// SoftEther VPN Source Code - Developer Edition Master Branch // Cedar Communication Module // Proto_PPP.h // Header of Proto_PPP.c #ifndef PROTO_PPP_H #define PROTO_PPP_H //// Macro #define PPP_LCP_CODE_IS_NEGATIVE(c) ((c) == PPP_LCP_CODE_NAK || (c) == PPP_LCP_CODE_REJECT || (c) == PPP_LCP_CODE_CODE_REJECT || (c) == PPP_LCP_CODE_PROTOCOL_REJECT) #define PPP_LCP_CODE_IS_REQUEST(c) ((c) == PPP_LCP_CODE_REQ) #define PPP_LCP_CODE_IS_RESPONSE(c) ((c) == PPP_LCP_CODE_ACK || (c) == PPP_LCP_CODE_NAK || (c) == PPP_LCP_CODE_REJECT || (c) == PPP_LCP_CODE_PROTOCOL_REJECT) #define PPP_LCP_CODE_IS_WITH_OPTION_LIST(c) ((c) == PPP_LCP_CODE_REQ || (c) == PPP_LCP_CODE_ACK || (c) == PPP_LCP_CODE_NAK || (c) == PPP_LCP_CODE_REJECT) #define PPP_PAP_CODE_IS_REQUEST(c) ((c) == PPP_PAP_CODE_REQ) #define PPP_PAP_CODE_IS_RESPONSE(c) ((c) == PPP_PAP_CODE_ACK || (c) == PPP_PAP_CODE_NAK) #define PPP_CHAP_CODE_IS_REQUEST(c) ((c) == PPP_CHAP_CODE_CHALLENGE || (c) == PPP_CHAP_CODE_SUCCESS || (c) == PPP_CHAP_CODE_FAILURE) #define PPP_CHAP_CODE_IS_RESPONSE(c) ((c) == PPP_CHAP_CODE_RESPONSE) #define PPP_EAP_CODE_IS_REQUEST(c) ((c) == PPP_EAP_CODE_REQUEST) #define PPP_EAP_CODE_IS_RESPONSE(c) ((c) == PPP_EAP_CODE_RESPONSE || (c) == PPP_EAP_CODE_SUCCESS || (c) == PPP_EAP_CODE_FAILURE) #define PPP_CODE_IS_RESPONSE(protocol, c) ((((protocol) == PPP_PROTOCOL_LCP || (protocol) == PPP_PROTOCOL_IPCP || (protocol) == PPP_PROTOCOL_IPV6CP) && PPP_LCP_CODE_IS_RESPONSE(c)) || (((protocol) == PPP_PROTOCOL_PAP) && PPP_PAP_CODE_IS_RESPONSE(c)) || (((protocol) == PPP_PROTOCOL_CHAP) && PPP_CHAP_CODE_IS_RESPONSE(c)) || (((protocol) == PPP_PROTOCOL_EAP) && PPP_EAP_CODE_IS_RESPONSE(c))) #define PPP_CODE_IS_REQUEST(protocol, c) ((((protocol) == PPP_PROTOCOL_LCP || (protocol) == PPP_PROTOCOL_IPCP || (protocol) == PPP_PROTOCOL_IPV6CP) && PPP_LCP_CODE_IS_REQUEST(c)) || (((protocol) == PPP_PROTOCOL_PAP) && PPP_PAP_CODE_IS_REQUEST(c)) || (((protocol) == PPP_PROTOCOL_CHAP) && PPP_CHAP_CODE_IS_REQUEST(c)) || (((protocol) == PPP_PROTOCOL_EAP) && PPP_EAP_CODE_IS_REQUEST(c))) #define PPP_CODE_IS_WITH_OPTION_LIST(protocol, c) ((((protocol) == PPP_PROTOCOL_LCP || (protocol) == PPP_PROTOCOL_IPCP || (protocol) == PPP_PROTOCOL_IPV6CP) && PPP_LCP_CODE_IS_WITH_OPTION_LIST(c)) || false) #define PPP_IS_SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL(p) ((p) == PPP_PROTOCOL_LCP || (p) == PPP_PROTOCOL_PAP || (p) == PPP_PROTOCOL_CHAP || (p) == PPP_PROTOCOL_IPCP || (p) == PPP_PROTOCOL_IPV6CP || (p) == PPP_PROTOCOL_IP || (p) == PPP_PROTOCOL_IPV6 || (p) == PPP_PROTOCOL_EAP ) #define PPP_STATUS_IS_UNAVAILABLE(c) ((c) == PPP_STATUS_FAIL || (c) == PPP_STATUS_AUTH_FAIL || (c) == PPP_STATUS_CLOSING || (c) == PPP_STATUS_CLOSING_WAIT || (c) == PPP_STATUS_CLOSED) //// Constants // Time-out value #define PPP_PACKET_RECV_TIMEOUT (15 * 1000) // Timeout until the next packet is received (3/4 of default policy) #define PPP_PACKET_RESEND_INTERVAL (3 * 1000) // Retransmission interval of the last packet #define PPP_TERMINATE_TIMEOUT 2000 // Timeout value to complete disconnection after requesting to disconnect in the PPP #define PPP_ECHO_SEND_INTERVAL 