// SoftEther VPN Source Code - Developer Edition Master Branch // Cedar Communication Module // DDNS.c // Dynamic DNS Client #include "DDNS.h" #include "AzureClient.h" #include "Server.h" #include "Virtual.h" #include "Mayaqua/Internat.h" #include "Mayaqua/Mayaqua.h" #include "Mayaqua/Memory.h" #include "Mayaqua/Microsoft.h" #include "Mayaqua/Object.h" #include "Mayaqua/Pack.h" #include "Mayaqua/Str.h" #include "Mayaqua/Table.h" #include "Mayaqua/Tick64.h" // Get the current status of the DDNS client void DCGetStatus(DDNS_CLIENT *c, DDNS_CLIENT_STATUS *st) { // Validate arguments if (c == NULL || st == NULL) { return; } Zero(st, sizeof(DDNS_CLIENT_STATUS)); Lock(c->Lock); { st->Err_IPv4 = c->Err_IPv4; st->Err_IPv6 = c->Err_IPv6; StrCpy(st->CurrentHostName, sizeof(st->CurrentHostName), c->CurrentHostName); StrCpy(st->CurrentFqdn, sizeof(st->CurrentFqdn), c->CurrentFqdn); StrCpy(st->DnsSuffix, sizeof(st->DnsSuffix), c->DnsSuffix); StrCpy(st->CurrentIPv4, sizeof(st->CurrentIPv4), c->CurrentIPv4); StrCpy(st->CurrentIPv6, sizeof(st->CurrentIPv6), c->CurrentIPv6); StrCpy(st->CurrentAzureIp, sizeof(st->CurrentAzureIp), c->CurrentAzureIp); st->CurrentAzureTimestamp = c->CurrentAzureTimestamp; StrCpy(st->CurrentAzureSignature, sizeof(st->CurrentAzureSignature), c->CurrentAzureSignature); StrCpy(st->AzureCertHash, sizeof(st->AzureCertHash), c->AzureCertHash); Copy(&st->InternetSetting, &c->InternetSetting, sizeof(INTERNET_SETTING)); } Unlock(c->Lock); UniStrCpy(st->ErrStr_IPv4, sizeof(st->ErrStr_IPv4), _E(st->Err_IPv4)); UniStrCpy(st->ErrStr_IPv6, sizeof(st->ErrStr_IPv6), _E(st->Err_IPv6)); } // Set the Internet settings void DCSetInternetSetting(DDNS_CLIENT *c, INTERNET_SETTING *t) { // Validate arguments if (c == NULL || t == NULL) { return; } Copy(&c->InternetSetting, t, sizeof(INTERNET_SETTING)); } // Get the Internet settings void DCGetInternetSetting(DDNS_CLIENT *c, INTERNET_SETTING *t) { // Validate arguments if (c == NULL || t == NULL) { return; } Copy(t, &c->InternetSetting, sizeof(INTERNET_SETTING)); } // Changing the host name UINT DCChangeHostName(DDNS_CLIENT *c, char *hostname) { UINT ret; DDNS_REGISTER_PARAM p; // Validate arguments if (c == NULL || hostname == NULL) { return ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (StrLen(hostname) > 32) { // The host name is too long return ERR_DDNS_HOSTNAME_TOO_LONG; } Zero(&p, sizeof(p)); StrCpy(p.NewHostname, sizeof(p.NewHostname), hostname); // Use one of IPv4 or IPv6 if it seems to be communication if (c->Err_IPv4 == ERR_NO_ERROR) { // IPv4 ret = DCRegister(c, false, &p, NULL); } else if (c->Err_IPv6 == ERR_NO_ERROR) { // IPv6 ret = DCRegister(c, true, &p, NULL); } else { // Try both ret = DCRegister(c, true, &p, NULL); if (ret != ERR_NO_ERROR) { ret = DCRegister(c, false, &p, NULL); } } if (ret == ERR_NO_ERROR) { DDNS_CLIENT_STATUS st; DCGetStatus(c, &st); SiApplyAzureConfig(c->Cedar->Server, &st); } return ret; } // DDNS client thread void DCThread(THREAD *thread, void *param) { DDNS_CLIENT *c; INTERRUPT_MANAGER *interrupt; UINT last_ip_hash = 0; void *route_change_poller = NULL; bool last_time_ip_changed = false; UINT last_azure_ddns_trigger_int = 0; UINT last_vgs_ddns_trigger_int = 0; UINT