of Windows in your home PC. S_3 VPN Azure is a cloud VPN service operated by SoftEther VPN Project. VPN Azure is free of charge and available to anyone. Press the right button to see details and how-to-use instructions. B_BOLD VPN Azure Setting R_ENABLE &Enable VPN Azure R_DISABLE &Disable VPN Azure S_HOSTNAME_BORDER Current VPN Azure Hostname S_HOSTNAME_INFO The VPN Azure hostname is same to the Dynamic DNS hostname, but altering the domain suffix to "vpnazure.net". B_CHANGE Change &Hostname B_WEB How to Use VPN Azure\r\n(Visit the Web) IDCANCEL &OK PREFIX D_SM_PROXY CAPTION Connect via Proxy Server STATIC9 You can connect via a proxy server. STATIC10 Proxy &Type: R_DIRECT_TCP &Direct TCP/IP Connection (No Proxy) R_HTTPS Connect via H&TTP Proxy Server R_SOCKS Connect via S&OCKS4 Proxy Server R_SOCKS5 Connect via S&OCKS5 Proxy Server B_PROXY_CONFIG P&roxy Server Setting IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_VGC_LIST CAPTION VPN Gate Academic Experimental Project Plugin for SoftEther VPN Client S_TITLE VPN Gate Public VPN Relay Servers S_INFO1 Gain freedom access to Internet by using VPN connection via Public VPN Servers provided by volunteers abound the world. Bypass your local malfunctioning firewall's packet blocking, and hide your IP address safely. IDOK &Connect to the VPN Server B_PROXY &Proxy Settings S_VLAN Virtual Network Adapter: B_WEB VPN Gate Academic\r\nWeb Site B_REFRESH &Refresh List S_REFRESH Refreshing the List... S_RESEARCH Academic project at University of Tsukuba, Japan. S_INFO9 A VPN Server with higher Line Speed (measured by Mbps) and smaller Ping result are usually more comfortable to use. You might be able to browse websites which are normally unreachable from your area if you use VPN servers that are not in your area. PREFIX D_VGC_PROTOCOL CAPTION Select VPN Protocol to Connect S_TITLE The Public VPN Relay Server "%S" (%S) supports both TCP and UDP as VPN protocol. S_INFO Select preferred VPN Protocol to use in order to connect the VPN Server "%S" (%S). In general, the TCP protocol is easy to pass through the firewall. Try the UDP protocol only if the TCP has been failed. R_TCP Use &TCP Protocol (Ethernet over HTTPS VPN) (Recommended) R_UDP Use &UDP Protocol (Ethernet over UDP VPN) IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_VGS_CONFIG CAPTION VPN Gate Service Control Panel R_ENABLE &Enable the VPN Gate Relay Service and Join the VPN Gate Research as a Volunteer. S_TITLE Join the VPN Gate Academic Research Project? S_INFO1 VPN Gate is an academic experiment for the research on the 'Distributed Public VPN Relay Server' technology, operated at the Graduate School on University of Tsukuba, Japan. VPN Gate Client users can connect to VPN Gate Services running on Public VPN Relay Servers, and enjoy unrestricted Internet access via the VPN Relay Server. S_INFO9 When a VPN Gate Client user accesses to a server on Internet, the source IP address will be replaced to the IP address of the relaying Public VPN Server. Consequently, the VPN Gate Client user will be able to browse overseas web sites smoothly even if the user's local firewall is out of order by an unknown reason and unable to pass such an access. S_WARNING If you check the above checkbox and press OK, the VPN Gate Relay Service will be activated on this computer. As the result, any VPN Gate Client will be able to communicate towards the Internet via the VPN Gate Relay Service. It is secure even if your computer is on the private network (e.g. corporate network) because any accesses to private IP addresses will not be permitted to pass via the VPN Gate Relay Service. B_OPTION VPN Gate Service &Option Settings... IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel B_WEB &Browse http://www.vpngate.net/ ... PREFIX D_VGS_OPTION CAPTION VPN Gate Service Options S_TITLE VPN Gate Service Options S_1 This computer will be a Public VPN Server. Please fill the operator's information of the server. The information will be published on the list at www.vpngate.net and other related services. The contact address will be also used to contact from VPN Gate Academic Project operators. S_2 Operator: S_3 &Operator of Server: S_19 (Up to 64 letters) S_20 &Abuse Report Address\r\n(e-mail addresses etc.): S_21 (Up to 64 letters) S_22 The &Message to Users:\r\n(Up to 128 letters) S_23 The message will be shown on the list of VPN Gate Servers. Enter an enjoyable message to let users feel pleasure. S_24 VPN Settings: R_LOG &Save VPN Packet Logs (Recommended) R_2WEEKS Auto Delete or Archive with Encoding for Packet Logs After &Two Weeks (Recommended) R_PERMANENT Make Packet Logs Occupy Free Disk Space &Permanently R_L2TP Enable &L2TP/IPsec VPN Server Function (Recommended) S_25 Allows Mac OS X, iPhone, iPad and Android clients to make a VPN connection. B_MESSAGE Pop-up Your Advertisement Message on the VPN Client &Screen ... IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel PREFIX D_VGS_WARNING CAPTION Caution before Joining VPN Gate Academic Experiment S1 The VPN Gate Academic Experiment Service is operated as a research project at the graduate school on University of Tsukuba, Japan. The service is governed under the Japanese laws. Other countries' laws are none of our concerns nor responsibilities. S2 By nature, there are almost 200 countries in the World, with different laws. It is impossible to verify every countries' laws and regulations and make the software comply with all countries' laws in advance to release the software. If a user uses VPN Gate service in a specific country, and damaged by public servants of the authority, the developer of either the service or software will never be liable to recover or compensate such damages or criminal responsibilities. S3 By using this software and service, the user must observe all concerned laws and rules with user's own responsibility. The user will be completely liable to any damages and responsibilities which are results of using this software and service, regardless of either inside or outside of Japan's territory. S4 If you don't agree nor understand the above warnings, do not use any of VPN Gate Academic Experiment Service functions. S5 Note: VPN Gate is a research project for just academic purpose only. VPN Gate was developed as a plug-in for SoftEther VPN and UT-VPN. However, all parts of VPN Gate were developed on this research project at University of Tsukuba. Any parts of VPN Gate are not developed by SoftEther VPN Project. The VPN Gate Research Project is not a subject to be led, operated, promoted nor guaranteed by SoftEther VPN Project. R_NEVER Do Not &Show This Message Again B_WEB Visit VPN Gate &Web Site... IDOK &Agree IDCANCEL &Disagree S_BOLD Caution! Do Not Use the VPN Gate Services in Countries where VPN Communications are Prohibited. PREFIX D_NM_PUSH CAPTION Edit the static routing table to push S1 This Virtual DHCP Server can push the classless static routes (RFC 3442) with DHCP reply messages to VPN clients. S2 Whether or not a VPN client can recognize the classless static routes (RFC 3442) depends on the target VPN client software. SoftEther VPN Client and OpenVPN Client are supporting the classless static routes. On L2TP/IPsec and MS-SSTP protocols, the compatibility depends on the implementation of the client software. S3 You can realize the split tunneling if you clear the default gateway field on the Virtual DHCP Server options. On the client side, L2TP/IPsec and MS-SSTP clients need to be configured not to set up the default gateway for the split tunneling usage. S4 You can also push the classless static routes (RFC 3442) by your existing external DHCP server. In that case, disable the Virtual DHCP Server function on SecureNAT, and you need not to set up the classless routes on this screen. S5 Edit the static routing table to push S6 Example:,\r\n\r\nSplit multiple entries (maximum: 64 entries) by comma or space characters.\r\nEach entry must be specified in the "IP network address/subnet mask/gateway IP address" format. S7 See the RFC 3442 to understand the classless routes. IDOK &OK IDCANCEL Cancel ########################################################################### # # #String data of menus in software # # # ########################################################################### # Connection Manager menu PREFIX CM_MENU # [Connect] menu CMD_TOP_CONNECT &Connect CMD_CONNECT C&onnect\tEnter CMD_STATUS View &Status...\tCtrl+S CMD_DISCONNECT D&isconnect\tCtrl+D CMD_DISCONNECT_ALL Disconnect &All\tCtrl+I CMD_NEW &New VPN Connection Setting...\tCtrl+N CMD_CLONE &Copy\tCtrl+C CMD_SHORTCUT Create VPN Connection S&hortcut... CMD_EXPORT_ACCOUNT E&xport VPN Connection Setting... CMD_IMPORT_ACCOUNT Im&port VPN Connection Setting... CMD_STARTUP Se&t as Startup Connection\tCtrl+T CMD_NOSTARTUP R&emove Startup Connection CMD_RECENT Recent &VPN Servers CMD_RENAME Rena&me\tF2 CMD_DELETE &Delete\tDel CMD_PROPERTY P&roperties...\tAlt+Enter CMD_EXIT Cl&ose Connection Manager\tAlt+F4 CMD_QUIT E&xit Connection Manager Program\tAlt+Q # [Edit] menu CMD_TOP_EDIT &Edit CMD_SELECT_ALL Select &All\tCtrl+A CMD_SWITCH_SELECT Sw&itch Selection # [View] menu CMD_TOP_VIEW &View CMD_STATUSBAR Show &Status Bar CMD_VISTASTYLE Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 Styles CMD_SHOWPORT Show &Ports on Connection List CMD_TRAYICON Show Icons on &Task Tray CMD_ICON &Icon CMD_DETAIL &Detail CMD_GRID Display &Grid CMD_REFRESH &Refresh\tF5 # [VLAN] menu CMD_TOP_VLAN Virtua&l Adapter CMD_NEW_VLAN &New Virtual Network Adapter...\tCtrl+L CMD_ENABLE_VLAN &Enable Virtual Network Adapter\tCtrl+E CMD_DISABLE_VLAN Dis&able Virtual Network Adapter\tCtrl+B CMD_DELETE_VLAN &Delete Virtual Network Adapter\tDel CMD_REINSTALL &Reinstall Driver...\tCtrl+U CMD_WINNET Open Windows Network Connections...\tCtrl+W # [Connect] menu CMD_TOP_SECURE &Smart Card CMD_SECURE_MANAGER Smart Card &Manager...\tCtrl+G CMD_SECURE_SELECT &Select a Smart Card to Use... # [Tools] menu CMD_TOP_TOOL &Tools CMD_PASSWORD Set &Password...\tCtrl+P CMD_TRUST Manage &Trusted CA Certificate List\tCtrl+R CMD_NETIF &Network Device Status... CMD_TCPIP TCP Optimization &Utility... CMD_MMCSS Optimization for Windows &Vista / 7 / 8 / 10... CMD_TRAFFIC Network T&raffic Speed Test Tool...\tCtrl+Q CMD_CM_SETTING Switch Operation &Mode... CMD_LANGUAGE &Language Settings... CMD_OPTION &Options...\tCtrl+O # [Voice] menu CMD_TOP_VOICE V&oice CMD_VOIDE_NONE Voice Gui&de Off CMD_VOICE_NORMAL &Normal Voice Guide CMD_VOICE_ODD Extended V&oice Guide # [Help] menu CMD_TOP_HELP &Help CMD_ABOUT &About... ########################################################################### # # # Command prompt string data # # # ########################################################################### PREFIX NULL # Console system general CON_INFILE_ERROR Error: Unable to open the specified input file "%s". CON_OUTFILE_ERROR Error: Unable to create the specified output file "%s". CON_INFILE_START The commands written in the file "%s" will be used instead of input from keyboard. CON_OUTFILE_START The message output to the console will be saved in the file "%s". CON_USER_CANCEL [EOF] CON_UNKNOWN_CMD "%S": Command not found. \nYou can use the HELP command to view a list of the available commands. CON_AMBIGUOUS_CMD "%S": The command-name is ambiguous. CON_AMBIGUOUS_CMD_1 The specified command name matches the following multiple commands. CON_AMBIGUOUS_CMD_2 Please re-specify the command name more strictly. CON_INVALID_PARAM The parameter "/%S" has been specified. It is not possible to specify this parameter when using the command "%S". Input "%S /HELP" to see the list of what parameters can be used. CON_AMBIGUOUS_PARAM "%S": The parameter name is ambiguous. CON_AMBIGUOUS_PARAM_1 The specified parameter name matches with the following parameters that can be specified as a parameter of command "%S". CON_AMBIGUOUS_PARAM_2 Please re-specify the parameter name more strictly. # Unknown command CMD_UNKNOWM There is no description for this command. CMD_UNKNOWN_HELP There is no detailed description for this command. If you would like to know more detail about this command, please refer to the manual or online documentation. CMD_UNKNOWN_ARGS There is no command execution example. CMD_UNKNOWN_PARAM There is no description for this parameter. # Strings being used within console system CMD_HELP_1 You can use the following %u commands: CMD_HELP_2 To reference the usage for each command, input "command name ?" to view a help. CMD_EVAL_MIN_MAX You must specify an integer in the range from %u to %u for the value. CMD_PROMPT Enter a value: CMD_EVAL_NOT_EMPTY You cannot make a blank specification. CMD_EVAL_SAFE The string contains unusable characters. CMD_EVAL_INT You must specify an integer that is not less than 1. CMD_HELP_TITLE Help for command "%S" CMD_HELP_DESCRIPTION Purpose: CMD_HELP_USAGE Usage: CMD_HELP_HELP Description: CMD_HELP_ARGS Parameters: CMD_PROMPT_PORT Input the port number: CMD_EVAL_PORT Port number is invalid. Specify a port number that is within the range of 1 to 65535. CMD_CT_STD_COLUMN_1 Item CMD_CT_STD_COLUMN_2 Value CMD_CT_STD_COLUMN_3 Description CMD_PARSE_IP_SUBNET_ERROR_1_6 Specify in the format of "IPv6 address/subnet mask". \nSpecify the IPv6 address by separating the hexadecimal values using colons such as "2001:200:0:1::". For the subnet mask, either specify hexadecimal values separated by colons such as "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::", or you can specify the bit length of subnet mask using a decimal value such as 64. \nTo specify a standalone host, specify the subnet mask as either "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff" or "128". \n(Example)\n2001:200:0:1::/64\n2001:200:0:1::/ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::\n2001:200:0:1::5/12\n\n CMD_PARSE_IP_SUBNET_ERROR_1 Specify in the format of "IPv4 address/subnet mask". \nSpecify the IPv4 address by separating the decimal values using dots such as "". For the subnet mask, either specify decimal values separated by dots such as "", or you can specify the bit length of subnet mask using a decimal value such as 24. \nTo specify a standalone host, specify the subnet mask as either "" or "32". \n(Example)\n\n\n192.168.0.5/\n\n CMD_PARSE_IP_SUBNET_ERROR_2 The specified IP address is not a network address. CMD_PARSE_IP_SUBNET_ERROR_3 The specified IP address is not a network prefix address. CMD_EVAL_DATE_TIME_FAILED The date and time specification is invalid. \nThe date and time must be in the same format as "2005/10/08 19:30:00" where 6 integers are specified, representing year/month/day hour:minute:second separated by forward slashes, a space and then colons. Specify 4 digits for the year. CMD_PARSE_IP_MASK_ERROR_1_6 Specify in the format of "IPv6 address/mask". \nSpecify the IPv6 address by separating the hexadecimal values using colons such as "2001:200:0:1::". For the mask, either specify hexadecimal values separated by colons such as "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::", or you can specify the bit length of mask using a decimal value such as 64. \nTo specify a standalone host, specify the mask as either "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff" or "128". \n(Example)\n2001:200:0:1::/64\n2001:200:0:1::/ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::\n2001:200:0:1::5/12\n\n CMD_PARSE_IP_MASK_ERROR_1 Specify in the format of "IPv4 address/mask". \nSpecify the IPv4 address by separating the decimal values using dots such as "". For the mask, either specify decimal values separated by dots such as "", or you can specify the bit length of mask using a decimal value such as 24. \nTo specify a standalone host, specify the mask as either "" or "32". \n(Example)\n\n\n192.168.0.5/\n\n # Common messages CMD_MSG_INVALID_HOSTNAME Specified host name is invalid. CMD_MSG_OK The command completed successfully. CMD_MSG_ALLOW Allow CMD_MSG_DENY Deny CMD_MSG_INFINITE Infinite CMD_MSG_ENABLE Enable CMD_MSG_DISABLE Disable CMD_MSG_LOAD_CERT_FAILED Unable to read the specified X.509 certificate file. CMD_MSG_SAVE_CERT_FAILED Failed to write the X.509 certificate file. CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_NAME VPN Connection Setting Name CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_HOSTNAME Destination VPN Server Host Name CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_PORT Destination VPN Server Port Number CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_HUBNAME Destination VPN Server Virtual Hub Name CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_PROXY_TYPE Proxy Server Type CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_PROXY_HOSTNAME Proxy Server Host Name CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_PROXY_PORT Proxy Server Port Number CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_PROXY_USERNAME Proxy Server User Name CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_SERVER_CERT_USE Verify Server Certificate CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_SERVER_CERT_NAME Registered Server Individual Certificate CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_DEVICE_NAME Device Name Used for Connection CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_AUTH_TYPE Authentication Type CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_AUTH_USERNAME User Name CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_AUTH_CERT_NAME Client Certificate for Authentication Use CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_NUMTCP Number of TCP Connections to Use in VPN Communication CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_TCP_INTERVAL Interval between Establishing Each TCP Connection CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_TCP_TTL Connection Life of Each TCP Connection CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_TCP_HALF Use Half Duplex Mode CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_ENCRYPT Encryption by SSL CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_COMPRESS Data Compression CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_BRIDGE_ROUTER Connect by Bridge / Router Mode CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_MONITOR Connect by Monitoring Mode CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_NO_TRACKING No Adjustment for Routing Table CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_QOS_DISABLE Do not Use QoS Control Function CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_DISABLEUDP Disable UDP Acceleration # Debugging Information Collecting Tool CMD_DEBUG_SOFTNAME Debugging Information Collecting Tool CMD_DEBUG_PRINT Debugging Information Collecting Tool\r\n\r\n CMD_DEBUG_NOT_2000 Windows 2000 or later is required. CMD_DEBUG_NOT_ADMIN You must login as Administrators on Windows to execute this command. CMD_DEBUG_UAC_FAILED Failed to obtain the Administrators privilege. CMD_DEBUG_SAVE_TITLE Specify Destination Path to Save File CMD_DEBUG_OK A debugging information file was saved as "%s".\r\n\r\nSend this file to your support staff.\r\nYou must verify the contents of this file before sending it to the support staff.\r\nRemove confidential information on this file with your responsibility and by yourself if there are some confidential information which you don't want to disclose it to the staff.\r\n\r\nIf you ignore the confidential information contained on the file, and you agree to send the entire file to the support staff, it means that you have agreed to disclose the entire contents of the file to the support staff. CMD_DEBUG_NG Failed to save the debugging information as "%s". # TEST command CMD_TEST Executing test operation. CMD_TEST_HELP This is a test command. Executing test operation. With the test command, you can specify a number of arguments. You can omit the number of arguments. CMD_TEST_ARGS Test [/A1:a_str] [/A2:b_str] [/A3:int_value] CMD_TEST_A1 Specifies parameter A1. This can be omitted. CMD_TEST_A2 Specifies parameter A2. If this is omitted, a prompt will be displayed to input parameter A2 when the command is executed. You cannot make a blank specification. CMD_TEST_A3 Specify a numeric value. You must specify an integer that is within the range of 1 to 100. Specifying an integer outside that range will cause an error message to be displayed. CMD_TEST_EVAL_A2 You cannot make a blank specification for parameter A2. CMD_IP_EVAL_FAILED The IP address is incorrectly specified. CMD_HOSTPORT_EVAL_FAILED The host name and port number specification is invalid. \nPlease specify using the format of host name:port number, or IP address:port number. CMD_PORTLIST_EVAL_FAILED The port number list specification is invalid. \nThe list must have at least one port number set, and it is also possible to set multiple port numbers. When specifying multiple port numbers, separate them using a comma such as "443,992,8888". CMD_PROTOCOL_EVAL_FAILED The protocol is incorrectly specified. Specify either ip, tcp, udp, icmpv4, icmpv6 or a protocol number (0 to 255) for the protocol. CMD_PORT_RANGE_EVAL_FAILED The port number or the port number range was incorrectly specified. If specifying only one port number, an integer must be used to specify that port number. If specifying multiple ports, specify the beginning port number and the end port number joined together by a hyphen like "80-443". CMD_TCP_CONNECTION_STATE_EVAL_FAILED The TCP connection state specification is invalid. Specify either "Established" or "Unestablished" and specify TCP when selecting protocol. CMD_MAC_ADDRESS_AND_MASK_EVAL_FAILED The MAC address and mask specification is invalid. Use hexadecimal number with the separators, "-" or ":", and without the separators. An example is "00-AC-84-EA-33-BC/FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF". CMD_EXEC_MSG_NAME %S command - %s CMD_ID ID CMD_FILE_NOT_FOUND Cannot find specified file "%s". CMD_FILE_NAME_EMPTY The file name is not specified. CMD_SAVECERTPATH Save X.509 certificate to file name: CMD_SAVECERT_FAILED Failed to save the certificate file. CMD_SAVEKEYPATH Save private key to file name: CMD_SAVEKEY_FAILED Failed to save the private key file. CMD_SAVEFILE_FAILED Failed to save the file. CMD_LOADFILE_FAILED Failed to open the file. CMD_LOADCERTPATH Read X.509 certificate from file name: CMD_LOADCERT_FAILED Failed to read certificate file. CMD_LOADKEYPATH Read private key from file name: CMD_LOADKEY_FAILED Failed to read private key file. CMD_LOADKEY_ENCRYPTED_1 The specified private key file is protected by a passphrase. CMD_LOADKEY_ENCRYPTED_2 Please enter the passphrase: CMD_LOADKEY_ENCRYPTED_3 The passphrase is incorrect. CMD_KEYPAIR_FAILED The X.509 certificate and private key combination has been incorrectly specified. \r\nA certificate and a private key that corresponds to that certificate is required. CMD_CERT_NOT_EXISTS The certificate is not registered. CMD_NO_SETTINGS - CMD_DISCONNECTED_MSG \n--- Error ---\n\nThe communication session with the host you were managing has been disconnected. From now on, if you run any commands an error will occur. \n\nTo reconnect to the host you were managing, first leave the prompt by inputting "EXIT" and then reconnect. \n\n # VPNCMD コマンド CMD_VPNCMD SoftEther VPN Command Line Management Utility Developer Edition CMD_VPNCMD_HELP The 'vpncmd' program is a utility that allows you to manage SoftEther VPN software by using command lines. By using vpncmd, you can connect to a VPN Client, a VPN Server or VPN Bridge that is running on a local or remote computer and manage these services. Moreover, by using VPN Tools mode, you can call the Network Traffic Speed Test Tool and the certificate creation function. These can be used even when not connected to the VPN Server or VPN Client. \nWhen using vpncmd, if the file name is specified by using the /IN and /OUT parameter, the command can be executed in a batch according to a file in which the executable commands are enumerated and the execution results can be written to a file. Normally a command prompt will appear after vpncmd is launched but when an input file is specified by the /IN parameter, the program will automatically terminate after the execution of all lines in the input file is complete. Also, when a command to execute is specified by the /CMD parameter, the program will automatically terminate after the execution of that command is complete. You cannot specify the /IN parameter and the /CMD parameter at the same time. The termination code of the vpncmd program will be the error code of the last executed command (0 in the case of successful execution). \nUnder a Windows environment, when vpncmd is launched once or more by a user with administrator privileges, it is possible to simply input 'vpncmd' to a Windows command prompt or [Run...] window to launch vpncmd. To achieve the same result under a UNIX system, you can manually set, as appropriate, the PATH environment variable. CMD_VPNCMD_ARGS vpncmd [host:port] [/CLIENT|/SERVER|/TOOLS] [/HUB:hub] [/ADMINHUB:adminhub] [/PASSWORD:password] [/IN:infile] [/OUT:outfile] [/CMD commands...] CMD_VPNCMD_[host:port] By specifying parameters in the format "host name:port number", a connection will automatically be made to that host. If this is not specified, a prompt will appear to input the connection destination. When connecting to a VPN Client, you cannot specify a port number. CMD_VPNCMD_CLIENT This will connect to VPN Client to do management. You cannot specify it together with /SERVER. CMD_VPNCMD_SERVER This will connect to VPN Server or VPN Bridge to do management. You cannot specify it together with /CLIENT. CMD_VPNCMD_TOOLS This will enables use of VPN Tools commands. VPN Tools include the simple certificate creation tool (MakeCert command) and the Network Traffic Speed Test Tool (SpeedTest command). CMD_VPNCMD_HUB When connecting to the VPN Server by "Virtual Hub Admin Mode", this specifies the Virtual Hub name 'hub'. If you specify the host name but not the /HUB parameter, connection will be by "Server Admin Mode". CMD_VPNCMD_ADMINHUB This will specify the name of the Virtual Hub 'adminhub' that is automatically selected after connecting to the VPN Server. If the /HUB parameter was specified, the Virtual Hub will be selected automatically and this specification will not be necessary. CMD_VPNCMD_PASSWORD If the administrator password is required when connecting, specify the password 'password'. When the password is not specified, a prompt to input the password will be displayed. CMD_VPNCMD_IN This will specify the text file 'infile' that contains the list of commands that are automatically executed after the connection is completed. If the /IN parameter is specified, the vpncmd program will terminate automatically after the execution of all commands in the file are finished. If the file contains multiple-byte characters, the encoding must be Unicode (UTF-8). This cannot be specified together with /CMD (if /CMD is specified, /IN will be ignored). CMD_VPNCMD_OUT You can specify the text file 'outfile' to write all strings such as onscreen prompts, message, error and execution results. Note that if the specified file already exists, the contents of the existing file will be overwritten. Output strings will be recorded using Unicode (UTF-8) encoding. CMD_VPNCMD_CMD If the optional command 'commands...' is included after /CMD, that command will be executed after the connection is complete and the vpncmd program will terminate after that. This cannot be specified together with /IN (if specified together with /IN, /IN will be ignored). Specify the /CMD parameter after all other vpncmd parameters. CMD_VPNCMD_CSV You can specify this option to enable CSV outputs. Results of each command will be printed in the CSV format. It is useful for processing the results by other programs. CMD_VPNCMD_CS_1 By using vpncmd program, the following can be achieved. \n\n1. Management of VPN Server or VPN Bridge \n2. Management of VPN Client\n3. Use of VPN Tools (certificate creation and Network Traffic Speed Test Tool)\n\n CMD_VPNCMD_CS_2 Select 1, 2 or 3: CMD_VPNCMD_HOST_1 Specify the host name or IP address of the computer that the destination VPN Server or VPN Bridge is operating on. \nBy specifying according to the format 'host name:port number', you can also specify the port number. \n(When the port number is unspecified, 443 is used.)\nIf nothing is input and the Enter key is pressed, the connection will be made to the port number 443 of localhost (this computer). CMD_VPNCMD_HOST_2 Specify the host name or IP address of the computer that the destination VPN Client is operating on. \nIf nothing is input and Enter is pressed, connection will be made to localhost (this computer). CMD_VPNCMD_HOST_3 Hostname of IP Address of Destination: CMD_VPNCMD_HUB_1 If connecting to the server by Virtual Hub Admin Mode, please input the Virtual Hub name. \nIf connecting by server admin mode, please press Enter without inputting anything. CMD_VPNCMD_HUB_2 Specify Virtual Hub Name: CMD_VPNCMD_ABOUT SoftEther VPN Command Line Management Utility (vpncmd command)\nDeveloper Edition\n%S\n%S\nCopyright (c) all contributors on SoftEther VPN project in GitHub.\nCopyright (c) Daiyuu Nobori, SoftEther Project at University of Tsukuba, and SoftEther Corporation.\nAll rights reserved.\n CMD_VPNCMD_PASSWORD_1 Access has been denied. Possibly the password is incorrect, or perhaps you are connecting by an incorrect admin mode. You can try inputting the password again. To cancel, press Ctrl+D. CMD_VPNCMD_PASSWORD_2 Password: CMD_VPNCMD_ERROR Error occurred. (Error code: %u)\n%s CMD_VPNCMD_SERVER_CONNECTED Connection has been established with VPN Server "%S" (port %u). CMD_VPNCMD_SERVER_CONNECTED_1 You have administrator privileges for the entire VPN Server. CMD_VPNCMD_SERVER_CONNECTED_2 You have administrator privileges for Virtual Hub '%S' on the VPN Server. CMD_VPNCMD_CLIENT_NO_REMODE The destination VPN Client server does not allow administrating connections from remote computers. Launch the command line management utility or VPN Client Manager on the computer that VPN Client is running on and connect to localhost. CMD_VPNCMD_PWPROMPT_0 Please enter the password. To cancel press the Ctrl+D key. CMD_VPNCMD_PWPROMPT_1 Password: CMD_VPNCMD_PWPROMPT_2 Confirm input: CMD_VPNCMD_PWPROMPT_3 The password and the password confirmation do not match. Please input the password and confirmation again. CMD_VPNCMD_CLIENT_CONNECTED Connected to VPN Client "%S". CMD_VPNCMD_TOOLS_CONNECTED VPN Tools has been launched. By inputting HELP, you can view a list of the commands that can be used. ####################################################### # # # Management commands for VPN Server are listed below # # # ####################################################### # About command CMD_About Display the version information CMD_About_HELP This displays the version information of this command line management utility. Included in the version information are the vpncmd version number, build number and build information. CMD_About_ARGS About # ServerInfoGet command CMD_ServerInfoGet Get server information CMD_ServerInfoGet_Help This allows you to obtain the server information of the currently connected VPN Server or VPN Bridge. Included in the server information are the version number, build number and build information. You can also obtain information on the current server operation mode and the information of operating system that the server is operating on. CMD_ServerInfoGet_Args ServerInfoGet # ServerStatusGet command CMD_ServerStatusGet Get Current Server Status CMD_ServerStatusGet_Help This allows you to obtain in real-time the current status of the currently connected VPN Server or VPN Bridge. You can get statistical information on data communication and the number of different kinds of objects that exist on the server. You can get information on how much memory is being used on the current computer by the OS. CMD_ServerStatusGet_Args ServerStatusGet # ListenerCreate command CMD_ListenerCreate Create New TCP Listener CMD_ListenerCreate_Help This allows you to create a new TCP Listener on the server. By creating the TCP Listener the server starts listening for a connection from clients at the specified TCP/IP port number. \nA TCP Listener that has been created can be deleted by the ListenerDelete command. \nYou can also get a list of TCP Listeners currently registered by using the ListenerList command. \nnTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_ListenerCreate_Args ListenerCreate [port] CMD_ListenerCreate_[port] Using an integer, specify the newly added TCP/IP listener port number. You can also use a port number that is already being used by a different program; however the VPN Server will not be able to use it until that program ends the use of that port. Specify a port number that is within the range of 1 to 65535. CMD_ListenerCreate_PortPrompt Port number of newly added TCP/IP Listener: # ListenerDelete command CMD_ListenerDelete Delete TCP Listener CMD_ListenerDelete_Help This allows you to delete a TCP Listener that's registered on the server. When the TCP Listener is in a state of operation, the listener will automatically be deleted when its operation stops. \nYou can also get a list of TCP Listeners currently registered by using the ListenerList command. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_ListenerDelete_Args ListenerDelete [port] CMD_ListenerDelete_[port] Using an integer, specify the TCP/IP listener port number you want to delete. CMD_ListenerDelete_PortPrompt Port number of TCP/IP Listener: # ListenerList command CMD_ListenerList Get List of TCP Listeners CMD_ListenerList_Help This allows you to get a list of TCP listeners registered on the current server. You can obtain information on whether the various TCP listeners have a status of operating or error. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_ListenerList_Args ListenerList CMD_ListenerList_Column1 TCP Port Number CMD_ListenerList_Column2 Status # ListenerEnable command CMD_ListenerEnable Begin TCP Listener Operation CMD_ListenerEnable_Help This starts the operation of stopped TCP Listeners registered on the current server. \nYou can also get a list of TCP Listeners currently registered by using the ListenerList command. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_ListenerEnable_Args ListenerEnable [port] CMD_ListenerEnable_[port] Using an integer, specify the port number of the TCP/IP listener you want to start. CMD_ListenerEnable_PortPrompt Port number of TCP/IP Listener to start: # ListenerDisable command CMD_ListenerDisable Stop TCP Listener Operation CMD_ListenerDisable_Help This stops the operation of operating TCP Listeners registered on the current server. \nYou can also get a list of TCP Listeners currently registered by using the ListenerList command. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_ListenerDisable_Args ListenerDisable [port] CMD_ListenerDisable_[port] Using an integer, specify the port number of the TCP/IP listener you want to stop. CMD_ListenerDisable_PortPrompt Port number of TCP/IP Listener to start: # PortsUDPSet command CMD_PortsUDPSet Sets the UDP ports that the server should listen on CMD_PortsUDPSet_Help This command can be used to specify a single or multiple UDP ports the server should listen on. \nYou can specify a port that is used by another process, however the server will not be able to use it until the port becomes free. \nSpecify a port number that is within the range of 1 to 65535. \nYou can list the ports that are currently set with the PortsUDPGet command. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_PortsUDPSet_Args PortsUDPSet [ports] CMD_PortsUDPSet_[ports] Multiple UDP ports can be specified by splitting them with a space or a comma, for example: "443, 992, 1194, 5555". \nSpecify "0" to disable the UDP listener. \n\nPorts: # PortsUDPGet command CMD_PortsUDPGet Lists the UDP ports that the server is listening on CMD_PortsUDPGet_Help This command can be used to retrieve the UDP ports the server is listening on. \nYou can set the ports with the PortsUDPSet command. CMD_PortsUDPGet_Args PortsUDPGet CMD_PortsUDPGet_Ports UDP ports # ProtoOptionsSet command CMD_ProtoOptionsSet Sets an option's value for the specified protocol CMD_ProtoOptionsSet_Help This command can be used to change an option's value for a specific protocol. \nYou can retrieve the options using the ProtoOptionsGet command. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_ProtoOptionsSet_Args ProtoOptionsSet [protocol] [/NAME:option_name] [/VALUE:string/true/false] CMD_ProtoOptionsSet_[protocol] Protocol name. CMD_ProtoOptionsSet_NAME Option name. CMD_ProtoOptionsSet_VALUE Option value. Make sure to write a value that is accepted by the specified protocol! CMD_ProtoOptionsSet_Prompt_[protocol] Protocol: CMD_ProtoOptionsSet_Prompt_NAME Option: CMD_ProtoOptionsSet_Prompt_VALUE Value: # ProtoOptionsGet command CMD_ProtoOptionsGet Lists the options for the specified protocol CMD_ProtoOptionsGet_Help This command can be used to retrieve the options for a specific protocol. \nDetailed info (e.g. value type) will be shown. \nYou can change an option's value with the ProtoOptionsSet command. CMD_ProtoOptionsGet_Args ProtoOptionsGet [protocol] CMD_ProtoOptionsGet_[protocol] Protocol name. CMD_ProtoOptionsGet_Prompt_[protocol] Protocol: CMD_ProtoOptionsGet_Column_Name Name CMD_ProtoOptionsGet_Column_Type Type CMD_ProtoOptionsGet_Column_Value Value CMD_ProtoOptionsGet_Column_Description Description # ProtoOptions CMD_ProtoOptions_Description_OpenVPN_DefaultClientOption When OpenVPN is compiled without OCC code, it doesn't send the options string to the server. The original OpenVPN server still works, because the configuration is static. SoftEther VPN is heuristic and wants to support as many different configurations as possible. This option allows to define the string that is sent to clients built without OCC code, so that they can successfully connect. CMD_ProtoOptions_Description_OpenVPN_Obfuscation This may help an OpenVPN client bypass firewalls that are aware of the protocol and block it. The same XOR mask has to be applied client-side, otherwise it will not be able to connect with certain obfuscation methods! CMD_ProtoOptions_Description_OpenVPN_ObfuscationMask Mask used to XOR the bytes in the packet (used for certain obfuscation modes). CMD_ProtoOptions_Description_OpenVPN_PingSendInterval Interval in milliseconds between each ping packet transmission. CMD_ProtoOptions_Description_OpenVPN_PushDummyIPv4AddressOnL2Mode There's a bug that manifests under certain circumstances on Linux. It causes the OpenVPN client to disconnect unless the TAP device is UP. This option tells the server to push a dummy IPv4 address (RFC7600) to the client, so that the TAP adapter is forced to be UP. CMD_ProtoOptions_Description_OpenVPN_Timeout Time in milliseconds after which the session is forcifully interrupted if no packets are received from the client in the meantime. # ServerPasswordSet command CMD_ServerPasswordSet Set VPN Server Administrator Password CMD_ServerPasswordSet_Help This sets the VPN Server administrator password. You can specify the password as a parameter. If the password is not specified, a prompt will be displayed to input the password and password confirmation. If you include the password as a parameter, this password will be displayed momentarily on the screen, which poses a risk. We recommend that whenever possible, avoid specifying this parameter and input the password using the password prompt. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_ServerPasswordSet_Args ServerPasswordSet [password] CMD_ServerPasswordSet_[password] This specifies a new password setting. # ClusterSettingGet command CMD_ClusterSettingGet Get Clustering Configuration of Current VPN Server CMD_ClusterSettingGet_Help You can use this to acquire the clustering configuration of the current VPN Server. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_ClusterSettingGet_Args ClusterSettingGet CMD_ClusterSettingGet_Current Current Configuration CMD_ClusterSettingGet_None (No setting) CMD_ClusterSettingGet_PublicIp Public IP Address CMD_ClusterSettingGet_PublicPorts List of Public Ports CMD_ClusterSettingGet_Controller Destination Controller CMD_ClusterSettingGet_ControllerOnly Controller Function Only CMD_ClusterSettingGet_Weight Performance Standard in Cluster # ClusterSettingStandalone command CMD_ClusterSettingStandalone Set VPN Server Type as Standalone CMD_ClusterSettingStandalone_Help Use this to set the VPN Server type as Standalone Server. Standalone server means a VPN Server that does not belong to any cluster in its current state. When VPN Server is installed, by default it will be in standalone server mode. Unless you have particular plans to configure a cluster, we recommend the VPN Server be operated in standalone mode. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nAlso, when this command is executed, VPN Server will automatically restart. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. CMD_ClusterSettingStandalone_Args ClusterSettingStandalone # ClusterSettingController command CMD_ClusterSettingController Set VPN Server Type as Cluster Controller CMD_ClusterSettingController_Help Use this to set the VPN Server type as Cluster Controller. A cluster controller is the central computer of all member servers of a cluster in the case where a clustering environment is made up of multiple VPN Servers. A cluster requires one computer to serve this role. The other cluster member servers that are configured in the same cluster begin operation as a cluster member by connecting to the cluster controller. