// vpntest.c // VPN Server / VPN Client / VPN Bridge test program #include #define VPN_EXE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vpntest.h" void server_manager_test(UINT num, char **arg) { #ifdef OS_WIN32 SMExec(); #else // OS_WIN32 Print("This command is supported only on Win32."); #endif // OS_WIN32 } void client_manager_test(UINT num, char **arg) { #ifdef OS_WIN32 CMExec(); #else // OS_WIN32 Print("This command is supported only on Win32."); #endif // OS_WIN32 } void client_test(UINT num, char **arg) { Print("VPN Client Test. Press Enter key to stop the VPN Client .\n"); CtStartClient(); GetLine(NULL, 0); CtStopClient(); } void server_test(UINT num, char **arg) { Print("VPN Server Test. Press Enter key to stop the VPN Server .\n"); StInit(); StStartServer(false); GetLine(NULL, 0); StStopServer(); StFree(); } void bridge_test(UINT num, char **arg) { Print("VPN Bridge Test. Press Enter key to stop the VPN Bridge .\n"); StInit(); StStartServer(true); GetLine(NULL, 0); StStopServer(); StFree(); } void memory_leak_test(UINT num, char **arg) { char *a = Malloc(1); Print("Hello, I am the great dictator of this kingdom!\n"); Print("Just now I called Malloc(1) and never free! Ha ha ha !!\n"); } // The list of test functions // Test function definition list typedef void (TEST_PROC)(UINT num, char **arg); typedef struct TEST_LIST { char *command_str; TEST_PROC *proc; char *help; } TEST_LIST; TEST_LIST test_list[] = { {"c", client_test, "VPN Client in Test Mode, enter key to graceful stop."}, {"s", server_test, "VPN Server in Test Mode, enter key to graceful stop."}, {"b", bridge_test, "VPN Bridge in Test Mode, enter key to graceful stop."}, {"sm", server_manager_test, "VPN Server Manager UI in Test Mode (Win32 only)"}, {"cm", client_manager_test, "VPN Client Manager UI in Test Mode (Win32 only)"}, {"memory_leak", memory_leak_test, "Memory leak test: Try to leak one byte by malloc()."}, }; // Test function int TestMain(char *cmd) { char tmp[MAX_SIZE]; bool first = true; bool exit_now = false; int status = 0; Print("SoftEther VPN Project\n"); Print("vpntest: VPN Server / VPN Client / VPN Bridge test program\n"); Print("Usage: vpntest [/memcheck] [command]\n\n"); Print("Enter '?' or 'help' to show the command list.\n"); Print("Enter 'q' or 'exit' to exit the process.\n\n"); Print(" - In Jurassic Park: \"It's a UNIX system! I know this!\"\n\n"); #ifdef OS_WIN32 MsSetEnableMinidump(false); #endif // OS_WIN32 while (true) { Print("TEST>"); if (first && StrLen(cmd) != 0 && g_memcheck == false) { first = false; StrCpy(tmp, sizeof(tmp), cmd); exit_now = true; Print("%s\n", cmd); } else { GetLine(tmp, sizeof(tmp)); } Trim(tmp); if (StrLen(tmp) != 0) { UINT i, num; bool b = false; TOKEN_LIST *token = ParseCmdLine(tmp); char *cmd = token->Token[0]; if (!StrCmpi(cmd, "exit") || !StrCmpi(cmd, "quit") || !StrCmpi(cmd, "q")) { FreeToken(token); break; } else if (StrCmpi(cmd, "?") == 0 || StrCmpi(cmd, "help") == 0) { UINT max_len = 0; Print("Available commands:\n\n"); num = sizeof(test_list) / sizeof(TEST_LIST); for (i = 0;i < num;i++) { TEST_LIST *t = &test_list[i]; max_len = MAX(max_len, StrLen(t->command_str)); } for (i = 0;i < num;i++) { TEST_LIST *t = &test_list[i]; UINT len = StrLen(t->command_str); char *pad = NULL; if (len < max_len) { UINT padlen = max_len - len; pad = MakeCharArray(' ', padlen); } Print(" '%s'%s : %s\n", t->command_str, pad == NULL ? "" : pad, t->help); if (pad != NULL) { Free(pad); } } Print("\n"); } else if (StartWith(tmp, "vpncmd")) { wchar_t *s = CopyStrToUni(tmp); CommandMain(s); Free(s); } else { num = sizeof(test_list) / sizeof(TEST_LIST); for (i = 0;i < num;i++) { if (!StrCmpi(test_list[i].command_str, cmd)) { char **arg = Malloc(sizeof(char *) * (token->NumTokens - 1)); UINT j; for (j = 0;j < token->NumTokens - 1;j++) { arg[j] = CopyStr(token->Token[j + 1]); } test_list[i].proc(token->NumTokens - 1, arg); for (j = 0;j < token->NumTokens - 1;j++) { Free(arg[j]); } Free(arg); b = true; Print("\n"); break; } } if (b == false) { status = 2; Print("Invalid Command: %s\n\n", cmd); } } FreeToken(token); if (exit_now) { break; } } } Print("Exiting...\n\n"); return status; } // Main function int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { bool memchk = false; UINT i; char cmd[MAX_SIZE]; char *s; int status = 0; InitProcessCallOnce(); cmd[0] = 0; if (argc >= 2) { for (i = 1;i < (UINT)argc;i++) { s = argv[i]; if (s[0] == '/') { if (!StrCmpi(s, "/memcheck")) { memchk = true; } } else { StrCpy(cmd, sizeof(cmd), &s[0]); } } } InitMayaqua(memchk, true, argc, argv); EnableProbe(true); InitCedar(); SetHamMode(); status = TestMain(cmdline); FreeCedar(); FreeMayaqua(); return status; }