4792 // Transmission interval of PPP Echo Request #define PPP_DATA_TIMEOUT (20 * 1000) // Communication time-out (from default policy) // MRU #define PPP_MRU_DEFAULT 1500 // Default value #define PPP_MRU_MIN 100 // Minimum value #define PPP_MRU_MAX 1500 // Maximum value // PPP protocol (for control) #define PPP_PROTOCOL_LCP 0xc021 #define PPP_PROTOCOL_PAP 0xc023 #define PPP_PROTOCOL_IPCP 0x8021 #define PPP_PROTOCOL_CHAP 0xc223 #define PPP_PROTOCOL_EAP 0xc227 #define PPP_PROTOCOL_IPV6CP 0x8057 // PPP protocol (for transfer) #define PPP_PROTOCOL_IP 0x0021 #define PPP_PROTOCOL_IPV6 0x0057 // LCP code #define PPP_LCP_CODE_REQ 1 #define PPP_LCP_CODE_ACK 2 #define PPP_LCP_CODE_NAK 3 #define PPP_LCP_CODE_REJECT 4 #define PPP_LCP_CODE_TERMINATE_REQ 5 #define PPP_LCP_CODE_TERMINATE_ACK 6 #define PPP_LCP_CODE_CODE_REJECT 7 #define PPP_LCP_CODE_PROTOCOL_REJECT 8 #define PPP_LCP_CODE_ECHO_REQUEST 9 #define PPP_LCP_CODE_ECHO_RESPONSE 10 #define PPP_LCP_CODE_DROP 11 #define PPP_LCP_CODE_IDENTIFICATION 12 // PAP Code #define PPP_PAP_CODE_REQ 1 #define PPP_PAP_CODE_ACK 2 #define PPP_PAP_CODE_NAK 3 // CHAP code #define PPP_CHAP_CODE_CHALLENGE 1 #define PPP_CHAP_CODE_RESPONSE 2 #define PPP_CHAP_CODE_SUCCESS 3 #define PPP_CHAP_CODE_FAILURE 4 // LCP Option Type #define PPP_LCP_OPTION_MRU 1 #define PPP_LCP_OPTION_AUTH 3 // IPCP option type #define PPP_IPCP_OPTION_IP 3 #define PPP_IPCP_OPTION_DNS1 129 #define PPP_IPCP_OPTION_DNS2 131 #define PPP_IPCP_OPTION_WINS1 130 #define PPP_IPCP_OPTION_WINS2 132 // IPV6CP option type #define PPP_IPV6CP_OPTION_IID 1 // EAP codes #define PPP_EAP_CODE_REQUEST 1 #define PPP_EAP_CODE_RESPONSE 2 #define PPP_EAP_CODE_SUCCESS 3 #define PPP_EAP_CODE_FAILURE 4 // EAP types #define PPP_EAP_TYPE_IDENTITY 1 #define PPP_EAP_TYPE_NOTIFICATION 2 #define PPP_EAP_TYPE_NAK 3 #define PPP_EAP_TYPE_TLS 13 // EAP-TLS Flags #define PPP_EAP_TLS_FLAG_NONE 0 #define PPP_EAP_TLS_FLAG_TLS_LENGTH 1 << 7 #define PPP_EAP_TLS_FLAG_FRAGMENTED 1 << 6 #define PPP_EAP_TLS_FLAG_SSLSTARTED 1 << 5 // Authentication protocol #define PPP_LCP_AUTH_PAP PPP_PROTOCOL_PAP #define PPP_LCP_AUTH_CHAP PPP_PROTOCOL_CHAP #define PPP_LCP_AUTH_EAP PPP_PROTOCOL_EAP // Algorithm of CHAP #define PPP_CHAP_ALG_MS_CHAP_V2 0x81 // Link status #define PPP_STATUS_CONNECTED 0x1 #define PPP_STATUS_BEFORE_AUTH 0x10 #define PPP_STATUS_AUTHENTICATING 0x11 #define PPP_STATUS_AUTH_SUCCESS 0x19 #define PPP_STATUS_NETWORK_LAYER 0x20 #define PPP_STATUS_CLOSING 0x100 #define PPP_STATUS_CLOSING_WAIT 0x101 #define PPP_STATUS_CLOSED 0x110 #define PPP_STATUS_FAIL 0x1000 #define PPP_STATUS_AUTH_FAIL 0x1010 // Protocol status #define PPP_PROTO_STATUS_CLOSED 0x0 #define PPP_PROTO_STATUS_CONFIG 0x1 #define PPP_PROTO_STATUS_CONFIG_WAIT 0x2 #define PPP_PROTO_STATUS_OPENED 0x10 #define PPP_PROTO_STATUS_REJECTED 0x100 #define PPP_UNSPECIFIED 0xFFFF //// Type // IP options used in the PPP struct PPP_IPOPTION { IP IpAddress; // IP address IP DnsServer1, DnsServer2; // DNS server address IP WinsServer1, WinsServer2; // WINS server address }; // PPP packet struct PPP_PACKET { USHORT Protocol; // Protocol bool IsControl; // Whether