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nAlso, when this command is executed, VPN Server will automatically restart. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. CMD_ClusterSettingController_Args ClusterSettingController [/WEIGHT:weight] [/ONLY:yes|no] CMD_ClusterSettingController_WEIGHT This sets a value for the performance standard ratio of this VPN Server. This is the standard value for when load balancing is performed in the cluster. Normally it is 100. For example, making only one machine 200 while the other members have a status of 100, will regulate that machine to receive twice as many connections as the other members during load balancing. Specify 1 or higher for the value. If this parameter is left unspecified, 100 will be used. CMD_ClusterSettingController_ONLY By specifying "yes" here, the VPN Server will operate only as a controller on the cluster and it will always distribute general VPN Client connections to members other than itself. This function is used in high-load environments. If this parameter is left unspecified, "no" will be used. # ClusterSettingMember command CMD_ClusterSettingMember Set VPN Server Type as Cluster Member CMD_ClusterSettingMember_Help Use this to set the VPN Server type as Cluster Member Server. A cluster member server is a member computer belonging to a clustering configuration made up of multiple VPN Servers with another existing cluster controller as the center. Multiple cluster members can be added to the cluster as required. \nBefore setting the VPN Server as a cluster member server, first ask the administrator of the cluster controller to be used for the controller's IP address and port number, the public IP address and public port number (when required) of this VPN Server and the password. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nAlso, when this command is executed, VPN Server will automatically restart. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. CMD_ClusterSettingMember_Args ClusterSettingMember [server:port] [/IP:ip] [/PORTS:ports] [/PASSWORD:password] [/WEIGHT:weight] CMD_ClusterSettingMember_[server:port] Specify the host name or IP address, and port number of the destination cluster controller using the parameter with the format host name:port number. CMD_ClusterSettingMember_IP Specify the public IP address of this server. If you wish to leave public IP address unspecified, specify it like this: "/IP:none". When a public IP address is not specified, the IP address of the network interface used when connecting to the cluster controller will be automatically used. CMD_ClusterSettingMember_PORTS Use this to specify the list of public port numbers on this server. The list must have at least one public port number set, and it is also possible to set multiple public port numbers. When specifying multiple port numbers, separate them using a comma such as "/PORTS443,992,8888". CMD_ClusterSettingMember_PASSWORD Specify the password required to connect to the destination controller. It needs to be the same as an administrator password on the destination controller. CMD_ClusterSettingMember_WEIGHT This sets a value for the performance standard ratio of this VPN Server. This is the standard value for when load balancing is performed in the cluster. For example, making only one machine 200 while the other members have a status of 100, will regulate that machine to receive twice as many connections as the other members. Specify 1 or higher for the value. If this parameter is left unspecified, 100 will be used. CMD_ClusterSettingMember_Prompt_IP_1 Specify a public IP address. \nIf you wish to leave this unspecified, press Enter without inputting anything. CMD_ClusterSettingMember_Prompt_IP_2 Public IP Address: CMD_ClusterSettingMember_Prompt_PORT_1 Please specify a list of public port numbers. \nWhen specifying 2 or more port numbers, separate each entry with a comma, like: 444,992,888. CMD_ClusterSettingMember_Prompt_PORT_2 Public Port Number: CMD_ClusterSettingMember_Prompt_HOST_1 Destination Controller Host Name and Port Number: # ClusterMemberList command CMD_ClusterMemberList Get List of Cluster Members CMD_ClusterMemberList_Help Use this command when the VPN Server is operating as a cluster controller to get a list of the cluster member servers on the same cluster, including the cluster controller itself. \nFor each member, the following information is also listed. Type, Connection Start, Host Name, Points, Number of Session, Number of TCP Connections, Number of Operating Virtual Hubs, Using Client Connection License and Using Bridge Connection License. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. CMD_ClusterMemberList_Args ClusterMemberList # ClusterMemberInfoGet command CMD_ClusterMemberInfoGet Get Cluster Member Information CMD_ClusterMemberInfoGet_Help When the VPN Server is operating as a cluster controller, you can get information on cluster member servers on that cluster by specifying the IDs of the member servers. \nYou can get the following information about the specified cluster member server: Server Type, Time Connection has been Established, IP Address, Host Name, Points, Public Port List, Number of Operating Virtual Hubs, First Virtual Hub, Number of Sessions and Number of TCP Connections. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. CMD_ClusterMemberInfoGet_Args ClusterMemberInfoGet [id] CMD_ClusterMemberInfoGet_[id] Specify the ID of the cluster member whose information you want to get. You can obtain the cluster member server ID by using the ClusterMemberList command. CMD_ClusterMemberInfoGet_PROMPT_ID Cluster Member ID to Get Info: # ClusterMemberCertGet command CMD_ClusterMemberCertGet Get Cluster Member Certificate CMD_ClusterMemberCertGet_Help When the VPN Server is operating as a cluster controller, you can get the public X.509 certificate of cluster member servers on that cluster by specifying the IDs of those member servers. You can save the certificate as an X.509 format file. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. CMD_ClusterMemberCertGet_Args ClusterMemberCertGet [id] [/SAVECERT:cert] CMD_ClusterMemberCertGet_[id] Specify the ID of the cluster member whose certificate you want to get. You can obtain the cluster member server ID by using the ClusterMemberList command. CMD_ClusterMemberCertGet_SAVECERT Specify the file path name to save the certificate you obtained. You can save the certificate in X.509 format. CMD_ClusterMemberCertGet_PROMPT_ID Cluster Member ID to Get Certificate: # ClusterConnectionStatusGet command CMD_ClusterConnectionStatusGet Get Connection Status to Cluster Controller CMD_ClusterConnectionStatusGet_Help Use this command when the VPN Server is operating as a cluster controller to get the status of connection to the cluster controller. \nYou can get the following information: Controller IP Address, Port Number, Connection Status, Connection Start Time, First Connection Established Time, Current Connection Established Time, Number of Connection Attempts, Number of Successful Connections, Number of Failed Connections. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. CMD_ClusterConnectionStatusGet_Args ClusterConnectionStatusGet # Debug command CMD_Debug Execute a Debug Command CMD_Debug_Help Runs a debug command on the running VPN Server / Bridge process.\nThis command should be executed wjen the support staff requests to do so.\nMisuse of this command might cause a crash of VPN Server / Bridge running. CMD_Debug_Args Debug [id] [/ARG:arg] CMD_Debug_[id] Specify a debug command number. CMD_Debug_ARG Specify a string to pass to the debug command. If a string contains spaces, contains the whole command by " ". CMD_Debug_Msg1 Sending the debug command... CMD_Debug_Msg2 The debug command has executed.\nResults: \"%S\" # Crash command CMD_Crash Raise a error on the VPN Server / Bridge to terminate the process forcefully. CMD_Crash_Help This command will raise a fatal error (memory access violation) on the VPN Server / Bridge running process in order to crash the process. As the result, VPN Server / Bridge will be terminated and restarted if it is running as a service mode. If the VPN Server is running as a user mode, the process will not automatically restarted.\nThis command is for a situation when the VPN Server / Bridge is under a non-recoverable error or the process is in an infinite loop. This command will disconnect all VPN Sessions on the VPN Server / Bridge. All unsaved settings in the memory of VPN Server / Bridge will be lost.\nBefore run this command, run the Flush command to try to save volatile data to the configuration file.\nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server / VPN Bridge administrator privileges. CMD_Crash_Args Crash [yes] CMD_Crash_[yes] Input "yes" for confirmation. CMD_Crash_Msg Sending the Crush command to the VPN Server. The VPN Server will be let to crash immediately, so you can never get the result value of this command. After this moment, vpncmd will be disconnected from the VPN Server. CMD_Crash_Confirm Do you really want to crash the VPN Server?\nInput "yes" if it is ok: CMD_Crash_Aborted The Crash command has been aborted. # Flush command CMD_Flush Save All Volatile Data of VPN Server / Bridge to the Configuration File CMD_Flush_Help Normally, the VPN Server / VPN Bridge retains the volatile configuration data in memory. It is flushed to the disk as vpn_server.config or vpn_bridge.config periodically. The period is 300 seconds (5 minutes) by default. (The period can be altered by modifying the AutoSaveConfigSpan item in the configuration file.) The data will be saved on the timing of shutting down normally of the VPN Server / Bridge.\nExecute the Flush command to make the VPN Server / Bridge save the settings to the file immediately. The setting data will be stored on the disk drive of the server computer. Use the Flush command in a situation that you do not have an enough time to shut down the server process normally.\nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server / VPN Bridge administrator privileges. CMD_Flush_Args Flush CMD_Flush_Msg1 Writing volatile data from memory to the disk...\n CMD_Flush_Msg2 Saving completed. The file size is %S bytes.\n # ServerCertGet command CMD_ServerCertGet Get SSL Certificate of VPN Server CMD_ServerCertGet_Help Use this to get the SSL certificate that the VPN Server provides to the connected client. You can save the certificate as an X.509 format file. CMD_ServerCertGet_Args ServerCertGet [cert] CMD_ServerCertGet_[cert] Specify the file path name to save the certificate you obtained. You can save the certificate in X.509 format. # ServerKeyGet command CMD_ServerKeyGet Get SSL Certificate Private Key of VPN Server CMD_ServerKeyGet_Help Use this to get the SSL certificate private key that the VPN Server provides to the connected client. You can save the private key as a Base 64 encoded file. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_ServerKeyGet_Args ServerKeyGet [key] CMD_ServerKeyGet_[key] Specify the file path name to save the private key you obtained. You can save the private key in a Base 64 encoded format. # ServerCertSet command CMD_ServerCertSet Set SSL Certificate and Private Key of VPN Server CMD_ServerCertSet_Help You can set the SSL certificate that the VPN Server provides to the connected client and the private key for that certificate. The certificate must be in X.509 format and the private key must be Base 64 encoded format. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_ServerCertSet_Args ServerCertSet [/LOADCERT:cert] [/LOADKEY:key] CMD_ServerCertSet_LOADCERT Specify the X.509 format certificate file to use. CMD_ServerCertSet_LOADKEY Specify the Base 64 encoded private key file for the certificate to use. # ServerCipherGet command CMD_ServerCipherGet Get the Encrypted Algorithm Used for VPN Communication. CMD_ServerCipherGet_Help Use this to get the current setting of the algorithm used for the electronic signature and encrypted for SSL connection to be used for communication between the VPN Server and the connected client and the list of algorithms that can be used on the VPN Server. CMD_ServerCipherGet_Args ServerCipherGet CMD_ServerCipherGet_SERVER Encrypted Algorithm Currently Used by VPN Server: CMD_ServerCipherGet_CIPHERS List of Usable Encrypted Algorithm Names: # ServerCipherSet command CMD_ServerCipherSet Set the Encrypted Algorithm Used for VPN Communication. CMD_ServerCipherSet_Help Use this to set the algorithm used for the electronic signature and encrypted for SSL connections to be used for communication between the VPN Server and the connected client. \nBy specifying the algorithm name, the specified algorithm will be used later between the VPN Client and VPN Bridge connected to this server and the data will be encrypted. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_ServerCipherSet_Args ServerCipherSet [name] CMD_ServerCipherSet_[name] This specifies the encrypted and electronic signature algorithm to set. You can obtain the list of usable algorithms by using the ServerCipherGet command. CMD_ServerCipherSet_PROMPT_NAME Encrypted Algorithm Name to Specify: # KeepEnable command CMD_KeepEnable Enable the Keep Alive Internet Connection Function CMD_KeepEnable_Help This allows you to enable the Keep Alive Internet Connection Function. By using the Keep Alive Internet Connection Function for network connection environments where connections will automatically be disconnected when there are periods of no communication that are longer than a set period, it is possible to keep alive the Internet connection by sending packets to a nominated server on the Internet at set intervals. \nYou can set a destination host name etc, by using the KeepSet command. \nTo execute this command on a VPN Server or VPN Bridge, you must have administrator privileges. CMD_KeepEnable_Args KeepEnable # KeepDisable command CMD_KeepDisable Disable the Keep Alive Internet Connection Function CMD_KeepDisable_Help This allows you to disable the Keep Alive Internet Connection Function.\nTo execute this command on a VPN Server or VPN Bridge, you must have administrator privileges. CMD_KeepDisable_Args KeepDisable # KeepSet command CMD_KeepSet Set the Keep Alive Internet Connection Function CMD_KeepSet_Help Use this to set the destination host name etc. of the Keep Alive Internet Connection Function. For network connection environments where connections will automatically be disconnected where there are periods of no communication that are longer than a set period, by using the Keep Alive Internet Connection Function, it is possible to keep alive the Internet connection by sending packets to a nominated server on the Internet at set intervals. \nWhen using this command, you can specify the following: Host Name, Port Number, Packet Send Interval, and Protocol. \nPackets sent to keep alive the Internet connection will have random content and personal information that could identify a computer or user is not sent. \nYou can use the KeepEnable command or KeepDisable command to enable/disable the Keep Alive Internet Connection Function. KeepSet does not change the enabled/disabled status. \nTo execute this command on a VPN Server or VPN Bridge, you must have administrator privileges. CMD_KeepSet_Args KeepSet [/HOST:host:port] [/PROTOCOL:tcp|udp] [/INTERVAL:interval] CMD_KeepSet_HOST Specify the host name or IP address, and port number of the destination using the format "host name:port number". CMD_KeepSet_PROTOCOL Specify either tcp or udp. CMD_KeepSet_INTERVAL Specify, in seconds, the interval between the sending of packets. CMD_KeepSet_PROMPT_HOST Destination Host Name/IP Address and Port Number: CMD_KeepSet_PROMPT_PROTOCOL tcp or udp: CMD_KeepSet_PROMPT_INTERVAL Interval Between Packets Sends (Seconds): CMD_KeepSet_EVAL_TCP_UDP Please specify "tcp" or "udp". # KeepGet command CMD_KeepGet Get the Keep Alive Internet Connection Function CMD_KeepGet_Help Use this to get the current setting contents of the Keep Alive Internet Connection Function. In addition to the destination's Host Name, Port Number, Packet Send Interval and Protocol, you can obtain the current enabled/disabled status of the Keep Alive Internet Connection Function. CMD_KeepGet_Args KeepGet CMD_KeepGet_COLUMN_1 Host Name CMD_KeepGet_COLUMN_2 Port Number CMD_KeepGet_COLUMN_3 Packet Send Interval (Sec) CMD_KeepGet_COLUMN_4 Protocol CMD_KeepGet_COLUMN_5 Current Status # SyslogEnable command CMD_SyslogEnable Set syslog Send Function CMD_SyslogEnable_Help Use this to set the usage of syslog send function and which syslog server to use. CMD_SyslogEnable_Args SyslogEnable [1|2|3] [/HOST:host:port] CMD_SyslogEnable_[1|2|3] Specify, using an integer, 1, 2 or 3 for the setting to use the syslog send function. \n1: Send server log by syslog. \n2: Send server and Virtual Hub security logs by syslog. \n3: Send server, Virtual Hub security, and packet logs by syslog. CMD_SyslogEnable_HOST Specify the host name or IP address, and port number of the syslog server using the format [host name:port number]. If the port number is omitted, 514 will be used. CMD_SyslogEnable_MINMAX Specify, using an integer, 1, 2 or 3 for the setting to use the syslog send function. CMD_SyslogEnable_Prompt_123 Setting to Use syslog Send Function (1-3): CMD_SyslogEnable_Prompt_HOST Specify syslog Server: # SyslogDisable command CMD_SyslogDisable Disable syslog Send Function CMD_SyslogDisable_Help Use this to disable the syslog send function. CMD_SyslogDisable_Args SyslogDisable # SyslogGet command CMD_SyslogGet Get syslog Send Function CMD_SyslogGet_Help This allows you to get the current setting contents of the syslog send function. You can get the usage setting of the syslog function and the host name and port number of the syslog server to use. CMD_SyslogGet_Args SyslogGet CMD_SyslogGet_COLUMN_1 Set the Use of syslog Send Function CMD_SyslogGet_COLUMN_2 syslog Server Host Name CMD_SyslogGet_COLUMN_3 syslog Server Port Number # ConnectionList command CMD_ConnectionList Get List of TCP Connections Connecting to the VPN Server CMD_ConnectionList_Help Use this to get a list of TCP/IP connections that are currently connecting to the VPN Server. It does not display the TCP connections that have been established as VPN sessions. To get the list of TCP/IP connections that have been established as VPN sessions, you can use the SessionList command. \nYou can get the following: Connection Name, Connection Source, Connection Start and Type.\nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_ConnectionList_Args ConnectionList # ConnectionList command CMD_ConnectionGet Get Information of TCP Connections Connecting to the VPN Server CMD_ConnectionGet_Help Use this to get detailed information of a specific TCP/IP connection that is connecting to the VPN Server. \nYou can get the following information: Connection Name, Connection Type, Source Hostname, Source IP Address, Source Port Number (TCP), Connection Start, Server Product Name, Server Version, Server Build Number, Client Product Name, Client Version, and Client Build Number. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_ConnectionGet_Args ConnectionGet [name] CMD_ConnectionGet_[name] This allows you to specify the name of the connection whose information you want to get. To get a list of connection names, you can use the ConnectionList command. CMD_ConnectionGet_PROMPT_NAME Connection Name to Get Info: # ConnectionDisconnect command CMD_ConnectionDisconnect Disconnect TCP Connections Connecting to the VPN Server CMD_ConnectionDisconnect_Help Use this to forcefully disconnect specific TCP/IP connections that are connecting to the VPN Server. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_ConnectionDisconnect_Args ConnectionDisconnect [name] CMD_ConnectionDisconnect_[name] Specify the name of the connection to disconnect. To get a list of connection names, you can use the ConnectionList command. CMD_ConnectionDisconnect_PROMPT_NAME Connection Name to Disconnect: # BridgeDeviceList command CMD_BridgeDeviceList Get List of Network Adapters Usable as Local Bridge CMD_BridgeDeviceList_Help Use this to get a list of Ethernet devices (network adapters) that can be used as a bridge destination device as part of a Local Bridge connection. If possible, network connection name is displayed. \nYou can use a device displayed here by using the BridgeCreate command. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_BridgeDeviceList_Args BridgeDeviceList # BridgeList command CMD_BridgeList Get List of Local Bridge Connection CMD_BridgeList_Help Use this to get a list of the currently defined Local Bridge connections. \nYou can get the Local Bridge connection Virtual Hub name and the bridge destination Ethernet device (network adapter) name or tap device name, as well as the operating status. CMD_BridgeList_Args BridgeList # BridgeCreate command CMD_BridgeCreate Create Local Bridge Connection CMD_BridgeCreate_Help Use this to create a new Local Bridge connection on the VPN Server.\nBy using a Local Bridge, you can configure a Layer 2 bridge connection between a Virtual Hub operating on this VPN server and a physical Ethernet Device (Network Adapter). \nYou can create a tap device (virtual network interface) on the system and connect a bridge between Virtual Hubs (the tap device is only supported by Linux versions). \nIt is possible to establish a bridge to an operating network adapter of your choice for the bridge destination Ethernet device (network adapter), but in high load environments, we recommend you prepare a network adapter dedicated to serve as a bridge. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_BridgeCreate_Args BridgeCreate [hubname] [/DEVICE:device_name] [/TAP:yes|no] CMD_BridgeCreate_[hubname] Specify the Virtual Hub to create bridge. To get a list of Virtual Hubs, you can use the HubList command. It is not essential that you specify a Virtual Hub that is currently operating. If you specify a Virtual Hub name that is not currently operating or that does not exist, the Local Bridge connection will become enabled when the actual operation of that Virtual Hub begins. CMD_BridgeCreate_DEVICE Specify the bridge destination Ethernet device (network adapter) or tap device name. You can get the list of Ethernet device names by using the BridgeDeviceList command. CMD_BridgeCreate_TAP Specify yes if you are using a tap device rather than a network adapter for the bridge destination (only supported for Linux versions). When this is omitted, it will be treated the same as when no is specified. CMD_BridgeCreate_PROMPT_HUBNAME Virtual Hub Name to Create Bridge: CMD_BridgeCreate_PROMPT_DEVICE Bridge Destination Device Name: CMD_BridgeCreate_PROMPT_TAP Use tap device? (yes/no): # BridgeDelete command CMD_BridgeDelete Delete Local Bridge Connection CMD_BridgeDelete_Help Use this to delete an existing Local Bridge connection. To get a list of current Local Bridge connections use the BridgeDeviceList command. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_BridgeDelete_Args BridgeDelete [hubname] [/DEVICE:device_name] CMD_BridgeDelete_[hubname] Specify the Virtual Hub of the Local Bridge to delete. CMD_BridgeDelete_DEVICE Specify the device name (network adapter or tap device name) of the Local Bridge to delete. CMD_BridgeDelete_PROMPT_HUBNAME Virtual Hub Name to Delete Bridge: CMD_BridgeDelete_PROMPT_DEVICE Bridge Device Name to Delete: # Caps command CMD_Caps Get List of Server Functions/Capability CMD_Caps_Help Use this get a list of functions and capability of the VPN Server currently connected and being managed. \nThe function and capability of VPN Servers are different depending on the operating VPN server's edition and version. Sometimes commands may be included in the command line management utility that cannot operate because of the function and capability of the destination VPN Server. Using this command, you can find out the capability of the target VPN Server and report it. \nIf the version of the VPN Server is newer than the command line management utility and there are functions that the command line management utility does not recognize, you can display the contents strings (variable names) as they are. CMD_Caps_Args Caps # Reboot command CMD_Reboot Reboot VPN Server Service CMD_Reboot_Help Use this to restart the VPN Server service. \nWhen you restart the VPN Server, all currently connected sessions and TCP connections will be disconnected and no new connections will be accepted until the restart process has completed. \nBy using this command, only the VPN Server service program will be restarted and the physical computer that VPN Server is operating on does not restart. This management session will also be disconnected, so you will need to reconnect to continue management. \nAlso, by specifying the /RESTCONFIG:yes parameter, the contents of the configuration file (.config) held by the current VPN Server will be initialized. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_Reboot_Args Reboot [/RESETCONFIG:yes|no] CMD_Reboot_RESETCONFIG By specifying yes, the contents of the configuration file (.config) held by the current VPN Server will be initialized. Please carefully consider the implications when setting this parameter. # ConfigGet command CMD_ConfigGet Get the current configuration of the VPN Server CMD_ConfigGet_Help Use this to get a text file (.config file) that contains the current configuration contents of the VPN server. You can get the status on the VPN Server at the instant this command is executed. \nWhen part of the contents of the configuration file does not specify a parameter, it will be displayed on screen as it is. By specifying a save destination file name by parameter, the contents will be saved by that file name. \nYou can edit the configuration file by using a regular text editor. To write an edited configuration to the VPN Server, use the ConfigSet command. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_ConfigGet_Args ConfigGet [path] CMD_ConfigGet_[path] When you want to save the contents of the configuration file to a file, use this to specify the file name. If left unspecified, the configuration contents will be displayed on screen. If the configuration file contains multiple-byte characters, the encoding must be saved as Unicode (UTF-8). CMD_ConfigGet_FILENAME Config name: "%S", Size: %u CMD_ConfigGet_FILE_SAVE_FAILED Creation of specified file failed. # ConfigSet command CMD_ConfigSet Write Configuration File to VPN Server CMD_ConfigSet_Help Use this to write the configuration file to the VPN Server. By executing this command, the contents of the specified configuration file will be applied to the VPN Server and the VPN Server program will automatically restart and upon restart, operate according to the new configuration contents. \nBecause it is difficult for an administrator to write all the contents of a configuration file, we recommend you use the ConfigGet command to get the current contents of the VPN Server configuration and save it to file. You can then edit these contents in a regular text editor and then use the ConfigSet command to rewrite the contents to the VPN Server. \nThis command is for people with a detailed knowledge of the VPN Server and if an incorrectly configured configuration file is written to the VPN Server, it not only could cause errors, it could also result in the lost of the current setting data. Take special care when carrying out this action. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_ConfigSet_Args ConfigSet [path] CMD_ConfigSet_[path] Specify the file name of the write destination configuration file. If the write destination file contains multiple-byte characters, the encoding must be Unicode (UTF-8). CMD_ConfigSet_PROMPT_PATH Config file path name to upload to server: CMD_ConfigSet_FILE_LOAD_FAILED Reading from specified file failed. # RouterList command CMD_RouterList Get List of Virtual Layer 3 Switches CMD_RouterList_Help Use this to get the list of Virtual Layer 3 Switches defined on the VPN Server. You can get the following information on the Virtual Layer 3 Switches: Switch Name, Operating Status, Number of Interfaces, and Number of Routing Tables. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nAlso, this command does not operate on VPN Bridge. CMD_RouterList_Args RouterList # RouterAdd command CMD_RouterAdd Define New Virtual Layer 3 Switch CMD_RouterAdd_Help Use this to define a new Virtual Layer 3 Switch on the VPN Server. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nAlso, this command does not operate on VPN Bridge. \n\n[Explanation on Virtual Layer 3 Switch Function]\nYou can define Virtual Layer 3 Switches between multiple Virtual Hubs operating on this VPN Server and configure routing between different IP networks. \n\n[Caution about the Virtual Layer 3 Switch Function]\nThe Virtual Layer 3 Switch functions are provided for network administrators and other people who know a lot about networks and IP routing. If you are using the regular VPN functions, you do not need to use the Virtual Layer 3 Switch functions. \nIf the Virtual Layer 3 Switch functions are to be used, the person who configures them must have sufficient knowledge of IP routing and be perfectly capable of not impacting the network. CMD_RouterAdd_Args RouterAdd [name] CMD_RouterAdd_[name] Use this to specify the name of the newly created Virtual Layer 3 Switch name. You cannot add a name that is identical to an existing Virtual Layer 3 Switch. CMD_RouterAdd_PROMPT_NAME Name of Virtual Layer 3 Switch to Create: # RouterDelete command CMD_RouterDelete Delete Virtual Layer 3 Switch CMD_RouterDelete_Help Use this to delete an existing Virtual Layer 3 Switch that is defined on the VPN Server. When the specified Virtual Layer 3 Switch is operating, it will be automatically deleted after operation stops. \nTo get a list of existing Virtual Layer 3 Switches, use the RouterList command. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nAlso, this command does not operate on VPN Bridge. CMD_RouterDelete_Args RouterDelete [name] CMD_RouterDelete_[name] Use this to specify the name of the Virtual Layer 3 Switch to be deleted. CMD_RouterDelete_PROMPT_NAME Name of Virtual Layer 3 Switch to Delete: # RouterStart command CMD_RouterStart Start Virtual Layer 3 Switch Operation CMD_RouterStart_Help Use this to start the operation of an existing Virtual Layer 3 Switch defined on the VPN Server whose operation is currently stopped. \nTo get a list of existing Virtual Layer 3 Switches, use the RouterList command. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nAlso, this command does not operate on VPN Bridge. \n\n[Explanation on Virtual Layer 3 Switch Function]\nYou can define Virtual Layer 3 Switches between multiple Virtual Hubs operating on this VPN Server and configure routing between different IP networks. \n\n[Caution about the Virtual Layer 3 Switch Function]\nThe Virtual Layer 3 Switch functions are provided for network administrators and other people who know a lot about networks and IP routing. If you are using the regular VPN functions, you do not need to use the Virtual Layer 3 Switch functions. \nIf the Virtual Layer 3 Switch functions are to be used, the person who configures them must have sufficient knowledge of IP routing and be perfectly capable of not impacting the network. CMD_RouterStart_Args RouterStart [name] CMD_RouterStart_[name] Use this to specify the name of the Virtual Layer 3 Switch to start. CMD_RouterStart_PROMPT_NAME Name of Virtual Layer 3 Switch to Start: # RouterStop command CMD_RouterStop Stop Virtual Layer 3 Switch Operation CMD_RouterStop_Help Use this to stop the operation of an existing Virtual Layer 3 Switch defined on the VPN Server whose operation is currently operating. \nTo get a list of existing Virtual Layer 3 Switches, use the RouterList command. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_RouterStop_Args RouterStop [name] CMD_RouterStop_[name] Use this to specify the name of the Virtual Layer 3 Switch to stop. CMD_RouterStop_PROMPT_NAME Name of Virtual Layer 3 Switch to Stop: # RouterIfList command CMD_RouterIfList Get List of Interfaces Registered on the Virtual Layer 3 Switch CMD_RouterIfList_Help Use this to get a list of virtual interfaces when virtual interfaces have been defined on a specified Virtual Layer 3 Switch. \nYou can define multiple virtual interfaces and routing tables for a single Virtual Layer 3 Switch. \nA virtual interface is associated to a virtual Hub and operates as a single IP host on the Virtual Hub when that Virtual Hub is operating. When multiple virtual interfaces that respectively belong to a different IP network of a different Virtual Hub are defined, IP routing will be automatically performed between these interfaces. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nAlso, this command does not operate on VPN Bridge. CMD_RouterIfList_Args RouterIfList [name] CMD_RouterIfList_[name] Use this to specify the name of the Virtual Layer 3 Switch. CMD_RouterIfList_PROMPT_NAME Name of Virtual Layer 3 Switch: # RouterIfAdd command CMD_RouterIfAdd Add Virtual Interface to Virtual Layer 3 Switch CMD_RouterIfAdd_Help Use this to add to a specified Virtual Layer 3 Switch, a virtual interface that connects to a Virtual Hub operating on the same VPN Server. \nYou can define multiple virtual interfaces and routing tables for a single Virtual Layer 3 Switch. \nA virtual interface is associated to a virtual Hub and operates as a single IP host on the Virtual Hub when that Virtual Hub is operating. When multiple virtual interfaces that respectively belong to a different IP network of a different Virtual Hub are defined, IP routing will be automatically performed between these interfaces. \nYou must define the IP network space that the virtual interface belongs to and the IP address of the interface itself. \nAlso, you must specify the name of the Virtual Hub that the interface will connect to. \nYou can specify a Virtual Hub that currently doesn't exist for the Virtual Hub name. \nThe virtual interface must have one IP address in the Virtual Hub. You also must specify the subnet mask of an IP network that the IP address belongs to. \nRouting via the Virtual Layer 3 Switches of IP spaces of multiple virtual Hubs operates based on the IP address is specified here. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nAlso, this command does not operate on VPN Bridge. \nTo execute this command, the target Virtual Layer 3 Switch must be stopped. If it is not stopped, first use the RouterStop command to stop it and then execute this command. CMD_RouterIfAdd_Args RouterIfAdd [name] [/HUB:hub] [/IP:ip/mask] CMD_RouterIfAdd_[name] Use this to specify the name of the Virtual Layer 3 Switch. CMD_RouterIfAdd_HUB Use this to specify the name of the Virtual Hub to be the connection destination of the virtual interface to be newly added. To get a list of Virtual Hubs, you can use the HubList command. It is not essential that you specify a Virtual Hub that is currently operating. If you specify a Virtual Hub name that is not currently operating or that does not exist, the Virtual Layer 3 Switch will become enabled when the actual operation of that Virtual Hub begins. CMD_RouterIfAdd_IP Using the format: "IP address/subnet mask", specify the IP address and subnet mask held by the virtual interface to be newly added. Specify the IP address by separating the decimal values using dots such as For the subnet mask, either specify decimal values separated by dots such as, or you can specify the bit length from the header using a decimal value such as 24. CMD_RouterIfAdd_PROMPT_NAME Name of Virtual Layer 3 Switch: CMD_RouterIfAdd_PROMPT_HUB Destination Virtual Hub Name of Virtual Interface: CMD_RouterIfAdd_PROMPT_IP IP Address/Subnet Mask: # RouterIfDel command CMD_RouterIfDel Delete Virtual Interface of Virtual Layer 3 Switch CMD_RouterIfDel_Help Use this to delete a virtual interface already defined in the specified Virtual Layer 3 Switch. \nYou can get a list of the virtual interfaces currently defined, by using the RouterIfList command. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nAlso, this command does not operate on VPN Bridge. \nTo execute this command, the target Virtual Layer 3 Switch must be stopped. If it is not stopped, first use the RouterStop command to stop it and then execute this command. CMD_RouterIfDel_Args RouterIfDel [name] [/HUB:hub] CMD_RouterIfDel_[name] Use this to specify the name of the Virtual Layer 3 Switch. CMD_RouterIfDel_HUB Use this to specify the name of the Virtual Hub to be the connection destination of the virtual interface to be deleted. # RouterTableList command CMD_RouterTableList Get List of Routing Tables of Virtual Layer 3 Switch CMD_RouterTableList_Help Use this to get a list of routing tables when routing tables have been defined on a specified Virtual Layer 3 Switch. \nIf the destination IP address of the IP packet does not belong to any IP network that belongs to a virtual interface, the IP routing engine of the Virtual Layer 3 Switch will reference this routing table and execute routing. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nAlso, this command does not operate on VPN Bridge. CMD_RouterTableList_Args RouterTableList [name] CMD_RouterTableList_[name] Use this to specify the name of the Virtual Layer 3 Switch. CMD_RouterTableList_PROMPT_NAME Name of Virtual Layer 3 Switch: # RouterTableAdd command CMD_RouterTableAdd Add Routing Table Entry for Virtual Layer 3 Switch CMD_RouterTableAdd_Help Here you can add a new routing table entry to the routing table of the specified Virtual Layer 3 Switch. \nIf the destination IP address of the IP packet does not belong to any IP network that belongs to a virtual interface, the IP routing engine of the Virtual Layer 3 Switch will reference the routing table and execute routing. \nYou must specify the contents of the routing table entry to be added to the Virtual Layer 3 Switch. You must specify any IP address that belongs to the same IP network in the virtual interface of this Virtual Layer 3 Switch as the gateway address. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nAlso, this command does not operate on VPN Bridge. \nTo execute this command, the target Virtual Layer 3 Switch must be stopped. If it is not stopped, first use the RouterStop command to stop it and then execute this command. CMD_RouterTableAdd_Args RouterTableAdd [name] [/NETWORK:ip/mask] [/GATEWAY:gwip] [/METRIC:metric] CMD_RouterTableAdd_[name] Use this to specify the name of the Virtual Layer 3 Switch. CMD_RouterTableAdd_NETWORK Using the format: "IP address/subnet mask", specify the network address and subnet mask of the routing table entry to be newly added. Specify the network address by separating the decimal values using dots such as "". For the subnet mask, either specify decimal values separated by dots such as, or you can specify the bit length from the header using a decimal value such as 24. If you specify, the default route will be used. CMD_RouterTableAdd_GATEWAY Specify the gateway IP address. CMD_RouterTableAdd_METRIC Specify a metric value. Specify an integer (1 or higher). CMD_RouterTableAdd_PROMPT_NAME Name of Virtual Layer 3 Switch: CMD_RouterTableAdd_PROMPT_NETWORK Network Address/Subnet Mask: CMD_RouterTableAdd_PROMPT_GATEWAY Gateway Address: CMD_RouterTableAdd_PROMPT_METRIC Metric Value: # RouterTableDel command CMD_RouterTableDel Delete Routing Table Entry of Virtual Layer 3 Switch CMD_RouterTableDel_Help Use this to delete a routing table entry that is defined in the specified Virtual Layer 3 Switch. \nYou can get a list of the already defined routing table entries by using the RouterTableList command. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nAlso, this command does not operate on VPN Bridge. \nTo execute this command, the target Virtual Layer 3 Switch must be stopped. If it is not stopped, first use the RouterStop command to stop it and then execute this command. CMD_RouterTableDel_Args RouterTableDel [name] [/NETWORK:ip/mask] [/GATEWAY:gwip] [/METRIC:metric] CMD_RouterTableDel_[name] Use this to specify the name of the Virtual Layer 3 Switch. CMD_RouterTableDel_NETWORK Using the format: "IP address/subnet mask", specify the network address of the routing table entry to be deleted. CMD_RouterTableDel_GATEWAY Specify the gateway IP address. CMD_RouterTableDel_METRIC Specify a metric value. Specify an integer (1 or higher). # LogFileList command CMD_LogFileList Get List of Log Files CMD_LogFileList_Help Use this to display a list of log files outputted by the VPN Server that have been saved on the VPN Server computer. By specifying a log file file name displayed here and calling it using the LogFileGet command you can download the contents of the log file. \nIf you are connected to the VPN Server in server admin mode, you can display or download the packet logs and security logs of all Virtual Hubs and the server log of the VPN Server. \nWhen connected in Virtual Hub Admin Mode, you are able to view or download only the packet log and security log of the Virtual Hub that is the target of management. CMD_LogFileList_Args LogFileList CMD_LogFileList_START Getting list of log files. This may take a while. Please wait... CMD_LogFileList_NUM_LOGS In total there are %u log files. # LogFileGet command CMD_LogFileGet Download Log file CMD_LogFileGet_Help Use this to download the log file that is saved on the VPN Server computer. To download the log file first display the list of log files using the LogFileList command and then download the log file using the LogFileGet command. If you are connected to the VPN Server in server admin mode, you can display or download the packet logs and security logs of all Virtual Hubs and the server log of the VPN Server. When connected in Virtual Hub Admin Mode, you are able to view or download only the packet log and security log of the Virtual Hub that is the target of management. \nIf you have specified the file name as a parameter, the downloaded log file will be saved to the file of that file name. If the destination file is not specified, the log file will be displayed onscreen. \nThe size of the log file can get very big, so pay careful attention to this issue. CMD_LogFileGet_Args LogFileGet [name] [/SERVER:server] [/SAVEPATH:savepath] CMD_LogFileGet_[name] Specify the name of the log file to be downloaded. To get a list of downloadable log files, use the LogFileList command. CMD_LogFileGet_SERVER Use this to specify the server name when making a download request to a cluster controller. Specify the server that will be displayed by the LogFileGet command. CMD_LogFileGet_SAVEPATH Use this to specify the destination file name for when saving the downloaded log file. When this is left unspecified, the file will be displayed onscreen. CMD_LogFileGet_PROMPT_NAME Name of log file to download: CMD_LogFileGet_START Downloading log file. This may take a while. Please wait... CMD_LogFileGet_FAILED The download failed. CMD_LogFileGet_SAVE_FAILED Unable to write to the specified file. CMD_LogFileGet_FILESIZE File size of log file: %u # WgkAdd command CMD_WgkAdd Add a WireGuard key CMD_WgkAdd_Help This command can be used to add a WireGuard key to the allowed key list. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_WgkAdd_Args WgkAdd [key] [/HUB:hub] [/USER:user] CMD_WgkAdd_[key] WireGuard key. Make sure it is the public one! CMD_WgkAdd_HUB Hub the key will be associated to. CMD_WgkAdd_USER User the key will be associated to, in the specified hub. CMD_WgkAdd_Prompt_[key] Key: CMD_WgkAdd_Prompt_HUB Hub: CMD_WgkAdd_Prompt_USER User: # WgkDelete command CMD_WgkDelete Delete a WireGuard key CMD_WgkDelete_Help This command can be used to delete a WireGuard key from the allowed key list. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_WgkDelete_Args WgkDelete [key] CMD_WgkDelete_[key] WireGuard key. CMD_WgkDelete_Prompt_[key] Key: # WgkEnum command CMD_WgkEnum List the WireGuard keys CMD_WgkEnum_Help This command retrieves the WireGuard keys that are allowed to connect to the server, along with the associated Virtual Hub and user. \nYou can add a key with the WgkAdd command. \nYou can delete a key with the WgkDelete command. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. CMD_WgkEnum_Args WgkEnum CMD_WgkEnum_Column_Key Key CMD_WgkEnum_Column_Hub Hub CMD_WgkEnum_Column_User User # HubCreate command CMD_HubCreate Create New Virtual Hub CMD_HubCreate_Help Use this to create a new Virtual Hub on the VPN Server. \nThe created Virtual Hub will begin operation immediately. \nWhen the VPN Server is operating on a cluster, this command is only valid for the cluster controller. Also, the new Virtual Hub will operate as a dynamic Virtual Hub. You can change it to a static Virtual Hub by using the HubSetStatic command. To get a list of Virtual Hubs that are already on the VPN Server, use the HubList command. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nAlso, this command does not operate on VPN Servers that are operating as a VPN Bridge or cluster member. \nWhen issuing the command to a cluster controller on a cluster to create a Virtual Hub, use either the HubCreateStatic command or the HubCreateDynamic command (issuing the HubCreate command to a cluster controller has the same operational effect as issuing the HubCreateDynamic command). CMD_HubCreate_Args HubCreate [name] [/PASSWORD:password] CMD_HubCreate_[name] Specify the name of the Virtual Hub to create. CMD_HubCreate_PASSWORD Specify an administrator password when the administrator password is going to be set for the Virtual Hub to be created. If this is not specified, a prompt will appear to input the password. CMD_HubCreate_PROMPT_NAME Name of Virtual Hub to be created: # HubCreateDynamic command CMD_HubCreateDynamic Create New Dynamic Virtual Hub (For Clustering) CMD_HubCreateDynamic_Help Use this to create a new dynamic Virtual Hub on the VPN Server. \nThe created Virtual Hub will begin operation immediately. \nWhen the VPN Server is operating on a cluster, this command is only valid for the cluster controller. Also, the new Virtual Hub will operate as a dynamic Virtual Hub. You can change it to a static Virtual Hub by using the HubSetStatic command. To get a list of Virtual Hubs that are already on the VPN Server, use the HubList command. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nAlso, this command does not operate on VPN Servers that are operating as a VPN Bridge, cluster member or standalone server. CMD_HubCreateDynamic_Args HubCreateDynamic [name] [/PASSWORD:password] CMD_HubCreateDynamic_[name] Specify the name of the Virtual Hub to create. CMD_HubCreateDynamic_PASSWORD Specify an administrator password when the administrator password is going to be set for the Virtual Hub to be created. If this is not specified, a prompt will appear to input the password. # HubCreateStatic command CMD_HubCreateStatic Create New Static Virtual Hub (For Clustering) CMD_HubCreateStatic_Help Use this to create a new static Virtual Hub on the VPN Server. \nThe created Virtual Hub will begin operation immediately. \nWhen the VPN Server is operating on a cluster, this command is only valid for the cluster controller. Also, the new Virtual Hub will operate as a dynamic Virtual Hub. You can change it to a static Virtual Hub by using the HubSetStatic command. To get a list of Virtual Hubs that are already on the VPN Server, use the HubList command. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nAlso, this command does not operate on VPN Servers that are operating as a VPN Bridge, cluster member or standalone server. CMD_HubCreateStatic_Args HubCreateStatic [name] [/PASSWORD:password] CMD_HubCreateStatic_[name] Specify the name of the Virtual Hub to create. CMD_HubCreateStatic_PASSWORD Specify an administrator password when the administrator password is going to be set for the Virtual Hub to be created. If this is not specified, a prompt will appear to input the password. # HubDelete command CMD_HubDelete Delete Virtual Hub CMD_HubDelete_Help Use this to delete an existing Virtual Hub on the VPN Server. \nIf you delete the Virtual Hub, all sessions that are currently connected to the Virtual Hub will be disconnected and new sessions will be unable to connect to the Virtual Hub. \nAlso, this will also delete all the Hub settings, user objects, group objects, certificates and Cascade Connections. \nOnce you delete the Virtual Hub, it cannot be recovered. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nAlso, this command does not operate on VPN Servers that are operating as a VPN Bridge or cluster member. CMD_HubDelete_Args HubDelete [name] CMD_HubDelete_[name] Specify the name of the Virtual Hub to delete. CMD_HubDelete_PROMPT_NAME Name of Virtual Hub to delete: # HubSetStatic command CMD_HubSetStatic Change Virtual Hub Type to Static Virtual Hub CMD_HubSetStatic_Help Use this when a VPN Server is operating on a cluster and you want to change the type of the Virtual Hub to a static Virtual Hub. When the type of the Virtual Hub is changed, all sessions that are currently connected to the Virtual Hub will be disconnected. \nWhen there is a Virtual Hub operating as a static virtual Hub, a Virtual Hub with that name will be created on all the cluster member servers. A user who attempts to connect this Virtual Hub will be connected to one of the cluster members hosting this Virtual Hub as determined by an algorithm based on each server's load status. \nA static Virtual Hub, for example, could be used for a remote access VPN that allows thousands or tens of thousands of users to connect at the same time for the purpose of remotely accessing an internal company LAN from the Internet for business. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nAlso, this command does not operate on VPN Servers that are operating as a VPN Bridge, cluster member or standalone server. \nThis command cannot be used for VPN Servers that are newer than Build 5190. CMD_HubSetStatic_Args HubSetStatic [name] CMD_HubSetStatic_[name] Specify the name of the Virtual Hub to be set as the static Virtual Hub. CMD_HubChange_PROMPT_NAME Name of Virtual Hub to change setting: # HubSetDynamic command CMD_HubSetDynamic Change Virtual Hub Type to Dynamic Virtual Hub CMD_HubSetDynamic_Help Use this when a VPN Server is operating on a cluster and you want to change the type of the Virtual Hub to a dynamic Virtual Hub. When the type of the Virtual Hub is changed, all sessions that are currently connected to the Virtual Hub will be disconnected. \nWhen there is not even one client connected to a dynamic Virtual Hub defined on the cluster, then that Virtual Hub does not exist on any cluster member. When the first client to attempt to connect to the dynamic Virtual Hub does so, the server with the lowest load on the cluster starts hosting that Virtual Hub. When the second and subsequent clients attempt to connect to the same virtual Hub, they are automatically connected to the server hosting the Virtual Hub. When all the clients are disconnected from a particular dynamic Virtual Hub, the Virtual Hub will return to the original state of not existing on any of the servers. \nThere is a broad range of applications for dynamic Virtual Hubs, such as a Virtual Hub defined for each business section within a company so that employees can connect to the Virtual Hub of their own department to do their work in a centralized management environment that is deployed on a single cluster. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nAlso, this command does not operate on VPN Servers that are operating as a VPN Bridge, cluster member or standalone server. \nThis command cannot be used for VPN Servers that are newer than Build 5190. CMD_HubSetDynamic_Args HubSetDynamic [name] CMD_HubSetDynamic_[name] Specify the name of the Virtual Hub to be set as the dynamic Virtual Hub. # HubList command CMD_HubList Get List of Virtual Hubs CMD_HubList_Help Use this to get a list of existing Virtual Hubs on the VPN Server. For each Virtual Hub, you can get the following information: Virtual Hub Name, Status, Type, Number of Users, Number of Groups, Number of Sessions, Number of MAC Tables, Number of IP Tables, Number of Logins, Last Login, and Last Communication.\nNote that when connecting in Virtual Hub Admin Mode, if in the options of a Virtual Hub that you do not have administrator privileges for, the option Don't Enumerate this Virtual Hub for Anonymous Users is enabled then that Virtual Hub will not be enumerated. If you are connected in Server Admin Mode, then the list of all Virtual Hubs will be displayed. \nWhen connecting to and managing a non-cluster-controller cluster member of a clustering environment, only the Virtual Hub currently being hosted by that VPN Server will be displayed. When connecting to a cluster controller for administration purposes, all the Virtual Hubs will be displayed. CMD_HubList_Args HubList # Hub command CMD_Hub Select Virtual Hub to Manage CMD_Hub_Help Use this to select the Virtual Hub to be the target of administration. For an administration utility with the status of being connected to a VPN Server, before executing a command to set or manage a Virtual Hub, you must use the Hub command to select the Virtual Hub to manage. \nWhen in the status of being connected to a VPN Server in Virtual Hub Admin Mode, you can select a single Virtual Hub to be the target of administration but you cannot select other Virtual Hubs. When having the status of being connected to the VPN Server in Server Admin Mode, you can make all Virtual Hubs the target of administration. \nTo get a list of Virtual Hubs that currently exist on the VPN Server, use the HubList command. \nFor the VPN Bridge, you can only select the Virtual Hub that has the name "BRIDGE". CMD_Hub_Args Hub [name] CMD_Hub_[name] Specify the name of the Virtual Hub to manage. If this parameter is left unspecified, the Select Virtual Hub to Manage will be cancelled. CMD_Hub_Unselected The Virtual Hub selection has been unselected. CMD_Hub_Selected The Virtual Hub "%S" has been selected. CMD_Hub_Select_Failed When attempting to select Virtual Hub "%S" that has been specified by /ADMINHUB, the following error occurred. CMD_Hub_Not_Selected Before executing this command, first select the Virtual Hub to manage using the Hub command. # Online command CMD_Online Switch Virtual Hub to Online CMD_Online_Help Use this when the Virtual Hub currently being managed is offline to switch it to online. A Virtual Hub with an offline status cannot receive VPN connections from clients. By switching the Virtual Hub to online, that Virtual Hub becomes able to receive connections from users and provide services. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_Online_Args Online # Offline command CMD_Offline Switch Virtual Hub to Offline CMD_Offline_Help Use this when the Virtual Hub currently being managed is online to switch it to offline. If there are sessions currently connected to the Virtual Hub, all sessions will be disconnected. A Virtual Hub with an offline status cannot receive VPN connections from clients. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_Offline_Args Offline # SetStaticNetwork command CMD_SetStaticNetwork Set Virtual Hub static IPv4 network parameters CMD_SetStaticNetwork_Help Set the static IPv4 network parameters for the Virtual Hub. They are used when DHCP is not available (e.g. WireGuard sessions). \nYou can get the current settings by using the OptionsGet command. CMD_SetStaticNetwork_Args SetStaticNetwork [/GATEWAY:gateway] [/SUBNET:subnet] CMD_SetStaticNetwork_GATEWAY Specify the IP address of the gateway that will be used for internet communication. CMD_SetStaticNetwork_SUBNET Specify the subnet mask, required to determine the size of the local VPN network. CMD_SetStaticNetwork_Prompt_GATEWAY Gateway: CMD_SetStaticNetwork_Prompt_SUBNET Subnet mask: # SetMaxSession command CMD_SetMaxSession Set the Max Number of Concurrently Connected Sessions for Virtual Hub CMD_SetMaxSession_Help Use this to set the maximum number of sessions that can be concurrently connected to the Virtual Hub that is currently being managed. When there are more sessions than the maximum number of concurrently connected sessions that are being connected from the VPN Client or VPN Bridge, when the maximum number of sessions is reached, clients will no longer be able to connect. This limit on the maximum number of concurrently connected sessions does not include sessions generated in the Virtual Hub by Local Bridges, Virtual NAT, and Cascade Connections. \nYou can get the current setting for the max number of concurrently connected sessions by using the OptionsGet command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_SetMaxSession_Args SetMaxSession [max_session] CMD_SetMaxSession_[max_session] Using an integer, specify the maximum number of concurrently connected sessions to set. Specifying 0 results in a setting of unlimited. CMD_SetMaxSession_Prompt Max Number of Sessions: # SetHubPassword command CMD_SetHubPassword Set Virtual Hub Administrator Password CMD_SetHubPassword_Help Use this to set the Administrator Password for the Virtual Hub that is currently being managed. When a Virtual Hub administrator password has been set, you are able to connect to that Virtual Hub from a VPN Server connection utility in Virtual Hub Admin Mode, by specifying the password. It is also possible to make a VPN connection from a VPN client or VPN Bridge by specifying "Administrator" for the user name and the password for the Virtual Hub administrator password. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_SetHubPassword_Args SetHubPassword [password] CMD_SetHubPassword_[password] Specify the password you wish to set. If a password is not specified by parameter, a prompt will appear to input the password. # SetEnumAllow command CMD_SetEnumAllow Allow Enumeration by Virtual Hub Anonymous Users CMD_SetEnumAllow_Help Use this to change the options setting of the Virtual Hub you are currently managing to allow anonymous users to enumerate this Virtual Hub. By setting this option, it makes it possible for VPN Client users to enumerate this Virtual Hub simply by inputting this VPN Server address. Also, by using the SetEnumDeny command, you can deny anonymous users the ability to enumerate. At the time a Virtual Hub is created, enumeration will be allowed. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_SetEnumAllow_Args SetEnumAllow # SetEnumDeny command CMD_SetEnumDeny Deny Enumeration by Virtual Hub Anonymous Users CMD_SetEnumDeny_Help Use this to change the options setting of the Virtual Hub you are currently managing to prevent anonymous users from enumerating this Virtual Hub. By setting this option, the VPN Client user will be unable to enumerate this Virtual Hub even if they send a Virtual Hub enumeration request to the VPN Server. Also, by using the SetEnumAllow command, you can allow anonymous users to enumerate. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_SetEnumDeny_Args SetEnumDeny # OptionsGet command CMD_OptionsGet Get Options Setting of Virtual Hubs CMD_OptionsGet_Help Use this to get a list of the Options setting of the Virtual Hub currently being managed. You can get the following: Allow/Deny Virtual Hub Enumeration, Maximum Concurrent Connections, Online/Offline Status, and Virtual Hub Type in Clustering Environment. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_OptionsGet_Args OptionsGet CMD_OptionsGet_TITLE Options Setting List of Virtual Hub "%S" CMD_OptionsGet_ENUM Enumeration of Virtual Hub for Anonymous User CMD_OptionsGet_MAXSESSIONS Max Number of Sessions CMD_OptionsGet_STATUS Status CMD_OptionsGet_TYPE Virtual Hub Type CMD_OptionsGet_GATEWAY Default gateway CMD_OptionsGet_SUBNET Default subnet # RadiusServerSet command CMD_RadiusServerSet Set RADIUS Server to use for User Authentication CMD_RadiusServerSet_Help To accept users to the currently managed Virtual Hub in RADIUS server authentication mode, you can specify an external RADIUS server that confirms the user name and password. (You can specify multiple hostname by splitting with comma or semicolon.) \nThe RADIUS server must be set to receive requests from IP addresses of this VPN Server. Also, authentication by Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) must be enabled. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_RadiusServerSet_Args RadiusServerSet [server_name:port] [/SECRET:secret] [/RETRY_INTERVAL:interval] CMD_RadiusServerSet_[server_name:port] Using the format "host name:port number", specify the host name or IP address, and the UDP port number of the RADIUS server being used. If the port number is omitted, 1812 will be used. You can specify multiple hostname by splitting with comma or semicolon. CMD_RadiusServerSet_SECRET Specify the shared secret (password) used for communication with the RADIUS Server CMD_RadiusServerSet_RETRY_INTERVAL Specify the retry interval between retries in milliseconds. CMD_RadiusServerSet_Prompt_Host Host Number and Port Number of RADIUS Server to Use: CMD_RadiusServerSet_Prompt_Secret Shared Secret: CMD_RadiusServerSet_Prompt_RetryInterval Retry Interval (milliseconds): CMD_RadiusServerSet_EVAL_NUMINTERVAL The retry interval must be in from 500 to 10000 milliseconds. # RadiusServerDelete command CMD_RadiusServerDelete Delete Setting to Use RADIUS Server for User Authentication CMD_RadiusServerDelete_Help Use this to delete the setting related to using a RADIUS server when a user connects to the currently managed Virtual Hub in RADIUS Server Authentication Mode and disable the RADIUS authentication. To get the settings related to the current RADIUS server use the RadiusServerGet command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_RadiusServerDelete_Args RadiusServerDelete # RadiusServerGet command CMD_RadiusServerGet Get Setting of RADIUS Server Used for User Authentication CMD_RadiusServerGet_Help Use this to get the current settings for the RADIUS server used when a user connects to the currently managed Virtual Hub using RADIUS Server Authentication Mode. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_RadiusServerGet_Args RadiusServerGet CMD_RadiusServerGet_STATUS Use RADIUS Server CMD_RadiusServerGet_HOST RADIUS Server Host Name or IP Address: CMD_RadiusServerGet_PORT RADIUS Server Port Number CMD_RadiusServerGet_SECRET Shared Secret CMD_RadiusServerGet_RetryInterval Retry Interval (in milliseconds) # StatusGet command CMD_StatusGet Get Current Status of Virtual Hub CMD_StatusGet_Help Use this to get the current status of the Virtual Hub currently being managed. You can get the following information: Virtual Hub Type, Number of Sessions, Number of Each Type of Object, Number of Logins, Last Login, Last Communication, and Communication Statistical Data. CMD_StatusGet_Args StatusGet # LogGet command CMD_LogGet Get Log Save Setting of Virtual Hub CMD_LogGet_Help Use this to get the log save setting for the Virtual Hub that is currently being managed. You can get the setting information such as the save setting related to security logs and packet logs and information on what has been saved. CMD_LogGet_Args LogGet CMD_Log_SecurityLog Save Security Log CMD_Log_PacketLog Save Packet Log CMD_Log_SwitchType Log File Switch Cycle CMD_Log_0 TCP Connection Log CMD_Log_1 TCP Packet Log CMD_Log_2 DHCP Log CMD_Log_3 UDP Log CMD_Log_4 ICMP Log CMD_Log_5 IP Log CMD_Log_6 ARP Log CMD_Log_7 Ethernet Log # LogEnable command CMD_LogEnable Enable Security Log or Packet Log CMD_LogEnable_Help Use this to enable a security log or packet log of the Virtual Hub currently being managed. \nTo get the current setting, you can use the LogGet command. CMD_LogEnable_Args LogEnable [security|packet] CMD_LogEnable_[security|packet] Select the type of log to enable. Specify either "security" or "packet". CMD_LogEnable_Prompt Select Security or Packet: CMD_LogEnable_Prompt_Error Invalid specification. # LogDisable command CMD_LogDisable Disable Security Log or Packet Log CMD_LogDisable_Help Use this to disable a security log or packet log of the Virtual Hub currently being managed. \nTo get the current setting, you can use the LogGet command. CMD_LogDisable_Args LogDisable [security|packet] CMD_LogDisable_[security|packet] Select the type of log to disable. Specify either "security" or "packet". # LogSwitchSet command CMD_LogSwitchSet Set Log File Switch Cycle CMD_LogSwitchSet_Help Use this to set the log file switch cycle for the security log or packet log that the currently managed Virtual Hub saves. The log file switch cycle can be changed to switch in every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every month ,or not switch. \nTo get the current setting, you can use the LogGet command. CMD_LogSwitchSet_Args LogSwitchSet [security|packet] [/SWITCH:sec|min|hour|day|month|none] CMD_LogSwitchSet_[security|packet] Select the type of log to change setting. Specify either "security" or "packet". CMD_LogSwitchSet_SWITCH Select the switch cycle to set. Specify sec, min, hour, day, month or none. CMD_LogSwitchSet_Prompt Specify sec, min, hour, day, month or none: # LogPacketSaveType command CMD_LogPacketSaveType Set Save Contents and Type of Packet to Save to Packet Log CMD_LogPacketSaveType_Help Use this to set the save contents of the packet log for each type of packet to be saved by the currently managed Virtual Hub. There are the following packet types: TCP Connection Log, TCP Packet Log, DHCP Packet Log, UDP Packet Log, ICMP Packet Log, IP Packet Log, ARP Packet Log, and Ethernet Packet Log.\nTo get the current setting, you can use the LogGet command. CMD_LogPacketSaveType_Args LogPacketSaveType [/TYPE:tcpconn|tcpdata|dhcp|udp|icmp|ip|arp|ether] [/SAVE:none|header|full] CMD_LogPacketSaveType_TYPE Specify tcpconn, tcpdata, dhcp, udp, icmp, ip, arp, or ether to specify the type of packet whose save contents are going to be changed. CMD_LogPacketSaveType_SAVE Specify the save contents of the packet log. \nSpecify either none: save nothing\nheader: header information only\nfull: all packet contents CMD_LogPacketSaveType_Prompt_TYPE Specify tcpconn, tcpdata, dhcp, udp, icmp, ip, arp, or ether: CMD_LogPacketSaveType_Prompt_SAVE Specify none, header, or full: # CAList command CMD_CAList Get List of Trusted CA Certificates CMD_CAList_Help Here you can manage the certificate authority certificates that are trusted by this currently managed Virtual Hub. The list of certificate authority certificates that are registered is used to verify certificates when a VPN Client is connected in signed certificate authentication mode. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_CAList_Args CAList CMD_CAList_COLUMN_ID ID # CAAdd command CMD_CAAdd Add Trusted CA Certificate CMD_CAAdd_Help Use this to add a new certificate to a list of CA certificates trusted by the currently managed Virtual Hub. The list of certificate authority certificates that are registered is used to verify certificates when a VPN Client is connected in signed certificate authentication mode. \nTo get a list of the current certificates you can use the CAList command. \nThe certificate you add must be saved in the X.509 file format. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_CAAdd_Args CAAdd [path] CMD_CAAdd_[path] Specify the file name of the X.509 certificate to register. CMD_CAAdd_PROMPT_PATH Name of X.509 Certificate File to Register: # CADelete command CMD_CADelete Delete Trusted CA Certificate CMD_CADelete_Help Use this to delete an existing certificate from the list of CA certificates trusted by the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nTo get a list of the current certificates you can use the CAList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_CADelete_Args CADelete [id] CMD_CADelete_[id] Specify the ID of the certificate to delete. CMD_CADelete_PROMPT_ID ID of Certificate to Delete: # CAGet command CMD_CAGet Get Trusted CA Certificate CMD_CAGet_Help Use this to get an existing certificate from the list of CA certificates trusted by the currently managed Virtual Hub and save it as a file in X.509 format. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_CAGet_Args CAGet [id] [/SAVECERT:path] CMD_CAGet_[id] Specify the ID of the certificate to get. CMD_CAGet_SAVECERT Specify the file name to save the certificate you obtained. CMD_CAGet_PROMPT_ID ID of Certificate to Get: CMD_CAGet_PROMPT_SAVECERT Name of File to Save: # CascadeList command CMD_CascadeList Get List of Cascade Connections CMD_CascadeList_Help Use this to get a list of Cascade Connections that are registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nBy using a Cascade Connection, you can connect this Virtual Hub by Layer 2 Cascade Connection to another Virtual Hub that is operating on the same or a different computer. \n\n[Warning About Cascade Connections]\nBy connecting using a Cascade Connection you can create a Layer 2 bridge between multiple Virtual Hubs but if the connection is incorrectly configured, a loopback Cascade Connection could inadvertently be created. When using a Cascade Connection function please design the network topology with care. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeList_Args CascadeList # CascadeCreate command CMD_CascadeCreate Create New Cascade Connection CMD_CascadeCreate_Help Use this to create a new Cascade Connection on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nBy using a Cascade Connection, you can connect this Virtual Hub by Cascade Connection to another Virtual Hub that is operating on the same or a different computer. \nTo create a Cascade Connection, you must specify the name of the Cascade Connection, destination server and destination Virtual Hub and user name. When a new Cascade Connection is created, the type of user authentication is initially set as Anonymous Authentication and the proxy server setting and the verification options of the server certificate is not set. To change these settings and other advanced settings after a Cascade Connection has been created, use the other commands that begin with the name "Cascade". \n\n[Warning About Cascade Connections]\nBy connecting using a Cascade Connection you can create a Layer 2 bridge between multiple Virtual Hubs but if the connection is incorrectly configured, a loopback Cascade Connection could inadvertently be created. When using a Cascade Connection function please design the network topology with care. \n\nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeCreate_Args CascadeCreate [name] [/SERVER:hostname:port] [/HUB:hubname] [/USERNAME:username] CMD_CascadeCreate_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection to create. CMD_CascadeCreate_SERVER Specify the host name and port number of the destination VPN Server using the format [host name:port number]. You can also specify by IP address. CMD_CascadeCreate_HUB Specify the Virtual Hub on the destination VPN Server. CMD_CascadeCreate_USERNAME Specify the user name to use for user authentication when connecting to the destination VPN Server. CMD_CascadeCreate_Prompt_Name Cascade Connection Name: CMD_CascadeCreate_Prompt_Server Destination VPN Server Host Name and Port Number: CMD_CascadeCreate_Prompt_Hub Destination Virtual Hub Name: CMD_CascadeCreate_Prompt_Username Connecting User Name: # CascadeSet command CMD_CascadeSet Set the Destination for Cascade Connection CMD_CascadeSet_Help Use this to set the destination VPN Server host name and port number, Virtual Hub name and the user name that will use the connection for the Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed virtual Hub. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeSet_Args CascadeSet [name] [/SERVER:hostname:port] [/HUB:hubname] CMD_CascadeSet_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to change. CMD_CascadeSet_SERVER Specify the host name and port number of the destination VPN Server using the format [host name:port number]. You can also specify by IP address. CMD_CascadeSet_HUB Specify the Virtual Hub on the destination VPN Server. # CascadeGet command CMD_CascadeGet Get the Cascade Connection Setting CMD_CascadeGet_Help Use this to get the Connection Setting of a Cascade Connection that is registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nTo change the Connection Setting contents of the Cascade Connection, use the other commands that begin with the name "Cascade" after creating the Cascade Connection. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeGet_Args CascadeGet [name] CMD_CascadeGet_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to get. CMD_CascadeGet_Policy [Cascade Session Security Policy Setting Value] # CascadeDelete command CMD_CascadeDelete Delete Cascade Connection Setting CMD_CascadeDelete_Help Use this to delete a Cascade Connection that is registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub. If the specified Cascade Connection has a status of online, the connections will be automatically disconnected and then the Cascade Connection will be deleted. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeDelete_Args CascadeDelete [name] CMD_CascadeDelete_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection to delete. # CascadeUsernameSet command CMD_CascadeUsernameSet Set User Name to Use Connection of Cascade Connection CMD_CascadeUsernameSet_Help When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified and that Cascade Connection connects to the VPN Server, use this to specify the user name required for user authentication. \nIn some cases it is necessary to specify the type of user authentication and specify the required parameters. To change this information you can use commands such as CascadeAnonymousSet, CascadePasswordSet, and CascadeCertSet. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeUsernameSet_Args CascadeUsernameSet [name] [/USERNAME:username] CMD_CascadeUsernameSet_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to change. CMD_CascadeUsernameSet_USERNAME Specify the user name required for user authentication when the Cascade Connection connects to the VPN Server. CMD_CascadeUsername_Notice The auth type for this Connection Setting is currently set as password authentication. After changing the user name, you must use the CascadePasswordSet command to reset the password. # CascadeAnonymousSet command CMD_CascadeAnonymousSet Set User Authentication Type of Cascade Connection to Anonymous Authentication CMD_CascadeAnonymousSet_Help When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified and that Cascade Connection connects to the VPN Server, set the user authe type to [anonymous authentication]. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeAnonymousSet_Args CascadeAnonymousSet [name] CMD_CascadeAnonymousSet_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to change. # CascadePasswordSet command CMD_CascadePasswordSet Set User Authentication Type of Cascade Connection to Password Authentication CMD_CascadePasswordSet_Help When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified and that Cascade Connection connects to the VPN Server, use this to set the user auth type to Password Authentication. Specify Standard Password Authentication and RADIUS or NT Domain Authentication as the password authentication type. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadePasswordSet_Args CascadePasswordSet [name] [/PASSWORD:password] [/TYPE:standard|radius] CMD_CascadePasswordSet_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to change. CMD_CascadePasswordSet_PASSWORD Specify the password to use for password authentication. If this is not specified, a prompt will appear to input the password. CMD_CascadePasswordSet_TYPE Specify either "standard" (Standard Password Authentication) or "radius" (RADIUS or NT Domain Authentication) as the password authentication type. CMD_CascadePasswordSet_Prompt_Type Specify standard or radius: CMD_CascadePasswordSet_Type_Invalid The standard or radius specification is invalid. # CascadeCertSet command CMD_CascadeCertSet Set User Authentication Type of Cascade Connection to Client Certificate Authentication CMD_CascadeCertSet_Help When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified and that Cascade Connection connects to the VPN Server, use this to set the user auth type to Client Certificate Authentication. For this certificate, you must specify a certificate file in the X.509 format and a private key file that is Base 64 encoded. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeCertSet_Args CascadeCertSet [name] [/LOADCERT:cert] [/LOADKEY:key] CMD_CascadeCertSet_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to change. CMD_CascadeCertSet_LOADCERT Specify the X.509 format certificate file to provide for certificate authentication. CMD_CascadeCertSet_LOADKEY Specify the Base-64-encoded private key file name for the certificate. # CascadeCertGet command CMD_CascadeCertGet Get Client Certificate to Use for Cascade Connection CMD_CascadeCertGet_Help When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified and that Cascade Connection uses client certificate authentication, use this to get the certificate that is provided as the client certificate and save the certificate file in X.509 format. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeCertGet_Args CascadeCertGet [name] [/SAVECERT:cert] CMD_CascadeCertGet_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to get. CMD_CascadeCertGet_SAVECERT Specify the file name to save the certificate you obtained in X.509 format. CMD_CascadeCertSet_Not_Auth_Cert The specified Cascade Connection is not in client certificate authentication mode. CMD_CascadeCertSet_Cert_Not_Exists The certificate is not stored in the Connection Setting of the specified Cascade Connection. # CascadeEncryptEnable command CMD_CascadeEncryptEnable Enable Encryption when Communicating by Cascade Connection CMD_CascadeEncryptEnable_Help When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified and that Cascade Connection is used for communication between VPN Servers via a VPN connection, use this to set the communication contents between the VPN Servers to be encrypted by SSL. \nNormally communication between VPN Servers is encrypted by SSL to prevent eavesdropping of information and fraud. You can also disable encryption. When encryption is disabled, the communication throughput improves but the communication data flows over the network in plain text. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeEncryptEnable_Args CascadeEncryptEnable [name] CMD_CascadeEncryptEnable_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to change. # CascadeEncryptDisable command CMD_CascadeEncryptDisable Disable Encryption when Communicating by Cascade Connection CMD_CascadeEncryptDisable_Help When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified and that Cascade Connection is used for communication between VPN Servers via a VPN connection, use this to set the communication contents between the VPN Servers not to be encrypted. \nNormally communication between VPN Servers is encrypted by SSL to prevent eavesdropping of information and fraud. You can also disable encryption. When encryption is disabled, the communication throughput improves but the communication data flows over the network in plain text. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeEncryptDisable_Args CascadeEncryptDisable [name] CMD_CascadeEncryptDisable_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to change. # CascadeCompressEnable command CMD_CascadeCompressEnable Enable Data Compression when Communicating by Cascade Connection CMD_CascadeCompressEnable_Help When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified and that Cascade Connection is used for communication between VPN Servers via a VPN connection, use this to set the communication contents between the VPN Servers to be compressed. \nIt is possible to achieve a maximum of 80% compression. Compression however places higher loads on the CPU of both the client and server machines. When the line speed is about 10 Mbps or greater, compression can lower throughput, but sometimes it can have the opposite effect. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeCompressEnable_Args CascadeCompressEnable [name] CMD_CascadeCompressEnable_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to change. # CascadeCompressDisable command CMD_CascadeCompressDisable Disable Data Compression when Communicating by Cascade Connection CMD_CascadeCompressDisable_Help When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified and that Cascade Connection is used for communication between VPN Servers via a VPN connection, use this to set the communication contents between the VPN Servers to be not compressed. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeCompressDisable_Args CascadeCompressDisable [name] CMD_CascadeCompressDisable_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to change. # CascadeHttpHeader* commands CMD_CascadeHttpHeader_Prompt_Name Value name (part before the colon): CMD_CascadeHttpHeader_Prompt_Data Value data (part after the colon): # CascadeHttpHeaderAdd command CMD_CascadeHttpHeaderAdd Add a custom value in the HTTP header sent to the proxy server CMD_CascadeHttpHeaderAdd_Help Use this to add a custom value in the HTTP header sent to the proxy server. A custom HTTP header can be used to bypass certain restrictions imposed on the network or to avoid speed limitations applied by the QoS. CMD_CascadeHttpHeaderAdd_Args CascadeHttpHeaderAdd [name] [/NAME:name] [/DATA:data] CMD_CascadeHttpHeaderAdd_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to change. CMD_CascadeHttpHeaderAdd_NAME Specify the name of the custom value (the part before the colon character). CMD_CascadeHttpHeaderAdd_DATA Specify the data of the custom value (the part after the colon character). # CascadeHttpHeaderDelete command CMD_CascadeHttpHeaderDelete Delete a custom value in the HTTP header sent to the proxy server CMD_CascadeHttpHeaderDelete_Help Use this to delete a custom value in the HTTP header sent to the proxy server. A custom HTTP header can be used to bypass certain restrictions imposed on the network or to avoid speed limitations applied by the QoS. CMD_CascadeHttpHeaderDelete_Args CascadeHttpHeaderDelete [name] [/NAME:name] CMD_CascadeHttpHeaderDelete_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to change. CMD_CascadeHttpHeaderDelete_NAME Specify the name of the custom value (the part before the colon character). # CascadeHttpHeaderGet command CMD_CascadeHttpHeaderGet Get the list of custom values in the HTTP header sent to the proxy server CMD_CascadeHttpHeaderGet_Help Use this to get the list of custom values in the HTTP header sent to the proxy server. A custom HTTP header can be used to bypass certain restrictions imposed on the network or to avoid speed limitations applied by the QoS. CMD_CascadeHttpHeaderGet_Args CascadeHttpHeaderGet [name] CMD_CascadeHttpHeaderGet_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to get. # CascadeProxyNone command CMD_CascadeProxyNone Specify Direct TCP/IP Connection as the Connection Method of Cascade Connection CMD_CascadeProxyNone_Help When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified and that Cascade Connection connects to a VPN Server, use this to set Direct TCP/IP Connection as the connection method to use, in which case the connection route will not be via a proxy server. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeProxyNone_Args CascadeProxyNone [name] CMD_CascadeProxyNone_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to change. # CascadeProxyHttp command CMD_CascadeProxyHttp Set Connection Method of Cascade Connection to be via an HTTP Proxy Server CMD_CascadeProxyHttp_Help When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified and that Cascade Connection connects to a VPN Server, use this to set Connect via HTTP Proxy Server as the method of connection to use, which requires the specification of the host name and port number of the HTTP Proxy server to communicate via as well as a user name and password (when required). \nThe HTTP server that communication will travel via must be compatible with the CONNECT method to use HTTPS communication. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeProxyHttp_Args CascadeProxyHttp [name] [/SERVER:hostname:port] [/USERNAME:username] [/PASSWORD:password] CMD_CascadeProxyHttp_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to change. CMD_CascadeProxyHttp_SERVER Specify the host name or IP address, and port number of the on-route HTTP proxy server using the format [host name:port number]. CMD_CascadeProxyHttp_USERNAME When user authentication is required to connect to the on-route HTTP proxy server, specify the user name. Also, specify the /PASSWORD parameter at the same time. If the parameters /USERNAME and /PASSWORD are not specified, the user authentication data will not be set. CMD_CascadeProxyHttp_PASSWORD When user authentication is required to connect to the on-route HTTP proxy server, specify the password. Specify this together with the /USERNAME parameter. CMD_CascadeProxyHttp_Prompt_Server Proxy Server Host Name and Port Number: # CascadeProxySocks command CMD_CascadeProxySocks Set Connection Method of Cascade Connection to be via a SOCKS4 Proxy Server CMD_CascadeProxySocks_Help When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified and that Cascade Connection connects to a VPN Server, use this to set Connect via SOCKS4 Proxy Server as the method of connection to use, which requires the specification of the host name and port number of the SOCKS4 Proxy server to communicate via as well as a user name and password (when required). \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeProxySocks_Args CascadeProxySocks [name] [/SERVER:hostname:port] [/USERNAME:username] [/PASSWORD:password] CMD_CascadeProxySocks_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to change. CMD_CascadeProxySocks_SERVER Specify the host name or IP address, and port number of the on-route SOCKS4 proxy server using the format "host name:port number". CMD_CascadeProxySocks_USERNAME When user authentication is required to connect to the on-route SOCKS4 proxy server, specify the user name. Also, specify the /PASSWORD parameter at the same time. If the parameters /USERNAME and /PASSWORD are not specified, the user authentication data will not be set. CMD_CascadeProxySocks_PASSWORD When user authentication is required to connect to the on-route SOCKS4 proxy server, specify the password. Specify this together with the /USERNAME parameter. # CascadeProxySocks5 command CMD_CascadeProxySocks5 Set Connection Method of Cascade Connection to be via a SOCKS5 Proxy Server CMD_CascadeProxySocks5_Help When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified and that Cascade Connection connects to a VPN Server, use this to set Connect via SOCKS5 Proxy Server as the method of connection to use, which requires the specification of the host name and port number of the SOCKS Proxy server to communicate via as well as a user name and password (when required). \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeProxySocks5_Args CascadeProxySocks5 [name] [/SERVER:hostname:port] [/USERNAME:username] [/PASSWORD:password] CMD_CascadeProxySocks5_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to change. CMD_CascadeProxySocks5_SERVER Specify the host name or IP address, and port number of the on-route SOCKS5 proxy server using the format "host name:port number". CMD_CascadeProxySocks5_USERNAME When user authentication is required to connect to the on-route SOCKS5 proxy server, specify the user name. Also, specify the /PASSWORD parameter at the same time. If the parameters /USERNAME and /PASSWORD are not specified, the user authentication data will not be set. CMD_CascadeProxySocks5_PASSWORD When user authentication is required to connect to the on-route SOCKS5 proxy server, specify the password. Specify this together with the /USERNAME parameter. # CascadeServerCertEnable command CMD_CascadeServerCertEnable Enable Cascade Connection Server Certificate Verification Option CMD_CascadeServerCertEnable_Help When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified and that Cascade Connection connects to a VPN Server, use this to enable the option to check whether the SSL certificate provided by the destination VPN Server can be trusted. \nIf this option is enabled you must either use the CascadeServerCertSet command to save the connection destination server SSL certificate beforehand in the Cascade Connection Settings beforehand, or use the CAAdd command etc. to register a root certificate containing the signed server SSL certificate in the list of Virtual Hub trusted CA certificates. \nIf the certificate of the connected VPN Server cannot be trusted under the condition where the option to verify server certificates was enabled for the Cascade Connection, the connection will be promptly cancelled and continual reattempts at connection will be made. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeServerCertEnable_Args CascadeServerCertEnable [name] CMD_CascadeServerCertEnable_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to change. # CascadeServerCertDisable command CMD_CascadeServerCertDisable Disable Cascade Connection Server Certificate Verification Option CMD_CascadeServerCertDisable_Help When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified and that Cascade Connection connects to a VPN Server, use this to disable the option to check whether the SSL certificate provided by the destination VPN Server can be trusted. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeServerCertDisable_Args CascadeServerCertDisable [name] CMD_CascadeServerCertDisable_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to change. # CascadeServerCertSet command CMD_CascadeServerCertSet Set the Server Individual Certificate for Cascade Connection CMD_CascadeServerCertSet_Help When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified and that Cascade Connection connects to a VPN Server, use this to register beforehand the same certificate as the SSL certificate provided by the destination VPN Server. \nIf the option to verify server certificates for Cascade Connections is enabled, you must either use this command to save the connection destination server SSL certificate beforehand in the Cascade Connection Settings beforehand, or use the CAAdd command etc. to register a root certificate containing the signed server SSL certificate in the list of Virtual Hub trusted CA certificates. \nIf the certificate of the connected VPN Server cannot be trusted under the condition where the option to verify server certificates was enabled for the Cascade Connection, the connection will be promptly cancelled and continual reattempts at connection will be made. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeServerCertSet_Args CascadeServerCertSet [name] [/LOADCERT:cert] CMD_CascadeServerCertSet_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to change. CMD_CascadeServerCertSet_LOADCERT Specify X.509 format certificate file name that the server individual certificate you wish to set is saved under. # CascadeServerCertDelete command CMD_CascadeServerCertDelete Delete the Server Individual Certificate for Cascade Connection CMD_CascadeServerCertDelete_Help When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified and a server individual certificate is registered for that Cascade Connection, use this to delete that server individual certificate. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeServerCertDelete_Args CascadeServerCertDelete [name] CMD_CascadeServerCertDelete_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to change. # CascadeServerCertGet command CMD_CascadeServerCertGet Get the Server Individual Certificate for Cascade Connection CMD_CascadeServerCertGet_Help When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified and a server individual certificate is registered for that Cascade Connection, use this to get that certificate and save it as an X.509 format certificate file. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeServerCertGet_Args CascadeServerCertGet [name] [/SAVECERT:path] CMD_CascadeServerCertGet_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to change. CMD_CascadeServerCertGet_SAVECERT Specify the certificate file name to save the server individual certificate in X.509 format. # CascadeDetailSet command CMD_CascadeDetailSet Set Advanced Settings for Cascade Connection CMD_CascadeDetailSet_Help Use this to customize the VPN protocol communication settings used when a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified and that Cascade Connection connects to the VPN Server. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeDetailSet_Args CascadeDetailSet [name] [/MAXTCP:max_connection] [/INTERVAL:interval] [/TTL:disconnect_span] [/HALF:yes|no] [/NOQOS:yes|no] CMD_CascadeDetailSet_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to change. CMD_CascadeDetailSet_MAXTCP Specify, using an integer in the range 1 to 32, the number of TCP connections to be used for VPN communication. By using data transmission by multiple TCP connections for VPN communication sessions with VPN Servers it is sometimes possible to increase communication speed. \nNote: We recommend about 8 lines when the connection lines to the server are fast, and 1 line when using a slow connection such as dialup. CMD_CascadeDetailSet_INTERVAL When communicating by VPN by establishing multiple TCP connections, specify in seconds, the establishing interval for each TCP connection. The standard value is 1 second. CMD_CascadeDetailSet_TTL When specifying connection life of each TCP connection specify in seconds the keep-alive time from establishing a TCP connection until disconnection. If 0 is specified, keep-alive will not be set. CMD_CascadeDetailSet_HALF Specify "yes" when enabling half duplex mode. When using two or more TCP connections for VPN communication, it is possible to use Half Duplex Mode. By enabling half duplex mode it is possible to automatically fix data transmission direction as half and half for each TCP connection. In the case where a VPN using 8 TCP connections is established, for example, when half-duplex is enabled, communication can be fixes so that 4 TCP connections are dedicated to the upload direction and the other 4 connections are dedicated to the download direction. CMD_CascadeDetailSet_NOQOS Specify "yes" when disabling VoIP / QoS functions. Normally "no" is specified. CMD_CascadeDetailSet_Eval_MaxTcp Specify an integer in the range 1 to 32 for the number of TCP connections. CMD_CascadeDetailSet_Eval_Interval Set at least 1 second for the interval to establish a TCP connection. CMD_CascadeDetailSet_Prompt_MaxTcp Number of TCP Connections to Use in VPN Communication: CMD_CascadeDetailSet_Prompt_Interval Interval between Establishing Each TCP Connection: CMD_CascadeDetailSet_Prompt_TTL Connection Life of Each TCP Connection (0 for no keep-alive): CMD_CascadeDetailSet_Prompt_HALF Enable half-duplex mode (yes/no): # CascadePolicySet command CMD_CascadePolicySet Set Cascade Connection Session Security Policy CMD_CascadePolicySet_Help When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified and that Cascade Connection is established, use this to change the security policy contents that are applied to the session generated by the Virtual Hub. \nWhen a Virtual Hub makes a Cascade Connection to another VPN Server, a Cascade Session will be newly generated on the Virtual Hub that is the Cascade Connection source. You can use this command to set the security policy contents that will set this Cascade session. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadePolicySet_Args [name] [/NAME:policy_name] [/VALUE:num|yes|no] CMD_CascadePolicySet_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose setting you want to change. CMD_CascadePolicySet_NAME Specify the name of policy whose values you want to change. You can use the PolicyList command to display a list of policy names and values that can be set. CMD_CascadePolicySet_VALUE Specify a new policy value. If the policy is an integer value, specify an integer. Specify yes or no for Boolean types. You can view the type and value that can be set by using the PolicyList command. CMD_CascadePolicySet_PROMPT_POLNAME Name of Policy Whose Value you want to Change: CMD_CascadePolicySet_PROMPT_POLVALUE Value to newly set: CMD_CascadePolicySet_Invalid_Name The specified policy name "%S" is invalid. \nCheck the list of policy names that can be set using the PolicyList command. CMD_CascadePolicySet_Invalid_Name_For_Cascade The specified policy name "%S" cannot be used for a Cascade Connection security policy setting. CMD_CascadePolicySet_Invalid_Range Specify policy "%S" within the range of %s. # PolicyList command CMD_PolicyList Display List of Security Policy Types and Settable Values CMD_PolicyList_Help Use this to display a list of item names, descriptions, and settable values in the security policies that can be set for VPN Server users and groups and Cascade Connections. \nBy running the PolicyList command without specifying any parameters, a list of all supported security policy names and descriptions will be displayed. \nBy specifying the name using the PolicyList command parameter, a detailed description related to this value and the type and range of the settable value will be displayed. CMD_PolicyList_Args PolicyList [name] CMD_PolicyList_[name] This allows you to specify the policy name whose description you want to display. If you don't specify a name, a list of all supported security names and descriptions will be displayed. CMD_PolicyList_Invalid_Name The specified policy name is invalid. CMD_PolicyList_Column_1 Policy name CMD_PolicyList_Column_2 Simple description of policy CMD_PolicyList_Column_3 Setting value CMD_PolicyList_Help_1 [Policy Name] CMD_PolicyList_Help_2 [Simple Description of Policy] CMD_PolicyList_Help_3 [Range of Settable Values] CMD_PolicyList_Help_4 [Default Value] CMD_PolicyList_Help_5 [Detailed Description of Policy] CMD_PolicyList_Range_Bool yes or no CMD_PolicyList_Range_Int_1 Range from %s to %s (0 cannot be specified) CMD_PolicyList_Range_Int_2 Range from %s to %s (if 0 is specified, nothing is set) # CascadeStatusGet command CMD_CascadeStatusGet Get Current Cascade Connection Status CMD_CascadeStatusGet_Help When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified and that Cascade Connection is currently online, use this to get its connection status and other information. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeStatusGet_Args CascadeStatusGet [name] CMD_CascadeStatusGet_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection whose information you want to get. # CascadeRename command CMD_CascadeRename Change Name of Cascade Connection CMD_CascadeRename_Help When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified, use this to change the name of that Cascade Connection. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeRename_Args CascadeRename [name] [/NEW:new_name] CMD_CascadeRename_[name] Specify the current name of the Cascade Connection whose name you want to change. CMD_CascadeRename_NEW Specify the new name after the change. CMD_CascadeRename_PROMPT_OLD Current Name: CMD_CascadeRename_PROMPT_NEW New Name: # CascadeOnline command CMD_CascadeOnline Switch Cascade Connection to Online Status CMD_CascadeOnline_Help When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified, use this to switch that Cascade Connection to online status. The Cascade Connection that is switched to online status begins the process of connecting to the destination VPN Server in accordance with the Connection Setting. The Cascade Connection that is switched to online status will establish normal connection to the VPN Server or continue to attempt connection until it is switched to offline status. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeOnline_Args CascadeOnline [name] CMD_CascadeOnline_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection to switch to online status. # CascadeOffline command CMD_CascadeOffline Switch Cascade Connection to Offline Status CMD_CascadeOffline_Help When a Cascade Connection registered on the currently managed Virtual Hub is specified, use this to switch that Cascade Connection to offline status. The Cascade Connection that is switched to offline will not connect to the VPN Server until next time it is switched to the online status using the CascadeOnline command \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CascadeOffline_Args CascadeOffline [name] CMD_CascadeOffline_[name] Specify the name of the Cascade Connection to switch to offline status. # AccessAdd command CMD_AccessAdd Add Access List Rules (IPv4) CMD_AccessAdd_Help Use this to add a new rule to the access list of the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nThe access list is a set of packet file rules that are applied to packets that flow through the Virtual Hub. You can register multiple rules in an access list and you can also define an priority for each rule. All packets are checked for the conditions specified by the rules registered in the access list and based on the operation that is stipulated by the first matching rule, they either pass or are discarded. Packets that do not match any rule are implicitly allowed to pass. You can also use the AccessAddEx command to generate delays, jitters and packet losses. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_AccessAdd_Args AccessAdd [pass|discard] [/MEMO:memo] [/PRIORITY:priority] [/SRCUSERNAME:username] [/DESTUSERNAME:username] [/SRCMAC:mac/mask] [/DESTMAC:mac/mask] [/SRCIP:ip/mask] [/DESTIP:ip/mask] [/PROTOCOL:tcp|udp|icmpv4|icmpv6|ip|num] [/SRCPORT:start-end] [/DESTPORT:start-end] [/TCPSTATE: established|unestablished] CMD_AccessAdd_[pass|discard] When a packet matches this rule condition, this operation is decided. When pass is specified, the packet is allowed to pass, and when discard is specified, the packet is discarded. CMD_AccessAdd_MEMO Specify a description (memo) for this rule. CMD_AccessAdd_PRIORITY Specify an integer of 1 or higher to indicate the priority of the rule. Higher priority is given to rules with the lower priority values. CMD_AccessAdd_SRCIP Specify a source IPv4 address as a rule condition. Specify the IPv4 address in the format of "IP Address/Mask" by separating the decimal values using dots such as "". For the mask, either specify decimal values separated by dots such as "", or you can specify the bit length from the header using a decimal value such as "24". If you specify "", this means all hosts. CMD_AccessAdd_DESTIP Specify a destination IPv4 address as a rule condition in the format of "IP Address/Mask". Use the same method of specification as for the /SRCIP parameter. CMD_AccessAdd_PROTOCOL Specify a protocol type as a rule condition. Input the IP protocol number using decimal values or specify one of the keywords "tcp" (TCP/IP protocol, no.6), "udp" (UDP/IP protocol, no.17), "icmpv4" (ICMPv4 protocol, no.1), "icmpv6" (ICMPv6 protocol, no.58) or "ip" (all protocols, no.0). Specify 0 to make the rule apply to all IP protocols. CMD_AccessAdd_SRCPORT If the specified protocol is TCP/IP or UDP/IP, specify the source port number as the rule condition. Protocols other than this will be ignored. When this parameter is not specified, the rules will apply to all port numbers. When specifying, do so using the following method "1-1024" (1 to 1024), "23" (only 23). CMD_AccessAdd_DESTPORT If the specified protocol is TCP/IP or UDP/IP, specify the destination port number as the rule condition. Protocols other than this will be ignored. Use the same method of specification as for the /SRCPORT parameter. CMD_AccessAdd_SRCUSERNAME You can apply this rule to only the packets sent by a user session of a user name that has been specified as a rule condition. In this case, specify the user name. CMD_AccessAdd_DESTUSERNAME You can apply this rule to only the packets received by a user session of a user name that has been specified as a rule condition. In this case, specify the user name. CMD_AccessAdd_SRCMAC Specify destination MAC address as a rule. Specify MAC address with "-" or ":" separators and hexadecimal number like "00-AC-84-EA-33-BC/FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-00". The separators are skippable. CMD_AccessAdd_DESTMAC Specify destination MAC address as a rule. Use the same method of specification as for the /SRCMAC parameter. CMD_AccessAdd_TCPSTATE Specify TCP connection state as a rule. Use Established or Unestablished. CMD_AccessAdd_Prompt_TYPE Pass or Discard: CMD_AccessAdd_Prompt_MEMO Rule Description (Memo): CMD_AccessAdd_Prompt_PRIORITY Rule Priority: CMD_AccessAdd_Eval_PRIORITY Specify an integer of 1 or higher for the priority. CMD_AccessAdd_Prompt_SRCIP Source IP Address ("" specifies all): CMD_AccessAdd_Prompt_DESTIP Destination IP Address ("" specifies all): CMD_AccessAdd_Prompt_PROTOCOL Protocol No. or Protocol Name (tcp/udp/icmpv4/icmpv6/ip): CMD_AccessAdd_Prompt_SRCPORT Source Port Number Range (tcp/udp only): CMD_AccessAdd_Prompt_DESTPORT Destination Port Number Range (tcp/udp only): CMD_AccessAdd_Prompt_SRCUSERNAME Source User Name (all when unspecified): CMD_AccessAdd_Prompt_DESTUSERNAME Destination User Name (all when unspecified): CMD_AccessAdd_Prompt_SRCMAC Source MAC Address and Mask (all when unspecified): CMD_AccessAdd_Prompt_DESTMAC Destination MAC Address and Mask (all when unspecified): CMD_AccessAdd_Prompt_TCPSTATE TCP Connection State (Established/Unestablished): # AccessAddEx command CMD_AccessAddEx Add Extended Access List Rules (IPv4: Delay, Jitter and Packet Loss Generating) CMD_AccessAddEx_Help Use this to add a new rule to the access list of the currently managed Virtual Hub. You can set to generate delays, jitters and packet losses when a packet is passing via the Virtual Hub. \nThe access list is a set of packet file rules that are applied to packets that flow through the Virtual Hub. You can register multiple rules in an access list and you can also define an priority for each rule. All packets are checked for the conditions specified by the rules registered in the access list and based on the operation that is stipulated by the first matching rule, they either pass or are discarded. Packets that do not match any rule are implicitly allowed to pass. You can also use the AccessAddEx command to generate delays, jitters and packet losses. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_AccessAddEx_Args AccessAddEx [pass|discard] [/MEMO:memo] [/PRIORITY:priority] [/SRCUSERNAME:username] [/DESTUSERNAME:username] [/SRCMAC:mac/mask] [/DESTMAC:mac/mask] [/SRCIP:ip/mask] [/DESTIP:ip/mask] [/PROTOCOL:tcp|udp|icmpv4|icmpv6|ip|num] [/SRCPORT:start-end] [/DESTPORT:start-end] [/TCPSTATE: established|unestablished] [/DELAY:delay_millisec] [/JITTER:jitter_percent] [/LOSS:loss_percent] [/REDIRECTURL:url] CMD_AccessAddEx_[pass|discard] When a packet matches this rule condition, this operation is decided. When pass is specified, the packet is allowed to pass, and when discard is specified, the packet is discarded. The setting of delays, jitters and packet losses is applied if the action is pass. CMD_AccessAddEx_MEMO Specify a description (memo) for this rule. CMD_AccessAddEx_PRIORITY Specify an integer of 1 or higher to indicate the priority of the rule. Higher priority is given to rules with the lower priority values. CMD_AccessAddEx_SRCIP Specify a source IPv4 address as a rule condition. Specify the IPv4 address in the format of "IP Address/Mask" by separating the decimal values using dots such as "". For the mask, either specify decimal values separated by dots such as "", or you can specify the bit length from the header using a decimal value such as "24". If you specify "", this means all hosts. CMD_AccessAddEx_DESTIP Specify a destination IPv4 address as a rule condition in the format of "IP Address/Mask". Use the same method of specification as for the /SRCIP parameter. CMD_AccessAddEx_PROTOCOL Specify a protocol type as a rule condition. Input the IP protocol number using decimal values or specify one of the keywords "tcp" (TCP/IP protocol, no.6), "udp" (UDP/IP protocol, no.17), "icmpv4" (ICMPv4 protocol, no.1), "icmpv6" (ICMPv6 protocol, no.58) or "ip" (all protocols, no.0). Specify 0 to make the rule apply to all IP protocols. CMD_AccessAddEx_SRCPORT If the specified protocol is TCP/IP or UDP/IP, specify the source port number as the rule condition. Protocols other than this will be ignored. When this parameter is not specified, the rules will apply to all port numbers. When specifying, do so using the following method "1-1024" (1 to 1024), "23" (only 23). CMD_AccessAddEx_DESTPORT If the specified protocol is TCP/IP or UDP/IP, specify the destination port number as the rule condition. Protocols other than this will be ignored. Use the same method of specification as for the /SRCPORT parameter. CMD_AccessAddEx_SRCUSERNAME You can apply this rule to only the packets sent by a user session of a user name that has been specified as a rule condition. In this case, specify the user name. CMD_AccessAddEx_DESTUSERNAME You can apply this rule to only the packets received by a user session of a user name that has been specified as a rule condition. In this case, specify the user name. CMD_AccessAddEx_SRCMAC Specify destination MAC address as a rule. Specify MAC address with "-" or ":" separators and hexadecimal number like "00-AC-84-EA-33-BC/FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-00". The separators are skippable. CMD_AccessAddEx_DESTMAC Specify destination MAC address as a rule. Use the same method of specification as for the /SRCMAC parameter. CMD_AccessAddEx_TCPSTATE Specify TCP connection state as a rule. Use Established or Unestablished. CMD_AccessAddEx_DELAY Set this value to generate delays when packets is passing. Specify the delay period in milliseconds. Specify 0 means no delays to generate. The delays must be 10000 milliseconds at most. CMD_AccessAddEx_JITTER Set this value to generate jitters when packets is passing. Specify the ratio of fluctuation of jitters within 0% to 100% range. Specify 0 means no jitters to generate. CMD_AccessAddEx_LOSS Set this value to generate packet losses when packets is passing. Specify the ratio of packet losses within 0% to 100% range. Specify 0 means no packet losses to generate. CMD_AccessAddEx_REDIRECTURL The specified URL will be mandatory replied to the client as a response for TCP connecting request packets which matches the conditions of this access list entry via this Virtual Hub. To use this setting, you can enforce the web browser of the VPN Client computer to show the specified web site when that web browser tries to access the specific IP address. CMD_AccessAddEx_Prompt_DELAY Delays to Generate (in milliseconds: 0 - 10000): CMD_AccessAddEx_Prompt_JITTER Fluctuation of Jitters to Generate (Percent: 0 - 100): CMD_AccessAddEx_Prompt_LOSS Ratio of Packet Losses (Percent: 0 - 100): CMD_AccessAddEx_Eval_DELAY Delays must be 10000 at maximum. CMD_AccessAddEx_Eval_JITTER Fluctuation of Jitters must be 100 at maximum. CMD_AccessAddEx_Eval_LOSS Ratio of Packet Losses must be 100 at maximum. # AccessAdd6 command CMD_AccessAdd6 Add Access List Rules (IPv6) CMD_AccessAdd6_Help Use this to add a new rule to the access list of the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nThe access list is a set of packet file rules that are applied to packets that flow through the Virtual Hub. You can register multiple rules in an access list and you can also define an priority for each rule. All packets are checked for the conditions specified by the rules registered in the access list and based on the operation that is stipulated by the first matching rule, they either pass or are discarded. Packets that do not match any rule are implicitly allowed to pass. You can also use the AccessAddEx6 command to generate delays, jitters and packet losses. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_AccessAdd6_Args AccessAdd6 [pass|discard] [/MEMO:memo] [/PRIORITY:priority] [/SRCUSERNAME:username] [/DESTUSERNAME:username] [/SRCMAC:mac/mask] [/DESTMAC:mac/mask] [/SRCIP:ip/mask] [/DESTIP:ip/mask] [/PROTOCOL:tcp|udp|icmpv4|icmpv6|ip|num] [/SRCPORT:start-end] [/DESTPORT:start-end] [/TCPSTATE: established|unestablished] CMD_AccessAdd6_[pass|discard] When a packet matches this rule condition, this operation is decided. When pass is specified, the packet is allowed to pass, and when discard is specified, the packet is discarded. CMD_AccessAdd6_MEMO Specify a description (memo) for this rule. CMD_AccessAdd6_PRIORITY Specify an integer of 1 or higher to indicate the priority of the rule. Higher priority is given to rules with the lower priority values. CMD_AccessAdd6_SRCIP Specify a source IPv6 address as a rule condition. Specify the IPv6 address in the format of "IP Address/Mask" by separating the hexadecimal values using colons such as "2001:200:0:1::". For the mask, either specify hexadecimal values separated by colons such as ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::, or you can specify the bit length from the header using a decimal value such as "64". If you specify "::/0", this means all hosts. CMD_AccessAdd6_DESTIP Specify a destination IPv6 address as a rule condition in the format of "IP Address/Mask". Use the same method of specification as for the /SRCIP parameter. CMD_AccessAdd6_PROTOCOL Specify a protocol type as a rule condition. Input the IP protocol number using decimal values or specify one of the keywords "tcp" (TCP/IP protocol, no.6), "udp" (UDP/IP protocol, no.17), "icmpv4" (ICMPv4 protocol, no.1), "icmpv6" (ICMPv6 protocol, no.58) or "ip" (all protocols, no.0). Specify 0 to make the rule apply to all IP protocols. CMD_AccessAdd6_SRCPORT If the specified protocol is TCP/IP or UDP/IP, specify the source port number as the rule condition. Protocols other than this will be ignored. When this parameter is not specified, the rules will apply to all port numbers. When specifying, do so using the following method "1-1024" (1 to 1024), "23" (only 23). CMD_AccessAdd6_DESTPORT If the specified protocol is TCP/IP or UDP/IP, specify the destination port number as the rule condition. Protocols other than this will be ignored. Use the same method of specification as for the /SRCPORT parameter. CMD_AccessAdd6_SRCUSERNAME You can apply this rule to only the packets sent by a user session of a user name that has been specified as a rule condition. In this case, specify the user name. CMD_AccessAdd6_DESTUSERNAME You can apply this rule to only the packets received by a user session of a user name that has been specified as a rule condition. In this case, specify the user name. CMD_AccessAdd6_SRCMAC Specify destination MAC address as a rule. Specify MAC address with "-" or ":" separators and hexadecimal number like "00-AC-84-EA-33-BC/FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-00". The separators can be skipped. CMD_AccessAdd6_DESTMAC Specify destination MAC address as a rule. Use the same method of specification as for the /SRCMAC parameter. CMD_AccessAdd6_TCPSTATE Specify TCP connection state as a rule. Use Established or Unestablished. CMD_AccessAdd6_Prompt_TYPE Pass or Discard: CMD_AccessAdd6_Prompt_MEMO Rule Description (Memo): CMD_AccessAdd6_Prompt_PRIORITY Rule Priority: CMD_AccessAdd6_Eval_PRIORITY Specify an integer of 1 or higher for the priority. CMD_AccessAdd6_Prompt_SRCIP Source IP Address ("::/0" specifies all): CMD_AccessAdd6_Prompt_DESTIP Destination IP Address ("::/0" specifies all): CMD_AccessAdd6_Prompt_PROTOCOL Protocol No. or Protocol Name (tcp/udp/icmpv4/icmpv6/ip): CMD_AccessAdd6_Prompt_SRCPORT Source Port Number Range (tcp/udp only): CMD_AccessAdd6_Prompt_DESTPORT Destination Port Number Range (tcp/udp only): CMD_AccessAdd6_Prompt_SRCUSERNAME Source User Name (all when unspecified): CMD_AccessAdd6_Prompt_DESTUSERNAME Destination User Name (all when unspecified): CMD_AccessAdd6_Prompt_SRCMAC Source MAC Address and Mask (all when unspecified): CMD_AccessAdd6_Prompt_DESTMAC Destination MAC Address and Mask (all when unspecified): CMD_AccessAdd6_Prompt_TCPSTATE TCP Connection State (Established/Unestablished): # AccessAddEx6 command CMD_AccessAddEx6 Add Extended Access List Rules (IPv6: Delay, Jitter and Packet Loss Generating) CMD_AccessAddEx6_Help Use this to add a new rule to the access list of the currently managed Virtual Hub. You can set to generate delays, jitters and packet losses when a packet is passing via the Virtual Hub. \nThe access list is a set of packet file rules that are applied to packets that flow through the Virtual Hub. You can register multiple rules in an access list and you can also define a priority for each rule. All packets are checked for the conditions specified by the rules registered in the access list and based on the operation that is stipulated by the first matching rule, they either pass or are discarded. Packets that do not match any rule are implicitly allowed to pass. You can also use the AccessAddEx6 command to generate delays, jitters and packet losses. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_AccessAddEx6_Args AccessAddEx6 [pass|discard] [/MEMO:memo] [/PRIORITY:priority] [/SRCUSERNAME:username] [/DESTUSERNAME:username] [/SRCMAC:mac/mask] [/DESTMAC:mac/mask] [/SRCIP:ip/mask] [/DESTIP:ip/mask] [/PROTOCOL:tcp|udp|icmpv4|icmpv6|ip|num] [/SRCPORT:start-end] [/DESTPORT:start-end] [/TCPSTATE: established|unestablished] [/DELAY:delay_millisec] [/JITTER:jitter_percent] [/LOSS:loss_percent] [/REDIRECTURL:url] CMD_AccessAddEx6_[pass|discard] When a packet matches this rule condition, this operation is decided. When pass is specified, the packet is allowed to pass, and when discard is specified, the packet is discarded. The setting of delays, jitters and packet losses is applied if the action is pass. CMD_AccessAddEx6_MEMO Specify a description (memo) for this rule. CMD_AccessAddEx6_PRIORITY Specify an integer of 1 or higher to indicate the priority of the rule. Higher priority is given to rules with the lower priority values. CMD_AccessAddEx6_SRCIP Specify a source IPv6 address as a rule condition. Specify the IPv6 address in the format of "IP Address/Mask" by separating the hexadecimal values using colons such as "2001:200:0:1::". For the mask, either specify hexadecimal values separated by colons such as "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::", or you can specify the bit length from the header using a decimal value such as 64. If you specify "::/0", this means all hosts. CMD_AccessAddEx6_DESTIP Specify a destination IPv6 address as a rule condition in the format of "IP Address/Mask". Use the same method of specification as for the /SRCIP parameter. CMD_AccessAddEx6_PROTOCOL Specify a protocol type as a rule condition. Input the IP protocol number using decimal values or specify one of the keywords "tcp" (TCP/IP protocol, no.6), "udp" (UDP/IP protocol, no.17), "icmpv4" (ICMPv4 protocol, no.1), "icmpv6" (ICMPv6 protocol, no.58) or "ip" (all protocols, no.0). Specify 0 to make the rule apply to all IP protocols. CMD_AccessAddEx6_SRCPORT If the specified protocol is TCP/IP or UDP/IP, specify the source port number as the rule condition. Protocols other than this will be ignored. When this parameter is not specified, the rules will apply to all port numbers. When specifying, do so using the following method "1-1024" (1 to 1024), "23" (only 23). CMD_AccessAddEx6_DESTPORT If the specified protocol is TCP/IP or UDP/IP, specify the destination port number as the rule condition. Protocols other than this will be ignored. Use the same method of specification as for the /SRCPORT parameter. CMD_AccessAddEx6_SRCUSERNAME You can apply this rule to only the packets sent by a user session of a user name that has been specified as a rule condition. In this case, specify the user name. CMD_AccessAddEx6_DESTUSERNAME You can apply this rule to only the packets received by a user session of a user name that has been specified as a rule condition. In this case, specify the user name. CMD_AccessAddEx6_SRCMAC Specify destination MAC address as a rule. Specify MAC address with "-" or ":" separators and hexadecimal number like "00-AC-84-EA-33-BC/FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-00". The separators can be skipped. CMD_AccessAddEx6_DESTMAC Specify destination MAC address as a rule. Use the same method of specification as for the /SRCMAC parameter. CMD_AccessAddEx6_TCPSTATE Specify TCP connection state as a rule. Use Established or Unestablished. CMD_AccessAddEx6_DELAY Set this value to generate delays when packets is passing. Specify the delay period in milliseconds. Specify 0 means no delays to generate. The delays must be 10000 milliseconds at most. CMD_AccessAddEx6_JITTER Set this value to generate jitters when packets is passing. Specify the ratio of fluctuation of jitters within 0% to 100% range. Specify 0 means no jitters to generate. CMD_AccessAddEx6_LOSS Set this value to generate packet losses when packets is passing. Specify the ratio of packet losses within 0% to 100% range. Specify 0 means no packet losses to generate. CMD_AccessAddEx6_REDIRECTURL The specified URL will be mandatory replied to the client as a response for TCP connecting request packets which matches the conditions of this access list entry via this Virtual Hub. To use this setting, you can enforce the web browser of the VPN Client computer to show the specified web site when that web browser tries to access the specific IP address. CMD_AccessAddEx6_Prompt_DELAY Delays to Generate (in milliseconds: 0 - 10000): CMD_AccessAddEx6_Prompt_JITTER Fluctuation of Jitters to Generate (Percent: 0 - 100): CMD_AccessAddEx6_Prompt_LOSS Ratio of Packet Losses (Percent: 0 - 100): CMD_AccessAddEx6_Eval_DELAY Delays must be 10000 at maximum. CMD_AccessAddEx6_Eval_JITTER Fluctuation of Jitters must be 100 at maximum. CMD_AccessAddEx6_Eval_LOSS Ratio of Packet Losses must be 100 at maximum. # AccessList command CMD_AccessList Get Access List Rule List CMD_AccessList_Help Use this to get a list of packet filter rules that are registered on access list of the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nThe access list is a set of packet file rules that are applied to packets that flow through the Virtual Hub. You can register multiple rules in an access list and you can also define a priority for each rule. All packets are checked for the conditions specified by the rules registered in the access list and based on the operation that is stipulated by the first matching rule, they either pass or are discarded. Packets that do not match any rule are implicitly allowed to pass. