// SoftEther VPN Source Code - Developer Edition Master Branch // Cedar Communication Module // WinJumpList.cpp // HTML display module source code for Win32 #ifdef OS_WIN32 #define NTDDI_VERSION NTDDI_WIN7 #define _WIN32_WINNT _WIN32_WINNT_WIN7 #include "Win32Com.h" extern "C" { #include "Mayaqua/Str.h" } #define STRICT_TYPED_ITEMIDS // Utilize strictly typed IDLists #include #include extern "C" { #define CREATE_PROPERTYKEY(l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, pid) { { l, w1, w2, { b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8 } }, pid } // Determines if the provided IShellItem is listed in the array of items that the user has removed bool _IsItemInArray(IShellItem *psi, IObjectArray *poaRemoved) { bool fRet = false; UINT cItems; if (SUCCEEDED(poaRemoved->GetCount(&cItems))) { IShellItem *psiCompare; for (UINT i = 0; !fRet && i < cItems; i++) { if (SUCCEEDED(poaRemoved->GetAt(i, IID_PPV_ARGS(&psiCompare)))) { int iOrder; fRet = SUCCEEDED(psiCompare->Compare(psi, SICHINT_CANONICAL, &iOrder)) && (0 == iOrder); psiCompare->Release(); } } } return fRet; } JL_HRESULT JL_CreateCustomDestinationList(JL_PCustomDestinationList* poc, wchar_t* appID) { ICustomDestinationList *pcdl; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DestinationList, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pcdl)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pcdl->SetAppID(appID); (*poc) = (void*)pcdl; } else { (*poc) = NULL; } return hr; } JL_HRESULT JL_ReleaseCustomDestinationList(JL_PCustomDestinationList poc) { ICustomDestinationList *pcdl = (ICustomDestinationList*)poc; if(pcdl != NULL) { pcdl->Release(); } return 0; } JL_HRESULT JL_BeginList(JL_PCustomDestinationList poc, JL_PObjectArray* oaRemoved) { UINT cMinSlots; IObjectArray *poaRemoved; ICustomDestinationList *pcdl = (ICustomDestinationList*)poc; HRESULT hr = pcdl->BeginList(&cMinSlots, IID_PPV_ARGS(&poaRemoved)); (*oaRemoved) = poaRemoved; return hr; } JL_HRESULT JL_CommitList(JL_PCustomDestinationList cdl) { ICustomDestinationList *pcdl = (ICustomDestinationList*)cdl; return pcdl->CommitList(); } //JL_HRESULT JL_AddTasksToList(JL_PCustomDestinationList pcdl, JL_PObjectCollection poc) //{ // return 0; //} JL_HRESULT JL_CreateObjectCollection(JL_PObjectCollection* jpoc) { //CLSID_EnumerableObjectCollection = 2D3468C1-36A7-43B6-AC24-D3F0-2FD9-607A GUID enumObjCol; enumObjCol.Data1 = 758409409; enumObjCol.Data2 = 13991; enumObjCol.Data3 = 17334; enumObjCol.Data4[0] = 172; enumObjCol.Data4[1] = 36; enumObjCol.Data4[2] = 211; enumObjCol.Data4[3] = 240; enumObjCol.Data4[4] = 47; enumObjCol.Data4[5] = 217; enumObjCol.Data4[6] = 96; enumObjCol.Data4[7] = 122; //enumObjCol = CLSID_EnumerableObjectCollection; IObjectCollection *poc; //HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_EnumerableObjectCollection, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_PPV_ARGS(&poc)); HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(enumObjCol, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_PPV_ARGS(&poc)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { (*jpoc) = poc; } else{ (*jpoc) = NULL; } return hr; } JL_HRESULT JL_ReleaseObjectCollection(JL_PObjectCollection jpoc) { IObjectCollection *poc = (IObjectCollection *)jpoc; if(poc != NULL) { return poc->Release(); } return 0; } JL_HRESULT JL_ObjectCollectionAddShellLink(JL_PObjectCollection jpoc, JL_PShellLink jpsl) { IObjectCollection *poc = (IObjectCollection *)jpoc; IShellLink *psl = (IShellLink *) jpsl; return poc->AddObject(psl); } JL_HRESULT JL_AddCategoryToList(JL_PCustomDestinationList jpcdl, JL_PObjectCollection jpoc, wchar_t* categoryName, JL_PObjectArray jpoaRemoved) { ICustomDestinationList *pcdl = (ICustomDestinationList*)jpcdl; IObjectCollection *poc = (IObjectCollection *)jpoc; IObjectArray *poaRemoved = (IObjectArray*)jpoaRemoved; //for (UINT i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(c_rgpszFiles); i++) //{ // IShellItem *psi; // if (SUCCEEDED(SHCreateItemInKnownFolder(FOLDERID_Documents, KF_FLAG_DEFAULT, c_rgpszFiles[i], IID_PPV_ARGS(&psi)))) // { // // Items listed in the removed list may not be re-added to the Jump List during this // // list-building transaction. They should not be re-added to the Jump List until // // the user has used the item again. The AppendCategory call below will fail if // // an attempt to add an item in the removed list is made. // if (!