n; INTERNET_SETTING last_t; // Validate arguments if (thread == NULL || param == NULL) { return; } c = (DDNS_CLIENT *)param; interrupt = NewInterruptManager(); route_change_poller = NewRouteChange(); IsRouteChanged(route_change_poller); Zero(&last_t, sizeof(last_t)); n = 0; while (c->Halt == false) { UINT ip_hash = GetHostIPAddressHash32(); UINT interval; UINT64 now = Tick64(); bool ip_changed = false; bool azure_client_triggered = false; bool internet_setting_changed = false; bool vgs_server_triggered = false; if (c->Cedar->Server != NULL && c->Cedar->Server->AzureClient != NULL) { if (c->Cedar->Server->AzureClient->DDnsTriggerInt != last_azure_ddns_trigger_int) { azure_client_triggered = true; last_azure_ddns_trigger_int = c->Cedar->Server->AzureClient->DDnsTriggerInt; last_time_ip_changed = false; Debug("DDNS Thread Triggered by AzureClient.\n"); } } if (Cmp(&last_t, &c->InternetSetting, sizeof(INTERNET_SETTING)) != 0) { Copy(&last_t, &c->InternetSetting, sizeof(INTERNET_SETTING)); internet_setting_changed = true; last_time_ip_changed = false; } if (ip_hash != last_ip_hash) { last_time_ip_changed = false; Debug("DDNS Thread Triggered by IP Hash Changed.\n"); } if ((ip_hash != last_ip_hash) || (IsRouteChanged(route_change_poller)) || azure_client_triggered || internet_setting_changed || vgs_server_triggered) { if (last_time_ip_changed == false) { // Call all getting functions from the beginning if the routing // table or the IP address of this host has changed c->NextRegisterTick_IPv4 = 0; c->NextRegisterTick_IPv6 = 0; c->NextGetMyIpTick_IPv4 = 0; c->NextGetMyIpTick_IPv6 = 0; last_ip_hash = ip_hash; last_time_ip_changed = true; ip_changed = true; Debug("DDNS Internet Condition Changed.\n"); } } else { last_time_ip_changed = false; } if ((n++) >= 1) { // Self IPv4 address acquisition if (c->NextGetMyIpTick_IPv4 == 0 || now >= c->NextGetMyIpTick_IPv4) { UINT next_interval; char ip[MAX_SIZE]; Zero(ip, sizeof(ip)); c->Err_IPv4_GetMyIp = DCGetMyIp(c, false, ip, sizeof(ip), NULL); if (c->Err_IPv4_GetMyIp == ERR_NO_ERROR) { if (StrCmpi(c->LastMyIPv4, ip) != 0) { ip_changed = true; StrCpy(c->LastMyIPv4, sizeof(c->LastMyIPv4), ip); } next_interval = GenRandInterval(DDNS_GETMYIP_INTERVAL_OK_MIN, DDNS_GETMYIP_INTERVAL_OK_MAX); } else { if (IsEmptyStr(c->LastMyIPv4) == false) { ip_changed = true; } Zero(c->LastMyIPv4, sizeof(c->LastMyIPv4)); next_interval = GenRandInterval(DDNS_GETMYIP_INTERVAL_NG_MIN, DDNS_GETMYIP_INTERVAL_NG_MAX); } c->NextGetMyIpTick_IPv4 = Tick64() + (UINT64)next_interval; AddInterrupt(interrupt, c->NextGetMyIpTick_IPv4); } // Self IPv6 address acquisition if (c->NextGetMyIpTick_IPv6 == 0 || now >= c->NextGetMyIpTick_IPv6) { UINT next_interval; char ip[MAX_SIZE]; Zero(ip, sizeof(ip)); c->Err_IPv6_GetMyIp = DCGetMyIp(c, true, ip, sizeof(ip), NULL); if (c->Err_IPv6_GetMyIp == ERR_NO_ERROR) { if (StrCmpi(c->LastMyIPv6, ip) != 0) { ip_changed = true; StrCpy(c->LastMyIPv6, sizeof(c->LastMyIPv6), ip); } next_interval = GenRandInterval(DDNS_GETMYIP_INTERVAL_OK_MIN, DDNS_GETMYIP_INTERVAL_OK_MAX); } else { if (IsEmptyStr(c->LastMyIPv6) == false) { ip_changed = true; } Zero(c->LastMyIPv6, sizeof(c->LastMyIPv6)); next_interval = GenRandInterval(DDNS_GETMYIP_INTERVAL_NG_MIN, DDNS_GETMYIP_INTERVAL_NG_MAX); } c->NextGetMyIpTick_IPv6 = Tick64() + (UINT64)next_interval; AddInterrupt(interrupt, c->NextGetMyIpTick_IPv6); } } if (ip_changed) { c->NextRegisterTick_IPv4 = 0; c->NextRegisterTick_IPv6 = 0; } // IPv4 host registration if (c->NextRegisterTick_IPv4 == 0 || now >= c->NextRegisterTick_IPv4) { UINT next_interval; c->Err_IPv4 = DCRegister(c, false, NULL, NULL); if (c->Err_IPv4 == ERR_NO_ERROR) { next_interval = GenRandInterval(DDNS_REGISTER_INTERVAL_OK_MIN, DDNS_REGISTER_INTERVAL_OK_MAX); } else { next_interval = GenRandInterval(DDNS_REGISTER_INTERVAL_NG_MIN, DDNS_REGISTER_INTERVAL_NG_MAX); } //next_interval = 0; c->NextRegisterTick_IPv4 = Tick64() + (UINT64)next_interval; if (true) { DDNS_CLIENT_STATUS st; DCGetStatus(c, &st); SiApplyAzureConfig(c->Cedar->Server, &st); } AddInterrupt(interrupt, c->NextRegisterTick_IPv4); } if (c->Halt) { break; } // IPv6 host registration if (c->NextRegisterTick_IPv6 == 0 || now >= c->NextRegisterTick_IPv6) { UINT next_interval; c->Err_IPv6 = DCRegister(c, true, NULL, NULL); if (c->Err_IPv6 == ERR_NO_ERROR) { next_interval = GenRandInterval(DDNS_REGISTER_INTERVAL_OK_MIN, DDNS_REGISTER_INTERVAL_OK_MAX); } else { next_interval = GenRandInterval(DDNS_REGISTER_INTERVAL_NG_MIN, DDNS_REGISTER_INTERVAL_NG_MAX); } c->NextRegisterTick_IPv6 = Tick64() + (UINT64)next_interval; if (true) { DDNS_CLIENT_STATUS st; DCGetStatus(c, &st); SiApplyAzureConfig(c->Cedar->Server, &st); } AddInterrupt(interrupt, c->NextRegisterTick_IPv6); } interval = GetNextIntervalForInterrupt(interrupt); interval = MIN(interval, 1234); if (n == 1) { interval = 0; } if (c->Halt) { break; } if (c->KeyChanged) { c->KeyChanged = false; c->NextRegisterTick_IPv4 = c->NextRegisterTick_IPv6 = 0; interval = 0; } if (last_time_ip_changed) { if (c->Cedar->Server != NULL && c->Cedar->Server->AzureClient != NULL) { c->Cedar->Server->AzureClient->IpStatusRevision++; } } Wait(c->Event, interval); } FreeRouteChange(route_change_poller); FreeInterruptManager(interrupt); } // Execution of registration UINT DCRegister(DDNS_CLIENT *c, bool ipv6, DDNS_REGISTER_PARAM *p, char *replace_v6) { char *url; char url2[MAX_SIZE]; char url3[MAX_SIZE]; PACK *req, *ret; char key_str[MAX_SIZE]; UCHAR machine_key[SHA1_SIZE]; char machine_key_str[MAX_SIZE]; char machine_name[MAX_SIZE]; BUF *cert_hash = NULL; UINT err = ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; UCHAR key_hash[SHA1_SIZE]; char key_hash_str[MAX_SIZE]; bool use_azure = false; char current_azure_ip[MAX_SIZE]; INTERNET_SETTING t; UINT build = 0; char add_header_name[64]; char add_header_value[64]; // Validate arguments if (c == NULL) { return ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } Zero(add_header_name, sizeof(add_header_name)); Zero(add_header_value, sizeof(add_header_value)); Zero(current_azure_ip, sizeof(current_azure_ip)); GetCurrentMachineIpProcessHash(machine_key); BinToStr(machine_key_str, sizeof(machine_key_str), machine_key, sizeof(machine_key)); GetMachineHostName(machine_name, sizeof(machine_name)); StrLower(machine_name); if (ipv6 == false) { url = DDNS_URL_V4_GLOBAL; if (IsUseAlternativeHostname()) { url = DDNS_URL_V4_ALT; } } else { url = DDNS_URL_V6_GLOBAL; if (IsUseAlternativeHostname()) { url = DDNS_URL_V6_ALT; } if (replace_v6) { url = replace_v6; } } Zero(&t, sizeof(t)); if (ipv6 == false) { // Proxy Setting Copy(&t, &c->InternetSetting, sizeof(INTERNET_SETTING)); } if (ipv6 == false) { // Get the current status of the VPN Azure Client if (c->Cedar->Server != NULL) { AZURE_CLIENT *ac = c->Cedar->Server->AzureClient; if (ac != NULL) { use_azure = SiIsAzureEnabled(c->Cedar->Server); if (use_azure) { Lock(ac->Lock); { StrCpy(current_azure_ip, sizeof(current_azure_ip), ac->ConnectingAzureIp); } Unlock(ac->Lock); } } } } req = NewPack(); BinToStr(key_str, sizeof(key_str), c->Key, sizeof(c->Key)); StrUpper(key_str); PackAddStr(req, "key", key_str); // Build Number build = c->Cedar->Build; PackAddInt(req, "build", build); PackAddInt(req, "osinfo", GetOsInfo()->OsType); PackAddInt(req, "is_64bit", Is64()); #ifdef OS_WIN32 PackAddInt(req, "is_windows_64bit", MsIs64BitWindows()); #endif // OS_WIN32 PackAddBool(req, "is_softether", true); PackAddBool(req, "is_packetix", false); PackAddStr(req, "machine_key", machine_key_str); PackAddStr(req, "machine_name", machine_name); PackAddInt(req, "lasterror_ipv4", c->Err_IPv4_GetMyIp); PackAddInt(req, "lasterror_ipv6", c->Err_IPv6_GetMyIp); PackAddBool(req, "use_azure", use_azure); PackAddStr(req, "product_str", "SoftEther OSS"); PackAddInt(req, "ddns_protocol_version", DDNS_VERSION); PackAddInt(req, "ddns_oss", 1); if (use_azure) { Debug("current_azure_ip = %s\n", current_azure_ip); PackAddStr(req, "current_azure_ip", current_azure_ip); } Sha1(key_hash, key_str, StrLen(key_str)); BinToStr(key_hash_str, sizeof(key_hash_str), key_hash, sizeof(key_hash)); StrLower(key_hash_str); if (p != NULL) { if (IsEmptyStr(p->NewHostname) == false) { PackAddStr(req, "new_hostname", p->NewHostname); } } Format(url2, sizeof(url2), "%s?v=%I64u", url, Rand64()); Format(url3, sizeof(url3), url2, key_hash_str[2], key_hash_str[3]); ReplaceStr(url3, sizeof(url3), url3, ".servers", ".open.servers"); cert_hash = StrToBin(DDNS_CERT_HASH); Debug("WpcCall: %s\n", url3); ret = WpcCallEx2(url3, &t, DDNS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, DDNS_COMM_TIMEOUT, "register", req, NULL, NULL, ((cert_hash != NULL && ((cert_hash->Size % SHA1_SIZE) == 0)) ? cert_hash->Buf : NULL), (cert_hash != NULL ? cert_hash->Size / SHA1_SIZE : 0), NULL, DDNS_RPC_MAX_RECV_SIZE, add_header_name, add_header_value, DDNS_SNI_VER_STRING); Debug("WpcCall Ret: %u\n", ret); FreeBuf(cert_hash); FreePack(req); err = GetErrorFromPack(ret); ExtractAndApplyDynList(ret); // Status update Lock(c->Lock); { if (err == ERR_NO_ERROR) { char snat_t[MAX_SIZE]; char current_region[128]; // Current host name PackGetStr(ret, "current_hostname", c->CurrentHostName, sizeof(c->CurrentHostName)); PackGetStr(ret, "current_fqdn", c->CurrentFqdn, sizeof(c->CurrentFqdn)); PackGetStr(ret, "current_ipv4", c->CurrentIPv4, sizeof(c->CurrentIPv4)); PackGetStr(ret, "current_ipv6", c->CurrentIPv6, sizeof(c->CurrentIPv6)); PackGetStr(ret, "dns_suffix", c->DnsSuffix, sizeof(c->DnsSuffix)); PackGetStr(ret, "current_region", current_region, sizeof(current_region)); // SecureNAT connectivity check parameters