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_AccessList_Args AccessList # AccessDelete command CMD_AccessDelete Delete Rule from Access List CMD_AccessDelete_Help Use this to specify a packet filter rule registered on the access list of the currently managed Virtual Hub and delete it. \nTo delete a rule, you must specify that rule's ID. You can display the ID by using the AccessList command. \nIf you wish not to delete the rule but to only temporarily disable it, use the AccessDisable command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_AccessDelete_Args AccessDelete [id] CMD_AccessDelete_[id] Specify either the ID or the Unique ID of the rule to delete. CMD_Access_Prompt_ID Access List Rule ID or Unique ID: # AccessEnable command CMD_AccessEnable Enable Access List Rule CMD_AccessEnable_Help Use this to specify a packet filter rule registered on the access list of the currently managed Virtual Hub and enable it. The enabled rule will be used by packet filtering. \nTo enable a rule, you must specify that rule's ID. You can display the ID by using the AccessList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_AccessEnable_Args AccessEnable [id] CMD_AccessEnable_[id] Specify the ID of the rule to enable. # AccessDisable command CMD_AccessDisable Disable Access List Rule CMD_AccessDisable_Help Use this to specify a packet filter rule registered on the access list of the currently managed Virtual Hub and disable it. The disabled rule will be used by packet filtering. \nTo disable a rule, you must specify that rule's ID. You can display the ID by using the AccessList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_AccessDisable_Args AccessDisable [id] CMD_AccessDisable_[id] Specify the ID of the rule to disable. # UserList command CMD_UserList Get List of Users CMD_UserList_Help Use this to get a list of users that are registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_UserList_Args UserList # UserCreate command CMD_UserCreate Create User CMD_UserCreate_Help Use this to create a new user in the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nBy creating a user, the VPN Client can connect to the Virtual Hub by using the authentication information of that user. \nWhen a user is created using the UserCreate command and the auth type of that user is registered as Password Authentication, a random string will be assigned as the password. Therefore, that user will not be able to connect to the Virtual Hub in that state. After creating the user, you must always use the UserPasswordSet command to specify the user password, or alternatively use the UserAnonymousSet command, UserCertSet command, UserSignedSet command, UserRadiusSet command or UserNTLMSet command to change the user's auth type. \nNote that a user whose user name has been created as "*" (a single asterisk character) will automatically be registered as a RADIUS authentication user. For cases where there are users with "*" as the name, when a user, whose user name that has been provided when a client connected to a VPN Server does not match existing user names, is able to be authenticated by a RADIUS server or NT domain controller by inputting a user name and password, the authentication settings and security policy settings will follow the setting for the user "*". \nTo change the user information of a user that has been created, use the UserSet command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_UserCreate_Args UserCreate [name] [/GROUP:group] [/REALNAME:realname] [/NOTE:note] CMD_UserCreate_[name] Specify the user name of the user to be newly created. CMD_UserCreate_GROUP When assigning a user in a group, specify the group name. When not assigning a user to any group, specify /GROUP:none. CMD_UserCreate_REALNAME Specify the user's full name. If you are not specifying this, specify /REALNAME:none. CMD_UserCreate_NOTE Specify a description of the user. If you are not specifying this, specify /NOTE:none CMD_UserCreate_Prompt_NAME User Name: CMD_UserCreate_Prompt_GROUP Assigned Group Name: CMD_UserCreate_Prompt_REALNAME User Full Name: CMD_UserCreate_Prompt_NOTE User Description: # UserSet command CMD_UserSet Change User Information CMD_UserSet_Help Use this to change user information that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nThe user information that can be changed using this command are the three items that are specified when a new user is created using the UserCreate command: Group Name, Full Name, and Description. \nTo get the list of currently registered users, use the UserList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_UserSet_Args UserSet [name] [/GROUP:group] [/REALNAME:realname] [/NOTE:note] CMD_UserSet_[name] Specify the user name of the user whose setting you want to change. CMD_UserSet_GROUP When assigning a user in a group, specify the group name. When not assigning a user to any group, specify /GROUP:none. CMD_UserSet_REALNAME Specify the user's full name. If you are not specifying this, specify /REALNAME:none CMD_UserSet_NOTE Specify a description of the user. If you are not specifying this, specify /NOTE:none. # UserDelete command CMD_UserDelete Delete User CMD_UserDelete_Help Use this to delete a user that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. By deleting the user, that user will no long be able to connect to the Virtual Hub. \nYou can use the UserPolicySet command to instead of deleting a user, set the user to be temporarily denied from logging in. \nTo get the list of currently registered users, use the UserList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_UserDelete_Args UserDelete [name] CMD_UserDelete_[name] Specify the name of the user to delete. # UserGet command CMD_UserGet Get User Information CMD_UserGet_Help Use this to get user registration information that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nThe information that you can get using this command are User Name, Full Name, Group Name, Expiration Date, Security Policy, and Auth Type, as well as parameters that are specified as auth type attributes and the statistical data of that user. \nTo get the list of currently registered users, use the UserList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_UserGet_Args UserGet [name] CMD_UserGet_[name] Specify the user name of the user whose information you want to get. CMD_UserGet_Column_Name User Name CMD_UserGet_Column_RealName Full Name CMD_UserGet_Column_Note Description CMD_UserGet_Column_Group Group Name CMD_UserGet_Column_Expires Expiration Date CMD_UserGet_Column_AuthType Auth Type CMD_UserGet_Column_UserCert Registered User Individual Certificate CMD_UserGet_Column_RadiusAlias External Authentication Server Authentication User Name CMD_UserGet_Column_RootCert_CN Limit of Certificate CN Value CMD_UserGet_Column_RootCert_SERIAL Limit of Certificate Serial Number CMD_UserGet_Policy Security Policy Set for this User # UserAnonymousSet command CMD_UserAnonymousSet Set Anonymous Authentication for User Auth Type CMD_UserAnonymousSet_Help Use this to set Anonymous Authentication as the auth type for a user that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. A VPN Client that has connected to a Virtual Hub using a user name of a user set to anonymous authentication can connect to a Virtual Hub without undergoing user authentication and without conditions. The anonymous authentication function is ideally suited to public VPN Servers that are setup to allow anyone to connect via the Internet etc. \nTo get the list of currently registered users, use the UserList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_UserAnonymousSet_Args UserAnonymousSet [name] CMD_UserAnonymousSet_[name] Specify the user name of the user whose setting you want to change. # UserPasswordSet command CMD_UserPasswordSet Set Password Authentication for User Auth Type and Set Password CMD_UserPasswordSet_Help Use this to set Password Authentication as the auth type for a user that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. Password Authentication requires a user-defined password to be set for the user object in the security account database of the Virtual Hub and when a user attempts to connect to the Virtual Hub using this user name, they will be prompted to input a password and if it is the matching password, connection will be allowed. \nThe user password is actually saved in hash code which means even if the VPN Server setting file is analyzed, the original password cannot be deciphered. \nTo get the list of currently registered users, use the UserList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_UserPasswordSet_Args UserPasswordSet [name] [/PASSWORD:password] CMD_UserPasswordSet_[name] Specify the user name of the user whose setting you want to change. CMD_UserPasswordSet_PASSWORD Specify the password to be set for the user. If this parameter is not specified a prompt will appear to input the password. # UserCertSet command CMD_UserCertSet Set Individual Certificate Authentication for User Auth Type and Set Certificate CMD_UserCertSet_Help Use this to set Individual Certificate Authentication as the Auth Type for a user that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. Individual Certificate Authentication requires one X.509 format certificate to be set for the user object in the security account database of the Virtual Hub and when a user attempts to connect to the Virtual Hub using this user name, an RSA algorithm is used to verify if the provided certificate matches the registered certificate and whether the client holds a private key that corresponds to that certificate and if so, connection is allowed. \nTo get the list of currently registered users, use the UserList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_UserCertSet_Args UserCertSet [name] [/LOADCERT:cert] CMD_UserCertSet_[name] Specify the user name of the user whose setting you want to change. CMD_UserCertSet_LOADCERT Specify the certificate to set for the user by specifying an X.509 format certificate file. # UserCertGet command CMD_UserCertGet Get Certificate Registered for Individual Certificate Authentication User CMD_UserCertGet_Help Use this to get an X.509 format certificate registered for a user of Individual Certificate Authentication who is registered in the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub and save it to file. \nIf the specified user is not set as Individual Certificate Authentication an error will occur. \nTo get the list of currently registered users, use the UserList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_UserCertGet_Args UserCertGet [name] [/SAVECERT:cert] CMD_UserCertGet_[name] Specify the user name of the user whose information you want to get. CMD_UserCertGet_SAVECERT Specify the file name to save, in X.509 format, the user certificate you obtained. CMD_UserCertGet_Not_Cert Either the user is not set as individual certificate authentication or a unique certificate is not set. # UserSignedSet command CMD_UserSignedSet Set Signed Certificate Authentication for User Auth Type CMD_UserSignedSet_Help Use this to set Signed Certificate Authentication as the auth type for a user that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. When a user connects to a Virtual Hub using a user name that is set for signed certificate authentication, an RSA algorithm is used to verify whether the certificate provided by the user is signed by any of the certificates in the list of trusted CA certificates of that Virtual Hub and whether the client holds a private key that corresponds with that certificate, and if so, connection is allowed. \nIt is also possible to set the connection to be allowed only when a certificate common name (CN) and serial number that is expected for each user is registered and the contents of the certificate after the abovementioned verification is passed matches the set value. \nTo get the list of currently registered users, use the UserList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_UserSignedSet_Args UserSignedSet [name] [/CN:cn] [/SERIAL:serial] CMD_UserSignedSet_[name] Specify the user name of the user whose setting you want to change. CMD_UserSignedSet_CN When this parameter is set, after it has been verified that the certificate that the user provided has been signed by the trusted certificate authority, connection will only be allowed when the value of the common name (CN) of this certificate is compared with the value set by this parameter and the values match. When "none" is specified, this check is not made. CMD_UserSignedSet_SERIAL When this parameter is set, after it has been verified that the certificate that the user provided has been signed by the trusted certificate authority, connection will only be allowed when the value of the serial number of this certificate is compared with the value set by this parameter and the values match. When "none" is specified, this check is not made. CMD_UserSignedSet_Prompt_CN Limit of Common Name (CN) Value: CMD_UserSignedSet_Prompt_SERIAL Limit of Serial Number Value: # UserRadiusSet command CMD_UserRadiusSet Set RADIUS Authentication for User Auth Type CMD_UserRadiusSet_Help Use this to set RADIUS Authentication as the auth type for a user that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. When a user connects to a Virtual Hub using a user name that is set for RADIUS authentication, the user name and the user input password is sent to the RADIUS server where the RADIUS SERVER checks the user name and password, then if the verification is successful, that user is allowed VPN connection. \nIn order to user RADIUS authentication, the RADIUS server used for this verification must be set in the Virtual Hub beforehand by using the RadiusServerSet command. \nTo get the list of currently registered users, use the UserList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_UserRadiusSet_Args UserRadiusSet [name] [/ALIAS:alias_name] CMD_UserRadiusSet_[name] Specify the user name of the user whose setting you want to change. CMD_UserRadiusSet_ALIAS When this parameter is set, it is possible to make the user name sent to the RADIUS server different to the user name on the Virtual Hub. When this is not set, please specify /ALIAS:none (the user name on the Virtual Hub will be used). If the user name is "*", the /ALIAS parameter will be ignored. To read an explanation of the "*" user, please input UserCreate/HELP to display this information. CMD_UserRadiusSet_Prompt_ALIAS Alias Name for Authentication (Optional): # UserNTLMSet コマンド CMD_UserNTLMSet Set NT Domain Authentication for User Auth Type CMD_UserNTLMSet_Help Use this to set NT Domain Authentication as the auth type for a user that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. When a user connects to a Virtual Hub using a user name that is set for NT Domain authentication, the user name and the user input password is sent to the Windows NT / 2000 / Server 2003 / Server 2008 / Server 2008 R2 / Server 2012 Domain Controller or Active Directory Server where the server checks the user name and password, then if the verification is successful, that user is allowed VPN connection. \nTo use NT Domain authentication, the VPN Server must be operating on a Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2012 operating system that is connected to that domain. For details please contact the VPN Server's administrator. \nTo get the list of currently registered users, use the UserList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_UserNTLMSet_Args UserNTLMSet [name] [/ALIAS:alias_name] CMD_UserNTLMSet_[name] Specify the user name of the user whose setting you want to change. CMD_UserNTLMSet_ALIAS When this parameter is set, it is possible to make the user name sent to the NT Domain or Active Directory server different to the user name on the Virtual Hub. When this is not set, please specify /ALIAS:none (the user name on the Virtual Hub will be used). If the user name is "*", the /ALIAS parameter will be ignored. To read an explanation of the "*" user, please input UserCreate/HELP to display this information. # UserPolicyRemove command CMD_UserPolicyRemove Delete User Security Policy CMD_UserPolicyRemove_Help Use this to delete the security policy setting that is set for a user that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. A user who has had their security policy setting deleted will be assigned the security policy setting of the group that user is assigned to. In the cases where the user is not assigned to a group or when a security policy setting has not been set for the group, the default values (Allow Access: Enabled, Maximum Number of TCP Connections: 32, Time-out Period: 20 seconds) will be applied. \nTo get the list of currently registered users, use the UserList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_UserPolicyRemove_Args UserPolicyRemove [name] CMD_UserPolicyRemove_[name] Specify the user name of the user whose setting you want to change. # UserPolicySet command CMD_UserPolicySet Set User Security Policy CMD_UserPolicySet_Help Use this to set the security policy contents that are set for a user that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nWhen a user has not been set a security policy, use this to change the specified values after a new default security policy has been set. \nTo get the list of currently registered users, use the UserList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_UserPolicySet_Args UserPolicySet [name] [/NAME:policy_name] [/VALUE:num|yes|no] CMD_UserPolicySet_[name] Specify the user name of the user whose setting you want to change. CMD_UserPolicySet_NAME Specify the name of policy whose values you want to change. You can use the PolicyList command to display a list of policy names and values that can be set. CMD_UserPolicySet_VALUE Specify a new policy value. If the policy is an integer value, specify an integer. Specify yes or no for Boolean types. You can view the type and value that can be set by using the PolicyList command. # UserExpiresSet command CMD_UserExpiresSet Set User's Expiration Date CMD_UserExpiresSet_Help Use this to set the user's expiration date that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. A user whose expiration date has expired cannot connect to the Virtual Hub. \nTo get the list of currently registered users, use the UserList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_UserExpiresSet_Args UserExpiresSet [name] [/EXPIRES:expires] CMD_UserExpiresSet_[name] Specify the user name of the user whose setting you want to change. CMD_UserExpiresSet_EXPIRES Specify the user expiration date and time. The date and time must be in the same format as "2005/10/08 19:30:00" where 6 integers are specified, representing year/month/day hour:minute:second separated by forward slashes, a space and then colons. Specify 4 digits for the year. If you put a space in a value, the entire value must be enclosed by "". For this specification, local time (standard time for the computer on which the command line management utility is running) can be specified. By specifying /EXPIRES:none, you can remove the expiration date restriction. CMD_UserExpiresSet_Prompt_EXPIRES User Expiration Date (no expiration if nothing specified): # GroupList command CMD_GroupList Get List of Groups CMD_GroupList_Help Use this to get a list of groups that are registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_GroupList_Args GroupList # GroupCreate command CMD_GroupCreate Create Group CMD_GroupCreate_Help Use this to create a new group in the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nYou can register multiple users in a group. To register users in a group use the GroupJoin command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_GroupCreate_Args GroupCreate [name] [/REALNAME:realname] [/NOTE:note] CMD_GroupCreate_[name] Specify the name of the group to create. CMD_GroupCreate_REALNAME Specify the group's full name. For example, if the group corresponds to an actual section or department name, specify that name. If you are not specifying this, specify /REALNAME:none CMD_GroupCreate_NOTE Specify a description of the group. If you are not specifying this, specify /NOTE:none CMD_GroupCreate_Prompt_NAME Group Name: CMD_GroupCreate_Prompt_REALNAME Group Full Name: CMD_GroupCreate_Prompt_NOTE Group Description: # GroupSet command CMD_GroupSet Set Group Information CMD_GroupSet_Help Use this to set group information that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nTo get the list of currently registered groups, use the GroupList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_GroupSet_Args GroupSet [name] [/REALNAME:realname] [/NOTE:note] CMD_GroupSet_[name] Specify the group name of the group whose setting you want to change. CMD_GroupSet_REALNAME Specify the group's Full name. For example, if the group corresponds to an actual section or department name, specify that name. If you are not specifying this, specify /REALNAME:none CMD_GroupSet_NOTE Specify a description of the group. If you are not specifying this, specify /NOTE:none. # GroupDelete command CMD_GroupDelete Delete Group CMD_GroupDelete_Help Use this to delete a group that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nWhen you delete a group all users assigned to that group will become unassigned. \nTo get the list of currently registered groups, use the GroupList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_GroupDelete_Args GroupDelete [name] CMD_GroupDelete_[name] Specify the name of the group to delete. # GroupGet command CMD_GroupGet Get Group Information and List of Assigned Users CMD_GroupGet_Help Use this to get the information of a group that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub as well as a list of users assigned to that group. \nTo get the list of currently registered groups, use the GroupList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_GroupGet_Args GroupGet [name] CMD_GroupGet_[name] Specify the group name of the group whose information you want to get. CMD_GroupGet_Column_NAME Group Name CMD_GroupGet_Column_REALNAME Full Name CMD_GroupGet_Column_NOTE Description CMD_GroupGet_Column_POLICY This is the security policy that is set for this group. CMD_GroupGet_Column_MEMBERS This is a list of user names of users who are assigned to this group. # GroupJoin command CMD_GroupJoin Add User to Group CMD_GroupJoin_Help Use this to add a user in the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub to a group that is registered on that security account database. \nTo get a list of users and groups that are currently registered, use the UserList command and the GroupList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_GroupJoin_Args GroupJoin [name] [/USERNAME:username] CMD_GroupJoin_[name] Specify the group name of the group to which you want to add a user. CMD_GroupJoin_USERNAME Specify the user name of the user you want to add to the group specified by "name". CMD_GroupJoin_Prompt_USERNAME Name of User to Join Group: # GroupUnjoin command CMD_GroupUnjoin Delete User from Group CMD_GroupUnjoin_Help Use this to delete a specified user from the group that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. By deleting a user from the group, that user becomes unassigned. \nTo get a list of users that are currently assigned to a group, use the GroupGet command. \nTo get the list of currently registered groups, use the GroupList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_GroupUnjoin_Args GroupUnjoin [name] CMD_GroupUnjoin_[name] Specify the name of the user to delete from the group. CMD_GroupUnjoin_Prompt_name Name of User to Delete from Group: # GroupPolicyRemove command CMD_GroupPolicyRemove Delete Group Security Policy CMD_GroupPolicyRemove_Help Use this to delete the security policy setting that is set for a group that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. Users who do not have a security policy set for the user themselves or for the group they are assigned to, will have the default values (Allow Access: Enabled, Maximum Number of TCP Connections: 32, Time-out Period: 20 seconds) applied to them. \nTo get the list of currently registered groups, use the GroupList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_GroupPolicyRemove_Args GroupPolicyRemove [name] CMD_GroupPolicyRemove_[name] Specify the group name of the group whose setting you want to change. # GroupPolicySet command CMD_GroupPolicySet Set Group Security Policy CMD_GroupPolicySet_Help Use this to set the security policy contents that are set for a group that is registered on the security account database of the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nWhen a group has not been set a security policy, use this to change the specified values after a new default security policy has been set. \nTo get the list of currently registered groups, use the GroupList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a member server on a cluster. CMD_GroupPolicySet_Args GroupPolicySet [name] [/NAME:policy_name] [/VALUE:num|yes|no] CMD_GroupPolicySet_[name] Specify the group name of the group whose setting you want to change. CMD_GroupPolicySet_NAME Specify the name of policy whose values you want to change. You can use the PolicyList command to display a list of policy names and values that can be set. CMD_GroupPolicySet_VALUE Specify a new policy value. If the policy is an integer value, specify an integer. Specify yes or no for Boolean types. You can view the type and value that can be set by using the PolicyList command. # SessionList command CMD_SessionList Get List of Connected Sessions CMD_SessionList_Help Use this to get a list of the sessions connected to the Virtual Hub currently being managed. In the list of sessions, the following information will be displayed for each connection: Session Name, Session Site, User Name, Source Host Name, TCP Connection, Transfer Bytes and Transfer Packets. \nIf the currently connected VPN Server is a cluster controller and the currently managed Virtual Hub is a static Virtual Hub, you can get an all-linked-together list of all sessions connected to that Virtual Hub on all cluster members. \nIn all other cases, only the list of sessions that are actually connected to the currently managed VPN Server will be obtained. CMD_SessionList_Args SessionList # SessionGet command CMD_SessionGet Get Session Information CMD_SessionGet_Help Use this to specify a session currently connected to the currently managed Virtual Hub and get the session information. The session information includes the following: source host name and user name, version information, time information, number of TCP connections, communication parameters, session key, statistical information on data transferred, and other client and server information. \nTo get the list of currently connected sessions, use the SessionList command. CMD_SessionGet_Args SessionGet [name] CMD_SessionGet_[name] Specify the session name of the session whose information you want to get. CMD_SessionGet_Prompt_NAME Session name: # SessionDisconnect command CMD_SessionDisconnect Disconnect Session CMD_SessionDisconnect_Help Use this to specify a session currently connected to the currently managed Virtual Hub and forcefully disconnect that session using manager privileges. \nNote that when communication is disconnected by settings on the source client side and the automatically reconnect option is enabled, it is possible that the client will reconnect. \nTo get the list of currently connected sessions, use the SessionList command. CMD_SessionDisconnect_Args SessionDisconnect [name] CMD_SessionDisconnect_[name] Specify the session name of the session to disconnect. # MacTable command CMD_MacTable Get the MAC Address Table Database CMD_MacTable_Help Use this to get the MAC address table database that is held by the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nThe MAC address table database is a table that the Virtual Hub requires to perform the action of switching Ethernet frames and the Virtual Hub decides the sorting destination session of each Ethernet frame based on the MAC address table database. The MAC address database is built by the Virtual Hub automatically analyzing the contents of the communication throughput. \nBy specifying the session name you can get the MAC address table entry that has been associated with that session. CMD_MacTable_Args MacTable [session_name] CMD_MacTable_[session_name] By specifying the session name as a parameter, you can display only the MAC address table entry that is associated with that session. When this is left unspecified, all the entries will be displayed. # MacDelete command CMD_MacDelete Delete MAC Address Table Entry CMD_MacDelete_Help Use this command to operate the MAC address table database held by the currently managed Virtual Hub and delete a specified MAC address table entry from the database. \nTo get the contents of the current MAC address table database use the MacTable command. CMD_MacDelete_Args MacDelete [id] CMD_MacDelete_[id] Specify the ID of the MAC address table entry to delete. CMD_MacDelete_Prompt ID to Delete: # IpTable command CMD_IpTable Get the IP Address Table Database CMD_IpTable_Help Use this to get the IP address table database that is held by the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nThe IP address table database is a table that is automatically generated by analyzing the contents of communication so that the Virtual Hub can always know which session is using which IP address and it is frequently used by the engine that applies the Virtual Hub security policy. \nBy specifying the session name you can get the IP address table entry that has been associated with that session. CMD_IpTable_Args IpTable [session_name] CMD_IpTable_[session_name] By specifying the session name as a parameter, you can display only the IP address table entry that is associated with that session. When this is left unspecified, all the entries will be displayed. # IpDelete command CMD_IpDelete Delete IP Address Table Entry CMD_IpDelete_Help Use this command to operate the IP address table database held by the currently managed Virtual Hub and delete a specified IP address table entry from the database. \nTo get the contents of the current IP address table database use the IpTable command. CMD_IpDelete_Args IpDelete [id] CMD_IpDelete_[id] Specify the ID of the IP address table entry to delete. # SecureNatEnable command CMD_SecureNatEnable Enable the Virtual NAT and DHCP Server Function (SecureNat Function) CMD_SecureNatEnable_Help Use this to enable the Virtual NAT and DHCP Server function (SecureNat Function) on the currently managed Virtual Hub and begin its operation. Before executing this command, you must first check the setting contents of the current Virtual NAT function and DHCP Server function using the SecureNatHostGet command, NatGet command and DhcpGet command. \nBy enabling the SecureNAT function, you can virtually operate a NAT router (IP masquerade) and the DHCP Server function on a virtual network on the Virtual Hub. \n\n[Warning about SecureNAT Function]\nThe SecureNAT function is recommended only for system administrators and people with a detailed knowledge of networks. \nIf you use the SecureNAT function correctly, it is possible to achieve a safe form of remote access via a VPN. However when used in the wrong way, it can put the entire network in danger. Anyone who does not have a thorough knowledge of networks and anyone who does not have the network administrator's permission must not enable the SecureNAT function. For a detailed explanation of the SecureNAT function, please refer to the VPN Server's manual and online documentation. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_SecureNatEnable_Args SecureNatEnable # SecureNatDisable command CMD_SecureNatDisable Disable the Virtual NAT and DHCP Server Function (SecureNat Function) CMD_SecureNatDisable_Help Use this to disable the Virtual NAT and DHCP Server function (SecureNat Function) on the currently managed Virtual Hub. By executing this command the Virtual NAT function immediately stops operating and the Virtual DHCP Server function deletes the DHCP lease database and stops the service. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_SecureNatDisable_Args SecureNatDisable # SecureNatStatusGet command CMD_SecureNatStatusGet Get the Operating Status of the Virtual NAT and DHCP Server Function (SecureNat Function) CMD_SecureNatStatusGet_Help Use this to get the operating status of the Virtual NAT and DHCP Server function (SecureNat Function) when it is operating on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_SecureNatStatusGet_Args SecureNatStatusGet # SecureNatHostGet command CMD_SecureNatHostGet Get Network Interface Setting of Virtual Host of SecureNAT Function CMD_SecureNatHostGet_Help Use this to get the virtual host network interface setting from the setting items of the Virtual NAT and DHCP Server function (SecureNAT function) on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nThe SecureNAT function holds one virtual network adapter on the L2 segment inside the Virtual Hub and it has been assigned a MAC address and an IP address. By doing this, another host connected to the same L2 segment is able to communicate with the SecureNAT virtual host as if it is an actual IP host existing on the network. \n\n[Warning about SecureNAT Function]\nThe SecureNAT function is recommended only for system administrators and people with a detailed knowledge of networks. \nIf you use the SecureNAT function correctly, it is possible to achieve a safe form of remote access via a VPN. However when used in the wrong way, it can put the entire network in danger. Anyone who does not have a thorough knowledge of networks and anyone who does not have the network administrators permission must not enable the SecureNAT function. For a detailed explanation of the SecureNAT function, please refer to the VPN Server's manual and online documentation. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_SecureNatHostGet_Args SecureNatHostGet CMD_SecureNatHostGet_Column_MAC MAC Address CMD_SecureNatHostGet_Column_IP IP Address CMD_SecureNatHostGet_Column_MASK Subnet Mask CMD_SecureNatHostGet_Column_LOG Save NAT and DHCP Operation Log # SecureNatHostSet command CMD_SecureNatHostSet Change Network Interface Setting of Virtual Host of SecureNAT Function CMD_SecureNatHostSet_Help Use this to change and save the virtual host network interface setting in the setting items of the Virtual NAT and DHCP Server function (SecureNAT function) on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nThe SecureNAT function holds one virtual network adapter on the L2 segment inside the Virtual Hub and it has been assigned a MAC address and an IP address. By doing this, another host connected to the same L2 segment is able to communicate with the SecureNAT virtual host as if it is an actual IP host existing on the network. \n\n[Warning about SecureNAT Function]\nThe SecureNAT function is recommended only for system administrators and people with a detailed knowledge of networks. \nIf you use the SecureNAT function correctly, it is possible to achieve a safe form of remote access via a VPN. However when used in the wrong way, it can put the entire network in danger. Anyone who does not have a thorough knowledge of networks and anyone who does not have the network administrators permission must not enable the SecureNAT function. For a detailed explanation of the SecureNAT function, please refer to the VPN Server's manual and online documentation. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_SecureNatHostSet_Args SecureNatHostSet [/MAC:mac] [/IP:ip] [/MASK:mask] CMD_SecureNatHostSet_MAC Specify the MAC address to assign for the virtual interface. Specify a MAC address using a string like "00-AC-01-23-45-67". When /MAC:none is specified, no changes will be made to the current setting. CMD_SecureNatHostSet_IP Specify the IP address to assign for the virtual interface. When /IP:none is specified, no changes will be made to the current setting. CMD_SecureNatHostSet_MASK Specify the subnet mask to assign for the virtual interface. When /MASK:none is specified, no changes will be made to the current setting. CMD_SecureNatHostSet_Prompt_MAC MAC Address: CMD_SecureNatHostSet_Prompt_IP IP Address: CMD_SecureNatHostSet_Prompt_MASK Subnet Mask: # NatGet command CMD_NatGet Get Virtual NAT Function Setting of SecureNAT Function CMD_NatGet_Help Use this to get the virtual NAT setting from the setting items of the Virtual NAT and DHCP Server function (SecureNAT function) on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_NatGet_Args NatGet CMD_NatGet_Column_USE Use Virtual NAT Function CMD_NetGet_Column_MTU MTU Value CMD_NatGet_Column_TCP TCP Session Timeout (Seconds) CMD_NatGet_Column_UDP UDP Session Timeout (Seconds) # NatEnable command CMD_NatEnable Enable Virtual NAT Function of SecureNAT Function CMD_NatEnable_Help Use this to enable the Virtual NAT function on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nIf the SecureNAT function is still not operating even after this command has been used to enable the Virtual NAT function, Virtual NAT is not operating. To start the operation of the SecureNAT Function, use the SecureNatEnable command. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_NatEnable_Args NatEnable # NatDisable command CMD_NatDisable Disable Virtual NAT Function of SecureNAT Function CMD_NatDisable_Help Use this to disable the Virtual NAT function on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_NatDisable_Args NatDisable # NatSet command CMD_NatSet Change Virtual NAT Function Setting of SecureNAT Function CMD_NatSet_Help Use this to change the Virtual NAT setting of the currently managed Virtual Hub. The contents of the Virtual NAT setting includes: MTU value, TCP session timeout and UDP session timeout \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_NatSet_Args NatSet [/MTU:mtu] [/TCPTIMEOUT:tcp_timeout] [/UDPTIMEOUT:udp_timeout] [/LOG:yes|no] CMD_NatSet_MTU Set the MTU (Maximum transferable unit size) using an integer to specify the byte length unit. This value is the maximum payload length excluding the MAC header of the Ethernet frame that the Virtual NAT sends and the default is 1500 bytes. CMD_NatSet_TCPTIMEOUT This sets how many seconds a condition of non-communication continues in a TCP session that the Virtual NAT is relaying before a timeout occurs and the session is discarded. CMD_NatSet_UDPTIMEOUT This sets how many seconds a condition of non-communication continues in a UDP session that the Virtual NAT is relaying before a timeout occurs and the session is discarded. CMD_NatSet_LOG Specify whether or not to save the Virtual NAT operation in the Virtual Hub security log. Specify "yes" to save it, and "no" to not save it. CMD_NatSet_Prompt_MTU MTU Value: CMD_NatSet_Prompt_TCPTIMEOUT TCP Session Timeout (Seconds): CMD_NatSet_Prompt_UDPTIMEOUT UDP Session Timeout (Seconds): CMD_NatSet_Prompt_LOG Save Log (yes / no): CMD_NatSet_Eval_MTU Specify a value in the range %d to %d for the MTU value. CMD_NatSet_Eval_TCP Specify the number of seconds in the range %d to %d for the TCP session timeout. CMD_NatSet_Eval_UDP Specify the number of seconds in the range %d to %d for the UDP session timeout. # NatTable command CMD_NatTable Get Virtual NAT Function Session Table of SecureNAT Function CMD_NatTable_Help Use this to get the table of TCP and UDP sessions currently communicating via the Virtual NAT (NAT table) in cases when the Virtual NAT function is operating on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_NatTable_Args NatTable # DhcpGet command CMD_DhcpGet Get Virtual DHCP Server Function Setting of SecureNAT Function CMD_DhcpGet_Help Use this to get the virtual DHCP Server setting from the setting items of the Virtual NAT and DHCP Server function (SecureNAT function) on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_DhcpGet_Args DhcpGet CMD_DhcpGet_Column_Log Record Log of NAT and DHCP Operation CMD_DhcpGet_Column_USE Use Virtual DHCP Function CMD_DhcpGet_Column_IP1 Start Distribution Address Band CMD_DhcpGet_Column_IP2 End Distribution Address Band CMD_DhcpGet_Column_MASK Subnet Mask CMD_DhcpGet_Column_LEASE Lease Limit (Seconds) CMD_DhcpGet_Column_GW Default Gateway Address CMD_DhcpGet_Column_DNS DNS Server Address 1 CMD_DhcpGet_Column_DNS2 DNS Server Address 2 CMD_DhcpGet_Column_DOMAIN Domain Name CMD_DhcpGet_Column_PUSHROUTE Static Routing Table to Push # DhcpEnable command CMD_DhcpEnable Enable Virtual DHCP Server Function of SecureNAT Function CMD_DhcpEnable_Help Use this to enable the Virtual DHCP Server function on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nIf the SecureNAT function is still not operating even after this command has been used to enable the Virtual DHCP function, Virtual DHCP Server is not operating. To start the operation of the SecureNAT Function, use the SecureNatEnable command. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_DhcpEnable_Args DhcpEnable # DhcpDisable command CMD_DhcpDisable Disable Virtual DHCP Server Function of SecureNAT Function CMD_DhcpDisable_Help Use this to disable the Virtual DHCP Server function on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_DhcpDisable_Args DhcpDisable # DhcpSet command CMD_DhcpSet Change Virtual DHCP Server Function Setting of SecureNAT Function CMD_DhcpSet_Help Use this to change the Virtual DHCP Server setting of the currently managed Virtual Hub. The Virtual DHCP Server settings include the following items: distribution address band, subnet mask, lease limit, and option values assigned to clients. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_DhcpSet_Args DhcpSet [/START:start_ip] [/END:end_ip] [/MASK:subnetmask] [/EXPIRE:sec] [/GW:gwip] [/DNS:dns] [/DNS2:dns2][/DOMAIN:domain] [/LOG:yes|no] [/PUSHROUTE:"routing_table"] CMD_DhcpSet_START Specify the start point of the address band to be distributed to the client. (Example: CMD_DhcpSet_END Specify the end point of the address band to be distributed to the client. (Example: CMD_DhcpSet_MASK Specify the subnet mask to be specified for the client. (Example: CMD_DhcpSet_EXPIRE Specify the expiration date in second units for leasing an IP address to a client. CMD_DhcpSet_GW Specify the IP address of the default gateway to be notified to the client. You can specify a SecureNAT Virtual Host IP address for this when the SecureNAT Function's Virtual NAT Function has been enabled and is being used also. If you specify 0 or none, then the client will not be notified of the default gateway. CMD_DhcpSet_DNS Specify the IP address of the primary DNS Server to be notified to the client. You can specify a SecureNAT Virtual Host IP address for this when the SecureNAT Function's Virtual NAT Function has been enabled and is being used also. If you specify 0 or none, then the client will not be notified of the DNS Server address. CMD_DhcpSet_DNS2 Specify the IP address of the secondary DNS Server to be notified to the client. You can specify a SecureNAT Virtual Host IP address for this when the SecureNAT Function's Virtual NAT Function has been enabled and is being used also. If you specify 0 or none, then the client will not be notified of the DNS Server address. CMD_DhcpSet_DOMAIN Specify the domain name to be notified to the client. If you specify none, then the client will not be notified of the domain name. CMD_DhcpSet_LOG Specify whether or not to save the Virtual DHCP Server operation in the Virtual Hub security log. Specify "yes" to save it. This value is interlinked with the Virtual NAT Function log save setting. CMD_DhcpSet_PUSHROUTE Specify the static routing table to push.\nExample: ","\nSplit multiple entries (maximum: 64 entries) by comma or space characters. Each entry must be specified in the "IP network address/subnet mask/gateway IP address" format.\nThis Virtual DHCP Server can push the classless static routes (RFC 3442) with DHCP reply messages to VPN clients.\nWhether or not a VPN client can recognize the classless static routes (RFC 3442) depends on the target VPN client software. SoftEther VPN Client and OpenVPN Client are supporting the classless static routes. On L2TP/IPsec and MS-SSTP protocols, the compatibility depends on the implementation of the client software. You can realize the split tunneling if you clear the default gateway field on the Virtual DHCP Server options. On the client side, L2TP/IPsec and MS-SSTP clients need to be configured not to set up the default gateway for the split tunneling usage.\nYou can also push the classless static routes (RFC 3442) by your existing external DHCP server. In that case, disable the Virtual DHCP Server function on SecureNAT, and you need not to set up the classless routes on this command.\nSee the RFC 3442 to understand the classless routes. CMD_DhcpSet_Prompt_START Start Point for Distributed Address Band: CMD_DhcpSet_Prompt_END End Point for Distributed Address Band: CMD_DhcpSet_Prompt_MASK Subnet Mask: CMD_DhcpSet_Prompt_EXPIRE Lease Limit (Seconds): CMD_DhcpSet_Prompt_GW Default Gateway ('none' to not set this): CMD_DhcpSet_Prompt_DNS DNS Server 1 ('none' to not set this): CMD_DhcpSet_Prompt_DNS2 DNS Server 2 ('none' to not set this): CMD_DhcpSet_Prompt_DOMAIN Domain Name: # DhcpTable command CMD_DhcpTable Get Virtual DHCP Server Function Lease Table of SecureNAT Function CMD_DhcpTable_Help Use this to get the lease table of IP addresses, held by the Virtual DHCP Server, that are assigned to clients in cases when the Virtual NAT function is operating on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_DhcpTable_Args DhcpTable # AdminOptionList command CMD_AdminOptionList Get List of Virtual Hub Administration Options CMD_AdminOptionList_Help Use this to get a list of Virtual Hub administration options that are set on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nThe purpose of the Virtual Hub administration options is for the VPN Server Administrator to set limits for the setting ranges when the administration of the Virtual Hub is to be trusted to each Virtual Hub administrator. \nOnly an administrator with administration privileges for this entire VPN Server is able to add, edit and delete the Virtual Hub administration options. The Virtual Hub administrators are unable to make changes to the administration options, however they are able to view them. \nThere is an exception however. If allow_hub_admin_change_option is set to "1", even Virtual Hub administrators are able to edit the administration options. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster member. CMD_AdminOptionList_Args AdminOptionList # AdminOptionSet command CMD_AdminOptionSet Set Values of Virtual Hub Administration Options CMD_AdminOptionSet_Help Use this to change the values of Virtual Hub administration options that are set on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nThe purpose of the Virtual Hub administration options is for the VPN Server Administrator to set limits for the setting ranges when the administration of the Virtual Hub is to be trusted to each Virtual Hub administrator. \nOnly an administrator with administration privileges for this entire VPN Server is able to add, edit and delete the Virtual Hub administration options. The Virtual Hub administrators are unable to make changes to the administration options, however they are able to view them. \nThere is an exception however. If allow_hub_admin_change_option is set to "1", even Virtual Hub administrators are able to edit the administration options. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster member. CMD_AdminOptionSet_Args AdminOptionSet [name] [/VALUE:value] CMD_AdminOptionSet_[name] Specify the name of the administration option whose value you want to change. You can get a list of names by using the AdminOptionList command. CMD_AdminOptionSet_VALUE Specify an integer for the setting value. CMD_AdminOptionSet_Prompt_name Name of Administration Option to Change Value: CMD_AdminOptionSet_Prompt_VALUE Setting Value (Integer): # ExtOptionList command CMD_ExtOptionList Get List of Virtual Hub Extended Options CMD_ExtOptionList_Help Use this to get a Virtual Hub Extended Options List that is set on the currently managed Virtual Hub.\nVirtual Hub Extended Option enables you to configure more detail settings of the Virtual Hub.\nBy default, both VPN Server's global administrators and individual Virtual Hub's administrators can modify the Virtual Hub Extended Options.\nHowever, if the deny_hub_admin_change_ext_option is set to 1 on the Virtual Hub Admin Options, the individual Virtual Hub's administrators cannot modify the Virtual Hub Extended Options.\nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster member. CMD_ExtOptionList_Args ExtOptionList # ExtOptionSet command CMD_ExtOptionSet Set a Value of Virtual Hub Extended Options CMD_ExtOptionSet_Help Use this to set a value in the Virtual Hub Extended Options List that is set on the currently managed Virtual Hub.\nVirtual Hub Extended Option enables you to configure more detail settings of the Virtual Hub.\nBy default, both VPN Server's global administrators and individual Virtual Hub's administrators can modify the Virtual Hub Extended Options.\nHowever, if the deny_hub_admin_change_ext_option is set to 1 on the Virtual Hub Admin Options, the individual Virtual Hub's administrators cannot modify the Virtual Hub Extended Options.\nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster member. CMD_ExtOptionSet_Args ExtOptionSet [name] [/VALUE:value] CMD_ExtOptionSet_[name] Specify the name of the Virtual Hub Extended Options whose value you want to change. You can get a list of names by using the ExtOptionList command. CMD_ExtOptionSet_VALUE Specify an integer for the setting value. CMD_ExtOptionSet_Prompt_name Name of Extended Option to Change Value: CMD_ExtOptionSet_Prompt_VALUE Setting Value (Integer): # CrlList command CMD_CrlList Get List of Certificates Revocation List CMD_CrlList_Help Use this to get a Certificates Revocation List that is set on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nBy registering certificates in the Certificates Revocation List, the clients who provide these certificates will be unable to connect to this Virtual Hub using certificate authentication mode. \nNormally with this function, in cases where the security of a private key has been compromised or where a person holding a certificate has been stripped of their privileges, by registering that certificate as invalid on the Virtual Hub, it is possible to deny user authentication when that certificate is used by a client to connect to the Virtual Hub. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CrlList_Args CrlList # CrlAdd command CMD_CrlAdd Add a Revoked Certificate CMD_CrlAdd_Help Use this to add a new revoked certificate definition in the Certificate Revocation List that is set on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nSpecify the contents to be registered in the Certificate Revocation List by using the parameters of this command. When a user connects to a Virtual Hub in certificate authentication mode and that certificate matches 1 or more of the contents registered in the certificates revocation list, the user is denied connection. \nA certificate that matches all the conditions that are defined by the parameters specified by this command will be judged as invalid. \nThe items that can be set are as follows: Name (CN), Organization (O), Organization Unit (OU), Country (C), State (ST), Locale (L), Serial Number (hexadecimal), MD5 Digest Value (hexadecimal, 128 bit), and SHA-1 Digest Value (hexadecimal, 160 bit). For the specification of a digest value (hash value) a certificate is optionally specified depending on the circumstances. Normally when a MD5 or SHA-1 digest value is input, it is not necessary to input the other items. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CrlAdd_Args CrlAdd [/SERIAL:serial] [/MD5:md5] [/SHA1:sha1] [/CN:cn] [/O:o] [/OU:ou] [/C:c] [/ST:st] [/L:l] CMD_CrlAdd_SERIAL Use this parameter to specify the value for the certificate serial number (hexadecimal) when it is set as a condition. CMD_CrlAdd_MD5 Use this parameter to specify the value for the certificate MD5 digest value (hexadecimal, 128 bits) when it is set as a condition. If this parameter specification is other than a hexadecimal value of 32 characters (16 bytes), it will be ignored. CMD_CrlAdd_SHA1 Use this parameter to specify the value for the certificate SHA1 digest value (hexadecimal, 160 bits) when it is set as a condition. If this parameter specification is other than a hexadecimal value of 40 characters (16 bytes), it will be ignored. CMD_CrlAdd_CN Use this parameter to specify the name (CN) of the certificate when it is set as a condition. CMD_CrlAdd_O Use this parameter to specify the organization (O) of the certificate when it is set as a condition. CMD_CrlAdd_OU Use this parameter to specify the organization unit (OU) of the certificate when it is set as a condition. CMD_CrlAdd_C Use this parameter to specify the country (C) of the certificate when it is set as a condition. CMD_CrlAdd_ST Use this parameter to specify the state (ST) of the certificate when it is set as a condition. CMD_CrlAdd_L Use this parameter to specify the locale (L) of the certificate when it is set as a condition. # CrlDel command CMD_CrlDel Delete a Revoked Certificate CMD_CrlDel_Help Use this to specify and delete a revoked certificate definition from the certificate revocation list that is set on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nTo get the list of currently registered revoked certificate definitions, use the CrlList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CrlDel_Args CrlDel [id] CMD_CrlDel_[id] Specify the ID of the revoked certificate definition you want to delete. CMD_CrlDel_Prompt_ID ID to Delete: # CrlGet command CMD_CrlGet Get a Revoked Certificate CMD_CrlGet_Help Use this to specify and get the contents of a revoked certificate definition from the Certificates Revocation List that is set on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nTo get the list of currently registered revoked certificate definitions, use the CrlList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_CrlGet_Args CrlGet [id] CMD_CrlGet_[id] Specify the ID of the revoked certificate definition you want to get. CMD_CrlGet_Prompt_ID ID to Get: CMD_CrlGet_CN Common Name (CN) CMD_CrlGet_O Organization (O) CMD_CrlGet_OU Organization Unit (OU) CMD_CrlGet_C Country (C) CMD_CrlGet_ST State (ST) CMD_CrlGet_L Locale (L) CMD_CrlGet_SERI Serial Number (Hexadecimal) CMD_CrlGet_MD5_HASH MD5 Digest Value (Hexadecimal, 128 bit) CMD_CrlGet_SHA1_HASH SHA-1 Digest Value (Hexadecimal, 160 bit) # AcList command CMD_AcList Get List of Rule Items of Source IP Address Limit List CMD_AcList_Help Use this to get a list of Source IP Address Limit List rules that is set on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nYou can allow or deny VPN connections to this Virtual Hub according to the client computer's source IP address. You can define multiple rules and set a priority for each rule. The search proceeds from the rule with the highest order or priority and based on the action of the rule that the IP address first matches, the connection from the client is either allowed or denied. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_AcList_Args AcList # AcAdd command CMD_AcAdd Add Rule to Source IP Address Limit List (IPv4) CMD_AcAdd_Help Use this to add a new rule to the Source IP Address Limit List that is set on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nThe items set here will be used to decide whether to allow or deny connection from a VPN Client when this client attempts connection to the Virtual Hub. \nYou can specify a client IP address, or IP address or mask to match the rule as the contents of the rule item. By specifying an IP address only, there will only be one specified computer that will match the rule, but by specifying an IP net mask address or subnet mask address, all the computers in the range of that subnet will match the rule. \nYou can specify the priority for the rule. You can specify an integer of 1 or greater for the priority and the smaller the number, the higher the priority. \nTo get a list of the currently registered Source IP Address Limit List, use the AcList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_AcAdd_Args AcAdd [allow|deny] [/PRIORITY:priority] [/IP:ip/mask] CMD_AcAdd_[allow|deny] Set whether to "allow" or "deny" the connection from a client that matches the rule. CMD_AcAdd_PRIORITY Specify an integer of 1 or higher to indicate the priority of the rule. The smaller the value the higher the priority. CMD_AcAdd_IP Using the format: "IP Address/Mask", specify the range of client IPv4 addresses. Specify the IPv4 address by separating the decimal values using dots such as "". For the mask, either specify decimal values separated by dots such as "", or you can specify the bit length from the header using a decimal value such as "24". To specify a single IPv4 host, specify the mask as "32" or "". CMD_AcAdd_Prompt_AD allow or deny: CMD_AcAdd_Prompt_PRIORITY Priority: CMD_AcAdd_Prompt_IP IPv4 Address/Mask: CMD_AcAdd_Eval_PRIORITY Specify 1 or higher for the priority. # AcAdd6 command CMD_AcAdd6 Add Rule to Source IP Address Limit List (IPv6) CMD_AcAdd6_Help Use this to add a new rule to the Source IP Address Limit List that is set on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nThe items set here will be used to decide whether to allow or deny connection from a VPN Client when this client attempts connection to the Virtual Hub. \nYou can specify a client IP address, or IP address or mask to match the rule as the contents of the rule item. By specifying an IP address only, there will only be one specified computer that will match the rule, but by specifying an IP net mask address or subnet mask address, all the computers in the range of that subnet will match the rule. \nYou can specify the priority for the rule. You can specify an integer of 1 or greater for the priority and the smaller the number, the higher the priority. \nTo get a list of the currently registered Source IP Address Limit List, use the AcList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_AcAdd6_Args AcAdd6 [allow|deny] [/PRIORITY:priority] [/IP:ip/mask] CMD_AcAdd6_[allow|deny] Set whether to "allow" or "deny" the connection from a client that matches the rule. CMD_AcAdd6_PRIORITY Specify an integer of 1 or higher to indicate the priority of the rule. The smaller the value the higher the priority. CMD_AcAdd6_IP Using the format: "IP Address/Mask", specify the range of client IPv6 addresses. Specify the IPv6 address by separating the hexadecimal values using colons such as "2001:200:0:1::". For the mask, either specify hexadecimal values separated by colons such as "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::", or you can specify the bit length from the header using a decimal value such as "64". To specify a single IPv6 host, specify the mask as "128" or "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff". CMD_AcAdd6_Prompt_AD allow or deny: CMD_AcAdd6_Prompt_PRIORITY Priority: CMD_AcAdd6_Prompt_IP IPv6 Address/Mask: CMD_AcAdd6_Eval_PRIORITY Specify 1 or higher for the priority. # AcDel command CMD_AcDel Delete Rule from Source IP Address Limit List CMD_AcDel_Help Use this to delete a rule from the Source IP Address Limit List that is set on the currently managed Virtual Hub. \nTo get a list of the currently registered IP access control list, use the AcList command. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. \nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_AcDel_Args AcDel [id] CMD_AcDel_[id] Specify the ID of the rule in the Source IP Address Limit List that you want to delete. CMD_AcDel_Prompt_ID ID of Rule to Delete: # LicenseAdd command CMD_LicenseAdd Add License Key Registration CMD_LicenseAdd_Help Use this to register a new license key on the SoftEther VPN Server. \nTo use SoftEther VPN Server you must acquire a valid license and register the license key. The license keys are 36 alphanumeric characters in length plus hyphens. They are key codes that certify the ownership of a license. \nWhen a license certificate is received together with this software, the license key is printed on this license certificate. If the license for this software has been purchased online, the license key is provided by email and on the website window at the time the license is purchased. The license key may also be written down by some other method. If you don't know where the license key is written down, ask the vendor who sold you the license. \n\nTo get the list of currently registered licenses, use the LicenseList command. \nTo display the license status of the current VPN Server, use the LicenseStatus command. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. CMD_LicenseAdd_Args LicenseAdd [key] CMD_LicenseAdd_[key] Specify the license key to register. Specify 36 digits of alphanumeric characters and group the digits in groups of 6 separating them by hyphen. CMD_LicenseAdd_Prompt_Key License Key: # LicenseDel command CMD_LicenseDel Delete Registered License CMD_LicenseDel_Help Use this to delete a specified license from the license list that is currently registered on the SoftEther VPN Server. \n\nTo get the list of currently registered licenses, use the LicenseList command. \nTo display the license status of the current VPN Server, use the LicenseStatus command. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. CMD_LicenseDel_Args LicenseDel [id] CMD_LicenseDel_[id] Specify the license number to delete. CMD_LicenseDel_Prompt_ID License Number to Delete: # LicenseList command CMD_LicenseList Get List of Registered Licenses CMD_LicenseList_Help Use this to display a list of license information currently registered on the SoftEther VPN Server including: license key, license type name, status, expiration date, license ID, license type ID, server ID and serial ID. \n\nTo display the license status of the current VPN Server, use the LicenseStatus command. \nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. CMD_LicenseList_Args LicenseList # LicenseStatus command CMD_LicenseStatus Get License Status of Current VPN Server CMD_LicenseStatus_Help Use this to get and display the license status of the current SoftEther VPN Server. \nThe following current information on the SoftEther VPN Server will be displayed: product edition, server ID, product license expiration date, number of usable Client Connection Licenses and number of Bridge Connection Licenses. \n\nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. CMD_LicenseStatus_Args LicenseStatus # Commands added after SoftEther VPN 4.0 # IPsecEnable command CMD_IPsecEnable Enable or Disable IPsec VPN Server Function CMD_IPsecEnable_Help Enable or Disable IPsec VPN Server Function on SoftEther VPN Server.\nIf you enable this function, Virtual Hubs on the VPN Server will be able to accept Remote-Access VPN connections from L2TP-compatible PCs, Mac OS X and Smartphones, and also can accept EtherIP Site-to-Site VPN Connection. VPN Connections from Smartphones suchlike iPhone, iPad and Android, and also from native VPN Clients on Mac OS X and Windows can be accepted.\n\nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge.\nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_IPsecEnable_Args IPsecEnable [/L2TP:yes|no] [/L2TPRAW:yes|no] [/ETHERIP:yes|no] [/PSK:pre-shared-key] [/DEFAULTHUB:default_hub] CMD_IPsecEnable_L2TP Enable or Disable the L2TP over IPsec Server Function. To accept VPN connections from iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows or Mac OS X, enable this option. CMD_IPsecEnable_L2TPRAW Enable or Disable the L2TP Server Function (Raw L2TP with No Encryptions). To accept special VPN clients, enable this option. CMD_IPsecEnable_ETHERIP Enable or Disable the EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Server Function (for site-to-site VPN Server function). Router Products which are compatible with EtherIP over IPsec can connect to Virtual Hubs on the VPN Server and establish Layer-2 (Ethernet) Bridging. CMD_IPsecEnable_PSK Specify the IPsec Pre-Shared Key. An IPsec Pre-Shared Key is also called as "PSK" or "secret". Specify it equal or less than 8 letters, and distribute it to every users who will connect to the VPN Server. Please note: Google Android 4.0 has a bug which a Pre-Shared Key with 10 or more letters causes a unexpected behavior. For that reason, the letters of a Pre-Shared Key should be 9 or less characters. CMD_IPsecEnable_DEFAULTHUB Specify the default Virtual HUB in a case of omitting the name of HUB on the Username. Users should specify their username such as "Username@Target Virtual HUB Name" to connect this L2TP Server. If the designation of the Virtual Hub is omitted, the above HUB will be used as the target. CMD_IPsecEnable_Prompt_L2TP Enable L2TP over IPsec Server Function (yes / no): CMD_IPsecEnable_Prompt_L2TPRAW Enable Raw L2TP Server Function (yes / no): CMD_IPsecEnable_Prompt_ETHERIP Enable EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Server Function (yes / no): CMD_IPsecEnable_Prompt_PSK Pre Shared Key for IPsec (Recommended: 9 letters at maximum): CMD_IPsecEnable_Prompt_DEFAULTHUB Default Virtual HUB in a case of omitting the HUB on the Username: # IPsecGet command CMD_IPsecGet Get the Current IPsec VPN Server Settings CMD_IPsecGet_Help Get and view the current IPsec VPN Server settings on the SoftEther VPN Server.\n\nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge.\nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_IPsecGet_Args IPsecGet CMD_IPsecGet_PRINT_L2TP L2TP over IPsec Server Function Enabled CMD_IPsecGet_PRINT_L2TPRAW Raw L2TP Server Function Enabled CMD_IPsecGet_PRINT_ETHERIP EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Server Function Enabled CMD_IPsecGet_PRINT_PSK IPsec Pre-Shared Key String CMD_IPsecGet_PRINT_DEFAULTHUB Name of Default Virtual Hub # EtherIpClientAdd command CMD_EtherIpClientAdd Add New EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Client Setting to Accept EtherIP / L2TPv3 Client Devices CMD_EtherIpClientAdd_Help Add a new setting entry to enable the EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Server Function to accept client devices.\nIn order to accept connections from routers by the EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Server Function, you have to define the relation table between an IPsec Phase 1 string which is presented by client devices of EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec compatible router, and the designation of the destination Virtual Hub.\nAfter you add a definition entry by EtherIpClientAdd command, the defined connection setting to the Virtual Hub will be applied on the login-attempting session from an EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec client device.\nThe username and password in an entry must be registered on the Virtual Hub. An EtherIP / L2TPv3 client will be regarded as it connected the Virtual HUB with the identification of the above user information.\n\nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge.\nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_EtherIpClientAdd_Args EtherIpClientAdd [ID] [/HUB:hubname] [/USERNAME:username] [/PASSWORD:password] CMD_EtherIpClientAdd_[ID] Specify an ISAKMP Phase 1 ID. The ID must be exactly same as a ID in the configuration of the EtherIP / L2TPv3 Client. You can specify IP address as well as characters as ID, if the EtherIP Client uses IP address as Phase 1 ID. If you specify '*' (asterisk), it will be a wildcard to match any clients which doesn't match other explicit rules. CMD_EtherIpClientAdd_HUB Specify the name of the Virtual Hub to connect. CMD_EtherIpClientAdd_USERNAME Specify the username to login to the destination Virtual Hub. CMD_EtherIpClientAdd_PASSWORD Specify the password to login to the destination Virtual Hub. CMD_EtherIpClientAdd_Prompt_ID ISAKMP Phase 1 ID ('*' is a wildcard): CMD_EtherIpClientAdd_Prompt_HUB Virtual Hub Name: CMD_EtherIpClientAdd_Prompt_USERNAME Username to Login Virtual Hub: CMD_EtherIpClientAdd_Prompt_PASSWORD Password to Login Virtual Hub: # EtherIpClientDelete command CMD_EtherIpClientDelete Delete an EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Client Setting CMD_EtherIpClientDelete_Help This command deletes an entry to accept VPN clients by EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Function. \n\nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge.\nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_EtherIpClientDelete_Args EtherIpClientDelete [ID] CMD_EtherIpClientDelete_[ID] Specify the ISAKMP Phase 1 ID to delete. CMD_EtherIpClientDelete_Prompt_ID ISAKMP Phase 1 ID: # EtherIpClientList command CMD_EtherIpClientList Get the Current List of EtherIP / L2TPv3 Client Device Entry Definitions CMD_EtherIpClientList_Help This command gets and shows the list of entries to accept VPN clients by EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Function.\n\nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge.\nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_EtherIpClientList_Args EtherIpClientList # OpenVpnMakeConfig command CMD_OpenVpnMakeConfig Generate a Sample Setting File for OpenVPN Client CMD_OpenVpnMakeConfig_Help Originally, the OpenVPN Client requires a user to write a very difficult configuration file manually. This tool helps you to make a useful configuration sample. What you need to generate the configuration file for the OpenVPN Client is to run this command.\n\nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge.\nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_OpenVpnMakeConfig_Args OpenVpnMakeConfig [ZIP_FileName] CMD_OpenVpnMakeConfig_[ZIP_FileName] Specify the output setting files to be saved as ZIP compression format. If no file extension is specified, the ".zip" extension will be appended to the filename. CMD_OpenVpnMakeConfig_Prompt_ZIP Output Filename of Setting Files (ZIP compressed file): CMD_OpenVpnMakeConfig_OK The sample setting file was saved as "%s". You can unzip this file to extract setting files.\n CMD_OpenVpnMakeConfig_ERROR The sample setting files were unable to be saved as "%s". The filename might be invalid.\n # ServerCertRegenerate command CMD_ServerCertRegenerate Generate New Self-Signed Certificate with Specified CN (Common Name) and Register on VPN Server CMD_ServerCertRegenerate_Help You can use this command to replace the current certificate on the VPN Server to a new self-signed certificate which has the CN (Common Name) value in the fields.\n\nThis command is convenient if you are planning to use Microsoft SSTP VPN Clone Server Function. Because of the value of CN (Common Name) on the SSL certificate of VPN Server must match to the hostname specified on the SSTP VPN client.\n\nThis command will delete the existing SSL certificate of the VPN Server. It is recommended to backup the current SSL certificate and private key by using the ServerKeyGet command beforehand.\n\nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge.\nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_ServerCertRegenerate_Args ServerCertRegenerate [CN] CMD_ServerCertRegenerate_[CN] Specify a Common Name (CN) which the new certificate will have. CMD_ServerCertRegenerate_Prompt_CN Value of Common Name (CN): # VpnOverIcmpDnsEnable command CMD_VpnOverIcmpDnsEnable Enable / Disable the VPN over ICMP / VPN over DNS Server Function CMD_VpnOverIcmpDnsEnable_Help You can establish a VPN only with ICMP or DNS packets even if there is a firewall or routers which blocks TCP/IP communications. You have to enable the following functions beforehand.\n\nWarning: Use this function for emergency only. It is helpful when a firewall or router is misconfigured to blocks TCP/IP, but either ICMP or DNS is not blocked. It is not for long-term stable using.\n\nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. CMD_VpnOverIcmpDnsEnable_Args VpnOverIcmpDnsEnable [/ICMP:yes|no] [/DNS:yes|no] CMD_VpnOverIcmpDnsEnable_ICMP Specify yes to enable the VPN over ICMP Server. Specify no to disable. CMD_VpnOverIcmpDnsEnable_DNS Specify yes to enable the VPN over DNS Server. Specify no to disable. CMD_VpnOverIcmpDnsEnable_Prompt_ICMP Enable VPN over ICMP Server (yes / no): CMD_VpnOverIcmpDnsEnable_Prompt_DNS Enable VPN over DNS Server (yes / no): # VpnOverIcmpDnsGet command CMD_VpnOverIcmpDnsGet Get Current Setting of the VPN over ICMP / VPN over DNS Function CMD_VpnOverIcmpDnsGet_Help Get and show the current VPN over ICMP / VPN over DNS Function status.\n\nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. CMD_VpnOverIcmpDnsGet_Args VpnOverIcmpDnsGet CMD_VpnOverIcmpDnsGet_PRINT_ICMP VPN over ICMP Server Enabled CMD_VpnOverIcmpDnsGet_PRINT_DNS VPN over DNS Server Enabled # DynamicDnsGetStatus command CMD_DynamicDnsGetStatus Show the Current Status of Dynamic DNS Function CMD_DynamicDnsGetStatus_Help Get and show the current status of the Dynamic DNS function.\n\nThe Dynamic DNS assigns a unique and permanent DNS hostname for this VPN Server. You can use that hostname to specify this VPN Server on the settings for VPN Client and VPN Bridge. You need not to register and keep a domain name.\nAlso, if your ISP assigns you a dynamic (not-fixed) IP address, the corresponding IP address of your Dynamic DNS hostname will be automatically changed. It enables you to keep running the VPN Server by using only a dynamic IP address.\r\nTherefore, you need not any longer to keep static global IP addresses with expenses monthly costs.\n[Caution]\nTo disable the Dynamic DNS Function, modify the configuration file of VPN Server.\r\n\r\nThe "declare root" directive has the "declare DDnsClient" directive. In this directive, you can switch "bool Disable" from false to true, and reboot the VPN Server, then the Dynamic DNS Function will be disabled.\r\nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. CMD_DynamicDnsGetStatus_Args DynamicDnsGetStatus CMD_DynamicDnsGetStatus_PRINT_FQDN Assigned Dynamic DNS Hostname (Full) CMD_DynamicDnsGetStatus_PRINT_HOSTNAME Assigned Dynamic DNS Hostname (Hostname) CMD_DynamicDnsGetStatus_PRINT_SUFFIX DNS Suffix CMD_DynamicDnsGetStatus_PRINT_IPv4 Global IPv4 Address CMD_DynamicDnsGetStatus_PRINT_IPv6 Global IPv6 Address # DynamicDnsSetHostname command CMD_DynamicDnsSetHostname Set the Dynamic DNS Hostname CMD_DynamicDnsSetHostname_Help You can use this command to change the hostname assigned by the Dynamic DNS function. The currently assigned hostname can be showen by the DynamicDnsGetStatus command.\n\nThe Dynamic DNS assigns a unique and permanent DNS hostname for this VPN Server. You can use that hostname to specify this VPN Server on the settings for VPN Client and VPN Bridge. You need not to register and keep a domain name.\nAlso, if your ISP assigns you a dynamic (not-fixed) IP address, the corresponding IP address of your Dynamic DNS hostname will be automatically changed. It enables you to keep running the VPN Server by using only a dynamic IP address.\r\nTherefore, you need not any longer to keep static global IP addresses with expenses monthly costs.\n[Caution]\nTo disable the Dynamic DNS Function, modify the configuration file of VPN Server.\r\n\r\nThe "declare root" directive has the "declare DDnsClient" directive. In this directive, you can switch "bool Disable" from false to true, and reboot the VPN Server, then the Dynamic DNS Function will be disabled.\r\nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge. CMD_DynamicDnsSetHostname_Args DynamicDnsSetHostname [hostname] CMD_DynamicDnsSetHostname_[hostname] Specify the new hostname with 3 letters at least and 31 letters at most. Only alphabets and numerics can be used. CMD_DynamicDnsSetHostname_Prompt_hostname Dynamic DNS Hostname (3 - 31 letters): # VpnAzureGetStatus command CMD_VpnAzureGetStatus Show the current status of VPN Azure function CMD_VpnAzureGetStatus_Help Get and show the current status of the VPN Azure function.\n\nVPN Azure makes it easier to establish a VPN Session from your home PC to your office PC. While a VPN connection is established, you can access to any other servers on the private network of your company.\nYou don't need a global IP address on the office PC (VPN Server). It can work behind firewalls or NATs. No network administrator's configuration required. You can use the built-in SSTP-VPN Client of Windows in your home PC.\nVPN Azure is a cloud VPN service operated by SoftEther VPN Project. VPN Azure is free of charge and available to anyone. Visit http://www.vpnazure.net/ to see details and how-to-use instructions.\n\nThe VPN Azure hostname is same to the hostname of the Dynamic DNS setting, but altering the domain suffix to "vpnazure.net". To change the hostname use the DynamicDnsSetHostname command.\n\nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge.\nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_VpnAzureGetStatus_Args VpnAzureGetStatus CMD_VpnAzureGetStatus_PRINT_ENABLED VPN Azure Function is Enabled CMD_VpnAzureGetStatus_PRINT_CONNECTED Connection to VPN Azure Cloud Server is Established CMD_VpnAzureGetStatus_PRINT_HOSTNAME Hostname of this VPN Server on VPN Azure Service # VpnAzureSetStatus command CMD_VpnAzureSetEnable Enable / Disable VPN Azure Function CMD_VpnAzureSetEnable_Help Enable or disable the VPN Azure function.\n\nVPN Azure makes it easier to establish a VPN Session from your home PC to your office PC. While a VPN connection is established, you can access to any other servers on the private network of your company.\nYou don't need a global IP address on the office PC (VPN Server). It can work behind firewalls or NATs. No network administrator's configuration required. You can use the built-in SSTP-VPN Client of Windows in your home PC.\nVPN Azure is a cloud VPN service operated by SoftEther VPN Project. VPN Azure is free of charge and available to anyone. Visit http://www.vpnazure.net/ to see details and how-to-use instructions.\n\nThe VPN Azure hostname is same to the hostname of the Dynamic DNS setting, but altering the domain suffix to "vpnazure.net". To change the hostname use the DynamicDnsSetHostname command.\n\nTo execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges. \nThis command cannot be run on VPN Bridge.\nYou cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster. CMD_VpnAzureSetEnable_Args VpnAzureSetEnable [yes|no] CMD_VpnAzureSetEnable_[yes|no] Specify 'yes' to enable VPN Azure. 