found by coverity, cppcheck
[src/Cedar/Client.c:9094]: (style) Unused variable: i
[src/Cedar/Client.c:500] -> [src/Cedar/Client.c:503]: (style) Variable 'ret' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
found by coverity, cppcheck
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:10599] -> [src/Mayaqua/Network.c:10603]: (style) Variable 'ret' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:10611] -> [src/Mayaqua/Network.c:10615]: (style) Variable 'e' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:12979]: (style) Variable 'disable_conditional_accept' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:12167]: (style) Variable 's' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:12319]: (style) Variable 's' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:20660]: (style) The function 'HttpSendInvalidHostname' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:6640]: (style) The function 'IsNetworkPrefixAddress6' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:17593]: (style) The function 'ParseIpAndSubnetMask6' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:473]: (style) The function 'SetNatTLowPriority' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:14924]: (style) The function 'SetSocketSendRecvBufferSize' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:6249]: (style) The function 'Win32AcceptCheckCallback_Delay' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:6264]: (style) The function 'Win32Accept_XP' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:7467]: (style) The function 'Win32GetTcpTableList' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:9171]: (style) The function 'Win32NetworkTest' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:6581]: (style) The function 'GetHostAddress6' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:7468]: (style) The function 'Win32GetTcpTableListByAllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:7384]: (style) The function 'Win32GetTcpTableListByGetExtendedTcpTable' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:7515]: (style) The function 'Win32GetTcpTableListByGetTcpTable' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Network.c:6758]: (style) The function 'IPNot6' is never used.
variables. Found by coverity, cppcheck
[src/Mayaqua/Unix.c:2559]: (style) Unused variable: status
[src/Mayaqua/Unix.c:181]: (style) Redundant condition: select!=NULL. 'select==NULL || (select!=NULL && (*select)(entry))' is equivalent to 'select==NULL || (*select)(entry)'
[src/Mayaqua/Unix.c:1297]: (style) The function 'UnixDaemon' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Unix.c:543]: (style) The function 'UnixGetDiskFreeW' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Unix.c:834]: (style) The function 'UnixRestoreThreadPriority' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Unix.c:816]: (style) The function 'UnixSetThreadPriorityHigh' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Unix.c:825]: (style) The function 'UnixSetThreadPriorityIdle' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Unix.c:807]: (style) The function 'UnixSetThreadPriorityLow' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Unix.c:2805]: (style) The function 'UnixWaitProcess' is never used.
found by coverity, cppcheck
[src/Cedar/Client.c:10486]: (style) The function 'CiFreeInnerVPNServer' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:10877]: (style) The function 'CiGetNumActiveSessions' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:2042]: (style) The function 'CiHasAccountSensitiveInformationFile' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:10469]: (style) The function 'CiNewInnerVPNServer' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:1128]: (style) The function 'CncGetSessionId' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:767]: (style) The function 'CncPasswordDlgHaltThread' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:10681]: (style) The function 'CompareInternetSetting' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:11060]: (style) The function 'CtGetClient' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:5128]: (style) The function 'InRpcClientNotify' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:4340]: (style) The function 'InRpcEnumObjectInSecure' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:5140]: (style) The function 'OutRpcClientNotify' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:5657]: (style) Condition 'reg_port!=0' is always false
[src/Cedar/Client.c:683]: (style) Variable 'ret' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:725]: (style) Variable 'ret' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Cedar/Client.c:1013]: (style) Variable 'param' is assigned a value that is never used.
found by coverity, cppcheck
[src/Cedar/BridgeUnix.c:270] -> [src/Cedar/BridgeUnix.c:279]: (style) Variable 'ret' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
[src/Cedar/BridgeUnix.c:560] -> [src/Cedar/BridgeUnix.c:569]: (style) Variable 't' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
[src/Cedar/BridgeUnix.c:1528] -> [src/Cedar/BridgeUnix.c:1537]: (style) Variable 'ret' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
[src/Cedar/BridgeUnix.c:1278]: (style) Unused variable: c
[src/Cedar/BridgeUnix.c:1090]: (style) The function 'DlipAttachRequest' is never used.
found by coverity, cppcheck
[src/Cedar/Command.c:9378]: (style) Variable 'ret' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:9999]: (style) The function 'CmdEvalNetworkAndSubnetMask6' is never used.
found by coverity, cppcheck
[src/Cedar/EtherLog.c:327]: (style) The function 'EcAddLicenseKey' is never used.