_IsItemInArray(psi, poaRemoved)) // { // poc->AddObject(psi); // } // psi->Release(); // } //} IObjectArray *poa; HRESULT hr = poc->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&poa)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Add the category to the Jump List. If there were more categories, they would appear // from top to bottom in the order they were appended. hr = pcdl->AppendCategory(categoryName, poa); //hr = pcdl->AddUserTasks(poa); poa->Release(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { } else { Print("Failed AppendCategory\n"); } } else { Print("Failed QueryInterface\n"); } return hr; } JL_HRESULT JL_CreateShellLink( wchar_t* pszPath, wchar_t* pszArguments, wchar_t* pszTitle, wchar_t* iconLocation, int iconIndex, wchar_t* description, JL_PShellLink *ppsl) { IShellLinkW *psl; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARGS(&psl)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Determine our executable's file path so the task will execute this application //WCHAR szAppPath[MAX_PATH]; //if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, szAppPath, ARRAYSIZE(szAppPath))) //{ //hr = psl->SetPath(L"C:\\Program Files\\PacketiX VPN Client\\vpncmgr.exe"); //hr = psl->SetArguments(L"50792311B00B9E01E7534AAA881087AB2BB83A1F"); psl->SetPath(pszPath); psl->SetArguments(pszArguments); if(iconLocation != NULL) { psl->SetIconLocation(iconLocation,iconIndex); } if(description != NULL) { psl->SetDescription(description); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // The title property is required on Jump List items provided as an IShellLink // instance. This value is used as the display name in the Jump List. IPropertyStore *pps; hr = psl->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pps)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { PROPVARIANT propvar; hr = InitPropVariantFromString(pszTitle, &propvar); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ////PKEY_Title //#define DEFINE_PROPERTYKEY(name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, pid) //EXTERN_C const PROPERTYKEY DECLSPEC_SELECTANY name // = { { l, w1, w2, { b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8 } }, pid } //DEFINE_PROPERTYKEY(PKEY_Title, 0xF29F85E0, 0x4FF9, 0x1068, 0xAB, 0x91, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x27, 0xB3, 0xD9, 2); PROPERTYKEY pkey_title = CREATE_PROPERTYKEY(0xF29F85E0, 0x4FF9, 0x1068, 0xAB, 0x91, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x27, 0xB3, 0xD9, 2); //hr = pps->SetValue(PKEY_Title, propvar); hr = pps->SetValue(pkey_title, propvar); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pps->Commit(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IShellLink *tpsl; hr = psl->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&tpsl)); (*ppsl) = tpsl; } } PropVariantClear(&propvar); } pps->Release(); } } /* hr = psl->SetPath(szAppPath); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = psl->SetArguments(pszArguments); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // The title property is required on Jump List items provided as an IShellLink // instance. This value is used as the display name in the Jump List. IPropertyStore *pps; hr = psl->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pps)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { PROPVARIANT propvar; hr = InitPropVariantFromString(pszTitle, &propvar); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pps->SetValue(PKEY_Title, propvar); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pps->Commit(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = psl->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(ppsl)); } } PropVariantClear(&propvar); } pps->Release(); } } } */ //} //else //{ // hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); //} psl->Release(); } return hr; } JL_HRESULT JL_ReleaseShellLink(JL_PShellLink jpsl) { IShellLink *psl = (IShellLink *) jpsl; if(psl != NULL) { return psl->Release(); } return 0; } // Removes that existing custom Jump List for this application. JL_HRESULT JL_DeleteJumpList(JL_PCustomDestinationList jpcdl,wchar_t* appID) { ICustomDestinationList *pcdl = (ICustomDestinationList *)jpcdl; //HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DestinationList, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pcdl)); HRESULT hr = pcdl->DeleteList(appID); return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //SetApplicationID