'no' to disable it. CMD_VpnAzureSetEnable_PROMPT Enable VPN Azure (yes / no): ####################################################### # # # Management commands for VPN Client are listed below # # # ####################################################### # VersionGet command CMD_VersionGet Get Version Information of VPN Client Service CMD_VersionGet_Help Use this to get the version information of the currently managed VPN Client Service program. CMD_VersionGet_Args VersionGet CMD_VersionGet_1 Product Name CMD_VersionGet_2 Version Information CMD_VersionGet_3 Build Information CMD_VersionGet_4 Process ID CMD_VersionGet_5 OS Type # PasswordSet command CMD_PasswordSet Set the password to connect to the VPN Client service. CMD_PasswordSet_Help You can make it mandatory to input a password for occasions when the Command Line Management Utility and the VPN Client Manager connect to a VPN Client service to control it. You can use this command to set the password that must be input. \nYou can also make it mandatory for this password to be input when doing remote operations (from a computer that is not localhost) CMD_PasswordSet_Args PasswordSet [password] [/REMOTEONLY:yes|no] CMD_PasswordSet_[password] Specify the password you wish to set. You can delete the password setting by specifying "none". CMD_PasswordSet_REMOTEONLY Specify "yes" to only require the password to be input when operation is done remotely (from a computer that is not localhost). This stops the password being required when the connection is from localhost. When this parameter is omitted, it will be regarded as "no". # PasswordGet command CMD_PasswordGet Get Password Setting to Connect to VPN Client Service CMD_PasswordGet_Help Use this to get the setting that determines whether to input a password for occasions when the Command Line Management Utility and the VPN Client Manager connect to a VPN Client service to control it. \nIn the case when a password is requested, it also gets the setting that determines whether this password is only requested when operation is performed remotely (from a computer that is not localhost). CMD_PasswordGet_Args PasswordGet CMD_PasswordGet_1 Set Password CMD_PasswordGet_2 Request Password for Remote Operation Only # CertList command CMD_CertList Get List of Trusted CA Certificates CMD_CertList_Help Here you can manage the list of certificate authority certificates that are trusted by VPN client. You can use the registered CA certificate list to verify server certificates when connecting to VPN Servers. CMD_CertList_Args CertList # CertAdd command CMD_CertAdd Add Trusted CA Certificate CMD_CertAdd_Help Use this to add a new certificate to a list of CA certificates trusted by the VPN Client. You can use the registered CA certificate list to verify server certificates when connecting to VPN Servers. \nTo get a list of the current certificates you can use the CertList command. \nThe certificate you add must be saved in the X.509 file format. CMD_CertAdd_Args CertAdd [path] CMD_CertAdd_[path] Specify the file name of the X.509 certificate to register. # CertDelete command CMD_CertDelete Delete Trusted CA Certificate CMD_CertDelete_Help Use this to delete an existing certificate from a list of CA certificates trusted by the VPN Client. \nTo get a list of the current certificates you can use the CertList command. CMD_CertDelete_Args CertDelete [id] CMD_CertDelete_[id] Specify the ID of the certificate to delete. # CertGet command CMD_CertGet Get Trusted CA Certificate CMD_CertGet_Help Use this to get an existing certificate from the list of CA certificates trusted by the VPN Client and save it as a file in X.509 format. CMD_CertGet_Args CertGet [id] [/SAVECERT:path] CMD_CertGet_[id] Specify the ID of the certificate to get. CMD_CertGet_SAVECERT Specify the file name to save the certificate you obtained. # SecureList command CMD_SecureList Get List of Usable Smart Card Types CMD_SecureList_Help Use this to display a list of smart cards that are supported by VPN Client. \nThe types of smart cards listed in this list have had their drivers installed on the current computer and are supported by VPN software. \r\nIf there is a type of smart card that is currently being used that does not appear in the list, it may be possible to enable use by updating the VPN software to a newer version. CMD_SecureList_Args SecureList # SecureSelect command CMD_SecureSelect Select the Smart Card Type to Use CMD_SecureSelect_Help Use this to select the type of the smart card to be used by the VPN Client. \nTo get the list of usable smart card types, use the SecureList command. CMD_SecureSelect_Args SecureSelect [id] CMD_SecureSelect_[id] Specify the ID of the smart card type. CMD_SecureSelect_PROMPT_ID ID of Smart Card Type to Use # SecureGet command CMD_SecureGet Get ID of Smart Card Type to Use CMD_SecureGet_Help Use this to get the ID of the smart card type that is set to be used for the current VPN Client. By viewing the results of the SecureList command based on this ID, you can get the type of the currently selected smart card. \nIf there is no smart card that is currently selected, 0 will be displayed for the ID. CMD_SecureGet_Args SecureGet CMD_SecureGet_Print The currently selected smart card ID is %u. CMD_SecureGet_NoPrint Currently, a smart card is not selected. # NicCreate command CMD_NicCreate Create New Virtual Network Adapter CMD_NicCreate_Help Use this to add a new Virtual Network Adapter to the system. You can give the virtual network adapter a name of your choice. \nYou can set a name that consists of alphanumeric characters for the virtual network adapter. For Windows 2000 or newer systems, this name can be up to 31 characters, but for Windows 98, 98SE and ME it can be up to 4 characters. \nIf the NicCreate command was called, a new virtual network adapter device driver will be installed on the operating system that the VPN Client is operating on. \nIn this case, depending on the operating system, a dialog box may appear to confirm if it is OK to install the device driver. CMD_NicCreate_Args NicCreate [name] CMD_NicCreate_[name] Specify the name of the virtual network adapter. CMD_NicCreate_PROMPT_NAME Virtual Network Adapter Name: # NicDelete command CMD_NicDelete Delete Virtual Network Adapter CMD_NicDelete_Help Use this to delete an existing virtual network adapter from the system. \nWhen you delete a virtual network adapter from the system, all the connections which are using that virtual network adapter will be disconnected. \nAlso, the Connection Settings that are set to use a virtual network adapter that has been deleted will have their settings automatically changed to use another virtual network adapter. \nThis command can be used when VPN Client is operating on Windows 2000 or newer operating systems. CMD_NicDelete_Args NicDelete [name] CMD_NicDelete_[name] Specify the name of the virtual network adapter. # NicUpgrade command CMD_NicUpgrade Upgrade Virtual Network Adapter Device Driver CMD_NicUpgrade_Help If the device driver version of the existing virtual network adapter is old, then this upgrades to the latest device driver that was bundled with the currently operating VPN client. Even if a upgrade is not performed, the device driver will be reinstalled. \nIn this case, depending on the operating system, a dialog box may appear to confirm if it is OK to install the device driver. \nThis command can be used when VPN Client is operating on Windows 2000 or newer operating systems. CMD_NicUpgrade_Args NicUpgrade [name] CMD_NicUpgrade_[name] Specify the name of the virtual network adapter. # NicGetSetting command CMD_NicGetSetting Get Virtual Network Adapter Setting CMD_NicGetSetting_Help Use this to get the MAC address setting of the existing virtual network adapter. \nThis command can be used when VPN Client is operating on Windows 2000 or newer operating systems. CMD_NicGetSetting_Args NicGetSetting [name] CMD_NicGetSetting_[name] Specify the name of the virtual network adapter. CMD_NicGetSetting_1 Device Name CMD_NicGetSetting_2 Status CMD_NicGetSetting_3 MAC Address CMD_NicGetSetting_4 Version CMD_NicGetSetting_5 Driver File Name CMD_NicGetSetting_6 GUID # NicSetSetting command CMD_NicSetSetting Change Virtual Network Adapter Setting CMD_NicSetSetting_Help Use this to change the MAC address setting of the existing virtual network adapter. When this command is executed, the currently operating virtual network adapter device drivers will be restarted. \nThis command can be used when VPN Client is operating on Windows 2000 or newer operating systems. CMD_NicSetSetting_Args NicSetSetting [name] [/MAC:mac] CMD_NicSetSetting_[name] Specify the name of the virtual network adapter. CMD_NicSetSetting_MAC Specify the MAC address you wish to set. \nSpecify a 6-byte hexadecimal string for the MAC address. \nExample: 00:AC:01:23:45:67 or 00-AC-01-23-45-67 CMD_NicSetSetting_PROMPT_MAC MAC Address to Set: # NicEnable command CMD_NicEnable Enable Virtual Network Adapter CMD_NicEnable_Help Use this to enable an existing, disabled virtual network adapter. \nThis command can be used when VPN Client is operating on Windows 2000 or newer operating systems. CMD_NicEnable_Args NicEnable [name] CMD_NicEnable_[name] Specify the name of the virtual network adapter. # NicDisable command CMD_NicDisable Disable Virtual Network Adapter CMD_NicDisable_Help Use this to disable an existing, enabled virtual network adapter. \nThis command can be used when VPN Client is operating on Windows 2000 or newer operating systems. CMD_NicDisable_Args NicDisable [name] CMD_NicDisable_[name] Specify the name of the virtual network adapter. # NicList command CMD_NicList Get List of Virtual Network Adapters CMD_NicList_Help This allows you to get a list of virtual network adapters registered on the current system. CMD_NicList_Args NicList # AccountList command CMD_AccountList Get List of VPN Connection Settings CMD_AccountList_Help Use this to get a list of VPN Connection Settings registered on the VPN Client. CMD_AccountList_Args AccountList # AccountCreate command CMD_AccountCreate Create New VPN Connection Setting CMD_AccountCreate_Help Use this to create a new VPN Connection Setting on the VPN Client. \nTo create a VPN Connection Setting, in addition to specifying the VPN Connection Setting name and destination server as initial parameters and the destination virtual Hub, and user name, you must also specify the name of the virtual network adapter to use. When a new VPN Connection Setting is created, the type of user authentication is initially set as Anonymous Authentication and the proxy server setting and the verification options of the server certificate is not set. To change these settings and other advanced settings after the VPN Connection Setting has been created, use the other commands that begin with the name "Account". CMD_AccountCreate_Args AccountCreate [name] [/SERVER:hostname:port] [/HUB:hubname] [/USERNAME:username] [/NICNAME:nicname] CMD_AccountCreate_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting to create. CMD_AccountCreate_SERVER Specify the host name and port number of the destination VPN Server using the format [host name:port number]. You can also specify by IP address. CMD_AccountCreate_HUB Specify the Virtual Hub on the destination VPN Server. CMD_AccountCreate_USERNAME Specify the user name to use for user authentication when connecting to the destination VPN Server. CMD_AccountCreate_NICNAME Specify the virtual network adapter to use to connect. CMD_AccountCreate_Prompt_Name Name of VPN Connection Setting: CMD_AccountCreate_Prompt_Server Destination VPN Server Host Name and Port Number: CMD_AccountCreate_Prompt_Hub Destination Virtual Hub Name: CMD_AccountCreate_Prompt_Username Connecting User Name: CMD_AccountCreate_Prompt_Nicname Used Virtual Network Adapter Name: # AccountSet command CMD_AccountSet Set the VPN Connection Setting Connection Destination CMD_AccountSet_Help Use this to set, for the VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client, the destination VPN Server host name and port number, Virtual Hub name, user name used for connection and virtual network adapter name to use. CMD_AccountSet_Args AccountSet [name] [/SERVER:hostname:port] [/HUB:hubname] CMD_AccountSet_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. CMD_AccountSet_SERVER Specify the host name and port number of the destination VPN Server using the format "host name:port number". You can also specify by IP address. CMD_AccountSet_HUB Specify the Virtual Hub on the destination VPN Server. # AccountGet command CMD_AccountGet Get Setting of VPN Connection Setting CMD_AccountGet_Help Use this to get the VPN Connection Setting contents of a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client. \nTo change the VPN Connection Setting contents of the VPN Connection Setting, use the other commands that begin with the name "Account" after creating the VPN Connection Setting. CMD_AccountGet_Args AccountGet [name] CMD_AccountGet_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to get. # AccountDelete command CMD_AccountDelete Delete VPN Connection Setting CMD_AccountDelete_Help Use this to delete VPN Connection Setting that is registered on the VPN Client. If the specified VPN Connection Setting has a status of online, the connections will be automatically disconnected and then the VPN Connection Setting will be deleted. CMD_AccountDelete_Args AccountDelete [name] CMD_AccountDelete_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting to delete. # AccountUsernameSet command CMD_AccountUsernameSet Set User Name of User to Use Connection of VPN Connection Setting CMD_AccountUsernameSet_Help When a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client is specified and that VPN Connection Setting connects to the VPN Server, use this to specify the user name required for user authentication. \nIn some cases it is necessary to specify the type of user authentication and specify the required parameters. To change this information you can use commands such as AccountAnonymousSet, AccountPasswordSet, AccountCertSet and AccountSecureCertSet. CMD_AccountUsernameSet_Args AccountUsernameSet [name] [/USERNAME:username] CMD_AccountUsernameSet_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. CMD_AccountUsernameSet_USERNAME Specify the user name required for user authentication when the VPN Connection Setting connects to the VPN Server. CMD_AccountUsername_Notice The auth type for this VPN Connection Setting is currently set as password authentication. After changing the user name, you must use the AccountPasswordSet command to reset the password. # AccountAnonymousSet command CMD_AccountAnonymousSet Set User Authentication Type of VPN Connection Setting to Anonymous Authentication CMD_AccountAnonymousSet_Help Use this to set the user auth type to [Anonymous Authentication] for when a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client is specified and that VPN Connection Setting connects to the VPN Server. CMD_AccountAnonymousSet_Args AccountAnonymousSet [name] CMD_AccountAnonymousSet_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. # AccountPasswordSet command CMD_AccountPasswordSet Set User Authentication Type of VPN Connection Setting to Password Authentication CMD_AccountPasswordSet_Help Use this to set the user auth type to Password Authentication for when a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client is specified and that VPN Connection Setting connects to the VPN Server. Specify Standard Password Authentication and RADIUS or NT Domain Authentication as the password authentication type. CMD_AccountPasswordSet_Args AccountPasswordSet [name] [/PASSWORD:password] [/TYPE:standard|radius] CMD_AccountPasswordSet_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. CMD_AccountPasswordSet_PASSWORD Specify the password to use for password authentication. If this is not specified, a prompt will appear to input the password. CMD_AccountPasswordSet_TYPE Specify either "standard" (Standard Password Authentication) or "radius" (RADIUS or NT Domain Authentication) as the password authentication type. CMD_AccountPasswordSet_Prompt_Type Specify standard or radius: CMD_AccountPasswordSet_Type_Invalid The standard or radius specification is invalid. # AccountCertSet command CMD_AccountCertSet Set User Authentication Type of VPN Connection Setting to Client Certificate Authentication CMD_AccountCertSet_Help Use this to set the user auth type to Client Certificate Authentication for when a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client is specified and that VPN Connection Setting connects to the VPN Server. For this certificate, you must specify a certificate file in the X.509 format and a private key file that is Base 64 encoded. CMD_AccountCertSet_Args AccountCertSet [name] [/LOADCERT:cert] [/LOADKEY:key] CMD_AccountCertSet_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. CMD_AccountCertSet_LOADCERT Specify the X.509 format certificate file to provide for certificate authentication. CMD_AccountCertSet_LOADKEY Specify the Base-64-encoded private key file name for the certificate. # AccountCertGet command CMD_AccountCertGet Get Client Certificate to Use for Cascade Connection CMD_AccountCertGet_Help When a VPN Connection Setting registered on VPN Client is specified and that VPN Connection Setting uses client certificate authentication, use this to get the certificate that is provided as the client certificate and save the certificate file in X.509 format. CMD_AccountCertGet_Args AccountCertGet [name] [/SAVECERT:cert] CMD_AccountCertGet_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to get. CMD_AccountCertGet_SAVECERT Specify the file name to save the certificate you obtained in X.509 format. # AccountEncryptEnable command CMD_AccountEncryptEnable Enable Encryption when Communicating by VPN Connection Setting CMD_AccountEncryptEnable_Help When a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client is specified and that VPN Connection Setting is used for communication between VPN Servers via a VPN connection, use this to set the communication contents between the VPN Servers to be encrypted by SSL. \nNormally communication between VPN Servers is encrypted by SSL to prevent eavesdropping of information and fraud. You can also disable encryption. When encryption is disabled, the communication throughput improves but the communication data flows over the network in plain text. CMD_AccountEncryptEnable_Args AccountEncryptEnable [name] CMD_AccountEncryptEnable_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. # AccountEncryptDisable command CMD_AccountEncryptDisable Disable Encryption when Communicating by VPN Connection Setting CMD_AccountEncryptDisable_Help When a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client is specified and that VPN Connection Setting is used for communication between VPN Servers via a VPN connection, use this to set the communication contents between the VPN Servers not to be encrypted. \nNormally communication between VPN Servers is encrypted by SSL to prevent eavesdropping of information and fraud. You can also disable encryption. When encryption is disabled, the communication throughput improves but the communication data flows over the network in plain text. CMD_AccountEncryptDisable_Args AccountEncryptDisable [name] CMD_AccountEncryptDisable_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. # AccountCompressEnable command CMD_AccountCompressEnable Enable Data Compression when Communicating by VPN Connection Setting CMD_AccountCompressEnable_Help When a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client is specified and that VPN Connection Setting is used for communication between VPN Servers via a VPN connection, use this to set the communication contents between the VPN Servers to be compressed. \nIt is possible to achieve a maximum of 80% compression. Compression however places higher loads on the CPU of both the client and server machines. When the line speed is about 10 Mbps or greater, compression can lower throughput, but sometimes it can have the opposite effect. CMD_AccountCompressEnable_Args AccountCompressEnable [name] CMD_AccountCompressEnable_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. # AccountCompressDisable command CMD_AccountCompressDisable Disable Data Compression when Communicating by VPN Connection Setting CMD_AccountCompressDisable_Help When a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client is specified and that VPN Connection Setting is used for communication between VPN Servers via a VPN connection, use this to set the communication contents between the VPN Servers not to be compressed. CMD_AccountCompressDisable_Args AccountCompressDisable [name] CMD_AccountCompressDisable_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. # AccountHttpHeader* commands CMD_AccountHttpHeader_Prompt_Name Value name (part before the colon): CMD_AccountHttpHeader_Prompt_Data Value data (part after the colon): # AccountHttpHeaderAdd command CMD_AccountHttpHeaderAdd Add a custom value in the HTTP header sent to the proxy server CMD_AccountHttpHeaderAdd_Help Use this to add a custom value in the HTTP header sent to the proxy server. A custom HTTP header can be used to bypass certain restrictions imposed on the network or to avoid speed limitations applied by the QoS. CMD_AccountHttpHeaderAdd_Args AccountHttpHeaderAdd [name] [/NAME:name] [/DATA:data] CMD_AccountHttpHeaderAdd_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. CMD_AccountHttpHeaderAdd_NAME Specify the name of the custom value (the part before the colon character). CMD_AccountHttpHeaderAdd_DATA Specify the data of the custom value (the part after the colon character). # AccountHttpHeaderDelete command CMD_AccountHttpHeaderDelete Delete a custom value in the HTTP header sent to the proxy server CMD_AccountHttpHeaderDelete_Help Use this to delete a custom value in the HTTP header sent to the proxy server. A custom HTTP header can be used to bypass certain restrictions imposed on the network or to avoid speed limitations applied by the QoS. CMD_AccountHttpHeaderDelete_Args AccountHttpHeaderDelete [name] [/NAME:name] CMD_AccountHttpHeaderDelete_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. CMD_AccountHttpHeaderDelete_NAME Specify the name of the custom value (the part before the colon character). # AccountHttpHeaderGet command CMD_AccountHttpHeaderGet Get the list of custom values in the HTTP header sent to the proxy server CMD_AccountHttpHeaderGet_Help Use this to get the list of custom values in the HTTP header sent to the proxy server. A custom HTTP header can be used to bypass certain restrictions imposed on the network or to avoid speed limitations applied by the QoS. CMD_AccountHttpHeaderGet_Args AccountHttpHeaderGet [name] CMD_AccountHttpHeaderGet_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to get. # AccountProxyNone command CMD_AccountProxyNone Specify Direct TCP/IP Connection as the Connection Method of VPN Connection Setting CMD_AccountProxyNone_Help When a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client is specified and that VPN Connection Setting connects to a VPN Server, use this to set Direct TCP/IP Connection as the connection method to use, in which case the connection route will not be via a proxy server. CMD_AccountProxyNone_Args AccountProxyNone [name] CMD_AccountProxyNone_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. # AccountProxyHttp command CMD_AccountProxyHttp Set Connection Method of VPN Connection Setting to be via an HTTP Proxy Server CMD_AccountProxyHttp_Help When a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client is specified and that VPN Connection Setting connects to a VPN Server, use this to set Connect via HTTP Proxy Server as the method of connection to use, which requires the specification of the host name and port number of the HTTP Proxy server to communicate via as well as a user name and password (when required). \nThe HTTP proxy server that communication will travel via must be compatible with the CONNECT method to use HTTPS communication. CMD_AccountProxyHttp_Args AccountProxyHttp [name] [/SERVER:hostname:port] [/USERNAME:username] [/PASSWORD:password] CMD_AccountProxyHttp_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. CMD_AccountProxyHttp_SERVER Specify the host name or IP address, and port number of the on-route HTTP proxy server using the format [host name:port number]. CMD_AccountProxyHttp_USERNAME When user authentication is required to connect to the on-route HTTP proxy server, specify the user name. Also, specify the /PASSWORD parameter at the same time. If the parameters /USERNAME and /PASSWORD are not specified, the user authentication data will not be set. CMD_AccountProxyHttp_PASSWORD When user authentication is required to connect to the on-route HTTP proxy server, specify the password. Specify this together with the /USERNAME parameter. CMD_AccountProxyHttp_Prompt_Server Proxy Server Host Name and Port Number: # AccountProxySocks command CMD_AccountProxySocks Set Connection Method of VPN Connection Setting to be via a SOCKS4 Proxy Server CMD_AccountProxySocks_Help When a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client is specified and that VPN Connection Setting connects to a VPN Server, use this to set Connect via SOCKS4 Proxy Server as the method of connection to use, which requires the specification of the host name and port number of the SOCKS4 Proxy server to communicate via as well as a user name and password (when required). CMD_AccountProxySocks_Args AccountProxySocks [name] [/SERVER:hostname:port] [/USERNAME:username] [/PASSWORD:password] CMD_AccountProxySocks_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. CMD_AccountProxySocks_SERVER Specify the host name or IP address, and port number of the on-route SOCKS4 proxy server using the format [host name:port number]. CMD_AccountProxySocks_USERNAME When user authentication is required to connect to the on-route SOCKS4 proxy server, specify the user name. Also, specify the /PASSWORD parameter at the same time. If the parameters /USERNAME and /PASSWORD are not specified, the user authentication data will not be set. CMD_AccountProxySocks_PASSWORD When user authentication is required to connect to the on-route SOCKS4 proxy server, specify the password. Specify this together with the /USERNAME parameter. # AccountProxySocks5 command CMD_AccountProxySocks5 Set Connection Method of VPN Connection Setting to be via a SOCKS5 Proxy Server CMD_AccountProxySocks5_Help When a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client is specified and that VPN Connection Setting connects to a VPN Server, use this to set Connect via SOCKS5 Proxy Server as the method of connection to use, which requires the specification of the host name and port number of the SOCKS5 Proxy server to communicate via as well as a user name and password (when required). CMD_AccountProxySocks5_Args AccountProxySocks5 [name] [/SERVER:hostname:port] [/USERNAME:username] [/PASSWORD:password] CMD_AccountProxySocks5_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. CMD_AccountProxySocks5_SERVER Specify the host name or IP address, and port number of the on-route SOCKS5 proxy server using the format [host name:port number]. CMD_AccountProxySocks5_USERNAME When user authentication is required to connect to the on-route SOCKS5 proxy server, specify the user name. Also, specify the /PASSWORD parameter at the same time. If the parameters /USERNAME and /PASSWORD are not specified, the user authentication data will not be set. CMD_AccountProxySocks5_PASSWORD When user authentication is required to connect to the on-route SOCKS5 proxy server, specify the password. Specify this together with the /USERNAME parameter. # AccountServerCertEnable command CMD_AccountServerCertEnable Enable VPN Connection Setting Server Certificate Verification Option CMD_AccountServerCertEnable_Help When a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client is specified and that VPN Connection Setting connects to a VPN Server, use this to enable the option to check whether the SSL certificate provided by the destination VPN Server can be trusted. \nIf this option is enabled, we recommend that you either use the AccountServerCertSet command to save the connection destination server SSL certificate beforehand in the VPN Connection Setting settings beforehand, or use the CertAdd command etc. to register a root certificate containing the signed server SSL certificate in the list of Virtual Hub trusted CA certificates. If it is not registered, a confirmation message sometimes is displayed on the initial connection. \nIf the certificate of the connected VPN Server cannot be trusted under the condition where the option to verify server certificates has been enabled for the VPN Connection Setting, the connection will be promptly cancelled and continual reattempts at connection will be made. CMD_AccountServerCertEnable_Args AccountServerCertEnable [name] CMD_AccountServerCertEnable_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. # AccountServerCertDisable command CMD_AccountServerCertDisable Disable VPN Connection Setting Server Certificate Verification Option CMD_AccountServerCertDisable_Help When a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client is specified and that VPN Connection Setting connects to a VPN Server, use this to disable the option to check whether the SSL certificate provided by the destination VPN Server can be trusted. CMD_AccountServerCertDisable_Args AccountServerCertDisable [name] CMD_AccountServerCertDisable_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. # AccountServerCertSet command CMD_AccountServerCertSet Set Server Individual Certificate for VPN Connection Setting CMD_AccountServerCertSet_Help When a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client is specified and that VPN Connection Setting connects to a VPN Server, use this to register the same certificate as the SSL certificate provided by the destination VPN Server. \nIf the option to verify server certificates for VPN Connection Settings is enabled, you must either use this command to save the connection destination server SSL certificate beforehand in the VPN Connection Setting settings beforehand, or use the CAAdd command etc. to register a root certificate containing the signed server SSL certificate in the list of Virtual Hub trusted CA certificates. \nIf the certificate of the connected VPN Server cannot be trusted under the condition where the option to verify server certificates has been enabled for the VPN Connection Setting, the connection will be promptly cancelled and continual reattempts at connection will be made. CMD_AccountServerCertSet_Args AccountServerCertSet [name] [/LOADCERT:cert] CMD_AccountServerCertSet_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. CMD_AccountServerCertSet_LOADCERT Specify X.509 format certificate file name that the server individual certificate which you wish to set is saved under. # AccountServerCertDelete command CMD_AccountServerCertDelete Delete Server Individual Certificate for VPN Connection Setting CMD_AccountServerCertDelete_Help When a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client is specified and a server individual certificate is registered for that VPN Connection Setting, use this to delete that certificate. CMD_AccountServerCertDelete_Args AccountServerCertDelete [name] CMD_AccountServerCertDelete_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. # AccountServerCertGet command CMD_AccountServerCertGet Get Server Individual Certificate for VPN Connection Setting CMD_AccountServerCertGet_Help When a VPN Connection Setting is specified and a server Individual certificate is registered for that VPN Connection Setting, use this to get that certificate and save it as an X.509 format certificate file. CMD_AccountServerCertGet_Args AccountServerCertGet [name] [/SAVECERT:path] CMD_AccountServerCertGet_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. CMD_AccountServerCertGet_SAVECERT Specify the certificate file name to save the server individual certificate in X.509 format. # AccountDetailSet command CMD_AccountDetailSet Set Advanced Settings for VPN Connection Setting CMD_AccountDetailSet_Help Use this to customize the VPN protocol communication settings used when a VPN Connection Setting registered on a VPN Client is specified and that VPN Connection Setting connects to the VPN Server. CMD_AccountDetailSet_Args AccountDetailSet [name] [/MAXTCP:max_connection] [/INTERVAL:additional_interval] [/TTL:disconnect_span] [/HALF:yes|no] [/BRIDGE:yes|no] [/MONITOR:yes|no] [/NOTRACK:yes|no] [/NOQOS:yes|no] CMD_AccountDetailSet_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. CMD_AccountDetailSet_MAXTCP Specify, using an integer in the range 1 to 32, the number of TCP connections to be used for VPN communication. By using data transmission by multiple TCP connections for VPN communication sessions with VPN Servers it is sometimes possible to increase communication speed. \nNote: We recommend about 8 lines when the connection lines to the server are fast, and 1 line when using a slow connection such as dialup. CMD_AccountDetailSet_INTERVAL When communicating by VPN by establishing multiple TCP connections, specify in seconds, the establishing interval for each TCP connection. The standard value is 1 second. CMD_AccountDetailSet_TTL When specifying connection life of each TCP connection specify in seconds the keep-alive time from establishing a TCP connection until disconnection. If 0 is specified, keep-alive will not be set. CMD_AccountDetailSet_HALF Specify "yes" when enabling half duplex mode. When using two or more TCP connections for VPN communication, it is possible to use Half Duplex Mode. By enabling half duplex mode it is possible to automatically fix data transmission direction as half and half for each TCP connection. In the case where a VPN using 8 TCP connections is established, for example, when half-duplex is enabled, communication can be fixes so that 4 TCP connections are dedicated to the upload direction and the other 4 connections are dedicated to the download direction. CMD_AccountDetailSet_BRIDGE Specify "yes" when connecting to the VPN Server using Bridge / Router Mode. When using Bridge / Router Mode to connect, it is possible to provide bridging or routing to another network on the side of the virtual network adapter of the VPN Client. However, if the security policy of the user who is being used for connection denies the use of bridges or routing, then connection will fail. CMD_AccountDetailSet_MONITOR Specify "yes" when connecting to the VPN Server using Monitoring Mode. When a connection is made using Monitoring Mode, you can receive all packets that flow through the Virtual Hub. However, if the security policy of the user who is being used for connection does not allow Monitoring Mode, then connection will fail. CMD_AccountDetailSet_NOTRACK Specify "yes" will disable the adjustments of routing table. Normally "no" is specified. CMD_AccountDetailSet_NOQOS Specify "yes" when disabling VoIP / QoS functions. Normally "no" is specified. CMD_AccountDetailSet_DISABLEUDP Specify "yes" when disabling UDP acceleration function. Normally "no" is specified. CMD_AccountDetailSet_Eval_MaxTcp Specify an integer in the range 1 to 32 for the number of TCP connections. CMD_AccountDetailSet_Eval_Interval Set at least 1 second for the interval to establish a TCP connection. CMD_AccountDetailSet_Prompt_MaxTcp Number of TCP Connections to Use in VPN Communication: CMD_AccountDetailSet_Prompt_Interval Interval between Establishing Each TCP Connection: CMD_AccountDetailSet_Prompt_TTL Connection Life of Each TCP Connection (0 for no keep-alive): CMD_AccountDetailSet_Prompt_HALF Enable Half-Duplex Mode (yes/no): CMD_AccountDetailSet_Prompt_BRIDGE Enable Bridge / Router Mode (yes/no): CMD_AccountDetailSet_Prompt_MONITOR Enable Monitoring Mode (yes/no): CMD_AccountDetailSet_Prompt_NOTRACK Disable Adjustment of Routing Table (yes/no): CMD_AccountDetailSet_Prompt_NOQOS Disable QoS Control Function (yes/no): CMD_AccountDetailSet_Prompt_DISABLEUDP Disable UDP Acceleration Function (yes/no): # AccountRename command CMD_AccountRename Change VPN Connection Setting Name CMD_AccountRename_Help Use this to specify a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client and change its name. CMD_AccountRename_Args AccountRename [name] [/NEW:new_name] CMD_AccountRename_[name] Specify the current name of the VPN Connection Setting whose name you want to change. CMD_AccountRename_NEW Specify the new name after the change. CMD_AccountRename_PROMPT_OLD Current Name: CMD_AccountRename_PROMPT_NEW New Name: # AccountConnect command CMD_AccountConnect Start Connection to VPN Server using VPN Connection Setting CMD_AccountConnect_Help Use this to specify a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client and start a connection to the VPN Server using that VPN Connection Setting. A VPN Connection Setting that has a connecting status or a connected status will continue to be connected to the VPN Server, or continue to attempt to connect to the VPN Server until the AccountDisconnect command is used to disconnect the connection (Note however, if the AccountRetrySet command is used to specify the number of retries, connection attempts will be aborted when the specified value is reached.) CMD_AccountConnect_Args AccountConnect [name] CMD_AccountConnect_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose connection you want to start. # AccountDisconnect command CMD_AccountDisconnect Disconnect VPN Connection Setting During Connection CMD_AccountDisconnect_Help Use this to specify a VPN Connection Setting that is registered on the VPN Client and that is either in the condition of connecting or is connected, and immediately disconnect it. CMD_AccountDisconnect_Args AccountDisconnect [name] CMD_AccountDisconnect_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting to disconnect. # AccountStatusGet command CMD_AccountStatusGet Get Current VPN Connection Setting Status CMD_AccountStatusGet_Help When a VPN Connection Setting that is registered on the VPN Client is specified and that VPN Connection Setting is currently connected, use this to get its connection status and other information. CMD_AccountStatusGet_Args AccountStatusGet [name] CMD_AccountStatusGet_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose information you want to get. # AccountNicSet command CMD_AccountNicSet Set Virtual Network Adapter for VPN Connection Setting to Use CMD_AccountNicSet_Help Use this to change the Virtual Network Adapter name that the existing VPN Connection Settings registered on the VPN Client will use for the connection to a VPN Server. CMD_AccountNicSet_Args AccountNicSet [name] [/NICNAME:nicname] CMD_AccountNicSet_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. CMD_AccountNicSet_NICNAME Specify the Virtual Network Adapter name to use when connecting to the VPN Server. # AccountStatusShow command CMD_AccountStatusShow Set Connection Status and Error Screen to Display when Connecting to VPN Server CMD_AccountStatusShow_Help When a communication setting is registered on the VPN Client and that communication setting is being used to connect to the VPN Server, use this to set the connection status and error screen to be displayed on the computer display. CMD_AccountStatusShow_Args AccountStatusShow [name] CMD_AccountStatusShow_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. # AccountStatusHide command CMD_AccountStatusHide Set Connection Status and Error Screen to be Hidden when Connecting to VPN Server CMD_AccountStatusHide_Help When a communication setting is registered on the VPN Client and that communication setting is being used to connect to the VPN Server, use this to set the connection status and error screen to not be displayed on the computer display. CMD_AccountStatusHide_Args AccountStatusHide [name] CMD_AccountStatusHide_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. # AccountSecureCertSet command CMD_AccountSecureCertSet Set User Authentication Type of VPN Connection Setting to Smart Card Authentication CMD_AccountSecureCertSet_Help Use this to set the user auth type to Smart Card Authentication for when a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client is specified and that VPN Connection Setting connects to the VPN Server. Also, you must specify the names of the certificate object and the private key object stored on the smart card. CMD_AccountSecureCertSet_Args AccountSecureCertSet [name] [/CERTNAME:cert] [/KEYNAME:key] CMD_AccountSecureCertSet_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. CMD_AccountSecureCertSet_CERTNAME Specify the name of the certificate object stored on the smart card. CMD_AccountSecureCertSet_KEYNAME Specify the name of the private key object stored on the smart card. The private key must be compatible with the certificate specified by /CERTNAME. CMD_AccountSecureCertSet_PROMPT_CERTNAME Name of Certificate Object on Smart Card: CMD_AccountSecureCertSet_PROMPT_KEYNAME Name of Private Key Object on Smart Card: # PcAccountOpensslEngineCertSet CMD_AccountOpensslCertSet_PROMPT_KEYNAME Specify the openssl engine specific key name: CMD_AccountOpensslCertSet_PROMPT_ENGINENAME Specify the openssl engine name: # AccountRetrySet コマンド CMD_AccountRetrySet Set Interval between Connection Retries for Connection Failures or Disconnections of VPN Connection Setting CMD_AccountRetrySet_Help When a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client is specified and that VPN Connection Setting attempts to connect to a VPN Server, use this to specify the interval to wait between connection attempts and the limit of how many times to retry connecting when communication with the VPN Server has been disconnected or when the connection process failed. \nIf the user authentication type is Smart Card Authentication, no connection retry will be performed regardless of the Number of Connection Attempts setting. CMD_AccountRetrySet_Args AccountRetrySet [name] [/NUM:num_retry] [/INTERVAL:retry_interval] CMD_AccountRetrySet_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. CMD_AccountRetrySet_NUM Specify the number of times to make consecutive retries. By specifying "999", there will be limitless attempts to reconnection (always connect). By specifying "0", not attempt at reconnection will be made. CMD_AccountRetrySet_INTERVAL When attempting a reconnection, this sets how many seconds to wait after the previous disconnection or connection failure before starting the reconnection process. CMD_AccountRetrySet_PROMPT_NUM Reconnection Count ("999" is unlimited): CMD_AccountRetrySet_PROMPT_INTERVAL Reconnection Interval (Seconds): CMD_AccountRetrySet_EVAL_INTERVAL Specify 5 seconds or more for the retries interval. # AccountStartupSet command CMD_AccountStartupSet Set VPN Connection Setting as Startup Connection CMD_AccountStartupSet_Help Use this to specify a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client and set it as the startup connection. The VPN Connection Setting that is set as the startup connection will automatically start the connection process when the VPN Client service starts. CMD_AccountStartupSet_Args AccountStartupSet [name] CMD_AccountStartupSet_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. # AccountStartupRemove command CMD_AccountStartupRemove Remove Startup Connection of VPN Connection Setting CMD_AccountStartupRemove_Help When a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client is specified and that VPN Connection Setting is currently set as a startup connection, use this to delete the startup connection. CMD_AccountStartupRemove_Args AccountStartupRemove [name] CMD_AccountStartupRemove_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. # AccountExport command CMD_AccountExport Export VPN Connection Setting CMD_AccountExport_Help Use this to specify a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client and export its contents as a text file. By exporting a VPN Connection Setting file, and then later, importing it, you can duplicate the contents of a VPN Connection Setting. Also, because it gets saved as a text file, you can edit the contents using a conventional text editor. \nThe export destination file is saved as a UTF-8 format text file. Also, it is convenient to save the file name with the file extension .vpn as this file extension is associated to the Windows Edition VPN Client Manager. CMD_AccountExport_Args AccountExport [name] [/SAVEPATH:savepath] CMD_AccountExport_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting to export. CMD_AccountExport_SAVEPATH Specify a file name for the save destination. CMD_AccountExport_PROMPT_SAVEPATH Save Destination File Name (recommended extension: vpn): # AccountImport command CMD_AccountImport Import VPN Connection Setting CMD_AccountImport_Help Use this to import the VPN Connection Setting file that has been exported by the AccountExport command and add it to the VPN Client. CMD_AccountImport_Args AccountImport [path] CMD_AccountImport_[path] Specify the file name of the import source. CMD_AccountImport_PROMPT_PATH Import Source File Name: CMD_AccountImport_FAILED_PARSE Unable to correctly parse the specified file. Please check it if the file was exported correctly. CMD_AccountImport_OK The VPN Connection Setting "%s" has been imported. # RemoteEnable command CMD_RemoteEnable Allow Remote Management of VPN Client Service CMD_RemoteEnable_Help Use this to allow management of a VPN Client service from a remote computer that is not localhost, via a remote connection by Command Line Management Utility or VPN Client Manager. CMD_RemoteEnable_Args RemoteEnable # RemoteDisable command CMD_RemoteDisable Deny Remote Management of VPN Client Service CMD_RemoteDisable_Help Use this to deny management of a VPN Client service from a remote computer that is not localhost, via a remote connection by Command Line Management Utility or VPN Client Manager. CMD_RemoteDisable_Args RemoteDisable ################################################### # # # Commands for VPN Tools are listed below # # # ################################################### # GenX25519 command CMD_GenX25519 Create new X25519 keypair CMD_GenX25519_Help Use this to create a new X25519 keypair, which can be used for WireGuard. \nBoth the private and public key will be shown. \nThe public key can be shared and is used to identify a peer. \nAlso, it can always be retrieved from the private key using the GetPublicX25519 command. \nThe private key should be kept in a secure place and never be shared. \nIt cannot be recovered once lost. CMD_GenX25519_ARGS GenX25519 CMD_GenX25519_PRIVATE_KEY Private key: CMD_GenX25519_PUBLIC_KEY Public key: # GetPublicX25519 command CMD_GetPublicX25519 Retrieve public X25519 key from a private one CMD_GetPublicX25519_Help Use this if you have a private X25519 key and want to get its corresponding public key. CMD_GetPublicX25519_ARGS GetPublicX25519 [private] CMD_GetPublicX25519_[private] The private X25519 key you want to get the corresponding public key of. CMD_GetPublicX25519_PRIVATE_KEY Private key: CMD_GetPublicX25519_PUBLIC_KEY Public key: # MakeCert command CMD_MakeCert Create New X.509 Certificate and Private Key (1024 bit) CMD_MakeCert_Help Use this to create a new X.509 certificate and private key and save it as a file. \nThe algorithm used to create the public key and private key of the certificate is RSA 1024 bit. \nYou can choose to create a root certificate (self-signed certificate) or a certificate signed by another certificate. To create a certificate that is signed by another certificate, you require a private key file (base 64 encoded) that is compatible with the certificate that uses the signature (X.509 format file). \n\nWhen creating a certificate, you can specify the following: Name (CN), Organization (O), Organization Unit (OU), Country (C), State (ST), Locale (L), Serial Number, and Expiration Date. \nThe created certificate will be saved as an X.509 format file and the private key file will be saved in a Base 64 encoded RSA 1024 bit format file. \n\nThe MakeCert command is a tool that provides the most rudimentary function for creating certificates. If you want to create a more substantial certificate, we recommend that you use either free software such as OpenSSL, or commercial CA (certificate authority) software. \n\nNote: This command can be called from the SoftEther VPN Command Line Management Utility. You can also execute this command while connected to the current VPN Server or VPN Client in Administration Mode but, what actually performs the RSA computation, generates the certificate data and saves it to file is the computer on which the command is running, and all this is executed in a context that has absolutely no relationship to the computer that is the destination of the Administration Mode connection. CMD_MakeCert_Args MakeCert [/CN:cn] [/O:o] [/OU:ou] [/C:c] [/ST:st] [/L:l] [/SERIAL:serial] [/EXPIRES:expires] [/SIGNCERT:signcert] [/SIGNKEY:signkey] [/SAVECERT:savecert] [/SAVEKEY:savekey] CMD_MakeCert_CN Specify the Name (CN) item of the certificate to create. You can specify "none". CMD_MakeCert_O Specify the Organization (O) item of the certificate to create. You can specify "none". CMD_MakeCert_OU Specify the Organization Unit (OU) item of the certificate to create. You can specify "none". CMD_MakeCert_C Specify the Country (C) item of the certificate to create. You can specify "none". CMD_MakeCert_ST Specify the State (ST) item of the certificate to create. You can specify "none". CMD_MakeCert_L Specify the Locale (L) item of the certificate to create. You can specify "none". CMD_MakeCert_SERIAL Specify the Serial Number item of the certificate to create. Specify using hexadecimal values. You can specify "none". CMD_MakeCert_EXPIRES Specify the Expiration Date item of the certificate to create. If you specify "none" or "0", 3650 days (approx. 