[src/Cedar/EtherLog.c:385]: (style) The function 'ElCheckLicense' is never used.
found by coverity, cppcheck
[src/Mayaqua/TcpIp.c:578]: (style) Variable 'tcp_size' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/TcpIp.c:1034]: (style) Variable 'has_vlan_tag' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/TcpIp.c:1996]: (style) Variable 'tcp_header_size' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/TcpIp.c:127]: (style) The function 'IcmpEchoSend' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/TcpIp.c:2194]: (style) The function 'ParsePacketL2' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/TcpIp.c:251]: (style) The function 'IcmpEchoSendBySocket' is never used.
found by cppcheck and coverity
[src/Cedar/Command.c:523] -> [src/Cedar/Command.c:532]: (style) Variable 'ok' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:776]: (style) Variable 'tick2' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:2244]: (style) Variable 'halt_timeout' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:2246]: (style) Variable 'check_clock_seed' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:2247]: (style) Variable 'halting' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:6904]: (style) Unused variable: tmp
[src/Cedar/Command.c:12217]: (style) Variable 'packet_log' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:20825]: (style) Variable 'ret' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:20883]: (style) Variable 'ret' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:20927]: (style) Variable 'ret' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:10022]: (style) The function 'CmdEvalIpAndMask46' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:10109]: (style) The function 'CmdEvalNetworkAndSubnetMask46' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:23025]: (style) The function 'CmdPrintRow' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:167]: (style) The function 'InRpcTtResult' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Command.c:148]: (style) The function 'OutRpcTtResult' is never used.
The workaround was required for the "net30" topology because:
"There is a problem in your selection of --ifconfig endpoints [local=, remote=]. The local and remote VPN endpoints must exist within the same subnet. This is a limitation of --dev tun when used with the TAP-WIN32 driver. Try 'openvpn --show-valid-subnets' option for more info."
See for detailed info.
also, remove unused functions:
[src/Cedar/EtherLog.c:1377]: (style) The function 'ElFree' is never used.
[src/Cedar/EtherLog.c:1370]: (style) The function 'ElInit' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Logging.c:679]: (style) The function 'HubLog' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Logging.c:888]: (style) The function 'IPCLog' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Logging.c:295]: (style) The function 'PrintEraseFileList' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Logging.c:1025]: (style) The function 'SecLog' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Logging.c:622]: (style) The function 'ServerLog' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Logging.c:2273]: (style) The function 'SetLogDirName' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Logging.c:2293]: (style) The function 'SetLogPrefix' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Logging.c:997]: (style) The function 'WriteMultiLineLog' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Logging.c:918]: (style) The function 'WriteSecurityLog' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Logging.c:1018] -> [src/Cedar/Logging.c:1006]:
(warning) Either the condition 'src_session!=NULL' is redundant or there is possible null
pointer dereference: src_session.
[src/Cedar/Interop_OpenVPN.c:2711]: (style) Variable 'now' is assigned a value that is never used.
[src/Cedar/Interop_OpenVPN.c:1053]: (style) The function 'OvsAddEntry' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Interop_OpenVPN.c:2610]: (style) The function 'OvsGetCompatibleL3IPNext' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Interop_OpenVPN.c:1047]: (style) The function 'OvsNewList' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Interop_OpenVPN.c:128]: (style) The function 'OvsSetNoOpenVpnTcp' is never used.
[src/Cedar/Interop_OpenVPN.c:140]: (style) The function 'OvsSetNoOpenVpnUdp' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Str.c:3019]: (style) The function 'CopyFormat' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Str.c:280]: (style) The function 'HexToInt64' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Str.c:2448]: (style) The function 'InChar' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Str.c:745]: (style) The function 'IniHasValue' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Str.c:692]: (style) The function 'IniInt64Value' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Str.c:726]: (style) The function 'IniUniStrValue' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Str.c:2138]: (style) The function 'IsPrintableAsciiStr' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Str.c:1045]: (style) The function 'NormalizeCrlf' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Str.c:2899]: (style) The function 'ReplaceFormatStringFor64' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Str.c:2442]: (style) The function 'SearchStri' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Str.c:3345]: (style) The function 'StrCheckSize' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Str.c:1386]: (style) The function 'StrListToStr' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Str.c:348]: (style) The function 'ToHex64' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Str.c:2803]: (style) The function 'ToStri' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Str.c:2797]: (style) The function 'ToStrx' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Str.c:2791]: (style) The function 'ToStrx8' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/Str.c:1325]: (style) The function 'TokenListToList' is never used.
OpenVPN sends the cipher name in uppercase, even if it's not standard, thus we have to convert it to lowercase for EVP_get_cipherbyname().
We also have to send the cipher name as it was received from the OpenVPN client, unless it's a different cipher, to prevent a message such as:
"WARNING: 'cipher' is used inconsistently, local='cipher AES-128-GCM', remote='cipher aes-128-gcm'"
It happens because OpenVPN uses "strcmp()" to compare the local and remote parameters: a6fd48ba36/src/openvpn/options.c (L3819-L3831)
See for EVP_get_cipherbyname().