for Windows 7 JL_HRESULT JL_SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(wchar_t* appID) { #ifdef UNICODE HMODULE hModule = LoadLibraryW( L"shell32.dll"); #else HMODULE hModule = LoadLibraryA( "shell32.dll"); #endif HRESULT (__stdcall *SetAppID) (PCWSTR); if( hModule == NULL ) { //// Load failure (there is no DLL) // MessageBoxW( NULL, L"shell32.dll not found", L"Error", MB_OK ); Print("Not Found shell32.dll"); } else { // Get the address of the function in the DLL SetAppID = (HRESULT (__stdcall *)(PCWSTR)) GetProcAddress( hModule, "SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID" ); if( SetAppID != NULL ) { FreeLibrary( hModule ); return SetAppID(appID); } else { //MessageBoxW( NULL, L"There may not be a function", L"Error", MB_OK ); Print("Not Found SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID"); } // Release the loaded DLL FreeLibrary( hModule ); } return 0; } } #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Size Rect // CT_Rect GetBoundingRect(CT_RectF_c* rect) { CT_Rect r = CT_Rect((int)rect->X,(int)rect->Y,(int)rect->Width,(int)rect->Height); if(r.Right() < (rect->X + rect->Width)) r.Width+=1; if(r.Bottom() < (rect->Y + rect->Height)) r.Height+=1; return r; } CT_ARGB32 CT_GetAAPix32(UCHAR* srcPtr, int width, int height, int xFix, int yFix); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DrawImage method void CT_DrawImage(UCHAR* dest, CT_RectF_c destRect, int destWidth, int destHeight, UCHAR* src, CT_RectF_c srcRect, int srcWidth, int srcHeight) { double scaleW = destRect.Width / srcRect.Width; double scaleH = destRect.Height / srcRect.Height; CT_ARGB32* dest32 = (CT_ARGB32*)(dest); CT_ARGB32* src32 = (CT_ARGB32*)(src); float dfx = (float)(1 / scaleW); float dfy = (float)(1 / scaleH); float srcSX = srcRect.X; float srcSY = srcRect.Y; int srcSXFix = (int)(srcSX*65536); int srcSYFix = (int)(srcSY*65536); int dfxFix = (int)(dfx*65536); int dfyFix = (int)(dfy*65536); //CT_Rect dRect = destRect.GetBoundingRect(); CT_Rect dRect = GetBoundingRect(&destRect); // Clipping not supported: ToDo dRect.X = ct_max(0,dRect.X); dRect.Y = ct_max(0,dRect.Y); dRect.Right((int)ct_min(destRect.X + destRect.Width,dRect.Right())); dRect.Bottom((int)ct_min(destRect.Y + destRect.Height,dRect.Bottom())); //CT_ARGB32* dPix = dest32->GetPixelAddressNC(dRect.X, dRect.Y); CT_ARGB32* dPix = &(dest32[destWidth*dRect.Y + dRect.X]); //int dpW = dest32->GetWidth() - dRect.Width; int dpW = destWidth - dRect.Width; for (int dy = dRect.Y; dy < dRect.Bottom(); dy++) { int syFix = srcSYFix; int sxFix = srcSXFix; // Anti-aliasing for (int dx = dRect.X; dx < dRect.Right(); dx++) { int rPixX = ( ((sxFix >> 15) & 0x00000001) == 1) ? (sxFix >> 16)+1 : (sxFix >> 16); int rPixY = ( ((syFix >> 15) & 0x00000001) == 1) ? (syFix >> 16)+1 : (syFix >> 16); //CT_ARGB32* sPix = &(src32[rPixY * srcWidth + rPixX]); //*dPix = *sPix; //if(sPix != NULL) { //*dPix = src32->GetAAPix32(sxFix,syFix); *dPix = CT_GetAAPix32((UCHAR*)src32, srcWidth, srcHeight,sxFix, syFix); } sxFix += dfxFix; dPix++; } srcSYFix += dfyFix; dPix += dpW; } } bool isWhiteColor(CT_ARGB32 col) { return (col.R == 255 && col.G == 255 && col.B == 255); } CT_ARGB32 CT_GetAAPix32(UCHAR* srcPtr, int width, int height, int xFix, int yFix) { //return CT_ARGB32(255,255,255,255); //CT_Bitmap32* src = this; CT_ARGB32* src = (CT_ARGB32*)(srcPtr); int fixx = xFix; int fixy = yFix; int fx = (fixx >> 8) & 0xFF; int fy = (fixy >> 8) & 0xFF; int f[4]; f[0] = ((255 - fx) * (255 - fy)) >> 8; f[1] = (fx * (255 - fy)) >> 8; f[2] = ((255 - fx) * fy) >> 8; f[3] = (fx * fy) >> 8; int px = fixx >> 16; int py = fixy >> 16; int a, r, g, b; a = r = g = b = 0; CT_Size size = CT_Size(width, height); CT_ARGB32 col = CT_ARGB32(0,255,255,255); CT_ARGB32 pixs[4]; for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { int sx = px + i; int sy = py + j; CT_ARGB32* c; if(sx < 0 || sx >= width || sy < 0 || sy >= height) { c = &col; } else { //c = src->GetPixelAddressNC(sx, sy); c = &(src[sy * width + sx]); } pixs[j*2+i] = *c; a += c->A * f[j*2 + i]; r += c->R * f[j*2 + i]; g += c->G * f[j*2 + i]; b += c->B * f[j*2 + i]; } } bool isAllWhite = true; for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { if(!isWhiteColor(pixs[k])) { isAllWhite = false; break; } } if(isAllWhite) { // return CT_ARGB32(0, 255, 255, 255); } else { a = a >> 8; r = r >> 8; g = g >> 8; b = b >> 8; return CT_ARGB32(a, r, g, b); } } //