10 years) will be used. You can specify a maximum of 10950 days (about 30 years). CMD_MakeCert_SIGNCERT For cases when the certificate to be created is signed by an existing certificate, specify the X.509 format certificate file name to be used to sign the signature. When this parameter is omitted, such signature signing is not performed and the new certificate is created as a root certificate. CMD_MakeCert_SIGNKEY Specify a private key (RSA, base-64 encoded) that is compatible with the certificate specified by /SIGNCERT. CMD_MakeCert_SAVECERT Specify the file name to save the certificate you created. The certificate is saved as an X.509 file that includes a public key that is RSA format 1024 bit. CMD_MakeCert_SAVEKEY Specify the file name to save private key that is compatible with the certificate you created. The private key will be saved as an RSA-format 1024-bit private key file. CMD_MakeCert_PROMPT_CN Name of Certificate to Create (CN): CMD_MakeCert_PROMPT_O Organization of Certificate to Create (O): CMD_MakeCert_PROMPT_OU Organization Unit of Certificate to Create (OU): CMD_MakeCert_PROMPT_C Country of Certificate to Create (C): CMD_MakeCert_PROMPT_ST State of Certificate to Create (ST): CMD_MakeCert_PROMPT_L Locale of Certificate to Create (L): CMD_MakeCert_PROMPT_SERIAL Serial Number of Certificate to Create (Hexadecimal): CMD_MakeCert_PROMPT_EXPIRES Expiration Date of Certificate to Create (Days): CMD_MakeCert_PROMPT_SAVECERT File Name to Save Certificate to Create: CMD_MakeCert_PROMPT_SAVEKEY File Name to Save Private Key to Create: CMD_MakeCert_EVAL_EXPIRES Specify the Expiration Date within the range %u to %u. CMD_MakeCert_ERROR_SIGNKEY Either it is not possible to read the certificate or private key specified by /SIGNCERT and /SIGNKEY, or they were an invalid combination. CMD_MakeCert_ERROR_GEN_FAILED Creation of certificate and private key failed. # MakeCert2048 command CMD_MakeCert2048 Create New X.509 Certificate and Private Key (2048 bit) CMD_MakeCert2048_Help Use this to create a new X.509 certificate and private key and save it as a file. \nThe algorithm used to create the public key and private key of the certificate is RSA 2048 bit. \nYou can choose to create a root certificate (self-signed certificate) or a certificate signed by another certificate. To create a certificate that is signed by another certificate, you require a private key file (base 64 encoded) that is compatible with the certificate that uses the signature (X.509 format file). \n\nWhen creating a certificate, you can specify the following: Name (CN), Organization (O), Organization Unit (OU), Country (C), State (ST), Locale (L), Serial Number, and Expiration Date. \nThe created certificate will be saved as an X.509 format file and the private key file will be saved in a Base 64 encoded RSA 2048 bit format file. \n\nThe MakeCert command is a tool that provides the most rudimentary function for creating certificates. If you want to create a more substantial certificate, we recommend that you use either free software such as OpenSSL, or commercial CA (certificate authority) software. \n\nNote: This command can be called from the SoftEther VPN Command Line Management Utility. You can also execute this command while connected to the current VPN Server or VPN Client in Administration Mode but, what actually performs the RSA computation, generates the certificate data and saves it to file is the computer on which the command is running, and all this is executed in a context that has absolutely no relationship to the computer that is the destination of the Administration Mode connection. CMD_MakeCert2048_Args MakeCert2048 [/CN:cn] [/O:o] [/OU:ou] [/C:c] [/ST:st] [/L:l] [/SERIAL:serial] [/EXPIRES:expires] [/SIGNCERT:signcert] [/SIGNKEY:signkey] [/SAVECERT:savecert] [/SAVEKEY:savekey] CMD_MakeCert2048_CN Specify the Name (CN) item of the certificate to create. You can specify "none". CMD_MakeCert2048_O Specify the Organization (O) item of the certificate to create. You can specify "none". CMD_MakeCert2048_OU Specify the Organization Unit (OU) item of the certificate to create. You can specify "none". CMD_MakeCert2048_C Specify the Country (C) item of the certificate to create. You can specify "none". CMD_MakeCert2048_ST Specify the State (ST) item of the certificate to create. You can specify "none". CMD_MakeCert2048_L Specify the Locale (L) item of the certificate to create. You can specify "none". CMD_MakeCert2048_SERIAL Specify the Serial Number item of the certificate to create. Specify using hexadecimal values. You can specify "none". CMD_MakeCert2048_EXPIRES Specify the Expiration Date item of the certificate to create. If you specify "none" or "0", 3650 days (approx. 10 years) will be used. You can specify a maximum of 10950 days (about 30 years). CMD_MakeCert2048_SIGNCERT For cases when the certificate to be created is signed by an existing certificate, specify the X.509 format certificate file name to be used to sign the signature. When this parameter is omitted, such signature signing is not performed and the new certificate is created as a root certificate. CMD_MakeCert2048_SIGNKEY Specify a private key (RSA, base-64 encoded) that is compatible with the certificate specified by /SIGNCERT. CMD_MakeCert2048_SAVECERT Specify the file name to save the certificate you created. The certificate is saved as an X.509 file that includes a public key that is RSA format 2048 bit. CMD_MakeCert2048_SAVEKEY Specify the file name to save private key that is compatible with the certificate you created. The private key will be saved as an RSA-format 2048-bit private key file. # TrafficClient command CMD_TrafficClient Run Network Traffic Speed Test Tool in Client Mode CMD_TrafficClient_Help Use this to execute the communication throughput measurement tool's client program. \nTwo commands, TrafficClient and TrafficServer, are used for the communication throughput measurement tool to enable the measurement of communication throughput that can be transferred between two computers connected by IP network. The TrafficServer command is used first on another computer which puts the communication throughput measurement tool server in a listening condition. Then the TrafficClient command is used to connect to that server by specifying its host name or IP address and port number, which makes it possible to measure the communication speed. \nMeasurement of the communication speed is carried out by concurrently establishing multiple TCP connections and calculating the actual number of bits of data that can be transferred within a specified time based on the respective results of transferring the maximum stream data on each connection and then using that to calculate the average value (bps) of communication throughput. Normally when there is one TCP connection, it is common to only be able to achieve communication speeds slower than the actual net throughput because of limitations related to the TCP algorithm. We therefore recommend the establishment of multiple concurrent TCP connections when measuring communication results. Because the throughput that is measured using this measurement method is calculated from the bit length of the data that arrives on the receiver side as a stream by TCP, the packet loss that occurs during transfer and the packets with corrupted data are not included in the packets that actually arrive, which means it is possible to calculate a genuine value that is close to the maximum possible communication bandwidth of the network. \nUsing the measurement results, i.e. the stream size transferred by TCP, the approximate value of data volume that actually passed through the network is calculated and this is divided by time to calculate the bits per sec (bps). The calculation assumes the type of the physical network is Ethernet (IEEE802.3) and the MAC frame payload size is 1,500 bytes (TCP MSS is 1,460 bytes). By specifying the /RAW option, the calculation will not make corrections for the TCP/IP header and MAC header data volume. \n\nNote: This command can be called from the SoftEther VPN Command Line Management Utility. You can also execute this command while connected to the current VPN Server or VPN Client in Administration Mode but, what actually conducts communication and measures the throughput is the computer on which the command is running, and all this is executed in a context that has absolutely no relationship to the computer that is the destination of the Administration Mode connection. CMD_TrafficClient_Args TrafficClient [host:port] [/NUMTCP:numtcp] [/TYPE:download|upload|full] [/SPAN:span] [/DOUBLE:yes|no] [/RAW:yes|no] CMD_TrafficClient_[host:port] Specify the host name or IP address and port number that the communication throughput measurement tool server (TrafficServer) is listening for. If the port number is omitted, 9821 will be used. CMD_TrafficClient_NUMTCP Specify the number of TCP connections to be concurrently established between the client and the server for data transfer. If omitted, 32 will be used. CMD_TrafficClient_TYPE Specify the direction of data flow when throughput measurement is performed. Specify one of the following options: "download", "upload" or "full". By specifying "download" the data will be transmitted from the server side to the client side. By specifying "upload" the data will be transmitted from the client side to the server side. By specifying "full", the data will be transferred in both directions. When "full" is specified, the NUMTCP value must be an even number of two or more (half the number will be used for concurrent TCP connections in the download direction and the other half will be used in the upload direction). If this parameter is omitted, "full" will be used. CMD_TrafficClient_SPAN Specify, using seconds, the time span to conduct data transfer for the measurement of throughput. If this parameter is omitted, "15" will be used. CMD_TrafficClient_DOUBLE When "yes" is specified, the throughput of the measured result will be doubled and then displayed. This option is used for cases when a network device etc. is somewhere on the data route and the total throughput capability that is input and output by this network device is being measured. CMD_TrafficClient_RAW By specifying "yes", the calculation will not make corrections for the TCP/IP header and MAC header data volume. CMD_TrafficClient_EVAL_NUMTCP Specify a value of 32 or less for the number of TCP connections. CMD_TrafficClient_PROMPT_HOST Measurement Server Name and Port Number (9821 if omitted): CMD_TrafficClient_ERROR_NUMTCP When the data direction is "full" (both directions), you must specify an even value for the number of TCP connections (/NUMTCP). CMD_TrafficClient_ERROR_HOSTPORT The host name or port number is incorrectly specified. # TrafficServer command CMD_TrafficServer Run Network Traffic Speed Test Tool in Server Mode CMD_TrafficServer_Help Use this to execute the communication throughput measurement tool's server program. \nTwo commands, TrafficClient and TrafficServer, are used for the communication throughput measurement tool to enable the measurement of communication throughput that can be transferred between two computers connected by IP network. \nTo set the TCP port of this computer to the Listen status to listen for the connection from the TrafficClient of another computer, specify the port number and start the server program using the TrafficServer command. \nYou can display more detailed information on the communication throughput measurement tool by inputting "TrafficClient ?". \n\nNote: This command can be called from the SoftEther VPN Command Line Management Utility. You can also execute this command while connected to the current VPN Server or VPN Client in Administration Mode but, what actually conducts communication and measures the throughput is the computer on which the command is running, and all this is executed in a context that has absolutely no relationship to the computer that is the destination of the Administration Mode connection. CMD_TrafficServer_Args TrafficServer [port] [/NOHUP:yes|no] CMD_TrafficServer_[port] Specify, using an integer, the port number at which to listen for the connection. If the specified port has been already being used by another program, or if the port cannot be opened, an error will occur. CMD_TrafficServer_NOHUP When "yes" is specified, the server process never stops without regard to any input from the console. It is convenient when you want to run the TrafficServer endlessly. # Internal message strings concerning TrafficClient / TrafficServer TT_LISTEN_FAILED Unable to set TCP port %u to Listen status. The port may be being used by another application or this application did not have the authority to open the port. TTS_LISTEN_STOP The port for listening has been closed. TTS_ENTER_TO_EXIT \n----------------------------------------\nThe Network Traffic Speed Test Tool in Server Mode started. \n\nPress the Enter key to stop the server program. \n----------------------------------------\n\n TTS_INIT Starting the server program... TTS_LISTEN_STARTED The server program has been started. Now the IPv4 TCP port %u is set to Listen status and listening for connection from the client. TTS_LISTEN_STARTED_V6 The IPv6 TCP Port %u is listening to accept clients. TTS_LISTEN_FAILED_V6 Failed to open the IPv6 TCP Port %u. Another application might be using the same IPv6 TCP Port, or the IPv6 stack is not installed on the operating system. TTS_STOP_INIT Stopping the server program... TTS_STOP_FINISHED The stopping of the server program is complete. TTS_ACCEPTED Connection %u: Connected from Client %S Port %u. TTS_DISCONNECTED Connection %u (%S) has been disconnected. TTS_DISCONNECT Connection %u (%S) has been disconnected. TTC_INIT Starting the client program... TTC_FREE The client program has beens terminated. TTC_CONNECT_START The connection to server %S (port %u) will start. %u TCP connections will be connected. TTC_CONNECT_FAILED The connection of TCP connection number %u failed. TTC_CONNECT_NOT_SERVER Because a program other than TrafficServer is operating on the destination TCP port, traffic cannot be measured. TTC_CONNECT_OK TCP connection number %u has been connected. TTC_CONNECT_OK_2 \ Data transfer direction: %s TTC_ERROR_ABORTED The TCP connection initialization with the server failed. Measurement will stop. TTC_SUMMARY_BAR ------------------------------------------------------- TTC_SUMMARY_TITLE Network Traffic Speed Test Tool Client Setting Parameters TTC_SUMMARY_HOST Destination Host Name TTC_SUMMARY_PORT Destination TCP Port Number TTC_SUMMARY_NUMTCP Number of TCP Connections to Establish TTC_SUMMARY_TYPE Data Transfer Direction TTC_SUMMARY_SPAN Data Transmission Time TTC_SUMMARY_ETHER Data Correction for Ethernet Frames TTC_SUMMARY_DOUBLE Measurement of Total Speed of Relay Device Input Output TTC_TYPE_DOWNLOAD Download (Server to Client) TTC_TYPE_UPLOAD Upload (Client to Server) TTC_TYPE_FULL Full (Server < -- > Client) TTC_SPAN_STR %.1f seconds TTC_COMM_START \nAll connections were established and so data transfer started. \nMeasurement Start Time: %s\nScheduled Finish Time: %s\n\nMeasuring in progress. Please wait... \n(Do not use any other applications while measuring is in progress.)\n\n TTC_COMM_END Because %.1f seconds or more have passed, the data communication will end. \n\n TTC_COMM_USER_CANCEL Because of cancellation by user, the data communication will end. \n\n TTC_COMM_DISCONNECTED The TCP connection %u has been disconnected. TTC_STOPPING Stopping the operation of the communication throughput measurement tool client... TTC_ENTER_TO_EXIT \n----------------------------------------\nThe Network Traffic Speed Test Tool in Client Mode started. \n\nPress the Enter key to stop the client program. \n----------------------------------------\n\n TTC_RES_TITLE \n\nNetwork Traffic Speed Test Tool\n\n TTC_RES_COLUMN_1 Item Name TTC_RES_COLUMN_2 Normal View TTC_RES_COLUMN_3 Simplified View TTC_RES_SPAN Time Span for Measurement TTC_RES_ETHER Data Correction for Ethernet Frames TTC_RES_BYTES_DOWNLOAD Communication Data Volume in Download Direction TTC_RES_BYTES_UPLOAD Communication Data Volume in Upload Direction TTC_RES_BYTES_TOTAL Total Communication Data Volume TTC_RES_DOUBLE Relay Device Input Output Total Throughput Computation TTC_RES_BPS_DOWNLOAD Average Throughput in Download Direction TTC_RES_BPS_UPLOAD Average Throughput in Upload Direction TTC_RES_BPS_TOTAL Total Average Throughput # Check command CMD_Check Check whether SoftEther VPN Operation is Possible CMD_Check_Help Use this to check if the current computer that is running vpncmd is a suitable operation platform for SoftEther VPN Server / Bridge. \nIf this check passes on a system, it is most likely that SoftEther VPN software will operate correctly on that system. \nAlso, if this check does not pass on a system, then this indicates that some type of trouble may arise if SoftEther VPN software is used on that system. CMD_Check_Args Check # Concerning System Checker # (This contains some strange character strings which are used to check character code conversion.) CHECK_TITLE ---------------------------------------------------\nSoftEther VPN Operation Environment Check Tool\nDeveloper Edition\n\nCopyright (c) all contributors on SoftEther VPN project in GitHub.\nCopyright (c) Daiyuu Nobori, SoftEther Project at University of Tsukuba, and SoftEther Corporation.\nAll Rights Reserved.\n\n CHECK_NOTE If this operation environment check tool is run on a system and that system passes, it is most likely that SoftEther VPN software can operate on that system. This check may take a while. Please wait...\n\n CHECK_EXEC_TAG Checking '%s'... \n CHECK_PASS Pass CHECK_FAIL Fail CHECK_RESULT_1 All checks passed. It is most likely that SoftEther VPN Server / Bridge can operate normally on this system. CHECK_RESULT_2 Some checks failed. Please check the operation environment of this system. If SoftEther VPN Server / Bridge were to be executed on this system, troubles may occur. CHECK_TEST_123456789 123456789 CHECK_PROC_KERNEL Kernel System CHECK_PROC_MEMORY Memory Operation System CHECK_PROC_STRINGS ANSI / Unicode string processing system CHECK_PROC_FILESYSTEM File system CHECK_PROC_THREAD Thread processing system CHECK_PROC_NETWORK Network system ###################################################### # # # Setup Wizard (SW) Strings # # # ###################################################### SW_TITLE SoftEther VPN Developer Edition Setup Wizard (Version %S) SW_EXIT_CONFIRM The setup process of SoftEther VPN hasn't been finished yet.\r\n\r\nDo you want to exit the setup? SW_UNINSTALL_CONFIRM Starting the uninstall process of %s.\r\n\r\nDo you want to continue? SW_COMPONENT_VPNSERVER_TITLE SoftEther VPN Server SW_COMPONENT_VPNSERVER_DESCRIPTION Install it on a server computer at the central site of VPN. The management tools will be also installed. SW_COMPONENT_VPNCLIENT_TITLE SoftEther VPN Client SW_COMPONENT_VPNCLIENT_DESCRIPTION Install it on VPN client computers. A VPN client computer will be able to connect to the central VPN Server. The management tools will be also installed. SW_COMPONENT_VPNBRIDGE_TITLE SoftEther VPN Bridge SW_COMPONENT_VPNBRIDGE_DESCRIPTION Install it on computers at each site. Each VPN Bridge will establish a VPN connection to the central VPN Server. The management tools will be also installed. SW_COMPONENT_VPNSMGR_TITLE SoftEther VPN Server Manager (Admin Tools Only) SW_COMPONENT_VPNSMGR_DESCRIPTION Only the VPN Server Manager will be installed. The VPN Server service program will not be installed. You can use the VPN Server Manager to connect and manage remote VPN Servers and VPN Bridges on other computers which can be run on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris and FreeBSD. SW_COMPONENT_VPNCMGR_TITLE SoftEther VPN Client Manager (Admin Tools Only) SW_COMPONENT_VPNCMGR_DESCRIPTION Only the VPN Client Manager will be installed. The VPN Client service program will not be installed. You can use the VPN Client Manager to connect and manage remote VPN Clients on other computers which can be run on Windows and Linux. SW_WELCOME_TITLE Welcome to the SoftEther VPN Developer Edition Setup Wizard SW_MODE_TITLE Select a Setup Mode SW_NOT_ADMIN_TITLE Not Enough Privileges SW_COMPONENTS_TITLE Select Software Components to Install SW_EULA_TITLE End User License Agreement SW_WARNING_TITLE Important Notices SW_DIR_TITLE Directory to Install on SW_READY_TITLE Ready to Install SW_PERFORM_TITLE Setup is in Progress SW_ERROR_TITLE Results of Setup SW_FINISH_TITLE Setup Finished SW_UNINST1_TITLE Uninstaller SW_LANG1_TITLE SoftEther VPN: Configure the Display Language SW_EASY1_TITLE Welcome to SoftEther VPN Client Easy Installer Creator SW_EASY2_TITLE Specify Files SW_WEB1_TITLE Welcome to SoftEther VPN Client Web Installer Creator SW_WEB2_TITLE Specify Files SW_UNINSTALLINFO_URL http://selinks.org/ SW_UNINSTALLINFO_PUBLISHER SoftEther VPN Project SW_KB3033929_REQUIRED In Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, some SoftEther VPN functions require the Microsoft's Windows Update module KB3033929 installed.\r\n\r\nIf KB3033929 is not installed in your Windows, please install it from Windows Update or Microsoft website before installing SoftEther VPN. SW_COMPONENTS_ABOUT_TAG About %s SW_COMPONENTS_REQUIRE_ADMIN Installation Requires Administrators Privileges SW_COMPONENTS_REQUIRE_ADMIN_TEXT You have to restart the setup wizard by a user who has Administrators privileges to install %s in the System Mode. To install in the System Mode, click Back. SW_DIR_SELECT Please Specify the Directory to Install SW_DIR_MORE_THAN_110 The directory name is too long.\r\nSpecify 110 letters at most. SW_DIR_WRITE_ERROR Unable to create the specified directory "%s" or failed to write a file on the directory.\r\n\r\nSpecify another directory. SW_DIR_DST_IS_SAME_TO_SRC The specified directory "%s" is same as the source directory. SW_DIR_IS_NOT_HDD The specified directory "%s" is not a local hard disk drive.\r\n\r\nTo install %s in the System Mode, you have to specify a directory on a local hard disk drive. SW_DIR_IS_NOT_FULLPATH The directory "%s" is not a format of full path.\r\n\r\nPlease specify the full path of the directory. SW_DIR_DST_IS_OTHER_PRODUCT The specified directory has another component already installed.\r\n\r\nPlease specify another directory. SW_DIR_DST_IS_NEWER Newer version of the software has been installed on the specified directory.\r\n\r\nYou need not to install this version. SW_DIR_DST_IS_NEWER_2 Newer version of the software has been installed on the specified directory.\r\n\r\nThis installer will import and apply the VPN Connection Settings which is built-in on the Easy Installer. No program files will be overwritten. SW_DIR_DST_IS_BROKEN Unable to read a file "%s" which is on the specified directory.\r\n\r\nPlease specify another directory. SW_DIR_DST_IS_SYSTEM_MODE The same software is already installed on the specified directory as the System Mode.\r\n\r\nPlease specify another directory. SW_DIR_DST_IS_USER_MODE The same software is already installed on the specified directory as the User Mode.\r\n\r\nPlease specify another directory. SW_SYSTEM_MODE_ALREADY_INSTALLED The software "%s" is already installed on this computer as the System Mode.\r\n\r\nBoth the System Mode and the User Mode installation of the same software on the same computer will conflict.\r\n\r\nDo you really want to continue the installation as the User Mode? SW_SETUPLOG_CORRUPTED The "setuplog.dat" file is broken. SW_MSI_UNINSTALL_FAILED The older version of %s (Product Code: "%S") is installed. Windows Installer failed to uninstall this older version.\r\n\r\nPlease uninstall this older version manually and restart this installer again. SW_MSI_UNINSTALL_REBOOT_REQUIRED Windows Installer has uninstalled the older version of %s. The reboot of computer is required.\r\n\r\nPress Finish button and reboot the computer MANUALLY, and restart this installer after the reboot. SW_NOTICE_VPNSERVER_IS_INSTALLED SoftEther VPN Bridge is selected as a component to install. However, this computer has already had SoftEther VPN Server installed.\r\n\r\nUsually, you don't need to install both SoftEther VPN Server and SoftEther VPN Bridge on the same computer.\r\nIf you install both software, conflicts such as port number duplication will occur.\r\nIf you want to replace the SoftEther VPN Server to SoftEther VPN Bridge, you should exit this installer, uninstall SoftEther VPN Server and restart this installer after that.\r\n\r\nDo you really want to continue the SoftEther VPN Bridge installation? SW_NOTICE_VPNBRIDGE_IS_INSTALLED SoftEther VPN Server is selected as a component to install. However, this computer has already had SoftEther VPN Bridge installed.\r\n\r\nUsually, you don't need to install both SoftEther VPN Bridge and SoftEther VPN Server on the same computer.\r\nIf you install both software, conflicts such as port number duplication will occur.\r\nIf you want to replace the SoftEther VPN Server to SoftEther VPN Server, you should exit this installer, uninstall SoftEther VPN Bridge and restart this installer after that.\r\n\r\nDo you really want to continue the SoftEther VPN Server installation? SW_OS_FAILED This operating system doesn't support %s. SW_LANG_NOT_CHANGED The language settings of %s were not changed. SW_LANG_LIST_LOAD_FAILED Loading the available language list failed. SW_LANG_OK The display language of %s has been changed successfully.\r\nIf %s programs are currently running, exit a program and restart it to apply the new display language. If the display language still doesn't effect, reboot Windows.\r\n SW_LANG_OK_SERVICE \r\nThe language of log files which the service program records will be changed to the new language after a reboot. SW_LANG_OK_VPNCMGR \r\nThe display setting of VPN Client Manager will be changed after exit and reboot VPN Client Manager. (Including complete termination from the task tray.) SW_CHILD_PROCESS_ERROR Failed to execute a child process. SW_EXE_FILTER Windows Executable Files (*.EXE)|*.exe|All Files (*.*)|*.* SW_PERFORM_MSG_EASY_INFO Compiling the VPN Client Easy Installer... SW_EASY_FINISHED_MSG The VPN Client Easy Installer is created successfully.\r\nThe installer is saved as the following filename.\r\n\r\n%s\r\n\r\nYou can distribute the above file in the enterprise. SW_EASY_ERROR_MSG Failed to create a VPN Client Easy Installer. SW_OTHER_INSTANCE_EXISTS Another SoftEther VPN Setup Wizard is running.\r\n\r\nYou can continue this wizard after another wizard exits. SW_PERFORM_MSG_WEB_INFO Compiling the VPN Client Web Installer... SW_WEB_ERROR_MSG Failed to create a VPN Client Web Installer. SW_INSTALLER_CACHE_IS_NOT_SIGNED The currently installed SoftEther VPN Client of this computer has not been installed from the digital-signed package signed by an Authenticode digital certificate of SoftEther VPN Project.\r\nIt might be installed from a customized installer (for example, an installer created by Easy Installer Creator.)\r\n\r\nIf you continue to create a Web Installer, a warning message will be appeared on the user's screen when its loading.\r\nTo avoid showing the warning message, you should cancel this creating wizard, download the latest version of SoftEther VPN Client from the SoftEther VPN Project's web site, re-install it and restart the Web Installer Creator wizard.\r\n\r\nDo you really to continue to create a Web Installer? SW_FILE_NOT_FOUNT The file "%s" not found. SW_WEB_FINISHED The Web Installer is created and saved as "%s".\r\n\r\nPlease extract inner files from the ZIP file, upload them into the Web server, and edit a HTML file and an inf file to replace URLs appropriately.\r\n\r\nThe explanation to deploy the Web Installer is described on the ZIP file. SW_VG_CONFIRM_MSG Do you really want to install and activate the VPN Gate P2P Relay Function plug-in module with SoftEther VPN Client?\r\n\r\nThis plug-in will realize the stability of communication to bypass the government censorship firewall. However, the communication of VPN Gate usually consumes some network bandwidth. VPN Gate is not recommended to be used in the mobile connections. \r\n\r\nPlease note that there are some countries and regions which have the regulation to forbid the encrypted communications to bypass government censorship firewalls. In such a case, you must not use the VPN Gate functions on your computer. VPN Gate is intended to be used mainly in Japan. VPN Gate is a research project for just academic purpose only. VPN Gate is governed under the Japanese laws. Other countries' laws are none of our concerns nor responsibilities. By using this software and service, you must observe all concerned laws and rules with your own responsibility. You will be completely liable to any damages and responsibilities which are results of using this software and service, regardless of either inside or outside of Japan's territory. SW_PERFORM_MSG_INIT_TASKS Preparing the tasks... SW_PERFORM_MSG_COPY_PREPARE Preparing the copying of files... SW_PERFORM_MSG_WRITE_ERROR Failed to write the destination file "%s".\r\n\r\nThere might be another person who has been keeping this file open.\r\nIf programs or services of %s are running, please terminate them and click Retry. SW_PERFORM_MSG_COPY_FILE Copying "%s" ... SW_PERFORM_MSG_SET_SECURITY Setting a security on "%s" ... SW_PERFORM_MSG_PLUGIN Installing the plugins... SW_PERFORM_MSG_STOP_SVC Stopping the "%s" service ... SW_PERFORM_MSG_WAIT_FOR_FILE_UNLOCK The file "%s" is locked by a running program. Waiting to unlock... SW_PERFORM_MSG_INSTALL_SVC Installing the %s service... SW_PERFORM_MSG_START_SVC Starting the %s service... SW_PERFORM_MSG_CREATE_LINKS Creating shortcut files... SW_PERFORM_MSG_DELETE_LINKS Deleting shortcut files... SW_PERFORM_MSG_DELETE_OLD_LINKS Deleting old shortcut files... SW_PERFORM_MSG_REGISTER_UNINSTALL Registering uninstall information on the Control Panel... SW_PERFORM_MSG_IMPORTING_ACCOUNT Importing the Built-in VPN Connection Setting in the Easy Installer... SW_PERFORM_MSG_DELETE_SETUP_INFO Deleting the install information and logs... SW_PERFORM_MSG_WRITE_LOG Writing a setup log... SW_PERFORM_MSG_COPY_ERROR Copying to the file "%s" failed. SW_PERFORM_MSG_CREATE_LINK_ERROR Creating the shortcut file "%s" failed.\r\n\r\nDo you want to retry? SW_PERFORM_MSG_WRITE_LOG_ERROR Creating the setup log file "%s".\r\n\r\nDo you want to retry? SW_PERFORM_MSG_STOP_SVC_ERROR Stopping the "%s" service (internal name: "%S") failed. SW_PERFORM_MSG_START_SVC_ERROR Starting the "%s" service (internal name: "%S") failed. SW_PERFORM_MSG_SVC_UNINSTALL_FAILED Uninstall of the "%s" service (internal name: "%S") failed. SW_PERFORM_MSG_SVC_INSTALL_FAILED Install of the "%s" service (internal name: "%S") failed. SW_PERFORM_MSG_SVC_USERMODE_EXEC_FAILED Starting the user-mode service "%s" failed. SW_PERFORM_MSG_UPDATING Updating system settings... SW_PERFORM_MSG_DELETE_NIC Removing the Virtual Network Adapters... SW_PERFORM_MSG_FINISHED Setup progress finished. SW_PERFORM_MSG_UNINSTALL_MSI Windows Installer is uninstalling the older version of %s... SW_PERFORM_MSG_UPDATE_LANG_CONFIG Changing the language settings... SW_PERFORM_MSG_INIT_UNINST Preparing uninstall... SW_PERFORM_MSG_DELETE_PREPARE Preparing to delete files... SW_PERFORM_MSG_DELETE_ERROR Unable to delete the file "%s".\r\n\r\nThere might be another program who is keeping this file open.\r\nIf programs or services of %s are running, please terminate them and click Retry. SW_PERFORM_MSG_UNINSTALL_SVC Uninstalling the "%s" service ... SW_PERFORM_MSG_DELETE Deleting the "%s" service ... SW_PERFORM_MSG_EASY_INIT Building the Easy Installer... SW_PERFORM_MSG_WEB_INIT Building the Web Installer... SW_PERFORM_MSG_INSTALL_SELOW Creating a restore point of the system and installing essential components. It may take a while... SW_TAG_USERNAME \ (User-mode) SW_DIRNAME_CONFIG_TOOLS Configuration Tools SW_DIRNAME_ADMIN_TOOLS Administrative Tools SW_DIRNAME_LANGUAGE_TOOLS Language Settings SW_RUN_TEXT_VPNSMGR Start the SoftEther VPN Server Manager. SW_RUN_TEXT_VPNCMGR Start the SoftEther VPN Client Manager. SW_NIC_UNINSTALL Virtual Network Adapters of SoftEther VPN Client have been created on the system.\r\nDo you want to delete these Virtual Network Adapters? # Do not translate this section !!! SW_TAG_USERNAME_ENGLISH \ (User-Mode) SW_LINK_NAME_VPNSERVER_SVC SoftEther VPN Server Developer User-mode Service SW_LINK_NAME_VPNBRIDGE_SVC SoftEther VPN Bridge Developer User-mode Service SW_LONG_VPNSERVER SoftEther VPN Server Developer Edition SW_LONG_VPNCLIENT SoftEther VPN Client Developer Edition SW_LONG_VPNBRIDGE SoftEther VPN Bridge Developer Edition SW_LONG_VPNSMGR SoftEther VPN Server Manager Developer Edition SW_LONG_VPNCMGR SoftEther VPN Client Manager Developer Edition SW_LANG_SET_FAILED Failed to write the new language setting on lang.config file. # --- end of "Do not translate this section" --- # Shortcuts Filenames SW_LINK_NAME_VPNSMGR_SHORT SoftEther VPN Server Manager (Dev) SW_LINK_NAME_VPNSMGR_SHORT_UM SE-VPN Server Manager (Dev User) SW_LINK_NAME_VPNSMGR_SHORT_TOOLSONLY SE-VPN Server Manager (Dev Tools) SW_LINK_NAME_VPNSMGR_SHORT_TOOLSONLY_UM SE-VPN Server Manager (Dev Tools User) SW_LINK_NAME_VPNSMGR_FULL SoftEther VPN Server Manager Developer Edition SW_LINK_NAME_VPNSMGR_COMMENT You can manage SoftEther VPN Server or SoftEther VPN Bridge on a remote computer. SW_LINK_NAME_VPNCMGR_SHORT SoftEther VPN Client Manager (Dev) SW_LINK_NAME_VPNCMGR_FULL SoftEther VPN Client Manager Developer Edition SW_LINK_NAME_VPNCMGR_COMMENT You can connect to a VPN Server by using SoftEther VPN Client. SW_LINK_NAME_VPNCMGRTOOLS_SHORT SoftEther VPN Client Remote Manager (Dev) SW_LINK_NAME_VPNCMGRTOOLS_SHORT_UM SE-VPN Client Remote Manager (Dev User) SW_LINK_NAME_VPNCMGRTOOLS_FULL SoftEther VPN Client Remote Manager Developer Edition SW_LINK_NAME_VPNCMGR2_FULL Manage Remote Computer's SoftEther VPN Client SW_LINK_NAME_VPNCMGR2_COMMENT You can establish a remote connection to and manage a SoftEther VPN Client on a remote computer. SW_LINK_NAME_VPNCMGRTRAY_FULL SoftEther VPN Client Manager Developer Edition Startup SW_LINK_NAME_VPNCMGRTRAY_COMMENT Registers an icon of SoftEther VPN Client Developer Edition on the taskbar's notification area. SW_LINK_NAME_EASYINSTALLER Easy Installer Creator SW_LINK_NAME_EASYINSTALLER_COMMENT A tool for enterprise system administrators to create a SoftEther VPN Client Easy Installer which has a function to kick-start a VPN connection to the specific destination automatically. SW_LINK_NAME_WEBINSTALLER Web Installer Creator SW_LINK_NAME_WEBINSTALLER_COMMENT A tool for enterprise system administrators to create a SoftEther VPN Client Web Installer (ActiveX Installer) which has a function to kick-start a VPN connection to the specific destination automatically. SW_LINK_NAME_VPNCMD SoftEther VPN Command Line Utility (vpncmd) SW_LINK_NAME_VPNCMD_COMMENT Manage SoftEther VPN Server, SoftEther VPN Bridge and SoftEther VPN Client on the command-line interface in vpncmd. SW_LINK_NAME_TRAFFIC Network Traffic Speed Test Tool SW_LINK_NAME_TRAFFIC_COMMENT Performs transmitting packets between two computers connected with TCP/IP, with large amount of throughput as possible, in order to measure the actual network traffic speed available. SW_LINK_NAME_TCP TCP Optimization Utility SW_LINK_NAME_TCP_COMMENT TCP Optimization Utility can adjust the parameters of TCP/IP of Windows in order to increase the network communication throughput of this computer. SW_LINK_NAME_SERVICES Services Running on this Computer SW_LINK_NAME_SERVICES_COMMENT Starts, stops, and configures Windows services. You can start and stop SoftEther VPN services. SW_LINK_NAME_VPNSERVER_SVC_COMMENT Starts SoftEther VPN Server Service in the User Mode. SW_LINK_NAME_VPNBRIDGE_SVC_COMMENT Starts SoftEther VPN Bridge Service in the User Mode. SW_LINK_NAME_UNINSTALL Uninstall %s SW_LINK_NAME_UNINSTALL_COMMENT Uninstall %s on this computer. SW_LINK_NAME_LANGUAGE Configure Display Language SW_LINK_NAME_LANGUAGE_COMMENT Change the display language setting of %s. SW_LINK_NAME_DEBUG Debugging Information Collecting Tool SW_LINK_NAME_DEBUG_COMMENT Collects debugging information of SoftEther VPN. Use this tool only if your support staff asks you to do so. CMD_ACCOUNT_COLUMN_RETRY_ON_SERVER_CERT Retry on Untrusted Server Certificate CMD_AccountRetryOnServerCertEnable Enable VPN connection retry if server certificate is invalid CMD_AccountRetryOnServerCertEnable_Help When a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client is specified and that VPN Connection Setting connects to a VPN Server, use this to enable the option to retry connection if Server certificate cannot be trusted. CMD_AccountRetryOnServerCertEnable_Args AccountRetryOnServerCertEnable [name] CMD_AccountRetryOnServerCertEnable_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change. CMD_AccountRetryOnServerCertDisable Disable VPN connection retry if server certificate is invalid CMD_AccountRetryOnServerCertDisable_Help When a VPN Connection Setting registered on the VPN Client is specified and that VPN Connection Setting connects to a VPN Server, use this to disable the option to retry connection if Server certificate cannot be trusted. CMD_AccountRetryOnServerCertDisable_Args AccountRetryOnServerCertDisable [name] CMD_AccountRetryOnServerCertDisable_[name] Specify the name of the VPN Connection Setting whose setting you want to change.