or not the control packet PPP_LCP *Lcp; // LCP packet data UINT DataSize; // Data size void *Data; // Data body }; // PPP LCP packet struct PPP_LCP { UCHAR Code; // Code UCHAR Id; // ID UCHAR MagicNumber[4]; // Magic number LIST *OptionList; // PPP options list void *Data; // Data UINT DataSize; // Data size }; // PPP Options struct PPP_OPTION { UCHAR Type; // Type of option UINT DataSize; // Data size UCHAR Data[254]; // Data bool IsSupported; // Flag of whether it is supported bool IsAccepted; // Flag for whether accepted UCHAR AltData[254]; // Alternate data when it isn't accepted UINT AltDataSize; // Alternate data size }; #ifdef OS_WIN32 #pragma pack(push, 1) #endif // OS_WIN32 // PPP EAP packet // EAP is a subset of LCP, sharing Code and Id. The Data field is then mapped to this structure // We got 8 bytes of size before this structure struct PPP_EAP { UCHAR Type; union { UCHAR Data[0]; struct PPP_EAP_TLS { UCHAR Flags; union { UCHAR TlsDataWithoutLength[0]; struct { UINT32 TlsLength; UCHAR Data[0]; } TlsDataWithLength; }; } Tls; }; } GCC_PACKED; #ifdef OS_WIN32 #pragma pack(pop) #endif // OS_WIN32 struct PPP_EAP_TLS_CONTEXT { SSL_PIPE *SslPipe; DH_CTX *Dh; struct SslClientCertInfo ClientCert; UCHAR *CachedBufferRecv; UCHAR *CachedBufferRecvPntr; UCHAR *CachedBufferSend; UCHAR *CachedBufferSendPntr; }; // PPP request resend struct PPP_REQUEST_RESEND { PPP_PACKET *Packet; UCHAR Id; UINT64 ResendTime; UINT64 TimeoutTime; }; // PPP next packet struct struct PPP_DELAYED_PACKET { PPP_PACKET *Packet; UINT DelayTicks; }; // PPP session struct PPP_SESSION { CEDAR *Cedar; // Cedar IP ClientIP; // Client IP address UINT ClientPort; // Client port IP ServerIP; // Server IP address UINT ServerPort; // Server port TUBE *TubeSend; // Sending tube TUBE *TubeRecv; // Receiving tube UCHAR NextId; // ID to be used next UINT Mru1; // MRU (server -> client) UINT Mru2; // MRU (client -> server) LIST *RecvPacketList; // Received packet list bool IsTerminateReceived; // Whether a Terminate has been received UINT DisconnectCauseCode; // L2TP disconnect cause code UINT DisconnectCauseDirection; // L2TP disconnect cause direction code IPC *Ipc; // IPC bool ClientLCPOptionDetermined; // LCP option from the client has been determined char Postfix[MAX_SIZE]; // Postfix of the session name char ClientHostname[MAX_SIZE]; // Client host name char ClientSoftwareName[MAX_SIZE]; // Client software name UINT64 NextEchoSendTime; // Time to send Echo Request next UINT64 LastRecvTime; // Time which the data has been received last DHCP_OPTION_LIST ClientAddressOption; // Client address option bool DhcpIpAllocTried; // Whether the request for an IP address is already attempted by DHCP bool DhcpIpInformTried; // Whether the acquirement for an IP information is already attempted by DHCP bool DhcpAllocated; // IP address is assigned by DHCP bool UseStaticIPAddress; // Use a static IP address that is specified by the client UINT64 DhcpRenewInterval; // DHCP update interval UINT64 DhcpNextRenewTime; // DHCP renewal time of the next char CryptName[MAX_SIZE]; // Cipher algorithm name UINT