/builds/SoftEther/SoftEtherVPN/src/Mayaqua/Encrypt.c: In function 'RsaCheck':
/builds/SoftEther/SoftEtherVPN/src/Mayaqua/Encrypt.c:2307:3: warning: 'RSA_generate_key' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
rsa = RSA_generate_key(bit, RSA_F4, NULL, NULL);
In file included from /usr/include/openssl/rsa.h:13:0,
from /usr/include/openssl/x509.h:31,
from /usr/include/openssl/ssl.h:50,
from /builds/SoftEther/SoftEtherVPN/src/Mayaqua/Encrypt.c:127:
/usr/include/openssl/rsa.h:193:1: note: declared here
DEPRECATEDIN_0_9_8(RSA *RSA_generate_key(int bits, unsigned long e, void
/builds/SoftEther/SoftEtherVPN/src/Mayaqua/Encrypt.c: In function 'RsaGen':
/builds/SoftEther/SoftEtherVPN/src/Mayaqua/Encrypt.c:2377:3: warning: 'RSA_generate_key' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
rsa = RSA_generate_key(bit, RSA_F4, NULL, NULL);
In file included from /usr/include/openssl/rsa.h:13:0,
from /usr/include/openssl/x509.h:31,
from /usr/include/openssl/ssl.h:50,
from /builds/SoftEther/SoftEtherVPN/src/Mayaqua/Encrypt.c:127:
/usr/include/openssl/rsa.h:193:1: note: declared here
DEPRECATEDIN_0_9_8(RSA *RSA_generate_key(int bits, unsigned long e, void
/builds/SoftEther/SoftEtherVPN/src/Mayaqua/Encrypt.c: In function 'X509ToX':
/builds/SoftEther/SoftEtherVPN/src/Mayaqua/Encrypt.c:3435:7: warning: 'ASN1_STRING_data' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
char *uri = (char *)ASN1_STRING_data(ad->location->d.uniformResourceIdentifier);
In file included from /usr/include/openssl/bn.h:31:0,
from /usr/include/openssl/asn1.h:24,
from /usr/include/openssl/objects.h:916,
from /usr/include/openssl/evp.h:27,
from /usr/include/openssl/x509.h:23,
from /usr/include/openssl/ssl.h:50,
from /builds/SoftEther/SoftEtherVPN/src/Mayaqua/Encrypt.c:127:
/usr/include/openssl/asn1.h:553:1: note: declared here
DEPRECATEDIN_1_1_0(unsigned char *ASN1_STRING_data(ASN1_STRING *x))
/builds/SoftEther/SoftEtherVPN/src/Mayaqua/Encrypt.c: In function 'FreeOpenSSLThreadState':
/builds/SoftEther/SoftEtherVPN/src/Mayaqua/Encrypt.c:3643:2: warning: 'ERR_remove_state' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
In file included from /usr/include/openssl/ct.h:13:0,
from /usr/include/openssl/ssl.h:61,
from /builds/SoftEther/SoftEtherVPN/src/Mayaqua/Encrypt.c:127:
/usr/include/openssl/err.h:248:1: note: declared here
DEPRECATEDIN_1_0_0(void ERR_remove_state(unsigned long pid))
/builds/SoftEther/SoftEtherVPN/src/Cedar/Console.c: In function 'PasswordPrompt':
/builds/SoftEther/SoftEtherVPN/src/Cedar/Console.c:2051:8: warning: implicit declaration of function 'getch'; did you mean 'getc'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
c = getch();
In file included from /builds/SoftEther/SoftEtherVPN/src/Cedar/Bridge.c:130:0:
/builds/SoftEther/SoftEtherVPN/src/Cedar/BridgeUnix.c: In function 'CloseEth':
/builds/SoftEther/SoftEtherVPN/src/Cedar/BridgeUnix.c:1568:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'FreeTap'; did you mean 'FreeCaps'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
Internat.c: fix iconv() with musl by removing unrecognized EUCJP encoding
src/CMakeFiles.txt: recognize USE_MUSL=YES environment variable to compile with musl
[src/Mayaqua/FileIO.c:2299]: (style) The function 'ConvertPath' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/FileIO.c:728]: (style) The function 'ConvertSafeFileNameW' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/FileIO.c:2359]: (style) The function 'DeleteDirInner' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/FileIO.c:2232]: (style) The function 'FileCloseAndDelete' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/FileIO.c:2748]: (style) The function 'FileCreateInner' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/FileIO.c:2537]: (style) The function 'FileDeleteInner' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/FileIO.c:2858]: (style) The function 'FileOpenInner' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/FileIO.c:2276]: (style) The function 'FileRenameInner' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/FileIO.c:680]: (style) The function 'FileReplaceRename' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/FileIO.c:2581]: (style) The function 'FileSizeEx' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/FileIO.c:2812]: (style) The function 'FileWriteAll' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/FileIO.c:1992]: (style) The function 'GetCurrentDir' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/FileIO.c:765]: (style) The function 'GetDiskFreeW' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/FileIO.c:1852]: (style) The function 'IsFileExistsInner' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/FileIO.c:235]: (style) The function 'IsFileWriteLocked' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/FileIO.c:2494]: (style) The function 'MakeDirInner' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/FileIO.c:1568]: (style) The function 'MakeSafeFileNameW' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/FileIO.c:1941]: (style) The function 'ParseSplitedPath' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/FileIO.c:995]: (style) The function 'SafeFileNameW' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/FileIO.c:2369]: (style) The function 'FileSizeExW' is never used.
