The files here are for building an RPM package installable on CentOS 6.x/RHEL 6.x.
I (Dexter Ang, aka @thepoch) am not affiliated with the SoftEther VPN Project. Any bugs, suggestions, improvements on building an RPM should probably be reported to me.
## Install and run
After the package is built and installed, you can start the service as root:
As a regular user, create your rpmbuild directory structure:
Copy over the files from their respective directories in this repository into your rpmbuild directory. Then
rpmbuild -ba SPECS/softethervpn.spec
The resulting RPM will be in the RPM directory. Install this as root:
rpm -Uvh RPMS/`arch`/softethervpn-4*rpm
## Known Issues
1. Currently, vpnserver hangs when stopped on CentOS 6.5. Have not had time to debug. Ticket #18 on SoftEtherVPN [](
2. Directory structure retained as-is under /usr/vpn*.
3. Not built into separate packages (ie vpnserver, vpnclient, etc. are all in one).
4. When uninstalling, if you ran any of the SoftEtherVPN binaries, configuration and other files are generated in /usr/vpn*. So these directories will remain when you uninstall the RPM. You can delete these if you don't plan on using the configurations again.
## Personal Notes
1. This is my first time creating a spec file, creating an RPM, etc. Apologies in advance for any mistakes.
2. This was tested using sources for version: **4.04.9412**. I'll try and update this as new versions come out.