AdjustMss; // MSS value TUBE_FLUSH_LIST *FlushList; // Tube Flush List bool EnableMSCHAPv2; // Enable the MS-CHAP v2 USHORT AuthProtocol; // Authentication protocol bool AuthOk; // Flag for whether the authentication was successful UCHAR MsChapV2_ServerChallenge[16]; // MS-CHAPv2 Server Challenge UCHAR MsChapV2_ClientChallenge[16]; // MS-CHAPv2 Client Challenge UCHAR MsChapV2_ClientResponse[24]; // MS-CHAPv2 Client Response UCHAR MsChapV2_ServerResponse[20]; // MS-CHAPv2 Server Response UINT MsChapV2_ErrorCode; // Authentication failure error code of MS-CHAPv2 UINT MsChapV2_PacketId; // MS-CHAPv2 Packet ID bool MsChapV2_UseDoubleMsChapV2; // Use the double-MSCHAPv2 technique EAP_CLIENT *EapClient; // EAP client UCHAR ServerInterfaceId[8]; // Server IPv6CP Interface Identifier UCHAR ClientInterfaceId[8]; // Client IPv6CP Interface Identifier UINT PPPStatus; UINT IPv4_State; UINT IPv6_State; // EAP contexts UINT Eap_Protocol; // Current EAP Protocol used UINT Eap_PacketId; // EAP Packet ID; UCHAR Eap_Identity[MAX_SIZE]; // Received from client identity PPP_EAP_TLS_CONTEXT Eap_TlsCtx; // Context information for EAP TLS. May be possibly reused for EAP TTLS? LIST *SentReqPacketList; // Sent requests list PPP_PACKET *CurrentPacket; LIST *DelayedPackets; UINT64 PacketRecvTimeout; UINT64 DataTimeout; UINT64 UserConnectionTimeout; UINT64 UserConnectionTick; THREAD *SessionThread; // Thread of the PPP session }; // Function prototype // Main dataloop void PPPThread(THREAD *thread, void *param); // Entry point PPP_SESSION *NewPPPSession(CEDAR *cedar, IP *client_ip, UINT client_port, IP *server_ip, UINT server_port, TUBE *send_tube, TUBE *recv_tube, char *postfix, char *client_software_name, char *client_hostname, char *crypt_name, UINT adjust_mss); // PPP processing functions bool PPPRejectUnsupportedPacket(PPP_SESSION *p, PPP_PACKET *pp); bool PPPRejectUnsupportedPacketEx(PPP_SESSION *p, PPP_PACKET *pp, bool force); bool PPPProcessRetransmissions(PPP_SESSION *p); bool PPPSendEchoRequest(PPP_SESSION *p); // Response packets bool PPPProcessResponsePacket(PPP_SESSION *p, PPP_PACKET *pp, PPP_PACKET *req); bool PPPProcessLCPResponsePacket(PPP_SESSION *p, PPP_PACKET *pp, PPP_PACKET *req); bool PPPProcessCHAPResponsePacket(PPP_SESSION *p, PPP_PACKET *pp, PPP_PACKET *req); bool PPPProcessIPCPResponsePacket(PPP_SESSION *p, PPP_PACKET *pp, PPP_PACKET *req); bool PPPProcessEAPResponsePacket(PPP_SESSION *p, PPP_PACKET *pp, PPP_PACKET *req); // Request packets bool PPPProcessRequestPacket(PPP_SESSION *p, PPP_PACKET *pp); bool PPPProcessLCPRequestPacket(PPP_SESSION *p, PPP_PACKET *pp); bool PPPProcessPAPRequestPacket(PPP_SESSION *p, PPP_PACKET *pp); bool PPPProcessIPCPRequestPacket(PPP_SESSION *p, PPP_PACKET *pp); bool PPPProcessEAPRequestPacket(PPP_SESSION *p, PPP_PACKET *pp); // LCP option based packets utility bool PPPRejectLCPOptions(PPP_SESSION *p, PPP_PACKET *pp); bool PPPRejectLCPOptionsEx(PPP_SESSION *p, PPP_PACKET *pp, bool simulate); bool PPPNackLCPOptions(PPP_SESSION *p, PPP_PACKET *pp); bool PPPNackLCPOptionsEx(PPP_SESSION *p, PPP_PACKET *pp, bool simulate); bool