[src/Mayaqua/FileIO.c:1848]: (style) The function 'GetCurrentDirW' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:7240]: (style) The function 'CbInsertStr' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:9271]: (style) The function 'CheckTextLen' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:9252]: (style) The function 'CheckTextSize' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:8936]: (style) The function 'DialogCreateEx' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:2155]: (style) The function 'EndFreeInfoDlg' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:2171]: (style) The function 'ExecuteHamcoreExe' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:9885]: (style) The function 'FormatTextA' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:9323]: (style) The function 'GetFontSize' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:9841]: (style) The function 'GetMonitorSize' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:9759]: (style) The function 'GetWindowClientRect' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:1134]: (style) The function 'GetWizardPageIndex' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:3964]: (style) The function 'IpClear' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:6851]: (style) The function 'LbAddStr' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:6824]: (style) The function 'LbFindStr' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:7064]: (style) The function 'LbGetSelect' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:6812]: (style) The function 'LbGetStr' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:6900]: (style) The function 'LbInsertStr' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:7012]: (style) The function 'LbSetHeight' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:3652]: (style) The function 'LedDrawRect' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:6000]: (style) The function 'LvGetMaskedNum' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:6037]: (style) The function 'LvSearchStr_' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:5703]: (style) The function 'LvSetItemImage' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:5831]: (style) The function 'LvShow' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:10155]: (style) The function 'NoTop' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:10047]: (style) The function 'NoticeSettingChange' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:7854]: (style) The function 'PkcsUtil' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:8968]: (style) The function 'SetBitmap' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:4539]: (style) The function 'SetMenuItemEnable' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:9918]: (style) The function 'SetTextEx' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:9940]: (style) The function 'SetTextExA' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:11272]: (style) The function 'SetWinUiTitle' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:2132]: (style) The function 'StartFreeInfoDlg' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:3920]: (style) The function 'UiTest' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:1558]: (style) The function 'WinConnectEx2' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:10803]: (style) The function 'WinUiDebug' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:6908]: (style) The function 'CbInsertStr9xA' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:2096]: (style) The function 'FreeInfoThread' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:9644]: (style) The function 'GetTextSize' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:2833]: (style) The function 'GetWindowAndControlSizeResizeScale' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:2001]: (style) The function 'IsRegistedToDontShowFreeEditionDialog' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:6606]: (style) The function 'LbAddStrA' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:6739]: (style) The function 'LbGetSelectIndex' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:6627]: (style) The function 'LbInsertStrA' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:7593]: (style) The function 'PkcsUtilProc' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:6598]: (style) The function 'LbSelect' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:7421]: (style) The function 'PkcsUtilErase' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:7349]: (style) The function 'PkcsUtilWrite' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:2059]: (style) The function 'ShowFreeInfoDialog' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:2013]: (style) The function 'FreeInfoDialogProc' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:6558]: (style) The function 'LbFindData' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:6534]: (style) The function 'LbSelectIndex' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:6488]: (style) The function 'LbGetData' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:6464]: (style) The function 'LbNum' is never used.
[src/Cedar/WinUi.c:2001]: (style) The function 'RegistToDontShowFreeEditionDialog' is never used.
With server certificate validation enabled, vpnclient unconditionally
stopped connection on untrusted server certificate. Added account
configuration parameter to retry connection if server certivicate failed
On startup client creates TUN interface in UP state and kept it UP even
if connection to the server was lost. Creating interface in DOWN state,
turning it UP on successful (re-)connection to server and DOWN on either
disconnect or connection loss would enable DHCP client (say dhclient5)
to detect necessity for lease renewal.
Added a client configuration parameter to create TUN interface in DOWN
state and commands to enable, disable, and query the configuration
Enabling the parameter causes client to put all unused TUN interfaces
DOWN, create new TUN interfaces in DOWN state, and turn TUN interfaces
corresponding to active sessions DOWN on connection loss or
disconnecting from server.
Disabling the parameter forces client to turn all TUN interfaces UP and
create new TUN interfaces in UP state.
Default value is 'Disable'.