// SoftEther VPN Source Code - Developer Edition Master Branch // Mayaqua Kernel // Unix.h // Header of Unix.c #ifdef OS_UNIX #ifndef UNIX_H #define UNIX_H #include "OS.h" // Constants #define UNIX_THREAD_STACK_SIZE (200 * 1000) // Stack size #define UNIX_MAX_CHILD_PROCESSES 2000000 // Maximum number of child processes #define UNIX_LINUX_MAX_THREADS 200000000 // Maximum number of threads #define UNIX_MAX_LOCKS 65536 // Maximum number of locks #define UNIX_MAX_MEMORY (2147483648UL) // Maximum memory capacity #define UNIX_MAX_MEMORY_64 ((UINT64)((UINT64)65536ULL * (UINT64)2147483647ULL)) // Maximum memory capacity (64-bit) #define UNIX_MAX_FD (655360) // Maximum number of FDs #define UNIX_MAX_FD_MACOS (10000) // Maximum number of FDs (Mac OS X) #define MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS 64 // Maximum number of select #define UNIX_SERVICE_STOP_TIMEOUT_1 (60 * 1000) // Timeout to stop the service #define UNIX_SERVICE_STOP_TIMEOUT_2 (90 * 1000) // Timeout to stop the service (parent process) // Service related typedef void (SERVICE_FUNCTION)(); #define SVC_NAME "SVC_%s_NAME" #define SVC_TITLE "SVC_%s_TITLE" #define UNIX_SVC_ARG_START "start" #define UNIX_SVC_ARG_STOP "stop" #define UNIX_SVC_ARG_EXEC_SVC "execsvc" #define UNIX_ARG_EXIT "exit" #define UNIX_SVC_ARG_FOREGROUND "--foreground" #define UNIX_SVC_MODE_START 1 #define UNIX_SVC_MODE_STOP 2 #define UNIX_SVC_MODE_EXEC_SVC 3 #define UNIX_SVC_MODE_EXIT 4 // Function prototype OS_DISPATCH_TABLE *UnixGetDispatchTable(); void UnixInit(); void UnixFree(); void *UnixMemoryAlloc(UINT size); void *UnixMemoryReAlloc(void *addr, UINT size); void UnixMemoryFree(void *addr); UINT UnixGetTick(); void UnixGetSystemTime(SYSTEMTIME *system_time); void UnixInc32(UINT *value); void UnixDec32(UINT *value); void UnixSleep(UINT time); LOCK *UnixNewLock(); bool UnixLock(LOCK *lock); void UnixUnlock(LOCK *lock); void UnixUnlockEx(LOCK *lock, bool inner); void UnixDeleteLock(LOCK *lock); void UnixInitEvent(EVENT *event); void UnixSetEvent(EVENT *event); void UnixResetEvent(EVENT *event); bool UnixWaitEvent(EVENT *event, UINT timeout); void UnixFreeEvent(EVENT *event); bool UnixWaitThread(THREAD *t); void UnixFreeThread(THREAD *t); bool UnixInitThread(THREAD *t); UINT UnixThreadId(); void *UnixFileOpen(char *name, bool write_mode, bool read_lock); void *UnixFileOpenW(wchar_t *name, bool write_mode, bool read_lock); void *UnixFileCreate(char *name); void *UnixFileCreateW(wchar_t *name); void *GetUnixio4Stdout(); bool UnixFileWrite(void *pData, void *buf, UINT size); bool UnixFileRead(void *pData, void *buf, UINT size); void UnixFileClose(void *pData, bool no_flush); void UnixFileFlush(void *pData); UINT64 UnixFileSize(void *pData); bool UnixFileSeek(void *pData, UINT mode, int offset); bool UnixFileDelete(char *name); bool UnixFileDeleteW(wchar_t *name); bool UnixMakeDir(char *name); bool UnixMakeDirW(wchar_t *name); bool UnixDeleteDir(char *name); bool UnixDeleteDirW(wchar_t *name); CALLSTACK_DATA *UnixGetCallStack(); bool UnixGetCallStackSymbolInfo(CALLSTACK_DATA *s); bool UnixFileRename(char *old_name, char *new_name); bool UnixFileRenameW(wchar_t *old_name, wchar_t *new_name); bool UnixRun(char *filename, char *arg, bool hide, bool wait); bool UnixRunW(wchar_t *filename, wchar_t *arg, bool hide, bool wait); bool UnixIsSupportedOs(); void UnixGetOsInfo(OS_INFO *info); void UnixAlert(char *msg, char *caption); void UnixAlertW(wchar_t *msg, wchar_t *caption); char *UnixGetProductId(); void UnixSetHighPriority(); void UnixSetHighOomScore(); void UnixRestorePriority(); UINT UnixGetNumberOfCpuInner(); void *UnixNewSingleInstance(char *instance_name); void UnixFreeSingleInstance(void *data); void UnixGetMemInfo(MEMINFO *info); void UnixYield(); TOKEN_LIST *UnixExec(char *cmd); void UnixExecSilent(char *cmd); void UnixDisableInterfaceOffload(char *name); void UnixSetEnableKernelEspProcessing(bool b); void UnixDisableCoreDump(); void UnixSetThreadPriorityRealtime(); void UnixSetResourceLimit(UINT id, UINT64 value); bool UnixIs64BitRlimSupported(); UINT64 UnixGetTick64(); void UnixSigChldHandler(int sig); void UnixCloseIO(); void UnixGetCurrentDir(char *dir, UINT size); void UnixGetCurrentDirW(wchar_t *dir, UINT size); bool UnixCheckExecAccess(char *name); bool UnixCheckExecAccessW(wchar_t *name); DIRLIST *UnixEnumDirEx(char *dirname, COMPARE *compare); DIRLIST *UnixEnumDirExW(wchar_t *dirname, COMPARE *compare); bool UnixGetDiskFreeMain(char *path, UINT64 *free_size, UINT64 *used_size, UINT64 *total_size); bool UnixGetDiskFree(char *path, UINT64 *free_size, UINT64 *used_size, UINT64 *total_size); void UnixInitSolarisSleep(); void UnixFreeSolarisSleep(); void UnixSolarisSleep(UINT msec); UINT UnixService(int argc, char *argv[], char *name, SERVICE_FUNCTION *start, SERVICE_FUNCTION *stop); void UnixServiceMain(int argc, char *argv[], char *name, SERVICE_FUNCTION *start, SERVICE_FUNCTION *stop); void UnixGenPidFileName(char *name, UINT size); void UnixGenCtlFileName(char *name, UINT size); void UnixStartService(char *name); void UnixStopService(char *name); void UnixExecService(char *name, SERVICE_FUNCTION *start, SERVICE_FUNCTION *stop); void UnixUsage(char *name); void UnixWritePidFile(UINT pid); void UnixWriteCtlFile(UINT i); UINT UnixReadPidFile(); UINT UnixReadCtlFile(); bool UnixIsProcess(UINT pid); bool UnixWaitProcessEx(UINT pid, UINT timeout); void UnixDeletePidFile(); void UnixDeleteCtlFile(); void UnixStopThread(THREAD *t, void *param); UINT UnixGetUID(); void UnixIgnoreSignalForThread(int sig); bool UnixIsInVmMain(); bool UnixIsInVm(); #endif // UNIX_H #endif // OS_UNIX