Zero(snat_t, sizeof(snat_t)); PackGetStr(ret, "snat_t", snat_t, sizeof(snat_t)); NnSetSecureNatTargetHostname(snat_t); if (ipv6 == false) { char cert_hash[MAX_SIZE]; PackGetStr(ret, "current_azure_ip", c->CurrentAzureIp, sizeof(c->CurrentAzureIp)); c->CurrentAzureTimestamp = PackGetInt64(ret, "current_azure_timestamp"); PackGetStr(ret, "current_azure_signature", c->CurrentAzureSignature, sizeof(c->CurrentAzureSignature)); Zero(cert_hash, sizeof(cert_hash)); PackGetStr(ret, "azure_cert_hash", cert_hash, sizeof(cert_hash)); if (IsEmptyStr(cert_hash) == false) { StrCpy(c->AzureCertHash, sizeof(c->AzureCertHash), cert_hash); } } StrCpy(c->Cedar->CurrentDDnsFqdn, sizeof(c->Cedar->CurrentDDnsFqdn), c->CurrentFqdn); Debug("current_hostname=%s, current_fqdn=%s, current_ipv4=%s, current_ipv6=%s, current_azure_ip=%s, CurrentAzureTimestamp=%I64u, CurrentAzureSignature=%s, CertHash=%s\n", c->CurrentHostName, c->CurrentFqdn, c->CurrentIPv4, c->CurrentIPv6, c->CurrentAzureIp, c->CurrentAzureTimestamp, c->CurrentAzureSignature, c->AzureCertHash); if (IsEmptyStr(current_region) == false) { // Update the current region SiUpdateCurrentRegion(c->Cedar, current_region, false); } } } Unlock(c->Lock); if (IsEmptyStr(c->CurrentFqdn) == false) { SetCurrentDDnsFqdn(c->CurrentFqdn); } FreePack(ret); UniDebug(L"DCRegister Error: %s\n", _E(err)); if (err == ERR_DUPLICATE_DDNS_KEY) { // Key duplication DCGenNewKey(c->Key); c->KeyChanged = true; } if (err == ERR_DISCONNECTED) { err = ERR_DDNS_DISCONNECTED; } if (IsUseAlternativeHostname() == false) { if (err == ERR_CONNECT_FAILED) { if (ipv6 && replace_v6 == NULL) { UINT type = DetectFletsType(); if (type & FLETS_DETECT_TYPE_EAST_BFLETS_PRIVATE && err != ERR_NO_ERROR) { err = DCRegister(c, ipv6, p, DDNS_REPLACE_URL_FOR_EAST_BFLETS); } if (type & FLETS_DETECT_TYPE_EAST_NGN_PRIVATE && err != ERR_NO_ERROR) { err = DCRegister(c, ipv6, p, DDNS_REPLACE_URL_FOR_EAST_NGN); } if (type & FLETS_DETECT_TYPE_WEST_NGN_PRIVATE && err != ERR_NO_ERROR) { err = DCRegister(c, ipv6, p, DDNS_REPLACE_URL_FOR_WEST_NGN); } } } } return err; } // Get the self IP address UINT DCGetMyIp(DDNS_CLIENT *c, bool ipv6, char *dst, UINT dst_size, char *replace_v6) { UINT ret = ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; ret = DCGetMyIpMain(c, ipv6, dst, dst_size, false, replace_v6); if (ret == ERR_NO_ERROR) { IP ip; if (StrToIP(&ip, dst)) { if (ipv6 == false && IsIP4(&ip)) { SetCurrentGlobalIP(&ip, false); } else if (ipv6 && IsIP6(&ip)) { SetCurrentGlobalIP(&ip, true); } } } return ret; } UINT DCGetMyIpMain(DDNS_CLIENT *c, bool ipv6, char *dst, UINT dst_size, bool use_ssl, char *replace_v6) { char *url; char url2[MAX_SIZE]; UINT ret = ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; URL_DATA data; BUF *recv; BUF *cert_hash = NULL; // Validate arguments if (dst == NULL || c == NULL) { return ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (ipv6 == false) { url = DDNS_URL2_V4_GLOBAL; if (IsUseAlternativeHostname()) { url = DDNS_URL2_V4_ALT; } } else { url = DDNS_URL2_V6_GLOBAL; if (IsUseAlternativeHostname()) { url = DDNS_URL2_V6_ALT; } if (replace_v6) { url = replace_v6; } } Format(url2, sizeof(url2), "%s?v=%I64u", url, Rand64()); if (use_ssl) { ReplaceStr(url2, sizeof(url2), url2, "http://", "https://"); } if (ParseUrl(&data, url2, false, NULL) == false) { return ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } cert_hash = StrToBin(DDNS_CERT_HASH); StrCpy(data.SniString, sizeof(data.SniString), DDNS_SNI_VER_STRING); recv = HttpRequestEx3(&data, (ipv6 ? NULL : &c->InternetSetting), DDNS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, DDNS_COMM_TIMEOUT, &ret, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, ((cert_hash != NULL && (cert_hash->Size % SHA1_SIZE) == 0) ? cert_hash->Buf : NULL), (cert_hash != NULL ? cert_hash->Size / SHA1_SIZE : 0), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); FreeBuf(cert_hash); if (recv != NULL) { char *str = ZeroMalloc(recv->Size + 1); Copy(str, recv->Buf, recv->Size); if (StartWith(str, "IP=") == false) { ret = ERR_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } else { StrCpy(dst, dst_size, str + 3); ret = ERR_NO_ERROR; } Free(str); FreeBuf(recv); } if (IsUseAlternativeHostname() == false) { if (ret == ERR_CONNECT_FAILED) { if (ipv6 && replace_v6 == NULL && use_ssl == false) { UINT type = DetectFletsType(); if (type & FLETS_DETECT_TYPE_EAST_BFLETS_PRIVATE && ret != ERR_NO_ERROR) { ret = DCGetMyIpMain(c, ipv6, dst, dst_size, use_ssl, DDNS_REPLACE_URL2_FOR_EAST_BFLETS); } if (type & FLETS_DETECT_TYPE_EAST_NGN_PRIVATE && ret != ERR_NO_ERROR) { ret = DCGetMyIpMain(c, ipv6, dst, dst_size, use_ssl, DDNS_REPLACE_URL2_FOR_EAST_NGN); } if (type & FLETS_DETECT_TYPE_WEST_NGN_PRIVATE && ret != ERR_NO_ERROR) { ret = DCGetMyIpMain(c, ipv6, dst, dst_size, use_ssl, DDNS_REPLACE_URL2_FOR_WEST_NGN); } } } } return ret; } // Creating a DDNS client DDNS_CLIENT *NewDDNSClient(CEDAR *cedar, UCHAR *key, INTERNET_SETTING *t) { DDNS_CLIENT *c; UCHAR key_hash[SHA1_SIZE]; // Validate arguments if (cedar == NULL) { return NULL; } c = ZeroMalloc(sizeof(DDNS_CLIENT)); c->Cedar = cedar; AddRef(c->Cedar->ref); c->Err_IPv4 = c->Err_IPv6 = ERR_TRYING_TO_CONNECT; if (key == NULL) { // Create a new key DCGenNewKey(c->Key); } else { // Set the key Copy(c->Key, key, SHA1_SIZE); } Sha1(key_hash, c->Key, sizeof(c->Key)); if (t != NULL) { Copy(&c->InternetSetting, t, sizeof(INTERNET_SETTING)); } c->Lock = NewLock(); // Thread creation c->Event = NewEvent(); c->Thread = NewThread(DCThread, c); return c; } // Release of DDNS client void FreeDDNSClient(DDNS_CLIENT *c) { // Validate arguments if (c == NULL) { return; } // Stop the thread c->Halt = true; Set(c->Event); WaitThread(c->Thread, INFINITE); ReleaseThread(c->Thread); ReleaseEvent(c->Event); ReleaseCedar(c->Cedar); DeleteLock(c->Lock); Free(c); } // Create a new key void DCGenNewKey(UCHAR *key) { BUF *b; UINT64 tick; UCHAR hash[SHA1_SIZE]; UCHAR rand[SHA1_SIZE]; UINT i; // Validate arguments if (key == NULL) { return; } b = NewBuf(); Rand(rand, sizeof(rand)); WriteBuf(b, rand, sizeof(rand)); tick = TickHighres64(); WriteBufInt64(b, tick); tick = Tick64(); WriteBufInt64(b, tick); tick = SystemTime64(); WriteBufInt64(b, tick); GetCurrentMachineIpProcessHash(hash); WriteBuf(b, hash, sizeof(hash)); Sha1(key, b->Buf, b->Size); Rand(rand, sizeof(rand)); for (i = 0;i < SHA1_SIZE;i++) { key[i] = key[i] ^ rand[i]; } FreeBuf(b); }