PPPAckLCPOptions(PPP_SESSION *p, PPP_PACKET *pp); bool PPPAckLCPOptionsEx(PPP_SESSION *p, PPP_PACKET *pp, bool simulate); // PPP networking functions // Send packets bool PPPSendAndRetransmitRequest(PPP_SESSION *p, USHORT protocol, PPP_LCP *c); bool PPPSendPacketAndFree(PPP_SESSION *p, PPP_PACKET *pp); bool PPPSendPacketEx(PPP_SESSION *p, PPP_PACKET *pp, bool no_flush); // Receive packets PPP_PACKET *PPPRecvPacket(PPP_SESSION *p, bool async); // Helpers for delaying packets PPP_PACKET *PPPGetNextPacket(PPP_SESSION *p); void PPPAddNextPacket(PPP_SESSION *p, PPP_PACKET *pp, UINT delay); int PPPDelayedPacketsComparator(const void *a, const void *b); char PPPRelatedPacketComparator(PPP_PACKET *a, PPP_PACKET *b); // PPP utility functions // Packet structures creation utilities PPP_LCP *NewPPPLCP(UCHAR code, UCHAR id); PPP_OPTION *NewPPPOption(UCHAR type, void *data, UINT size); // Packet parse utilities PPP_PACKET *ParsePPPPacket(void *data, UINT size); PPP_LCP *PPPParseLCP(USHORT protocol, void *data, UINT size); bool PPPParseMSCHAP2ResponsePacket(PPP_SESSION *p, PPP_PACKET *req); // Packet building utilities BUF *BuildPPPPacketData(PPP_PACKET *pp); BUF *BuildLCPData(PPP_LCP *c); PPP_LCP *BuildMSCHAP2ChallengePacket(PPP_SESSION *p); // IPCP packet utilities bool PPPGetIPOptionFromLCP(PPP_IPOPTION *o, PPP_LCP *c); bool PPPSetIPOptionToLCP(PPP_IPOPTION *o, PPP_LCP *c, bool only_modify); bool PPPGetIPAddressValueFromLCP(PPP_LCP *c, UINT type, IP *ip); bool PPPSetIPAddressValueToLCP(PPP_LCP *c, UINT type, IP *ip, bool only_modify); // EAP packet utilities bool PPPProcessEAPTlsResponse(PPP_SESSION *p, PPP_EAP *eap_packet, UINT eapTlsSize); PPP_LCP *BuildEAPPacketEx(UCHAR code, UCHAR id, UCHAR type, UINT datasize); PPP_LCP *BuildEAPTlsPacketEx(UCHAR code, UCHAR id, UCHAR type, UINT datasize, UCHAR flags); PPP_LCP *BuildEAPTlsRequest(UCHAR id, UINT datasize, UCHAR flags); // Other packet utilities PPP_OPTION *PPPGetOptionValue(PPP_LCP *c, UCHAR type); bool IsHubExistsWithLock(CEDAR *cedar, char *hubname); void PPPSetStatus(PPP_SESSION *p, UINT status); // Memory freeing functions void FreePPPSession(PPP_SESSION *p); void FreePPPLCP(PPP_LCP *c); void FreePPPOptionList(LIST *o); void FreePPPPacket(PPP_PACKET *pp); void FreePPPPacketEx(PPP_PACKET *pp, bool no_free_struct); void PPPFreeEapClient(PPP_SESSION *p); // Utility functions used not only in PPP stack bool PPPParseUsername(CEDAR *cedar, char *src, ETHERIP_ID *dst); void GenerateNtPasswordHash(UCHAR *dst, char *password); void GenerateNtPasswordHashHash(UCHAR *dst_hash, UCHAR *src_hash); void MsChapV2Server_GenerateChallenge(UCHAR *dst); void MsChapV2_GenerateChallenge8(UCHAR *dst, UCHAR *client_challenge, UCHAR *server_challenge, char *username); void MsChapV2Client_GenerateResponse(UCHAR *dst, UCHAR *challenge8, UCHAR *nt_password_hash); void MsChapV2Server_GenerateResponse(UCHAR *dst, UCHAR *nt_password_hash_hash, UCHAR *client_response, UCHAR *challenge8); bool MsChapV2VerityPassword(IPC_MSCHAP_V2_AUTHINFO *d, char *password); char *MsChapV2DoBruteForce(IPC_MSCHAP_V2_AUTHINFO *d, LIST *password_list); #endif // PROTO_PPP_H