found by coverity, cppcheck
[src/Cedar/Session.c:1856]: (style) The function 'CompareSession' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Session.c:2384]: (style) The function 'DebugPrintSessionKey' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Session.c:2102]: (style) The function 'GetSessionFromKey32' is never used.
remove unused variable
[src/Cedar/IPsec_IKE.c:4332] -> [src/Cedar/IPsec_IKE.c:4332]: (style) Same expression on both sides of '||'.
[src/Cedar/IPsec_IKE.c:1665]: (style) Variable 'zero' is assigned a value that is never used.
found by coverity, cppcheck
[src/Cedar/Cedar.c:1605]: (style) The function 'EnableDebugLog' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Cedar.c:858]: (style) The function 'GetUnestablishedConnections' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Cedar.c:652]: (style) The function 'InitHiddenPassword' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Cedar.c:633]: (style) The function 'IsHiddenPasswordChanged' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Cedar.c:393]: (style) The function 'IsInNoSsl' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Cedar.c:1785]: (style) The function 'IsLaterBuild' is never used.
found by coverity, cppcheck
[src/Cedar/Client.c:9094]: (style) Unused variable: i
[src/Cedar/Client.c:500] -> [src/Cedar/Client.c:503]: (style) Variable 'ret' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
found by coverity, cppcheck
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:10599] -> [src/Mayaqua/Network.c:10603]: (style) Variable 'ret' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:10611] -> [src/Mayaqua/Network.c:10615]: (style) Variable 'e' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:12979]: (style) Variable 'disable_conditional_accept' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:12167]: (style) Variable 's' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:12319]: (style) Variable 's' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:20660]: (style) The function 'HttpSendInvalidHostname' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:6640]: (style) The function 'IsNetworkPrefixAddress6' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:17593]: (style) The function 'ParseIpAndSubnetMask6' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:473]: (style) The function 'SetNatTLowPriority' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:14924]: (style) The function 'SetSocketSendRecvBufferSize' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:6249]: (style) The function 'Win32AcceptCheckCallback_Delay' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:6264]: (style) The function 'Win32Accept_XP' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:7467]: (style) The function 'Win32GetTcpTableList' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:9171]: (style) The function 'Win32NetworkTest' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:6581]: (style) The function 'GetHostAddress6' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:7468]: (style) The function 'Win32GetTcpTableListByAllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:7384]: (style) The function 'Win32GetTcpTableListByGetExtendedTcpTable' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:7515]: (style) The function 'Win32GetTcpTableListByGetTcpTable' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:6758]: (style) The function 'IPNot6' is never used.
variables. Found by coverity, cppcheck
[src/Mayaqua/Unix.c:2559]: (style) Unused variable: status
[src/Mayaqua/Unix.c:181]: (style) Redundant condition: select!=NULL. 'select==NULL || (select!=NULL && (*select)(entry))' is equivalent to 'select==NULL || (*select)(entry)'
[src/Mayaqua/Unix.c:1297]: (style) The function 'UnixDaemon' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Unix.c:543]: (style) The function 'UnixGetDiskFreeW' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Unix.c:834]: (style) The function 'UnixRestoreThreadPriority' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Unix.c:816]: (style) The function 'UnixSetThreadPriorityHigh' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Unix.c:825]: (style) The function 'UnixSetThreadPriorityIdle' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Unix.c:807]: (style) The function 'UnixSetThreadPriorityLow' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Unix.c:2805]: (style) The function 'UnixWaitProcess' is never used.
found by coverity, cppcheck
[src/Cedar/Client.c:10486]: (style) The function 'CiFreeInnerVPNServer' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:10877]: (style) The function 'CiGetNumActiveSessions' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:2042]: (style) The function 'CiHasAccountSensitiveInformationFile' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:10469]: (style) The function 'CiNewInnerVPNServer' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:1128]: (style) The function 'CncGetSessionId' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:767]: (style) The function 'CncPasswordDlgHaltThread' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:10681]: (style) The function 'CompareInternetSetting' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:11060]: (style) The function 'CtGetClient' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:5128]: (style) The function 'InRpcClientNotify' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:4340]: (style) The function 'InRpcEnumObjectInSecure' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:5140]: (style) The function 'OutRpcClientNotify' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:5657]: (style) Condition 'reg_port!=0' is always false
[src/Cedar/Client.c:683]: (style) Variable 'ret' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:725]: (style) Variable 'ret' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:1013]: (style) Variable 'param' is assigned a value that is never used.
found by coverity, cppcheck
[src/Cedar/BridgeUnix.c:270] -> [src/Cedar/BridgeUnix.c:279]: (style) Variable 'ret' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
[src/Cedar/BridgeUnix.c:560] -> [src/Cedar/BridgeUnix.c:569]: (style) Variable 't' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
[src/Cedar/BridgeUnix.c:1528] -> [src/Cedar/BridgeUnix.c:1537]: (style) Variable 'ret' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
[src/Cedar/BridgeUnix.c:1278]: (style) Unused variable: c
[src/Cedar/BridgeUnix.c:1090]: (style) The function 'DlipAttachRequest' is never used.
found by coverity, cppcheck
[src/Cedar/Command.c:9378]: (style) Variable 'ret' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:9999]: (style) The function 'CmdEvalNetworkAndSubnetMask6' is never used.
found by coverity, cppcheck
[src/Cedar/EtherLog.c:327]: (style) The function 'EcAddLicenseKey' is never used.
[src/Cedar/EtherLog.c:385]: (style) The function 'ElCheckLicense' is never used.
found by coverity, cppcheck
[src/Mayaqua/TcpIp.c:578]: (style) Variable 'tcp_size' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/TcpIp.c:1034]: (style) Variable 'has_vlan_tag' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/TcpIp.c:1996]: (style) Variable 'tcp_header_size' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/TcpIp.c:127]: (style) The function 'IcmpEchoSend' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/TcpIp.c:2194]: (style) The function 'ParsePacketL2' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/TcpIp.c:251]: (style) The function 'IcmpEchoSendBySocket' is never used.
found by cppcheck and coverity
[src/Cedar/Command.c:523] -> [src/Cedar/Command.c:532]: (style) Variable 'ok' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:776]: (style) Variable 'tick2' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:2244]: (style) Variable 'halt_timeout' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:2246]: (style) Variable 'check_clock_seed' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:2247]: (style) Variable 'halting' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:6904]: (style) Unused variable: tmp
[src/Cedar/Command.c:12217]: (style) Variable 'packet_log' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:20825]: (style) Variable 'ret' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:20883]: (style) Variable 'ret' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:20927]: (style) Variable 'ret' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:10022]: (style) The function 'CmdEvalIpAndMask46' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:10109]: (style) The function 'CmdEvalNetworkAndSubnetMask46' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:23025]: (style) The function 'CmdPrintRow' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:167]: (style) The function 'InRpcTtResult' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:148]: (style) The function 'OutRpcTtResult' is never used.
The workaround was required for the "net30" topology because:
"There is a problem in your selection of --ifconfig endpoints [local=, remote=]. The local and remote VPN endpoints must exist within the same subnet. This is a limitation of --dev tun when used with the TAP-WIN32 driver. Try 'openvpn --show-valid-subnets' option for more info."
See for detailed info.
also, remove unused functions:
[src/Cedar/EtherLog.c:1377]: (style) The function 'ElFree' is never used.
[src/Cedar/EtherLog.c:1370]: (style) The function 'ElInit' is never used.